The Exeter Times, 1887-1-6, Page 54r 1.,00al Bravitiece, 1'arlchill, title year;„elected its first town council, The, municipality of McGillivray has won tae II'ylop patio 011 the ttppoul to the Juclges at Toronto, The Refointors of Parkhill celebrated Mr. Waiters” victory t1 North Middlesex, by getting out the brass band, It ntay bo remarked, as has often been re uzarked before, thatone can.. never toll till th vote is counted, P. There will only be ono Catholic Conserve l tive iu the Ontario Legislature for tbo next four years -Mr. James Glancy, of West Kent. IIIc, Geo, Stowardson, of Bi'ineloy,'has sola ,out his interest in the farm he .tlnd his brother had rented, known as the "Ramsey toxin." The, egg, factory of D, D. Wilson, Sfaforth, VMS dlsogvoyocl to be on fire on Tuesday week, Cause a defective flue, Damage about $600 I covered by insurance,. Mr. Foster, sr,, who lived in Colborne, just across from; Iiolmesville, died on. \Vednes day night, aged 74 years. His remains will be taken to Manitoba for interment. cOn Sunday, two reeks ego, Ali'. John Mills, of West Wnw flash, loot eight head of the a by their ftrlltuy„throngh:tho leo on the river while attenlptiug*to get a drink, Mr. William Sinclair, of Tupkersmith, has purchased the old McI euzie farts, on the Kipped Road, oppeeito his own, from Mr. Upshall for $5,600. A team of 4•year-old hems belonging to James Malcolm, East Nissouri, drew .a load of green cordwood measuring four cordo from Mr. Whetstone's to Mr. Maloolm's farnt, a dietauoe'of nearly one mile. • 'there is a well.to-clo farmer in Tucker. smith, nearly 70 years of age, who lies never yet peen on a railway train, notwithstanding. the fact that cars have passed within a quarter of a mile of his farm for years. The nineteenth annual convention of the county of Perth Sabbath School Association is to be held in Listowel on the 9th and 10th of February next, under the Presicsoucy of the Bey. R. Hamilton, of ;ltothorwell.' At the Middlesex Assizes which opon in R'London on Monday, Jan. 10th, 'the libel` case ,,of Hogg ve Crabbe comes up for Bearing, , ' This a libel suit against the St. Marys Argus man, The frame of Mr. John MoPhee's new saw mill, on the 26th oon. of Stephen, was raised last week. It is a good substantial frame 28x80, and promises to he a good mill. He expects to have it in running order about the 20th of January. One day lately, four grade cattle belong- ing to Messrs. II. Snell tit Sons, Hullett, got out of the yard and ran down the concession as far as the railway track, which they at. tempted to cross just as the freight train name along. Three out of the four were killed. Mr. W. Fitzpatrick• livery stable keeper, of Strathroy, had his leg broken in three Places the other day by being kickedby'a horse, which knocked him down and tramp- led upon him. He had a wonderful escape from death. Mr. Robinson Mawsou, of McGillivray, met with a miens accident recently. While felling a tree his axe glanced and made an •ugly gash in his foot. He managed to get home in his wounded condition without help, and has been infor ed by his physicians that he will have to ai as n -there for five or six weeks. Mr. and 14Irs.. James Hamilton, of St. Marys, had a narrow escape from death the other evening. Escaping, gas from a coal ova, had almost suffocated them, when Hamilton awoke, and admitted fresh air the house, checking the effects pf the Both were slightly disabled for a few On Wednesday evening, of last week, Mrs. Robt. Elgie. of Tnekersinith township, had the misfortnue to break her arm. She and her husband had been visiting at Mr. A. Elooat's, and when goi g out of the door to get into the cutter to r urn home, she slip- ? p -i1 on t doorstepan fzal br ,akr her ped be g arm at the wrist. \ The serious results of blood. poisoning have been fully realized by Mr. .Tames Hedges, of McGillivray, who recently returned from the lumbering districts in Michigan, where he received a flesh wound on one of Lis feet which was caused by the lalling of a cross cut saw across his foot, one tooth penetrat- ing the flesh which resnited in blood poison- ing, His leg is badly swollen and has been • lanced twice , A wedding party drove into Clinton the other day, and after the ensual "fly -about" started for home. When a few miles out the drivers commenced raping horses, and while passing one another, one of the rigs getting too near the ditch aooidentally slid over :the edge,,ailowing the occupants to pre- cipitate into several feet of water.. The un- fortunate .young` lady and gentleman aftor extricating themse,ves sorrowfully wended their way, home Joseph E. Kilroy, of Windsor, has publish. ed a card,'formally announcing himself as an Independent candidate for election to the Dominion Parliament. This will make a .three coruered fight, Messrs. Patterson and Cleary completing the triangle. Mr. Kilroy as editor of a Knights of Labor paper end Secretary of the Windsor A.sseinbly, probably gives the best indication of the source from which he expects his principal support. Mr. John Dawe, a farmer residing on the outskirts of the town of Mitchell, Hibbert township, went out to feed his cattle on the afternoon of Xmas day, and wee gored to death by a vicious bull. The brute haft alveays shown a disposition to be ugly but was not considered 'daugerous. 'Hie wife be- ing attracted by a noise in the barn-yatd, rushed out and at the sight of the bleeding form of her husband, dropped dead. They leave a large growu up family' to mourn their sudden demise. Mr. Stephen Yates, of Goderich, who some time ago went to the Old' Country for the benefit of leis. health, was `brought home a corpse last we*. Mr. Yates had been ar` the West Riding of License Ins eetot? for g Huron for some time previous to his taking ill, and in which capacity he was a diligent servant. He was universally liked, and - his death has east a gloom throtighout the northern portion of the country. His death was due directly to congestion of the kid- .-ney.s, induced by his weakened condition owing to the operation he underwent. Ager] 62 years. A shock of"earthquake woe felt Friday in Almeria. Andalasia. It caused much alarm but no injury. Niagara Bails, '0at., January 3, -While Mr, 'Joseph Cottringer, puilman ear conductor WAS crossing bile railway Suspension Bridge at about 5:38 this evening he noticed a Inas. dressed in n dark suit, with overcoat, step up on the foot passenger 'walk from a carriage drive about the centre of the bridge, about 15 yards in front of him, and e!irnb through the iron uprights braces and a ri hts on the whirlpool side of the bridge and 'yap off the bridge into tbo river below, a fall of 195 feet. Mr. Cot, bingo' rushed out to prevent him, but could sec nothirtg of the man on account of it being tluslc, but plainly belied the splash as the un. fortunate than stvneh the water. No fracas Vona be found of who he MIA, and probnbly hover will as bodies of suicides' from this point are never foetid, COLONIAL PROGRESS 1ltterestinf'l<telxl4. AND Cr,n Uou irux Iitrurszne. Cortese, tine detaultingPlytuoutir Solicitor', (baa bpgn arrested nt Calcutta. We hive' alwtty0 traced With pleasut e the sylnpathetie feeling that lute existed between . Aver et{rc, our mother country Crud the more jltvonile. Ono Single trial of Dr, Oitftse's Liver Culo por'ti.on O1 its fillntly, the Boil#ales, 1rr0CJ e6- will C4tlyitlCe the roost sooptiea[ anti couiizzu peciall,y those of the Western Ilenisphore ; bettor titan thousands of testimonials drat it as the progeny invariably imitates tlzo ex. i t a snip euro, llledioitte and Ileeipe Book 01. ample of its parent, so do me And it with our Sold. by C. LU 1'Z, Catztral Drug Siorq,• fostor•oliildien north of tate American. frontier Barnard Kelly, member of Pall•ani nt 1 e for only with this difference, that they appear of South .'Donegal, died suddenly while visiting late years to have almost „stepped into their his constituents. Health is impossible when the blood is pure, thicic, and sluggish, or when it is thin and impoverished. Such conditions give rise to boils, pimples, headaches, zneuralgia, rheu- matisro, and other disorders. Ayer's Sortie. tarill i a makes tiro blood pure, rich and vital- izing. HIS 1AiST RESORT Mr, Richard Rowe, of Harley, Out., was afflicted for feet year's with dyspepsia. Two ,experienced doctors treated him. ' Getting discouraged, he triad Burdock Blood Bitters. Ile states that two bottles oured him. Hods. now doing heavy work and as well as ever. parent's slioes" prematurely,,and letting go the leading etringe, fetu•)osdly walked' alone, This is evincible in various ways, to wit, the almost simultaneous advauoo in every branch of acienee and art, and the judicious aciapts t' to Purposes tali their own au Daus of the beat 1 p q and most sterling inventions and discoveries that owe their origin to Old Eogland itself. In nothing has this been more prominently ex- emplified than in the adoption almost as"with. one voice" of the remedies of'1'itoirts Hox, o - WAY, the Pills for the internal, and the Oint- ment for the. extercel diseases of the body ; no sootier were they adieu eti before the world from their local point of origin, 244, Strand, '['elegrams from [atones Ayres announce than the; became with unanimity the House- thirty-four new cases of cholera and twenty Write D11; GILES, Box 3489, N. Y: P, O., Wiiq hold medieiues of Canaclaanil the British Pro. deaths during twenty hours. will, without charge, give advice on all diseases viuees, and being especially adapted to the Be on Y011r Guard. and also on the management of cattle. Sold by settler's wants, being the physician of the Don't allow a cold M the head to slowlyall druggists at 50c, and •$1,00 bottle and in backwoodsman, in regions where the medical • and surety devologe into Catarrh whenyou he Ifni ient0 n tivliieh'there is great saving praetltl,Oner and the medicine chest were un -Liniment t white wrappers is for Family can be oared for 25 aceta. A. few appiion- neo;, that in yellow for cattle, known, they naturally became the only "bea- tions will eure incipient Catarrh. One to GILES' IODIDE AMMONIA cwt./free" o f health for the sick and sutferiu = A 1 NIA HORSE AND f 6 two boxes will euro ordinary Catarrh. Ono CATTLE POWDERS. in their new home ha the far off west 1 to fire boxes will mire chronic Catarrh. Used byall theleading \Ve learn from statistics in the possession Sold by all dealers at' 25o. or box. TryPark Pletwoo lhorsemenephe d Jerome t of Thomas Holloway, that the first settlers p d, Beach, Shaepahoad' Bay and Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure -take no other -it Bulla Head. Never diasdpafnt,are Tmaic Al - will etre yon C Ltitz sale t uieti Dostto Norms, (.ze for -Exeter o s themselves. with a household medicine of ` ` EXCELLED, l enactor, Pink -eye and Rheumatism. The their own choice, This, we need scarcely arid, was soon made, and 'HoanowAY's'two peerless but simple' remedies became the never neglected items iuthe early emigrant's store. As communication aoroes the atlantic became more open and frequent, no sails were set for America without some portion of the cargo containing a gtiod supply of these heal- ing medicaments, Saoeesstsay we. to this noble enterprise, which, simple,in itself,; is benign in its in- fluences, and Itas become giant •tut its oper- ations. Tho name cifUor,sowerwill be hewn iu after ages as the `s tttehword of health,= Liverpool Crusade. Municipallection s. Beyerxuo-Reeye, Pollock ; Councillors, Connor, Bailey, Woos and Wild. Bossueu 'r-Reeye, J. Blake ; Counoillors, J. Parkinson, G. Watts, A. Parsons and -J. - W. Rose. ]';frau --Reeve, Dr. Rallied ; Deputy - Reeve, W. G. Bissett; Councillors, Jas, Piok- ard,'1. B. Carling and D. Johne. Gonmticu- Payor, Charles Seager; Reeve, Fred. W. Johnson ; Deputy.Reeve, M. G. Cameron. HAY -Old council returned by acclamation. SrASLEY--Reovo,John Torrance ;. Deputy - IMPORTANT TO OWURS RS OP STOCK, t P.lf,911;~,u81N x s lire U61fi G T 1 r .r_ar Liniment IodideAmmnonia nest,n Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found- er, Weak Limbs, Sorting Knees, Spav- in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgalls. No stable should be without it. Railroad Mining and Express Companies all use Giles Liniulent,tt.nd in the greet racing stables o Belmont and Lorillard it has achieved woad dela. Ono trial will convince. S E At Toronto. Every Berm' Guaraunteed, This is l Js_Oz, Seas, se Exhibition, It bas, iee a t` r n d en: all e n et three tiering tl _ a a said d 51.1. Ca()LL1 11;1'.1) dialog F Seo (het yeti get Peerless, '•It i ; A1{ tut the last thre:U yt ars. s only t,Ieby s 4.14EL oC74=?l.rs ' , co,, FOE SALE BY y ry r , JAS PIt,FiARG, li,owoves all Unsightly Bnnelloe, Cnree Lame seat out to tl e Grand River by, the New En - agent tora•tive and Di y gland Company were required to' rovide • Indigestion, Colin, B t Sora Throat Catarrh P CANNOT BE EXC ,-e o r ' "I have pleasure in saying that Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cannot be excelled for cur- ing colds, coughs and loss of voice. It oared my brother completely," So says Ira Mo - Need, of Poplar Hill, Ont„ regarding this re- liable remedy. The British steamer, Ealing, from Savan- nah, has been burning at her dock in Liver- pool singe Wednesday last, alyer's Cherry Peotoral is r000dimended'by physicians of great eminence, on both side's of the Atlantic, its the most reliable remedy for colds, coughs, and all pulmonary disor- ders. 11 affords proiipt relief. No family should be without it A.OA-R.D. To all who are suffering from the e re and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of Manhood, dsc, I will send a receipe that will cure you, FREE OT CHARGE, This , great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Bend a self-ad- dressed envelope to. REy. IOSErn T. Irmo StationD. New York°it Returns from Viotoria show that the yield of gold in thatcoloay during the past year was 130,000 ounces under that of 1885. WELL SPOKEN OF. 'I can reoo-nmeud Hagyard's Yellow Oil very highly. It cured me of rheumatism in my fingers when I could not bend them." Idane for Reeve, A, M. Campbell, and Council by aa- ut4 atilt acid'rathextern rol us in all paeiufnl coin- clamation, &Etre r -Reeve, V. Rate ; Deputy Reeve Henry Either; second Deputy -Reeve, Ohas. Either, and Council elected by acclamation. o• LucaN.-Reeve, Wm. Elwood, 62 mai. LISTowEL-Mayor, Win. Hess; Reeve, T. E. Hay; Deputy, It. Martin ; Councillors, B. B, Sarvis, A. W. Peathoratone, James 13. Tremain, Jati}es Vanstone, .T. 0. Hay. Jacob Large, John Sinnington, Robert Woods, S. Bricker, William Welch. 111momoaa,-Mayor, James Dougherty ; Reeve, a. J. urlbui t ; Deptity, T. S. Fcrd. TO OUR READERS, AIonnzs-Old Connell re-elected. 11 you suffer from head. ache, dizziness, PaumnrL.-Mayor, W.A Hutchins; Reeve, bitch ache, billiosenose or humors of the Whitt? •,Councillors, Win. Baird, John blood, try Burdock Blood Bitters. It is a Robert Whit Griffith, Wine F1a3tCl er, John Chinese, Wm. guaranteed cure, for all irregularities of the Dickson,Arch. Miller.blood, liver and kidneys. WEST \VativAxosx- Old Connell re-elected. The Czar has withdrawn the subvention BsussELs.-Reeve, W. if. McCracken ; hitherto granted to the German theatre in coancillors, W. H. Kerr, Geo. Backer, John StPeteraburg, in favor, it is supposed, of. Rus - Wynn, R. Graham. Sian music and ballet. SEAPORT$;, -Reeve, D. D. Wilson ; Deputy- Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your, n 3A Dovmouth in Reeve, P. Strong •ouncil ors F.Duncan, the morningo you suffer from W. Hawkehaw, T. Smyth, John fairlay, Geo- Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biiioueness 1 If so Duncan, Dr. Scott. R. Wilson,J. Dorsey, L. Dr. Cars 's Bitters will euro you. Try it Murphy. Your Dr gist will zefuud money if not sat- WlNoria3r.-Mayor, H. W. C. Meyer (aceta isfactory. Numbers) 15 00 matiou) ; Reeve, W, Scott ; Deputy -Reeve, Ten miners were killed on the 31st alt. Postage Free to all subscribers in the United R. McIndoo ; councillors, No. 1 Ward, J. Neelauds, W, Gannett, A. Dawson ; No, 2 Ward, J. Hornuth, G. McKay ; No, 3 Ward, A. Roe, W. Lipid, W. Moore.; No. 4 Ward, ;x. Mason, 0. McConnell, J. Elder. TuRsBEaRr —Reeve, Wm. McPherson ; dee qty, Geo. Thompson ; councillors, J. Diamond, G. Barton, W. Gaminill. MOOILLrvnes.-Reeve, Wm. H. Taylor ; tat deputy,roeve, John Patching; 2nd deputy- reeve, John Bradley ; councillors, Wm. L. Corbett, and Joseph Gibson. 131euesneaD.-Reeve, Jos. Lawton; deputy. reeve, Geo. Hudson ; oouucillors, D. John- ston. John Dickenson, and Mr. MoVannel, UBRORNL+.-Raeye,. T. M. Kay, (acolama- tion Councillors, Jas. Halls, for S. W. Ward ; J. Shier, S. E. Ward ; Thos. Cam- eron, N. E. Ward ; •Wm. Kydd, N. W. Ward. The latter was elected' by 3 over Mr. Homey. plaints. It is officially announced at Madrid that the commercial modus vivendi with the United States Will be prolonged to the 3lst of March next. I was prepared to clie, the anguish and pain excruciating. Physicians. gave Inc no relief. Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia removed the pain and cured zee. ANNIE 00X, Ar- monk, Westchester Co.. New York. Sold by C. LIJTZ, CENTRAL Dnuo STORE, Exeter Out dose is 8nsa11 and tho power is great, The Powders are Guaranteed and Purchasers Palling to Obtain. a Cure Money Refunded. Sold by all druggists at 25 ets.per bo• .t, 0. LUTZ, Agent, EXETER, ONT. Oanvaessrs Wanted IMMEDIATELY IN THIS COUNTY TO scan D.1k_,TOZTEI A PII1171LY CANADIAN 3007r,' describing the wonders of our own country, with thrillingincideuts of travel and adven- ture, This is by far the most saleable''sub- seription book aver published in Canada. Not a book of scraps and clippings, but an original copy'wrighi wo lc,ricbly au profusely illustrat- To'onergetic men who will promise to can- vass at least one township, we will offer the most liberal inducements. As we manufacture the book ourselves upon our own premises, we can afford to place it inthe bands of canvass- ers at a very low figure, while the retail prices places the work within the reach of all classes. Applications ' for Territory received, at onee: We want at least one man in every county in Canada. Also the "New Borne Parallel Bibles," and Photograph Albums in over 300 var- ieties. C. BLACKETT ROBINSON, 5 Jo»D,tN S'r.. TORONTO Publisher 1887 Rapper's Magazin. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magasino during 1887 will contain:•a novel of intense nautical, social, and romantic interest entitledNarka"-e, story or Russian life -by Kathleen O'Meara ; a new novel, en- titled, April Hopes," by. W. D. H.,tvells ;. South- ern Sketches," by Charles Dudley Warner and Rebecca Harding Day, illustrated by William Hamilton Gibson; Great American Indus- tries" -co ntin:ied ; Social Studies," by Dr.it. T. Ely ;' further articles on the Railway Problem by competent writers: new serious of illustra. tons byl. A. Abbey and Alfred Parsons ; arti- oles by E. 1'. hoe; and other attractions. HARPER'S .PERIODICALS, Per Year HARPER'S BAZAAR $4100 HARPER'S MAGAZtNii;............ $4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'SPEOPLE YOUNG 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY One Year (52 Numhers ........10 00 HARPER'S HANDY SERIES, One Year (52 Legislative Elections. Official return for the following Ridings :- EAST names. Gibson. Hays. Brussels-.... .... 139' 123 Grey 498 283 Morris .. 360 321 Hallett .....................2$1 136 McKillop.. ............. 327 302 489 29 Howick 389 Wroxeter 61 An old physician, retired from practice, hay. by the falling of a cage' iu a colliery at Houghton Le Spring, in Durham. FAITHFUL. J. R. Faithful, of Stroud, Ont., says he suf- fered from quinsy for several years, until cured by tiagyard's Yell nv Oil, which medicine is a specific for all painful complaints, At St. Marys 23 out of 52 candidates have provisionally passed the High School en- trance examination. Fl4EE TRADE The redaction of internal revenue and the taking off of . revenue stamps from Proprie- taryMedicines, no doubt has largely benefit. ted the consumers, as 'well as relievingthe burden of home manufacturers. Especially is this the case with Green's August Flower and Boschee's German Syrup, as the reduc- tion of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to iunrease the size of the bottles con- taining these remedies, thereby giving one. fifth more medicine in the 75 Dent size. The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles: haveperhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The advantage of inorekeed size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized countries. Sample bottles for 10 ceuts remainthe same size. CONSUMPTION CURED. Ternberry . 281 180 ing hal placed in his hands ny'nn Cast Indian a -- -- missionary the formula of a simple vegetable Totals. . ... 2,306 1,863 remedy for the eepeedv and permanent cure of Consum tion, ronchins, Catarrh, Asthma. tive anti radical cure for. Nervous'Debitity and Majority for ibson (Lib..) 443.' mut 011 throat and lung affections also a posr- wEaT Hunos." Ross. Tayl all Nervous Complaints after having tested it or wonderful curative powers in thousandei of Goderich' town- ....... 331 322 cases, has felt it ttfs duty to melte it, known to Goderich township 109 185 • his suffering fellows. Actuate v ti.:4 n - Ashfield. , .. . 478 West it .. 257 East Wuwanosh 280 Colborne . • 241 Winghain .. '168 Clinton '260 Hullett 152 Iilyttr ..... 72 9d Status or Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. Whemno time is specified, subscriptions wilt begin with the :;umber current at time of re- ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine, for three years bae't, in neat cloth binuing, will' be sent by mail, ostpaid. on receipt of 83 00 per volume. Cloth cases, for binding,50cents each -by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 70 inclusive, from June, 1830, to 'June, 1885, one vol.. Svc: loth, 84-00. Remittance should. be••made Jby Post -Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. ,Newspapers aro not to coby'this advertise- ment witbou t the express. order of • HARPERefe BROTactis. : Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New' York. URCS DOUG HS; SOLOS, -_ QA;FF.SEfrFy5_S;ETC. 1887 liarp$r's Wee7s'l ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly maintaibs its position as 'the leading illustrated newspaper in America; and its hold upon public esteem and con- fidence wee etyer stronger than nt the present and a desire to relieve human sitfferin6 tune. Besides the pictures, Harper's Weekly' send free of eharge,.to all who desire t. this always' contains instalments of one, occasion - 214 recipe, in Gorman French orEuGlish,w_'th felt it of two, of the host novels of the day, finely 176 recip ions for preparing anti using,: Sent by illustrated, with short etnriee,peeing, Sketches, 234 mail by addressing stamp, naming this and papers on impporcantcucaro tapirs bbean paper,vV.'A,NOYEs,149Potucr'sBlock,Rs,chester, Inns' ifullvrwritere. Tho earothatllasUeen 15$ lar, y successfully oxenciar,d iu aha past to rnako , 243 i Harper's Weekly'a safe as well ase welcome A SEVERE TRIAL: visitor to every; ouseboid will not be relaxed 97 "I tried all the doctors in this locality for iu tae future• liver and kidney troubles (which I had for HARPER'S PERIODICALS.years) with no benefit, Pour bottles of Bnr clock Blood Bitters cured me," says Lernuel Per yeaar : , Alpin, Lisle, Ont. HARPER'S WEEKLY... ft400 The British army of occupation are within HARPER'S MAGAZINE. 4.00 two miles of the Great Rutty mines of Bar. HARP]+ R'S BAZAAR.:,. 4M0 Total.... , , ... - 2,358 2,021 Majority for Hon. A. M. !toss, 337. NORTH MIDDLESEX-. Waters. Morgan. Adelaide 331' 250 Ailsa Crain 90 72 Biddulph Lobo LunnMcCiliivray • .. , ,. Parkhill ..,., 126 142 Oast Wiiliutue. , , ...... , 273 134 West Williams 247. 153 malt. 34ARPleR'Oi YOUNG PEOPLE... 2.00 novic:a vo hfov1scnse-Aro y'ou ctist',rbocl at FLARED -111'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI• lt find brotren of ottr i•sst by (1- 101 413 "'Tr' Yc. chin`' B1tel1Y. Ono Year 52Nurnbers .. 10,00 434 x,23 Tlee ing and crying witli.natin of Cuttind ( ) Caeth? It so sours, t o15eo ai d gat n bottle of HARPi?.R`S IIANDY SERIES, One 25 155 etre. tVinslow's Soothing Spt•rip" for Children Year5`2 Numbers)... , 1i'.r10 367 400 Tooth; ,g: Its value is incalculable.' It will ( ) , ,lieve the poor Hale sutilirer inimodietely4 1'Olt'ga frco tis altaub;eribei its tho United .et,cud upon it, mothers ; there ie no mistake Statta tai canon. same it. It cures Dyso,tfely and Diilu•hiea, regulates the Seontach and eloweis, cures Wied Tho Volumes of; the t%'cold v begin with the Gabe softens the Gu have • m100isacosr tin;., nattou, first escheat. 1---- l 111JUS' o nail gives and energy to the whole system, no time is ni eltioned stthecri ,tions will begin Total: ...044 [ g J SOLD ONLY AT Sea s Drug Store, ` {t', ,. °c tib fie.' 2'a' •'D' a .c,iti c$ 0 ti , Pr ' .c 2• OSfi fit 5 1i' ro,Se.. ,,.;c4. 5 f4 2• ' os. 'CC e.'e,C - ti t` anti s { v .5 'a "e.., 2Y1'ti e • ofi q' 1;" a ecd G ✓`'e ,t'' ,Le'C Y raG Oa. , i a. , et {1 e{ 4 • o{a° .,`50 41N. 1ti e 3 e fit; ,,o"\-•","•:.1 wa, 9 5+ .0. 4c ti p° 9 Q Js- "*" ' baa, o ° G° 46' c° O.: zee ehV gig, g• 6S' °e. tia ll.4 la°role 'eO ,:` 5, °at° 51,0 , Sy q9 St °vpti 1i •rot Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 70, few Oxford Street, late 533, Oxford street, London. eo'Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If"th ad'tlrfeeMi.e.mc`-533;-Oxford "r -set London they are spurious. J- 8 PICLARD WILL 0 E'FER• AS LGNG AS THEY LAST Six But -to' n Kid loves- for 50c., Worth $1.00 28 In h t,, ch. Fine ;All Wool . , ,•, Grey. Flannel for 25c: 28.Inch. Uhion Flannel lariuel -• f`or 15c' Line of Cloth :° Dress. Goods for loc., 12c., 15c., [worth ,a great .deal m.or,e. 7 ] Coact V O r- ecotf.. a for 5.0 O 'ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Better p t . Goods at Hard ;Time Prices. Good All, Wool.Blankets lit Mill,Prioes. Every Department Oomplet6' and Goods ' Away Down to suit the times. . . 14,11:42** •R. O TT' N a ! NO DAMAGED 1 . AG' D OR ..SHELF - W4RNGOODS IN THE • ABOVE (J,FFERLN( .C, wilaiduuvi D. EVIT • 4 e9i 14 d 1,973 tut \\,,Ctrs, (Lib..) 71. teething ispleneantto the mato and is 1.116 "Silts. Wihzecotslow's Soothing Syrup" for children with the Number current at tune of 't ntI llajorhy of and Y cull. prescription 5 one 00 1110 oldest and hest Hound volunios of Harper's Weekly, for three " ,ornate i>ltvsielans and nurses in the United years back, to nein cloth 01,00105,, will be sent Scab`!s Eintltytotl et Pure States, tad is for4itlo by all druggist" tin °ugh- by ousel, postage pei.1 1, or b,• eenraee, tree of ee. CoQ Liver "011,• with [Yypoi,hosphites+ out the world, t r,eo twenty=five cants it bob- pease t,pnovt,led the freight door not exceed tie. 13d pure arid ,'sic for !•lids, %VINor,ow's out itr,ll, .r lata' vuliteno ,fir 17 00 per volwne, 1 , til tonic nI iu the fnllce degree ,too c t,. Possesses -t g i'i. dOTnINO Ct , t vP inti take noother kud. Uloth Cases for e.aoti volume., snftahlo for stimulating YOporties of the. liypophosp bites " No Mime m0(101101 as con .shaft universalbi'4tliL :Svill bo. seat b _ ii 1 p r q,Y ritail, postpuut, on 1,0. combined with the healing, strengthening apptobatisn in it8 own city,• state oi• country:; celietn ttmtaroo Lehu,i; i and fattening qualities of the Cod Liver Oil and among all as Ayer Salva printw 1 .. g people, 5, ' [ money order 01 1)t rpt be ovoid cliritl ost•niTic m a perfectly agreeable form of wonderful It is the best eotnh , ' to, advert!". "ss. p Y g , uiatton of vegetable blood Nawsnaiabre are not tut co iv flus alclvarkt . , ., t, Leo moat 11 t athoutt •"• ousnm 'tion Debilityand Wasting i ethers with a " he oa a value n W 1 It l th Cl f 3a CY al i Ig 1 , v c otitic of Puta.srunr and tier of I3ndPEtt Rs Diseases. Iron, evor offoted to the I nblic. I#Addt its Address EIAtbPt;li Sr r3ttC17`rtEltd; Now 'S''crlc. received ..c + veil a 'Oat; L° oitc1`o W f Ne Styittsh t ' z `' 3 LST .ate 1\1" ug ect- ho Fls For t} oI 1 3 nexts SIXTYl,, DAIS. 1. ,3. It be to $u y,., 1 ,C3:i t, to. calla" 'n, m . e belaae .lel C pi wC I ail Y t ful a, . , Syr Y - t n es ray.,. „ la said Up .. • ,, , seen doily in the street of REMLMBp1R' THE PLACE ON Berlin driving a luettrieus vehicle. o g he charges i onvve rthto e tittles th oo ( 1i t r Y.+ faro for r the I n manse privilege lege Of ler h driven b[lei self.