Clinton News-Record, 1978-05-18, Page 16(Philip Street editor )
w central huron chronicle
,secondary school news
Editorial: Confront life
by Philip Street
The defense of free thought
and speech is basic to
democratic and Christian
philosophies. The defence of
so-called "dirty books"
seems to be more tenuous,
but in reality it is founded on
the same principles.
I haven't read the books
specifically under attack by
local crusaders: (In this
respect 1 think I have much in
common with those wishing
to ban the books). Instead of
defending these particular
books. 1 ..ould like to make a
few points about censorship
in general. and to answer
some replies to an opinion
presented here two weeks
Evil exists in the world. It is
the role of literature to
heighten our awareness or
provide perspective so that
we may see our world more
clearly in our imaginations.
In order to do this, literature
must confront life. It must
depict Heaven AND hell,
although there are various
ways of doing so.
The current , controversy
centres around the use of
four-letter p ords and explicit
sex scenes in the novels
studied in high schools.
Two questions must be
asked: do the books reflect
life and are they studied so
that the students may draw
meaningful conclusions from
them? I am not going to try to
answer that to everyone's
satisfaction: I challenge
anyone doing so to be sure of
their facts. I seriously doubt
that senior students - and it is
only seniors who are studying
the books - will be unfamiliar
with the language in these
bool(s. Also, descriptions of
the sex act will not be new to
many: what will be new is
serious discussion of the
consequences in human
terms. This is the key.
I would like therefore, to
reply to, the letters to the
News -Record by Mrs. E.
Fingland and Mrs. A. Kap-
tein. These letters miss the
point entirely. The books are
not evil in themselves, but by
reading them we may con-
front these realities of life
more intelligently. To waste
time fighting a fire alarm
instead of fighting the fire
would be obviously stupid.
Mrs. Fingland, I am not
amused by your patronizing
comments on Cathy Wod-
den's article. She is entitled to
make "pretty rude criticism
of her betters" as you are to
put yourself in that elevated
position. And Mrs. Kaptein, to
deny that evil must be ex-
posed and confronted instead
of kept away for the
protection of "children" is
the REAL blasphemy.
Brighten up your dump now
by Paul Newland
Well, since I see it's spring
once more. I suppose some
will be getting sick of the way
their rooms look and will
want to redecorate. Since
mine is the only bedroom in
town with only two walls
(through some error in my
design). I feel I am an expert
on this topic. Not that my
parents would let me get near
the wallpaper: in fact they
actively encourage me to
sleep out-of-doors. even in -the
wintertime, blast them.
Anyway, getting back to
topic. the folks will probably
object to any change in the
wallpaper. so you ask. "What
can I do?
Glad you asked.
First for those huge holes in
the wall that you "caused" by
chewing on the'wall or
throwing your batty sister
around when you were little.
you can patch up with a little
plaster-of-Paris. If you mix it
too thin or something. you can
also stuff newspapers or dirty
tee-shirts or old high school
academic awards or bars into
the cracks and holes as well.
Next. do cover up the mess
you make with the plaster as
you can stick posters to the
wall. You can get posters
from a variety of sources. but
if you're a penny pincher.
decent lively • and colorful
posters can be obtained from
National Geographic or
An elephant was
drinking from an African
river when he spied a
snapping turtle asleep on
a log. He ambled over to
it and kicked it clear
across the river. "Why
did you do that?" asked a
"Because," replied the
elephant modestly.
"Turtle recall."
museums. One of my best
posters is from the ROM and
I have several posters from
National Geographic around
which depict sea animals and
strange planets.
However It you get MAD
magazines and specials, you
have as many as 16 ','theme"
posters. I have so many now
that if I put them all up. I
could not only do both of the
walls but all of the -ceiling and
part of the floor as well. They
accumulate after a while and
when you do move to your
own apartment it might not
be such a bad idea to paste
them up instead of
wallpapering it. You note that
so far I have not mentioned
stealing posters from
supermarkets and
restaurants. That is because I
happen to know that such an
offence is punishable only by
being beaten over the head
with a burlap bag full of
Christmas tree ornaments.
I wouldn't suggest putting
up your posters with thumb
tacks. You could sprain your
thumbs or leave some lying
around to step on or the ex-
pense could kill you. For
instance. the average MAD
poster is only 81/2 by 11 inches
and it would take quite a few
to fill a wall. so don't use
Finally. you can install
touch mobiles. Some people
couldn't care less about them
and others would not have
room in the house without
HURON 78 n
September 26 - 30, 1978
The doors of
will open May 20th.
Inside you will find
evenv.thing you will
need/ for your owns hot
weather wardrobe.
Easy shapes. bright
colours r added
touches reflecting
the casual mood
of summer .
Open seven days a week
Main Street
one. Some good igeas for
mobiles are cola cans, plastic
Snoopy dolls, paper dolls or
just odds and ends lying
around the house. An ex-
cellent idea .for a mobile
would just be a coat hanger
with several hooks on it
supporting more coat
hangers and yet more hooks.
This mobile has a double
function, in that it can be used
as an actual hanger for
several items such as dirty
sweat socks that have to be
washed or just junk that
would have been Tying around
on the floor.
So. don't get sick of your
environment. Re -decorate
now and avoid the rush.
A very belated
congratulatiops goes out to
the senior girls volleyball
team who are the 1978 Huron
County volleyball champions.
The mighty Redwomen
conquered the Goderich
Vikings in February to win
the championship. Because of
the strike the team was
unable to enter any further
competition. Just wait until
.next year. First Huron
County. then the world!
Big Brother's report
Things are really beginning
to boom around here with the
advance of the upcoming
spring formal. Right now
there is a flood of new
techniques by the students to
attract members of the op-
posite sex. Unlike other
times of the year, the girls
are dressed to kill each and
every day with flounced
skirts, high shoes and softly
curled hair.
The guys on the other hand,
just make themselves ever
present with that "special"
girl. Some are really taking
the plunge and have resorted
to carrying books and
opening doors. Really, guys,
do you think it's really worth
all this for one date.
With the ending of Guys and
Dolls came the traditional
party. So as not to risk my
life, many particulars cannot
be disclosed but, if you want
to hear a good story ask C.W.
about the details of her ride
Just to show that all the
guys aren't worried about
getting a date for the formal,
P.K. was seen attacking L.H.
in the hall befre home room
on Thursday.
Track and field results
Last week the Huron -Perth
Track meet was held in
W ingham under very wet and
rainy conditions. CHSS had
about 25 competitors par-
ticipating, most of whom
were involved in track
lop place finishers were
Barb Carter, first place in
junior girls high jump and
second place in junior girls
discus: Teri Flowers, third
place in senior girls 100m
Library offers unusual public
Lessons on porcupine
spanking, the etiquette of
eating peanuts in church, the
gentle art of quarrelling, the
skill of rally driving and
many other slightly unusual
talents are all featured in a
public relations service that
is one of the most popular
offered by The Midwestern
Regional Library System.
Each month. since January
1976. Midwestern has been
producing a series of five. or
six book reviews on tape, and
distributing these to the six
FM stations in the area
serviced by the library
system (Wellington. Perth
and Huron counties. and the
Region of Waterloo).
The reviews are written by
staff members in par-
ticipating libraries. by
Midwestern ;taff and by the
regional system's public
relations staff. They're
produced professionally by
Peter Kienitz, Midwestern's
head of audio-visual services,
who uses complete recording
facilities in Guelph to produce
and duplicate the tapes.
Midwestern has produced
more than 120 reviews over
the past two years. Each
review is two minutes or less
and is "bookended" by
Since the service started,
the hook reviews have been
written on just about every
type of book published.
There's a review Of
Morgentaler: The Doctor
Who Couldn't Turn Away. one
of Diefenbaker: Leadership
Gained, and a third on The
Christmas Tree and Antique
Christmas Tree Ornaments.
There's a series of reviews
on children's books that deal
'with sensitive and important
subjects. The Boys and Girls
Book About Divorce, Where is
Daddy?, What Happens When
You Go To The Hospital?, and
It's Not The End of The
World, are ecamples of these.
There are also numerous
works of fiction and non-
fiction included- in the review
series. The Crash of '79, The
Rich are Different, The
Camera Never Blinks. Bridge
to Terrabithia. and Six Men,
are just a few of the most
recent bestsellers that have
been reviewed on tape.
The service has now
become so popular among
FM stations that station
managers are asking for "as
many as we can get."
The regional library also
slips in the occasional "in-
formation piece" about
libraries. Thus, there have
been vignettes on reference.
talking books, audio-visual
services. multilingual books
and other library services.
"We see no reason why the
service cannot •continue in-
definitely," said Bill Zam-
busi, Midwestern's co-
ordinator of programs and
services, "and, in fact, we are
thinking of expanding into
video book reviews as well."
Discussions are presently
being held with Grand River
When you're in Triangle Discount - You're in...
Johnston & Johnston
Deodorant $ 2 4 9 Non -Deodorant
Cable TV, which covers most
of the Midwestern region, to
see if two minute "filler"
reviews can be produced on
audio -tape, with slides and(
photographs being supplied
for the visuals.
Each radio book review
suggests that patrons contact
their local public libraries
hurdles; Richard Stryker,
third place in midget boys
200m ; Robert Hunking, third
place in 400m; Joey Wall,
third place in 800m; Brad
Morgan, second place in
'senior boys 800m; and Jim
Craig third in place in the
senior boys Javelin.
Next year the track and
field team hopes to have
twice as many competitors as
this year. Anyone who owns a
pair of running shoes
welcome to join.
and "pick up" the book that's
been reviewed. To make sure
libraries aren't caught short
by these requests, a list of
hooks that are reviewed
appears in the monthly
newsletter, Merlin. This is
sent to all library staff
So if you really do need to
know how to spank a por-
cupine, eat peanuts in church,
find out more about sponges,
take on film animation as a
hobby, or discuss alligator pie
-- tune into an FM station as
you pass through the Mid-
western region. Chances are
there'll be a book review
about the subject on the air.
Come on in and buy any Lee
jeans and get your blue Lee
frisbee. Those great fitting,
good looking Lee jeans are
all here and when you buy a
pair well give you a good
flinging, high flying Lee jeans
frisbee. Who knows? Maybe
you and your Lee jeans can
qualify in the Canadian
Frisbee Championships. Lee
jeans is going to be there. For
more information come on in
and see us. We can give
you all the details.
Sponsors of the
1978 Canadian
Junior Frisbee
Victoria Street, Clinton