The Exeter Times, 1887-1-6, Page 8Breaides. INSIMANCE, a II- eeee, , reetella, op N rv Feeee, Two eat' loads or iambs were shipped from ta Leo a' pavat, thie depot yesterdity, for the oaten]. murk - TEE WESTRAN ASSURANCE COM. BANY Or -reroute : also tor the l'IBE Rr8.• /NSIIRANON COMPAPI Y.tit ltoittlom ugh: Mr. IL Kineman has been engaged to the BO CANADIAN, of Montreal, tim teach o 44()ol io the soothero portioo of BRIT1SB 1IRB TAIT/ ASJ BA N (to;\ PANY, of louden. Eeglaud. etitabl ished 124. c“01)11°11 '")vBS1.11..Pt at a calarY of $40Q, Asseta over aaeoe,eee ; eieneeane boutmea "polite -eel metters helve became calm, and , :paid, over aloameeta the, eitizeva geeerally have aseumed that iendly feelieg winch prevailed previoue to Xekt eii11105. the eitemeat • - • There were several private soefel hops on ---- • --. New Year'a lave, some of them eentinuing T HUE Sp A , JAN. Ott), 1887. until 1.10,\t morning. The denee at the station hotel brek,e up at daybreak. -New Yeas passed oil velar quietly on L 0 G' Ntelera.--Tre Omit! I) hap p y 40 re- Saturday. Sleiglaridieg seemed to be the Je'iee t ait timesfront any part of the chief amusement, and tlie sleighing in, town °may, ttents of local, news, s qha& ac- was very good. cidento,or any interesting incident what The man, service is becoming defeetive. • . f our 4 abscribers or r ,ad erer, /OM ant/ 0. tate, three and four 'Unica a weerwe ers generally for the. purpose of preeve DO ublic- ,r0} Gatn DX.1 , n „bto, the atien. following day after it should arrive. Where the trouble is we cannot find out. " TEN cENTB Oer line for firs t er tio n,anc tOBB 0 Werra' ran' lino for each subsetnima in The baud was out playing on New Years iertion win be eleareedfo uoticee ap i/earint Eve, and made things lively. The Salem- thie colemn, tion Army was also out on parade, playing ------ their musical" instruments shortly after 12 LOCAL HAPPENINS. o'clock. hose mils who got ip on Christmas On New Years afternoon, 11411111ton, son of Al r, 1noeh Folliele, of Exeter North, we found lying in an unconseious conditien on the eitle of the rOad a short distance souta of the North End hotel, HQ eOliki neither move nor Speak, wits takeh to the hotel, and after a time lie revived aifflicieutly to !walk home, The young man is subject to tithe and had fallen ;in °lie while walking along the road. Aunivereataa On ShndaY next, jan'y fith, sermons will he preaeheil in the Mahast. 'Meth. church, at 10;30 a. na and 6:30 p. m. -by the Rev, A. M, Phillips, B. D„ of St. Marys, A colic° tionat 050)15evviee in aid of the trust fluid, On the Monday evening' followitia at 7.30 offleck, a lecture Will be delivered by the Rev. W. S. Pascoe. Subject :-"The Merry Monareh." Admissiou, by silver col- olecotiia at the door. Music by the church h Caving up Business. Chas, Sontlicott having decalea to move I to TovoneteediOnt 1st March, neat, now, d- i fors hisdaasiness for sale. The preenses are also for sale or to eent. :All accounts must be paid. by ist February next, otherwise A large stock of •Faney Goods, suitable miming disappointed because they didn't they will be put into court for collection. ' for Xentea preeents for young or old at Cen- find offers of marriage iu their stockings Gyeat bargains will he offered in ordered traa Drug Store; C. LUTZ. shouldn't be discouraged. Leap year isa clothing. 25 per cent. discount will be al- enton Bros. • thss making department only twelve months distant. , lowed for the next 30 days. R We are sorry to learn that Mr. Anthony aeosened, Miss Wood, in charge. Charges Holland is eery ill. He has been confined nib , erate,, and satisfaction guaranteed. ' A fall assortment of Christmas and Nto his bed for several days;.and has suffered 1 Very Displeasing. ON'S' Years cards,-15testdesign and at low a great deal of pain. At times his life has A yoaug men of Usborne toWnehip pro- -prices, at the Central Drug Store, .C. Diaz, been despaired Of, but we hope he may 00050(1to )3'aaquhar, on Saturday. last, to 'Prop, speedily reeover entirely front his affliction. take his best girl for a drive., He drove up '"Adieu,' she said sweetly, as he kissed Thto the resideoce, and, leaving his horse nu - e following vote was polled for the con . . her good. night, "He's adieual, ain't he," testanta for councillorship in Exeter :---,las.tied while in the house, it became restless• 231 ; T. B. Carling, 226; D. johns and ran away, clearing several fences and snug out herlittle brother as he vaniehed Pickerd, ditches in, its rotate. . The cutter was con up stairs, You may well say thia.peor fel- 196 .; J. N. Hooper, 93 ; J.. P. Clarke, 57. siaerably damaged; but the horse was not ow's. . corns were sadly trampled uPon. The two latter gentlemen . having signified However, . he should have msed Searlett'stheir intention of not aeeeptina thinjured. It is always best to secure well e nomin- r , • Sure Cure for 'corns, sold only at Seerlett s Iation (but not until it was tot?latfflaceounts youhorse in cold weather. ; - . •Ati. George Knight, who has for several years °coupled the position of telegraph operator at the railway depot here, has been promoted to the more lucrative position of stationagent at Ethel, on the Wellington, Grey ,.% Bruce Railway. Mr. Knight is de- serving of promotion, as he has always been painstaking, obliging and efficient io the discharge of his duties. The Company have made a good selection in appointing Mr. K. and while we congratulate him on his pro- motion, we hope soon to hear of his appoint Ment to a still higher and more important mg than to see a window bedaubed Alan positn 0. tobacco SaliVa. If they do it purposely there is nothing sharp about it, and if acca Village Council. dentally, they- should try and quit. 1 The council Met by order of the reeve, at Jan'y 6th, '87. Drua Store Exeter. for the small vote polled, Mr, M. Parkinson, teacher of the 'Strath- .' Without exeeption tee best and cheapest roy High School, formerly a resident .of lines in Boots and Shoes, we have as yet Exeter, where his father resides, was mar- , seen, can nowbeluta !at C. Encretes, Chia ried last Wednesday, to Miss Lizzie, 'theme - !Carriages, ExPrese Wagons, Men <laughter of Mr. Thos. Magladery, of Park- - stud.Woinem's Felt BooteeMen's Hand -Made hill. The presents received from the Bode, elso sgood assortment of men and friends were valuable and numerous. Mr. woneen's OvereShoes ana Rubbers of every P's many friends wish him a life of prosper- deeeription, also Harness, Trunks, Valises, ity. and Whips constantly on hand. Call and Those persons Who are in the habit of be cent -Meech . Butter and eggs taken lu spitting tobacco juice, on store and other exchange for goods- AlF° it first-class Brick windows, 'while passing along the street, Flou,•se foe sale or to rent. should stop it, for nothing is more disgust - Accident, Mr. Cudmore, while splitting wood in the ,' yard:op:Tuesday morning, had a very ugly wound, inflicted on his foreheacl. The axe caneht on 0 clothes line and caused the pole -to strike him between the eyes. The cut, whani was an inch long and pretty deep, bled profusely. Dr: Browning attended to 'the wthnel and no serious injiery will result, save that e scar will remain. -On Sunday eve pining last, Mr. Alex. Davie, of the Landon road, north, , met with an accident by 1A-hic1x two of his ribs we.re broken. appears that while he was working about - the stable'one of the colts kicked him, staving intwo ribs in the right side of his body. He is again about, but carries him- self carefully. "15allway Meeting. As per requisiticm of a large number of ratepayers, a public meeting was held in the --a-setreei martridtireveliii4 dile- cuss the 'feasibility of bonusing the '6'. P. R. Co. to run their proposed branch through this -place, at an early date. There was a -.pod representation of ratepayers present, ind after electing Mr. John Gould to the kali' and Geo. Moir as Secretary, business vas proceeded with. First in order was the election of a committee to work iu eonjunc- ion with committees in other places, in the interests of the people and advancement of the scheme; the follo-wing aentlemen were chosen :-Jas. Swenerton, Geo. Willis, L. • Hardy, Geo. Samwell, J. N. Hooper, W. Carling, W. H. Verity, J. Farmer and Geo. Moir. Having thus disposed with , this :branch of the business, the chairman invited discussion upon the matter and responses were rapid and many. Short addresses were given by the grain merchants, whose interests are greatly affected by the railway monopoly which now exists; and by other gentlemen of the village who are more or less interested, It was proven ay Mr. Swen- aerton that the necessity of another road was a grave one; that under the existing cir- munstances, shippers were entirely at the mercy of the G. T. R. Company, and had te wait their pleasure in the matter of shipping :produce, &c. He also showed that by se• miring another branch of railway, • it would not only benefit those, apparently directly interested, but would more or less prove beneficial to the public at large -it aveuld enhance the -value of property.; andfarther- more be an inducement to menufaethrers to locate here, who,, under the presentstate of affairs, would -not, an5 could not profitably do so; that.by securing another road, ' Exe- d'et, Would be,a competing point, and instead • -oalalibling up other towns to gobble our Promotion. The Ross (eequirpated as Mr. Bishop calls the Market House, Dee. 30th. All the ineinbers present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and. confirmed. Moved ber.I. Pickard, seconded by D. :Mhos, that orders be granted for the following sums, hood, at the annual meetings last week passed resolutions to have the hook replaced Spicer, a4.7o, paid for inspectme weigh scales ; M. Eacrett, $57.25 balance by the Bible proper, and in many cases the of salary, selecting jurors, postage and sta- Ross book was severely condemned. The tioieey ; Hart & Co., $a3.36. blank forms ; Minister of Education will begin to imagine • - 11 & Pickard, $5.30 for lumber and that he cannot altogether rule the edvilized Salmse labor on draM ; Geo. Eacrett, $30 for sal - people of Ontario, in such matters. ary as treasurer, postage and stationery ; The election, on 'Monday last, was not Jas. dignan, $9.85 for rep. water tank and nearly so exciting as is generally the case. implements ; Jas. Beer, $1 for selecting There need not have been an election, had jurors ; Robt. $2.50, error in ass - the simerauous candidates who were nomin- essment, • the collector, $1.124 error in ated for councillors, restgned in proper collector's roll, and '25itts. postage; and the time. The.time for receiving resignations council $22.50 for railway fare to Kinear- havieg these. aeaaea- raaaed dine re Towo Hall. -Carried. Moved to.enter the field, and they, having no de- by D. Johns, seconded by'W. 'lloskin, that t-ordin faretasseeeeeeaeeatineitais,equentlY defeat- Ross & Taylor's tender for carpenter work 11 ed, eie. foi kseless to waste of -town hall, $3,774, and A. Sheere's :ten - their taites by ree, g n"-eahriftia`tes. der fa . 'brick work, plastering, etc., $1,250, the limit f 't helm(' the lowest be accepted.-Carreed. - Although the sun reachea s Southern trip on the 21st ult., eY.et but little difference in the length of the day. .1Trone: Contention, Even yet the sun gets lazier in the morn- ings, rising a minntelater until the 8th of January, when it takes a turn tor the bet- ter. In the evenings, however, the change it) Bible' seems to have met its cloomen tine seetion of • conetry. The trustees of the 'tearions schools theoughout the neighbor- TRA,Y,E1) front tile preinises or so p ,°Ipeei..11ollrlae,Tojelzt)17(111'elPeti.100..a°19/11) .0114' alleVotIon‘l'iolr. lest,two aearliog btoog-ono red and one 14111t.areY. nereen givingtsuol) inforxua- tirm as Will lead to their teteavery, or returning them to me, will Im suitably .:)-ea:11.1:rioeDact. H GLYN Ill'IE1,11), 2-1 11-41' BoTtiniSitTo-do-ras ig4nrnoc7, 14.1), l'tt)oelvt.1:1i0iSt, of Hey. on Or About 1st Beeemeer, ono yeeeling limier. Tim ernier is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take the animal awa 01:1 Cleaal [WIELD, I Dashwoosi P. 0, ANKET'St $L4NKS NOTICE. The annual,ineeting or the Usberne Bib- bert Mutual Piro Insurance Co'y, -will be held at the, Flood l'oarquhar, Illcoinnv, et one o'clock p.m. The business of the meet. ing will be tor the purpose of licaring, the 14ireoters' and Auditors' Iteports, electing of Directors, and taking into con sideration the laws respee4ing steitin threshers ; also atrY other business it sually transacted at annual meeting. GILE4EciPIF, FARM FOR SA.LE.- The under- signed offers for sale his farm, Lot 7, Concession 6, Usboruo Township, containing 00 flares of excellent lend, ae d which, is eituat, ect ea miles from Exeter. There are upon the premises n, comfortable boast, mid geed bank barn-e0x06-rtnet first class stabling. Also two good won s of water. Who property is wen un- derclrained. There will. also be sold two tIOVAS of the North -half. Good orchards on beta Places. Terms, EasY• ROBT.000PNR. (4 -ins) - 'AT TIIE EXETER WOOLLEN: 'MILLS awo PAxas. 250 All li,inds of Yarns, Tweeds, Flannels, Shirtings, AT A ,SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE PRIOES. •11,1anuracinring these goods oureelvee, we are enabled to Fell at Lowest Figures. PARTIES REQUIRING A GOOD BLANKET Would do well to inspeot mu' stook before purchasing elsewhere, Ive havo it Full Assor men ou ood, 250 pairs of all 'Weights and sizes. 1:00 pairs Horse:Blankets, differtit patterns', selling' ehotipl R. MUIR Prop. CO1W77,7"0 0:1D "VT...S., asrim:.o. , 46...era Tlie Anna lUeoting of the Stephen horn° Agricultural Society, will be held at wlcsha,w's hotel, Exeter, on Thursday,'J anti- ary 15111, at 2 o'clock. p. to., for the parpose,Of oleoting officers for the ensuing year, and the receiving of the annual report. The -tlirectcire of the Society will meet at same place on, N.11,LOW dllte, at 11 o'clock, a m A.G. DYE,11, S 00re ',Wry. 1.41 STRAY HEIFER.--Curtie'o-fillie 'J premises of the undersigned, 1,oti 03, Cou 6. Township of nay, on er about, the first dayof July, a young Golfer. The owner is requesten to prove property, pay expenses, um clAalte hor away. WILLIAM WILSON.' ; NOTICE.-Notiee is hereby •givota to all parties, against giving credit on my account teetny wife, Isabella Hooper, as will not be responsible for any debts ehe con- tract% me she has left my bed and board with- ou tjust cause or provocation. . EDWARD BO OP Elit. Dec, 28rd, 16,95, 11-1) TO ADVE.RTISEF1S For it check for 59,0 we will print a ten -line advertisement M Ono issues of leading American Newspapers, ['his is at the rate of only one -firth of cents, (Inc. for 1,000 Circu- lation The advertisou:ent will be placed ofore One Million ailierent newspaper pm - chasers Five, MILLION READERS. Ton lines will accomodate about 75 words. Ael- dress with copy ot y. ancl check, or aend 30' cents for Book of 100 pages. , • , 0E0.1'. 11.0 WELL 00„ 10 SPRUCE ST.. N.L.#470,RR.', , , GAPE BRETON RAILWAY. SECI.ON - Z,; a)17,S TO S VtiEY. --- Tender ler tae aVe es of Construction. SI,. A ' ••1 ) rue -untie t-. I. .• L. 0 thKI.e 1:0„.1 t , 0:11Anuary, .n ; v, ; o' 10.15i ,111:0n. , 110'apell rerilipeeb1011 • o C ,1," eee.' and (3o11Orixl 11,1 , • 1:11 31 tit Ottawa, o( ; .;;;- eapt: Bt•eleit. -Acta- . . H ; • on :tad alter cue) n,,.."783(;, when 1,,ie ,0f tender maY lie 01.)- , • Litt .. • 6 t Those who contend that the discussion of ,1 r the town hall question should not have ' • .1 1.11) A. ail t Lie c;naitions are nen introduced at the Railway meeting ' • ee 06(1' t1 011One last Friday night, could not have consider - has already taken place, the sun to -day set- ed. the matter in its proper light, for, if the 1 ting some twenty minutes later than it did town has to shoulder a large debt in order on the 21st ult. After the change orice to secure increased railway facilities, (which set e in the days lengthen from two to four every one agrees is necessary to ensure the minutes per twenty-four hours. growth and prosperity of the village) the In view of the fact that the election of present liabilities as well as those it is pro - schooling in the future, would it not be well for certained, and if it is found. that the cost of trustees gives promise of being excit- posed to assume, should be accurately as - the board of trustees to make application the town hall and the bonus to the railway and secure the election on same date upon which municipal elections are held, thereby saving unnecessary trouble and expense? This -important matter was mentioned last year, but as the election of trustees has for - sortie years been a matter of no concern, the board, presumably, thought it useless to make any change. May the change be efiected this year.. When a man works for nothing and boards himself, he is usually rather indif- ferent about obeying orders. He is not very anxious th whether he pleases or not. He is more liable to assume the manner of mastet than of a servant, and the fact that he works for the public instead of for pri- vate parties, makes not the least difference. Everyone knows that the foregoing is true, yet the people strive to run the affairs of the village on just such it ba,sis, and then are so illogical as to find fault with the out - trade, We would be iu a position to secure come. This would be great fun if it did more; the greininerchants, being enable(' not cost so much. ,•to obtain better rates as it consegnence of The election for school trustees took place the competition, could offer better prices for .• grain than outside villages with only one railway eou'd afford to do and thereby ealiettve tracle tee -town, which we do not at „present receive. Several gentlemen made yesterday. There were six candidates, W. H. Verity, Chas, Senior, John Bell, D. A. ROSS, Chas. Eacrett and Dr. Lutz. There were three to be elected out of the number, W. Verity, .Chas. Senior and John Bell, eaemaaketo the same effect, and nearly all being present eeemed to be greatly in favor of g the lucky candidates, polling 159, 112 and 106 respectively. The Board is corn- bonusing the road. A resolution was Das sed instructing the Sec'y to confer With) posed. of Messrs. J. Pickard, W. Grigg, sr., J. P. Clarke, W. H. Verity, a Senior, and towns inteeested, and glean all information John Bell -the old crew. Dr, Lutz and C. possible,. anti report to. coinmittee hi due Eacrett, signified their intention of not con - time. Matters pertainaig directly to the testing the election, claiming that the old Railway scheme haying been discussed, number in the audience were anxious toa Board should be retIrned. know in what position they were (financially) to grant a bonus supposing the company ahould decide to run their line through this neighborhood. Mr. White, Mr. Banton and Grigg, jr. gave their views on the town hall question, putting forth arguments to the olfect that if the erection of thetown hallavere proceeded with, the majority of the tratepeyere would certainly vote against Brief Tiits, Pretty cold weather. -This is the first time tll'e TIMES has heen issued since last year. ---How many are there who have their full list of resolutions for 1887 entirely un. broken ?--The roads have been a little heayy in the country, owing to the snow being drifter1.--Frozeu ears were not unfrequent during the last few, days. -Sleighing parties granting a bonus to a railtvaar, for theburden of raebt would be heayier than eould be con- are ninnerous this year. foreably darried ; bat that if the erection of "the ball were postponed, and the money Carnival. oted for that purpose, sapplemented ley a atflicient sum to make $20,000 in all, the mins if asked for would undoubtedly be alven. The majority of those paesent accen- t/late be in favor of the latter scheme'd an 'liter a hot discueeion•-soe in favor o mf pro- - Leading with hall, and also greeting bonus- , the theeting closed. At a subeeqeent meet- ing Of the committee Mr. Swenerton was eelected chairman and Mr. Geo. Moir Secre- tary. We are anximie thatthe railway shall emietect this village with the route, but do not feel altogether favorable to granting a bonus unless the erection of the town hall is doLdTed tintil a later period, Nothing de, finite2, M.tm been decided upon by the council 51 yet, but before another itiste inatters vrill have been eettled favorably oe uniaverably, 1,1 the Mearitinee the railevay Scheme Will be looaed after. On New Year's evenioa the first carnival which has been held in Exetvr this season, took place on the roller rink'. The attend- ance of skaters was very !fair, but there were not as many spectators present as there would have been, had the weather been more favorable, it being very cold. The costumes were not veryelaborate, but there were several good eomic dresses, and in the greceful Skating there Was keep coin- petion. Altogether a very pleasant evening was spent. The following are the names of those to whom prizess were awarded :-- Gent's eomic costume, A. Stafflalte C. Willis ; Lady's character costume, dattie Hawkahaw ; Lady and gent's graoeful sketing, 15, Tait and L. Oke, 3. 13aavden and S. Weekes • GerWs figure eight race, Gee. latierett, Davis ; Gent's three -100- o ged raco, G, Facrett and 3, would be more than the corporation could bear without crippling itself, then the ex- penditure which will secure to the village the greatest benefit should he preferred, and that of the least importance deferred till a more convenient season. There is no doubt that -the railway bonus would result most beneficially. Besides, the town hall invest- ment can he gone Lit° in the future, and this may be the last opportunity for many years that Exeter will have te secure an- other railroad. The matter was brought to light at an opportune time, and.ehad the de- sired effect, -we uederstana. Entrance Examination. The examination for entrance to High Schools was held in the public school in• this village, on the 21st, 22nd and 23r5 of December. The examination was a very fair one and the majority of the candidates who wrote at Exeter and also of those who wrote at Goderich were successful. The maximum number of marks wasI55, and to pass, the candidate must make 50 per cent. or 375 marks and 33 per cent, tin each snbject. The following candidates passed at Exeter :- 1. Allie Grigg.. ..Exeter School 641 2. Ellie Bell No. 1, Tuckersinith.635 3. Arnold Bowerman Exeter School...591 4. Pearl Rollins 581 5. John A. Gregory " 576 6. Maud Hicks 527 7. Wesley II. Harvey., No. 5, Usborne, 518 8. , Robert aluldrew, No. 9, Stanley, 514 9. Daniel Beil, No. 1, Tuckersinith, 510 -10, Earnest R. Eacrett, Exeter School, 491 11. Horace H. Follick 481 12. Percy Verity " 481 13. William Mitchell, No. 1. Usborne, 454 14. Henry Baker, Exeter School, 441 15. Margaret Elerington, No.10 Usborne 431 16. Ida J. Kydd, No 5, Usborne, 430 17. Abraham J. Ruly, No. 4, Hay, 422 18. Maggie Stewart, No. 1 Usborne, 416 Some of the candidates who did not pass in every particelar have been recoinmeaml to the Education Department as fit to enter on High School work, but until they; -are passed by the Education Department, • the na,mes can not be published, The February number of Seibner'it -,2Vaga- zine, of which 125,000 conies httve been or- dered ae. a first edition, will contain a most interesting article, by Mr. Jelin leepee, upon thc "Likenesses of 3 -Willa Creear " with 18 pertraits, one of afflich, engraved by all... alf. 13. Closson, will be the frontispiece of the number, • A new story is begine in tile 540120 number, by Mr, la. Stimson, pa S. of Dale) entitled, "The Desalt -tare' Legatee." l'he second instellment of ex,Minister *Wash. bargee 4aRetnin1ecenees of the seige and cOmmune of Palls° is of the greatest interest, describing at it (lees the West ifflereetina phases of the seige. 1'101,et35l(L. 1.) • ,t By order, A. P. BRADLEY, Seeretary. „Lys niid Can's, 13011111'S STORE MIREKTON. See how they head off in Low Prices for 1887. 18 lbs. Bright Sugar, 10;lbs. Tea, 8 Plugs Chewing Tobacco, 1 Large Navy Plug, - All Wool Cotton, per yard, Grey Cotton, yd witle, A. Few Lady's Jackets at half- price. - $1.00 1.00 25 15 15 Ladies' Fur Caps at your own prices., and don't you forget it. 500 TUBB Butter Wanted J. ath s EXETER NOETH, Our Stock is Well Assorted l'Olt THE SEASON'S TEADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED ! GROCERIES I I 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be,undersolcl in Teas from 20e, to 75o. per lb. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock Of HARDWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, (chewy.) test Machine Oil 60n per Gal. COAL -OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. t A '-''goodAtiiiiiiiteeofTie•e4ad8yetaiof nttcle44elroti elacienh e8ft75. rSd. Ordered suits got up in Good. Style, Our Dress Goods are marked down to tho LoWest Notch, COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR, A House and Lot, also 11 Farm for Sale. Apply to JOHN MATHESON HAY P. O. 66 Svilaseribe for The 40 PLEN'D .(orx-q73:org.' To any one sending in TWO -New SubscriPiiOni to: the WEEKLY MAIL at One Dollar Each. No freight and no duty to ,pay. We havo,the ;BoOks on hand ready to klr TI1111 BEST AIITii011S `1..,4asper'llana's Secret.' A Novel. By -Miss 75, E.l3flaDuov. .111ustrated.,'. ' 2: Johllowarhanh's Wife.', A Novel. • By latissealimoox..-, Illustrated. *a. The Cricret onthe Haarth., A Christ-, mas story..-tBYCmathEs lDicicENs. //Zits= , 4. The ;Mystery of the Molly, Tree. -A NOvel..-.By the •.,a,"titlior of Doraa Thorne." Miestrateda e' a • ` • ' ' • 5. Gabictel's Marriage. A,:1,Tovel. s By 'Wnatrat. Qiettilvseal-afleisteated, ' 6. The By 1VIrS. GASgELL. =,171a,Stratcd.'; '• _ 7. ,Itealtillittg the Witirivritia, Novel - By 1VIART CEcli, HAY. ' , 3.- The Eteite;te Ashley. ,A4Covel. By Mrs. ITexneaWooiee • ' 9. Ainos' Barton: A Novel. 1 By GEORGE HENRY WoOD.. , ; •=f- ,; . 1:. .11.1enr, Y Tire: I. A:Novel. B.. y ;Mrs. 11.1,Tliialauirelltuslt. A Novel.' By IVIiss ':,18...Ilitilitred'Trevanion. '' A ,N9vel. 13y "Tath,DucatEss ",',• ' • .• ' •‘..... . 'col3Niv.:- CAayll.c.t1 '1B,a,..elk,..s.-4-NS11 overi , B,'"_.,, u7ff., ' 14.' Back 'ilo-tlin Old Moine. A , Novel. .By.ill.Aux CEcxr,-.11Ax. ///itstratecl.,- ; , 15. The Iriczete.licep.. A-NoVel. BY WILE:Dz Cotings;:.' laustrettecl., ' . • ' 16. Mad Couit'fartn. A Novel.. By Mrs. linNay WOOD: Illustrated.' . ' - , :',0.i: : ,ei tii.L., B, ' : i i iw' ' . ' : i 1 , 7( 171 I - 4 1 : : . 1 : 8 4. ,,ii.' . ' ' 4,,, ''TN?:::1-..r. , . BB: . author of "Dora.Thorne."-: /1/E:s-trafec"4.-. " ' 17. A Goldeit Darns. AlsroVh1. BY, the COLL . 3,11A,, i:8, ,L,.::::,kiiailocEkrA.,4c,sii.4:::i...,:,.0,,ti:., ,,,Ag. ., Nw, ,IV.. bol,. ,,,m,•., Be, 1r, itYl...i:\:.v.iers:41s. , th' l'291e,"'nAthillovrileit 'f`rD6. :34cerallT,It.(;)-Irs..1 A, e.'" ''''/..114.!?...ately' ..1),1...E. BRADDON. ,. ,„ ' ae19.-ateter nose. A Novel: By -WILKIE, • 2.1. 'axe „Iliferw.leirgt4i yuustrated. 28:. Ainong, ,m2i.s.• 3,TkeEll:naRtiAtlimIllar.rfa, , ge.,., 4. Novel. ,.: BNyoy11;4Prii,3.yCo:hewaa.:0t.h:r:, f ,,,3p.or.1\ia:1,0:;Itsvelitro. a3:133.3,,..,r - 4.' en -Aitiast.,,,Wonte_.,, e , : Novel.;:224:.i.''IrTAl'1:::'eB:°)By;1.11ilecl:1111ittn' fjeleln.111.:Itil:s1:1,I49:11.' 3°3,415:eetA.€1tt.,,.b:2.11:1(ZIA'elts;(1141:-. :'.7'''' elf: : 'A: ''.i.'' ^htsitriktre. IllysTterYl• '3,3 Ili° jr.igera„ci.- Grang-0-. INIXitY CECIL HA -F., j ,. ;. . .09.,The Illysterri atMinekwood . A Novel. By M . letat,se :AGNES FLEMING. 6 1/3 �OKOg - The CitIA‘s of.tlie-New World. A description of all:points of Int erest relating to every important city:of erica, illne- trated with Lerdee.eye views of each city dethribecl. 03iicfillliVvttelgef4Tthellili)1• ae1arebooktiefulInformation upon many and various snhjects. //Zustrated. rozIseitLtailinEous.' 30e, The 11 lstory and Mystery callonanteat Things.t 3-135 work tellsallabout themauu- facture .or the common andfamiliatt things vyhichtwe see every.day.about•us, like- wisey describes. the oulture 01-15411 kinds of f OroignfruitS; nutS, spices,eto., Illustrated. 31. ManiiniS Mid CnStoinsin. Far Alvay TaMis,,a yeryinterestieg !and instructive boelchf travels, deseribing the peculiar life, habits,manners; and:customs 'ofthe people of foreign countries. fitustrat8d. FOR BE DIES.• ' 31.1 Earley Worlt. for Moine Atiortitklent, containing -instructions for inakin,g fancy baskets,wall-pockets,brackets,needle-work, embroidery, etc.; ete.; profusely illustraed• , • 35. The Bionic Cool/ Booli. and ..nOtilly Physician., contodninghundrerls execliont coolxing receipts and,liints 16 hoUseireepers, also tellbighow to cilre,:all manner of eons- mon•afltnents by simple horde remedie.s. FOR THE YOUNG PEOPL ' 36, Fain:ens ' Tie ctiveStorioi: A. col- lection of thrillingquirratives of -Detective experience', Maprof there:written by actual xnembers,ortlie profeseien ,.„AVo"-believe it to be the heste-olleetion cill.j/cfeetive stories .ever puhhshea.• ... ., ' 371, S&,tectit complete Sts;ric?,,by Popn' Aluthers ctribracing. love,'"hinnorous, 0 pettettv'e stoiies; stOrie'S 'of :se-clot-y.1ff( tlf adventure, etrallwaY life, te.; all ver/-1,yt....4, .tPrP§4Pg.,., . ' 38. School DialogneS. Iter.linthriai :Ind ,Itendings,nlarge,and.clioice collection tor school -exhibitions, and public and -private ehtertainnients.:,• e a . .., , • HtNTS. '39. ,l'arlor A,nusemetts;Mifewalk11argo 'Collection,. of s Acting a 'Ohateides, e 'Parlor Dramas,: Shadow Banteinitaes, Games, Puzzles, etc:, for 'social, gallierings, public d. an, private, entertainnientS, and evenings at home.." , , 40. Taitliee Wit and ,Ituntor. 'flow of -humorous stories, sketches,' poems, and paragraphs, by the leading funny anon of the American press. 11114.1trateci. The above 4.0,13001<s will be sent postpaid to any address for 61.20. Address The WOMAN'S WORK,,COMPANY, Toronto Canada tt:)4T-71=1. ovi3F.203Eit. We have arranged with the Publishers of these Books to present the whole Forty, postage prepaid, to any address in Canada or the United Stated, as a premium for sending Two New Subscribers to "The Weekly Mail" at One Dollar Each. 13.A.1 -1A -CM CDP1 TIIS YMAR, FR= Address, "THE MAIL," Toronto, Canada. CA LOC -THE PLACE FOR-- CHEAPIVES8 VARIETY AND EXTENT, CAM %MSS )410. One of the Largest, Newest, Best Ass`orted and Cheapest Stocks in. Exetcr. Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool jeersey Cloths, French Drese 'Materials, in all the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS. --All the Very Latest NoveliieaKiO, Fancy Black Dress Materials and Alournieg Goods, as well as all Staple Linesein Black Goocla. Colored Plushes in All Sbades worn this season. Elafflt, Dress and Mantle Silks:, I-106XE; ! GOOD ASSOItTIVIENT AND EXTRA 6HEAP.- 'Mantle Cloths, graucl range, Flannels, Blankets, Factoia and White Cottons, Shirtinge, ate., all bought before, tbe advimee le pates:and will be sold at m LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to CART_JIN-G'S. Our Crooery Dops,rtment is Contpiste, TRY OUR 500T. TEA. It is achnewl2dged by evo yone that has used 11 10 be the beet in the Village for the money. Sample Parcels, Free. BUTTER, 1.13GO'S, AND ALL PRODUCE TAXEN IN EXCHANGE. CALL SOLICITED. CARLING, Main.St, Exeter,