Clinton News-Record, 1977-08-25, Page 16PAGE 16--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1977
Jottings from .Queen's Park
Last February I reported to
you on the changes which had
been made in the Rules of the
Ontario Legislature, based
.upon research and study
material, and the recom-
mendations of the Ontario
Commission on the
Legislature, otherwise known
as the Camp Commission.
„ . It is generally,agreed that
these new rules have made a
considerable improvement in
the operation of the
The daily Question Period
has been lengthened to one
hour, and during this ex-
tended time more Members
have been able to question
Ministers about important
matters of concern. Also the
Question Period is much
improved because
statements by Ministers are
given in advance (or at least
simultaneously) to
Opposition Members, making
prompt and informed
questions and responses
Any amendments proposed
to legislation must be cir-
culated in advance to the
Members of the. House, and
access to background
material is made available to
Members on any government
bill or policy statement. More
thorough and detailed
preparation of material for
debates on the Ministry
Estimates is possible, as the
schedule for their con-
sideration is established well
in advance. Even the weekly
order of business, as slatedby
the House Leaders, is given a
formal and much wider
distribution. This mea'ns that
participation in debates can
be planned in advance.
One important change in
the Rules of the House per-
mits a Private Member's Bill
to be voted upon and, if
passed by a majority of
Members, to be enacted into
legislation. This means that,
for the first time in Ontario,
someone other than a
member of the Cabinet may
hope to have a Bill of his own
become,law. It has been very
interesting to note. how well
this new system has worked.
Each Member may gain the
opportunity to have a Bill of
his own choice debated. All
that is necessary is io,subrnit
his name, and the selection as
to the order of debate is made
by means of a "lottery
draw". Each week, during
the session, two Private
Member's Bills are debated,
with each of the political
parties taking a turn in
Mr. Lorne Maeck, the
Member of Parry Sound, was
chosen first on the initial
ballot, held for the Spring.
Session of the Lesislat . re.
Much to everyone's surprise,
by an odd coincidence, he was
chosen first again in the
lottery for debate of Private
Members Bills in the Fall. His
Bill to permit the witholding
of Treatment where Death is
Inevitable received second
reading, but died on the Order
Paper, when the Legislature
was dissolved for the recent
Provincial Election. He has
not, to date, indicated
whether or not he intends to
reintroduce this Bill.
The first Bill to receive the
required three readings and
to become law was legislation
to allow advertising in weekly
newspapers on the Thursday
before a Provincial Election.
This was passed unanimously
on April 21, 1977. It was
sponsored by Mr. Jack
Johnson, the Member for
Her Honour, the Lieutenant
Governor granted the Bill
Royal Assent, and con-
sequently, Mr. Johnson will
go down in Ontario
parliamentary history as the
first person to have had a Bill
passed as a Private Member.
As I mentioned to you in my
earlier report, if twenty
Members object to the
legislation; a Bill will not
proceed through the various
stages of debate. Several
controversial matters have
been blocked in this way.
One such Bill was to
provide for greater Freedom
of Information. It was felt
that such legislation was not
necessary at this point in
time, as the Government has
appointed a commission to
study the matter,
A proposed measure to
encourage the Government to
establish a register of all
lands owned by the Province,
or any of its agencies, was
found acceptable. The
register. would include the
date of the purchase, com-
missions paid; and the
establishment of guidelines
for future purchases. This
resolution was felt to be in the
An Shoes
Cost Price
And Less
Fixtures for Sale
The Huron County
Board of Education
to do supply work in the elementary and secondary schools
during 1977-78.
Written applications, including qualifications, social in-
surance number, and telephone number must be mailed
before September 9 to
k. B. Allan,
Superintendent of Education
Huron County Board of Education
103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario
Applicants shoUld'•indicate the grades and -or subjects they
are prepared to teach and the schools in which they would
serve. From this information,lists of available teachers will
be prepared for each school. Principals will then contact
applicants when their services are4equired.
Persons presently serving as Occasional Teachers in our
schools need not re -apply. Names will automatically be in-
cluded for the coming year unless notification to the contrary
is received from either theteacher or a principal.
D.J. Cochrane,
H. Turkheim,
spirit of the move toward
increasing access to
Government transactions.
After a very interesting
debate, the legislation was
As there were ohly three
opportunities to debate
Private Members Bills in the
Spring Session, there is
considerable interest in
future ,, developments in
connection, with this par-
ticular rule revision. The first.
three Bills to be introduce&in
the Fall Session will be those
of Mr. Lorne Maeck (Parry
Sound). Mr. John Eakins
(Victoria-Haliburton) ' and
Mr. Michael Cassidy
(Ottawa -Centre).
Incidentally, the Rules
make it quite clear that no
Private Members Bill may
involve the expenditure of
public money. This is in
accordance with the old -age
parliamentary tradition that
only the Government has the
right to collect and impose
taxes, and to spend the
taxpayers' money.
Bd. of Ed. approves sale of surplus buses
In its regular meeting in
Clinton recently. , the Huron
County Board of Education
approved a number of items.
The board decided to sell all
of its surplus school buses
with the exception of one to be
kept for use by Goderich
District Collegiate. The
Goderich bus will be used for
field trips and school team
The board approved in
principle a two-week
bilingual exchange program
between schools ii Huron'
County and Quebec. James
Coulter, superintendent of
education.. said hr. didn't
know if $ny schools in the
county vlf uld-participate.
A qualified teacher will
provide academic instruction"
one day per week to older
trainable retarded pupils at
the Goderich workshop, the
Board decided. Senior
trainable retarded pupils
(age 13 and up)will be gjven
access to the nearest home
economics or industrial arks
The board adopted a policy
of giving $200 to any schpol
holding a celebration in
connection with a i1unicipal
centennial celebration. ' If
there Is wii,n a than one school
in the municipality the money
will be split between them.
The two professional
development days for South
Huron District High School to
be held on January 26 and 27
were changed to February 9
and 10 at the request of the
The board decided to invest
the funds from the "J. ' W.
Talbot Bursary' with the
interest being given- to the
highest boy and girl in- grade
eight • at Seaforth Public
School. `)..
The . Ministry of .`'HQusing
was advised 'that the.
Kippen UCS hold successful 'bake sale
by Rena Caldwell
The sympathy of the
communit goes out to Mrs.
Morley Cooper in the death of
her brother Angus Robinson.
The UCW of St. Andrew's
Church, Kippen held a suc-
cessful bake sale at
Homestead last week.
No health food for Huron kids'
The high schools of Huron
County are not going to offer
students health foods as an
option to regular cafeteria
Richard Wright, pur-
chasing agent for the county's
board of education, was
asked if , Huron would be
following the lead of its Perth
County counterpart. Perth's
board of 'education is in-
stalling refrigerated cases
containing salads, fresh raw
vegetables, fruit juices and
natural desserts in its
secondary schools.
"I don't see anything like
that foreseeable at the
present time", Mr. Wright
For a number of years, the
five cafeterias in Huron
Cbunties schools have been
leased to concessions, he
The Perth County board of
education recently decided
refrigerated cases with a
selection of uncooked foods
and juices would be placed in
two Stratford high schools
and those at Mitchell and
Listowel. St. Marys already
had one. Whether the cases
will be rented or bought
remains to be seen.
Mrs. Norman Dickert has
returned from Harriston.
Mrs. Beane, Mrs.
McGregor, Mrs. Stoll, Mrs.
Roberts, Mrs. Hoggarth and
Mrs. Connolly attended the
leaders training school for the
4-H clubs on "Featuring
Fruit". It is hoped the girls
will be prepared to start early
in September.
Kippen East Women's
Institute will have a booth at
the Zurich Bean Festival on
August 27 where pies, etc.,
will be sold.
Calves from 15 Counties to be shown
scheduled for 1 p.m. Sep-
tember 3rd at Erin
Fairgrounds. This year's
judge is Roger Dyment of
Following the show, win-
ners of each of the four
divisions will receive prizes
of twenty- five silver dollars.
The competitor with the
highest cumulative point.
score will be presented with
seventy-five silver dollars on
the championship silver tray.
The Reserve Champion's tray
will carry fifty silver dollars,
while the Honorable Mention
tray will have twenty - five
silver dollars,
Representing Huron
County are: Diana Brand,
Clinton; Murton Brock,
Granton; Oscar Meier,
Brussels; Dianne Oldfield,
September 3rd will see sixty
nine competitors from fifteen
counties showing calves. Up
to five top ranked senior 4-H
dairy calf club members are
eligible to represent each
county in the area serviced by
United Breeders .Inc.,
sponsors of the competition.
Billed as "the most
demanding 4-H show in
Canada" the 4-H Dairy Silver
Dollar Competition at Erin
Points are accumulated
from a quiz requiring senior
level knowledge of cattle, for
an essay on this year's topic
"Public relations sells milk"
for showmanship and for the
4-H project calf. The written
sections are completed prior
to the actual calf show,
proposed subdivision of Lloyd
and Shirley Courtney in Ash-
field township would not
require provision for a school
Night schools will be
located this fall in Central
Huron Secondary School, F.
E. Madill Secondary School,
Goderich District Collegiate
Institute, Seaforth District
High School and South Huron
District High School. An
advertisement will be placed
in all Huron county papers
listing the courses.
The board agreed to
transfer a student to
Woodland Heights
Elementary School in London
for the partially sighted. Cost
to the board will be $3,000.
Anstett Jewellers
For Tour Convenience.
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