The Exeter Times, 1886-11-18, Page 8INSURANCE, »reytties, headlfiantonBrea.''elmangeof advertise, �Rlv. `a? LLiO'1' AGEOI EOl • 517B.. N. "I. (`0 � t, A5 th t+ 11t. 1" ,t l]S..F 1't' i N PANT TptToxt0 1 also for tb.e l?kI(I NID• VIRE INfaUI?ANOE, COMPANY,or lsentit111..I tlglanc}, the 120'YAi,.(]ANADTAN.of Montreal, aril time 1313I1'IS7Ei'I1d11?11U c LIVE ASSV11A NC111 OONE- 'ANY at Landon. Nne)and.established 1$1:7, Assets, over 86,000.000; claims and bonuses ,aid, over r1,0,000,000, LOCAL. NEWS. -11"e shall be happy to re.. •sive z' all times, front any part of the County, items of local news, such, as ao= eideuts,or any interesting inci(le'ttt wloat; ever, from any of our subscribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of pubh'c- a tion. •eter ,fifties. Eftf TEIVRSDAY, NO*.18tli,' 1880. insertion, ante �, WEN GENTS ne'cline tor hlgst 1E 'OUR CENTS per line tor each sut�sequent•in Venice will bo chargedio notices° appearrll, a this,00iu?nu, ttilshe legal sports have been, rusbiat in jne11t, the Z"1:101 W1 »1 €Q1-',tl,10 4All few days. llemenxbor the Concert in James.street p p iCases of t ..-h i 'feVur aro reported 111 Cm 11, .A4linissiont Only 10, d oil1 t t e sale, Apply to )1% G;atlissett; medicalothcor o11 the G. T. R, and has Pial aril's fol, felt boots, ehtyx'geLoi the road between Hyde .mark and The Thanksgiving turkey has this week ;Clinton, met its doom; • 1 denies the 11'11, Stouetnan, of 'Hensel', z1 s No. lady should pnrelzase a hoot till -ox' chziiges preferred against hini; of breaking tLlnh?ilig Jas, L'iekalc1's'stoc, £ rniture arid, destroying * thin ,s generally, The Boller rink will be o e11 to-dn. ' - ' Y �'b tl k Y while perleotiug a search of the Exeter afternoon and evening. Adrnissi011 as 11$110. hotels recently. Pickard's is the place to buy your over lelSnell 'shipped 1 sup. Messrs, Trap & ,� 1 s pp G p etc. erior horses from this station to 1'en11syl vaIliil, on es ay, ley were pure asec from farmers in Usllorne, Blanshard and Stephen. A gentleman, living at the north anti, has back- ward b a C1U'Lele14 can make1 circles a else that s h a. ward in less time than any animal in town, while attached to a buggy. On•Tuesday last it completed a circle of about six feet, four times in one-half minute, vlonclay closed the season for deer hunting with dogs, and accordingly every Sport in the village was out. Notwithstanding that the hunters invested the entire swamp, not a deer was captured, There have been over 20 deer shot this season, in Hay swamp. This morning a' union meeting of the James-st. and Main -at. Methodist churches •toy choice lot a£ 1'1 moix.th Rock ohioks`ftir 'slits 1 y Da, I1y>li11ax1 .las bee11 leapp l shoes, rubbers, t The Bishop of Huron will preach In time Tu d rli h 1 Chnioh of England, on Sunday, Nov, 28. Just gaze on our six buttoned kid for 50 ots. James Piekard. Mr,headof Thos, Coates shipped forty 4 Ap fat cattle, from this station on Monday, for the Liverpool markets. Sunday last, being a nice day, a number LOCM. HAPPENINGS, of visitors from surrounding villages were r _ _ in town. Y t tl t t, the Hand of Hope. The regular monthly meeting of the Banca of Hope in connection with the James-st, Methodist Church, was held in the basement of that church, on Tuesday evening last. A very instructive and amusing programme was given, consisting of readings, recitations, dialogues, music and singing. This meeting was highly appreciated by the large audience. These • meetings are becoming very interesting and the crowds attending them large. oft can ge me asset. men value l value right, ill boots and shoes, at Jas. Pickards. The roller rink was open a couple of evenings last week. The attendance was I not, as good as is generally the case. Five weeks, and Christmas will be at hand. Againthere will be a slaughter of turkeys. Mr. Rowe, near the village, has just moved into his new brick residence. The building is a handsome structure. Rev. Mr. Martin gave another of his T1s s Thiess for 18S7. lectures on Atheism, Sunday evening last, 'I. he renewing of subscriptions is almost a synopsis of which will be found in another hand. In order to double our large car- column. Gelation, we will send the TIMES to any ad- dress from now until 1888 for one dollar; i is time largest and best printed dollar paper in Huron. We will club the city weeklies with the TIMES as usual at the following prices :—Tile TIMES and London Free Press, for :1.55; TIMES and London Advertiser, $1, 85; TIMES and GIobe, $1.55 ; TIMES and Mai.i, $1.95, with the balance of 1886 thrown in Last week, several of the local sports, after enjoying a days' hunt, returned home with two rabbits. Apparently they are at- tended with poor success. Worth Remembering—Ladies don't for get it—James Pickard's stock of fur caps; capes, setts &c., are going cheap—give him a call. A. Tennent, V. S., while blanketing his horse on Sunday, received a violent kick on the leC 1 h1' 1 1 ' f few days g, w lamed him for a 'Broke Its Leg. He says it fairly lifted his hat. On Sunday morning last, Mr. Wm. Balk- Eigl t lamps of an improved kind were w 111, who lives at the south enol of the I sufficient to light the rink, on Thlusday Was some- ' � the stable, n o m to village, upon ill5 5 � -night, when generally,itl what surprised. to see one of his horses requires 30 common lamps. lying down, and suffering great pain. They To -clay is Thanksgiving Day, and we urged the animal to rise, but it was unable believe that our readers, after enjoying the to do so, and after an examination found intellectual feast contained in our columns, that the beast had broken her leg, in the will better appreciate the physical food gen- vicinity of the hip joint. Being advised of the impossibility of a cure, the animal orally prepared for the Thanksgiving dinner. Service will be held in Christ Chinch, was shot. How the accident happened is on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 18th, a mystery, but it is believed that she must have slipped while in the act of lying down. The beast was valued at $200. rersonal . The Misses Chaptou and Sheare, of Lon- don, spent last week with friends in town. vliss Page, of Woodstock, is the guest of Miss Hayes. —Mr. Muir, of the woollen mills, left last week, for the Old Country.— The organizer for the I. 0. F., instituted a Court here, last week.—Mr. Ike J. Dear- ing, who has been ill for some time, is able to attend to business.—Mrs. D. M. Ramsay, of Londesboro', spent last week in town, visiting relatives.—Mr. E. Maguire, who has been very ill, is recovering.—Mr. An- drew McConnell, brother of Mrs. A. Hol- land, formerly of Exeter, but now of Dele- ware, paid ns a flying visit on Monday last. He looks as hearty as ever.—Mr. John Knight, who, for some time, has held the situation of clerk in G. A. Hyndman's gro- cery store, has accepted the position of book-keeper for A. Q. Bobier, commission merchant, London. We feel assured that success goes with himn.—I. Handford has retururd from his trip to Manitoba. Independent Foresters. Deputy Supreme Chief Ranger, C. W. Jones, of London, organized a court of this Order in Exeter, on Wednesday, Nov. 10, with 21 charter members, and the following were chosen as the first officers of the court: Chief . Ranger, Edward Roberts; Vice Chief Ranger, Edwin S. Howard ; Record. Ing Secretary, Samuel Westaway ; Finan- cial Secretary, Ezra Spicer ; Treasurer, Jos. J. Pickard ; Senior Woodward, 'Robt. Hicks ; Junior Woodward, Robt, Pickard Senior Beadle, Jas. T. Brownlee ; Junior Beadle, Wm. J. Baker ; Chaplain, James Down ; Past Chief Ranger, Dr. Calvin Lutz; Physician, Dr. J. A. Rollins. De- puty Jones appointed ?dr. L. H. Dickson, to the office of Court Deputy High Chief Ranger. The Order of Foresters ha e made lin acgrtisition to its ranks that willtlie -future prove to be a strong workhi as it has secured the most influential 'citi- zens of Exeter for members, and we are sure their influence will be the means of ad- ding a large number of members, to the Order. This is ond'ef, the few benefit Socie- ties which affords an opportunity to all classes to secure'the protection of sick bene- fits and insurance, as it pays to its members $5 per wee ,, clurlbg sickness; $50 funeral Ianefi' $4f01 - ,to $ 1500 disability benefit, An annuity of $100 to $800 on reaching old Lige and an endowment of $1000, $2000 or coo. The inembersltip is now over 5000 ,and the surphis in the reserve fund amount- ed to over $53,000 on Nov- `l, with all claire s paid. The next meeting of Court at kxeter, will he .meld on Friday,19611inst., at tv1 iciitime several applicants Will be admit Vette membership, with the Presbyterians, will be held in the Presbyterian church. A sermon will be preached by the Rev. Jas. Graham, of Jarimes-st. church. A collection in aid of the poor. ' We are glad to learn that S. C. Hersey ]las made satisfactory arrangements with this creditors, and that he intends opening store again, in the ohs stand. He has pur- chased a fresh stock of groceries &c., which ho will sell at consistently low pric es See adv. in another column. To -morrow a great many of our citizens and the friends from adjoining townships, expect to take part in the celebration at Goderieh. It promises to be a grand affair. Sir John Macdonald, Hon. Thos. White, Hon. Mr. Thompson, and W. R. Meredith, M. P. P., will address the meet- ing at Dungannon, at 1:30 ; and Goderich, at 8 p. 01. This promises to be the grtu,d- Agents 'Wanted. est celebrations ever held in. the county. Clement de Co., of 40 Wellington Street Last, Toronto, or Si St. Francois -Xavier • tion : Rcst'h expei'iemxoes of 11fe, ate. su(far, itxgs. anal griefs,, h€1ve al akerr zi►y 1Q111,.1 a,} 4 have broke m the fgylndaUion u 0 t which T f'ormxmerly thought 1 cou141 build .mull of faith in the smlfeiency of soienco,, 1 thought to: have found in it a, safe refuge from all the conchs ek1cies. of life, This illusion is vanished; when the temp eats came e which plunged me. ' in soriow,p 910: Moorings; the Cable of so eaico, broke like thread. Then I' seized, upon that help which mita before me have laid hold o€ I sought; and found peace ill God.. Since then I have certainly not abandoned science, bub I have assigned to it another place in my life." It is better to snake Ominwor'thy customer wad in the firm 111500 sly refusing to trust him at all, than itis to make Win mad aftem• he owes you a big bill, by refusing to give, hies credit, Renton Bros. •Tess making department reopened, tlliss Wood, in charge. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. $e • • l Cure at Scarlett 's s t •sous Catali1 Ct Drug store, giving immense satisfaction, Guarantees issued only at Scarlett's Drug tome. MAIN -ST Mr.TnoD1sT Cnlnz.cw---Subjects of next Sunday sermons ; Morning, 10:30, God's husbandry ; its failures and successes. Evening, 6:30, The dead Lazarus ; the pur- pose of Jesus in regard to him. W. S. PASCO, Pastor. English, French and American trusses, shoulder braces, abdominal supporters, child- ren's;' trusses, suitable for all sizes and ages. Our water.pad truss is the best fitting and Most comfortable true tondo, at the Oeutral drug store, C. Lor., Prop. Without exception, the best and cheapest lines in Boots and Shoes we have as yet seen,; can' now be had at 0. Eacrett's, Chil• drens Carriages, Express Wagons, Men and Women's. Felt Boots, Men's Haud-Made Boots, also a good assortment of Men and Women's Over -Shoes and Rubbots of every description, also Harness. Trunks, Valises, and Whips constantly on hand. Cali and be couviuced• Rutter and eggs taken in ex- change for Hoods. Also a first-class Brick House for sale or to rent. The Examination for entrance to High Schools, will be held at Exeter and Goder- ich, on Tuesday, V1'ednesday and Thursday, December 21st, 22nd and 23, beginning at 9 o'clock. There will be no formal paper on Orthcpy at this examination. Candi- dates are expected to bring Drawing Books No. 4 or No. 5. Intending candidates are requested to send their names to H. I. Strang, B. A., Goderich, or to the under- signed before the 1st of December. JOHN E. Toil, I. P. S. Trains will be held over until after evening (meeting for the accommodation of the visitors. Street, Montreal,ntreal, want a Ceue • t tient. General . They are the exclusive owners of the Scho- field Patent Cake Griddle, the Celebrated Emery Knife Sharpener (known as the "Carver's Friend,") the Emery Scythe VThat can We Know of God ? Sharpener, the Jay -Eye -See Wire Curry comb, and other specialties. If you. want Sermon by Ites. Mr. Martin, to make money, write to them at once for -- an outfit, and to secure what territory you Having shown that there must be a can handle. Supreme Being in the world, the next quos- �� �Cli. at 11 a. m., to be conducted by the Rev. tion is, Can we know anything as to His �. C H Bridgeman, of Hensall. All are cot.- character from nature:? (l) We can argue 1 The (`ouneil of the Corporation of the County dishy invited to attend, as to the unity of this mind. If we pass The Jumbo steer, "General Pickard," is improving in flesh, under the care of George Hill, Mr. Jas. Pickard's stock foreman. Time probabilities are, that the animal will be brought into shape again. The dance at the station hotel, on Thurs- day evening last, was well attended, and, we believe considerable rioting indulged in ; not on account, however, of a raid being made by detectives. It broke up at an early hour—in the morning. A son of Rev. E. Kershaw, of Centralia, broke his ankle while working around a horse, on Monday last. It was caused by a miss -step which allowed the full weight of the body to comae upon the ankle while slightly turned. It is said that Mr. Gardiner, of Kansas, formerly of Usborne, has lately committed suicide by cutting his throat. No cause for committing the rash act has been given. Mr. G. married a daughter of Wm. Dew, brother of John Dew, of Uaborne. If such is the case, it will be heard with extreme sorrow by his friends here. New lady officers, Captain Sharp, and Cadet Mincke, of'Walla.oeburg, have taken the place of those, whom, during the past year, have efficiently served in the Sal- vatign Army here. They appear to be en- mtr; elgeitie, and are daily making accessions to th in corps, the converts, no doubt, $ing won by their persuasive addresses asfd ex- celie it singing. .' through a mill and are shown how all its parts are adapted to one another and all tend to produce the same result, we must admit that one mind controlled its erection. We must reason in the sante way with re- gard to this universe. Science teaches us that the same laws prevail (as far as it knows) in the upper worlds, as prevail here —for example, the law .of gravity, which governs the atoms of dust around ns, gov- erns the myriads of worlds that arescattered through space. The light of the sun and the light of the stars affect the eye in the same way. The impress of one mind is more clearly seen when we look at our own world, (e g) Animal life supposes food, food requires plant life (as animal life cannot exist on inorganic matter) plant life re- quires, air, heat, light, water, &c. We thus find a chain running thro the world in this and other particulars, which prove unmistakably, thatone mind controlled its erection. Again this is seen in the fact that life everywhere is constructed on the same leading principles, and although new lands are being discovered and new planetsand animals found, yet they always exhibit these main features. (2) We can argue as to the wisdom of this Being -all the evi- t3ences of design prove this. There are thousands of wonderful facts in nature which compel the human mind to believe in this attribute of the creator. (e g) In order to give this world day and night, the earth is made to revolve once ill twenty- four hours. If the earth were perfectly round this tepid motion would cause the water to heap around the equator, leaving only the poles dry land and time world there- fore uninhabitable. To obviate this the creator has formed a Mound round the earth thirteen miles deep at the centre and. so perfect that it "lopes all the way to the poles . Wisdom is seen again in the way ,D;t9 re's public hall will be opened on the • by which the atmosphere lifts the water 30143, st., with the play of Uncle Tom's from the ocean and carries it like mighty , express trains over the continents to be C a mu, by a troupe of 28 performers and returned to the oceans by the rivers. This tato' brass bands. For further particulars .is God's mighty system of waterworks, so see large posters. Every citizen in town perfect too, that not a drop of water is lost should feel it their duty to turn out to this in all the. ages. So much is wisdom dis played in the world that Sir David Brews entertainment, for Mr. Drew has at a great xpense provided for Exeter one ofthe best Opera houses in the county. Quite a number of'onr citizens intend going to Seaforth on . Tuesday next NOT. 23rd, to hear (dYIr. Justin McCarthy, M. P., SSeveral emt1G�x , b g gn t of the Cattle bylaw, have allowed ihemr Cows to tan at large heyoncl the time apeoi- fieri therein ,` and as a consequence, were" r,. hipounded, 'Bylaws of this kind, which holdod ,onl at .certain seasons, ought � y to he published in arsine way, so that the rs nofionlmt sill i orae of Huron, will meetin the 'Town flail in the Village of Brussels, no WEDNESDAY, the first day of laiCL]IFuia next, at three o'clock p. Ill. P1•:TEIt ADAMSON, Co. Clerk. Nov, lath. 1880. [2-ius.l ESTRAY CATTLE. Cn'ne en the premises of the under signed, lot 15,Nortb Bounds:y, Stephen, on or anent the first of Nov.. a yotmu}i steer. 'Ile owner may have the sane by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN FORD. TO ADVERTISERS I'or a check for $20 We will print a ten -line advertisement in One Million issues of leadiu g American Newspapers, this is at the rate of only one-tlf th of a can t a line, for 1,000 Circu- lation 1 The advertisement will be placed before Ono :Million different newspaper pum- chasers :—or isxve MILLION READEBt. Ten lines will accomodate about 75 words. A4. - dress with copy of Any. and check, or send 30 cents for Bock of 150 pages. GEO .P.ROWELL & CO,. 10 SPRUCE ET., NEW YORK. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of Isaac Reid, of the village of Bayfield, County of Huron, Tinsmith. Notice is hereby given that the above named Isaac Reid has made an assignment to me,. under the provisions of chanter 20 of 48 Victoria, Ontario Statutes, of all his Estate and effects iu trust for the benefit of all his creditors. A meeting of the creditors of the said Estate is hereby convened and wa1 be held at the Law Ofeeoof Gibbons,MeNab & Rfulkora, London, on Saturday, the 2tith day of November, A, D„ 1880, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, for the ointment of Inspectors and the giving of app directions with reference tot .e disposal of the said Estate. All creditors of the said Estate are hereby required to file their claims with 't McNab 14fulkern my Solicit„rs, Gibbons, London, (as directed by the said Statute) on or before the day of such me. ting, afterWhicu date I shall proceed to distribute the said Estate, baying regard only to such cltims as Isbell have notice of; and I shall not be re- sponsible for the assets of the said Estate or any part thereof to any person or persons whose claim or claims .shad not have been filed. C,B. ARMSTRONG, Trustee, GIBBONS, MoNAB & MULEERN,. Solicitors for Trustee, London Dated, Nov. 8th, A. D., 1880. BLANK T1IE-.,— 7- EXETER WOOLLEN $ 0501r4=5.1200 . �n 1 lle1s Shirtiugs, L�11 k1l'Ids Of Yarns, TWee�s, Flan ATA SMALL ADVANCE QN WHQL1 SAL' i',. PRICES. Manufacturing These goods ourselves, we are enabled to sell at "AVM Ti fihres, • S RE UTRTNG A GOOD BLANKET PARTIES � u Poll Assort - men well to inspect .est our stock. before purchasing elsewhere. W e have a full s Wmezcli On Hand. 2< 0 pairs of all weightand sizes. 100 pairs horse Blankets, different patterns, selling cheap, ter was accustomed to rise from looking at a'drop of water thro the microscope ex- claiming "0 xclaiming."0 Lord how manifold are thy works, in wisdom hast Thou made them all 1" This is testimony from a great scientist. (3) We can reason again as to the goodness and benevolence of this Being .om the pr•eponderance of lmappilmess f for Londonderry in the British House of ''this world. The argument here is, contri- Commons, deliver his address, on the "Cause of Ireland." The lecturer is a gentleman of high standing, being a re- nowned writer and historian, having few equals as a parliamentarian. The lecture will be Well worth hearing, as his exposi- tion of time cause of Ireland will be a care- ful statement of what he believes' to be right. See bills. `1'he followin hints are sal sated to those /tad moral capacities. Man reflects God g gg t glass.—Paul business at the post -office, which, if followed, will save a good deal of unneces- sary trouble : 1st, keep constantly on hand a supply of stamps, so yotu can drop your letter in the box at any time. 2nd, affix; yotr own stemma ; it is not the business of thi post muster or officials to do so.' 3rd, after affixing the 'stamps, drop your mail matter (unless registered) in the box pro- vided ) P, vided for�that purpose, and do not expect the post .master to' leave his",business and p tun to the wicket;, and take it from out•, y hands. Time is money. • Eland all matter for registration through the deliver Wicks g , g Y Wicket, and receive registered matter and attend to. citizens might govern thbniselvos accord- ''.� 0. money orders at the wicket provided -fished a scoots edition of ono of hiS Works kD b Y vance proves a designer, :and the predomi- hent tendency of the design shows the dis- position. of the designer. The lecturer here went on to show that happiness largely pre- dominates among the lower animals, and that man was not only formed for happiness as is proved by MS capacity for pleasure, but thatthemeans fpr gratifying these desires in every case exist. (4) We can arrive at, other ideas regarding the ^I g g c maraca ter of this intelligence from man's mental as the sun is reflected in a reasoned, this way before the philosophers of Athens wlto believed that "we are the offspring of God." "For as much then as we are the offsppring, of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone." After showing that n1 the case'. of all animals,' and in 'time ease 'man's body provisions are made' in nature to gratify all their desires, man's mental' and moral aspirations etre left without Snell' p rovisket unless we believe in a Supreme ° m of suds a character. f Being 0 The z . acture closed with a statement of time .Atheisttt' creed. and the following opinion regarding it. H. Eegard, ,Professor of Philosophy Til in the U''iliversityof Copenhagen, as we learn from a foreign paper, has until reedit- ' ' ly been the apostle of atheism in his country. lie has, says the ,Soinenr':'Pnndois, just ptib ,ing)y, and save nnnecessary expense:: for that ptli os°. arid this' is what- the says':, in the iiltrodut- S. C. .HERSEY cQxv,n'oon wz_ Prop. E. IRr 500 11 LMGE'S Butter Wanted . KIRKTON. J. athes Z3s PRICE OUR GREY FLANNELS. EXETER N OETH, PB1OJ OUR GREY COTTONS, PRICE OUR GREY DRESS -GOODS Our Stock is Well Assorted FOR THE SEASON 8 TRADB. • LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED l GROOEB1ES ! ! 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c. to 75e. per Ib. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of HARDWA.BEl. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. r A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good suit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits got up in Good Style, Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. AHouse and Lot, also a Mum for Sale. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. Take a note of the fact that T. DEA1RING, of the Montreal General Store klas just received a Complete Stock of WINTER ER ARY - GOODS Which he intends se]ling at NEAR COST FOR CASH. He will still be found in GEO. KEMP'S OLD STAND, (One Door North of Drew's Block), 'where he is prep/tiled to supply the public —with— Ready-made Clothing, Tweeds, Shirt- inga, Dress Goode of nil descriptions, Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Rad and Grey Flannels, Gents' and Ladies Under- wear. SIX ORGANS FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP. —A LARGE VARIETY OF— Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes Also a Fine and Well Assorted Stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES TEAS! A WAGON LOAD tom' I make this linea SPECIALTY. -=1 FARM. PRODUCE TAEEN IN EXCHANGE for GOODS. IIIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR EGGS. COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND. T. DEARING-. AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. IF YOU WANT-- A BOOT OR SHOE THAT WILL LOOK NEAT AND KEEP YOUR FEET DRY, Call and, Examine our Stook. Groceries Cheaper Than Ever Will give you As Much or Moro than anyone else for BUTTER AND EGGS. Remember Dulmage's Motto "NEVER UNDERSOLD." aeOct. SOU Wishes to announce to the inhabitants o1 Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out Et aid Shoe Ship in the uorner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where be is prepared to make all kinds of ordered work. Sewed work a sl eiali.ty. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eaerett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th,B4. Lots, Lot0Jots. F Obi. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of. HOUSES, & FARMLAND FOR SALE. Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to coir sult tho undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, EXETER. �1NrBL�CK '%flflLU U —THE PLACE FOR— CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENT, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS IN ' THE OLD STAND, And will be glad to receive a call from hie old customers and as many new ones as wish � 1 FRESH - GROCERIES —AT LOW PRICES ! Ile has ADDED A NEW STOCK, and will givebetter bargains than ever before. .A trial will convince anyone. S. 0. I3E'.E'.Y' i ce,ir r �0 Cheap Cash . G The C TRUSSES HRIST'AN LAWYER, tnatrntod,' e uses; Retidenco: f all hinds f trusses titres o Tr<dnniors ,�1fTls°,1`lay, Will be at the Genital 'Betel, :Motet, every. Sittttrday, to attend to the wants. of any Vito array require his services, .Wiry Pay from.:818.00 to: 2G 00 for the aine ar- ticle which heCan furnfsh you for $5.00, and Which. fs as geedgeedif not "better alit. warranted 46 11t with comfort?'. Itomeniber, Double Trusses, :x5.00 ,: S1nglo Trusses, 82.80, ATI eom- liaullicatibusadrlme55ed to cJII1RISTIAN t AWVElt Zurich P.0., Out, (0°073''. O'' T One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stocks in Exeter. Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in all the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS.—All the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Black Dress Materials and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods. Colored Plushes in All Shades worn this season, Black, Dress and Mantle Silks. GOOD ASSORTMENT AID EXTRA. CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range, Flannels, Blankets, Factory and White Cottons, Shirtings, &c„ all bought before the advance iu prices and will be sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Tf es 'come to you,wal.lt Col,rect, foods at Corlett P1Ic , I oART I`NTG'S. t:. emst is (Coin leto. Our �roeer�r ]d©p�.x Vis, p TR'S OUR 50ot. TEA. 1 t Village for the mone • It isy has used it to bo the best i 1 the V' a o 1 acknomvisdt,ed by everyone that 1 a u g Y• • Parcels, Free. Sample Pare _, (: ' �ALL , PROBI7` ,E EGGS, AND BUTTED, E , TAKEN IN TACIIANGE. rpt"_, A CALL SOLICIT y 1D5 CARLING Main Sts. Exeter •