The Exeter Times, 1887-4-14, Page 4- • eltel.n..1,seee7eree.seoeseeeesseearerwee
Ehe gxeter
TRIMPDAYi APRIL 1.4th, 1887.
The nueetion of more railway FSOCOM-
' 1010dati011i still being freely discussed by
the people ef Exeter and ;surrounding
auntiy The interest manifested by the
atePaycrs of the different muaicipalities
between Goderich and Woodetook is daily
becoming more perceptible, and a de-
termination to secure edditionel railway
facilities seems to be a foregone conclus-
ion. There is scarcely a business man in
this section who does not feel that the
construction of another railway is neces-
sary to the acCommodation of the increas-
ing trade of this part of the country.
The millers and grain -buyers of Exeter and
other places along the line of the London,
Huron and Brece, inform 4 that they
have sustained considerable lose by being
unable to secure cars when thOy are re-
quired. We know of a serio4 loss to a
certain grain buyer through the inability
to secure cars at the proper time. Per-
haps some will say this has nothing to do
with us, that it is only an affair in which
ofie or two firms are concerned. But
such is not the case. If a grain buyer
purchases a quantity of grain at a Pretty
good figure, and is unable to ship it until
the price has fallen below that which he
gave for it, most certainly he is a loser .
but if he buy enough grain to fill all
places available as a storage house, and is
unable to ship, and the price iu the mean-
time advances, there is undoubtedly a
loss, not only to the farmer but to all
with whom he may have business transac-
tions. Now, in order to ovarcome any
difficulty that may arise from such a
cause, it is necessary for us to put our
shoulders to the wheel, and leaving not a
stone unturned, use every effort to secure
the construction of the proposed. railway,
viz.: -From Woodstock to Lake Huron,
via. St. Marys and Exeter. To accom-
plish this there must be a willingness on
our part to grant such aid as will be ne-
cessary to induce the C. P. R. Co. to take
the matter in hand. A 'branch of this
line would not only enable us to secure
direct communication with the Atlantic
seaboard, but will open up a road by
which access to Manitoba and the North-
west will be easy available. The prin-
ciple of bonusing is objected to by a. great
many, and justly, too. But when such a
favorable opportunity of being amply re-
warded for the money expended, pre-
sents itself, we see no reason why it
should be so in this case. If sufficient in-
ducements cannot be held out to the com-
pany to secure the construction of the
road. through this section, other places
will jump at the chance. Many are op-
posed to the road, giving for their rea-
son that an amalgamation of the G. T. R.
and C. P. R. will occur before a great
many yeers, and that we will then be
in precisely the same fix as we are at the
present time. All may rest assurred that
such an order of things shall never come
to pass. Either company is sufficiently
large for any one company to handle, and
therefore there is not the slightest pro-
bability of an amalgamation. We must
not allow such petty obstructions to come
in our way. There are other places
fighting against us. Seaforth, which,
like Exeter, has been suffering for the
want of railway competition, is very
anxious to have the road pass through
that town, and, during a visit of the dele-
gates to Woodstock recently, we under-
stand that not only would a good bonus
be offered in aid of its construction, but
that everything possible done to induce
the line in that direction. Clinton, a
town which has reaped. considerable bene-
fit from a competing line of railway, is
also anxious for a line to connect with the
Canadian Pacific, and are willing to offer
the necessary inducements. If this
chance is not taken advantage of, it is not
likely such a favorable opportunity Of
securing another railway will again pre-
sent itself. With this fact in view, we
hope every person interested will keep
the stone rolling and not allow the mat-
ter to become dormant and phlegmatic.
The farmer is losing, the merchant is
losing, the affairs of the mechanics and
business men are being cramped for want
af inereased, railway accommodation.
The remedy is now in our hands.
Tux Dominion Parliament met yester.
day. The session, it is said, will be A
short one.
Ar the last session of the Dominion ,
Parliduent the Finence Minister said he
anticipated a surplus of $1,300,000. This
was ridiculed by the Opposition, but it is
likely to be realized : for the last nine
months ending with March the surplus is
THE municipal law is to be changed so
that it will not be necessary for ineyors,
reeves or conneillors to have a property
qualification of $800. Any candidate who
has the right to vote at a munieipal elec-
tion will be eligible for the office. It is
ridiculous to think that a qualification not
required from. a member of parliament
should be asked from a councillor.
A severe wind, which culminated in a
tornado, drove the prairie fire up to the
western limits of Watertown, Dalt., on
Friday, destroying some buildings. Dur-
ing the storm freight cars were blown out
of the Northwestern yards, and when last
heard of were going before the wind
town the track. Lumber piles were
scattered and light articles strewen about
the streets. Still this is a good country
to locate in.
Toronto, April 10. -Eight election pe-
titions were filed at Osgoode Hall, yes-
terday. Three are against the return of
Reform members, and five against Con-
servatives. The former are Edward
Blake, West Durham ; John A. Barron,
North Victoria ; and C. E. Hickey, Dun-
das. The latter are W. F. Roome, West
Middlesex; Robb. Porter, West Huron;
Joseph Jamieson, North Lanark ; S. C.
Rykert, Lincoln ; and W. A. MeCulla,
We understand that the petition and
deposit money were lodged on Saturday
in Osgoode Hall against the return of
Robert Porter, Conservative member for
West Huron, by the solicitors for the
petitioner, Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy.
Somebody has been perpetrating a joke
at the expense of our Reform friends of
West Huron. Mr. Cameron ought to be
the last Man who would dream of enter
ing a protest, Judging from his past
career. _4. petition was, yesterday, filed
against Mr. M. C. Cameron.
DESPITE the general decline in the price
of farm products, the wages of farm labor-
ers during 1886 were kept up to the stand-
ard of the previous year. Experienced
farm larborers, newly arrived, commanded
from $150 to $175 per =num, with board
and lodging, and persons having previous
experience of Canadian farming from $170
to $200. The demand for farm laborers
commenced early in April and :continued
till the end of October, and all the laborers
who reached the Province during that
period were engaged almost immediately on
their arrival_
"A cable correspondent cleverly argues
that Darwinism and natural evolution are
not exact sciences, because the Marquis
of Salisbury shows through his Coercion
Bill, for example, that Toryism never
evolutes. Even a polywog is superior to a
Tory -the polywog does change into a
frog, but a Tory never changes. _-[Mitchell
The Tories are evolutionists inasmuch
as they are masters of the situgtion. Also
they may be quite different from the
polywog-Conservatives, unlike their Re-
form friends, have no occasion toe hange ;
their cause is a good, true and prosperous
one. It must follow then, according to
the Recorder, that our Reform friends
are to be known as poIywogs.
• THE letter from the pen of "Progress,"
which appeare in another column, is very
suggesGive. Sotnething of the sort of
which he speaks woeld not Only prove a
convenience to those who attend the
ceinetery (and they number many) to
view the plot wheve seine friend hati,been
buried, but afford C pleasurewalk for
• those inclined, Exeter is becoming ofti
adme importance, and, in order that it
shall cope, in this respect, with other
places of less import, it is quite necee-
sary that we heve a suiteble place for I
recreateon, And we imagine, that, to
follove, in part the suggestions of "Pro-
gress" would be pleasing to the ratepay-
ems generally 4 well as add to the already
good name of the place. We walla also
be plecteed to beer the expreseions of
others an this iniportent matter.
Af41KE13; RgITRws.
04:10.09yerec..t.e, d 47. 0'01.0..04 0,7
Sprlug Wnea t...., .e" ...
Oats •.. ono at,
Olover Seed ... .,. ...
Timothy • ' ... ... ...
lit'ifatei '
... , ..,
A Railway for Goderich.
It is expected that as soon as the frost is
out of the ground the work of construction
on the Guelph Junction Railioad at Goder-
ich will he commenced. At a meeting of
the provisional directors of the road, held
at Guelph; five of their number were elected
as a Permanent Board, viz.: Thos. Gowdy,
John M. Bond, Chas Raymond, David Me.
Orn (seeretary), and Wm. Bell (chairman).
In addition to the foregoing the Mayor and
Ald. Hatch and Husband were appointed by
the City Council. Already stock has been
taken in the road by the city of Guelph and
its residents to the extent of $75,000, and
as the line is virtually a project of the C. P.
R. management no doubt exists of its suc-
cessful and early completion.
We are sorry to learn that fr. J. E. Davis.
of the Mitchell dtbocate is down with a
serioue attack of inflammation of the lungs.
Pottetale-XicLEAR.-On March 30tb by Bev.
J. A. Ferguson, at the residence of the
bride's father, Andrew Smith, Ese„ elr.
Nicholas Holmes Pollard, to Airs. Alitry
Smith McLean, all of vr,',
eIcOenier-4IcDoxeep- At the residence of
the bride's father, on the 651, inst., by Rev,.
Colin Fleteher, Mr, Thos. McCurdy, to
fourth dringliter of Itobt. McDonald
tieq., ell of Ueberee.
WAnnsc.-In Blanchard, on the 4th inst.,
Helen, beloved wife of Zamse Wadilel,
aged 06 years.
A tVere. n 17'6415 To MO mince mir
v „leeJ.,14 geode and spent°
aetive agents Out this ()et and mail to us with
10e. i1v4t we will send rm. Pogt-peirl, n.
201e5. Semple Fackatm of Silk FS7 maC,eold
Fringed, Gold Vdged, Gloss, Trois %rent
Olircimott and finl,leti Name Cords, wlbb your
mania on ; rico our n geets New etyle &mph
vrith private terms . Thie ehlinte in it 1165_
Dee't Mtge it, A ddeefle,
11ALlie leROTIfEitS Belton, Quo,
64710:YQ: 7488
00 :Os :90 0
0 760
4 50 to 5 00
too0 88
58 to 0 60
0 Al Co LI 11
Flour „ .. 0°0 (:)0 00
Potietoeteeer bushel '35 to 030
Appies,per bag10t 0 0 50
Oried&pplespr b ... 0 04 to 0 00
Ducats per pr 0 06 to 00
... 0,08 to 08
Ueeee per lb.
Teekey per lb
Chickens per pr 7.: .7. 0° 220° tl)o °O 54°0
Hogseiresseelpee100 " .„ ... 0 50 to 5 70
e�1::: 54 020 to° 55 5°°0
" dressed „. ... 6 00 to 6 00
Sheepskins each .. 0 75 to 1 GO
iwwt 1.1 joiy000 Inpd peps rleireo: fbe ds 0000 05180000 :7010000 0771 7400
sT:..m, Aavr„;. 2 50 to S00
ted by Messrs: Carter, Son & 00.
Clover Seed ....... ........... ... 6758 -50 88°0
35 50
29 80
SBparriLielyg Wheat......
4300 5 000
.............. . ...... ......... 2152 2 010
Peas 0 5
APpopietiltoseapeprobrobga.g............ 9105 1 0105
Wool per lb 16 17
40 50
Hay perton 00 10u0
CARD OF THANKS. -This is to
certify thet aa executors of the estate of
the late John Yager, we received $1008.85 from
the Confederation Life Insurance Compalre.
through its obliging agent, Mien. Mahniug, ou
S. life policy of 81000, on which he had paid five
premiums. The Company was prompt in pay-
ment RDC1, we have the greatest pleasure in re-
comuieuding it to the general public. '
.10 RN HALL, '
11-5) E eseutors.
We wish to call espeoial attention from the
farmers and others requiring tile, that Mr.
George Moatz, of Lot 11, Con. 5. Stephen, Credi-
ton,P. O., has on hand a very laree queutity of
At the Following Prices:
2i inch. Tile, ... $ 8 per M-
e C I
4 14"
5 " 20"
8 "
50 "
Seven inch tile can be furnistied if required.
The above are of best quality.
Crediton, April 14,1887. GEORGE MOATZ:
How Lost, How Restored.
Just published, a new edition of DR. CUL-
radical cure of SPERHATORROEA or Seniimal
Weakness, Involuntary Seminary Losses , IM-
POTENCY', Mental and Pysical Incapacity, Im-
pediments to Marriage, etc.; also, CONSIIMP-
now, EPILEPSY and FITS, induced by self-in-
dulgence, or sexual extrevaganee, &e.
The celebrated author, in this admirable es-
say, clearly demoustrates from the thirty years'
successful practice, that the alarming cense.
quences of self-abuse may be radically cured;
poiuting out a mode of cure at once simple,
eertain, and effectual. bv means of which every
sufferer, no matter what his condition may be,
may cure himseif cheaply, Drivetely and
This lecture should be in the hands of
every youth and every man in the land.
Sent under seaLin plain envelope, to any
address,posepaid, on receipt of four cents or
two postage stamps.. Address,
41Ann St., NewTork, N. Y. P. O. Box, 450
Notice to Creditors
Of RICHARD JONES, deceased.
Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario.
Chapter 107, and 40 Victoria Chapter 9, Ont.,
the creditors of Richard Jones, late of the
townseip of Hay, u the County of Huron, who
died on or about the 17th day of February, A.
D.,18037, are to send by post prepeid on or be.
fore the 305h day of April, A. 31,1887, to Lewis
Et. Dickson, Exeter, Lent., Solicitor for the Exe-
cutor; of the deceased, their manes, addresses,
and descriptions, the full particulars of their
claims, a statement of their accounts, verified
by statutory declaration, and the nature of the
securities (if any) held by them and notice is
hereby given that after tbe above date the said
1?,xecutors well distribute the assets of the Raid
Richard Jones, among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to ClaiMS of which
they then have notice, and shall not be liable
for she proceeos of the said assets or auy part
thereof so distributed to any person of whose
claim the said Executors had not nocice at the
time of the distribution tilereof.
Dated at Exe, er this 29th day of March,
A. D.,1897.
LE wis 11. DICKSON.
Solicitor for Executor.
Notice To Creditors
GiAttAtFOLt SALE,,, -The moor.
• sigosei deers for stile hie farm, bailie tot
1.4r Q011.5; teWeehip of U armee two ;mice and
a half trom eeeter lee eeres, &net 65 aeres
°leered and 50 drat ceases stet° of onitivatiOn,
very valuable oak and bleek 441.1 rag tinabor
tile remainder bush, ia wnielt there tit some
the tarn' is !also woli fancied ano (Manion •
a01-"ElsT ma.a.ww,
Walnut & Rosewood Caskets
Aeso (formes or Everte Dnaintreeme.
U"..1 AT. FIEST•
there are upon the premises. a first elass • .
dwelling home), wan nrst cease ()otters, two
good barn • two
o premises, to TM:Alas slitn`le
In the izia fter of Thomas Smis of the town-
ship of Stephen, the County of Huron, an
Insolvent, Notiee is hereby' given that the
above named Thomas Sims has made an as -
element to me unaer the provisious of chap-
ter 26 of 48 Victoria, Ontario Statutes and
amending statute, of all his estate and effects,
in trust, fax the benefit of all his creclitere.
A meeting of the Creditors of the said estate
is hereby crinvened and ev.11 be held at the
office of William Lewis, Esquire. Crediten, 00
SATURDAY, THE 9T11 DAY 0P APRIL, A. 0.1887, at
Six o'ccocx in the afternoon, for appointing
inspectors and the giving of Directions with
reference tie the disposal of the said estate.
All Creditors of the said estate hire hereby re-
quired to file their claim with mo (na directed
by steause) on or before tbe day of such meot-
gatfter which date I shall proceed to dis-
tribute the said estitte having regard r illy to
such olefins as I shall have notice of, and I
shall uot be responsiele for tne assets of the
said eetate or any part thereof to any person
or persons whose claim or c.ainis sball not
have been filed.
Solicitor for Asssignee. Assignee.
Dated, Creditor, , 30 March, 1887.
neverfaiiivaeprings teed elle
fivst-eless 4chard. For Per vicularg ripply on
A Complete Stook or .Rolms 86 Trimmings
• Always on Liana,
nucTtn AT Low RATEs.
I111y Stock of Furniture is un -
(t -fl 02torszt P, Oter.,
VA1111 FOR SALE. -The sub -
amber often) for sttle his tam, being
sleuth Ralf ot Lot 13, Coucession a, TewnskiP
of Hey, aunt/tieing 50 •Acres, 45 of which are
cleared cote in s. good state at cultivatiou.
being convenient to markets, schools and
churches. There ie a gold frame bare, goo
stabling, aud a howee log houae, good orchard
and two never-faillug wells, one at tbe house
aud the other at the barn, There •are also 7
acres of fell wheat aud 10 Hem+ of MGR.
dONV.. For further partieulars apply on the
premises to
RICH EACRETT, Proprietor,
llodgerville P. 0
SEALD TENDEBe , marked "Menu ted Polio°
Clothing Supplies," aud addeessed to tho
Holorable the President of the Privy Council,
Ottawa, will be received up to Imola cm Zion -
day, 2m1 May, 1887.
Printed forms of tender, containing foll in-
formation as to the articles aid quentities
requiled, may be Led on application to the
leach tender =et be accompanied by an
ameeptect Cimittlien bank eheque for an amount
equal to ten per cent. of the total value o°. the
articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if
the party decline so enter into a contract when
called unou to do so, or if he fail to complete
the work contracted free If the tender be not
accepted the cheque will be veturned.
No payment will lie made to newspapers
inserting this adverlisement without authority
having berm first obtained.
Controller, N. W. ALIPolice
Ottawa, March 25th 1887.
CEALED TENDERS, addressed to the under-
• signed, end endorsed "Tender for Indian
Supplies," will be received at this office up to
noon of SATURDAY, 30th 1887,fov the
delivery of Indian Supplies during the fiscal
year ending 80th Juno 1888, consisting of Flour,
Bacon, Groceries, Aminunicion, Twine, Oxen,
Cows, Bulls, Agricultural impleineuts, Tools,
dm., duty laid, at vaeious points in Mapitoba
aud the North-West Territories,
Forms of ten.der containipg full particnlars
relative to the Suppliee required, dates of de-
livery, lec.. may be had by applying to the un
dersigned, or to the Indian. Commissioner at
Regina, or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg.
Parties may tender for each description of
goods (or for any portion of each description
of pole) separately or for all tbe goods called
for in the Schedules, and the Department re-
serves to itself the right to reject the whole or
any part of a tender.
Each tender must be accompanied by afl ac
ceptedCheeue on a Can dean Bank in favor of
the Superinterdeut General of Indian Affairs
f or at least aye per cent: of the amount of the
tender which will be forfeited if the party ten
clering eedines to enter into a contract based
on such tender when called upon to do so, or if
he fails to complete the work contracted for. If
tbe bender be not accepted, the cheque will be
1.8r1LdneedierS must roake up in the n,oney col
limns in the Schedule the total moues value of
the gouda they offer to supply, or their tender
will not be entertainei.
Each tender must, in addition to the signe,
tura of the tenderer, be signed by two sureties
acceptable to the Department for the purpose
required better than others; in such cases the
competition between tenderersnaust,of course,
be in the transportation to the place of de-
In all cues where transportation may be
only partial by rail, contractors must make
peeper arrangements for supplies to be for
warded at once from railway stations to their
destin Ltion in the Government Warehouse at
the point of delivery.
Teuderers will please note carefully the fol
lowing conditions -
1. Supplies will not be paid for until the Do
pertmett has been aisured ot the satisfac
tory delivery of each article for which pay
meet is claimed.
'2. No tender for supplies of a description dif
fere et to that given iu the index will be
considered, and supplies which are fotmd,
on delivery, to be of a kind or cmality dif
ferent to those deecribed, will be rejected
by the agents of the Department; and the
contractor and his sureties will be held re
sponsible for any loge [entailed on the De
partment thrnugh failure to deliver in ses
cordauce with terms of contract.
9, lt must be distinctly understood that sup
plies are to be Oelivered at the various
points fax the prices named in the tender;
that no acicZitimuzi charge for packing or any
other account will be entertatned, and that
an invoice must accompany each separete
delivery of supplies. An invoice for each
separase delivery must also be sent to the
Department of Indian Affairs at Ottawa.
and one to the Indian Commissioner at
Regine„ and if the supplies are for the North
West Territories. When the supplies are
for poi 13 t9 in the Manitoba Superintendency
the triplicate invoice should im sent to
E. McColl, Winnipeg.
4, Prices must be given for articles to be de
livered at each point of delivery named in
the Schedule for each" article for which a
tender is submitted, and not an average
price for each article at all points of dolly
ery ; no tender based on a syetem of aver
ages will be considered.
5. Tenderers should understapd that they
s must bear the cost, not only of Rending
their samples to the Department of Indian
Affairs but also freight charges incurred in
returning seen samples to the tenderer.
6. When suoplies aye to be delivered "cgual
to ssmple." tenderers shoelci understend
that the sample is to be eeen either at the
Deportment of Indian Merits. et the °Mee
of the Indian Commissioner at Regina at
the °dice of the Inspector in charge at
Winnipeg, or ally one of the undermention-
ed Indian Agencies.
MCLATtiti6nOttZU The Narrows. Titekilaileicliilanitoba
F' Ogletree... .... „Portege la Prairie
A M Kildare „ • . St. Peter's
153 N Fither Fort Francis
Geo 1Vicliherson.„ A ssobasko.sing
John KeIntyre,GSer.vturlinanie
I Bader tapidE,
A MacKay.. .... . Heron's River,
e.lortret-WitsT TErterromEs
J A Mtrklet Agency
.... en irtle
33 CanyobellMoose Mountain
A McDonaldCrooked Lakes
W 8 Grant Asstnibbine ROSCITTO
1? 3 Williams Pile Mils
1"13. Lash..
H Keith TeuchWood
einecowpetting's Reserve
▪ m„Prince Albert
J* M acleriyI(ititioelielfT7011
(1 0- Mann
3- A NitelidaVictorift,
W ARderson..,F,dmonton
S B Tames., -.Pe 400 Ante
W Pookiimiton.11iood Resent°
34 Begg..„ ,13tae kfoot Crossing
W de Be. iiritiard, &trate Iteeeerve
and that no a ttentionvill be paid to a stun.
pie of any artiele which may accompany 41
tender, if a standard sample et such article
is on view at the Department of Indian
Affaivs nv eny elm of its °Maas or A.goneles
1,itefatiTettlt.erhiles •oittst n'et 00 113 UM:Wed-
th6y must he returned to the Deutirttnent
entire even if the flOpplY Of 01148 ttrtiCie18
tendered for -and tenders shOuld in the
eoveritlg hitter aceempanying their tender,
name thepegee of the Sheathe on which aro
tbe reetielee for whiCh they have tendered,
The loweet or any towbar hot neeesserity
L. VANI<OtintiNilltr,
Deputy of the Puperiinteaacat.Genera7,
'Departreent Of tnclimtn Affeire,
Ottawa, l'eby,,1887.
If you have failed to get Good, Stylish, and Serviceable
Clothing at Reasonable Hard Time Prices, try again,
and this time try
Ro-A-1\Trilor 331:R007s
ING SUITS, &c., to Order in the Latest Styles and at
Correct Prices.
SELECT PANTINGS, the Cream of the Trade, the
Newest Out, and Just What You Want.
Pants to Order from $3.00 up to $10.00.
New York and London Styles in FELT HATS.
White Shirts, Collars, Ties, Braces, &c,,
you all, at BANTON BROS.
to A 1) rc:
Don't run away with tlie idea that we are sleeping, not
a bit of it. Look at our MANTLE SILKS, BROCHES,
CORDS, ItHADAMES, &c., &c., and such an array of
TRIMMINGS, ORNAMENTS, &c. You Should Just See
Remember 21 yards will cut a nice fashionable wrap,
just what you would like.
No Trouble To Show at
---CALL ON ---
Or. 1-1-Y-1\TDMA-1\7-7
N'AMEXL-2" °ORO CE11"7.
Mayell's Baking Powder -the best in the market.
Sugars as cheap as the cheapest.
Coffees and Spices, No. 1, pure.
Marmalade Oranges -just received.
Florida Oranges and Lemons, Prunes, Dates, Figs, &c.
Maple Syrups and Sugars already in.
Biscuits and Confectionery -a fresh supply.
Canned Goods of all kinds.
Oysters --fresh and good -by bulk or dish. 4
N. B.-Petty's Sugar -cured Hams, Spiced Rolls, Break-
fast Bacon and Lard.
a 0** :Lee:14 S.
Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of
Eseter and vicinity, that he has opened out
Boat an Shoo Shop
in the uorner Store North of Samwel
ds Pickard's, where he is prepared to make
all kinds of ordered work.
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe
May 141h 84.
Jubilee Year
New Teas, New Coffee», New Sugars, New
Syrup, Rolled Oats, Granulated Cornmeal
Graham Flour, Bucitwheat Flour, Rcller
Flour, New Groceries, Oranges and Lemons,
Candies in endless variety, Tobaccos and
I have taken great care in buying and see
ectiug wy stocic.
Give me a call and yon will find my goods
cheaper than the cheapest, nonsistent with
first rate quality.
Prepaid Oertificates and ()dean Rates at
Lowest Possible Prices,
nntenernea THE Aninites,
Lots, Lots, Lots.
7011 slam.
500 Village Lots
For sale at Reasonable Prices.
Situation good; fronting good
wide streets; also a number of
Parties desiring Land or
Houses would do well to con-
sult the landersigned,
Terms to suit purchaser.
500 T'S
Butter Wanted
the4o- n,
Our Stock is Well Assorted
. 53
to 75e,
16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1
We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c.
Boot S 86 Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices.
A nicely assorterl stook of
PORK% SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes,
(Cheap.) Boatel/Willie Oil 60e per Gal.
DRE s ELooK, t..* A nice Tea Sett of 44Piece,
• A good snit of readyerecle clothing for $8.
Ordered waits got up in Good Style.
01/r Dress COOS are Inotkod down to
Toucan live at home, and make more Money the Lbwest 8°611.
,ft.vtowrloar,k of rt) Oath nelIdenat7t)3,3101 aetleS Ositnattheis COTTON -20 YARDS FOR OND DOLLAR,
5b1hos. noth aexea; an ages. Any one can do
the work. Large earni»gms ii Mire trorn tint start. ApApil;°t01186 811(1 'I' a for Ss
Costly outfit end terfree . Bettor not delay.
C043t8 yoll IVARttig tO satiats your addterieaSiC jorm [ATEESON'.
find out; mare wise,. you )011 do se at
nee, Ft. lifietilerT & 0o., Portland, Maine, t/AY 0.