The Exeter Times, 1887-4-7, Page 311.A.1.1113, Diagnosis of Infantile Diseases. 1. congestion of the cheek, ih Andrea, except i epos of oachexia, and ohronio dis- ease.% inelioa,te au inflamination of a febrile condition. 2. Congestion of the face, ears and fore- head, of short duration, strabismus with febrile mak:xi, oscillation of the iris, irreg. Washy of the pupil, with felling of the upper lips, indicate a cerebral affeetion. 3. A narked degree of emaciation which progresseegradually, indica tee some suh-aeute or chronic affection of a grave character, 4. Bulbar hypertrophy of the fingers and curving of the nails, are signs of cyanosis. 5. Hypertrophy of the spongy portion of i the bonesindicates rachitis. 6. The presence between the eylids of a thick and purulent secretion from the a/lei- boi. al glands may indicate great prostres ti iS4 of the general powers. .„ 7.% Passive congestion of the conjunctival verse indicates approaching death. 8. Long -continued lividity as well as liv- idity produced by emotion and excitement, the respiration continuing normal, are in- dices of a, fault in the formation of the heart or the great vessels. 9. A temporary lividity indicates the ex- istence of a grave acute disease, especially of the respiratoryorgans. 10. The absence of tears in children four months old or more suggests a form of disease which will usually be fatal. 11. Piercing and acute cries indioate severe cerebro -spinal trouble. 12. Irregular muscular movements, which are partly under the control of the will during the hours when one is awake, indicate the existence of chorea. 13. The contraction of the eyebrows, to- -ether with the turning of the nead and eyes to avert the light is a sign of cephalalgia. 14. When the child holds his hand upon his head, or strives to rest the head upon the bosom of his mother or nurse, he may be suffering frets' ear disease. 15. When the fingers are carried to the mouth, and there is, beside, great agitation apparent, there is probably some abnormal condition of the larynx. • 16. The act of scratching or of pinching the nose in children indicates the presence of worms or some intestinal trouble. 17. When a child turns his head con scantly from one side to another, there is a suggestion of some obstruction in the larynx. 18. A hoarse and indistinct voioe is sug- gestive of laryngitis. 19. A feeble and plaintive voice indicates a trouble in the abdominal organs. 20. A slow and intermittent respiration accompanied with sighs, suggests the pre - Bence of cerebral disease. 21. If the respiration is intermittent but accelerated there is capillary bronchitis. 22. If it is superficial and accelerated, there is some inflammatory trouble of the larynx Eyed traehea. 23. AlroTag and sonorous cough suggests spasmodic soup. 24. A hoarse and rough cough is an in- dication of true croup. 25. When the cough is clear and distinct, there is bronchitis. 26. When it is suppressed and painful, there is pneumonia and pleurisy. 27. If the cough is convulsive, it indi- cates whooping cough. 28. Sometimes one sees a dry and pain- less cough iu the course of typhoid or inter- mittent fever, in the course of difficultdentition, dentition, '41,„en attack of worms, under these conditions the cough is often due only to a bronchitis, which has been caused by the original disease. Vegetable, Animal and Mixed Food, J. Hartman relates his experience and impressions as follows : For 224 days he existed on vegetable diet alone, then for two months on animal diet, lastly for six months on a mixed diet. The results he gave in tables prepared by Prof. Valentine. He lived for 14 days on oats, grits and bread alone, then on beans and bread, etc. The increase and decrease in the food, drinking water, weight of the body, waste matter, and the influence of the one on the other were carefully given. The results are summed up as follows: While taking vegetable food the weight of the body in- creased markedly, however, not in a regu- lar and continuous manner, but by certain substances there was an increase. Under animal food some show an increase, some a decrease in the body weight. The result of the mixed diet was still more complicated. He drew interesting conclusions from the results as to the organization of pathological changes from the effects of diet. Of most interest was his conclusion, viz : that a mixed diet is the most natural and reason- able food for man. ' Curative Power of Water. There is no remedy of such general appli- cation and none so easilyobtainable as water, and yet nine persons in ten will pass it by in an emergency, to seek for something of less efficacy. There are but few cases of illness where water should not be given the highest place as a remedial agent. A strip of flannel or napkin folded length- wise and wrung out of hot water and ap- plied around the neck of a child that has the croup will usually bring relief in ten minutes. A towel folded several times and quickly wrung out of hot water and applied over st.;,. tieat of pain, in tootache or neural- gia, was generally afford prompt relief. This trea asitt in colic works like magic. We have' known cases that have resisted treatment for hours yield to this'in ten min- utes. There is nothing that will SO prompt- ly out short a congestion of the lungs, sore throat or rheumatism, as hot water when applied promptly and thoroughly. Pieces of cotton batting dipped in hot water and applied to all gores and new outs, bruises and sprains, is the treatment now adopted in hospitals. Tao, and Coffee to Children. Against the practice of giving tea, and coffee to children wo cannot speak too strongly. Childhood is the period when the nervous activity is at its greatest. The brain is ever busy in receiving new impres- sions, Reflex action, co-ordination of muscles, and the special senses are e,11 under a special course of training. The nervous system is pushed to its 'tamest caioacity, 1 and long is the list of victims that follow its over -stimulation, In these little people nothing but harm sem come froin the use of such cerebral stimulants as tea or coffee. Bad, then, as this praotice is, let us as phy- sicians be aggressive in its -prohibition. Do not be satisfied by answering no, when ask. • od as to its use, but lot us educate the fam. flies with whom we one in ecntact that such practice is evil. 1 speak etriphatical- ' . • ly, because not only among line poor and. up- mum oIGAR. 0,:iumktea, but Among the deli who should knew bStter, tbiraWee ia marvelously The lieveread Doctor Deeesihee a Not VW, prevalent. clintmon, gxperienco. The me had oono in my boyhood which 41To Her Own Countlaq' ti . I thought demanded of ine it opacity to Anion the steerage passengers ie a Cu- emoke, The old people of the household nastier sailing from Boston to Liverpool in could al)icie neither the sight nor the Knell the June of 1886 was an old, old woman. of the Virginia. When ministere came The daysweresopleasant, yet somonotonows, these, not by pointise imunetion, but by a that one was tem ted to rove as far as the sort of instinct iSS to what would bo safest, Iship's limit allowed in search of interest, and they whiffed them pipe on the beak steps. one day some of the cabin passengers went If the house could not stand sanctified to Flee what they thought of the steerage. soinke, it may be imagined how little chance The steerage people had come out into the there was for adolescent eigar-puffing. senshine, and were laughing and talking and By some rare geed fortune which put in playing ganaes, and amusing themsolvom my hauds three cent, I found access to a. melt after the manner of the "first-elass" tobacco store. As the lid of the lona narrow, passengers. There wore sturdy young men fragrant box opened, and for the first time I and pretty young girls, and humble families owned a cigar, My feelings of elation, manli- going "home" on visits ; and there was ness, superiority and anticipation cansoarce- plenty of room for all to be comfortable, ly be imagined, save by those who have had since tI e steerage travellers to the old coun- the same sensation. When I put the cigar try are comparatively few; and the over -full to my lips and stuck the lucifer match to steamers are those which come to America, the end of the weed, and commenced to pull bringing crowds of emigrants to pick up the with an energy that brought every facial gold with which our streets are supposed to music to its utmost tension, my satisfaction be paved. with this world was so great my temptation The steerage passengers in this June voy- was never to want to leave it. age seemed to be friendly anclmerry together. The cigar did not burn well. It required "Every -body kad a body," as theoldsox& an amount of suction that taxed my deter. says, with the ono exception ofVe poor mination to the utmost. You see thLt my old woman, well on her eighties, who looked worldly means had lin ited me to a quality as though she might easily be a hundred. that cost only three cents. But I had been She was all alone. People spoke to her now taught that nothing great was accomplished and again, but they did not stay with her ; without effort, and so I pulled away. Indeed and she sat there, solitary among the niany, I had heard my older brothers in their Latin quietly looking forth into the far eastern dis- lesson say, mum mnat labor; which trans- tance latod means, if you want to make anything " She looks as mysterious as the Sphinx," go you must scratch for it. said a Boston girl, with the Boston girl's air With these sentiments I passed down the of being the Sphinx's near neighbour. village street and out toward my country "What if we question her?" suggested an- home. My head did not feel exactly right, other, "and find out what she expects to see and the street began to rock from side to off there whore she's always looking ?" side so that it became rather uncertain to And so they "questioned her." Where was me which side of the street I was on. So I she going ? She was going home, she answer- crossed over, but found myself on the scone ed, " to her own counthry, and she wanted side that I was on before I crossed over. to see the sight of it, shure, as soon as she Indeed I imagined that I was on both sides could." at the same time, and several fast teams That would not be for some days yet, she were driving between. I mot another boy, was told ; and then some one asked if she did who asked me why I looked so pale, and I not like America. told him that I did not look pale, but that Oh yes, she liked America well enough. he was pale himself. After some further She had lived there thirty years. But hopi vnijking, I sat down under the bridge near was home after all, and she was going to hmy'house and began to reflect on the pros- spect c,f early decease, and on the uncertain- ty of all earthly expectations. I had deter- mined to smoke the cigar all up, and thus get the full worth of my money, but was finally obliged to throw three•fourths of it away. I know, however, exactly where I threw it, in case I should feel better the next day. Getting home, the old people were fright- ened, and demanded of me an explanation as to my absence and the rather whitish color of my complexion. Not feeling that I was called to go into particulars, and not wishing to increase my parents, apprehension that I was going to turn out badly, I sum- med up the case with the statement that I felt miserable at the pit of the stomach. Mustard plasters were immediately admin- istered, and I received careful watching for some hours. Finally, I fell asleep, and for- got my disappointment and humiliation in being obliged to thro w away three-fourths of my cigar. " own counthry." t Alani ' Had she, then, relations in Ireland ? No, she did not think so. She had not beard from any of them for a long time, and she thought they must all be dead by now. "Then what are you going there for ?" one interested girl asked ; and the answer came, strangely solemn, borne on the June air warm and golden with life and sunshine, "To die The poor old thing looked up as she spoke, and a strange flash kindled her hollow, washed-out, witch -like eyes. "Yes, mavoumeen, 1 want to die in the old counthry. My man was buried there before I went to America, and my father and mother lie in their graves in County Cork, and I cant die aisy in a counthry as they never knew. Some friends in the States got the money thegither to bring me as far as Queenston. "But you've more than just that, surely - something to take care of you when you get there ?" "Sorry a bit, beyont this," and she pulled out of her pocket a shabby little pureewhich hold an American quarter of a dollar, and an English sixpence. "Niver a bit beyont this; but they won't see an ould ooman starve, as has come home to die. I'll not want for bite nor sup long," she added, teebly ; "it's to die I'm going there." The hearts of the passengers, sailing in the soft June weather over the smiling sea, were touched with pity; and a purse was raised which would take her comfortably to her destination in County Cork, and provide for her for some time to come. She was touchingly grateful ; but, even if no one had been moved to help her, she was going home, all the same, to her "own counthry." Ah, if so much strength and courage can be born of love for a home on earth, why do we hesitate to turn our feet, at whatever cost, toward that home eternal in the heavens, which, if we seek, we shall find. Microscopic Possibilities. Perhaps the most wonderful thing that has been discovered of late is the new glass which has just been made in Sweden, differing from ordinary glass in its extraordinary refractive power. Our common glass contains only six substances, while this Swedish glass consists of fourtoen, the most important elements be- ing phosphorus and boron, which are not found in any other glass. The revolution which this new refractor is destined to make is almost inconceivable, if it is true, as is positively alleged, that, while the highest power of an old-fashioned microscopic lens reveals only the onefour hundred thousandth part of an inch, this new glass will enable us to distinguish one two hundred and four million seven hundred thousandth part of an inch. It makes one's hand ache to write these figures and who can tell what worlds within worlds may not be discovered with such an instrument as this? Magnified after this fashion, the smallest animalcule will be converted into a giant, and if the same re- of a transport ship had asked for the loan Erecting power can be applied to the telescope of three stoves to save the sick soldiers from we shall have the moon brought to our very dying of the cold. The store -keeper refused to let one o, unless he received a re uisition, What a Woman Did. During the Crimen War, it required much suffering to convince conservative English- men that the routine way of doing things ie not always the best. Steamer -loads of troops were sent from England to Malta, the first rendezvous. The voyage was made in seven or eight days, yet each steamer carried an allowance of eight weeks' supply of hospital stores. The explanationof the fact brought out the castiron routine of the service. In the days of sailing vessels it took eight weeks for a transport to sail from England to Malta, and the old routine could not be departed from. Some of thegeneral officers had been train- ed for years in the martinet school of discip- line. The Crimean summer is intensely hot and its winter is excessively cold. The army regulations forced the men to wear the leath- er stock, ho :natter how blazing the sun, and to shave even when the winter's wind was bitterly cold. Not until a year of suffering had been en- dured were the men allowed to leave off the terrible stocks, or to seek the protection of a full beard. " Where there is much hair," said one general, "there is dirt, and where there is dirt there will be disease," and he compelled his men to shave when they were freezing. In the midst of the terrible sufferings, when the men were dying from cholera and wanted the necessaries oflife, a general issued an order directing cavlary officers to lay in a stock of yellow ochre and pipe clay, for the use of the men in rubbing up their uniforms and accoutrements. When Florence Nightingale began her hospital work she was asked to walk in the routine paths. At the first step she took outside, she was stopped by a network of "red tape." She cut the "tape" at once and walked where she would. A few weeks before she arrived, a surgeon doors. Where the Diffioulty Lay. A farmer, hearing that money was cheap in the city, came to see about it. He enter- ed a bank, called for the cashier and said : " Mr. CaShier, is it true that money is abun- dant and cheap ?" The cashier answered in the affirmative. "Can I get some?" queried the countryman. " Certainly," replied the moneyed man. " Well, just lend me a hun- dred dollars for six months." The cashier said : "You can have the money, we have plenty of it, but it is necessary for us to have collateral." The farmer winced and responded : "Collateral 1 What's that ?" The matter was explained. Then the plant- er of the soil, illuminated on the subject of political economy, with a broad grin, rejoin- ed : " Ah, I see how it is, Mr. Cashier. Mo- ney is plentiful and not high, but it is this coactterca that is scarce and hard to get." Of Home Development, "When you have a cold spell," said a Manitoba man to a Torontonian, with a slight tinge of sarcasm, "yuu say it comes from Manitoba, and when you have a hot spell it comes from Manitoba. Where does your fine weather come from -Manitoba too ?" " Oh no," responded the Torontonian ; " our fine weather is of a purely local origit." Safe, Sttre, and Painless. What a world Of moaning this statement embodies. just what you are looking for, is it not? Putriern's Painless Corn Extrao- tor-the great sure -pop corn cure -acts iu this way. It makes no sore spots ; safe, acts speedily and. with certainty ; sure and mildly, without inflaming the parts ; pain- losely. Do not be imposed upon by imita- tions' or Substitutes. The Federal Lire Assurance (Toronto Globe, Masai 0142887.) The roped of the Federal Life Assurance of Hamilton, which appears in another umn, should afford satisfaction to all svlio are interested, in that company either ' etock-holders or policy -holders. To stook - holders it indicates Buell StleCeSS in increas- ing the compaGy's business as must soon place a satisfaetory margin to their credit, and to polioy-holders it indiaates public confidence iu the company and a successful future, That the Homane plan, which is specialty with the Federal, is inereasing in popularity as it becomes more widely known and better understood, is alto indicated by the fact of the very rapid progress made by the compan: . A new business in excess of three and a quarter millions at its early age 1 is truly marvellous. It is claimed by the Federal that no system practiced by any other company doing business Canada gives guaranteed insurance at so low a cost. -o- LOOK TO YOUR FLOCKS. For destroying ticks and vermin on sheep, cattle and isores, Lctoestershire Tick and Vermin Destroy - or lo well worth the price, yea, double the price. It was first used in England with wonderful success, and has now been introduced into Canada, and is sold at 30 and 60 cents a box ; one small box is sufficient to treat 20 sheep- It is used as a wash. Full directions accompany each box. Sold by Druggists. G. 0, 13illoas & SON, Hamilton, Ont., and C. M. Bums & Bao., Buffalo, N. Y., Agents, Heart Disease, The symptoms of which are "faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, ra- pid and irregular, The second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, &a " Can be cured " in many of the first stages." Send 6o. in stamps for pamphlet and full particulars. Address M. V. LonoN, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto. Canada. To a contented mind a closet is a palace. YOUNG MEN suffering, from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselvo weak, nervous and exhausted; also aim- Dli-AGND and Ova DUN who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excise% send for and READ Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 3o. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Welling- ton St. East Toronto Ont It is easier to burn men than to burn their principle. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustaohian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in rom one to three 'Ample applioatione made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 308 King Street Weat Toronto Canada Friendships which are founded on a part- nersaip in doing wrong are never true. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or. der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters. Beet family medicine. All Druggists, 60 cente. A. P. 326. Ira EAF-A very interesting 80 -page book on Deaf- ness, Noises in the Head, &c. How relieved. Sent free. Address NionolsoN, 177 McDougall St, NewYork. IGIOR SA LE. --SEVERAL FIRST • CLASS IM- JU PROVED FARMS for sale -in the County of Essex (called the garden of Canada) ; easy terms of payment. 0. G. MARTEN, Leatnington. VELPH Business College, Guelph, Ont., Twelve States and Provinces already represent. e on the roll of this Institution. To thorough, prao. tical instruction, and the efficiency and success of its graduates, this College owes its popularity Cir. culars, giving terms, etc., mailed free. AtacCORblIOK Principal. -VASTER CARD PACKETS By Mail -PACK • ETS of one siozen beautifully assorted Easter or Birthday Cards, at 100, 15e, 25e, 50o, 75c and 01 each packet ; also silk -fringed packets, 6 in a packet, at 500, 81 and $2 per packet ; cash to accompany order. A dozen packets of a kind, 20 per cent, off. Matthews Bros. et Co., 03 Yonge St., Toronto. ONT READ THIS unless you want to make money. THE FIRESIDE WEERLY is the only story paper in Canada, and contains the brightest and best stories of any paper published. Price, with great music premium, 02 per year. Secure the agency for your district. Agents liberally dealt with. Send for free sample copies and terms. Mention this paper. Address, THE FIRESIDE WEEKLY, 20 and 28 Col- borne Street, Toronto, Ont. AGENTS WANTED everywhere for "Living Words," Sam P. Jones' Own Book -A series of matchless sermons collected and edited under the author's own supervision, with an autobiographical sketch of the great Southern Evangelist ; 89 sermons, all new ; full page engravings, and a steel plate por- trait of the author. Remember, this book is only sold by subscription, through authorized agents. WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto, Ont. EATER EINE OF STEAMSHIPS, Sailing weekly 1.etween Montreal and Liverpool. RATES OP PASSAGE :-Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, $50, and $00; Return Tickets, $80, $90, and $100 -according to Steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For further particulars and to secure Berth, apply to 11. E. MURRAY, General Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dif• ferent Towns and Cities. 135 ACRES EXCELLENT LAND FOR SALE. Lot 9, Con. 23, McGillivray, Middlesex Co. : clay loam ; 100 acres clear; good frame buildings; orchard, spring creek ; gravel road as miles to Park- hill Town; price, $5,000, 81,000 down, balance 6 per cent. interest. Rare bargain; immediate possession. 100 ACRES -Lots 34, 35, Con. 2. South Durham Road, Artemesia, Grey County; 20 acres clear; 81,200, $200 down, balance 6 per cent. DR. MaTAGGART, London, Ont. • 001) LIVE AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY IX County in Canada. Address, FERRIS et CO., 87 Church St, Toronto. from hen -quarters. As it require several 6 PER CENT IIONEY-INTEREST YEARLY days to get that document, the surgeon saw that scores of men were doomed. -no commission ; Mortgagee purchased. 11. H. 'TEMPLE, 28 Toronto Street. The second day after Miss Nightingale's to loan on Mortgage. Trust funds. P0.1 arrival, six hundred wounded were brought MONEY particulars apply to BRM, 013AD. WICK, BLAORSTOOR & OM.T. Toronto. to the Sentari hospital. On the first day she I had been delayed by "red tape." Taking a .431.0124.3EINTSE; ANDCANVASSERS wanted,Male few Turks with her she went to a store -house or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or connnis- sion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 46 Arcade, Toronto. LST Illustrated Circulars Free. In ANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY and Short. she selected the supplies she needed andhand InstAute, Publio Library Building, To - or -1 To- ronto. Specialties Book.keeping, Penmanship, dered the Turks to carry them to the hos- Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Write for particulars. pital. A washing contractor returned the TLICIMAS nexeotsins hospital linen in such a foul state that it Esnamais BROORS, Sec'y and Manager. Official Reporter York Co. Court, President. The guardian would not unlock it. "Break open the door," said the gentle- woman to the Turks. When they obeyed MEAT CHOPPERS gr.::,`,6"t; . Clothes Wring. sorwee, eplOorolt,iralastotteatl,asgul eat afimkinde. 'Ohurns, Carpet Ifablitereet ItieunarAL Wongii CO., HAMMON Canada. Send for article wanted, or Illustrated Catalogue, Joie 19,,, 5888, -For two years my ,i , . wffe's health 'wee run glown, She was ..cA,:)G;s: greatir emaolated and to weak to de by live doetore, they all posited the Anyth n for herself ; Ole wile givea up ,,k.,tDIC,.iiINE. (minion that she could not live- She lenuneneed using Dr, Jugs Aledioine in , t'o, U:Nitly:E. R & ?oetctreuebst; wasl884 ,ti 04 nmdn eatil tieirn taking tIlai xi 001) . .1, if, Roomon, Bngineer, P. P. it„ Wept ,tie could look alter her house oldduties, aper miwate assanWerannee MANUFACTURERS, M. STAUNTON & CO., samples on application. TORONTC), ONT. wa . 3 N. & . Consunaers will find it to their advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and Rasps. Ite•Cutting a Specialty. Send for price list and ternas, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. so (lo PILE Blind, Bleeding, and Itching, effectually cured by the Medical Pile Remedy. el Thousands of sufferers oan testify to the permanent relief from these internal and external Remedies, $1.60 per package. Ask ILES. CS! your druggist for it, or will be sent by mail, postage paid. HUGH MILLER & CO., 67 King St, East, Toronto. NEW SHIPMENT from ENGLA.ND Ex -Steamship " Norwegian." LOWEST PRIORS TO TILE RADE. We are 8010 agents in Canada for MCBRIDE'S CELEBRATED SligEP CASINGS. Write for quotations. JAMES PARK St. SON Toronto. 1 MP' E FITS! When I Bay cure 1 do not mean merely to atop them for • time Ana then have them return again. I mean radical care. 1 have made the dleuase of FlTS,EPILEPSY or FALL,. ING SICKNESS a Ilfe-lonc atudy. 1 warrant my rowed/ to cure the worst caves. Because others have failed 51100 reason for not now recel ring a cure. Send at once tsra treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. GINS Express and Post Office. It coats you nothing (or. trLd, and I will cure you. Address DR. H. 0. BOOT, Branch 0Mce, 37 Tong° St., Toronto. Bicycles ! END AT ONCE FOR LIST of Second -Hand Machines, FROM $15 UPWARDS New Catalogue Ready 1st April A. T. LANE, MONTREAL. .. 4/7410'.00k.PV;';EN,G-EVAVER1,.. `.1 to 1103EXXII TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO., Manufacturers of the highest grades of SILVER PLATED WARES. Steel Knives, Spoons, Forks, Eto,, A:SPECIALTY. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. TORONTO, CANADA, BABY'S BIRTHDAY. A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card Beni to any baby whose mother will send us the names of two or more other babies, and their parents' addresses Also a handsome Dia- mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and much valuable information. Wells, Richardson & Co., Montreal. Hamilton Scale Co. All Styles of Iomprved STANDARD SCALES. We make a Specialty of Hay, Stock, and Portable Plat- form Scales. BEST 1IN THE MARKET. Every one Guaranteed. All Styles of Trucks. Send for Illustrated Price List. OSBORNE & CO, - - HAMILTON, ONT. THE SNOW (1,filff FAVORITE! RAICINGPOWDEF Tlik.144 lb Weal, B4`.12TEgfi rhe Snow Drift istiumg Powder Vo., IscanVertis, Oak MERIDEN BRITTANNIA 00. FINEST MANUFACTURE ONLy SILVEP.s.PLATED WARE. Artistic Designs, coinbined With lthaequalled Durability and Finish. SOL» ON ALL RAILWAY TRALNS. Wholesale through IRA CORNWALL & 162 St. James Street, Montreal. 23 ADELAIDE &T. E.,TORONTO. All classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Printers' Leads, Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send for prices. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamshipa. Sailing during winter from Portland every nuncio and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in swab mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, caning at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Hall. fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The eteanaers of the Glos. goy,' lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during:sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly For freight, passage, or other information apply to A. Schun_acher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co., Halifax ; Shea & Co., St. John'sNed.; Wm. Thous's- son & Co., St. John, N.B.; Alien & Co., Chicago g Love & Alden, New Tock; H. Bourlier, Toronto Allane, Rae 15; Co., Quebec.; Wm. Brookie, PhIladel. phia; 11. A. Allen Portland Boston. Montreal. CONSUMPTION. I haves positive remedy for the above disease ; by its WM thousands of cases of tha worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, m strong is my faith in Ito efficacy, that 1 will send TWO BOTTLES PRICE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on thL CUMIN to any sufferer. Give express and P. 0. addren. DR. T. A. SL000b1, BranchOffice, 37 'lenge Si., Toronto LoAirrsiiTTEColY. INCORPORATED, A. D. 1866. Subscribed Capital Paid-up Capital • Reserve Fund, • Total Assets • • . $3,500,000 • . • 2,300,000 • • • 1,130,000 9,301,615 -OFFICE :- COMPANY'S BUILDINGS, TORONTO -ST., TORONTO. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Sums of $4 and upwards received at current rates of Interest, paid or comnounded half -yearly. DEBENTURES. Money received on deposit for a fixed term of years, for which Debentures are issued, with half -yearly interest coupons attached. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in the Debentures of this Company. The Capital and Assets of the Com- pany being pledged for money thus received, de- positors are at an times assured of perfect safety. Advances made on Real Estate, at current rates and on favorable conditions as to re -payment. Mort- gages and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. *THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT- c�t 14y GLYCERIN AND 011. DRESS! NG A BEAUTIFUL WATERPROOF'. A PATENT LEATHER POLISH FOR BOOTS,SHOES& RUBBERS - SOLD EVERYWHERE - BRICK MACHINES. -WITH ALL THE- M, -AL 'r 3101 UL" 30115C 3E° 35$ CI 7NE 31E1 ZIE E 1 S. SPRING PRESS BOX, WHITE OAK POSTS AND IRON BRACES. Over 500 of our machines now in use, and no complaints. Prices and Terme to suit buyers. Send for oboular, THE E. & C. GURNEY 00., TORONTO. LNDARD CHOPPING MILLS 1 could not be used. Miss Nightingaleannull- (Sizes -12 inch, 20 inch, 30 inch, 42 inch), ed the contract by establishing a washing- 1 PAT ENT SOLICITORS. house, andrefusing to send one article to the mime BOILER INSPECTION and Insurance contractor. i JI. c _onipany or Canada, The medical authorities turned a cold shoul- ' CONSULTING ENGINEERS, TORONTO. on CREEN der upon the gentlewoman. "S se couldn't . G. C. Roan, Chief Engineer. A. FRASER, Sec'y-Treas. Now p speak to all the sick men, you know," ' ut stud a soldier in the hospital ; "we lay there s - THAT Iyields Free of cost, over 100 bush. per acre, Cat- OVER. by hundreds. But we could kiss her shadow alogue free. HOPPER. HAKING S USING as it fell on our pillows." "Before she came into the hospital," said another, there was mein' and swearin'; and after that it was as quiet as a church, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Actress to washer -woman who ltas brought her bill "How ean yon be so impertinent as to clun Inc in this way ?" Washerwoman : "Impertinent I What do you mean ? Who are you, I should like to knew ? If I choose to pay sixpence for a gallery -ticket, yotl have to faint on the stage for my amusement 1" A sorrowful air will sometimes outlive many generations of men. People who are attb.ject to bad breath, knit cleated ' tongue, or any (Reorder of the Stomach, can et once , be relieved by wimp Dr, Carson's Stomach Bidet's, the old and Wed remedy. Ask your Druggist. .TAS. BOYD, Cedar Grove. Ont, SPOONER'S COPPERINE Mtn Box -metal for journal bearings In machinery - Guaranteed copper mixed. Supplies every require. ment. Ask your hardware dealer for it. ALONZO W. SPOON.NR, Patentee and Manufacturer, Port Hope, v Ira Who are Wealc, Nervous and 11x. hausted ; who feel themselvds log. ing StronArii7I110, v aro pale, delioate and sickly in rip. penman, sifiterl ng from tl to many complaints pccut- (525 610 women -send for and read 4, V, LU BON'S ISP 111110011 FORM on the Olsectsett of V )))) tem. Mailed settled and secure man observation on receipt of (lo. in stamps, UNSI1Ah111) vim Address, 31, Y. It BON, .17 Wellington St. Bast, Toren to, Ont. OUR SEEDS GIVE _Sntlailtellon to alt. -rhos are Fresh, true to name, And cheap. If you have not already received our eatalogue, send for it. 11011114111` EVANS CO., Seed Merchants and Growers. 4141.111.10, Best French Burr Stones, With and Without Elevator At. tachment, aSShown:in Cut. With Elevator one man can attend to mill and grind 10 to 35 bushelper hour, depending on power, size of mill, and degree of fineness Meal is polio& FRENCH BURR STONES, Used in these mins, are acanowledged by all the best grinders in the world. he rant are exceedingly simple; shy one with common sense CAM run them successitilly. Send in orders early, as our season's Outptit rapidly going, grantford, Canada, and WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CO St. Psitil,