The Exeter Times, 1887-3-17, Page 5MOWS INT011egis
To -day fs St, 'Patrick's: The green ribbon
will be flying.
Oomplete returns give Mr. Paween, Algo=
ma, (Coneeevatixe) a P ajQritY of About
thirty. Algoma over Benito (Grit.)
Miss R. Spearin,, daughterofAntes$poariit, `"I .had dyspeps}n fol,•, a long ;time, Was
Esq., of St. Marys, has seti44rod a position as entirely Qured hay two bottles BuxdoQk BioQi
telegraph, opet•atar at Port Leenbton. MissBitters. The best modieltto fait regult4ting
Spearin is a graduate of ,the St, Marys tele and invigorating thesystent 1 badever taken,"
graph office, i+, P, Tattller, Neebing P' 0., Ont.
There were a great many people who The distribution of medals granted to the
thought; the devil had been running this eithihitat•s at the Colonial lielubition will be
country long euQugii, and: it was time some oomnfeneod by the Department of Agrieulr
body else had a tarn, even if but for the Rinke culture on Saturday,
of eatreriment.—Rev. Di, Sutherland, at Ito Be 011 Y011et Gt'tarci.
minion Alliance meeting. Don't allow a cold iu she Bead to slowly
Settlers are pouring into the CaigarY die- and surely develQpe into Catarrh when. you
triot in targe numbers. Prairies where a year eau be cured fee 25 cents, 4 few appliaa-
ago on could title for miles without seeing a tions will cure itieipieut Oaterrh. One to
sign of civilization, are now dotted with two boxes will cute o#'dint,ry catarrh. One
farmers' houses, The land is being taken to Aye boxes will care ohronio Catarrh.
up with astonishing rapidity, and what is a Sold by all dealers at 25c, per box. Try
great consideration, the farmers are of a glass Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it
of me e"Who intend to stay. will pure you. (1 Lutz. sole agent for Exeter
It is estimated that nearly 20,000 people Ayer's Hair Vigor stimulates the hair oilsview, d the remins of the late Henry Ward to healthy action, and promotes it vigorous
Beet) r, Thursday. The will of Mr. Beecher growth. It ooutains all that can be supplied
was read Friday afternoon. It is probable it to make the natural hair beautiful and aban-
wili be filed for probate, as one of the main ;dant ; keeps the scalp ftee from deadruti,
provisions of Mr. Beecher's will authorizes and makes the hair flexible and glossy.
the members of the family to settle among QUICK BELIEF,
themselves the division of what there is left. "One bottle of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam
A rumor has gained currency that the Rev. cured me of a sore throat and loss of voice.
I'ntorest1tl !t81xlS,,
Tho txi}illa reeeiPte :ef the QOanadiata Pas
eif1a railway for tile Week ending Mereh 7th,
were *121r000, n, deeeeaee Qf 411,,QO1) eeri -
paged With the Aorreapoudipq week lust year,.
Dr, Wild, of the Bond street Congregational One trial relieved me when all other med-
(hnrob, Toronto, the well-known exponent
of the Anglo-Isrtel theory, bas received a
communication from Brooklyn, touching the
matter of his candidature for the pastorate
of Plymouth church, reudered vacant by the
death of Henry Ward Beecher. It is probable
that the Dr, willaocepb, and becomeBeeoher's
The spring assizes opened at St. Monne
on Monday. Havelock Smith, as was in-
timated in last week's Times, has been a1 -
lowed to go on giving bail to appear when
called upon. This will put an end for the
present to the much talked of , "Lone Point
mystery." It is generally conceded here
that the course to be pursued is a wise one,
because a further trial would Wall proba-
bility, only be adding unnecessary expense.
The oost already has been something enor-
Suit is said to have boeu brought in Eng-
land, against the Prince of Wales, by a
widow of Montreal, for 9125,000 and interest
for a number of years. The amount is al-
leged to represent a fund that was promised
to be set apart for the benefit of the plain-
tiff's child, who was born soon after the
Prince's visit to this country, about 25 years
ago. Tho plaintiff, who at that time was a
beautiful young girl, is of good family, and
it is said that the Prince was enamored of
her and wished to marry her. He was al-
most constantly in her seoiety. She married
some years afterward a lawyer, who has
since died:
When the American civil war broke out
Mr. Beecher knee how to bo just to an
enemy and loyal to his county. Re lied
fought slavery from his boyhood, his love of
freedom was his inheritence, and when the
critical moment for the nation arrived he
threw himself with boundless enthusiasm
and iiepefuiness into the oanse. His
spec 1 ore better than a regiment of
soldiera,l' They were hold, unfaltering,
effective. As much as any oue mau could
do by voice and influence he gladly did, and
his recompense was the measureless love and
confidence of the populace.
We sympathise most cordially with those
who object to tollgates and all which they
imply. They are a barbarous relic of past
ages, and ought to be relegated as speedily
as possible to the limbo of found -ant delu-
sions. They are expensive, wasteful, and
unsatisfactory as means for maintaining the
highways of a country. They have invari-
ably been more or less associated with job-
bery in, en• management ; and in any case
they n'oc'_rsariiy imply a greater or less loss
to the community in the mere machinery
necessary for collection and management.
It would bo a good thing if they were abol-
If it be true, as reported, that Russia has
au army of 365,000 men upon the Austrian
frontier, it shows almost to a demonstration
that Russia anticipates a war the coming
summer. Russia, it is said, has nearly 350,-
000 men upon the borders of Bulgaria.
Such enormous preparations implies vast ex.
pence, snob as no Government is likely to
incur unless in the pressure of anticipated
hostilities. But Russia is not well served,
She is in much the same position that France
was under Napoleon III. Her appointments
are inefficient. Army contractors defraud
her. If war were to be declared her army
would be sure to suffer from disease, It is
said the army •on the Austrian frontier,
though numerous, is not ready, and so Russia
may not venture upon that aggressive policy
towards her neighbors that it is expected will
lead to the greatest war that Europe has seen
for many centuries.
It was quite natural that the Opposition
should seek to meet the feet of their defeat
at the polls by the statement that Sir .1ohn
would not have a working majority and must
therefore, soon appeal to the country again.
They are beginning to settle down. A philo-
sophical mood has come over them, and with
the certainty of at least 35 of a majority for
the veteran Premier when the House meets,
and a subsequent increase to 45 or 50, it
could hardly be expectd that they would
long hold on to the hopSe,hat another chance
would be afforded them se, appealiug to the
people, They seem, under the circum-
stances, to have clenched their teeth and
declared themselves ready to heap up scaclals
at the next sessiou until the Goverumeet
shall 'feel sick. That scheme has not worked
in the past, and it will not now. What the
people want is the declaration of a definite
policy, that will present superior' features to
the one promulgated by the Goverment.
ol.Bavenhill, it will be remembered,
spew '.several months in canaria last year
vat able and.
class of horses n 1
the enfent of the market. He' came oat OS
the result of con espondence beween lir.
, Carling, Sir Charles Tapper and the Imperial
War Office, and it is gratifying to know that
the effort put forth inthe interest of Oan
adian horse breeders are so promptly bearing
fruit. The matter is she of considerabe im
portauee. The possibilities of raising fine
horses in 'Canada are almost unlimited, and
would become a most profitable iudustry if a
market pore afforded across tate Atlantic.
Now that the (natter has passed the experi-
mental stage, the good results which fellow
'the opening of a new branch of trade may.
soon be realized, The'British Government
have decided to carry on annually tate per
alt ildfl
tinct al
l for
inO Y
these a lJorsesp
tl ase f� p
ridhrg ptp
i r
it ones for the Impu.ttal Army,
the extent if
oetuaile a. abouttt 160 from
Ontario and the elder Provinces,
and 160
from the reunites in the N. W. Territory or
British Calumbin. ,
it hire iJuii�%1`GT`s �il'Uxli UOns,llrin-
General Debility, Strofu'1n, and y, wilt try
Scott's Einulsion of Pare, Cod Liver Oil, with
Hypophosphitee, they will find immediate
relief and a porfnane» t benefit. ;De. H. V,
ri ort1, lircintw nd, Gal., wiitos : "I have
used Scotia Emulsion with great advantage
in oases of Phfhists, Scrofula anti Wasting
Diseases generally. It is very palatable."
kisses failed." Says. Miss S. McLeod ex
Belfountain, Ont.
It is stated that the railway commission
'sill not present their report to Parliament at
the coming session.
To all who are suffering from the o re and
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
early decay, loss of Manhood, c8o, I will send a
reeeipe that will euro you, FREE OF CHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis-
sionary in South Amerioa, Send a self-ad-
dressed envelope to Ruv, 7osEFu T, ImrAN
Station D, New YorkOit
There could be no offer more lair than
that of the proprietors of Hagyard's Yellow
Oil, who have long offered to refund every
cent expended for that remedy if it fails to
give satisfaction on fair trial for rheumatism,
neuralgia, sore throat and all painful com-
General Middleton will start on his annual
tour of inspection as soon as the snow
When the blood is loads[ with impurities,
and moyes sluggishly in the veins, an alter-
ative is needed. This condition of the vital
fluid cannot last long without serious results.
There is nothing better than Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla to purify the blood, and impart energy
to the system.
.Ur. R. D. Beeman, of St. Marys, has been
appointed precentor and choir master in
Chalmer's Church, Woodstock, and has re-
moved to that town.
"I was subject to ague for two or three
seasons, which nothing would eradicate until
I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, duce which
time, four years, T have had no return of the
disease." W. 7. Jordan, Strange, Ont.
A German named Knneman arrived az
Parkhill one day recently, and showed con-
siderable style. He hired a rig and drove to
Khiva, and alleges that when on his return
journey he was waylaid by four men and
robbed of 530. Seems a guazy yarn.
Good Vamme.
3lany sufferers buying medicine have been
disappointed, don't give up, buy a reliable
article Eike Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, and with
it you get a recipe beck alone worth the
"In the spriug of 'S3 I was nearly dead, as
everybody around my neighborhood knows.
My trouble was caused by obstinate consti-
pation. One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters
cured me entirely." This statement is made
by Walter Stinson, of Gerrie, Ont.
The South Perth Agricultural Society will
hold its spring show iu St. Marys on Wed-
nesday, April 20. And Blaushard, at Kirk -
ton, following day.
Children Starving to Death.
On'account of their inability to digest food,
will find a most marvelous food and remedy
in Scott's Emulsion. Very palatable and
easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco,
Texss, says : "I have used your Emulsion in
Idfautile wasting. It not only restores wast-
ed tissues, but given streugth and increases
the appetite."
It is certainly glad tidings to the poor in-
valid to be informed of a remedy that will
give prompt and sure relief in case of pain-
ful suffering. Such a remedy is Hagyard's
Yellow Oil, adapted for external and internal
use in all aches, trains, lameness and sore-
ness. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore
throat, croup andall inflammatory pains.
•B Q [ ��� G
> SI�L.I lit.
�c -mos. reser Gar To Sr tc�t.
Drugs and Patent Medicines
Don't Fail to Call at
The Dominion Laboratory,
if you want anything in the above lines.
3. W. BROWNING, Prop.
ADVICE TO 1toTriERs.—Are you disturbed at
night and broken of your rest by a sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
so send at once .and get a bottle of
"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children
Teething„ Its value is incalculable. It will
relieve the poor Ilttle sufferer immediately.
L eeeudup n it, mothers • there is no mistake
about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea,
regulates the Stomacn. and Bowels, cures Wind
Colic, softens the Gum s, reducesInflanamation,
and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children
teething is pleasant to the tasteand is the
prescription of one of the oldest and best
female physicians and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists through-
out theworld,Price twenty-five e is bot G
tie.Be 1 for'Vin �17IYSLow's In tbo iVTitchell mcuyornlityprotest case,
Our last lnoutra's sale was the
largest we ever had.
We sell gooks at less than
A lot of Spring Goods just
opened, cheaper than the cheap-
Balance of Winter Goods will
be sold regardless of cost.
The Highest Price fur Butter and Eggs.
Zr. DOSP cis co.
S�ooa i motpm i !
and SAN FRANCISCO, for ,$90.00, tick
ets good for Seven Mouths.
AM -Before purchasing your tickets else
where, call on
A full stock of all kinds of
ti e
,�' S ff6 and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Wil ants
the lest
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
the Central Drug Store Exeterp-�py
o-�/ L P LUTZ.
For a check for 320 we will print a ten -line
,aclvertiseutent in Ono Million issues of leading
American Newspapers, '1'hie is at the rate of
only one-iif th of a cents, line, for 1,000 Circu-
lation 1 Tho advertisement will be placed
before Ono Million dip'eront newspaper pin -
chasers :-or FIvi> MILL1oie READERS. Ten
lines will' accomodate about 75 cords. Ad.
Stress with copy of Ad y, and chock, or send 30
cents for Book of 150 pages.
GEO. P. RU W ELL & 110„
In Nine Volumes, Royal Bao.
MO O BE COMI,tENO FD whenever a s.,fficient
i number of subscribers is obtained to cover
Dost of publication. Subscription to the Nine
Volumes $75 00, to the Province of Ontario or
to Quebec $12.50, to New -Brunswick of to Nova
Scotia $11.50,10 Manitoba or British Columbia
$9.50, to Prince 'Edward Island or to North-
west Territories $9.50. Each Province to have,
a Map.
Please Send for Prospectus.
Manager and Publisher
1lontreal, 4th August, ISM. aug8d&v3
I oo e n. -a '� _ Store c euro and ask s,
Bogen ro gvnOP "and 'taken() other kind.
Mr. McOlay bas obtained an order to tgke
evidence on the personal charges of bribery,
and a hearingur1 r .at 80 A
ppointed d the T T W' RI1\
count judge at Stratford at an earl -date.
Au old physician, retired from praotice, bay-
ing had placed in his hands oy an f+Saetludian
missionary the formula, of a simple vegetable 1
remedy for the armed and permanent cure of
Conanm ition, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
and n11 throat and lung affections, also a posi-
tive and radical cure for NervounDebilityaud
all Nervous Complaints, alter having tested its
wouder`ful curative, powers in thousands of
cases, has felt. it his duty toinckeit nr:vp to
his muttering fellows. Actuatedby tale n'c ivo
and a ctesiro to relieve human sufferio ,
Send free of charge, to all who desire .t, this
recipe, in Gerinan french or English, with full
directions far preparing, and using. Sent by
mail by add rose 'mg With stainp, naming this'
par,>�er,1V.A Noyis,149Power's .Stock,Ittchester,
Parliament meets April 18.
Itis the duty of every person who lute used
i �t ' yr n � fu1
� s German ,Seri to II. its dill
l3oscl c
known to their friends in mal t
be to f
Cousnmption, severe Cotu.ihs, Orone,
Astltme, Pnetnnouiii, and in fact, all throat
i and lung diseases. No parson cats 080 it
I without immediate relief, Three donee will
wei ,r it the dirt
Bias and oiisulc
n ec
relieve any ,y
of all Druggists to recotn,nond,it to the poor,
dying consuniptise, at leaat to try ono Bottle,
as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last ,year,
aux n0 000'oase where it, failed ,Was reported.
Such a modlciiie as the German Semi) .cana.
not be too widely known. Ask your (hog -
gists about it. Sample bottl