Clinton News-Record, 1977-10-06, Page 1110* • 4 .h tBA YFIELD ble Milvena Erickson Bayfield I 4-H. club has first meeting By Janet Talbot The Bayfield 4-j-1 club had its first meeting at the hone of Mrs. Joan Merner, on Wednesday, September 13. Ten members were present at the meeting. The meeting began with the election of the officers. This year' officers are: president, Lori Talbot; vice- president, Rebecca Fawcett; secretary, Maria Loure.nco; and the press -reporter is Anne Haw. The roll call which was, "Why did you decide to take on this unit, "featuring fruits." The group then discussed the topics of "There's value in variety," "fruit and vitamin C," and "other values." Mrs. Merner then demonstrated liquid acid dry measuring, and she divided us into groups for, duties. Cathy Merner demonstrated how to make the grape sparkle, while Sandy . Snell and Wendy , Penhale demonstrated how to make date mellow chews.—By Anne Haw. Village notes We are very pleased to be able to report that Mrs. Sadie names of the members Murney of Clan Gregor are: Teri Weber, Cathy , Apartment and Mrs. Eva Merner, Karen Talbot, the Darnbrough are both home Juniors are Rebecca after spending some time in Fawcett, Wendy Penhale, the Clinton Community Nicky Stevens, Lori Talbot, Anne Haw, Maria Lourenco, Sandy Snell, Kathy Talbot. The group's name is "The Juicy -Fruits". Then the meeting continued on with the Hospital. We also wish a speedy recover to Mr. J. Radar and Mr. Fred Telford, who are both confined to the same hospital. Visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norm Talbot this week were friends --Mrs. Lois Young, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Workman of Woodstock, also Mrs. Gladys Farrell of the Harley Harley area. Mr. Talbot's aunt Mrs. Tom Workman, and his cousins, Mrs. Jean Workman and Barbara all of Wood- stock. Anglican church news Trinity Anglican Church celebrated Holy Communion at 8'ti.m. and Sung Mattins at 10 a.m. Sunday morning with the Rector, Rev. William M. Bennett in charge. Abby Champ read the new Testament Lesson and Philip Du Boulay and Harry Baker received the offering. Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Hammond taught the children in Sunday school. The Rector's sermon .was entitled "Living Stones". He took his sermon from the new Baptist church The Sunday Services at the Bayfield Baptist Church were in charge of the Pastor, Rev. Brian Harrison, with Mrs. Cathi Cullen at the organ and Mrs. Muriel Snider at the piano. In the morning. service, the Pastor took his text from the book of Hosea, and explained that the unfaithful wife in the text was like the unfaithful Christians of to -day. We ,* should serve God first and all things follow according to His will. After the evening service the Sacrament of 'Holy Communion was observed. if 1 r.nglish version of the Bible from the second chapter of Peter, verse 5. Rev. Bennett announced that next Sunday (Oct. 9) will be Harvest Festival and a celebration of Holy Com- munion at the 10 a.m. service. The ladies, of the Altar Guild ask that you have your gifts of fruit, vegetables etc. at the_ Church by 2 p.m. on Satur- day. As in the past, all fruit, canned goods etc. donated to decorate the Church for this .service, will go to the Ch,ildren's Aid in Goderich. An innovation to be tried in th.o'''decorations of the Har- vest Festival is a display of family photographs to remind all of the thanks they owe for the blessings of family life. You are asked to bring along any formal or informal, old or new photographs to Church with you on Sunday to display with natures bounty. Three more join Lioness The Bayfield Lioness Club met for their regular meeting, Monday, October 3. President Ilse ' Grillmeyer presided. Following the opening, the usual Mrs. Miller's bountiful and delicious buffet was enjoyed. The first order of business was the initiation ceremony 'by president Ilse to welcome Alice Brandon, Karen E randon and Mary Anne Hellman as new Lioness members. Membership is now open to any number of ladies. °Librarian Maude Weston spoke on our Library, how and when it was organized, and up to its present day versatility in services available, as well as books. There will be a Hallowe'en Centre on October 29. Costumes, prizes, a D.J. and lunch --all for $2.50 per person. An eight foot Christmas stocking is to he raffled in December, close to Christ- mas Tickets will be on sale in November. The executive will meet on Monday October 17 at the home of Lioness Judy klun- tley; and the next regular meeting at the 'Community Centre on Monday, November 7. Smile Golfer to caddie: "Well, what do you think of my game?" Caddie: "Oh, I guess it's all Dance sponsored by the ' rig,ht, but I still think golf is natter. Lioness at the Community Billy Van Ninhuys was chosen the best defenceman on the Mosquito 11 soccer team. Jeff Gautreau was the most valuable player, Scott Ducharme, the highest scorer and Doug McKaller took the player's award. Missing from the picture was Austin Roorda who was 2hosen as the most improved player. (News -Record photo) MANAGEMENT SEMINAR TERM oANANALYSIS This seminar proposes a set of simple tech- niques -which .all small businessmen can use when evaluating the financial health of their business and also a series of practical questions which should be answered when (considering a proposal for a term .,loan. CASE STUDY: THE HABERDASHER COUNTER LTD. Apples, apples, and more apples. That's the situation for Huron's apple farmers who are having their best year in two decades. Here an almost endless line of 20 -bushels containers waits for pick-up at the Buruma orchard in Goderich Township. (News -Record photo) Tenth class graduates from. Pfrimmer Clinic The tenth class of students graduated from the Therese C. Pfrimmer Technique of Deep Muscle Therapy on -September 29.. This makes 28 who have taken this course. The three graduates, Mary Walker, R.N. of Goderich, Ontario; Suzel Richard, R.N. of Sherbrook, Quebec; and Gerard P. Cox, D.C. of Ottawa, Ontario, are now Deep Muscle Therapists (D.M.T.) According to Mary Walker, a Registered Nurse, "A great deal of thanks and ap- preciation is due our teacher, Therese C. Pfrimmer, in teaching the class of Deep Muscle Therapy. We all thoroughly enjoyed her teaching and patience with us. "I am a Registered Nurse, 74 years of ,age. My only regret is that the course was not included in my nurses training, course. "I first heard of Therese through a friend who was injured in an accident and spent over a year in the University Hospital in London. He was badly crippled and after being discharged from the hospital was in a wheelchair for some tithe. One leg was rendered practically useless. Therese treated him until he is now able to go about his daily routines with comparative comfort. We have learned how to give not only corrective treatment but preventive treatment." According tp Suzel Richard, also a Registered Nurse: "Deep Muscle Therapy is very good in many cases. This therapy is not harmful to the human body as it is a drugless therapy. I think it is a good preventative treatment. I hope to be able to help many people." "For the past three weeks I have been observing and participating in the ap- plication of Mrs. Pfrimmer's Deep Muscle Therapy. Being a Chiropractor, her method of treating muscles is of interest to me. I am impressed with the method and the results of its application. Her technique promotes normalization of'blood supply to otherwise deficient muscles. I wish to thank Therese for her kindness and patience in demonstrating to us her unique technique," said Dr. Cox. 0 c 111) Fitness is fun. Try some. Walk, jog, run, skate, ski, swim, paddle, pedal ... don't let life catch you with your head down. ((::7 naRTietaparTion NOTICE Cable TV Subscribers Effective Nov. 1, 1977 new rate of f6.50 per month to take effect Re: Canadian Radio -Television Comm. Decision no.77-565 Bluewater TV Cable Limited VISmall Business Mana ement Semin r, "-*\ Management a Clinton - Varna - Hensall At Pioeri. je Chalet, R.R. No. 2, Honks!! On Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1977 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Registration fee of $ 1;5. per person, luncheon included, f or further information, please contact Bill Prest lel : 519.271-5650 Complete this coupon, and mail it along with your cheque • to the following address: Management Seminar, Federal Business Development Bank, Pineridgel Chalet R.R. No. 2, Hensall Wed., Oct. 26, 1977 Name(s) Address Postal (:cede • ,CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 PAGE 11 Huron Cent There was. a.r good turnout for the Open House on October 29 which provided the teachers and parents with an opportunity to meet each other early in the year. Our school staff has remained the sante and our present school enr'olnient is 519. A presentation in the gym on open house night recruited 14 coniinunity volunteers to help with a proposed Advent tirc'' Playground. Further community response would also he welcome, A rra ngemen.ts a re underway to hold a meeting, to plan this playground • to he located at thr' school. A great number of parents have also volunteered to assist in the primary reading program for one and a half hours per ‘5c'ek. There are many other school . programs in the or•ks. Even the pr•e- ,choolers can enjoy a story crafts with our librarian, Mrs. Carter on Wednesdays starting October 5. The kindergartens are excited about puppetry and milking applesauce as well as learning many school routines. Cirade one is planning a school trip to the apple orchard tills month. .(;rade two, in their coni- munity studies program, is preparing to visit Clinton hank and Post Office. Mr's, I cheau is organizing the ,junior choir for grades 3,4 and 5. A grade field' trip is planning to Bannockburn Conservation Area and Morrison Dam to study conservation, leaves and plant life in'a natur'al.setting. The senior choir under Mrs. McKinley is also underway. The grade 8 classes are thready earning money for the May Ottawa excursion. They are selling C'hr'istmas canis now and plan will soon 'launch a campaign to sell Hallowe'en treats, Each grade 8 class is looking for- k\ard to two days at Camp` Sylvan .during the second kvec'k in October. There they will engage in various out- door studios. .Student's council has begun its activities by electing the' new executive. Thc' president is Sandra Coleman; vice- president, Paul 1<ithfle'isch; treasurer, Larry Taman: and DRINKING/04m DRIVING qua"' DISASTER c/v«' nnial holds open house secretary, Cheryl McAllister. They too are planning strategies for money -raising for the adventure playground. On October 6, seven schools are participating at our school for the annual soccer tournament (or water polo or hockey) depending on the weather conditions. A cross country meet is propos.d for later in October but ' no location is as yet confirmed. Recently attending. workshops in the county proved to he very profitable for the ten teachers who presented information and materials to the staff on Professional Development Day.' LIMITED EDITIONS BY HUTSCHENREUTHER The Raintree is proud Io present this fine r � 1 collection of Pontic, Porcelain" r(e talo y Ole \N'inter of 1)ennmark, one of the most refr'e'shing irlltlgInat1ve artists of our tinge. Fie has iluickly gained international acclaim ‘vith c;onilnoisseurs nl li'ne porcelain. With his "Poetic; Porc:c Min" hi' Irriii.s d charming new style to the collectors Inarkel. One set of twelve, 'Plates of the Month", sheet al ten inches, beautifully gill ho\e(I, is offeree) at 585.01) e,(( h. I?xcfuisit gifts for the discerning collar tor, Tim\ mother, special birthday or ,(nni\c'lse'c'\. Information on a\ail,(lrilil\- iti \\(dimmed I telephone or personal \ isit Irett\een to un(.I 5:30 clail�', (;lotie(I Werines(I,(� s. TIDE PAINTIEE "When your taste goers beyond ronr ensu5.. . ()ne Hn;nclrecl eines Twenty Eight 482-:18-1 • O co w • w L) O 0 SAVAGE • NORTH *STAR • SELBY PRESENTS SKATES • FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Daoust COBRA Canada See The Famous "DONNA HART" FigureSkates Daoust . NATIONAL 300 Canada Daoust JUNIOR PRO Canada . See The Popular TINA NOYES Figure Skates Shop This Weekend for Complete Selection and 15% ON ALL SKATES 3 Days only Oct. 6-7-8 Main St. - Seaforth DAOUST 0 " OOMPHIE Phone 527-1110' • m • n ROSITA •