The Exeter Times, 1887-2-10, Page 1* DIQlcrSOIN, I34trtie6gx, 3r1i1, C7onyeye nee><Qf'J8' ui lseioece• °, Roney iso Learn, Oi tai eeetsoMeUlopk,Oxeter. nicaPA,D ?EN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveya oer, to., 1,XETER, ONT.. OAlceaaulwell'sBloek Dell sold °Moe.) DENTAL. C. CARTWRIGHT & SON, Dentists, ere r-� 5 11 o nanonf Jan os ST',' 2 Donors el®B%11 East of Central 1•l'otel, I9xotor, Ont., wo take pleasure in informing the nubile that WO are preprtrocl to execute all branches of the dental.„profession with Ease and Skill. Charges ate ,'brat() and Terms Oath. 1i 1 i NSMA' _N DI .C1 .0 S Extracts Teeth without path, by giving -Vitalized Air, or by using the New Local Antesthe- tio on the gums; makes Gold Pilings and all other dental work the best possible, Rooms Upstairs in SACtWELL's Beocu, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL LUTZ, M.D., s O111oeathisreaidenea Exeter. W. B1i�OWNINU M. D., M. 0 DR. IIYN.PMAN, coroner for the Y County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. I. Carliug's store, Exeter. TIR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. P. S O. Office, Main St.iuxetor,Ont.Resicien eahousereoeutly occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located itt No. 185 Queen's Avenue, Loudon, a few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to • diseases of the Eye, bad sight, and the pies- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- pairedhearing, and discharges from the ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of rupai,ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. FJENttY EILB.ER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli- 7ray:Townships: Sales conducted at moderate :ates. Office -At Post-oiiioe,Orediton, Ont. TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen,' Hay and 'Osborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promutly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri. l_ nary Su geons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary y ;, College, Toron- ened an Office tment of a]1 Animals, on to, have op for the tree Domestic Mminstreet �,,`� Exeter. Calls from a dis -- tante promptly attended to:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c alway on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. TQLOAN ON REALES 1 tate foi•the Enron &ErieLoan ,t• Say- ingsSociety. Low ratesofinteresi. Apply to J ohn Spackman,Flxeter. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i percent.ac,.ording toterms. Private Funds. 2irplyto 13. V,ELLIOT, Augustl5,'85' Solicitor. Exetei MONEY TO LOAN ATe 6 AND 6» per cent, 526,000 Private Funds. Best L oaning Companies represented. L.H DICESON, Barrister, Exeter, MONEY TO LOAN. --Persons wishing to borrow money will take no. ticothat Iam now loaning County Funds at 6 per cent. WM. HOLMES, Treasurer's Office, Goderich,) Co. Treasurer. September 27th, 7880. ) INSURANCE. rr J. SUTHERLAND, Hensel], TRICK GURRELLEY �l• Out., Commissioner,nFire I DUCTED AT Low RATES. and Lite Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. All business trausacted striet- lyconfidential. A call solicited. Office; at the Post Office. MARKET .SQUARE, EXETER. M January 10th, 1886, " EW TO THE LINE, LET THE O�:tPS FALL WH; RE THEY KAY. OL. XIV. NO 2'7. EXETER, ONTARIO) THURSDAY MORNING, NING FEBRUAR Y 10 1,.887, rtiul °ao •a�ri a p ol�i 4;�m IM:PORTANTNOTICES , TRUSSES 1- ®p' - �.�__... __. T R U S S E S! 'Usborne Council. 'yq-^-^��� 'tel��T, , -�'^ I ._�. DRE W V `{HRISTX N LA. ' Y ,A.J!..I,� � t • .. W L'TI, mnnnfiio Usborne, Fe uxoi of all Muds of'Trusses; liesideuoe: �" Council met to- ' b, 5th, 1x887, of u ' R t ro s Mills, -day. s FT1 Hay Al n 1vnY iamb Y ole heei w, attenda pre - 1886 st e oth e p �y waists .dL x ofitant, Minutes ,:1 ks LZ R any winn e RENT. Y ho n:ey require his seri/lees, t s of previous meeting read Why pay frons Sla.00 to :x Ile 00 for the same ar- and signed, title which lie can furnish you for $5;oq and , The auditors' report for 1886 having Se atin Capacity, which is as t ocd if riot bettor and warranted been g 700. th Rt tvibit comfort 2 Relowber, Double i read It was moved by J. ,Sider, sec b y Thos. Trusses, ,05,00 ; Single Trusses, :82.50. All com- Cameron, that the auditors' report as now -APPLY T0- com- munications 0; Single to presented be accepted and 150 copies print - CHRISTIAN LAWYER,. ed for distribution, --Carried, - CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP. --- Seating �'-- Zariahl'.O„ Ont, 111avod by J. ]sails, seconded by J. Shier, felt much more lioperu= o rue recovery of4 that the collector's roll be received,, and the THE MERCHANTS' ' his daughter, by going to the cottages by. Reeve instructed to deliver to the collector 1 I the beach in his yacht, the Nautilus, than eel his bond, -Carried, PROTECTIVE AND-- l if he had sought them by land and with the Moved T Sl o by • . Shier, see, by T• Cameron, COLLECTING ASSOCIATION whole posse eomitatus of Fahnouth athisl that the tender of White & Son for town- ship printing be accepted. -Carried. r Sl.'imnung gallantly over the waves, the/ Moved by J. Shier, sea by T, Cameron, HEAD OFFICE, - •HAMTT»'FON ONT..Nautilus soon passed the group of cottages.; that the noilector be refunded the of 83, EST 9 MISHT 1884. { in one of which the old dying -now dead -;i nncolleotable dog tax, -Curried ation n a men, haying for't LION Or LEO- . ; and to prevent its members 1 that spot was passed there wore severalt G. W Holman, $13.10, registration fees ; from making bad debts by furniehing theist i' bluffs and little headlanks, and there, in `s J, Ballantyne, $75.00. sellary $3 00 dr with lista of •t' • P.S,Gradue teViotoriaUniveraity.Office smuggler, Hitchin, had made to Captain Moved by J. Halls, sec by W.• $ dd audiresidenoe,Dou::nionLaborataxy, Exeter j s au Assoc, f bushiest' anti professblou Y , that �; ., its object the U4 LLC Dorton such important revelaticus. Afte� the Reeve sigh the following orders viz• par res who do not pay. Merohauta to become mono s,byrem remints to tting to our Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will roc Ave by re- turn mail full particulars, certificate and mem- bership, &c, Send for testimonials. J. BIDWELL MILLS & CO., Managers, Hamilton. WARNIhaving anything to do witlh R. Faulkes are uo haillnag from St. Marys, he having been discharged. li LA �.O e6�l,A,ib,`a 421 ' B Spectacles & Eye -glasses Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above louses. They are tee only onee recommended by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the leading oculists of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations, as they are in the market, B. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked B.L., with- out which none are genuine, -and pebbles are stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceived by any goods stamped Pebble -glass -or by any simil• iarity in name. -DR. BRO WNIN&, SOLE AGENT FOR EXETER, IN -ORDER TO MAKE ROOM -FOR OUR - Spring -:-Importations, We are offering the Balance of Our Fall and-- -Winter Goods,' A Great Reduction. wildly picturesque spot, where the full force and $3.00, nuoollectablc dog tax; J. G. Jones of the land slip so long ago had been felt, he: $7; . J. Beatty, $7, auditing; Al. Barnwell, saw the group of fishermen's huts he was i,i ii13,00 T. Coates, calory, $75. -Carried. search of. ) Qn motion the council adjourned 10 moot A brief order brought up the Nautilu tet ,Saturday in March, at 11 o'clock, a, m. on another tack, and she beat up for th G. W. Romeo:, Clerk. little half bay, half indentation -rugged ancj unequal in its dimensions as it was -on th " ►-.++i margin of which were the cottages. 1 „'What has Mr. Trow ever clone I Then a touch of the helm and tlie Nau1 ff¢r Perth ? Nothing. Why not tilus rode so lightly offend on the wind thalWend a representative there who : she scarcely shifted her position twentj:`,9,ill work io the interests of the yards in the water, although she carried ont itIlaing ? Vote for Sharp. sail and there was nothing to hold her tQ the bottom of the deep. . A boat was lowered from her side an1 •Huron County Council. Kith one of his men only . eintain_Mnrtott _, Lois � OtS Lots 1 j The C lark, was called to order by the lT� v�ounty clerk, on Tuesday of last week, and ' u ,, ominations fur the office of warden for rr '887 being called for, Mr. David Walker, of Tuokeramitb, was unanimously chosen. The sum of $3,000 was ordered to be raised for the improvement of ooundary lines of the respective municipalities to be paid after the June meeting when the clerk shall have calculated the amounts comiog to each municipality. Bylaw No. 1, licensing hawkers and ped- lars was read and passed, Messrs. F. W, Johnston and Peter Adam- son were appointed on the board of audit for the current year. The sum of $300 was granted to be divid- ed equally het ween the branch agricultural and horticultural societies of the county. There a•e twelve prisoners at epreeent in Parties desiring Land or jail, six males and six females. Of the nix Houses would do well to coil- males three' are insane, viz : Wm. Kelly, salt the undersigned, aged 67, Aogh Halla, aged 91, both of these 40 eases were referred to in the last report of iDeoe ober last. The third, Hugh AfeE wen,' Terms to suit purchaser. ..aed'83 ; be. was brought in from Braced» 1d. on Saturday, June 22nc1. Of this case the sheriff has been duly notified, and it is being attended to. The remaining three males are va FOR SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, & FARM LAND FOR SALE. - I. CARLING, EXETER. .701;IN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER CABINET-MAKER Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. grants. Robt. Fletcher, aged 84, from the township of Howick, bas been committed three times, twice by Thomas Gibson and Jae, Foster, J. P's. His second sentence of six months expired on the 251h Deo. last. The remaining two vagrants ore strong young men, both able and willing to work ; they cut Up the wood faster than it comes in. Of the six females two are insane. Sarah Henly's case has been duly reported by the sheriff, Mary Seeth, also ineane, is being reporte7fupon for the second time -result not yet known. Neither ofrtbese cases is of a violent kind. The remaining four are Vagrants. Easther Halliday and her two daughters, Sarah and Jane, are from the townsA Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings six moatp ioMorris,eliwithout comhad for a term ofe six months each hard labor. The Always on hand. remaining female, Mrs. N. McDonald, aged 55 years, of the town of Goderich, was com- mitted for a six menthe' term, makingthe eleventh time she has been committed for terms ranging from two weeks to six months. Of the above six females five of them will have to be clothed when they leave the jail se not one of them has clothing of any kind. The accompaning statements are based upon the annual reports received by Inspec- tor Tom from the trustees of the different eeations, WEST HURON. School Statistics of municipalities for I886 : FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON - WATERLOO 'MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This comeanv has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On- tario,andeontinues to insure agaiust',oss or damage by ['ire.Buildings,Merchandise,Man- ufactories,aud all othe rdescriptions oflinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Oash System. During the past ten years this Company hasissued 57,096 Policies, covering property to the amount 01 340,872,038 ; and paid inloss ea alone$709,752,00 A s t$176400.00, s e s consisting s of Cash g n Bank,ovornme G nt'Depoeit,andtheussass- eased Prmium Notes onhandand in force. J, W WALDEN1,1 D. Presider t. C. i. TAYton, Secretary. J.is. HUGEEs,Inspector.. CHAS: SNELL Agontfor Exeter and vicinit.ee ll 01:1111,110 S9LE 1 y tock of Furniture is un- excelled. �J1Eb r GIVE MEA CALL STRAY --Came into the prenliees of the undersigned, lot 6,con. 14,township of Hay, on or about 1st December, one yearling heifer. The owner is requested to prows property, pay expenses, and take the animal away, NEXT 1-m JOHN CLYNFFIELD, NEX ii 3 /71 OATS I _ Uasllwood HU R. R A H 4:117011 grichrti FOR THE THE Have decided to redace the following linea I for the nest 30 days, in order that every k1aritii1 al way OF CANADA, es - The Royal Mail, Passenger and .e'reight Route between Canada and Great Britain and direct route between the West and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Babe des Cline lour, atro New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P, E. Island Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman .Buffet Sleeping and Day Cars run on through Express trains, Paaeongert for Great Britain or the Conti- nent by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a, in. T.hur4. day will join 'outward mail steamer at Hali- fax a, in, Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehonso and Dock ac- oomtnttdatlon at Halifax for shipment of grain and goneral merchandise, Years of oxparience have provod the INTER - COLONIAL, in eon2oet on with steamship lines to and from London, Liverpool aotil Glasgow tee Halifatt, to be the qulekott freight 'route between Cededa and Great Britain. Information as to Passenger and Freight tktcs can be had on appilsationto ., $OiBPIRT D. 11 OODIE, Western %'reight.s;Passenger Agent ?amain House Block YorkSt. Toronto, , Oritti. D, POT'vtNcilil, Ohlef Superintendent, to T•ir13:,1`for 13,1685 laatzwas 0 T. DEA. person may have extra value for the Christ- mas and New Year she" lila a begs t o in Y s fo n the people has p Exeter and surrounding country that he has again Dress Goods', Millinery OPENED OUT IN ITIS OLD STAND, Mantles, Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves,-. Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Small -wares [of \eery description. --ALSO A - Faso ' n.s.. 13lock CHOICE LOT OF FURS -IN- Ladies' Jackets, Fur Setts, Fur Caps, Collarettes, Fur Trimmings, &c , We have constantly on hand a fir alsortmont 61 Sooto . E n first-class ,lass h, English, .Groner, end Canadian Two ds in which we are' prepared to give extra B ,p g value: UNDEBCLOTI•IING A S1?ECIAL'T'i3', A No, 1 Snit for 70 bents. Overcoats and Ready-made Clothing at rooltbottom prises. 01tO blItIES ! Onr stock of groceries are Fresh and Nov' for Christmas, a and mEi d q 8 a° ?Bm a �O,, .P.y, a3 0, d 4w,0i 0CP oy"o.,.,., Ap Rd p� 13 0✓ _ _a aO1 0d U 0 t .0 .`�0 w z z c 3 ore oceo fl'ld ? Ash497.57 6702.12 6992.65 78645 4.90 1249 16 Colborn 6 44 5 68 610 11 God,ich 66,9.5 8U 04182 4035 00 624 34(17 45 54 04 5 79910 Ha7707 979 14 etanley 571251 522915 609 C06072 73 4861635 49886 6 86 23 4 52179013 Stephen 7232 00 6190 14 4;,81491041 32 4 23 1082 12 W �orne 5327 88 4778 08 4125 00 540 30 6 10 677 10 W ah 476368 4257 66 3545 95 186 02 616 649 10 Bayfield 74861 72707 52600 21 74 302 134 6 Exeter 381220 3150 51 2030 00 661.75 4 07 434 2 Total 63434 77' 46240123784879 719465 511 789710; Number of boys s y entered on registers 3,996 ,r' " girls. " " " 3,401 " male teachers omployed 64 i, ^ ,r female " ". - 41 " trees planted on arbor day 758 Fifteen tenders for bridges and three Moved by Mr.a Cox, eeconded by Mr. tenders for printing were referred to the re- Whitely, that one half of tho line appropria- speetive committees. Where can be found tion for Goderich township, formerly ex- The memorial from the County Scott Act pendecl on the Bayfield line be expended on Asaoelation was read, and on motion of ALL KINDS OF GOODS, the Huron road and firet concession. -Car- Messrs. Gledhill and Stothers, action was de- ried. ferred until the June session. Moved by Mr. Milne, seconded by Mr, 1 Moved by Mr, Johnston, seconded by Mr„ Kaine, that this council being informed that McMillan, that an appropriation of $20,000 an application is being made to too Local be made for tho erection of a house of refuge; Legielaturo to forma new county, to boli? the warden a oommitteo to proeuro plans, away from the county of Huron the town. select ono of the sites recommended bythe ships of Grey and Howick, ansi the villages special eomnllttee at the Inst Jane session of of Bruseells and Wroxeter, wo do most tins conned, and take such further steps as earnestly protest against this scheme being may be necessary for the erection of such a carried out, it being against the wishes of building, Referred to finaneocommitteor 1111 people of those municipalities and that A niotiou b Mr. McMillan y aPconded by this harden and ilerk be . instructed to Heti- Mr. Britton, to grant $25 to each electoral tion the Legislature on behalf of this Connell y for the purpose of R district in the emintp p ea - against the not being eousltmmated-Oar. tablishitlg farmers' institutes was referred to Tied. finauoe'corrrtnittoe. e A letter from the Count Treasurer A co,nmrinion ' . detailed -statement of 400 01 nt dent s. eeto tion 113. tale a kuse or s, nonresident p rs oC the Ilast Ridm,l agallr asking for taxes collected, and estimated and actual ex- the amount of $537,78 to .balace peuditures for the year 1886, were road, credit for expenses p tinder the Sea tot Aot, their t*ad _ During the year he has invested $8,800 in filed, YOU CAN IrIVE AT HO3 iiJ mortgages at the rate' of 6% per annum and The following report of the Road AND 1lIAKL" p ad llna unsolved on ado tint of divestments Brrdlte Ooninditee was r ome ansi aaur and adopted : you eau live at hoino haretefore made falling due the sum of 1ln1,011t OP Mil ANb Immo-If' . at work for uv: t and m 1ttl Mote h may fI!C�E. 1 than at anytl;�ug else inttif `I:1 1.. D E $7/61.60 leaving on th© 3Yat of narotnbor Wo recommend rtotdn world, Otpltrll not needod; you aro startr L�a. Test the large Burn of $2,114 79 available fob+ Th. teem Both sexes; allagoer A4ty one tau investment. nt the fellea.feg tenders be aeeepiw, theiverk. Large earnings euretee . g teem dist ate 4 - y VIt t err t iordv b.. costly outfit a . �` �y N to „ building abutment* of GMT- and terms ileo, Dotter not de In �� q Statement o1'. Caliendo, s a �kS® jd " t freta #2011 resizt*ltt 1011 bridge, $O per std; tostsyutl nothing to ratans your address r i d ort' if arum' wise out btth _do ea» iiobeFt `w addttiditlr fin , yy e W ,y �n0e'r Ila IAri7rL TT t� Ce.y I'OLtlrtlttir llTailf. N 'a1tdR bctultrit Afit i,tt tastes 1"Jl:cemicr 31st,..; building >ktorriabar'ak bridge, 447` �,t 1��1 1886. Munieipalitiea. Amount, Ashfield $ 4038 Colborne , 25,88 Goderich Tp. 15,89 Grey .. ,..,. 9,82 - Newick ,.........,• » 19,42 Bullet .. ' ' 2 00 Morris ... , .. 7.29 Stephen 21.31 Turnberry ,. 24,16 Wawauosh West 12.82 Bayfield 8,65 Blyth , 6.3'2 Bruesells , ... , .. 34.13 Exeter .... 5,59 Wroxeter .... 75.58 Total 3309,14 Comparative Statement of Estimated and :actual Expenditures and Receipts on general accounts for the pear 1886. S q el H . tri q Admin. of j us'e 32000 00 2002 54 2 54. Inquests 50 00 8 50 4150 Gaol r 2000 00 1996 82 316 Jury 2100 00 219784 97 84 School Mau'nh't 2000 00 234409 34409 Lunatics&oh'rity 700 00 435 23 .964 78 Saiar's&c'nell fens 5000 00 4+07 05, 200 95 Rep. Co.baildings 60000 208 48 39152 Contingencies 1100 00 877 28 222 72 Station'y &print' g .500 00 808 80 b08 82 High Schools 2900 00 2809 57 30 43 Crown witnesses 400 00 48717 8717 Broads and brides 15470 55 14186 89 983 66 34820 55 83430 27 2230 74 840 46 Receipts Estimated Actual Registry Office 31613 21 Auctioneer Licenses 5110 00 Pedlars' Licensee 600 00 Interest 400 00 3192.21 Leaving the net aotual expenditure general accounts $1576.25 less the amount estimated. Moved by Dr. Roliins, eeoonded by Mr. McMillan, that the equalization of the muni- cippalities be left over until the June session - Carried. THE ENGINEER'S IMPORT, The following orders have been issued, for the purposes named, since Dec. 1st, 1886, up to the present date ?- blinding S'a'ble bridge, $55S); L+. Hardy, Wilding eighteen Lillie river bridge,$340 Dnp»fd Fennel, building {saver. roadow agreement, 'br'ldgc, f1ri5, but in .case ,po rofusee to sigu be aceeptedtlklHunterirrdJ3roer�, iron �euperst$ree- tare of Clinton bridge, $11800, That the road eorarnissie)lers be fstri.oted to have the Wdge between Grey :and Elma built at as en:ly a day ee praoticeble, provid- ea the County of Portly pay one-half the cost, Wee. M11,116, Chairman, The following report of the jail committee was read : Reignite or TAIL pOGrenel`EA. Walleye visited the jail and find every- thfreg Olean stud fn good order._ are 12 pi•isonera therein at present---61nalee and 6 females. Of these three males and teen females are insane, and three )Hales and four 0 1 f ma es vagrants, Wee. Qxavali, Chairman, The report of Sellooi and Printing Com- mittee was read and adopted That the report of .T11Spector Tom fnr West Huron be adopted and printed in the minutes, That notice's of council meetings and seller,' examinations be published in the usual way. Tho following reportofthe FluancmOom. mittee was lead and adopted : Recommending : The adoption of motion to procure copies of Ontario statutes for use of municipalities. Twenty dollars to be granted to Prisoners' Aid Association of Toronto, That the bill from Clinton high School trustees for departmental examinations, $94.82, be not paid, as wo clo not consider the county responsible. Dr. W. B. Smith, $5 for examining one Hall, a luuritic, that it be not paid. That the report of the county treasurer be • received and printed in the mwutes. In view of the large amount of cash ou hand for investment, and the difficulty of placing loans, we recommend that the limit of 6 per cent. beresoinded, and the matter left in the hands of warden, clerk and treasurer to place loans as favorably as possible. That $10 be granted for planting flowers around court house. That no action be taken on the motion to appropriate $20,000 for the erection of apoor house. That tho motion to grant $25 to each electoral district for the establishment of farmers' institutes, be carried. 0 o $ cos oo We have exarniuod the mortgages taken by oo the county since last session, and find them 69060U 97 apparently correct and on. good security. 3378.18 management of schools,, especially On accomat of the large swith re- on ference to examinations, your committee re- n the commend that a memorial from the council be sent to the Minister of Education, asking that the duties of public school inspectors as examiners and"reitders of papers, &c., be in - eluded in their ordinary duties, without re- muneration further than their ordinary salary. A nambar of accounts were paid. J. A. airman. A petition from Jas. Str ttou hand other auctioneers, praying for a reduction in the license fees, was ordered to bo filed. The usnal sum of •3200 was granted to the township of Ashfield for the building of a look -up, to be paid over when the work was completed, obe God- erich, andoDr �' Brt cep Smith, of e'Seafo th, were, appointed trustees for ..tlie respective high schooIs in their towns. MovedMr. Manning, that the Spec al Committee bell, seconded l by in- structed to prepare and forward to Her Majesty Queen Victoria a congratulatory address on reaching the jabilee year of her reign. -Carried. Move by Mr. MoIndoa, that the askedmoney ' for by the License Inspectors and Commissioner under the Scott Act, as salaries and expenses, be granted, viz : $270 for West Huron, $520 for South Huron, and $537.78 for East Huron, the above amounts to be deposited to the credit of the license fund, special account, for the respective districts, and that rule No. 60 of the Council be suspended for this pur. pose. The Council refused so suspend the rule by a majority of 31, only 19 voting for it. The report of the Special Committee was read and adopted : REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE. Recommended : 1. That no action he taken on the communication of the Canada Land Amendment Association, nr ou the circulars from the counties of Perth and Hastings. 2. That the warden and clerk draft the address to be presented to the Queen. JOSEP The Council then adjourned. adjourned, Chairman. John McCann repairing Bothwell's bridge and approaches........... $32 00 James McDonald, rep. Bayfield bridge and approaches ........2 50 Henry Cook, rep. Turner's bridge Bayfield river .. 10 00 Jolie McCann, rep.Gully, bridge Goderich toWnship ri„ 12,00 John Wanless, grading and gravel- ling approaches to Banoctuburn bridge 10 00 Corporation of Exeter, fencing and gravelling approaching to Exeter bridge 26 70 Wm. Lasham, rep. floor Goderich bridge 9 94 John Mole, 6 days' work on the ap- proaches of Auburn bridge 7 50 Widow Glen, 2 cords of gravel at Duff's bridge, Lucknow road4 50 George Carrell, 100 feet snow high fence at Flyn's bridge. and rep. floor of bridge at Kingsbridge33 00 Thost Ching, 40.loads of gravel on the approaches to Swenerton's and .Black Creek bridges 20 00 Alex. Forsyth, 5 loads atone and gravel put on the approaches of bridge north of Brussels. 4 00 James Brown, rep. on bridge and approaches oyer the 18 mile river Lake Shore road 4 75 George White, opening drains at Help's bridge 5 00 Wm. H. Law, part and first pay- ment on the contract of Brussels bridge 1000 00 Adam Menzies, rep. bridge on the boundary line between Grey and Elora townships (Huron's half)15 00 Wm. Milne, 5000 feet of cedar lum- ber, delivered at Grieve's bridge, 70 00 Wm. Moore, rep. 3 bridges on the Wingham prairie 7 00 L. Hardy, temporary road and foot bridge at f3enmiller 20 00 Simon Eakett, putting to bents under Jamestown bridge 50 00 Wm. H. Law, 2nd payment on acc't of contract of Brussels bridge500 00 Jacob Anderson, rep. approaches to Egmondville bridge 16 20 John Fitzgerald, fi ' fitting i g u wash-out at Chiselliurst bridge 5 00 JamOS Panliu, gravel and stone at Wroxeter bridge 28 00 James Orr, rep. Wroxeter bridge50 Charles Stewart, rep Sauble bridge,. on line between Usborne and Hibbert (Fluran's half) 2 871 Edward Pike, rep. bridge on 9th con of 1'Iowiak 1 50 Samuel Baker, key hardware used cd iu approaches to Grieve's bridge12 80 A Sands, gravel on the approaches to Allan's bridge 9 00 Al the `Lowest Possible Living Prices: Ready-made Clothing, Dress Goods, Shirt- ings, Tweeds, Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Roots audShoee of all kinds, Rttbbeas and Over- shoes in endless variety: Also Choice Family Groecrien. We still keep a Wagon -load of Teaon and intend ,sellin it a hand, cost, for cash: g vary small margin an Teas a Specialty. Come me ixrid try thorny Coal 011 always' on hand, , . Highest Price paid for Rutter and Eggs, Five Organs For S Dominion g ale, of the Ram and manufacture. D'en't forget thelacr3 to find nd Call and Get Quotations. ,+-+^e++ Between five and six o'clock on the even- ing of Saturday last an ugly row occurred at the Hioks House, Mitchell. Stephen NichoI- son and his brothers, Patrick and John, of Logan, were in the bar, when John Broder- ick, jr., entered. Most of the parties had been drinking, but none of them were really drunk. Up to this time all were considered bosom friends, and no one expected that they would ever quarrell. From the knocking off of hats, it got to blows, but before any seri- ous hitting was done, Mr. Finley, the bar- teud or succeeded cr.ee dad ' the combat- ants. Broderick left the bar gbat returned in a few minutes, when he and Stephen Nicholson went at it again. During the tussle Mr. Nicholson had his neck an d fade frightfully cut, when Broderick left him and passed not the side door, followed by John and Patrick Nicholson, Stephen going out the front door. Broderick was overtaken, when he was knocked down and kicked until it was, thought ht hewas g den d. Hewas lifted into a ()utter and driven home, where he soon rallied, and is now all right, .with the ex. caption that he feel very sore. Nicholson's wounds were stitched up by Dr- Woods, and hes now lies at the Rieke House, where he is being carefully nursed by his wife and sister, and it is hoped wild` noon be about again. 'The affair was most unfortunate, as it started from nothing, and came very near proving a serious affair for all concerned: A razor was not used by Broderick as has been stated. One result of the Dominion Government'srotection p is, that there were 75 per gent. more workmen employed in Iletin factories in 1 884 than. in 1878, and whydoes not the, National Policy benefit the country ? 'V'ote .for Sharp and Coughlin.