Clinton News-Record, 1977-04-28, Page 7• • • ALRIGHT! STOCK MARKET REPORTS IN STgRE01 11 Trip to Quebec enjoyable The trip to Quebec was both A enjoyable and educational. We stayed at St. Foy, a city on the fringe of Quebec City. Directly across from us was University Laval. We were given a chance to go on our own, and we toured the whore university. Most enjoyable was the visit to picturesque old Quebec. This gave us a chance to ex- perience some contact with the Quebeckers, and the French language. SOTW' Hi! I'm a grade 13 student at CHSS, who is involved in a major way with an important club. We do not see the result of this club until September of the following year, but it is 'certainly worth the wait. I am known as a very dedicated Spanish 550 student - always studying my vocabularies! Besides these --facts, it is also known that I mako, my home on good old Highway 21, a few miles south of Bayfield.. Who am I? Do you know? See next week's Chronicle for the answer. • Particularly interesting sites included the famous (or infamous, according to your perspective) Plains of Abraham, as well as many old buildings. _It was truly an experience to sample some of the Old Quebec traditions, for exan--Pie, bread from outside ovens with homemade maple butter. In addition, we visited a copper craft place and a wood craftman's shop. In general, the Quebec trip was an all-round good social experience T one which is particularly timely in con- nection with Canadian politics and attitudes today. own to the movies Do you want to see some good movies? I can tell you what's coming. "SILVER STREAK" - Corning to the Park Goderich. A "choo-choo story about a runaway train. A 144 of the action was filmed in Toronto's Union Station. (Adult) "FUN WITH DICK AND JANE" - The last day for its Park Theatre running is Thursday, April ?8. It shows how a couple can make the hest out of a sticky financial situation. Great fun! (Adult) "SLAP SHOT" - For those of you who are 18 or over (or tricky enough to slip into Brownie's Drive -In), this is an -outrageous movie about hockey. It's corning soon to INTRODUCING A NEW APPROACH TO GARDENING • • • • STUDENT WORKERS CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Goderich 524-2744 TELEPHONE Clinton 235-0471 theatres in this area. (Restricted) "THE LITTLE GIRL WHO LIVES DOWN THE LANE" - A movie starring Sudie Foster, of "Freaky Friday" and "Taxi -Driver" fame. She is left alone in a house to fend for herself. A mystery movie. (Adult) Remember: If you missed a movie at The Park, it can usually be seen later at Brownie's in Clinton. Even the Lyceum in Wingham shows some later? than Goderich. Until next time, happy movies! Spring signs To the seasoned eye, there are certain events at CHSS which show that spring has truly come. For example, when else do we see the halls deserted during lunch periods, and the lawns speckled with sun - seekers? When else do track and field participants "tour" around the hall in their uniforms? Spring brings many more happenings. Grads are looking forward to graduation almost as eagerly as they are pursuing summer jobs. For college or university ap- plicants, the mail becomes of capital importance every day. All over CHSS, spring is making its changes every day, as we all await summer' and holidays. "SOLAR HEATING SPECIALISTS" cut heating costs with solar energy FAFCO SOLAR HEATING PANELS FAFCO's Solar Heating System slashes your fuel costs using a free natural resource—the sun. FAFCO has successfully pioneered the manufacture and installation of economically practical solar heating systems for swimming pools of any size. The facts and figures are in Our solar heating system will pay for itself in two to five years by greatly reducing your present heating costs, at the same time saving precious fosse) fuels FAFCO's system uses existing piping, your present filter system. No separate return line to the pool is required. The system requires virtually no main- tenance and can be installed by you or your FAFCO dealer on new or old pools. FAFCO's optional solar - operated Automatic Contl'ol Circuit automatically turns heating system on and off. AREA DEALER: WAYNE DAVISON ELECTRIC - GODE R I C H : 524.8572 KINCARDINE: 395-5725 = central huron chronicle [Iorrie york, editor • secondary school news CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1877-,,PAai 7 Your weekly "horrorscope" Aires: If you have a guilty conscience plaguing you, (and who doesn't) then it's time to own up - repent! If you cannot find anyone to pour forth your troubles to, try "True Confessions". Taurus: People will start looking to you for leadership and guidance - maybe even some advice! Listen to there, consider their particular problem, then - send it to "Dear Annie". Gemini: Put away those tasks and obligations for a while, and take a break. Let everything "go to pot" for a spell. Remember the wise man once said, "Worry about tomorrow, next week". Cancer: You thought last week was strange? Just wait! This week will make last week look like vacation -time, Anything that might possibly happen, probably will. Leo: Now is the time for a.. refreshing change or two in your life. How about streaking your hair? Braces? Psychedelic knee socks? Second thought, stay exactly as you ,iii . Lei) Inanity you don't need.! Virgo: You know that person who has been "hugging',' you mercilessly? Sure you do. Why not tell him or her in no uncertain terms, what you ihin'k of him or her. Go ahead! Worry about hospitalization bilis later... Libra: Cheer up Libra! Things 'can't be that' bad, can they? Keep a smile on your face, and the . "smokeys" of your trail, as the CB'ers say. Ten -four, good buddy - take care! Scorpio: I have received numerous protests con- cerning my calling Scorpi s "dummies" last week I sincerely retract that - you aren't dummies -- you're just plain strange, Scorpis! Watch for practical jokers this week. Sagitarius: Having trouble with your family, Sagitarius? mouthy kid sister or brother? A tyrannical parent? There is only 'fine calm, sensible move to take = move out! This week at CHSS The chocolate bar cam- paign is over! There's a change of sales. Home form I E is now the top in sales *instead of 1A. The tribe scores are just being finalized and we'll have the results in an upcoming paper. +++ The CHSS Variety is coming! The date is Thur- sday, May 5th at 8 p.m. in CHSS Auditorium. Admission is `1.50, $1.00 and 50 cents. Everyone is weIrnme to see a collection of acts. The show is presented by the Music Council. + + + Come to the . CHSS "At Home" on Friday May 13th. Dancing 9 - 1 to 'Star Trex'. Lunch for everyone. Invitations will be given out, so grads take notice!! Admission is 'r8 a couple. + + + The Chronicle welcomes the Prefects back from their Quebec trip. Here's hoping that they now learn to speak French. Just ask Annie! Dear Annie: We know this person who is really trying hard to ' be our friend. She is nice and we all like her but she has a had reputation with boys. She is- always salways putting the hustle on our boyfriends. We have already tried to talk to her argl tell her to quit, but she just doesn't get the hint. We all decided to write you' to see if you would print this, so when she"reads it in the paper, she'll get the hint to lay off. Please help solve our problem with K.O. We are all depending on you - help us please, - Very Annoyed People Dear iennoyed People: Gracious Sakes Alive! Another outcry of anguish from more of our down- trodden students as a result of Heaven forbid -- "K.O.", infamous hustler and worthy target of vicious rumours in and around our hallowed, but somewhat tarnished halls. But surely you people are defeating your purpose when you suggest the,little, villain "lay off": she just could take it literally, y'know. I also believe that you mustn't have your thinking caps tied down too tightly if you are im- pressed with her trying hard to be your "friend" -- looks to me like her friendly in- tentions aren't aimed towards you, girls. But thanks for writing anyway: nothing like a good chuckle, I always say. Beautify, Protect and Preserve your Property with . The Modern Miracle Coating specially formu- lated to protect and beautify WOOD, METAL, BRICK, STUCCO, CEMENT, CONCRETE. EASY TO APPLY... SAVES MAINTENANCE COSTS CARBOZITE Protective -Coatings last for years. And with today's rising costs of materials and labour—you save money! PERFORMANCE PROVEN: - TIME -TESTED . by thousands of users from coast to coast. CARBOZITE's durable, armour -like finish has heen compounded to contain Silicone—pro- viding a lasting toughness that fights heavy rains, snow, dampness, the destructive ultra- violet rays of the sun,... in fact, all of the com- bined enemies of nature and man that have a ravaging effect on your property • 1 CAN BE USED ALMOST ANYWHERE CARBOZITE seals, protects, and renews -- actually penetrates and. bonds with existing exterior and interior walls, literally becoming a permanent part of them. AVAILABLE IN WHITE AND DECORAtOR COLOURS AT HUMMEL'S FEED MILL 35, Mary Street, Clinton 482-9792 OPEN: Mon. - Friday 8:00 - 6:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00-12 noon Capricorn: On a scale of 1 - I0, your week rates a 101/Z. Get ready for one good mood after another, followed by foolishness, frenzy and freedom. Fantastic, foxy and fun! Aquarius: Romance is definitely in the picture for you this" week. Don't be surprised if a mystery ad- mirer makes some advances. That is o'ne case where a mystery is NO fun! Pisces: Try a little relaxation for a change. Stretch your limbs and be downright lazy, even if your mother or wife screams in- cessantly at you. Don't let life get you down sweetie. +++ That's all for fate and fortune this week - bye - Love Sally. In Clinton, Goderich, Barfield and area, your went for . G.N.C. Homes is HURON PINES CONSTRUCTION LTD. KING ST., CLINTON P.O. BOX 1177 Contact Jim Stoner, our sales representative for Bayfield, Goderich and area. CaII Jim at 482-7901 (office) or 524-9883 (residence). 482-7901 Jim Stoner See the G.N.C. Homes advertisement on the Opposite Page. Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology CONTINUING EDUCATION-CLINTON CAMPUS VANASTRA RD.-CLINTON NOM 1L0 482-3458 To register in the following courses telephone the Clinton Campus at the above telephone number between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m,,on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Start dates can also be obtained by telephoning the Clinton Campus. SUCCESSFULLY OPERATING YOUR BUSINESS BASIC FINANCIAL CONTROLS BASIC BLUEPRINT READING -MECHANICAL & FABRICATION GAS FITTER LICENCE PREPARATION BARTENDING TECHNIQUES MOTORCYCLE DRIVER EDUCATION INTRODUCTION TO REAL ESTATE Segment I Segment II Segment III $50.00 Mondays, 7:30-10:00 p.m. $50.00 Mondays, 7:30-10:00 p.m. $27.00 Mondays, 7:00-10:00 p.m. $50.00 Wed. & Thurs. 7:00-10:00 p.m. $30.00 Tuesdays, 6:00-10:00 p.m. $45.00 Sat. 8 Sun., 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. $60.00 Mon. -Fri'., 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. $90.00 To be Scheduled $110.00 To be Scheduled Take the 1 AABLE1 i i i i Merner's 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Out of MEAT Processing at WE OFFER OUR PROCESSING CUST6MERS A VERY SPECIAL OFFER Book 2 or more animals at a time for Merner's processing. & You'll get FREE PICKUP Offer good until May 14, 1977 Of course, Merner's includes their famous Processing 8 Cutting at NO EXTRA CHARGE b. AT MERNERS You're Dealt a Winner - .‘111(74.......****41VIERNS111 1 1/2 mile south of Dashwood's main Intersection Col Today237 -.331 4 1. 1 f 1 1 1 1 r am Ifs am am emu am tom lam'