The Exeter Times, 1887-2-17, Page 5A LESSON WITH A AIORAL. MIEN WILL Gan IMO Aft OYIINED TO 'A'JII8 GiJi.Jr NATIONAL OAIAMITY,'' The year 1886 played sad havoc with: mauy prominent mete of oar country, Many of them died without warning, pat sing away apparently ire the full flush of life. Others were sick but a comparatively short time We turn to our files and aro nytouialt it ai hof the eor oxatiou 1lov0d b lYlr tap leaks but a drop q minute. In clothes ed to find that most o eta to o apo- r , u 11 sec. l Mr, 13aclsou that Messrs. Hlanehard Council. Council ,Ball, iilanshard, Feb. 7, '87. Council met today• MI the metnbora present. The reeve in the chair, Minims of previous meetiug read and approved, Moved by ,AIr. MoVannell, soc. by Mr. joint - son, that by -lien 136 be now road -Carried. By-law No. 136. riileting'to the appointment. of officers flied their salaries tvaa road, passe(', signed by the reeve and clerk, and sealed with tittorestin; ttenks. Look most to your spending. No matter what genies in, if more goes out YOU will Al' wive bo poor. Tbo art is not in making money, but in 'cooping it, Little expenses, like mice in a barn, whoa there are many snake great ,waste, Bair by hair heads get bald, straw by straw the thatch goes off the cottage, and drop by drop the rain comae into the chamber. A barrel is soon empty if the U t t theta d- fit f o ie 14eal y cheese suitable and 'eating stuff, and not ofparalysis,of ue vena prostration, of DIc� a r e , bytardy fineries To be waren is the main ploxy, 1 4V, 1. Sandaeson, rholnns Ep},ictt au(i D. malignant blood Bumer, of Hr'ight:'s, diecaee, i t they with the reeve and Clark thing never mind the lecke, A fool may, of heart disease, of kidney th ease, of shag- Bremer t, ie make motley, but it needs a wise man to nintiein or of pneumonia'. Year comprise the Board etof tion ei for the carseat It is singular that twee of our prominent Year --Carried. A petition signog by Samuel t vo clifmneys that, eto keep cone i goiug.utlD men filo of muse disorders. Any journalist e t oegt stud over 60 athara praying the Board you give all to the back and board, there is to establish n polling place at elle village of Y t. astonished at the who watolies the telegraph of prominent) vino- Kirkton, was lahl an the table, 1lloved by Mr, ancltwo'kohard� ciibiloryougare young,land y d time of tleeo disorders, Dickenson, sec. by Mr, FTudeon, that the said have a chance to rest when you are old. Many statements have appeared in our petition be laid over till next meeting of fire 'k d' Board -Carried A petition from William THE BEST TAKEN, paper with otters to the effeut that the te- Atkinson and 20 cellars praying that lot 6 be `I had dyspepsia for a long time. Was easee nen 1hat86,rare soapy ouumdisease,ominent tak g detached from ,S. Section No 7 Blanshatd entirely cured by two bottles Burdock Blood and added to S. Sec. No. 18, tp. of Nissouri. Bitters. Tho beet medicine fir regulating thefentntteaes according to the location o{ Bald over, On motion by lllossre. Uieken- incl invigorating thoeystem 1 ltadevertaken." the fatal' ,valua son and Hudson, Thomas Peareou was re- L. -e, Tanner; Neehiug P. 0, Ont. lVheu valuable talk perishes, o be. appointed care -taker of hall at a salary of Mr. Louts Walpor• of the London road comes the urns days' talk of the sporting $14 per annum, furnishing fuel and light. north, met with an accident last week, fee world, and yet thousands of ordinary horses The auditors presented their report for the was riding upon a load of logs, when the ate dying every day, their aggregate loss is ear. Total expenditure $19,004.07, re- sleigh overturned, causing the logs to fall on enormous, and yet their death creates uo ceipte, $19,347.77, leaving a balance in hands hem. Had it not been that riesistanea was at comment. • of treasurer of '$343;70: The report also i hand, he would have been fatally injured, ill. So it is men als. The sense of showed the total assets of the muieipality, to timed of receiving a few slight bruises. prominent men creates comment, especially be $1946.96, liabilities $1B0 balance of aseets Be on Your Gilerd. when it can be shown that Ono itnsuspeoted { oyer liabilities 81,815,96, iteport referred to Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly disease carries off most of thew, and yet, y a oomtnittoe composed of Messrs. Johuson, and surely develope into Catarrh when you "vast number, of ordinary men and women MoVannell and Iiudson. The reeve issued can be eerier'. for 25 ciente. A few applica- die before their time every year from the orders as follows :—Ruth Noble,87;'G. Wil- tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to same cause." kinsou,$3, charities ; Journal Office, $1.50 two boxes will ouzo ordinary Catarrh. One It is said if the :bl as is kept free from uric printig; T. Armstrong, $3, plank ; Thos. 1 to five boxe's will euro chronic Catarrh. acid, that heart disease, paralysis, nervous prostration, pneumonia, rheumatism, and many classes of consumption, would never be known. This uric acid, we are told, is the waste of the system, and it is :the duty of the kidneys to remove this waste. We are told that if the kidneys are main- tained ill -perfect health, the urto, kidney acid, is kept out of the blood, and these 1 sudden and universal diseases. will, in .a large measure, disappeat But how shit tll"�'s be done ? It is folly to treat effects, ]there is any kuo,en way of getting at the cause. that way should be known to the public, Wo believe that Warner's safe euro, of which so muchhas been written, and so much talked of by the public generally, is now recognized byim- partial physicians and the public as the one specific for such diseases Because publie attention has been directed to this great remedy by means of advertising, smile persons have not believed in the re- medy. We cannot see how Mr. Warner could immediately benefit the public ill any other way, and his valuable specific should not be condemned because some nostrums have come before the public in the same way any more than that all doctors should be condemned beoauae so Melly of them are OEN ri 1 ; ORUC STORE Tufts, $3, grayol ; T. Pearson, 75o, attend,n at hall ; G. Moir, $5 'Amine contract priu ing, 1886, ►-r• ►+• t RBLATIVE cost of three articles of c sumption between Grit unci Tory rule :— TEA Cost per 1878 11,019,231 $3 298,169 29c 1985 76,438,337 3,238,974 190 OLASSBS. tg - o11- ib. Cost per gal. 1878 4,252,760 $1,175,898 27e. 1885 3,562,874 839,033 23e. SUGAR Cost per 1878 105,223,279 $8,557,733 8 5c. 1885 161,122,925 6,210,489 3 8c. ..ems.. lb. A oorrespondent at High Bluff, Manitoba, writes saying that there has been 80,996 bushels of wheat, 2,899 of barley and 23,008: bushels of oats, or a total of 106,903 bushels of grain purchased and shipped from High incompetent. Bluff station this season. It is astolllahine what good opinions you hear on every side, of that great remedy, and public opiuiou thus based upon an actual experienee,.has all the weight and import- ance of absolute truth. At this time of the year, the uric acid in the bloc. invites pneumonia and rheum- atiam, a there is not a mall who does not dread thea monster& of disease but he need have no fear of them we are told if ho rid the blood of the uric acid cause. These words are strong, and may sound like an advertisement, and be rejected as such by untliiniting people, but we believe they are the truth, and: as each should. be -spoken by eery tram -loving newspaper. In five years the Reform party added $40,000,000 to our put debt, or au average of $b, 6,000 a year ; the Conservative party added $50,000,000, but it took four- teen years au average of $3,- 142,867 per year. Whi^h party is entitled to the con- fidenc.e of the people ? Vote for Sharp and Coughlin. ••e.4 Dashwood. ASTONISHING SUCCESS. Solei by all dealers at 25o. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it will cure yon. 0. Lutz. sole agent for Exeter QUICK RELIEF. "Ocie bottle of Hagyar•cl's. Pectoral Balsam onrocl me of a sore throat and loss of voice. One trial relieved me when all other med- icines failed." Says Miss T. McLeod of Belfountain, Ont. QUEE T GITY OIL WQRKS p ..,6_.11 J I ,,L�'J :7 t At Toronto. Every Barrel Guatetnteed, This Oil was used on all inechinery during ti Exhibition. It bas been awarded SIX COLD MEDAL during the last three years. -"See that you get Peerless, It is only adeb I siairazzi nocigits sQc CQ., 'I'0 2,G TTO FOR SAL1 .01'. JAS. PICKARD. A -full stack of all kinds of'i Dye -stuffs ,Ind package Dyes, Dyes, constantl ' on hand. Wham's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. 'Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LfUTZ TO ADVERTISERS Tor a check for 820 we will print a ten -line advertisement in one Million issues of leading American Nswspapers, This is at the rate of only one-fifth of a cent,, line, for 1,000 Cireu- lation 1 The advertisement will be placed before One Million different newspaper Pur- chasers :—or 3'IVE MILL10,3I BEADEBs.. Ten lines will accomodate alydut 75 words. Ad- dress with copy of Ady, and cheek, or send 30 cents for Book of 150 pages. GEO.P.Ro%ELL& 00„ 10 SpnuoE ET.,NEW YOIta, r a. R D• - To all who are suffering from the a is acid Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c,1 will send a recetpe that will cure you, EBBE OF ()HxAUGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis. sionary in South America. Send a self-ad- dressed envelope to Env, TosEP3 T. 1NttAN Station 17. New YorkOit A FAIR P1tOPOSITION. There could be no offer more fair than that of the proprietors of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, who hayo long offered to refund every cent expended for that remedy if it fails to give satisfaction on fair trial for rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat and all painful com- plain ts. The disfiguring eruptions on the face, the. sunken eye, the pallid complexion, iudieates that there is something wrong' going on with- in. Expel the lurking foe to health by using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is the duty of every persOii who has used Boschee's German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recommend into the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try onebottle, as 80,000 dozzen bottles wore•sold last year, and no one case where It failed was reported. Such a medicine as the German' Syrap can- not be too ,widely known. Ask your drug- gists about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists and. Dealers, in the United States and Canada. YOU CAN LIVE HOME AND MAKE MONEY. You can live athom e, and make more money at work for us, than at anything els a in this world.Capital not needed ; you are started fres. Both sexes; all; ages.Any one can do the work. Large earnings sure from first start. Costly outfit and terms free . Better not delay. Costs you nothing to sendus your address and find out ; if you are wise you will do so at once. X. HALLETT & Co., Portland Maine, onORANGE IN13138ItInSS.--.14r, 11., Fried Wednesday last his celebrated roller smiil to J. Eidt, H. and G. Kellerman, for the sum of $7000. This mill has a reputation of turning out a brand of flour which ranks second to none in. the couutry. The members of the new firm are enterprising business men, and will likely keep up the gond repu- tation of the mill. BalEFS.—The debate on Friday evening.. was so evenly discussed that the ebairmau was tenable to give a decision. —Miss Emma Fried, who for the 1?x set six weeks has been visiting at Platteville and Berlin, has returned.—Mr. Ross, of Blake, was in thevillage on Sunday.—Itis rumor- ed that a branch of the C. P.R. is coming to Dashwood. If Dashwood keeps on booming it will soon be the metropolieof South Huron. —We understand that Mr. J. Irvin is about buying the sbaving parlors of. Mr. Weselou. —The reserved seats in the balcony are al- ready all engaged for the entertainment to be given by the Literate, Society Friday evening. —Henry K. will exchange his position as as- sistant 1'. M., to fill the position of the Sag- inaw elude in the Dashwood roller mills. IIio song will4now be "I am a dusty, &c,, &c." Woodham. very large and ill Po - lean\IEttTiir'o. A e y iY ... in the fluoutiai politioal'meetiug was. held Albert Hall, in this place on Monday ov'g, 14th ,rete to hear the topics of the present campaign discussed. Ilfr, Jobuson, of Blatt - shard, and B. A. L. White, of St. Marys, were present, itt behalf of H. Freda Sharp, and Mr. L. Iiarstone, of St. 'Marys, ill Mr. Ti'ow's behalf. Mr, Johnson was the first speaker, and he dealt with the gnestious of hour, in a fair, and impartial way with mai, tarty style attd eloquence, lvlr. Harstone foticwed, but he hailed to 'refute any of It ere arguments advanced by the first spea and indeed, he glade a lame attempt 'to im- prese upon the minds of the electors any of ills enutentions; the arguments were track - Medved in the extreme. 11. A. L. White was tete next speaker and epee rising he ith the Uaered • bemen ay, He BONN. FAInsAIBN.—In Exeter, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr. James Fairbairn of a son. Canvaessrs Wanted IMMEDIATELY IN THIS COUNTY TO BELL 4 &aJ�-yam J �BJ..-J�� A RIIIi11LY OA seinen' 33001i, describing the wonders of our own country with thrilling incidents of Travel and adven- 1, sub- scription saleable le tare This is by farthe book ever published in Canada. Not a book of scraps and clippings, but an original eopywright work,rieh1y au profusely illustrat- ed. To energetic men who will promise to can- vass at least one township, we will offer the most liberal inducements. As we manufacture the hook ourselves upon our own premises, we can afford to Mase itiu the hands of canvsea- ers at a very low figure, while the retail prices places the work wituin the reach of all classes. Applications for Territory, received at once: We want at least one mean in every county in Canada. Also the "New Albums inova Parallel 00lear and Pliotograp !sties. C. BLACKETT 'ROBINSON, ti JORDAN ST.. TORONTO Puliriahei J.( The Wirtz The Great English Prescription. A successful edicine used over •� 30 years in thousands of cases Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impotency �. and all diseases caused by abuse. w {{naFoazv] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Arra] six packages Guaranteed to Cure a when all others Tail. Ask your Druggist for rreeeripttun, tiilce no substitute, One package SI. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address lEureka chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. 3, W. Browning and O. Lutz. 11:E SEtoOE IT r'I was subject to ague for two or three seasons, which nothing would eradicate until 1 tried Burdock Blood Bitteee, siuce which time, four years, I have hadrefio return of the disease." W. J. Jordan, Strange, Ont. The Biddulph council have instructed the Reeve and S. H. Hodgins to eaamine the Sable bridge between •Lucan and Clandeboyo, with a view of ascertaining whether or not a new bridge is required. Last fall a corres- pondent of the TImm described the bridge ill question as a dilapidated. structure, and a dis- grace to the township. What ceases the cor- poration to move in the manor at this date ? It was said during the ocntroversy that the bridge was suifioiently strong to last for ten years or more to come. There must. have been a grain of truth lu our eoreespoudent's assertions. A Free Gift. Around each bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a Medical. Guide and Receipe Book containing useful information, over 200 re- oeipes, end pronounced by Doctors and Druggists as worth ten times the. cost of the medicine. Medicine and Book $1. Soldby C. Lutz, Exeter. AN OBSTINATE CASE. "In;the spring of '83 I was nearly dead. as 1 everybody around my neighborhood knows. My trouble was caused by obstinate consti- pation. 011e bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters cured me entirely." This statement is made by Walter Stinson, of Gerrie, Out. Middlesex County Council at their late ses- sion ordered tate preparation of a by-law em- FdARRLT REPORTS. (Corrected o'clockp,m. Wednesday. ' snl'foling and crylug with pain of Cutting REA» ivh V, 7�ubon s J eoattse on 1)ssea os o La11Wu(s t 0 7t, to 71, •''Tooth? If so send. at once au'1 let abottle of lkleo. Tboltooi:will be. sant aealecl to any act- Spring 4yueat... 0 50 to 0 0 = yl:rs. Winslow's Soothing,Syrup" for Children dress on receipt of two sc. stamps. Address 1 Teething; Its value is incalculable. It will iI, V,TtTJBON,47 WoliingGJn St. E. Toronto. Barley ,.,liove the poor llttlo sufferer immediately. 1—y r, Jan.l9tli,188r. offend upon tl, mothers ;'there is no mistake nbOutit. It cares Dysentery and Diatnccea,1 , re 'nlates Ole Stomach and 'Bowels, cures Wind odueesInflatnu,ation, COIIic, softens tuSGums,s and gives tone and energy to the whole system, "Nils Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best commie physicians and. nurses in the United States, 05 11 is fors ole by ill drugd'ist4 through- out the world, P1100 twanty-Hve tents a bot- 110. Be. sure and ask. for "Nine. \VIisLaw'e SooTuIxo SYNIID "and take no other lint, As an article_ for the toilet, Ayer s; Hnir Just Arrived A FINE LOT OF Black English Breakfast Teas, FIST IN THE MARKET. —AT -- HERSE'Y'S D= a: C d W o Powder:, SOLD ONLY AT Seariett's . ' DrugStore, powering the Treasurer to pay the License Commissioners of East, West and North THE BOOK Middlesex, such sums as may be necessary for the enforcement of the Scott Act,. not to ex- ���®_ ceed the amount received as fines for violation OF of said Act. JOYFUL NEWS. • It is certainly glad tidings to the poor in- valid to be informed of a remedy that will give prompt and sure relief in case of pain- ful suffering. Such a remedy is Hagyard's internal use 'tr external and ill e d ted far ea Yellow Oil, a ap use in all aches, pains, lameness and sore- ness. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, croup and all inflammatory pales. Mr. R. S. Hodgins has sold his farm of i00 acres,Lot 22, con, 2Biddnlph, to his brothers, Messrs. B. S. & A, K. Hodgins, grain mer- chants of Lunn for the sum of $6.500 sash. Children Starving 10 ,Death. On amount of their inability to digest food, will feud a most marvelous food and remedy (Published by the •1 A. 13. S. New York. VtlONDEE,S. CONTAINING NEARLY 300 PAGES. ', °S •- . O� �� - �a9 ,fie ��a ��s ^cca ys a� �t`� ,° ea, Gti' yaws ati y� t ��� �Y`�y °iso `ale a tit <><° iy ,fit ° do °°5 ere •tis'✓ ,,z. t°t , y� �o ,p G�}1, •�1 #,z.4). � ,4 `t•: � tit S'Q eeee eev 'ee O `? °idao p,15' �1�'a� 1 Every RICH, RARE' and RACY. ONS. p"' - rl ELA , STARTLING REV ,:.�• S ART. !�' T Over 1,000,000, Sold in the United States. Every Sporting, Gambler and Actor in Can- ada should have a copy of this work. Ire JUST. THE THING 1 IT TLL15 ALL, AND I5 TCO GOOD TO BE WITHOUT., Sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of price, 50c., or three books for 81. yv bra, Boyo wg, b9 4 �$ •ae, 0 e" 4°..,,e,° - g' Off' ,Cl- Z,`" i 6 r.6 o{ w, >e ',g • s s 0 ,yr' �y1�`9 S'ibe' ��� 5 �''•)' 4.* e `yam Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 533, Oxford Street, London. 8I' Purchasers should' look to the Label en the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. JAM PI K WILL OFFER AS LONG AS TH11Y LAST Six Button Kid Gloves for 50c., Worth `$1.OG 28 Inch. Fine All Wool. Grey Flannel for 25c. 28 Inch. Union Flannel for 15c. Line of Cloth Dress Goods for 10c. 12c., 15c.,. [worth a great deal more.] Co®d Overcoat for 5.00. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Better Goods at Hard Time Prices. Good. All Wool Blankets at Mill Prices. Department Complete and Goods Away Down to slut the tithes. M. J. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. i n Suott's EmUlsiou. Very palatable. and • easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco, Texas, says : "I Have used your L'nI 1afou its TOTING MEN -„daring from the effects of Itlfautele wasting. It not only e � Daily evil fab ts, the los r stores wast• urt of ignorance or ed tissues, but gives straugto and iuereases folly, -who find themselves weak, nervous, and. thea petite.” - a chartated alta i1IIDDI,11 AOEDand OLD MIN,w ADv CE TO 1,ioTrt.Efts.—hieyou dist'irbed at or oo are broken down from the d Ii effects of el tihe' or over -work, aucl in adva,uced life Ecol the' 1115111 and broken of your :r0stby,a sick child consequences of youthful excess, send for and Oats „• Clover Seed Timothy Peas Gore 0-40 to .';0 0 30 10 i0 4eoto450 1 25 to 2 25 . 050to050 058 to 000 Pips . 0 1r, 10 0 10 Mittel ,.. 16 to 0 10 Flour erbbl ... DO 10 5 55 potatocs,por bushel 35 to 0 50 Applos,perbai; .• .. 40 to 0 30 DriedAp3ilespr b ... ... 0 04 to 0 00 Geese per lb. Turkey per lb ,. 0O6to006 .........0 08 to 08 Docks per p1 , 020 to 030 ClnClcensper 'pr , . 0 20 to 0 40 Eiogs;i.ressedper100 ... 5 50 toy 70 Beef 4'00 to 5 00 1350 000 to650 ltiaosrouhg, ,.. dressed Sheepskins each Cnlfskins Wool per ib was C, P, Ii. and Thiel questiona.,111 b ll lastellydur- onioni feel bllah• style, holding 15110 audience' ape o 'Weed rot' cord t 'ct'on to the ing his speech ; lto-seu couvt t Bears cif f Deafly Grits present, Nvllora' lie urged to rally to the polls an the 22nd awl Vigor stands unrivalled. It eleauses the scalp and preserves it from send and dandruff, G nD to 7 n6 cures itching and humors, reetoros 1110 liatr, 0 40 to 0 ie 0 50 to 0 le when faded or gray, to its megrim dea:co lor, ,,, 0 10 to o 17 and promotes its grown,, 9.00 to 11 00 CONscJ3w rIoN CUBED. (1 50 to 0'75 An old physician, retired' from practice, 16,6 2 50 to 11 00 1(15 hags placed in his bends 0y, an East India, missionary the formuhaof n, ain,ido VOgecltb e d a loyal patriotic n S11LUTID'� OF PAR 1 NERSli�r. Sharp, an Y 1 �I�t7 \r,S , ., forel p vote VU vets me eEtn vri ` 1 `.filo k economical in favor decidedly 0liumzyri government. har , rice is hereby given that 1110 litheness of hlir. S P Ivo Mr, TROs. Damm Was (ioinint heretofore o0n(lucted mu el the nam s o f BrrWoa—As Itros..tiilebeen'doeolvedthisdayby lOraf,Spat-Innen 1s d HaYfl 11i oAi sta ill 5 la os Nw rdsin u aobu Ati t . .T n bnt o Y. se lainon e _. ! mutual nnd t a iot r U . (FV n u t ..dun is du via, cl all a cc ,. n 1 or a cutter an .The ,a5lcin i. 1i .S away. 1 M F took band tan a yon by and `Cote came nearly ' elle tate tubi ,,,list be r5aia to him at once. upset5. und Hnlaellefl, aH. f4istexs5AN. eating smashed, fief he Was ejected teem he E, °rl.rzctrAN. t n" , with A lumber pile. No oth er n)ary resulted Exeter, Jan, 7th, 1887 Is=ln,) fig witviolence, rs k 15nca, arrowly w0eping cog act y r i remedy for the speedy and (,errnfinent eine of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and e11 throat and hong affections, (1100 0 pOsl- tivo air,, radical euro for Nervous Debil ity and all Nervous domhlaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands of en sea, hoe felt it his duty to make it known to ton motive to( s. .ldtnntedhy . suffering ' f0 I v hie {, , a.n and a desire to relieve human suffer is send freoOf charge, to all who desire ,t this recipe, in tOertuazi,I'reuch or English, with fit11 (lirecturesfer propn.rt1t n•iid using. F1eut by mail b y add r'ose'lug withstamIr, naming'this ripe, 11r, A , No�tks,148?ewer's Etoelc, Bi-&iaster, NO DAMAGED OR SHELF - WORN GOODS YY `1'EiUE .r BOVI+S OFFERING. L DREW ee„ ¢- bm 2z hi`�4g' ,11 %R.'..��fLa WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS,i ACIDITY TY OF SALT RHEU, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HHEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, , And etrer'y species of disease arisin,e, (rake disordered LIVER it1D1VEYS, S 2OMA CR,,I3 0 WES 0 Iv M IDrtl Ot CO ProPrWONdl'7Tt . Furniture 't Dealer and [Tndertakc: I have Just r,ceived a Car Load of New Stylibh Furnitt and 1 air. COS For the next, SIXTY DAIS. It will be to your i tdvantmsa to call X11 me before going `elsewhere. RE /M/13nd THE PLAOr °Ni Donut Non'r r of lvrorou s BANK NAT ILIAg U MASV?.