The Exeter Times, 1887-2-3, Page 1REGAL. . II. DICKS(./IN, I3arrie er, Soil e oiler of 5upioino, Ootrt, iQotary 1'ublfc Qouveyanoot^ wonlmissioner. &o. Loan. Atnnoy to Ofhte3 r'Yteou'sBloak,Rxeter. 2_.„ " ltlok'A1�DP+,N, ...; Ill Car>tster, Solicitor, Conveyenc r Etc, NE:1',ER, O 1', -- �_ Of eefiaruwell'slllock Hall sold office.)``HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALLWHERE THEY MAY."` LENTAL. vol. XIV. NO, 26, EXETER ONTARIOG, THURSDAY MORNING, F C. CARTWRIGHT&SON , Dentists,_Y LBRUc RY 3, 1887, ,,;;,p r' � pr[eo � sawnl�ild Yrotors 'Slaving furnished flue Dente iUs a* m• East of BOOMS CoJAMES-ST„ al tte, Exeter, Ont„ we take pleasure in informing the public that we are prepared to execute all branches of the dental profession with Ease and Skill. Charges Moderate and Terms Guth. u IC7 9MAN,D'i+',NTIST.L.D.s, te. , ts:M{ txe.eta Teeth without pain, ,,y'giving Vitalized Air, or by /using the New Local Anwsthe- Vie on thegums; makes Gold Pilings and all other dental work tho best possible. Rooms Upstairs in,,SAMwisLL's BLOCK, East side of Mam-Street, Exeter, Ont, MPO'TANT NOTICES . TRUSSES DRE W' S HALL TO 11 �i� T .iila�,b.V r`r. Seating capacity, 700. __ Y� —APPLY TO— CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP. THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE AND -- COLLECTING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, — HAMILTON', ONT. ESTABLISm ]) 1884. ToanA esoo.a ` Iron of btisin ose and rr OOLLi0 - T 1 n d a men ha iii fo v a rite object theO Ji C LLEC- �l IO NOF1$� DBTS ; and to prevent its members from making bad debts by furnishing them with lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others haying accounts to collect, wishing tobecome'ahe+nlors,byremitting $7,00 to our re- turn mail' full particulars, cet., vrtiflcate and l roc Ave mem- bership, &o, Send"for testimonials. J. BIDWELL MILLS dz CO., Managers, Hamilton. havingWARNInst anythingCto do with It. Ies are ullin warned haailing gni St. )Marys, he having been discharged. MEDICAL LU'1'Z, M. D., C • Ofiloeat hisresidence Exeter : T W. BROWNING•} M. D., M. 0 ey • P.5,Gr&duateViotoriaUniversity.Of9ce and r i esidenoe,Don:nionLaUoratoxv,Ere ter DR. H YNllMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. I. Carling's store, Exeter. DR, J. A. ROLLINS, M. O. P. S O. Ofliee, Main St,Exeter,Ont. Reeiden •eehouaereoently occupied by'f', MoPlrrllips, Bog. DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located ,in No. 185 Qneen'a Avenes, London, a few doors fr east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the 'Eye, bad sight, and the pres- ervation of vision_: diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and discharges from the ear ; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation , being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases -of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of rnpai-ed hearing. J AUCTIONEER$. ENEY'EILBER, Lioensed Ano- tioneor for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli- .rray'Townships: Sales conducted atmoderate rates. Olden—At Post -office, Crediton, Ont. JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the v Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. TENNENT & TENNENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toron to,baveop ened an office forthe tree, tment o f all Domestic Animals, on M, inatreet Exeter. Calls from a dis._.--`-•--tanceprompt'y attended to:- Medicine for Homo Cattle,&o alway on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. — NONNY TO LOAN ON REAL ES L tate forthe Huron & ErieLoan -' Sav- :grJ oci.ety.. Low ratesofintorosi. Applyto John 9paokman,Exeter. NrONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6I- peroent.ac�:ording toterms. Private Funds. Apply to B. V.ELLIOT Augusti5,'85` - Solicitor , Exeter, ATONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6,1 Per cent, 525,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, MONEY TO LOAN. --Persona l:� wishing to borrow money will take no- tice that I am now loaning County Funds at 0 per cent. WM. HOLME S, Co. Treasurer, Treasurer's Office, Godoricrt.) September 27th, 1886,) INSURANCE. J. SUTHERLAND, Hensen, T • Ont., Conveyancer, Commissioner, Fire and Life Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. All business transacted strict- ly confidential. A call solicited. Office; at the Post Office. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL I January loth, 1886. Fii1E INSURANCE CO. B. LA AN'OE'S Spectacles & Eye -glasses Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above lenses. They are the only ones recommended by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the leading oculists of the age. Theyhave a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to ,vision which all other lenses fail to give, Beware of imitations, as they are in the market. B. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked B.L., with- out which none are genuine,—and pebbles are stamped Pebbles. Aonot be deceived by any genas stamped . Pebble-glass—or.by any simil- rarity in name.—DB. BROWNING, SOLE AGENT FOE EXETER. . IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM —FOR OUR - 0 auo4 We are offering the Balance of Our Fall and -- --Winter Goo ds, --AT-- A Great IReduction. IC AN LAWYER, mau4fac- turar of all kinds of Trusses ; Rebid : Ramnia 's.lfilis, fray,wuere hewill attend totho wants of any who may require his services, Why pay from 815,00 to 525`00 for the same ar- tiole which he can furnish you for $5.00, and which is as good if not better, and warranted to fit with comfort ? Remember, Double Trusses, 85.00 ; Single Trusses, $2.00. All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, 15.0., Ont. -040 ,ls s: 431$14)44 Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out Boot and Shoo Shop in the Uorner store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds of ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager 0. Eaerett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. Lots, Lots,. Lots.. 3FOR SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. t ituation good ; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, & FARMLAND FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to Con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING; --° EXETER. JOIEN am.A rzT, UNDERTAKER, & CABINET AKER,, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. n,DlTO t'r,�� v0rt,'s. ADvrcrs (rola North Middlesex that Mr. T. Coughlin is succeeding canvass beyond the most sanguine pations of his friends, It i - s mer 1 question of how large his nlajorit Ibe. We hope our friends in the will leave no stone unturned to send majority away up among the hundreds, THE people should remember this The great question to be decided state at th Dolls is, shall we allow American menu in his lecturers, d , tnerchauts and agriculturalist sly a h payment of a merely nominal duty, y will Riding that to sell their goods into this country oz Qot uty TQrnPeranee Convent ion, The Convention called by the : xeoutive Gomu7ittee the Soot Act A.shooiatio1 to be Reid it? the Rofutterhb�u v St.. Mot it4j l slur()h, on the 21st inst., rues welt etto0ded, In the absence of the Phaeideut, the Bev. Geo. Turk, of Goderieh, was called to the chair as presideet eluting the form -mon. In the afternoon, the Rev, J. Hough, cif Londesboro, filled the position, The morning session was occupied with receiving reports from the deice. gates$present,concerning the working of; the Scott Act in the various localities represented. These reports plainly showed that the law is not enforced as it should be, and that the chief cause of the failure lu eufor slug it,ie, the lack et a Police Magistrate before whom to bring the charges of violation: Iu view of I. this fact the couvention.unanimously decided e to again appeal to the oouety couucil to re- - commend thea i trate with pPuluttuezlt of a Police ce DZaBis- ith sat dry, wby the Ontario Government, tied in accordance with that resolution the 1 following memorial has ;been forwarded to the County Clerk. IN 1878 the total assessed value of real. and personal property in Ontario was $372,494,888, In 1884 it had ritsen to the enormous sum of $639,702,794, or nearly double. Electors should ponder over these figures, and consider well be- fore deciding to vote against Messrs. Coughlin 1111 n and g Sharp, ,)ho uphold old a policy which has nace such splendid results possible. Mr.James Trow, voted cen- sure on the Government for al- lowing Riel, that viiItanous wretch, to be hanged. Replace him in Parliament by Mr. Sharp who.is a loyal citizen. ADVICES from Ottawa state that John's Government will be sustained between 40 and 50 of a majority. A action has set in in Quebec, which result in favor of the Government. opponents are full well aware that t chances are as slim as they were in 1 but in order to keep courage up, t bang away at the shadow. Ja 1884 there was an increase over 1 of 75 per cent. in the number of ha employed in the different factories Canada ; of 75 per cent. in the wa paid ; of 93 per cent. in the value of products ; and of 75 per cent. in capital invested ; and yet the Refo leaders would destroy a system Which 1 worked such wonders for the count Electoas vote for Messrs. Coughlin a Sharp, and say "NO" to those who wo blight the fruits of good government. MR. ROBERT PORTER, who 18 contegti West _aural' in the Conservative intere against Mr. M. C. Cameron, is meati with. unprecedented success, both on t platform and in his canvass. He is t 14I much for , C., who suffers tern under the pressure. R PL C., our loc "stretcher," has gone to his aid. Th make. a good pair, but Mr. Porter, telling the truth, can stand up against thousand such men. The 22nd will to the tale. Sirb re- will Our heir 882 hey 878 nds in ges the the rim las a gild ng sts ng he 00 bI Y al ey by a 11 Electors, don't let unscrup lous politicians tell you that th debt of Canada is $300,000,00 The amount of debt which ha been incurred since confederatio is only $90,000,000. of this th Reforme party contracted $40 000,000 in five years, and th Conservative party 00,000, J 000 .in fourteen years. Col A Complete Stook of Robes & , m Trimmings, servatives increased the deb Always on hand. i FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- I DUCTED AT Low RATES. u- 0. S 13 e e t ,000,000 annually ; Reform TRICK .& CURRELLEY, I MARKET SQUARE, EXETER. My Established. in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, oNT.iclunila, Alii: This comxanv has been over Eighteen yearn in successful operation in Western On- tar.io,andcontinues to insure againetloss or damage by Wire,Buildings,Merohandise,Man- ufactories,and all othordescriptionsoflinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. Turing the past ten years this Company has Nailed 57,096 Policies. covering property to the amount of 840,872,038 ; and paid in loss - sea tie$700,752,00 to AssetS; 976,00.00, consisting of Cash a dank, GovernmentDeposit, and the'unass- eesed Premium Notes on handandin force. J, W WALDEN M D. Preside, t. C, P,1. TAYLOR, Secretary. J. B. Hueacs ins eetor. CHAS. p SNELL Agontfor Exeter and vicinity. THE gave decided to reduce the following lines j for the next 30 days, in order that every person may have extra value for the Christ- i �• � ��a ai1a mss and New Years' holidays ,^ Dress Goods, Millinery, OF CANADA, Mantles, Shawls, Elosiery, NE tr. 4l —FOR THE -- x 30 DAYS I SathwellPickard The :Royal Mail, Passenger and �,'reight Monte between Canada and Groat Britain and direct route between the' West and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Baie dos Cho; lour, also New Brunswick Nova Scotia, tP B. Island Cape Breton, Newfoundland, 13erinuda, and Jamaica. Nowa and elegant PullmanBuffet Sleeping and Day Caro ren on through Express trains. Passengers for Great Britain 03' 'bo Conti- nent by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a. m. Thtirs- dav will joie outward marl steamer at Half- fax a. m. Saturday. SuporierElevator Warehouse and Dock tie. oommodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and go neral merchandise. Yearsot experience have proved the INTER - COLONIAL in connection With steamship limos to and from London. Liverpool' and Glasaowto Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between t,edada•and fbroat Britain, information as to Passenger and Freight rates can be had on upon ation to Il ill.?ili a`dt C B. M,,ODIE, We tern.Freight&Pessong ger Agent G PissinHodsot3loek,:Yor14St, Toronto, D. PO f'kIN GInt, Chief Superintendent, .5,, to NNov o 19,1888 Gloves, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Small-wares [of every desoripticn ---ALSO A -- CHOICE LOT OF FURS ! —IN— Ladies' Jackets, Fur Settsp Fur Caps, Collarettes; Fur Trimmings, &e. We have constantly on hand a fir et plass' assortment of Scotch, English, French, end Canadian tegriods Two AI in which we are prepared to give extra value. UNDERCLOTHING A SPECIALTY, A No. 1 Suit for 70 cents, Overcoats and eady.made Clothing at roekbottom prioes. ROCLRILS t Oer stook, of g ' groceries are Fresh and New for Christmas, C Ilnd Glut Quotations, iiailwey 0 Stock of Furniture is •un- excelled. GIVE MEA CALL STRAY --Came into the premises 1 of the undersigned lot 0, con.14, township of Hay, on or about hat December, one yearling heifer. The owner is requested to prove Property, pay expenses, and take the animal away. JOHN CLYNEFIELD, Dashwood P. O. 1—m HURRAH FOR THE C. P, R. T. DEARING begs to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that he has again OPENED OUT IN HIS OLD STAND, Fanson's Block, Whore can be found ALL KINDS OF GOODS, At the Lowest Possible Living Prices. . Beady -made Clouting, Dress Goods, Shirt - lugs, Tweeds, Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Boots and Shoes of all kinds, Rubbeas and Over- shoes in endless variety. Alto Choice Family Groceries, We still keep a Wagon -load of Tea on hand, and intend selling it a very small margin on cost, for cash. Teas a Specialty. Come and try them. Coal Oil always on hand. Pride Highest Ppaid for B g utter and Eggs, Fivet Organs her Sale, of the Karn and Dominion manufacture Don't forgot the plane to find T D E ARZ NG Fe ti sonsyOld Sian . ers piled it up at the rate of $8, 000,000 annually. Let us kee the Conservatives in power b voting for Sharp, and Coll g•hiln IN 1873 there was capital to the exten of $77,694,020 invested in manufacturin in Canada. In 1881 the amount hacl bee increased, in consequence of the Nationa Policy, to the handsome sum of $165, 302,623, or more' than double. Yet th Reform party ask the electors to condemi a Government whose policy has done so much for Canada. Can it be that the electors of North Middlesex and South Perth will vote against Coughlin and Sharp, and thus help destroy their own country. A Scott Act Convention was held at Clinton, on the 21st ult., and, judging from the tone of the proceedings, one would incline to the belief that it was convened forthe purpose of furthering the cause of Gritism rather than Temper- ance. Resolutions were passed, if not directly requesting the electors to vote p y t n 1 • e 1 for Edward Blake, they were akin to it. The intentions of the promoters may have been good enough, but the resolutions, as framed, have a very partizian face, and will tend to injure temperance rather than promote the good cause. What has Mr. Trow eves done for Perth ? Nothing. Why not send a representative there who will work in the interests or the I Riding ? Vote for Sharp. ME. JOHN Muni, of the township of Hay, comes before the electors of South Huron, as a partially independent man, with a good platform as far as it goes. He claims that a man who is an infidel' is not the personParlia- ment, to represent us in Mr, McMillan, his opponent, he he says, does not believe in the inspir- ationof the Bible. Mr. Reith, who soli- cits the sup ort of the electors oft PP South and in many instances, duty free, while Canadians of every occupation are com- pelled to pay enormous duties to obtain a market for their goods in the United States. Let it be remembei d that every bushel of grain, every piece of machinery, every piece of woolen goods brought into Canada, dr;ves that much Canadian pros duce to find customers in other countries. Fiuut traders have not a foot of ground upon which P to stand. The, past has s taught us that protection is vastly benefi- cial to all. There night be some possi- bility of free trade benefitting the world if all boundary lines were.obliterated, and the whole civilized world were one nation with no hostile interests. But as Canada stands to, -day, with a powerful rival na- tion as a neighbor, whose every interest is carefully protected by the Government, her ruin will date front the adoption of free trade. Vote for Coughlin and. Sharp,. who support the National Policy Govern- ment. THERE neyer was a time at which the English Parliament was so split up into factions as it is to -day. The English Conservatives who follow Lord Salisbury number 300, but of these from sixteen to twenty, if not more, will enter Lord Randolph Churchill's "cave. The Irish Conservatives are fifteen strong. The Liberal Unionists; under Lord Hart- ington, are about seventy, and the Radical Unionists, under Mr. Chamber- lain, about seven. All these are nomin- ally Ministerialists, so that Lord Salisbury has on pltper a following of about 400 in a House of 670. The Gladstone Liberals are 190 strong and the Parnellities eighty- five. And yet the Government's position is considered most uncertain. Electors, Mr. Trow lives out= side the lidding. Vote for Sharp who is a resident. Sir Jonah Macdonald has not added one farthing to the burden of the people, singe his return to power in 1878. The St 'MEMORIAL. The County of Huron Scott du Association in convention assembled, by this. memorial beg to represent as follows : 1. That the second part of the Canada Temperance Act, 1878, has been brought into I force in the county of Huron, by the will of the people expressed at the • polls. 2. Titat the only person, at present avail- able, before whom prosecutions may be brought are mayors of the towns of the coup. ty and the J. Ps. of the ()minty, from whom au appeal has to the quarter er r sessions so of the care o ft P he county. 3, That in the est Ridin g of the County there are only one or two J. Ps. who will ()on sent to hear cases ander the Act. So far as is known there are no J. Ps. in the South Ridings, before whom the:Inspector can lay informations, and in the East Riding there are only one or two. ' 4. There have been Police Magistrates ap- pointed in the East and South Ridings of the county, by the Provincial Government, but, owing to a recent decision of Mr. Justine Ar- mour, they have no jurisdiction sitting alone to hear and determine oases under the Scott Aot, 5. No person has a right to be asked to assume the grave responsibilities and the ar- duous duties of Police Magistrate,, for the whale of this large county, without salary, and we believa no one can be' secured for such a position, without some fair remuneration. 6. The representatives of the county have already'recoinmended the appointment of a Police Magistrate with salary. That recom- mendation has never been enforced, and it is now the bounden duty of the representatives of the county to repeat and enforce the re- commendation already made. 7. No such appointment, can, under the existing state of the law, be made without each a recommendation from the County Council of a county. 8. The county, by virtue of an order in council passed by the Dominion Government, now receives intro its treasury all fines and penalties collected under the provisions of the said Act, and thereby the county is legal- ly, as well as morally, responsible for the due enforcement of the Act in the county. 9. Itis believed that all the:expenses in- curred by the county, in the event of such an appo.ntment, would be more than met by the amonnt which would Be saved by such an appointment, in the fines which would accrue, the saving of posts of appeal, and in the hearing of potty criminal cases which eau be heard before such a Police Magistrate 1n interest,.per head of tie population was. in that year, $1.59. It is precisely the A same now. The finances of the country of have been managed with extraordinary skill and economy by the Conservative of party. In spite of the interest per head sn remaining stationery for eight years, au there is scarcely a county from Halifax to Su Vancouver that hes not been improved ex by: Dominion Works, such as light- a houses, harbors, piers, custom -houses, ju post -offices, railway grants, &c., without vin end. Yet the Reformers will say that telt the money has been recklessly spent, or Pe in other words, thrown away, or put into H the hands of office -holders. sol IT is stated upon good authority, that our tpocu neighbors, the Yankees, are taking a great interest in the present Dominion election On contest, as was the case in .1873, when gov they strenuously opposed Sir John Mardon- tri aid and the C. P. R. They now contribute me money to assist defeat him'atul the Nation- con al Policy, and feel confident that by de-- t10 feating Sir John Macdonald, they can secure to c better terms from Mr. B1ake,and thus have an this opportunity to againnlonopolizeourmarkets. T They detest Sir John because he stood firm- ly for the rights of Canada ; because he car- Pore, ried to completion the C. P• R., stood firm- of t le by the N. P., opened up the Northwest, and protected our fisheries—all detrimental of n to the interests of the United States. The con press of that country snake the admission. morn Notwithstanding the aid given by our friends R to elect their elan, Mr. Blake, Sir John has Alli the Canadians with him, who will rethrn ing him to power, Electors, are we to be `dic- tated to b a few American riot Y iicanfisilei•mart,asto who we shall place at the h'blid of gun. af- nee • cam von NlNta than sad of carrying the same before a judge of .e caunty 10. The fathers iii"the enforcement^ of this et is, it is insisted, to a large extent, owing the want of such an officer for the hearing cases of violation thereof. 11. The serious consequences of the failure justice in the county, banging contempt on the British constitution and upon the cred cause of law and order which will re - it to the county,will far outweigh the paltry m of a few dollars which will have to he pended because of such an appointment. 12. It is the duty ofieveryoue in the county, duty to God and our country and to law and stice therein, to leave nothing undone to dicate and maintain the sanctity of this law ich has been solemnly adopted by the ople of the county. We, therefore, pray at the County Council of the County of iron, in council assembled, do pass a re- ution affirming the expediency of the ap- tment of a salaried Police Magistrate for Connty of Huron. The council decided also to memoralize the tario Laaislaturo to alter the present law erning the appointment of police magis- tes in such away as to authorize the Pro- cial Government to make such appoint- ut, iudepen(ent of the action of the county ncils. The other temperance associa- u s throt t hon t the Province rovince oil 1 be asked o -operate with the Huron Association in move. he convention authorized the Executive mmittee to endeaver to get the lona} tem- uce organizations to use all diligence in sting the Inspectors in the performance heir duties, by placing them in possession uy information they may be able to get earning violations of the Scott Act that r. ev. B.Keefer, agent of the Dominion once, was present daring both the morn - and afternoon sessions of the convention, contributed much to its success by par- pating in the discussions, and giving ded information on many points that e np in the coarse of debate. The con - tion expressed its appreciation of his as - nee by giving him a hearty vote of ks. The meeting was closed with the benedic- tion, and adjourned sine die„ , fans.? `4 e hear the echo, No. Canada'for Canadians is Sir John's motto, and those electors of South Perth and North Middle- sex who concur in this, will, on the 22nd, rally to the polls and vote for Sir John A. Macdonald EVERY. Ivan who values tate well-being' of his country, and who wishes to see the law of the land administered without respect to religion or race, should vote against Mr. Jas. Trow, in South Perth. The most sacred department of the Government is the ac ministration of justice. No question of politics should weigh for one moment when the purity of this fount may be tainted. Yet Mr. Jas. Trow, in order that his party might get the .French-Canadian vote, thus yiolatecl his conscience and disgraced his inariltood by declaring that Riel was judi cially murdered by the Dominion Gov, re ment. He declares that thi: volunteer:, whose life -blood ebbed away on the .1i>t'an prairies of the North-west, in defence of the poor settlers whose lives send whose hem . were threatened by the mercenary iair- clerous, monster, Riel, were fighting agai,ist a good than. The poor missionaries who offered. their devoted lives to stem the l or rent of blood must have desat•vaid th rle,i.th hey met at the hands of the to liens, 'Iver were incited to thier heaitrentliu;, atrseef )y Riel. So says Mr, Trow, in effect. e ey well deepei.e of his country if " )le vote again for this /rive, who v, real tnom4or into :e hero, :+ i rr:r , <• ;) all '0 giver itinent which 1 : i r,r , „ Down with t row, tvit 60,1,,, they, •,ntId gain ;anlver by condoning. ,-,1, ,;i nd lauding a ns'ordor. Il, i1 els, 1, tand by your honor, Cohtsi1n amy he deserves, this defend,.. n �a nterceu ry unci an assassin. Writs r r, ; Huron, is a Reformer, a true ono;—ono 1 who believes in reform,—he is a perfect gentleman, a straightforward aied 1 •. g 1 g honor able man, a man, who if elected, is quit,:, capable of legislating for the people. Electors of South Huron, give Mr, Reith's address your serious consideration, sand if you think ho y was worthy of support, rally. e to the polls on the 22nd and elect trim by f a large majority, a Dashwood. EPeziera LAMENT.—On Friday evening an entertainment was given in Willert's hall, under the auspices of the Literary Society, which was a grand success. Mr. A. H. Weseloh conducting the chair to a, very; large audience. The program was both lengthy and interesting, opening with a short debate on a very interesting subject, by six of the Society's best speakers. In- strumental music by the orchestra, M ul- tfeons gcinteette club, and the imouth organ bend. Reeitttion by Prof. Johnston. 'teaflin;s by J. Shell, J. liellermari, and J. Erwin, Comic songs by J. Erwin, Prof. McDougal, and R. 14. Fried, The :5. H. Fried entitled "The song by .nicest young math in the town," caused considerable laughter. Near the close of the entertain- "Elephant meet, a farce entitled, Elephant .Pills," played by J. Erwin taking the part of a sick man, R. H. Fried as Doctor Bean arid :1.. .Veer as Samho the office kid. 'This ,•art of the program was very interesting, 1oh p11 n :rg their part well, Tho enter- ; •,11..111 , ,1 with some very flattering j.. .1" s a, he chairman:m(1 others, in fres to the e- It prepared program by the )St�t;t. This was the first entertain- );tt ,r ',v h Se .:sty, batt we under- ' re ill tr'l. ', tit lee, as a new commit- v:r:a ,c 1 :•i OI 14,1)1 ;t similar entertain• ort ,C. ,' ie Feb. 1Sth. We