Clinton News-Record, 1976-12-23, Page 7• 4 • 4 • • ,P ION ! AAP GIFT CENTIFICATIM SOLVE YOUR OfFr ING PROBLFAlt Alfags able In $1, $5, *ad $10 Olincintinations. Sire Store iitaniver for further in. formation. Ib Great for Dressings 1-I.B ROLL 59fe MOPSY PARTY ITEMS' SnOPSYs Corned Beef Pastrami SHOPSYs • pkg of 4, 2 -oz pkgs1.08 pkg of 4, 2 -oz pkgs1.08 Old Vienna Salami 18-ozpkg48 lb 1.19 24ozdnr79si • SHOPSYS--swEET PZCKtED (EyE OP Romp) Corned Beef sHPotato Salad GRADE "A"--EVISCERATED—VAC PAC-4012N—OVER 204.BS ONE PER CUSTOMER WHOLE, COOKED, BOILED BEEF—FROZEN r Frozen Baby 2 19 Schneiders L, Lobsters • Steakettes 11, sot TROPIC GEM PEEK FREAN SHORTCAKE COOKIES Plus 7 other varieties 14.5-0t TIN TIE BAG it ima—ims DOL PINEAPPLE 19 .FrilN°Z Orange Orin 4841.oz bottle 57 iipittitZEAMAMr042;ft DECOR—SINGLE*PLY, a*t PINK-YELLOW—WHITE it BATH QM% PALANDA MANDARIN ORANGES CHOICE AUSTRAL FRUITS ROYALE—ASSORTED FLAVOURS JELLY POWDERS PEACH HALVES OR SLICES PEARS FRUIT COCKTAIL 10.FL-OZ TIN 71001 284L02691 UN ACTION mem 3 -OZ PIM, 4 FOR 89$i a7T VISIT OUR FRESH FLOWER DEPARTMENT! We have a good variety of Christmas plants for your choice, featuring such items as Poinsettias, Chrysanthemums, Cyclamen, Hyacinths, Mixed Pans, and many others, including a good selection of cut flowers. tVt2r-IWA%VAZsAZsAVA2EA2EAtls° AYLMER, FANCY Nopeaciav PKG 0F4 ROLLS Turkey ixin s 4§Eiuffisn3ALLY Pfttfiruwead 244sz loaf Stuffing Mix Reynolds Wrap 11ANIO Roasting Bags 84/1411 49tfli 02 Mil SY so mor *04. 18" 25' roll 99, olc90f4179, -*40".,N*40". • 1 1 8 0/0100 R .BOKAR COFFEE- I A sums *ND mai IN ONAZIUM 'CMES I aslilillOw artzt-mAtrittescrezatturzizat Clip these Valuable Coffee' Coispons! ailor akiWft 4mmW* awaw‘ am.** A*wm_oWnW* raw, 4mmaft 7m•mft mwAWA AMwm ma*mft NMWMA AMMOft amwma Ammo& malmr 4WWWW MB mis CiAlOON Witil In; =WON on ib. pothook �f * SAYE 45? on the purchase of ik tar bag of 8 O'CLOCK OR BOYAR COFFEE j. A surto sueo Ricn its etaztuan omits .111100100 ,*4•4'01* 1.*,'‘O" 'Ip