The Exeter Times, 1887-1-6, Page 4A Brace of $ribers. IIiTARIl ET REPORTS, --�(Correetedat5o'ru 9leckp,.Wednesday. t Front the Listowel Standard, railer no a 1 „ ,., 0 ^tr t 80 T111.Tlr2SD , JAN. pill, 1SSU. r 1 c nt l 13arl,y o 45 to 5cg .fiver. brought to light in this .laic af. clic Pre- C?xts 28 to so a the b C1 i;oea viuce tic}s got ruin of on }e evening before %ADZ.LORret V'O(h . 1' itrir, some of one young farmers in the -centre oS Ontario may be looking night previous certain parties had been d,pples,perbag oyoa • A 7 00 to 7 25 the oaectiuu., It was no: loss than a plot to ll'eebily x 75 to u.0. ''nas .,. depri)e Star, Idess, the Qneervativo oaudi- 4orrr date, of toe: votes of a large number of his Kegs frisnts lis b1 township of Wallace. Oa Lliuipel'Ubl,:;, Manday word reached. Mr. 'Bess that on the i l�otatcies,per bushel elsewhere for 'a more extended opening, through the uortherai part of the townslnp, Dried:kpplospr b oeeo o it may be well to bears ill mind, that in calling at the grousesC4 of farmers W4Q were, ,A`arkev Brerl¢lb. ltnbwu to 110 Conservatives and leaving two dollar bills. In most oases the fa; mars were routed ont ot their beds and bad tiro !boodle' thrust upon them unawares, the "mystecions strangers'" imnlediately,mal.ing off after tol- ling them to use their teams and work for Hess. At some places they would represent fbeue•edves as agents of the Dominion Gov- ernment, and at others as having been sent by Mr. Koss. those who were sharp enoug4k to see tltronglc the plot refused to take rhe' looney, and heel the "mysterious straugers" not suddenly decamped they would undoubt- edly have been given a warm reception. The news also reached town on Monday eYeuing that some or the came parties were at. Work that evening cin the boundary gad along the 3rd concession. Effortswereat —FOR THE -- once made to fandoout who the scoundrels were and to capture thein. The boodle dir- J 1�J scj tributors were described as wearing fur over- 1 +[u coats, which furluished a due to the owners of tits coats and rendered the identification of the parties continuatively easy. 4 searching party was organized, and the result was that at an early hour on Tuesday morning war- rants were issued for the arrest of Fleury Leslie, of Elute, and Themes Eallock, a shoddy peddler, who resides in Gerrie. Ilallook was arrested in the Grand Central Hotel, to where he had, been traoed, and Leslie was subsequently arrested at his own house, The plot as was suspected, was nothing ore or less thau a conspiracy to defraud a considerable number of Conterva. tiye electors of Wallace out of their votes, the northern parts of this Province .there tire miles of aures of good, hind to be hs4 ' for elle asking,alrci wbere the climate is a r t more moderate than la Manitoba, Tato most remarkable thing abouii Mr. Bishop's Majority in South HATprl is that the strongest professions of temper- ance principles gave way to political. par- tiaanship. ...s between the two oandi- dates, Mr. Swonerton, the Conservative, is .infinitely superior as a temperance roan,--Goderich Star. • Now that the elections are over, no doubt Mr. Mowat will summon'enough'cenrage to fill the Shrievalties and Eegistrarships vecant in the Province, The;.Registrarsbip of Carleton has been vacant for many months, bat fearing to cause a split in the party, the filling of it was put oft until after the election: Thus party expediency is consulted by Mowat before the public utorests Pitepers' are daily multiplying of the extent to which the Canadian Pacific Railway is being recognized in Europe as the best avenue to Japan and eastern countries. A correspondent of the Lon- den Times, writing from ,Ikao, Japan, says <: — "Conipetitiox , allied with steam and steel; is fast operating to :lessen the .enor- mous distance which separates Japan. from Ehrope. Already, with ordinary luck, the Dur;ks per syr Olaiekensper or ftogs,dressedpex100 Boot F� iidesroullg, grossed Sheepskins oaelr :alf skins Wool per lb Hay porton . •t►uions nor bush 'tyoodper cord 04FStog000Q U56t00 ., 0;17 to 0 17 47top1.7 00 G0 0.55 35to040 40 to 0 50 .:. 00400000 006to000 „ 0.08 to 08 ,, 0 20 to 0 00 0 00 too 40 0 10 to560. ... 400 to500 .., 600toG60 600to700 .,, U 40 to G 7. 050to070 onito017 800 to 10 00 0.50to075 ;., 250 to3o0 eLEA� SALE and` therby reduce. Mr. Hess's majority in thzft township, and perfiaps'eegnre his defeat. This was made apparent when in was found that Grit scrutineers had been imported. from Stratford to attend at the polling sub divisions inwhiohthe boodle bat been dis- tributed, and whose instructions undoubtedly were to swear ,every man at whose place money had been left, But the calculations of the conspirators were nippediu the b:id, traveller ,'who does not tar* may reach (ae it were, by the arrest of 'Aallgck and Les - Tokio from Lennon, by way of North lie, and the game being ttl4 with them, the America, in thirty days. Soon he will be able to-do so in twenty-four or twenty-five • days, by way of Montreal andXort poorly." WHILE Canadians; in this part of the Dominion at least, have 'been enjoying 0 winter of exceptional wildness and re markabfy free from heavy snowstorms, it seems a little strange to learn that in England the wether has been intensely cold, accompanied with much snow, and fierce winds, by which travel has been delayed' and heavy losses to property occasioned. It seems to be prdtty well established bytthe experience of recent years that the English climate is - chang ing for the worse, while thedreaded win- ters of Canal„da are becominmilder. -- .° THE following is went of the strangers who were brought in to act as scrutineers were speedilygiyen the wink to not put the oath,. It was subsequently ascer- tained that between sixty and seventy farm- ers had been called ou, but so far as we know, not a single man of themacceptedtL money forced on them as a bribe. In several cases the money was refused point black ; in others it was left outside of the houses ;, others again had the money forced into their pockets, while still others"'did not realize that money had been left with them till the "mys- terious strangers" had gone. Rad they de- layed their disappearance into the darkness they would undoubtedly have fared' badly, :as the indignation was intense upon the dis- covery of the trick that bad been perpetrated. Hailoek and Leslie were released on bail, the former in 1$4-,000 and the latter in,$3,000. Their examination was adjourned' till Wed- nesday next, ednesdaynext, 5th.inst., at 70 a. m, Samollrichri Have decided to reduce the following lines for the next 80 days, in order that every person may have extra value for the Christ- mas and New Years' holidays Dress Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Small -wares [of every descripticn. ----ALSO A -- CHOICE LOT OF FURS ! --IN—. Ladies' Jackets, Fur Setts, • Fur Caps,_ Collarettes, Fur Trimmings, &c. We have constantly on hand a first -plass assortment of Scotch, English, French, end Canadian ens ads. Tweeds' in whieh we are prepared to give extra: value. • UNDERCLOTHING A SPECIALTY, A No. 1 Suit for 70 , cents. Overcoats and. Ready-made Clothing at rockbottom prices. GROCERIES I Our stock of groceries are Fresh and Now for Christmas. Call and Get Quotations. It is pleasing to us to state that a 'great THE L®p (Published .by the many df otu• subscribers -the majority of A. B. S- whoneewere several. years in arrears --have New York. call_<l and renewed subscription and TAY®N' �+ C s • ares. We propose mak "tin„' OFY V a7Emmizassiamagaimma a ,t -ng .,`:. C P BP. 'tonil"7tn� � t, rnd""exlien- .paid up-'oitY sv� sesfor '1,a ember,l8\_Gross'eatziings, the'Clltiss still mare acerin,.. .. $1,073,2/6 ; worliing\lises, $625,049; ensuing year. net profits, 8448,236 ; °lease in net profits, for November, as cot 'oared with November, 1885,. 0,232. For•, `the eleven months 0., November - 30th, the figures are as ows :-Gross Mearnings; $9,187,703„ av g expenses, 3,241 ; in- $ki,764,4Cp2 p, ret firofits, • t profits the eleven on the lith ult., by the Rev. J. Eamon a. MARRIED. MCCLYuolr-11iAuPsox.-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 21st nit., by Rev. Wm. Torrance, Mr. Wm. McOlymont, of Stanley, to Mies Melvina Maudson, of Tuckersmith. WAITS—AncenseLD•—At the residence of ' the bride's father, 5th con. Tuckertainitb, crease m ne , months enduig Naayemb h _, 1886, as to Miss Han - ah a d . Watugh err of Ir. A. Archibald. compared with last year, .057• And 5005—TUomesoka.—At the residence of the this is the line of Railwshich the bride's mother, on the 29th ult., by the opponents said would not eEev. J. S, Lochead, Mr. Geo. C. Meggs, to pts salt." Mies Aggie`P. Thomason; all of Parkhill. It tans out materially tRIiINSO�. LAGLADnR . teriall d nt sow• r—On the 29th ult., ever. at the residence of Mr. Thos. Magladery, father of the bride, by the Rev. A. G, 01 WHILE the Conservativ; ty feel dis- Harris Mr.M. Parkinson, of Strathroy, to )Miss Lizzie Magladery, of Parkhill. appointed andanrloyed,it'`; feat where VAbt:—ANDEnsON.—At the Methodist par-. sonag°, St. Marys. by the Rev. A. M. Phillips, Charles Wade, of North Norwiek, to Mee Isabella Anderson of North Dor- RICL� ., 1 STA CONTAINING NEARLY 300 PAGES. RARE and RACY. )"LING REVELATIONS, -,00, Sold in the United States. Over 1,000,0• — •'tnabler and Actor in Can - Every Sporting, Gi! PY of this work. IT'S ads should have a ELL8 ALL, AND IS TCO POST TEE mom; lT on receipt of Goon TO BE WITHOUT. Sent oymail, postage paid °-' a Oat. price, 50c., or three books for $1. M. J. COLLINS Wellauii,'' Merry Christmas to all, both great' and small, 0nd with thanksgiving, favours GEORGE KEMP would respectfully solicit a share of the Christ nate Trade, dealing only in Groceries, Fruits, cecc.I I have a 'full line of Family Groceries, Oranges, )figs, Basket Raisins, Nuts, Cand, les of all kinds assorted, .Peanuts roasted, Tobaccoes, Cigar's, Belfast Aromatic Ginger ,tile, `,Cry a euke of.Compressed Yeast, and you will use no other, r 'Great Redatetion in Prepaid Tickets to parties sending for their friends from Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland or Germany. Apply : GEO. I EMP 10511500050 THE ADDRESS, Drew's Block, South Store Just Arrived A COMPLETE STOCh O1+' X -MAS GOODS —AT— S. C. IIERSEY'S (#ROCERY, victory should have b�rt `n of '.e most de- ' cisive character, t1p5-`•tve thproud con- sciousness of lving fought f. the side cheater: of truth am ustice. There "s nothing SirLnd—lion15RTs—In Fullerton, on the 22nd V.', 'b. the Rev. MI'. Caswell. Mr. David in theinefeat to make thein ashamed, by of Blaushdtd,; to Ida, youngest In th our of defeat they fess satisfac- daughter of Mr. Isaac Roberts, of Fuller- Ntion: at their opponents don., experi- ton, m ence in victory. They know f1;ir -cause ' was a just one ; the Referrers knoi theirs was most unworthy. '.''e woula not exchange places with them. Victory is only+ satisfactory to Conservati•es when obtained oretprinciple. They wish no victory that can be obtained onlyby the abandonment' of every principle ti virtue and by the elevation of a mercinay mis- creant into a hero and martyr. Tie Re- formers are welcome to all such yitories. l TnAT' political 'affairs in Canna are nearing a crisis which must end rifler in. ciail war or a complete overtu ling of our present constitutional syst tr and the substitutiongf sonic new an crude scheme, there can Le no douhit the minds of those who will allow 'tl4nelves or will he allowed by partyism Tb take ariimpartial`view of the situation. +Lib erals may gloat and glory to theirihetits content over the victory they halo on, but the triumph has been purchased by a fearful outlay of principle. Drench dom- Inition, which they hated so religiously SEND 25 CENTS — - —To-- RP Toronto, `F CE F , 0 �. AND RECEIVIE THE 6 hristns and Election ]los. of Grip And the paper (Grip) to 1st Feb., '87. OR SEND $ 1, And receive the CHRISTMAS and ELEC. rION''. oa , and the .i':+per to July 1st, '87, indulging choice of the two Premium Plates, rLeadieg "(lonsetvatit•es" or "Leading lie- f`ormers.'; Lcldres, The Grip PrinGing and Publishing Co,, 26, and 28 Front Street West, Toronto. field's are se•rre,bau those who write ifew years ago, is now fondly embraced.. i _ 5tinh,.n d Co., 1?orttn.nd, it 1210 Roman Cath- '{ {' tr' o full i olcl, Mation r nCC to the Rocn< C ;Sd.td tvi11 receive froo, tne with refs lir ,And these denominations know abelitwvrtr viich tlioy oto do, and live at thtt tp .,.conn) that 'gill pay thorn from 05 to ro..a, 001 g'y, gqtrTlb in accordance with:their r1ay.:, :'oauo(� have earned over $50 in a tray. Ilrl ,, 1+•itpa0 sex•YounC or old. Capital net rognir- ,xt tanality, and not as ,fan- 0c1. xo,i ,n`o started free, Those who start at hey'tem,:old the iGesr of the poll- tion, 03 ice, -nice are ale ntoly sew of a etluii little f01'• tion, ft' one part}�becciirl08 eat Ell 1tQ11 Pi'el�criptte►n, Err slinplYltur,crf h • ` ,i suocessfultfedicino used over y'.• sllnply turn ",c(-) . 1 )'ears iii .thousands of cases. ► uniting with the Cures SpC • tarrheu 1Vervoas.' j g Wealctties, feSioss, )rnpotency ants Bud Coffin 01 and all dieee •:: eatt. ••d by' abuse. ' Cin of the count rota] indisetetibk "-exertion. reaTial ppackageseltiur.an'• 'are tvhena others part of any I: Ask you Drug: The Gress Enslfeh 11d he nipped in eelptton, cake 1(0 - te, One package IE ITS V)",b• mki1 Wit 1npUlet. Address gild 'cievolop,ll' Ica (7ie44E111 1, t citron Duels. irs which Win Paster by f. passible to Brom `g and 'A )Main -Street, Exeter. � JOE= 13 A 'lar, UNDERTAKER & X9' 1 CABINET-MAI�ERR Walnut. & Rosewood Caskets Also CoyrINs or EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete ;Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture .is un- excelled. t'GIVE MEA CALL CANADIAN Y'` ACI IC RAILWAY. THE GREATEST CORPORATION ON EARTH. THE MOST DIRECT.- -AND BEST EQUIPPED ROUTE —BETWEEN—' MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT, • BOSTON, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, v KANSAS CTT', ID • a a ,:. is a-1 i W g ". s I Zoog 1 I �. rL ao ' Excursion a ANCOUVER, VICTORIA, ANCISCO, for $90.00, tick- od for Seven Months. Pi A - g ce z 8 fl' n rai d g I,SAH aK "- S t; E -I ..G , . 61 m F a 8 : yj ia-r v ='a pa, a pW ` •i �vU 2V. -Wr IV 12) to o i-iW r: :14, wa A' :A -ii ai z`t W °-' W Harper' ' matter combines the choicest liter- a r' with the >r a illustrations °tion •t 11 ,+,� at at F -f fl'te O e Fra H tj u +� „ lure and � ",� c a; ' � e �j latest (+'ions nhd the most useful family hes qs co A z .5'= o? id read ingjfts stories. essays and poems are by Z '' ` w . are uns easedthe best . gIte papers eon social rous et i - U quette, orative art, housekeeping in 0,11 its E D.23branche ookery, etc., make it indispensible O in ever householdits beautiful fashion - pattern -sheet supplements enable ave many times the cost of subscrip- inn their own dressmakers. Not e Imitted to its columns that could most fastidious taste. and SAN et BerEefo ,purchasing your tickets else- where, cal n - W. J. CARLING, C. P. R. AGENT. CARLIN r STORE, EXETER. 1881 IX-` per's Bazaar. ILLUSTRATED. i,. t � 1ti r r a.uabta,A, ' .1 ,�• .1'. ''7' r ,•11.1 Itir r,tJ1!t'lllrht rt NOW IS YOUR TIME All Winter Goods Must Be Cleared Out. REMNANTS AT DESPERATE PRICES BARGAINS NTERT _°A L Come and See, at R.A1\7I101\T R;o s.. NOTE 11'1 DONT FORGET Il In order to accommodate our rapidly increasing business we have had to Enlarge Our Premises, and now have room to show the BEST 4SSO1TED STOCI OF Hardware., Tinware,. Stoves, 'Etc, IN TOWN ---(coo» If you want a STOVE OF ANYXIND, we can supply yon and '"g;'i fntee Pricer Right If you intend building, Call and Got Our Prices for NAILS, LOOKS, HI.NGES, PAINTS, OILS, LEAD, EAVETROUGHING, ETC., Ir WILL PAY You. If yon want TINWARE, OOPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Rigb Spot when you call at BISSE-..T..T If yccp want STOVE GOAL, BLACKSMITH COAL, SCALES, SPADES, SHOVELS • MIRES, MACHINE, AMERICAN on CANADIAN GOAL OIL, CISTERN on WELL PUMPS, (Ino..), you will strike Rock Bottom Prices et.. Q plstes dU ladies tc W tion bel 8 H line is O N 1r shock t} U.g o 174 Sd • CI1� I- g Pe F; 0 WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNES$1 DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY. INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, Ti -IE STOMACH, HEARTBURN,DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of disenve arising front disordered LIVER ICLDIJEYS, STOMACfI, JJOW ILS Ofi BLOOD.. T. MIILUUR.N ec CV. Propri'tors; 2"ORONTO. A E$ And a Happy New Year To All. G_ A_YNMA.IT Has received a large stook of all the leading Groceries, Fruits, Conte° inn ery, Biscuits, Oysters, 'daddies, Siecoea, &a., such. as Teas, Sngare and s Oranges, Citron Coffees, Spices, 0 a hes, Ct r n and Lenroii Peels, Oranges, Lemons, Grapes,; Dates, Figs, Nuts, Currants, Raisins (black basket, London layers, valen°iee).- The choices. Candies for X-mas. BISCUITS—Fruit, Soda, ma. wine., Aberflieran, Oysters as you like them, (cooked, raw, or f4' thecctiart). Fish of all kinds. TOBACCOS --all the best brands, Ma. ,- eSpun 1 Dotiflly Paces Twist, Holley Suckle, Golden Jewel,Roll, , Old Gold, Myrte Navy, Gold Flake. CIGARETTES—Vauity Fair, Sweet Capreol, Vito\and different other lines. PIPES --a full stock to band, All Styles, I Shapes and Pricing, . A11 the above lines are fresh for the X-mas trade. HtPER'S PERIODICALS: r' PER YEAR 51 00 IN TEa 51QDSlicom 400 4.001 HARP R'S BAZAAR HARP R'S MAGAZINE HA.RII1LI✓S WEEKLY HAR R'S YOUNG: PEOPLE„ ..... 2.00 HAR IS FRANKLIN "SQUARE LI - BR Y. One Year (52 Numbers) . 10.001 e HAI R'S. HANDY SERIES. OneI Yea (52 Numbers) 16.00 Post go free:to all subscribers in the United] States rlCaaad5. ` Th • olumes of the 8551050 begin with t')1 with o Number current at time of receipt 11 first n tuber for January of each year. \Vhoa no t1 • is mentioned, sabscri Irtionw wi11 begin order Bo d Volumes of H0,rner's Bazaar;, for 01(00 veer. lack, iu neat sloth binding, will be ant by .. il,post-ge paid, or by express, frer oft expe se (pro\idea the freight does not exsoed, one char Per volume), for . $7 00 pet voluint• 01 th Caa05 tor each volume, suitable fur i Ulm tg.will be soot by mail, postpaid; c5 re' cot t of :t1 00 each. 1=aaittrtncos should bo mold ch by ucost-O rise Id. ey drder or 1, l atft, to av ews as lots fere not to decry 0U is ac3vertis 1. l erO , A Suit made from these goods in the Latest Stles rii rip tvatlimat tete e>;Prra5 orclor of li �n 13 oTni- ddress HAlil'i�.1C & 13 C10TII14it9, Now York, - -' --` AND AT EXCEEDING LOW RATES, GIVE iTS A C L-14, } OOT T and • 80IV the Exeter Clothie SOUTH �l� r C. SOUTHCOTT & SON Have just opened their Fall and Winter Purchases of onsisting of some of the Finest Pattern Goods to be had anywhere. —IF YOU WISH— -Cil STRAY CATTLE,—Stray0li into. the premises of the undersigned; Lot 31, Gan. 15, Hibbert, on or about 'July last, 0vr7 o heifers, --one yearling and 000 twe e , O- D Tit,(: dwn0r may have ciao sank by proving D putty and paying expenses. JOHN Chs leur5tr� o. (1-tn)