Clinton News-Record, 1978-03-30, Page 12EMPLEEEP.1.21-4EMpliTSEINMESVISHIEMZIK11,11511r.RSUMMItatilia311..11Was CRA5Fla air ANL') uron Centennial 1111OZZl5h ente *The AbeamVana Toen (ithab no vanities rtzsLOWII =men fiat atew.5pipier %team* manly ammitl 41i:helm ndi thee tinini- Atter: Joint, who) there soft as stutnestiiiiil %title %tie Lon Trhursiliz, IThuoth Mire* thinitsaxwanywittavanurtintutti Itm *mem Au thee —hailing -tanked dieltaionsamtl Iltinsurt. Agte ppirrathuseil the ten tattlenv goads mane aliealuati Th e edteTituntt tnitie mas a:tea:sure nurivr. fiat ail 1 the 4tiiis amid thib like %samaras mere mullet urn antil ,xthiittrer mere -teerl lataugilitinetheirlinattursitim -their flz ifffh. zuptakes,autraornaanticamitt ,,werettaietrainttitt--413xli fir mats azir fito- nen rants al tinit..tnitl antizt .ymIte man, -ftatin emeeryme. tint al atqlE1 7um e tr.veir xatuttlnititthavettagmeheil width autt Iter.htelp,oltiterpemite who) ainnated tennis, „tont the Elleatatt-t_tenntrAvauiticiliiletiz thank .4311 Milt) aaartinilatteail tin Alka*y Munk( Amu banin-rants ler ana4tit* Lour titty-ta-s-uara .ttunim afp-at EIZIs.tromte ,Denna-ItismeeekkanMunsidtkv Trternirm .is antrantiiim Semi= U:ttti, ,rdif Stanthai Mn4Gardens. %ire mill he -tratimw aittur 4itusamildurs. albeit:thy ,atps -anti stir. tilts !11.-gi, T�tI /me. tif 1,-yeatrr tar ttp of "'mum . zone eat -anti Stir:tins ,xin Nem XU14Irril%,Itunte will lit.ararther Meath: Unlit -irrrinrirrw It -arm , ,xar intinsstitwinositrum Theolinitt raSai,Ninitritite' flurritnmuratatitan wriswrianditlitetonenn44. Minnie tircusitmm, alienate staireenogg, boic • s anti the ileamerr DDermilmotentall iktietenirwittlifzentotepturee fluthm- uniturnatiOro MtiU tetther 4U atetittrOlhitti tar 47972,2 (ii FlteurzetIbrarmt) Gin agril akealtb Mitzi wall he an the Eliturture (4mirre, Th umehiz 112=1/UM ate M1111 MI& Olt) WitmeariS Eleviii MOW. This sitouitit az hitt:mg/an discussion fixtr alliwometi Thecoftwill htecararthtsln:tekkettm ThiZ atiSm the Last week ant d1 inorane Um clinic to unenitte 1ff latnt, wind* Like %nye at'w4 and if your tnesuneisOCINtortindemeat its ail 411WITZ Aitvt this is dre Lam fiir the car /*alto Elm lb hats begat incineration ftirr"adnurata irtunin num LE on, this service to douttnue,giveusa,oall. 41 ViltotihMthechitbiteldias l:W4e sale whiteeltqhant tite was aa goror Trtateks ttin the curth- inurrawftivtirmumauternullt .4ritatfteloe EE Agnethor off M Eilmints %met wonlaaahectdater thumly rin thee lamtnialitth The tircilettwasitilsva NttdDrIt latletvinmafittte EtiZettr3r hIUMIEV etztkee clitmrs mere Nt1tnarxv13;tw& arrib Manz 1113*auldtz: totall tuardnaCtittusanet he libterr %mem *Meer eltrit dimvanalitiolBtantrilairzta0D ativerrnut- razor thede - mem till among hot& ofidm and! al nal:went vita., nadtcra,',- tot 1,104. etFE. owing oft- S2= The Teen Cu gut itilirrtifizt- aittivitti an& to the 31finitl:kertRI v 7.4J Thaniks gprgaut Wad Eltiensmais hitt the use- of the eltutrott: ..refr Dixon tor man * theckem u anti etverTate, valve participate& an& chinos* iterim, The cals were modeb Linda Dixon arotEM alt IT int the at draw of the Miran Eninttr COrnspiell herd at Varrra at Wet/nes-Z:4g_ die winners were. front rem, Wm Townsend and George. Camellia and bank row, Claire Cox. and lien Stogersin. The team rinisbed second orgerall. (News -Record nhotot Th- Vt/ranna Elotarce, Qtrrime haat aa tWift tZternivtilwee& Ilthrritatitem thisthumrpaantatitelivittre Tfatraz.Sachil.ctinzentrnetil ADIrt ftrar *its atintlaas.caszireigerr :-ba,Ten (147-,Wil/41vvr4etiTc.r.: river m*itar Mint* and Etoxie LecE §,ngsing !thalanattiathildren. lItteeitit week vca-- the' bak saie amt white 444;0:ant ievrter- the to won& climbs raiserE money to finance. ,L1J 1111 ii ler *Trim qtrogranr 111M Wtnarna 3;l*.nreatirrn (133nurt. :S anztelitetl mow arad wiI1 .ram - :Mame Irpri I Ztto-Vairi l*tinta : pm . :t m rm1:0•49 an. litlentbixt,'.tmlivWeltr.- .*kwerriirg Irtte $lirtn* Trrogram .44111 .-Vcpi] anti ,_neninuee -Buntf. Stmkertil airwr„airts,41 .3.1?-tira 1 llivert ;dime Itrom atitteti t th--reggiltrr 431"Wrzan Saitha Irritrate -now -award -ser 1tfSavir* Storiet,yTh awad ales Oteil tarraivitte ilvisit rithn iriAtnater 7-tv mate .s.n.iibaiii-wm -wanne iff thz lair :111ezt-virw *hitt]thrw -.4nAir their ,nvm Xfiztitht if divers ale National aLitguantil Servile Ssaa orriumeedrThartuinn* oatac ad I ty Ftrr Iffun.craturemill tirurretl flame iffr- :ff suifitrient iiiretst triwkrn rliaftetl thatiltheAuttrth. inti JarP ititire Jativtatuige41 Thiour ttarigarnattethrr Ttrirn 1ffs.vni411.111s.fnr tie.ciusitingsunnin iiNgitxuarnxtEeil kn jryt nr ntat.--s aline& aat xlchittd *rim m ill move tiree ty 7 waiter- milluutt 1nz±santil ;urn] inirriergt ItSs nr liter tate 7ir mater _trasoltittsr wedll ait*,=twee %sr ftiurr anal' 'dive year- otiti. ..Nrentrw aarrarat aanii tire arn workrim moditer andi flatten who) wagir try intradlitcre their iii tmaa watierr-orriViratmerrt art aa _NyottirM atige. watm'vzn toy.ss ant .aa-eanamititidd trtiptir thmtezeva,Lc,ailii. 4potell wimocitiftb. as men- avettti've sgvirim team tmmenthe setretiiirromer inn Erumn Qtarotkv matt,' law- thet czarniim summer seErsarn. i1itleatim a-ratairm and oranditterning ens. arn Itrross7 OEtns ata pprownern *etnatil eeTittaiitil` fivir those •Jvitu) dmenveetOtt bin then -;!•;Trl OTT Aee313:rrmum-- ausmineitid nt) estesteitee -- *elite —ntraatazilan tun fitness. themeeaffthiS anagrairn 'nti ctorr Ldhaokk ter, ,stihnri1 ' • Mee neguitar anagrams Wier& Ina/tide vomit arnib aadtittuswitir 11I2 m-S5Vi$11711 Einak6 EttnErXit Carab, Elestifterrs,, inumilm an& esvennw 1lSagnczjvouldt Rvinaretites. atitiltann cretedl !tertian ilaa cxiitzers,. wimpraint andl ainithinalikVCriftWrOit CCIntsuitt Aaurr rifl i.pintgAzam et/Vet/UM filar the, 440.111aftzpiliWtitatailtbateS. rff 04, 1 vatti bk/Scl-riutteceivetE your inacitute, irr. the . the nar(rentreat4tiSt-3514 If wax; trigre an questions the anagrams,. . not itzitale, try call. us.. Ettenentli titatraness is. not as waxv of LiW.. .,,aarikeoesskt hirlirtft MENNanneVinCIONE AUREWINCE Waives dwell- fittiratis amid risitOmmiamaturiiiritr's Iteirems kiikermit atittiop attlitaltpixift. Misetiv OUSEITILErs To rn tieteren thing the Local ituasurog neett- for senior citizen Irouszngac- Malan "iadattraix.. the councils the minictizaiitres .11 the NicMilirp. Tuckers -matt anti liHttitert Tow rislirris have requelste-d the Provmiai Nranis' of ousnz 'o cirrt Mitiaietuus-urg study The study_ ..)n review of area housing Conditions,. trio: iutirng. 4 eco C trenek-, growthfa.t.m:or- anti current and 'future housing neeth-s. tog.etire r n- th:re:ration pithereti through- t, advertisingL. direct marl' tntervtetws and applicatior oz file with the local housing :rrarrager. will - provide Lizrec-tran the number 4 trirr. Ahrch may be required_ Letters qiiri =rig 7. -ire or el ttp..ent and raMily but/sing ps-riamiI - :o uicpia raLeerittS4, asLciztg them f the wish to Ramon:yule A qqa-pc.-...ti C-ItIZTeTI apartment co rr=.: beck -urinal'. uig rvorn.. bathroom and a k•I'trirren wh- iCht equipped vcrth --tome and refrrger-a tor En :arger cities s-entor citizen ac - con/ rnmfration aray be prow ided fitigh--rse buiithns.it in most com- !mantes the tpicaisenior citizen pxien is a true or two sratrev huiMing_ The size of the 7r•m-riirzy I:rousng vary sairitit coningctrnuntt ee hut they can have as marry five itdroon. Re are haLs-ed tIgEr ZET)..SS family income and are 1n -dependent a the numbler of tredrootoir te if housing prov ied. After it receives the resei of the survey_ the tntinicipantzg may:- develop ared rental protect on own request the ritinitnry ! EtradEerr deveioprortent_ ask the rith•-rx7 to _ef53-. private stactur involvement to secure mts under the rent t:p- plernent prtiarmi or private assisted ren uti progra: undemaite the development through a. municipal profit him corporatio or eEtcottirre the creaMon a a luc-al non-profit group-- etiarruturni_ 1&:rour or _•riiice club organization_ for example_ t develop a non- profit horring protet_ eypi, 1 s play At the East Eneetobig4 stafizey tevinskip comma tire township entered bra) as agreement with Mares Centemastbana maid in the funertng 4 an adze pligfronnict &ear the schwa_ The otzwissbip Ithirkb Es involved 612 the protect thettk,„hP, the overeat:dem cammittee. app i$ for a ocezzauntizir metres weal to id in the e" 4the protect_ Accortring to Et-Qrms Cem- termial priticripaII Aimed Matheitsthe actizaB maltetzp the Ezkaggrutumd is con- tEngent on funds from the communkr cues gramt,a WriattatrEo grant ad the Experience TS stammer empZoyment program_ Approximately SII_Mto has lteen raised by the teachers ad stuier-M at the szhooll and by citizens ef Stantelr_ A etzemmtr3PItee 4 Marv= cutur muncEl has apprtnced he poet with commtty mimed yet to gre. 11 oitaky tz) there IF the frames are ter- thete the prefect ccialld he started in "'time with completbart at the end of the ..2trunter.. A. dance sbeen schedzzLed for the inEdee of Iraq ta,raLe fez- the prztpaect_ The tazwaship vire.2 par- ticipate weth the town4 CEML-Ctr2 Zacli4 hairg sitorred semEdr Sttrveic wittea es tke Ete•-etatir 4 a geared EMSztme eteUSE project_ Mel Graham_ eterk-trecLstmer sairetcis surtrrs hid elicited few ret_. - from ±e re_.4clenm of Stank.v_ ersoncil aLko am-nzmmced e terriers Ear the supp4 mon cubic yards CY/MSIked gravel D be Essued_ leaders far t sapcs4 of me was calcium obride arri:3 also be issued_ biotite, burriess. co=m1- Authorized roads saperhttendera Tayior ta) =wad the CS_ Arodearszca Read Scw4 from May T-ElL Learned that brg in - sector Berman Van Wereta aline:Wed a ItztEd.rzzg en- pentues =arse lt-aL,Sk week Ell Amtisurtzed ps== gr arts tax:Hi Asscciismica. WO: Si Q.M.M• CerMa3 AdVit SOW43', 2harEab Agtrzit.-araa Sorreay.. SM. azad th-t 111w.m.x) Assattlititwi,SES. Authorized NizGregur amd Nara Trt.3 umletrzake a VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE April 10 to June 17 Lairgire oraTV is so, tr,r7RiTrk wotret he Lorg before ares he hearing what the b --tie szoEfers say when theY crrs Resat) putt_ Crabri JLIWZ*-5.; brirg track. memories -- fitzgitern_ Dixieland mtasic.. Oriring Ern a pocket. _ _ Stink inennwe Minntionni likesnmard SOmmifim, Anfinemand Winniensmiiiink Emending Pemmsna =me lent Mese% & !Unifies" gym -swim" a, Ifenntilo & &Ash leen= sosominn.. ELKS& Elltemze Med Cress Lessiens. Tags. Tema& emparanosSim. Unifies' & Cet.enil lifesitski Spas mud egitusts. REGISTRATION - APRIL 3 TO a, TM if YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR SPRING BROCHURE. CALL VANASIRA CENTRE - 4112-3514 "Mess is not Ray of Me_ Ers a /necessity TIN BON WORE Olin SAYE GLIM US A Ttf. TOOLS IOU CRAIIE_ man auxwans WattlitaPEIR SellarnelitS LEW 41116111116 FACEMOtna elallerattort ESPROUTIONiti2MS Villtetti0.4113S ENSULATIOra EL0aVEIN Ceihirse Fare" atzumeetaire Rites. liktesqivew correspEst onsonsnocnoss COMPEIBE REICIALS av THE DAY. WEEK., OR mount. ...a. MOMf . nat. saw. tR PROM TOfiltrW 3111tatmenetros sr.._ GODSZICHi 5244/44 Vireraik�r CrettwerIP Charger'. eurtrvir 1111.11•11Th I:41a MIMS