Clinton News-Record, 1977-04-07, Page 10PAGE 10—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THU,R
AY, APRIL 7, 1977
otuors told to stick together
c, .
Harry Baker, president of
the Bayfield Senior Citizens
Ever Young Club, presided
for their regular meeting
Thursday evening when 29
members answered the roll
The secretary, Mrs. Jeanne
Lindsay, read the report of
the last meeting and Miss
Dorothy Cox, treasurer, gave
her report.
Mrs. Vina Parker then
i0_toduced Mrs. Mary Grigg
of Clinton who was the guest
speaker. Mary. is the
president of Zone 8 of the
United Senior Citizens and
her theme was the United
Seniors of Ontario convention
she attended in St. Catharines
last year where more than 700
Scouters to host meeting
It is a busy time uptoming
for the Scouters, leaders and
the L.A. Monday evening,
April 11 a District Scouters
meeting will be held in St.
Andrews United Church.
On Tuesday, April 12, at 8
p.m. immediately following
the Lions dinner meeting, a
slide presentation will be
given by John Dawsbil,
Provincial Field Executive of
Hanover and Frank Clement,
Huron District Council
President of Goderich, to
parents of Cubs and Scouts. A
discussion will follow the
slides on the topic "Scouting
On Friday and Saturday,
April 15 and 16 about 40
Scouters, members of the
Group Committees and the
District Commissioner are
expected to descend on the St.
Andrews Church for part one
3f a basic training course.
The L.A. will be catering to
all the meals, and they need
lots of help. Mothers of
Brownies, Cubs and Scouts,
please give some of your time
especially during the
weekend of 15 and 16. We need
Conservancy hears
Heritage speaker
Ken Kelly of Heritage protect this sort of thing,
Canada was a dynamic because itis designated
speaker at the meeting of the doesn't mean it's going to be
Huron Branch of the preserved, said Mr. Kelly. In
Architectural Conservancy of the late 1800's 'there was a ,
Ontario at the Little Inn in move to the awareness on the
Bayfield last Thursday. He part of the public to preserve
was introduced by Nick Hill, the heritage; especially those
chairman of the Huron dealing with important
Branch. events and important people,
Mr, Kelly said that such as the cottage of Anne of
Heritage Canada is a national Green Gables and the Sir
foundation sponsored by the John A. MacDonald home.
,Federal Government, Mr. Kelly spoke of the
Secretary of State, and the tremendous restoration done
Ministry of Indian and at Dundurn Castle in
Northern Affairs.,It operates Hamilton when it was started
on a $1.5 million budget each as a 1905. He also
year, which is. the interest on praised the V9'ork of the people
the $12 million endowment, responsible for saving for
individual and corporate gifts restoration, the Goderich and
and membership fees. Fergus jails. Small com-
Created in 1973 by a munities across Canada are
number of prodigions people trying to recapture some of
in the business community a the past.
14 member board was formed He mentioned too, Upper
of which Pierre Burton is a Canada Village, Morrisburg;
member with four objectives Heritage Village, Calgary;
in mind: to promote area Lower Fort Garry and
conservation (concentration Burnaby, B.C.
on older buildings in urban Mr. Kelly said that the best
and rural communities); to reconstructed project in
pressure the government for Canada is at Louisburg, a
better Heritage legislation; to fortress on the Eastern coast.
support lbcal groups; to In 1938 the Federal Gover-
create an awareness on the nment designated the site of
part of the public." Louisburg and looked after
Mr. Kelly spoke of so many cleaning up all the rubble that
changes in the way of life and lay around there. In 1960 they
compared, the horse and started to move on the
buggy mode of travel to restoration of it and to
today's cars, • moving people reconstruct. Today they have
from the rural areas to the reconstructed the Fort and
cities with a greater con- about one-fifth of the town.
centration of poptilus in the is possible today in Louisburg
cities requiring more to have your lunch served to
buildings both commercial you in the same fashion it was
and retail nature. He showed served in the 1500's.
slides of the contrasts bet- Mr. Kelly spoke of the
ween the old and the new..The restoration of the Benmiller
Gooderham building built in Inn Union Station, Ottawa;
1800 being overshadowed by Grand Trunk Railway Station
the Canadian National Tower in Petrolia; the restoration
in Toronto. Many once done by the Liquor Control
beautiful -homes abandoned Board of Ontario outlets in
by lack of funds to keep them Elora, Ridgetown, Niagara% „
in good repair. on -the -Lake, and FrOnt Street
He said usually a home that in Toronto. He credited the
had been handed down from L.C.B.O. with saving the .
generation to generation in above mentioned buildings ;
one family is usually in very Kingston City Hall; down -
good repair because of a town Halifax along the
sense of pride in keeping it waterfront; Christ Church
that way. Cathedral and the Orpheum
There is no legislation to continued on page 11
seniors were in attendance.
She stressed that seniors
should stick togetherand
stand up for the th,jngs' they
feel they should have. She
also stressed their Star
Membership, giving them a
voting voice in any situation
that may arise and need a
delegation. Mrs. Grigg was
thanked fof her most in-
teresting and informative
talk by Esther Makins and
presented with a small token
of appreciation.
During -the business
session, the meeting voted to
donate $50 to the Library and
$50 to the Community Centre
Following adjournment, a
few - games of euchre were
enjoyed with prizes going to
Jessie Blair, ladies' high;
Lilliari Penhale; ladies' low;
George Brown, men's high;
Clinton Gibson, men's low
and Vina Parker, won the
lone hand prize.
As always, a lovely lunch
ended a perfect evening.
Good Friday
service planned
Yon are reminded of the
Sacrament of the Lords
Supper to be served in the
United Church on Good
Friday evening, of the
Sunrise Service on the
grounds of the Manse on
Easter Sunday morning at 6
a.m. with breakfast to follow
in the Church and the Easter
Sunday 'morning worship
service at 11 a.m.
Bayfield II 4-H
The fifth meeting of the
Bayfield II "Bedwarmers"
was held on March 30th at the
home of our leader, Mrs.
Merner. The meeting was
opened by president Karen
Erb with the roll call which
was "The Topic of Our Club
Presentation for
Achievement Day, .and 5
Important Points to Include
When Fgannint It."
We discussed facings for
armholes and necklines and
both these were demon-
strated by Mrs. Merner. Terri
Weber and Sandy Snell baked
a cake in honour of Mrs.
Merner's birthday and we
ended our meeting with cake
and ice cream.
Family Dininiat Its Finest
Complete with Dessert & Beverage
HOURS: FRI. - 5.9, SAT. 11-9, SUN. 11.1
00.4.W°.. • .....A*74,10.09. .
r94 ,
V,enessa Coulter and Dillon Fremlin showed off the latest
in rainwear at the Clinton Nursery School's Fashion
show last Friday night. (News -Record photo)
Firemen treat wives
The Bayfield firemen en-
ertained their wives and
former members of the fir
department on Frida
evening in the Community
.,.As a special "thank -you" to
the London Fire department,
Fire Chief Ray Morley and
Mrs. Morley of London were
Bean supper
From all reports, the
Annual Bean Supper at St.
Andrews United Church
Saturday evening was a
successful endeavour.
The men of, the Church
prepared and served a
tempting menu of baked
beans, sausages, bacon,
salads, brown bread and
There was plenty for
everyone and a wonderful
time was had by all those
Stronger than dirt!
You know Suzuki's reputation on the motocross tracks
throughout the world. Now here's your chance to place
yourself in the winner's circle. Suzuki's RM series is the
performance leader of the motorcycle world, with the
kind of toughness and reliability you need to win' race
after race and championship after championship We've
got RMs instock from the RM -80 to the -370 two wheeled
rocket. Come in and see them and the entire range of
Suzuki motorcycles. We've got them priced right For the
bikes, the service, parts and accessories, come to where
the winners are.
G u VI
V,orno Ontorio Diol 519-262-5809
mum goes the distance!
MON. TO WED. e a.m. to p.m.
THURS. 8, FRI. 1 a.m. to 9 p.m.
SAT. II a.m. 909 p.m. SUN. 1 5 p.m.
their guests. The group en-
joyed a lovely dinner served
by the Lioness Club anct tne
dance that followed to the
music,of a disc jockey.
During the evening, a
prank call sent the firemen
scurrying and added a rather
sombre note to an otherwise
very enjoyable evening.
Bayfield social, personal notes
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sturgeon
attended the wedding
Saturday in London ,of her
cousin, Nancy Davis to Arn
Kleiber in Mt. Zion United
Church and the reception
following in the Latin
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Smith
have returned to their home
in the Village after spending
the winter months in St.
Petersburg, Florida.
• Miss Sally Bennett of
Stratford and Mrs. Shirlty
Graham and daughter Anne
of London were . Sunday
guests of the former's
parents, Rev. William M. and
Mrs. Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craig
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Ross McMicheal and
family in Oil City. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Knight, Heather, Kathryn
and Sandra of Leaside were
the weekend guests of his
mother, Mrs. G.L. Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Layton
of Brucefield visited Thur-
sday evening with their
daughter-in-law and gran-
ddaughters, Mrs. Judy
Layton, Joanne and Sheryl on
their return from a winter
vacation in Florida. Mrs.
Mary Broadfoot of Kippen
was a guest on Sunday.
Marg Mayman was the
lucky winner of the $200 in the
Lions sponsored Bayfield
River -Break-up contest. She
held the ticket with 19:31
(7:31 p.m.) the correct time
,of the break-up.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Scotchmer returned home on
Thursday after a two months
vacation in Tucson, Arizona.
They were accompanied on
their trip by Harry and Fern
Baker. The Scotchmers took
the Bakers to the many points
of interest 'while they were
there with them. The Bakers
remained a month in Tucson.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Young of
attending, and the fellowship
in working together by the
men was mostenjoyed.
Mike Carter had been the
houseguest of the Knights in
the summer of 1976 as an
exchange student sponsored
by the Lions Club.
Mr. Bernard F. Sturgeon of
ckangeville, called on his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
B. Sturgeon on Thursday
while on a business trip to
Judge Ken Arkell and
children, Cathy, Jimmy,
Karen and Tommy of Vernon,
B.C. were dinner guests.of
their Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Le Beau on Monday. The
Arkell family had been here
visiting Ken's parents, Mr.
Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Penhale spent 6 days
with Charlie and Lulu and
were shown the,. interesting
spots, in and around Tucson
and up in the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knights,
the Scotchmers' son-in-law
and daughter joined them for
a three week vacation and
accompanied them home.
While there, they visited Las
Vegas, Mexico, Grand
Canyon and many interesting
places. On their return home
they spent a weekend in
Lubbock, Northern Teas as
the guests' of the Carters
A complete line of special
cakes, cupcakes and pies for
Easter -.made with care in our
own kitchens.
Easter Novelties made in our
Candy Kitchen, of the finest
quality chocolate.,
Hot Cross Buns
now available
Bring the kids (and your camera)
to Bartliffs, and see the
in person
1-4:30 p.m.
Draw for our special Easter Egg will be made
at 4:30 p.m. by the Easter Bunny. Free Candy
for the kids.
48 ALBERT ST. CLINTON '482-9727
indoors or outdoors. One •
twentieth of body heat is lost
through the head. Conserve
If we might have a second
To live the days once more,
And rectify mistakes we've
To even up the score.
If we might have a second
change; , •
To use the knowledge
Perhaps we might become
and Mrs. Fred Arkell in at last
Goderich. As fine as God ordained.
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Parker, But though we can't retrace
Kim and Jennifer of London, ofir steps,
visited on Sunday with his However stands the scorp,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tomorrow brings another
Parker. / chance
You will feel warmer if you 'To us to try once
put on a hat when you're cold, more.—(Unknown)
Anglicans Observe Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday was observed people gathered to watch the
in Trinity Anglican Church crucifixion.
Sunday morning with the On Easter Sunday, Holy
blessing of the palms and the Communion will be served at
distribution of a palm in the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. with the
form of a Cross, by the Paschal Candle to be lighted
Rector, Rev. Wm. M. Ben- at the beginning of the Ser -
nett, to all those attending vice.
Sunday School and Church.
Ernie Hovey read the
lesson taken from the gospel
of St. Matthew of the Feast of
the Passover and the betrayal
of Jesus by Judas Iscariot.
Morgan Smith and Milt Van
Patter received the offertory.
Good Friday Service in
Trinity will be held at 11 a.m.
with the Service to conclude
with the unveiling orthe Altar
• Cross and the lighting of the
Good Friday candle which an
artist has depicted in wax of
Christ in the centre, the
thieves on either side and the
Skaters raise
over 82,000
The Bayfield Lioness Club
reported a little over $2,000
had been raised from the
skate-a-thon to go towards
Arena Repairs.
They praised the stamina of
the skaters, some skating the.,
12 hours and say thanks to all
who helped in anyway to
make it such a success.
alio A '
11 A J 4 I
OPEN: TUES. thru SAT. 12 noon - 1 a.m.
Sun. 12 noon - 10 p.m.
From Trapnell's Bakery, every Friday
u rta dy yssi;it uTrudeasyd.a y
OPEN: FAOPUTTIE—S. fl4UR S. & SAT. 9 - 6
Take the scenic route
to Bayfield
this winter
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