Clinton News-Record, 1977-04-21, Page 10PAG, l L CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, APRIL?1,,1977
Carolyn Snell heads Lioness
On April 4, the Lioness Club
held -their regular dinner
meeting in the Community
Centre, and elected their
executive for the coming year
as follows: immediate past
president, Ruthanne j<nights;
president, Carolyn Snell; first
Village hostscouters course
The Boy Scouts of Canada
Huron District Council at-
tended a part one Woodbadge
Course on Friday evening and
Saturday in the Bayfield
Town Hall.
-Friday evening began with
registration and coffee and
groups were formed.
Welcome and introduction
followed with the History of
Scouting and the structure of
Scouting reviewed. Several
items such' as aims and
principles, p'rog'ram oh-
jectives, law and promise,
smartness: good order,
discipline, uniforms, working
with boys and question
periods were all discussed.
Saturday morning included
program planning, working
with .resistants, Scouting roll
in the community and nature.
craft. The group also went on
a hike to the beach area and
gathered driftwood for
Lunch at noon was
prepared by the group over
an open campfire.
In the afternoon, many
aspects of scouting were
taught: understanding the
age: books, pamphlets,
records; games and how to
use them; ceremonies;
working with groups and
coffee break with a question
A delicious dinncr was
enjoyed and was served by
the Ladies Auxiliary to
Cubs, Scouts and Brownies in
the basement of St. Andrews
United Church. Following
dinner there was a personal
training program, badges
and awards presented and a
carnpfire closing ceremony, a
question period and coffee
included a full program.
Course instructors included
Keith Orchard, D.C.; Dave
Wray, A.D.C.; Bill Douglas,
cubmaster: Hollie Archer,
A.C.M. ; Wayne Thorne,
A.C.M. ; all of Stratford;
Gary Tweddle, D.C. of Ailsa
Craig; Walter Thomas,
Course Leader and D.C. of
Goderich and Rev. Jame
Reddoch of Bayfield.
Scouters, cub leaders and
Group Committee members
attended from Lucan, Exeter,
Ailsa Craig, Goderich,
Bayfield, St. Marys and
Council flays education tax
Village Council met
Monday evening, April 18 in
regular session and
acknowledged with gratitude
a donation towards the new
library of $300 from the
London Free Press and `h200
from 'C. F. P. L. ; also $50
towards the arena from
Bayfield Ever Young Senior
Council discussed a letter
that had been sent from the
Council to Premier William
Davis regarding the
unreasonably high inc-rease
in the cost of education and
learned through a letter from
the Ministry of Tran-
sportation and Corn-
rnunications that all traffic
signs must be converted to
metric by the end of. Sep-
I't was secided to have an
official. opening of the senior
citizens housing units and of
the new library when com-
It was also agreed to sell
the oil space heater, oil tank
anal three -sided shed to Mr.
Brian Stevens foir $50. His
was the only offer received.
Council decided to put fer-
tilizer on Clan Gregor Square,
have the trees pruned in the
Village and discussed trying
to build up the beach area at
the South Pier as it is the only
accessible area for senior
citizens and the handicapped.
The next regular meeting
will be held May 2.
Baptist church news
Sunday morning Pastor
Harrison of the Baptist
Church used as hi -s topic
"From the Curse to the
Cross", the first of 'a three
part series entitled "What is
the World Coming to?"
Beginning at the Garden of
Eden through to Calvary,
God's curse to Adam and Eve
was only removed by the
sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary.
The Sunday. evening Ser-
vice at 7:30 included a song
service of favourite hymns,
with Muriel Snider at the
piano and Cathi Cullen at the
organ and personal
testimonies of some of the
The pastor Rev. Brian
Harrison continued with the
study of the book of Daniel,
Chapter six. He said the King
couldn't find the way to save
Daniel from the lion's den,
but God has a way to save us.
from our sins. Just believe on
the Lord Jesus Christ and
accept him as a personal
The ladies of the Church
are` reminded of the Spring
Rally of the Women's
Missionary Fellowship to be
held at the Church Tuesday,
April 26 with Laura Collar,
Missionary from Israel (of
Wingham) as guest speaker.
All the ladies of the com-
munity are welcome.
by Nina Haw
Mr: and Mrs. Arnold
Makins, Ronnie, Brenda and
Dennis Miskie of Goderich,
Brian and friend Susan
Taylor of Toronto, also Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Makins all
attended the Golden Wedding
Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
George Wright of London on
Mrs. Ken Brandon's friends
are pleased that she is able to
be home from the Clinton
Mr. and -Mrs. Gordon Lynn,
Ramona and Rhonda of
Hillsburg visited on the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Lynn.
Mrs. Bruce Lynn and her
sister from Etobico were at
their home here on the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
George Coleman of Dundalk
area during Easter weekend
and also called on their son
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Coleman of
Mrs. Sadie Murney, who
occupies one of the ,Senior
citizen apartments here, was
able to return to her apart-
ment after being hospitalized
in the Clinton hospital.
Ladies from. St. Andrews
United Church, who attended
the Kippen United Church
Easter Thankoffering service
were. Mrs. Dorothy Merner,
Betty Burch, Anna Scot-
chmer, M-argaret Scotchmer,
Mrs. Reddoch, Kathleen
Siertsema, Esther Makins,
.Mrs. K. Hill. Mrs. Carol
Penhale was the driver and
took the ladies in their motor
Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar
of Don Mills visited on the
weekend with Mrs. Elva
Metcalf, also visiting with
Mrs. Ada Dewar at the Blue
Water Nursing Home, Zurich.
Mrs. Lulu Smith returned
home on Friday after
spendinga week with her
daughter Margaret Rachich,
Frank and family of Inger-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curtis
and three children,. London,
visited in the home of Mr. and
M'rs. Tom Penhale apd in the
home of Mrs. Lillian Penhale
on Sunday.
Mrs. Margaret Turner of
Hamilton spent a few days
with her sister Gladys and
Russel beard, returning
home on Friday.
We welcome back to
Bayfield, Mrs. J. Atkinson,
who spent the winter with her
daughter Marion, Mrs.
Gerald M. Pence, of
Rochester, Michigan.
Mrs. Atkinson was away
five months and tells us
winter weather was much the
same where she was as in this
area. Mrs. Pence returned
home to Rochester on Sunday
,after spending a few days
arranged, bought and' sold.
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with her mothier.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Site,
daughters Vanesa and
Veronica, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Curran and two daughters,
Christine and Barbara of
Willowdale, visited with Mrs.
Susie Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pollock
of London, who recently flew
back home from Florida, also
visited in the same home.
Miss Dorothy Cox ac-
companied by her mother
also Miss Nettie Sinclair,
Seaforth, a cousin Jane
Golding of Seaforth and Mr.
J.K. Cornish of Brucefield,
flew to Winnipeg on Monday,
where they took a bus to
Brandon, Manitoba and at-
tended the 60th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
W.G. Chapman, cousins of
Mrs. Cox, who also met three
other first cousins at this
happy gathering.
This was a joyous occasion
for all and a most enjoyable
trip. They returned home on
Miss Linda Hudson of
London visited • on the
weekend in the home of Mr.
• and Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons.
Bayfield Scouter, John Siertsema, receives some instruction from Walter Thomas at a
Scout leaders course held in the Village last weekend. Mr. Thomas, from Goderich, is the
assistant District Commissioner of Huron. (photo by Milvena Erickson)
Village social, personal notes
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Reid
of Texas, visited Thursday
and Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Scotchmer. They also
visited with their daughter
Sandra, a lawyer's assistant
in Toronto and their son John
(Rick) who is in the R.C.M.P.
stationed at Peterborough.
Mr. Reid is taking over the
management of Paul Bunyan
Trailer Park for the summer
and fall season. The family
will be remembered by many
villagers when they, resided
here, living in the -Roy and
Freda Scotchmer cottage,
now the Norman Talbot
home, when Mr. Reid was
stationed in Clinton.
Mrs. Myrtle Robinson spent
the Easter weekend with her
family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McLeod and family in Stone",
Mr.and Mrs. Doug Sin-
namon, Billy, Lori and Cori
and Mrs. Sinnamon's sister,
Miss Debbie Switzer of
Clinton have returned from a
tw'o week vacation in Florida.
They toured the State and
visited Dineyland, Sea
World, Cypress..,Gardens and
many other places of interest
and reported a most en-
joyable holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Higgins
were the guests for Easter
with their son and family, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Higgins, Colin
and Scott in Port Dover. They -
then travelled on to Brantford
where they visited Mr. and
Mrs. George Bates, returning
home to "The Maple" on
Mrs. Berthena Hammond
spent last week ,with her
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Florian and Dennis in Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. B. Myers
visited Sunday and Monday
with her mother, Mrs. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid of
London spent a few days at
their home here.
Mrs. Muriel Altoff returned
to her home here after
spending the winter in
England. She visited with her
sister in London and a sister
in Basingstoke and also spent
some time in Lincoln and
York in the north of England.
Mr. Renouf W. A. Johns,
Mount Clemens, Mich. spent
a few days at his home in the
Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, who
has been with her family, Mr.
and Mrs. G. Pence Steven
and Robert in Rochester,
Mich., for the winter, has
returned to her home in the
Dr. Sally Beth MacLean
and children Avery and
Conan of Toronto were
weekend visitors with her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G.
Mr. Roy Schell spent a few
clays in ,Woodstock, Norwich
and Tillsonburg with his
family and friends and on
Saturday attended a Gideon's
Zone Rally in Brucefield.
Rick Westlake of London
spent Easter with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A.
Westlake and on Sunday he
and his brother Paul and
Brian Kenwell of Goderich
went to Toronto to bring his
,sister Catharine Anne home
upon completion of her
R.N.A. course in Scarborough
General Hospital.
Doug Sinnarnon of. the
Village Market reported that
due to continued vandalism to
the flower beds in front of his
store, he will no longer at-
tempt to grow flowers there.
He said he will try growing
grass and if that is destroyed
he'll just gravel the area.
UCW plans bake sale
Unit 2 of UCW of St.
Andrews United Church met
at Sharon Sinnamon's on
April 13. Easter devotions
were led by Kathleen Sier-
tsema and Margaret Scot-
ch mer.
The treasurer's and
secretary's reports were read
with 18 members answering
the roll call. President
Phyllis Campbell conducted
the business with plans being
made for the Bake Sale on
s May 21 to be held on Dawna
Westlake's 1 awn at 11 a.m.
The ladies who volunteered
their help to spring clean the
Church were thanked for a
job well done; and voted to do
Ladies Guild meets
Trinity Church Ladies
Guild met in Trinity Parish
Hall, Tuesday afternoon April
12 with 14 memI ers present.
President Vera Turner
opened"'the meeting and Vina
Parker read the -Scripture of
the Octave of Easter.
Florence Brown read two
lovely poems, "Our Faith"
and "The Legend of the
Dogwood." The min mks. of
the previous meeting were
read by the secretary Ber=
thena Hammond and in the
absence of the treasurer,
J..orna Merner, Ruby Fitz-
simons read the report. Mrs.
Fitzsimons also gave her
card and flower report.
It was announced «that the
May meeting will be held in
the Rectory on Tuesday af-
ternoon May 10 with Greta
Scotchmer responsible for the
sem and Fern Baker the
A letter was read from the
hoard of management
thanking them for their gift of
a lectern light; also
correspondence was received
and read telling them of their.
Foster Child whom they
sponsor. Birthday money was
paid by Margaret Lynn and
Vera offered to make the
posters for the Annual Rake
Sale to he held Saturday
morning, August 6 at 11 a.m.
Rector of Trinity, Rev.
William M. Bennett closed
the meeting with the
_benediction and a lovely
lunch was served by - the
hostess Ruby, Fitzsimons. '
the same next year. Mrs.
Reddoch arranged for the
ladies to conduct the May 22
Church Service in Rev.
Reddoch's absence.
Plans are also to be made
at the May meeting for bridal
showers to be held for several
girls in the congregation. The
group accepted the Clinton
Hospital Auxiliary request
for making tray favours for
the month of July. The menu
for the euchre club dinner to
he held April 21 was planned
by the banquet committee
leader, Carol Penhale.
Following the Mizpah
benediction a lovely lunch
was served.
Home Hunting?
Jim Stoner
Huron Pines Realty Ltd.
invites you to contact Jim
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own a lot YES 0 NO' r
vice-president, Ilsa
Grillmayer; second vice
president, Sue May;
treasurer, ---Mag Mayman;
secretary, Judy Huntley;
corresponding secretary,
Kay McLeod; Stern Twister,
Wynn Graham; directors,
Marg Gale, l✓lane Brandon
and Diane &oyes.
Sandra Coleman was guest
speaker qnd spoke on Quebec
Separatism. a grade 7
student in Huron Centennial
School, Brucefield and is a
granddaughter of Lioness
Fern Baker.
During the business
session, the group decided to
ask the Community Centre
Board for permission to paint
the auditorium and kitchen of
the arena; decided to pur-
chase some tables for the
auditorium, ordered
decorations to'..decorate the
Village next Christmas;
considered the purchase of
another piece of playground
equipment for Clan Gregor
Square; decided to have gold
vests made to wear to
meetings and other func-
tions; and will assist the
Lions Club members at a
Pancake Breakfast planned
for Sunday morning May 22.
Lions pick new slate
In a chat with Pat Graham
it was learned that the Lions
Club had decided its
executive for the coming
term as follows: immediate
past president, Don John-
,. ston ; president. Pat
Graham ; first vice-president,
Ken Knights; 2nd vice-
president, John Boyes; third
vice-president, Doug Sin-
namon; secretary, Dan
May; dues secretary, Bob
Snell; treasurer, Gord
Graham; Lion Tamer, Harry
Talbot • Tail Twisters, Alan
Yates and Phil
Gemeinhardt; directors, Bill
Dowson, Eric Krohmer, Don
Haw and Dave Johnston;
bulletin editors, Jack Merner
and Frank McFadden.
I also learned from Pat,
that the trees had been
tapped in Clan Gregor Square
and the sap transported to
Greg Vanderhaar's where it
had been made into maple
syrup in preparation for their
Pancake Breakfast slated for
Sunday morning, May 22.
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