The Exeter Times, 1886-11-25, Page 4; N:11 l' ,Ier 'x;ti� 1' !/�' t"l'Clf`IV01AF., 1+;C.(s(llrl Tf: URSDAY, NOV, 2,_.,Gtli18t3ii— Mr. Mowat has dissolved the Lugisla Dive Assembly, and fixed the 28th o _—____ _, December as pulling day, Why 411 EDITOR/4P Nov: $. • Premier has selected this season of th year—in themidst t f u l 1' 1 or 8° Slid in the heat of the inuliiciAl 1 tions y ormexs re use suppur r• --is a surprise nut only tc Conservative f e. e Every fenders of our liberties enol of our national y pgblic school rate payer underst ls" clignhty )here were some who with. Oiet call easily understand why.,, ni•1n Ref f to •t 111 nuc s o lir 1O r< ay seas DE i'I Q IY.G I DtrC:l'k'IUN4I. A11 of its in our hearts swore to "avenge the death Oi Rie1 ; all vowed implacable yen• eance a ai st the hangmen n n �.: i en 1r is s • N Im u ter that the c lcee ionall Nov t t tl lo a ejection, s aro at hand fa � ;3 r of us has but one heart and one soul—fol• there are many questions to he considered, lowing the desire of the Holy Spirit, cor and among, these there are none that affect enure et: anima una. But alas l what bas the public interest so nxucli as tine Tclttea•' bccoine'of our splendid and imposing uuau tioeal Policy of the dower achuinistrtitiori,; xxnity ? \Vlxero arc many of the ardent pli a ec enc y i full well the muddled.' condition of affairs, week, licked the feet of the Ministers whom s with rcferemee to the school book frauds, they had just condemned as cowards and as that they have boeir the salijeets of during `vhot,olacki g the enation l re rit erdetaollhed the past few years --how this new grammar . themselves from: us like so man dry iea.ves Y I%lowat. It is ori account of the school but Reformers. The pee of battle has been thrown down by Mr. Mowat, no doubt with the object of seeming a fresh lease of power. Various reasons are as- sisted by his supporters for bringing on the elections sooner than usual, amongst which, that the Franchise having been extended, giving the sufferae to a Iarge number who had been disfranchised, it was necessary that there should be a dis- solution. This excuse will not hold good. If it was Mr, Mowet's desire to extend to those recently enfranchised, the privil- ege of voting, why did he not postpone the elections until this year's voters' lists, had all been certified to, and in the hands of the Clerk of the Peace of each county, as many of the lists have not been pre- pared ? In fact, the majority of those who have lately been enfranchished will book jobbery. Calc n boadler be independent '1 asks the London Advertiser, Mr. Mills, the editor of that journal, who has received $8,000, of the Ontario Govertirneilt, is the man to answer. Nobody seems to know what he did for it. Tien date of the Ontario elections is changed to Tuesday, 28th Dec., one day earlier, nominations to take place 21st. Election for school trustees are held on the 29th, the day first set apart by Mr, Mowat for the Provincial eleetibns. How thoughtless. be debarred from voting at this 'election, THE Seaforth Expositor, last week, as the vote in counties where the lists -are gave its readers a supplement containing not as yet prepared, swill be bgsed upon the lists of 1885. We are inclined to the open letter, addressed to Rev. Mr. believe that there are other and greater Milligan, by Hon. O. Mowat. This is reasons why. the Premier` lras dissolved commendable, but it will be ,more so, the, Logistatu a at such an inconvenient when our contenxporary gives Rev, )Niro season of the year. Mr. Mowat is well aware that dissatisfaction is prevalent Milligan's reply. It is quite necessary amongst the people of this Province, with that both should be read. reference to school book fraud, and the revelations recently brought to light con-. A Grit organ, regarding dissolution, cerning the undue infiuenco exercised by Arch Bishop Lynch in the public institu- says he tions of this Province ; and as his eini- "Thepreperations have been so carefully and quietly made that few suspected such a nence is said to be again knocking at the step was being taken, and the sudden an- door of the Provincial Cabinet for further nouneenient has taken ail parties by sur- concessions .which, if granted at present prise." would call forth such a storm of indigna- The fact that a new sett of ballot boxs tion that Mr. Mowat would be complete - e -ill be required, must have been over- looked in the careful preparation. ONa of the chief reasons why the elec- tions have been, sprung at this time is, that Mowat dare not tell the extent to which he has pledged the Province in the cost of the new Parliament buildings, Ile has deliberately of his own secret motion and in violation of his promise, commit- ted Ontario to an expenditure of two mil lions of dollars upon the strength of an appropriation of $750,000. ly routed—it, was thought better tb dis- solve and first obtain a fresh lease of ,power, utter which the demands of His Lordship.would be renewed and granted. I At the coming election it would be well ► for Conservatives and Reformers to bear in. mind that this is no ordinary contest in which the relative strength of both po- litical parties is to be tested, but a contest between liberty of,conscience, equal rights to all creeds and denominations and special .legislation and privileges granted to the Church of Rome by the Legislature of this Province. And for the information of our readers we pre- sent some of those special privileges which have been conceded to the Church • The Montreal Witness (Reform,) dis- i of Rome in this Province, while similar cussing Mr. Blake's lack of a definite has been introduced, that old aeitlnnetie l and fell:, into the mire. The stupid spirit of hers gone out of iso, this history must not party; love of money aid of "honors, has be used, that geography is Dirt of date, and already dried up the hearts of these wreteh- so en to. the nd of the chs ter -the cl ildren ed ones, who today find happiness in the tel c P 1 cotnp:yrsy of our most dangerous enemies of continual) char iu = ane reolrang'in r ook • I0,1111/;0/,1e1 ' y g b 1 6 b s, the nnen who aloe made s ort of the se tri- i i } until it as become almost 5 v ments of the nation c " 1p i l � E h c a y, expensive to o ati i plunged it in tuxi- I a i `' keep an ordinary family of children in versed grief. Hence it comes that to -day, 1 and clot! on the 16th of November, 1866,: two great ' as to feed 4e them. misfortunes oppress pp the Hearts of true at, — i) school booksP why has all thischanging , : n ( t , Now, ,xa ch and uueer• tr•rots :- I . l g i, ) , 1i tainty• with reference to school books been "The execution of Biel. ��r.fi. allowed ? Why )lave children and parents "The defection and treason of kinsmen. i \ti , li "On the 16th of November, 1885, we had ' been made the subjects of ,such humbug- at any rate one supreme consolation for our h ging s These and man others are Ties. JI 1\ g g'y g enormous grief -the bold, forceful, linen- vi '',, frons every ratepayer or parent has a right imous stand of all French-Canadians with- to ask, and the answer is not far to seek, out any distinction or exception. To -day i I It is because the Government 1155 been for that one of our blood who died with the influenced, not by the wishes of the people courage of a hero and the resignation of a in general, lettby a host of hangers-on— martyr, we have hundreds who have desert - bleed. suckers—if we may so call thein, who ed the flag, trodden their pledges under are continually sapping the life blood of foot, and turned out, cowards that they this Province so to. speak ; whose sole ob- are, so many traitors and Judases. Happily, jest is to feather their own nests at the however, there remains a sufficient number expeuse of the honest and hard wholight of patriots to perform the task which the 15 ratepayers, struggling to give hi children large could have accomplishedI declare you are to ed u so fine One 0 ' an holiest and fair education. These' wire g so leak 86 pWeald think money was much more easily ; but a task which shall p y Another new emit, I see lust). pullers, and their name is legion, have been, be performed all the same—rely on that" "Yes ! and its paid for too and are, engaged in nothing else but mann- _ these Still, money is not plenty, [Dau tell: you, factoring new text books for otic prihlic. Hay Council hard times, but 1 have found that it's not always what. pay a man gets, schools, not because they Wish to benefit __ but how and where he spends his money,—That's the secret. I buyfor our school system, or help, on the cause of The council inet pursuant to adjournment cash,, and: go where I can get goods at cash) prices, and I tell you BANTON education, but because they are not particu- on Mouday, Nov. 15th. A communication BRO S is the place fur WorstedScotch AN1CN Coatings, Fine Swan , is jlist what othelar r ,�� inti ort they yoEteed the farmers and� fror_ Canada Company, rebpectin;� the road ()verooatings, Canada Tweeds, supporters our cot -ninon schools, look Just what the at people 40, 4550, 70 what allowance,was blind line; between sou, 3 and they neem to have. Go and so long as the Gevermnent can be made a 4, was read and ordered to be filed. MCVOil f atn their Tweeds 85, 40, 45, & 80 willing tool to carry out their own selfish I by h{r_ ge tack'sscuucled by14 , cents a yard, and see whatyou think oft Ton, Dick and thet the fallowing nelsons be Mr, a cE veli, I have on, and it hem, This is just a 70 oto Tweed ends. Thus it is that every bug - Harry that can crib, garble and serape to- e 1 appointed seems to take you by storm. I tell you this "tick" pdeputy returning . officers for holdiug the nese has too thick °a hide on it for me, and the man who will gether sufficient rubbish to make a cranky municipal: elections for 1887.—For polling h gets inside as text book on Algebra or some other subje t P g ave -a hard tame getting out, and 1 advise you toquit it straight J c sub Diva No. 1, James Bontli •ou No. Y y a ght and pay finds the Government ready to authorizeit Alex: McLaren you' go, and oto. RANT La em; No. 4, Moses Geiger: ; No. Wearing Suit for Wedding Suits, Pea'ao Well Sunday and foist it upon our schools, caring forSuitsWorkingJ 5, Benjamin Surerus ,7\0.6, Reinhard Cook; + Snits, naught as longas the I , Suite; and Suits That g ratepayers ers foot theLook and fdea, p y l No. 7, Cuarles Troyer, and that a by-law be Satisfaction, made to order and'to fit. Also for Moleskins, Coftonadea bill. There is no question of such vital passed confirming said appointments. Mov- Flannels, Hate Cas' importance as the education of our. children ed by Mr. Calbfleish, sec. by Mr. Surerus, P ,Underclothing, and a full stook of Cold Weather and it does at the best form the heavy end that the clerk be iustructed,to advertise the CTO Ods at Rockbottom, Hard Times, Cash Prices, Men, Women and Child - of our general tax,and there is no reason ren, Come ; All Are Welcome. Butter, le nomination meeting by pasters and in the Ease, Poultry and Dried. Apples why these increased burdens should be Exeter Tinos. The'following accts. were taken in 'exchange for goods. at R; r thrust upon us, formius• a constant drain passed :—Jamas Howard, lumber, $17'.86; Always Lead and5 �-NTON BRU upon our pockets, to please these political balance on bridges, 425; C. Troyer, Never Follow, y gravel, jobbers aud wire -pullers, who find us voice- X7.36; work on N. B., $2.05; Robt. Bell, "�`�"-' less victims to their lit ile game. ' Then gravel, 380,48, surface damage 85; J. Johns - again, there is the new reader question: ton, (;raveling road, 815 ; J„ Alexander, Every one who has takenlithe slightest in- gravel, 819,60 ; Ii, Cook, lumber, 827.53 ; terest in,our educational affairs, knows how A. and J. C. Calbfloisb, Iurnber, 828.59 ; L. the Governinent of Oliver Mowat: entered Hardy, yeti. bridge,' 812 ; J. Spackman, INI-GOD into a contract with the firm of Nelson & Co., of Edinburgh, Scotland, by which we are forced to pay 81.85 for a sett of readers that can be produced for less than $1.25, thus paying an annual tribute of thousands of dollars to a. foreign company, whose only claimupon the patronage of the people. of Ontario, is the fact that . Nel- son & Co., own the controlling interest is the Toronto Globe..., Considering suck mis- managements as these;, it is high time a hangs took place. But, say some, what LO! I SAY JACK Has There Been ice -^----.•.R FU.. voli»r l►lAliil,iif, S17/wl )filo)►1112. 111,, policy, remarks "He is a great lawyer. It is clever in a Iawyer to devote more attention to attack- ing his opponent's case than to building up his own, but a statesman is stronger with a positive and daring policy, Mr. Blake has been so afraid in the past of splitting his part, by taking the ground warranted privileges have been refused to the Pro- testants. No Protestant denomination is allowed by law to have a separate school ; neither can Protestant denominations de- cide the kind of religious instruction to be given in their schools, nor the manner in which it shall be communicated ; Protes- tants are not allowed to change the text books for their schools, as Roman Cath- e by his own arguments, that he is in danger olies are ; no Protestant denomination guarantee have we that a change: of Govern - of losing his party altogether in the quick- has the right by law to elect a represent- .stent would be a benefit in : this respect ? sands of political inertia and doubt." . ative on High School Boards; as Roman Well we aret d' 1 to advocate - r change, forchange 'sa sake, butthe opposi __ , not isposec' ar voce a Catholics are allowed to do • no Prote a ha f 1 h IN Huron County there are 23 muni- tont Church can hold school property in tion are pledger) to reform these abuses; and the only course left for us is to give them a trial. Then at the end of the -parliament- ary period, if we find them, like the Mowat administration, weighed in the balance and found wanting, kick them out and try others, for after all is not the government the people want, the one that will adminis- ter the affairs of the Province the most economically and -efficiently, it matters not whether such a government. be Grit or Tory. There's another matter with reference to the mismanagement of the educational af- fairs of this Province, and that isthe undue favoritism exercised by the government to- wards High Schools and Collegiate Insti- tutes. The great majority of our sons and daughters have to be satisfied with a com- mon school education and those who seek to. go higher should pay the bill, and yet we find that for every $1 spent by the Govern anent of Ontario in support of ; each pupil going to common schools, 37 are spent fn supporting each pupil that goes to a high school or collegiatelnstitute. If this is not class legislature and grinding the poor to.; henfit the riek we don't know what is. The remedy is at hand and every elector should see to it on the 28th Dec, that his ballot is cipalities which average five polling sub -the name of the church, as the church of divisions each. Supposing the cost per Rome can do. Roman Catholics are at liberty to choose any history they deem ballot box be $4, (which is the lowest proper to use in their schools, and have a calculation) each municipality' will be say in what kind of history shall and taxed $20; or $460 for the entire county; . lir $19,320 for the Province. This enor- mous expenditure is brought about by Hon. 0. Mowat springing the Ontario elections upon the country during the time shall not be read in Public Schools. For Instance, Marmion was kicked out of the public schools to satisfy Bishop Lynch. The Word of God, the very foundation of our common Protestantism, has been wrenched from the hands of Protestant when the regular set of ballot boxes are school children, and replaced by a mut - when form, to satisfy the childish required for municipal elections. This whims of the Church of Ronne. Protes- is economy (?) sure enough. • tent property owners having Roman Catholics as tenants, must willingly or REMEMBER that the nominations tak e i unwillingly contribute to the, support of I separate schools... But the law does not work both ways,—i. e., the Rowan Cath- - olic landlord who has a Protestant tenant, is not compelled to contribute to the sup- port of public schools, special provision having been made by which the taxes in this case go to the separate school. In- spectors of separate schools in cities and towns, are paid out of theProvincialchest, while the Inspectors of public schools are paid directly by the people, supporters of separate schools being ex- empt from this tax. Not satisfied with these privileges, the Church of Ronie is demanding, in addition, a Deputy-Minis- ister-of Education, and a Catholic Nor- mal School. From the fact that these privileges have been granted to the Church of Rome in this Province, over all Protestant denominations, it is high. time that political differences were cast to the wind, and one solid phalanx formed, notfor the purposes of waging a religious war against our Roman Catholic fellow- citizens, or of depriving them of equal rights, but in defense of our common Protestantism and Anglo-Saxon liberties, which an ambitious church, being no lover of civil and religious liberty, is quietly filching fromus. place on the 21st and polling one week later. What is to be done must be done quickly. Make sacrifices if necessary, to push forward the work with all expedi- tion. Nothing will so certainly ensure success as organization. Let every man feel the duty of the hour and his indivi- dual responsibility. Don't wait for some one to ask you to work, but begin ab once and do all you can to secure the most decisive victory possible. Our cause is a righteous one, and deserves our best support, it calls for the best efforts of everyone. Organize and work, and suc- cess is ours. ANOTHER WAIL FROM DAKOTA—A cor- respondent of the: Woodstock Sentinel- Review writes from Hillside, Dakota : "Times are very dull and money scarce. Everything is under mortgage and many people are completely discouraged. The hope of better crops next year is all they areresting on. What a wonderful thing this hope is 1 If it were not for this we must all sink." Dakota has been: overpraised by the Grits. It is in thatstate that Mr. Pardee recommends the young, farmers s of Canada to settle. Mr. Blake's paradise is. Kan- sas ; while Mr. Mackenzie used to sing the agricultural glories of Texas. Many a young Canadian farmer rues the day he ook their advice and left his Canadian name. Dee last issue of the Canada Gazette contains the. following: "His Excellency- in council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice, has been pleased to meter, thatttlie0rdcr-in-Council of the 29th September, 1S8h, ,relating, to the appli- ca6ivnof fiats and penalties inaprssCact under the Canada Temperanoe Act be, and is hereby cancelled, and that all fines, penal- ties.or forfeiture recovered or enforced under the 'Canada Temperance Act, 1878,1 and amendments thereto, within any cit county or any incorporated town separat- ed for. municipal purposes from the coun- ty, which would otherwise belong to the Crown for the public uses of Canada, be paid to the treasurer of the city, incor- porated town or county, as the case may be, >; 1..fr Le; the of the. said tel :l' i purposesS Itch," I ON account of the ' Ontario elections of Ontario, with'a united clergy, 'Archbishop �` '.. being sprung at such a season, tis the Lynch' at the head. ' This new alliance will -�,. produce d ice h 4 i � results. iron i municipal elections are held, it will cost 1 Pi Y i s U s strength, m' kq and the Catholics, ' who are not the majority eo the country $19,000 extra, for new ballot in the house of Commons. have need of M boxes,: This, together with the injur n , union in order to preserve that share of in. C` of the Christmas trade,' will' be a vast re fluence whheh is coniine. back to theta The gravel, 811,48 A. Geiger, statute labor for. Canada Company, 349 ; C. Oswald, gravel, 843.14 ;1).'B. Geiger, making ditch, $1.5.75; Gee. O'Brien, road allowance, 865; J. Oesoh, work on drain, 810. The Donned adjourned. to meet again on Friday, 31st December, at 10 B. M. - S. FOSTER, Clark. Publications Received. FRANK LESLIE'S SUNDAY IYLAGAZINE The December number of this favorite fam- ily magazine closes the Twentieth Volume. The opcniug article is '•A Moravian Village,' by .Lieut. H. R. Lemly, IJ. S. A., who de- scribes sytnpathieally the village of Salem, N. 0. Mr. Powell's, fifth number of "Leaves from Isfy Life" deals with Lord Beacons- =--IF YOU WISH • — field, "Barry Cornwall" and Alfred Domett. - This leaf is very fully illustrated. Other A Suit made from these profusely illustrated articles are :" "Zenist.Other f om goods in the Latest Styles bar. and mi, sion Work There"; Symbols J of Christian Art," by F,: "Pharaoh's rely a woman;) AND AT EXCEEDING LOW RATES, "Willies' Pena" and "Pharaoh's Palace: of Daphnis (1'aphanties) Egypt." This `last is I V E the !meat important discovery by the Egypt U -� 0 ��,• L r Exploration Society.. "How Virtue Ti•fum- the phed';is s. pleasant short .story: b -v+ htrs. C. SOUTHCOT T and SON, rExeter Clothiers. Angeline E. Alexander ; and."Some Fatu- ous Paintings by l:aphiol", shows three of the great niaster'n;works in outline, "The Gents She *NOM" is couturier'. There' is plenty of miscellany in the shape of short articles and sicetehei.-an.l several very beau- tiful full•pnged ieoroductions of painting by weii•kuowu artists. O. SOUTHCOT Have just opened their Fall ar T S O N 1i'irter Purchases of Consisting of some of the Finest Pattern Goods to be had anywhere. o. y 1.21g r, 2 7, t-4 to °n 0 �. y AC marked against the man who supports such o ° 1114 efy n le L'Union des Cantons de l'Est, a Nation - :dist UItr,nnontaine paper published at R' P Arthabaskaville, contains an article in its CO e issue of Nov. 13• ' C; ° "Mr. Blake's party in Ontario is the party c which possesses the confidence of Arch- bishop Lynch and of the Catholic clergy of l`ij the whole province. We have been struck by that fact for a long time ; and have t�•i always regarded the alliance of the Tory r Conservatives of Quebec at an anomaly. It was the alliance of the wolf with the lamb; of the cat with the mouse ; and like all a1- liances of that-nature„it has broken .down. The Conservative Nationalists breaking 5' with Sir John and the sect, find their nit'.- tura) allies in :Iion. Mr. Blake and the e*• party which marches behind him. We find cruseyes m the con l pany of the Catholics in Oranyistes of Ontario with the Catholic p Catholics stand in . great need of well -die - pulse to the interests of Ontario. It is posed and faithful allies among the Prates - characteristic, however, with Mr. Mowat's tants' of the sister province, that they may career. be able to muzzle the black beast of Ot•an- geism iiud prevent it from hiring, 11 v. Blake and his followers in Ontario are the men to WE notloe by ad ortin another whom we must tender •our hands. They g emhes ; we shall snake a Council to proceed withthe e • eti �f mistake if we cls not treat tel a soon a. ossi e. to voice favour then). Our friends ape all who corn. bit them—all those who render its justice. Don't forget this•” The same issue of L'tlnion contains an article-onr the first anniversary of Ria.n's execution, from which the reader will readily gather: the true meaning of French-Canadian Nationalism "Tucsdsy next, the id'th of Noyembcr, is the anniversu y of a dark and bloody day for the French-Canadian race. On that day last year Riot fell, a victim to Orange fury. On that day we beheld the sublime spec- tacle of our two millions"of people clasping hands from one end Of the continent to the othet with a view of protesting against the judioal crime which ,`lir Joint's Government the people of that town bre working had just e ,rnrnitted, end to withdrawing vigo .emiiy ;,, aowitipiialr thee enol. tri, i all : espu.nsiii.lity for that odious crime Column that it is the. -,intention of the are fightin our en ie in r loin as:friends, Our enemies are the J'vitiaator, and all who town hall ass' y 11 'P] of the people sounded in thee direction, at a vote recently taken upon the matter; but we believe .if an opportunity were. given many of the votes would be re- tracted, and cast in favor of awarding money voted for town hall, towards bon - using 0 onusing0 new railway or inanufaeturies of Soule kind, which would benefit as well as enlarge our village. If the nutter of se- curing better railway connection is attend- ed to at once, we have a good ohaneo of securing a branch of C. P. R., and if the desired interest is hot taken the road. will possibly be secured by Clinton, as of 5 ti -4 Vit; g u. o . ,3L=Jy ° �tl 2 < z ,� tit g• b C dr; o CD II/C 0Z rn 0 � b -,Chi � Hmt%y. n <rs ce o . CC4] G Pe owa:1 F-" 4b. -- ta S e= t'+ et 0 d ':4- rr<zm a• ti tr1 � till p C R. 0 h I tt "txytij Ha.. eelZ.LA em, ° IN �� •� it III �+ ,701111'13R.A.VVN, tJND ERT,AK, 615 CABINET-MAKER, CABIN I; Walnut & Rosewood Caskets Anso Coi'riva of EVERY Dnscnrrjiotf.', A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand: ( ALSO AGENT' FOR FUNERALS Fu.illvISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT LOW RATES. The Only Thorley, s Horse and Cattle Food 1 NOTE IT! DON'T FORGET TT T. In order to accommodate our rapidly increasing business we have had to Enlarge Our Premises, and now have room to show the E.EST ASSOI1TEID STGCF Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Etc :IN TOWN :— goo)) If you want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right. If' you intend building, Call and Get Our Prices for NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS, OILS,; LEAD, EAVETROUGHING, ETC., Ir WILL PAT You. If yon want TINWARE, COPPERWARE,or Anything in That Line,y you Strike Spot when you call at y the Right BISSETT J3ROS If n want nt sT ov ; COAL, AC{SMITi COAL,SCALES,r 9 SPA DE6 , SHOVELlir SRKS MACiIN;, AMCRICAN on CANADIAN UOAL:OIL CISTERN WELL oa PUMPS, saoN you will strike Rock Bottom Prices at B1SSJPT 131R.,08_ G. 08 G. A. HYND1VEAN'S —IS THE SPOT TO BUY— Choice Fruits & Confectionery, Oysters, Haddies &c. —A FULL LINE OF -- Tobaccos, Pipes, . P JCigars, Cigarettes, Ambers & Pipp e-motiuni My Stock of Furniture irk un- excelled. " e...'GGIVE MCA CALL A H - `YNDMAN , Fr".1„r1cK7lr"13+5 �'i14�'1