The Exeter Times, 1887-1-6, Page 2For Toilet Use.
Ayer's Hair Vigo): keeps the hair soft
Ontl. pliant, imparts to it the lestre anti.
irOSikuesS Of youth, eanse-s it to grow
luxnriantly, eredicatea ISatidruff, cures
all scalp diseases, and is the most eleanly
of all hair preparations,
AYER'S Hair Vigor has given me
perfect satisfaction, I was
'nearly beld for six years, during which
time 1 used many hair preparattoas, but
without succesa. Indeed, what little
hair I had, was growing thinner until
I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two
battles a the Vigor, and my head is now
well covered with a new growth of hair.
-Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass,
HAIRthat has become weak, gray,
and faded, may have new life
-and color restored te it by the 11Se of
Ayer's Hair Vigor. It4disIst hair was thin,
faded, and dry, and fell out in large
quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped
the falling, and restored my hair to its
original color. As a dressing for the
ahair, this preparation has no equal. -
Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn.
VIGORyetith, and beauty, dn the
appearance of the hair, may
be preserved loenn indefinite period by
the use of Ayer's Hair =Vigor, saA dis-
ease of the scalp causecl any hair to be-
come harsh and dry, and to fall -out
freely. Nothing. I tried seemed to do
any good until I commenced using
Ayer's Flair Vigor. Three bottletf
this preparation restored my hair to
healthy condition, and it is uow soft
and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it
is also free from dandruff.- Mrs. E. R.
Foss, Milwaukee, Wis.
Ayer's Hair Vigor/
Sold by Druggists and Perfumers.
PERFECT sArerv, prompt action, and
wonderful curative properties, easily
place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list
of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv-
ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail-
ments originating in a disordered Liven
I have been, a great sufferer from
_Headache, and Ayer's CatharticPills
are the only medicine that hae 'hYer
given me relief. One dose of these Pills
will quickly move my bowels, and free
uijhea1.from pain.- William L. Page,
Richniona Va.
7itepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8; Go., LowelOfass,
gold by all Dealers In Medicine. '
441441' tatatta".-11,41a,Ofasaatatatier
1 The Empress of Germany intends to pay
a Tiait to Queen Vietoria in the spring.
o Mies cue wild bells, 14 Ole WildSicy;
"rha AYtee cloud, the trusty light;
The year is dyitie ie. the isight
ning out, wild bells, and id him die,
“Itisg, out the old,rIng in the uow,
tuna, hsOPY bellE4 across the snow;
year is going. let hint go.•
Ring out the false, ring in the true."
a‘frs, Hannah Euston has left the city of
Charleston 000,000 for the purpose of
" making old age comfortable,"
The German Government prohibits wo-
--,fa Meatertszai, men from entering any Pruesiars university
Thee do we greet the, Jamie, twoheaded as Ancient's or attending the lectures of the
god of the Romans, deity who trcsides ever Praess°",
opera doors, steuding, as thou a05t, an the Christine Nilsson has determined to make
threshold of the New Year, with a face of Madrid her future home. She loyeathe gay
regret for the past clouded by the touching and romantically happy life of the, light -
sadness of a parting, sent with the sunshine, hearted Spaniards.
of hope irradiating the countenance of thy Mr. S. H. Puleston, the millionaire mein -
other and brighter eelf. ber bf Parliainent, who is about to purchase
'Fsver thus it is as the seythn'of ,Iime $2,000,000 worth of Pennsylvania coal lands,
sweeps the full heads of ripe aett grain into was twos)* years ago a reporter on a small
the storehouse of our liyes ; thus do we paper at Pittston Penn.
pause and sigh, as we reckon up the results The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher noticed
of the year's harteet, over the might have that ice is a luxury in; England, thet waiters
been," ancl involuntarily arises to our lips, are confused by a request for water'and that
"God's pardon rest' upon the dying year, an American is known in Great llritian by
God's blessing fall like dew upon the young, his canine for wiiter and for ide.
new months ahead." Tenderly do we tvhis-
The Duke of Sutherland hataaailed from
per, in Tennyson's touchMg words:
Liverpool with a few Meads invited to ac-
"Beatho' his eyes are waxing dim, company iffin on his yacht -cruise Of SOMS
And tho his foes speak ill of him, weeks abeut Florida where the Duke has
ale was a friend to me. Old year, you shall not die. large railway and land interests,
We did so laugh and cry with you, Barry Cornwall's widow (Mrs. Proctor)
isve half a, Mind te die with you, will next year witness her second royal jubi-
Qld year, h you must die."
lee, as she well reinembers that of George
But the `chasm between the old year and III, in 17€9. She ie considered a most inter -
the new is bridged by the flashing rainbow esting old lady, full of hunter and entertain
of expectancy and hope, over which our ing reminiscences.
spirits travel from the past, which is ours The Queen continues a work to which the
forever, into that mystic country of the Prince Consort devoted hhnself with much
The observance of the New Year dates
far back into historic them China, the
oldest child of civilization, prelises to the
fronli with her "flowery kingdom" anji
almond -eyed people. Egypt follows, under
the shadow of her pyramicls, with the ibis
of Thoth, the genius of the New Year, over
thepason of which, the rising of Sirius, the
dog -star, cast its regulating beams; while
the Persian exchanges his nev-ruz or pre-
sents of eggs.
The martial Roman, casting aside his
sword and. armor, arrayed himself in snowy
white on the first day of the New Year, and
in joyful procession hied to the temple amid
clouds of incense and flaming altars, and
peace and happiness cast their perfect glory
over all the land. Later on, visiting be-
eame the order of the day, and grotesque
lanasques wandered at will throughout the
streets of the capital, with many quick and
fantastic pranks.
6.5 tryence, for luck, were exchanged, and all
es sef Rome, were given over to peace
, est possessions, over which watched
' and. good -will toward all mankind. The
republished every Thursday morningsat the Christian:. folk, forbidden to join in any of
acts of charity, meditation, an
the pagans 9 servapcest spentdprayer.their time in
Main -street, nearly opposite Eittouts seweiersr About the fifth' Centuay, when the 25th of
Store, Exeter, Ont., by John White 4; Soni' Pro-
erieters. December became actritewleVecl as the fes-
tival of the Nativity, New ,earls day was
..10 cents. recognized as the commemoration of the
cents'.'' irellmosion, and solemnly kept as such :in
ts shonid e
tn "Various branches of the Eastern and
°rm."' Western Churches ; but it was not until late
an, in the Sixteenth tiary that the first day of
iv opening day ally accepted as the
• Year, Christmas
nty January was
Day,` the 'ctla of March),
Easter Das "an'gheoqnuoa,r1loyf
osj1ared with s ,
g in the
reat he. altar
Pirst insertion, per line .....
Es ch subaequeo t insertion , per
To insure insertion, adverW
be sent in not later the,
OurJOB P111
the Itirgest a
Finron, Al
ue customs seem ).
he day in "Ye olden
2 If a p
ne must pay all atr -srs or tit their hold. upon the pree
sontintie to send it until the pare
ancient custom of watching ,
and then collect the tiliele amounaNa,
and the new one insstill exits..
vhe paper is taken from tne office or not
in suite, 1 or subseriptious, the suit v be ingly appropriate does it seexn tin.
instituted in the place where the paper 1s pub -9,
listed altlaough the moisubscriber- may reside ,,n , a dear friends who have stood side
an i ,
- through good and evil, trials and
ould iit 41-ato the new order of
ha "-- old town or
-'s Day,
4 as,
Suo(41‘070 Time...nowt or Boon Boys Nesse,
You may remember, writes a Paris
correspondent of The London Telegraph, the
indignation which was excited here some
time ago by the revelations whioh leaked
out as to the systematic ill-treatment of
number of poor boys wko had been sent to
work in the isle of Porquerollee, near Toul-
on. The children had several time re-
belled, and at length p, full investigation
was instituted into the affair. Five mem-
bers of the municipal council nf Paris con-
ducted the inquiry on theispot, andaneof
them, M. Navarre, has just brought out a
report on the matter, from which it appears
that, in 1883, M. de Rosen, who Naas at
that time director of the opportunist 1'41
Republique Framaise, asked M. Quentin,
the head of the poor -law board, permission
to employ at I-'orquerolles, as apprentices,
children selected from those who had given
the ITIOSt
and who were about to be transferred to
the rural penitentiaries. M. Quentin ap-
proved of the plan, and the large detach-
ment was, accordingly, dispatched to the
island. The boys were engaged from morn-
ing till night in field work. At the outset
all seems to have gone well, but after a
time the children were sadly neglected.
They were fed almost exclusively on beans
and potatoes, very badly cooked; they
ne.fer touched a green vegetable; the
meager allowance of wine allotted to them
wa? insufficient, and they only saw meat
once a week. Their clothes were in rags,
assiduity, namely, the collection of engravtheir linen fonl, and they have no proper
lugs, photographs, and other representations
etcethe6smwarealiecondemned to
of the works of Rapheel, eth. The collection li
is an imposing one, and will comprise about '11, bread and tvater diet; incarcerated in a
seventy large volumes. damp and filthy blackhole, where they were
Several months ago the church peleft entirely to themselves ;ople of neArene Olt TORTITUD
Sydney, New South Wales, Beast letter to wit a heavy iron bar attached to their
Mr. Moody inviting him to come to Austra- an - es. When they complained that they
lia and hold meetings. They have received could nor-veork so hard and so long on such
a reply that he cannot leave his family now+ diet as was thrown to them they were
for so long a journey, but he hopes that he harshly punished, and the report leads one
may yet visit the co1onies.1 to the conclusion that M de Rossen's wife
Whenever Queen Victoria is not sitting was one of the chiet promoters of these
for her own portrait, she seems to be giving brutalities. M. Navarre relates, as one in -
the artists work to do in her family connec- stance among many, the case of a boy who
tion. Groll, the well-known historical eefused to labor, as he had not been fed.
painter at Vienna, has ;been commissioned,15fe was thrashed then and there by the
to paint her a life-sis:e" plortrait of Prince' overseers. "He then went to Mme. de
.Alexander of „Battenberg, and he goes to Roussen's house asking to be employed on
Darmstadt for the purpbse. the farm. She threatened him with the
Sir Moses.aVi' ontefiore some months before black -hole, and, as he persisted, she had
his decease, sent to the Rabbi, of the Nine- him tted. to a tree by three overseers, who
teentItStreet Congregation (one of the lead- I beat him unmercifully. The poor child
ingsynagogues of New York) a tasteful collec! screamed pitiably, but Mme. de Roussen
tion of personal souvenirs of himself; his called out from her window to the over-
asirOg,ra,phs, olive -wood articles, painted seers: Gag him. He has only what he
with his coat -of -arms, his photographs, and deserves.'" It is not likely that the matter
so on. These are now being sold for the -will end with the publication of M. Na -
benefit of a deserving Hebrew cllarity, under varre's exhaustive report.
the auspices of the Congregation.
Mrs. A. M. Wood is the inventor of
" Woodite," a preparation of India rubber • LATE DOMINION NEWS.
to be used as a proteetiou for war ships, s - —
and for life-saving purposes. Among the Campbellford has a haunted house.
inventions of Mrs. Wood, on view October New Brunswick has 1,379 miles of rail -
13th, at Dartford, England, was a model of a we.s.
double reversible lifeboat, for whieh the Mrs. R. McKee, of Mulmur, died recently
merit is claimed that it is unsinkable; while at the great age of 98 years.
if it capsize, as both sides are made alike, at
Deserontoyoung woman appears on the
er mouth.
the only difference is that the bottom boat A
is uppermost. There was also displayed street with a cigar
a model of a single lifeboat provided with a New Brunswick is excited over a public
central tube to serve as a compressed. air exhibition of drunkenness by a prominent
reservoir for propelling the boat., Further, and popular clergyman.
it is contended that a covering of woodite; A man named Wilkins has been fined$20
boats or piers would prevent much injury and costs by the Mayor of Galt for disturb -
4 The courts have deeided,that refusing to by std
hundreds _of miles away.
take newspapers or peliodicals from the post- ham.,
office, or removing and leaving tb.em uncalled
for is nrimn. f ei e evi den c P of intentionalfrana
serail° cents postage Ntt°,,re
and we will send you ,
free a royaVvaluable ossU o
sample box of rgo o es yoaang
GI lar
that will pnt,you in the way of making
TIL072813 at once, than anything elseirt America. .
Botb.sexes of all ages can live at home and.,,nPncte`aib
-work in spare time, or all the time. °melte1 a'
notrequirad. We will ,stert you. Immense 1
nay sus eforthose who start at Once. STINSON t
et CO ,POTOSIW Maine
Exeter BlitOhrer Shop'.
Butcher & Gerieral Drealer
; En
"ds t
God -c
d. old ta.
' G -cakes, -
and coating au,.
-115 ALL RINDS or—
fern timesaamong the Fres-
:e of the New Year's Day is
day of the year, and celebrat-
the same way as the English
sis keep Christmas, by inter -
sad wishes, presents, and bonl
oils of families, and visiting
ds. Indeed, over all the world
er the white wings of the Spirii
I Hope, and the happy face of
1 is uplifted to an equally happ
'a ilex losed Canada.
nuit of the dnexplore reed
• • CustOname supplied TUESDAYS. THURS. tais 1 would be complete that left out
• DAYS Ann SATURDAYS at their residence 'Mamas -11e part of our own country. Prof.
ORDEllS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL BE George Low, of the Canadian Geological
Hudson's Bay, and says that the existing
, ;Survey, has made a trip from Winnipeg to
map S of that district are incorrect, being
bask on descriptions given by Indians.
A1 great part of the journey from Winnipeg
was accomnlisherl _ diwdieads
nosing ast 00oupatien.
ing the Salya,tronArmy.
1 lAn Essex Centre resident realized $35 for
the cream fron9ei ht of his cows for twenty -
.1f an occupation dends six days of Nevem er.
-lividual preference and Mr. Thomas Graham, of the 7th concession
aances. It may be of Markham, a short time ago lost by death
am entering liPon Markham paper is to be relied upon.
we best adapt -j, 1 ,
a t choice'
°Idly anui
d Bruce township has a surplus over all
liabilities of $3,300, and is one of the most
that 6
ed. In e.
your power,
earnestly to we
ea.,finot well a
!application b.
/ No man shout,.
, he does not get on ras
from the start. Iu the n
si professions especially, it se
membered that a solid character is
growth of a, day, that the mental fas,
are not matured except by long and lebs
ous culture. ,
Ever remember that it is not your trade , a•
or profession that rnakes you respectable.
Manhood and profession, or handicraft, are Is. A r
entirely different things. An occupation, is Reser
never an end of life. It is an instrument' &win
Naliill,2$18 CAME. -One eup of auger,
whites of four eggs, ontelielf cup of batter,
one teaspoonful of lemon essence, one large
cup of flour, one-half teaspoenful of soda,
one of creant of tartar stirred in the flour.
PLAIN TEA Cane -a -Three teacupfuls of
au powdered sugar, one cup of butter, one
cup of sour utak, three pints of flour, three
beaten eggs, half a teaspoonful of soda, flavor
to the taste, Roll thin and bake in a quick
Pansma Enisarans. -Serape and boil
tender, rub through a colander to get rid of
the tough and stringy portions, beat in, an
egg, a tablespoonful of milk, a teaspoonful
(heaping) of prepared flower, with a little
pepper and salt; make into small, flat cakes,
flour and fry in good dripping or lard.
BREAD FLITrEitS,-OUt thin round slices
of bread, butter .thein very thinly, spread
with jam, and stick together in pairs. Fry
in boiling lard, after dipping them in a bat-
ter, of one egg, one pint milk, a pinch of
salt, and flour enough to make 11 paneakte
batter, Pile hi& on a dish and s prinkle
with sugar.
Houszatonn Peum Puy:axes-Take hal
pound of finely shred suet, half a pound
&suer, three or four ounces of brown su
half a pound of currants or stoned rt
two well -beaten eggs, about a cupful
mills and a very little salt ; mix
gether fma bake immediately
ifToirtoabitou;t shearllfeawnithhousraafienut
Steep the loaf iu cold wate
minutes, and then take it o
in a clean towel and let it sta
for the water to permeate tho
After this pat it in a brisk but no ot
oven for about a quarter of an houi, it
will come out with all the sponginess, crisp-
ness and flavor of "new bread,' and can be
kept accordingly*.
OKRA Guamo.--Chop a pound of veal into
pieces an inch square, cut a slice of ham
into dice, and slice three dozen of extra pods,
one onion, and a pod of pepper; sprinkle
theirs lightly with flour, and fry until a
nice brown in a tablespoonful of lard. Add
to this a half -gallon of boiling water, and
boil gently for two hours. When half done
put in two tablespoonfuls of tomatos, and
just before seudingto the table season with
any preferred herbs. Serve with boiled
OATMEAL CusrAnn.-Take two tablesppon-
fuls of the finest Scotch oatmeal; beat it up
into a sufficiency of cold water in a basin
to allow it to rim freely; add to it the yolk
of a fresh egg well beaten; have a pint of
scalding new milk on the fire and pour the
oatmeal mixture into it, stirring it around
with a spoon so as to incorporate the whole;
add sugar to the taste and threw in a glass
of cream to the mixture, with a little grated
nutmeg. Pour it into a basin and take it
warm in bed. It will be found very grateful
and soothing in cases of cold and chills.
Some persons scald a little ecnnamon in the
milk they use for the occasion.
Mixes Pisa -Boil a beef tongue weighing
six pounds and what is called the vein of
a round of beef weighing. six pounds six
hours. Skin the tongue, chop beef and
tongue very fine, add five pounds of beef
suet chopped fine, five pounds of stoned
raisins, three pounds of dried currants, a
pound and a half of citron in small thin
pieces, four pounds of brown sugar, one pint
good molasses, one quart of brandy, one
quart of white wine, half a cupful each of
salt, cinnamon, allspice,' and c oves,`"thrue
nutmegs, and a tablespoonful of mace. .Add
one half as much fine chopped apples as you
have meat. Mix thoroughly and let it
stand one day. If not sweet enough add
more sugar.
Wonderful Instinct.
Observations of life as it Is led by beast
and fowl in the remote haunts these have
among the woods and on the lakes of British
,, and lightly, taxed rnunicipalitiesin the Province. America, are always of Interest ; for they
disclose some of the private thoughts of
i One woman in Sydney threw an -
other's "lady duds," the other retaliated
natural instinct. An English sportsman
writes this delightful experience with the
- throwing stones at the duck's assailant'ducks :
air so doll and r variety of other
Always on the lookout for ducks'. I stole
ats fined '12.35. cautiously to the edge of the lake on the
e, Of Essex, has offered the other side of the next portage, and Observed
artmer City of Dresden $100 a saw -bill duck, with a brood of nino young
and ballot boxes for the ones, not, a dozen yards from the ' shore.
.1 election at Isle of Pelee
.of.the iding orta
fithich a young Indian named Marta
put into our hands by tvhich to gain for the remit d dangerous injuries. Fears are ei
ocly the means of living until sickness or terta
old age robs it of life, and we pass on to the t jack
world for which this is a, preparation. The S. H
eat purpose of living is twofold in char- J. G
a dance on the India
ntford a few days agi
ed for his recovery, and F. 11
, Augustus Hill Jacket, Jr., Mr
Jacket, Mrs. A. P. Hill Jacket id
_,,,Lordhave been. arrested as participars
actor. The one should never change from m tifi assault. The wounded man na
the time reason takes the helm. It is to' steacy, hardworking Indian, about twen-
live a life of manliness, of purity, midi threflyears of age, generally known by e
honor -to live such a. life, whether' rich or ' nais.of 13omberry.
oor, 'that your neighbors will honor and (ski Mlle boy and girl, children ( 1
espect you as a man of sterling principles. Sanuels McCourt, Collingwood Tow
he other is to have some business, in the wen recently at home alone in the al -
110 performance performance of which you are to put of heir parents. To amuse theniss"
orth all your exertion, It matters net so ckiaren got some powder and pias,
ich what it is, as whether it be honorable ; the hot stove. The powder explode.
ncl it may change to suit the varying setare to the little boy's coat, when the
hange of circumstanees. When these two -.vith remarkable presence of mind for es
bjects-character and a high ainl-are so yOung-pulled it off instantly and threw
' 1167 Lost, Bow !, fir--01%eq: airly before a youth, . when then? -He
We have recently -n rail isliry&
.en e
.st, nuusstt wstorizeastewer atsaihretahmos,e ..aobbojrecatss. well SAN ontte radical andpermen1 ell
_ s, - - aea^."'-', bite e°un 7 pray. His hand must be as stout as his
out raedieine)of Nervous Debi)
' of cart, his &I'M as strong as his head. Pur-
PI:I-Yale° °'4fteitY4 inw°aim""t - - - ----.-• became much more fertile.
etc ., r dtu itiug from excesses- 1 The patty, arriving at the source o er s me must be followed by' action.. Then is'
,Priee,in sealed enveione,esily ccents,ortwo ___,
he living and actig worthily as becomes a
-postage atter/ins. ; _ , . _ _0 es Bayer., which flows Westivard into Lase
The celebrated author ofthis adrenal)] Winnipeg, soon found the source of titll' human being with gri. sat destinies in store
for him,
.., sinaarcc :safrcyrualeaciati°cues,ttrnatejsaa/..irm'nnigtbolorntsvegYueasnr27. Severn which flows eastward; into Hu 80
, ....••••11014.1.41.11. 11. ...• WM. R...,
Ba 'The scenery here became beauti.
ssces n ay be radically °urea withortt the dang- y.
• oro T a use efaintetnalreedipinaser thesis° of About one hundred miles down this rye-
ri nife ; Poineoet a moue of reuse at once frothits source Prof. Low's party discover', , .
iiiehevery stifferer, no matter svanstbis con- sour cr five large lakes,. ahrsut sixty milea.i,
History is the rove -ration of Providence,
irnpie certain and effectual, h3- 'nouns of ,.
ate and raeicallv. 13 . h i i ev. or one 1 "miles1 trilfnedSiel 111°kiteh56iits n'I' po rity and thou wilt love the world The
am re o gf` Love one Iranian being with warmth and
lition =Its be . too sr ens e him aolf a3a3al'19, sn'i width. The land within a
*11•11filabnedtilerete5ily°Maitiananeitnnerenti. ( 5 ° arming-101de aud, it was elm a 'mart, 'in that celestial sphere- of love; is like
, frost would. not prevent the taising of era
tilie sun in its course From the drop in
rtynT .t. itti tvt" II ti limn ,.„4, The cduntry from the mouth of the SeveI
' CA AN .
,`, rer, which he tills an l' brightens. '
the rose, to the oce`S. all is for him a inirs,
W Mill arLul bleat I, to the Berens River, and to Fort Trout a
` 41 alqat ST,, F.' TODK: the Swan River, has never been explore .
' ,.Prof. Low says that there is a tract ei.g I The fact is that a certain elms of men
„,Fiz,, hundred saul thirty miles aeroas from 'La love to be quiet, ,11111 are ready to sell their
1Wiritipeg to Hudson's 'Bay wnich no whi ; couittrY to the eyil ole himself, that they
man has ever traversed. Iii this region thi anay live at ease anct make no enemies.
are great nurelsers of deer ansi eariboos
a email game is very scarce. ,
1 The party stayed at Fort ' Seveen, a
Hudson's Ray, a short,time, arid then trava
lea along the coast:to Yak River, two bora
tad miles north, and thence retttrned
()St ,WiniliVg' I
sa -
The old bird evidently suspected something
dangerous, for she was eently drawing her
young brood further from, the shore, with
a low, coaxing note. Making a slight noise
as I advanced, the old bird instantly called
all the little ones to her side, and swam
with them as fast as the tiny things could
possibly paddle towards the middle of the
The mother encouraged the little ones
with low cries, and looked continually from
side to side to see if they were all there and
keeping close to her. So compactly dicithey
SWiin, that at a distance of thirty yards
they looked like one
I suddenly showed myself, running to
‘beach ; not with the intention of shooting
but rather to watch the manner in
the old birdyen1,1 ad towards her
wit a wild cry of alarm ; the
ngs, perhaps not a week old, in- e \N„.4, Unepproached for
.'<ed themselves over the sur -
Tone and Quality
water, some going on one side,
another, but always keeping within CATALOGUES FelEts
s, atn distance from the shore. The
hey have not the inarliness to plead efor
((right, for it must cestethem a customs
a friend, and so thes plead a superior
liness as an exalts° i ;ulking.
No cownaslicd is sq ted a,,s that found, i
ttli. Pseliei in the ,righteas ole emus A
e value of a high moral itandassd, ti tt
reme righteoesness 0y,Calsling inaril , I
1 pect ana luerad diot an ,,,,,, by t
tel when we condesc
An Atimirer of the Beautiful,
onifg,Lacly-" Areayon acitnir
bastlitiful, Dr. Slasher
her (a young aawbones)-` 011
Ladys- he most be uti
t ify or acknowledge 'w4. idd. Alla
penly and without wind e
it fnay be that We' tur 'sassed oil , 0
alio, eitliir
ken or acted, either sIggassioas of
falee_er suppressive 0 eats's Wit
x -Queen Isabella. of Spain'
cotirt iii Paris, Where she
s enteatainineuts at her ma,
p. ce, the Hotel de Castillo.
it 4to the snow., The faces of both children,
haVever, were so badly burned that they
sae:likely to be disfieured for life.
aVIrs. Sisley, of Richmond Hill, on the
14th, Dec., reached her onelhundrecIth birth-
de37:a The aged lady has two sisters living,
_Armitage, of Stouffville, aged 89, and
ah:e. PlaYter, of Reach, aged 86, and a
brother, Mr. John Wilson, of Whitchurch,
ageld 82. The united ages of this long-lived
fanny makes 357. 'rhe familyWY/
consisted of etch the manner in which she would
Seeven boys and girls, and the father
II; E. Loyalist, who went to New Bruns- -
Was a ping them, together.
A ter the lapse of three-quarters of all
aour, it appetu•s that the little clueklings
sick daring the struggle for American Inde
/endes, alloilthielweedreind ttl.hveo agariola
Necently a charivari was held at tin were c' • • aoi bout o mother,utgtiaratnedr
ncea and came to Ontario in 1811.
of a mile :Tait, for I saw the mother and
about five of the little ones swim across the
bay and join' the other four who Isad re-
mained on the opposite side.
One could easily conceive the quacking
congratulations which the thieVings ad.
dressed to one another at their happy meet-
ing. The anglaise eare and tenderness of
the mother were quite delightful to witness.
The low note of warning; the gathering
flock around her • the wary manner 10 which
she drew them from the shore away from
danger; the instinct which prompted them
tb scatter, then to gather at their motherti
call, and quietly wait on one side until she
brought tham together, -all this was a beauti-
ful and instructive lesson in wild woods re-
mote front help in thne of need.
- -
Some, Steamship Statistics,
Tho 125 Steamships plying between the 1
'United 8tates and Europe cost $100,000,000,
covering, If .this diver is kept
traterproof employ 18,750 men, spend $1,000,000 a
` ,Every piano ahonid have a
young lady ainetear is above tit while the' stories for coal, caray 500,000 passengers a
will last a Yew len line 4 exclusive of what is paid for freight.
;4/Abetment year and earn V2,000,000 for passage 1'110110y,
I AYER'S'Pr-caat'
if the Liver bes
comes torpid, if the *
bowels are eonst Mated, or if thy slotthIeb
fails to perform ita fieuelions Pr0Perl.v) Mc,
Ayer's l'ills. They are invaluable.
For some .yeare I was a victim to Live)*
Complaint, III consequenve of which i
suffered from General ISchility end 1 pili.
gestion. A few boxes' of A yet'ssPills
restored me to perfect health.-- W. T,
Briglene, v Henderson, V. Va.
, ,,
444 4-•
Per reare I here A•elie0 more upon
Ayer's Ialls lhan anything. else, to
1 Bilious Fever,
traentlice, and was
bat My, •ariencis de-
overy. I commenced
and soon regaiued
end vigor. -John C.
, Nebraska.
a sutiared greatly froin a
.e tumor on my Ledo. In spite
effort te cure this crept ion, it in-
stall the flesh became entirely
I was troubled, at the same time,
Indi4estion, and distressin, pains in
The Bowels.
By the adviee of a friend I began taldng
Ayees Pills. In a short tithe I WBSlyee
from pain, toed digested properly, the
mires on lily body commenced 'healing',
and, in less than one month, I W1LS cured.
-Samuel D. 'White, Atlanta, Ga.
I have long used .Ayer's Pills, in my
family, and believe them to be the best
pills made. -S. C. Darden, Darden, Miss.
My wife and little girl were taken with s
Dysentery a few days ago, and I at once
betian giving them small doses of .A.yer's
Pills, thiuking I would call a doctor if the
disease became any WOMO. In a short
time the bloody discharges stopped, all
Pain Went away, and aealth was restored.
-Theodore Esling, Richmond, Va.
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared by Dr. ,L C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicine.
my bowels. ThMe Pills are mild in action,
maids) their svork there 11,11 1v. L have used
them with abed elreet, hi eases of Itheu-
1-1,1-1(1,iiilli'.' Irl ii:,,11(.1,3'saTiTellIZtiVilit,iBlivsssi.)epsit"
sayer's cured me of Stomach find
Liver 1 'rem arhich I had suffered
for ye • (ler li 010 the best pills
mud it be althea them. -
vill.,N. Y.
The Great English Prescription.
A successful Medicine used over
80 years in thousands at cases.
Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous
Weakness, Emissions, Impotency
and all diseases caused by abuse.
[nstroaz] indiscretion, or over-exertion. Dams) t,
Bia packages Gua_ranteed to Cure when all &hers
$1.. Six 85, by mail. Write forParaphlet. Address
ftitruTteh.e OGnreeateEacnkraligek
Preiierlptsik. ny, otylrkeDrunoggsiusbts
Eureka Chemical (70., Detroit, Mich. T,
For sale by J. W. Browning, C. Lutz
Exeter, and all druggists.
Furniture Manufa
Furniture, Coffins, Casket
And everything i the above line; to meet
. im late wants.
We have one of the very best
Hearses in. the County,
And Funerals furnished and conducted a
extremely low pies.
?reser' tion of a physician who
has had a life long experience in
treating female disealses. reused
monthly with perfect success by
over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant,late;
effectual. Ladies ask_your drug-
gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and
si; 4.0 take no substitute, or inclose post -
1( aaffedfruoraWsyar(t3ircvola,ri:s. Lci115393ET4
1111:3'ESURoirtirin4 CIIHE;xefraer AbLy CJCI:..aDV711413arro'sylanzinc:,-
C. 'Lutz, and all druggists.
mot} flpw. to and fro across the bay of the 1311j qr ofp
`Liu if 0
lakes alfghthig about fifty yards from the sA • auelph nt
shorj ancl calling her brood. She remained ' ' • 1 9 '
abosb ten minutes on either side, swimming
1114, then flew back again, and so on,
Sae was evidently gathering the two clivi-
sjela of her young together on either side of
tis bay. The time occupied in making the
attade afforded me an excellent opportunity
4ellme. of Mr. Sippe, con. 7, Brant town
, Bruce county, at Which a serious ree
ent occurred. Two young men wee
ng their guns, which they crossed eyr
eh other, when one of them exploded le4.
ow tbe barrel off the other gun. WO/
e men named Robt. Marshall lost his left
hand, which was shattered. by 1116 explesou•
Nelson Hampson who was standing by woe
jurCd by the discharge to such an etent
hat he also lost, his 'eft hand. Both leads
tt(d th be amputated.
x hope, you are not disappo d
lm," said Philadelphia motile 8 she
found her? daughter crying six 1R011 s after
Marriage. "Yes; I am; ' sobbed /Y0111
wife, "He doesn't abuse yea, ',as he .2
4,1s1b, but he'doM worse. He LS exPri-
Menting with electric lights, as ;ages n'Y
e'er wir e bustle as a Conductor,"
SAND t Mitk
" TVIten an. intelligent man wants to 770C
chase, he bugs front parties whose stan I log in
their several callings is a guarantee /Or 0;4
ettatitV of their toares." This sterling 111011518
doubly true in regard to patent medicines, hay
only tnose made by peectigel professional nan,
Dr. OUSE IS too mtellana favorably a mita
his receipt books to aeguire any recommends,
Dn. ClIASE S ..Avor Cure hag
wrapped aroundevery bottle which le NVOr 11 10
weight in gold.
DR. CHASE'S Liver Cure hi guaranteed to c1250
all iliseages arising from a torpid imativo
liver Such as Liver Complaillt,
inaiaestion, ttistensitess, annual( raw..
ache, Liver spots, saiiow cam t ,
Dn. CHASE'S DIVOT Cl1r0 is a certain' mire ar
all derangements of the kidaeys,Pmeh a H ;aerie
the back pain in lower portiOn of the autism
constant desire to pass urine, rea. awl whil4
Becliment8, sheeting pains lu passage,'13rigIra
disease and an urinary troubles, tate. ,
Tr it. take no other, it will our'e you, cht
by all dealers at $1.00 pet' bottle,: A
qr. El,:§5.41.Nemd.-.1; teo,,
soul 11.00UTS ro a CAN ' nom -
Sold at C. LUTZ'S, Agent, Ex'ett.v.'
' tu
wt at.
tvl e