The Exeter Times, 1886-10-28, Page 5an, .011, -st, IIs, ar- ISS, r 0u 'air OW ter ,ve ate rly es, till 15, tie le. er ri- ve h. n - e r Wee THE COCAINE 'HABIT Tnn Weite'r ar&viors ktiewat—Maly' Ia 'Aegis of Krause, Oft efridcEl 'lftnes•St ar., When, 0000.1no wee dieeoveroti the wedical world a claimed thank heaven , • VA.P.. LOC 4,L' 3A VXTI4S. Interesttng Items*' Advertise your estray cattle, and yea wil ,late trouble and expense, 4'he half -yearly mooting ot the Teaehcus' Assooiation of Perth opens 1.11 St. Malls to- day and will be controlled to;lttorli/w: Y " t ' deputy.' judo }tae been appointed for But useful itis Itis, it is also dal orot14, I;erth count,•, in the ":person of f, I'r. 'Woods, Esq cf Stratfot•d espeeiallt! when rte 1180,18 perypr.ed fi"otu'tlte 'L1he ltfitelie l Recorder nl o understand. deadeinh)g of pain, for surgical operations, to Wily the Globe feels:asaw ed that aro 011 tlau stitnulation and destruction of .rite the eve of a geue)•al ele to.W U and sapttlati,ni„ lint the thralldom le rte BallewE'en is drawing nieh,laud eKoa abba 'Though numerous cases may operate to Iturn thehair gray, all that is needed to re- store the natural color is Hall's Vegetable a$icilitzr Hair 'Renewer. 1 or more thanan twenty' years its sales have been euorrnous, but lye hexa yet to learn of its fest failure,' A inoiroy�order clerk unwed Taylor, in the Winniileg postoflmco, lute cleared out, It }s "said he is short 0200, HIGH'PR-AISE., llfte. 'oho Neelands, writing from the Methodist parsonage, Adelaide, Out., 'saysaI I have nod liagyard's Pectoral Balsam in our family for years, For Heavy ()aids, ore oats tied distressing c;ottgiis no other meth- � throats so soon relieves."' human hotly. Its 1list effects are soothing q may a 011,. tlh.a eve, telt mon'u is somewhat distant, most horrible slavery ;known to humanity-. S. L. Stephens, M. D., of Lebanon, 0., was interviewed by our reportoa yesterday at the Grand Hotel, and daring the conversa- tion the doctor said : '"The cocaine habit is a thousand tinges worse than the tuorphine and opium habits, and you would be eaton- ishedr; " ho said if yon knew how fright - fu ey the habit is increasing..' ' "thina t are its. effects ' 1 e e I• t IS t70:11!erat constitution wrecker ever know. 11, ruins the liver and kidneys . in half a year, and when this worltis done, the strongest constitutions goon succumbs.' ' • Do you know of Dr. Underhill's case here in Cincinnati ?:" " , That leading: physioinn who became a victim of the cocaine habit ? 'Yes. flip case was a very salt, one, butthe habit . eau be cured. I ihave resorted many a.:nen from a worse condition, ' What, worse. than Dr. Undorhill's ? ' ' (And n0W the:hunter tikes hjti 'gen and other vogetabies are in danger, if not lhoused before that time, Mr. Henry 'Levert has sold llis farm, lot 5, :con, 18, 11reGillivray, to Wm England, of that township, tor $5,100. The farm Is a fine one and eantrtins'100 aures, fife fionor Judge ',leave, of Perth "Uoutity, lies appointed IL J. Kelly, of St. Marys, a oonetablo for- the county. Maurice Kennedy, one of the oldest resi- dents of Bo,guiquet, died oda.. Tuesday Inorn- ing:lass, aged 01 years, 11 months and 8 days. The St, Malys Mechanics' 1110014e, will probably abandon their intention of having art classes, owing to the redirection ' in the Government grant. Last week while Mrs. Donald Fraser, of Nairn, was taking her evening walk she slip- ped and fell, injuring herself so badly that she has been confined to her bed ever since. Indeed, far so. Justin 141;, Hall, A. The fields to ramble over, 141., M. D., president of the State Board of Health of Iowa, and a famed practitioner:, and. Alexander Neil, M. D. professor of sur- gery in the Columbus Mediosi College, and president of the Academy. of Medicine, a From morning dawn' to set of Ann, La search of Snipe and plover. A gloomy, disappointed Wight, A bandaged hand caressiug,_ Returns he homeward in the night, man widely known, Rev, W. P. Clancey, of With severer fingers missing. Indianapolis, Ind,, from a personal experience Mr. John Hobbs, of London Township, in opium eating, etc., can tell you of the has bought from Mr. Goo. Weetrnan, of Exe- kind of success our treatment wins, and se. .ter, for the sum of 8400, tour acre's of land, can fl. C. Wilson, fortnerly of Cincinnati, and is about to erect a handsome frame douse who is now associated with me. on the same. Loudon Free Press. •' Would you mind 'letting nur readers A. couple of gentlemen, while driving down into the sec,ot of your methods ? " Queen.st., St. Marys, a few days ago, the ' ' Well, young man, you surely have a horse which they were driving became fright. good bit of assurance to ask a man to give ened and ran away. Tho occupants were his business away to the public; but I won't thrown out while going over a crossing and wholly disappoint you. I have treated over one of them considerably injured, 20,000 patients. In cohninon with many The Ontario Government have, wo under - eminent physicians, I, for years made a stand, appointed Mr. .1. G. Smith, of Gorrie,. close study of the effects of the habits ou the as Police Magistrate for the East Riding of system and the organs which they most Huron. He is politically oppgsed to the severely attack. Dr. Hsll,.Dr. Neil, and Mr. government, but that will not make any Wilson, whom I have mentioned, and hun- difference in his administration of the law. dreds of others, equally as • expert, made Mrs, Wm. 4Wescott, of Woodstock. met many similar experiments oa their own be- ' with a: peonlier accident on Thursday. She half. We each found that obese drugs work. was sitting on n chair sewing, ancl, jumping' ed most destrnotively. iu the kidney and up suddenly, she twiatecl her foot in some liver; in fact, finally destroyed them. It was way, breaking some of the bones in instep. then apparent that no cure could be effected MitehelI Advocate :—"The 'hue and 'cry' until those organs could be restored to raisedbecaii;e his Wife had a baby, against health. We recently . exhausted the eutire Bev. J. H. Carson, pastor of the Waterloo range of medical science, experimenting with street Methodist Church, in Stratified, has all known remedies for these organs, and as induced him to resign his position, Re' minis the result of these close investigations we all ter. We, believe he has decided to locate in substantially agreed, though following differ- the Western States," ent lines of inquiry, that the most reliable, • Educational Weekly:—We are requested scientific preparation, was Warner's safe to say'that it is the intention of the Educe - cure. This was the second point in the dis- tional Department not to submit is, formal covery....ths-th}rd was our own private form paper on orthaepy at the next. entrance ex - of .--..-_. ,_:_,_ _. __ _. __ wedo not amination to the High Schools and Celle. divulge to'the public. Every case that we have treated first with Warner's safe cure, then with our own private treatment, 'and followed tt0 again with Warner's safe cure for a few weeks, has been successful. These habits can't bo cnied without using it, be- cause the habit is nourished and sustained in the liver and kidneys. The habit eau be kept up 01 medeatation, however, if free use be also made, at the same time, of that great remedy," ' , Yes,.i butted sped ians. I nee but I know is a world famed and justly cola- ific 1 Like many other physio - to Bride the claims made for it, ow for a fact that itis the world's greatest blessing, having sovereign power over hitherto incurable diseases of th oe kid- neys and liver, and when I have, . said that, young man,'I have said nearly everything, for most diseases originate in, or are aggra- vated by, a depraved condition of the kid: neys. •' " People do not realize this,, because, singular, as it may seem, the kidneys may be in a very advanced stage of decomposition, .B,EIYA1C7a,O .' CO'Ul�'t';i''It1'I'.ta'S. GILES'LINIMENT IODIIIE'AMMONfA Application for lettere patent have beep made for the Valleyfield Electt•iu ComXany. A COMPLETE 13REA.KDOWN. "For ten years" says Jennie 141', y1arrett, of Wellacebnrg, Ont., "I did not See a well day -wait all broken down with dyspepsia, ` liver complaint, catarrh' awl debility.Three doe tors abandoned hope for me, hen``f3urdouk Blood Biltets o't the to my rescue. It is the best medicine niftve ever taken. I' say this for the benefit of all suffering as I did: Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Knox Church, Har- riston, has received a unanimous call from the presbvterian congregation of Coiling wood. Ay elastic stop, buoyant spirits, and clear complexion, are 'the results of pure blood. The possessor of hoalthy blood enjoys a clear- ness of perception, impossible when 'the blood is heavy with, impurities. TakeAyel•'s Sarsa- parilla, the best blood purifier and vitalizer. East Hastings Grits lave nominated Bur- dette, a Bellvelle lawyoar, for the Commons. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Not by any sacred remedy, but by proper healthful exercise and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypo - phosphites, containing the healing and;: strengtih giving, virtues of these two valuable. speoi0ois in their fullest form Prescribed universally by physicians Take no other, A MODERN MIRACLE.. In a recent letter from It. W. Dowson, of Deloraine, Ont:; he states that ho has recov- ered from the worst form of dyspepsia, after Offering for fifteen years ;. and when a couu eil of doctors pronounced him incurable he tried Burdock Blood Bitters, six bottles of which restored his' health. On the night of the 19111 Inst, wolves de- stroyed' a' number of sheep in the western, part of Hastings County. WM, Giles, M. D. Milfoid, Del„ March 24, 1880. Dear Sir --About three years ago I got a bottle of your Iodide Ammonia Lini. ment. It cured my horse of a apuvin, and the balance of the Liniment was used in the family. It cured all aches on man as well es horses. It is all used up now. Please send me "'one bottle more by express and I will. pay C. 0. D, Address, Haskell Lewis, Mil- ford, Kent Co„ Del. Sold by C. LUTz, Cen- tral Drug Stole. `l'he'speediest and most certain tuedioii a in • the world, • ALL FA'MIL1gS USE IT. Weals Back, Enlarged ' Joints, Inaralysio. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diphthorie, �. Sciatica, 1 tolapsus, Ut°rel I+eriii: ln r Weekless. • The best and only certain' remedy to relieve patriot ' all kinds, no matter of hos' long stagid- hng. Instant relief "uaraltoocl w•ippesr Swol- len Joolts, Varicose Veins, Bites of Ineects oe Sick Ifeada°lhe: No oil or grease; is clean and Sweet; will not ado. • Ismnee MAI"roe or TM. IC1DNEY,, llniea2's nniensn, Diabetes, incontinence of Urine. Is the only Liniment in the world; possessing al- terative powers. Com be taken intervally; oul'es Cramp and Colic, Diarrhoea and Dys• eatery. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TRIAL Bartels 25o. Write Pr, Giles, box 3,482, N. Y. P. 0., who will give advice 0(1(111 diseases free of oberge„ ta'Betvaro of unscrupulous dealers ahid.couu- tei;feits. The genuine has the name blown in the glass and free similie of the disco>r\rer's name over each cork. Ginxs' InrrnOVlm IM'IANDRAIiE PILLS. BABB Sna c.EELIANLP and ErrEoTIVE. Do icor (tuba They ale composed entirely of vege table sob. stanees, and combo taken itt all seasons of the year without restriction as to diet or clothing For alldisorder•s of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels &c. Pr.ce, 250, "per box. C. LUTZ, Agent Exeter Ontario LOVELL'S GAZUMP, AND HISTORY 01.' TEE • DOMiNION OF CANADA, In Nirhe' Vola,ncs, 'Royd•l Sao. TO BE COMMENCED whenever 'a sufficient niunber of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication. Subscription to the Nine Volumes $7c 00, to the Province of Ontario or to Quebec $12,50, to Now Brunswick oe to Nova Scotia $11,50, to Manitoba or British Columbia $9.50, to 1'riuce 1'ldwah•d Island or to North- west Territories $9.50. Each i'rovince to have a 3fap, Please Send for Prospectus. JOEN LOVE L 6, Manager and Publisher „flftreal, 4th August,1880. aug8d&v3 -Eurglars are operating at Hamilton,a clothing, grocery and jewellery store having been entered Thursday night and goods carried off. HANDY TO HAVE. Tho most usefal medicine you can have in grate Institutes The examiner in oral read the household is Hagyards Yellow Oil. It ing, however, will be asked to consider care- cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, fully the pronunciation of the candidates, aches, sprains, bruises, burns and all eater - A very sad event is reported in the Brant- nal or internal' painful conditions. Keep it ford Expositor. Miss Jennie D. Brunton, an at;hand for ready use. estimable young lady of that city, expireon Over one hundred British immigrants the eve of her bridal morning ;-rhe betrothed arrived at Montreal Friday night, the husband being Mr. R. Whitlock, formerly of majority proceeding to Ontario, and the St. Marys, where his mother resides. Mr. others remaining 'at Montreal. Whitlock is well known to us as well as many A Profitable Late. 'in Usborne. Few men have accomplished the same The report which has been freely oirculat- amount of work and good in this world as ed -to the effect that frogs' legs are unusually the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 500,000 of high this year, is entirely erroneous. We his works have been sold in ':Canada alone, examined quite a number of frogs the other Wewant every peraou troubled with Liver day, and found that they still wear their Complaint, Dyspepsia, Headache, Kidney or bind legs' in the usual crocked elbow neglige Urinary Troubles, to call in at 0, Lutz's and fashion, and while the steel spring in them seems to be more' finely tempered and more sudden iu its action, the legs are not stuck on the body a bit higher than usual. We are glad to notice that our friends in the townships of Usboruo and Blanshard are vieng with each other in the 'good work. and et owing to the fact that there are Ebur All withwhom we have spoken are greatly Y, pleased with Mr, Sharg, the 'Conservative few nerves orssusation in them the'subject nominee, both as a gentleman and 'a person will not experienne much pain therein. On of good sense and ono possessing sterling this account thoasands of people die every qualities for a 'statesman. Work tenaciously year of kidney disease uukuosingly, They and a reward 19 certain to come';,' we havo a lhave so called disorders•of the, head, of the' good man 'at the helm, one who 15 1101 0 heart aud lungs vial 'stomach, and treat- 'Rielite them in vain,for the real causeS[elntyre ; Sec -Tres , of their The 'St. Mary's Cucling Clab will be mise'y" is deranged kidneys lana if they, officered this season as f)Morse :—Patron, T. were restored to health the other d so ders 'Ballantyne,M. P.P.; Fresideut,'T. 0, Robson; would Soon'disapponr. " ;Vine -President; G. H.' Dr. Stephens's experience, that can 'be serer, I. 115. Levan; Chat lain, Rev. A Grant, confirmed by Many thousands whom he has honorary members, J. Tiotv, M. P., P, M. treated, adds only more' emphasis to the Nichol, D. A. Robertson experience of many hundreds of thousands ''of:Managehnent,`Win. Somerville, J. Oddy �' G. " Moir ; Council all over the world, that the remedy he refers C. Myers; Auditors, J. Chalmers: jr., W. us to is without any doubt the most benefl. Andrews; Representative Members, T. 0. cent discovery ever given to humanity. Robson.' W. D. McIntosh, ; A SEVERE TLbIAL Exeter and, vicinity did nobly at the • principal fairs of the Province this fall. At oi�1fields area mbar those who write to Stinson '(1 co., Portland, M,.luo , will receive free, full information about work which they o in do, and. live at home that will pay them from 3.5 to 325 per day. Rce. bre Darned over 050 in a day. 1":itner ELtx, yo ug or, old. Capital not requir- ed. .You are started free. Those who start at once arc aosolntely sure of a sung little fo r - tune. Allis new, Canvassers .Wanted ! P11311BDIATELY IN THIS COUNTY buy a bottle of Dr, uhase's'Liver Cure, it will To SM.], CMG won. 'Medicine and Recipe Book 21,00 % II' 3 ' L - A.PIIRI•.Lr ,)ANADIAN B008, i)) ,1J - -- The grand jury at New. York found in- dictments against ex -Aid. Delacy and describing the w cMders of our own country "Billy Moloney. Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your mouth in the mornings Do you rsnffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biiioueness ? .If so Dr. Carson's Bitters will care you. Try it. 'Your Druggist will refund money if not sat, . istactory. • The New York Independent labor party Friday night, in convention, denounced Henry George as "a nobody from nowhere." C1 CAR D. To all who aro suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decrty, loss of Manhood, &o, I will send a xeceipo tlhnt mire you, FREE Or CIIARGE. This ;rent remedy was discovered by a mis- `sionary in South America. Send n self-ad- dressed envelope to Itrv, Tosi,' r T,'IN7rAN Station D. New 3:-Orh7cCit The new post office buildiug, at Hainilton tw EIS opened to the public yesterday. THE FOUI.t CABDINd<G POINTS. The four cardinal points of health are the stomach, the liver, the bowels and the blood. Any irregularity of their action brings dis- ease and derangement o the "whole system. Regulate their condition with Burdock 'Blood Bitters to secure perfect health. The twenty first annual conveutiou of lie Sunday School Association of Canada opens at Hamilton to -day. Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold iu the head to slowly and surely dovelope into Catarrh when you with thrilling ineidonts of travel and adven- ture. `This is by far the most saleable sub- scription book ever published in Canada. Not a hook of scraps and clippings, but an original copywrightivork,riehl3 ne profusely illustrat- ed. To energetic mon who will promise to can- vass at least one township, we will offer the most liberalinducemonts. As we manufaeture the book ourselves' upon our own premises, wo call afford to place it in. the hands of canvsss- ers at a ver}' low figure, while the retail ;,rices places the work wit ;in the reach of all classes. Aliplicatlons for Territory. received at once. We Wantat:least one man in every county in Canada... .Alen the "Now iion1e Parallel Bibles," and Photograph Albums in over 300 var- ieties. 0: BLACKETT ROBINSON, 5 JORDAN' Sm., TORONTO'. Publisher LOCAtbOR:6Pvelt , 9�IPLOYI�iE�9`�—bteto w ich preferr Mao SALARY permonth. An EXPENSES : advanced. WAGES promptly paid.. SL'OAN d& Go.::06'0e,rwo st. t:lnetnnatl. O. Those who,eudute the tortuung pangs of :the Western, Mr. P. Curtin of Adore, took neuralgia; rheumatism, sciatica,' .lumbago,' 1st'aud`3rdiuthetwoyear 1 '1 eel l.R11,13 OpExigG and similar painful complaints are soyerely old Cyd < alee e g y class, also diploma for the best Clydesdale tried but there is a speedy relief in Hagyard's 1 t of an age on the round. Mr John Willis testify.took lat prize for the best • aged Clydesdale,joyfully _-, <e; "Count Careless," and Mr. Chas. Essery, of Publication's Received. Stephen, took Yst prize and diploma.. for the _ _ _ best percberon on the ground,, 'Count Care- less also took 2nci prize at the Southern Fair FMANIC. LESLIL S POPULAR MONTHLY at St Thomas. ' .1/POR NOVEMBER. A -very timely article is Before Squire Priestly of Ailsa Craig; 'that on "The Greta Fishing'Ground, ;and ite Patrick Behan, of Liman, was charged with internatfonnl Questions," in FnnNlt LEetru's }nnving old liquor contrary to law, on Sept. can be cured for 25 ' cents. A few applica- J t l'0FULAit MIONTHLYfor•.November.. What all 24, the day of,Lucan fair, David . J. Craig, 1, lions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to . the perelital quarrel with our neighbors is of VVest;<ficGillfvray; Karla similar charge It".vo boxes will: care ordinary Catarrh. One ' J , 1 — about will be aerie to any one, who reads it. preferred againt hire for selling liquor un., to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh. young lady tourist oil "A 'Visit to Fort lawfully on the daybf Nest McGillivray fair, .Sold by all clatters at 250. per box.. Try OF • SHOW ROOM ` ON, — MONDAY 86 ,TUESDAY, ° 1 a A t th"carries ns to, au inland fort and ( Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other -1t t 1 '.Cies. Berko of D ]eat the 8th ins and n tp , I I Q g Y ■1 i iamWellk, anission t the North-West. The never or Burnish, was also counted among the will cure you. 0. Lutz. sole agent,for Exeter ��■l � 'fiaggiult interest in Charier Edward will offenders. The bbargo against Mr. Pati ick A diamond pin worth 060, belonging to a stimulate many to rend •;'the very clever ,Behan was d`1`siniesed, Decision in 'Mr. member of an opera company, was stolen at u r l announcing nets to the article 'nn that prince, Hatfield ,House, C,aig's eves was reserved Mr. Burke plead- H•unf}ton on Saturday night. have pleasure %n n n ou e the Home of the Cecile," 'describes and pro. ed guilty and Was fined $50 and costs.' CONSUMPTION CULLED. twee one of the finest anti -grandest old and As No. 72 L. E. and B,I Ladies that our MILLINERY AND train, was °eying An old physician, retired from practice, hay. MANTLE SHOWROOMS stately homes of England rich in historic Hyde Park station, Thursday 'evening last, ing hall placed in his hands oy; an East iudlian will be 'nssoeiatioes, "An-Oceah. Swordsman,' by the engineeat, Mr. Jos. Duna, observer a Iran .mm810110r3. open for the Season on the above dates } d edy fol the speedy and permanent cute of when we will have on exluhltnou Paris, Ceonnt of the awor formula of a simple a veger a of p .n, ' Holder, is e. startling a and woman •pllillking Oil track about one .0 nsnm 1,tlen.oi'1'oilehitfa, Catarrh, Asililna fish andits capture. Asigood as n jaunt to hundred yards east of the station. He 0n0 o1i titroatand lung affections, als0a post- New York and London Styles o , onsets, 'Jena i _", i 'University"; 5 Hats and Trimmings. Also -lit and is' ...Dueling at a German rang ell when theyTuft thy a,i<i re,giteal cure for-NerwausI)etiitltyalld g„ the track, geld taju t London nutde Mantles and Jw 'etsa 'andilie'"Trip to the J',yret:eey takes the theErack,'bttt !'ust as the errgtnorcaehed• m1YNot+oaeCouilSh,irts,guftothw,v,ugtesteclite 'n wl:iclt eat off the ) wonderful oti'ative powers in thousands of many novelties direct from' the°= mdtnttf,�r reader to the mountains them, the Romo,n, (who gave her name as ens°s, hay felt it his duty to up"lro it known to L,i i r travelling. It is a John , ' fellows. ' Actuated by t,.la motive turers. r, t.y", Pemnnnla.ftom nhdma ,y Mrs. John Campbell, of East London) seem its xuffaiitgug fe110 , b w show aYl�r o somewhat of a satire, in the heisted term cid to stagger, and fell in front of the engine. and a dative to relieve human sn fferin , ,i On the seine dates we will g gg send froo'of charge, all who desire ;t, th1s' assortment of Fine French Dross -Goods, , about "Getting tVarm"; Site Was struck and thrown into the ditch. i oeipe,fin Gera iin,> reneh or Enclish, with fou s lust on hs, to react t omen it may bo sea. The • eruct nein Kent b Plain and Stripe Flushes, Satins and Silk; but, as tvintut 19 fee coming; ,y, was stopped and the train mon Qlrsctrfnistgr 1siQitn.tii?g g y 1 colors. fifaufb Cloths, T,oset•` Ir}n- aona_ble, ''ho stories and ill',hstratlbns 8720 went back and picked her U. Site teas bad- mail bb' addressing with stater, naming this al c s, tht br -73 1 1 s, Mantle Orname • s, and full tines ail good, 'and the number one to find :read re Trim- ly bruised and Tier clothes torn, but Other. tla er,aV. A. NoxEs,l4APowvi's tocle,heo rester, mit g for every"articles. wise open cd serious injury. Both the Mibi N. of hosiery, (loFui'nivosi ute. ' y. Furnishing Department ,—.�.a.--.� � p +A .Bellowihe despatch says, it �i:a reported loited Oiu• Gents 1 tuatislhiuis and woman were under the hufluence of. y t Ilotle1udp's Palls!,-13eniti, or Wealth,— •. • thatwolonol Brown has received the Grit Very Complete, mid will embrace many No sane 011011 horrid hesitate an instant l rht liquor. nomination for. West Hastings. novelties it fine "Scotch Suitings, Over. Elie choibe bettveehi these,' two oe ilditidcrs Godeglbh, Oot. 2L—The S°hoorr,er E.. W. n,0v1o1 00 Mox t ps.—Are you disturbed at coating, Crowserunrf.j Neckties, and fine s aeon to seoute rho^ former Rathht7rit, ltonnd from Coledo to God hwh, ;light cud broken of your rest by a stak child Imparted Switch Uttderware.: Also full. Nuw Is the e ,.". �; ,- • it. , r I With si'b'aago of dotil'cel)s}f,nod t(ig Clgi1•tes r,"a, suthfgi�t•n r (ma arytug with pain, of Cuttnue either by re&ii zg Or iefI oing Ttoin , • ,- r. !(1ebtsit? f so aotrd at galea and' get a bottOs of linea of Boots; Shoes anti Rubbers, from 111' eft ell till inn mrhtuha fieri the :systhm tt Hu"chilisou, while rnaking ai'5', pelt lady „t t,`.fi,ltovh"s,5cothi e, Syrupfor Children; beet than ufaetul'crs, ;:Crockery and China;' p 1 I• i Inj ht ilo so ' a hoax- alo. nisr,ia th0;301111 rr. •..,n is ineelenlable. It will • ,and Tea Setts init orted direct 'which f+ foul wipers, anal t arlabte din � g, 8 1 g r is'�1h1 its vatn,n D.ahuet t P iv)IC 0(184 c' ri, " ry auilfnrar inimedfatel tl;raturts c.nlfendd.r donna, winter , b` y @' >i. ri Wont r"liorb .rti, rile e.izr1 0% th~t 7teso tfia leo°r lit q ' { tee ' •. r ' "+,b �"ttt ran it 'foo n°i'e'° tt3ior,lls no mistaka' � i;,., y.. i r •t 'ha me •i: ler an, .a (1 ,. ro rOm po "Orle5. ''dime 9100: Bots moria• vholeti°111blq open tf,.3 oho 1th eY aha rl8er, 1'10 1,cfa v11n5'i1,'• o' ' lace -• e ,,., , .• , : in, .. R�+Srufr':.' I's.tsttrea 1 ,,s+•;d;tary o�ud Diarriina gill file l,,l)ove goods ant;ab [Te o{�©xatl at ,, iii lcarrying shwa Lor ;,sacs• aid Y. gta7,i. 'I'h , w . 0i curos'K+iltsi = t �tff,iii't,'t disgorging the homer of ltfi. aboumtti y ,1 , ..;.. .,. J.`+';rttlGtCJ titsi.S,o `t° .0,2 sad .3uCr ar 1• E t,�oaelblC� 1't'l.Ce�. ..„ 5 #the 1.10 Y ti K Y . her ,+, 1 II1Riltti. th 1laoalCntla on @ % e ',ttfld Inv'; assojt}n: ifabkitPrleya'+pt; crow dug to , 1J3•cYayiRgPl:t tuts �uca.•ru f;r aC'listaat ,. �tYa.ei.rxz,ae. � ., Bloat , . y�.„,, . . let , r, , . :. „,, •,y; . r6a ave', to ,,,1410 oAckta, o thowhot° syf, Teti, gar oat 5.eal tg thvivatlon is 4t, t d n e the rte tt2te>w glib Gocorrraat i his anti bo r t, �A Y t t w t r 1 e ' u ' x110 3iiheree Tho eta f The oldest and 13 to ,, ties lie l' ladtstrtiaa'ri a � 1 visav frith tails t o� na atic�„b.o tri t"a , °f erre o, t , bnfll' r,.x �” fgtih"beese. L e vts, UniteH •lu'•e'§ iri vb! °i'wri a' �. r,,,„:,,,,,,.o b 4t Cs t ra 'aG Yn b` �totl f" � il5jb e, zineir 6ttri bt iotll it , in rs se r< ' , 4 ' lir ffitllnrl°r'& Soahiiiufr gruit'r';„for a311111ret' ` o '. clout anri 6tren rheic lie dt at r'e tlh 1itl ii Oa t. Wni. 1.,ab.i is'eti .” 8. e jibtltn f r'f,.. � .. � ` p , •.. ,. teo"�:t,.,^s lnflanl;'yct ti~u •",.cage curd io.,tire tlu'bf� to iia LatileEi t,'lltl lir"ontTt;irhet tU tell y . inset tllNari%ra 614d1tlat9 $4YA rally` tt!Ifu'US Jlh•$,: bOk a r+ O o rilfi7n Cod n 0<i3 l' in 9 r , , <l C:. • 'f1 „t, J , a5 .� . ._w .. - ;, .,t.•� t.. ^bth:`i et6V t,.,Mrtfgitoreo14bV' all dra ,iMtat h3arlglY-, ,,.t' d<. 4.,. (i wit in 1t,'OYti.l:l:r eointroP of thu+e re bneratluo-1 ilisr *hick ate{,. cooir. to rost{sl licit r ao<ifi t1l.r' „?.f3 out tstotv4rttf. 35tiosr ttrontq-11ve eo�zLs n .'aet� g i ts,a }iy':rJ►n. uy`war t, ilm efaro it ada:t icr t'1tftVs'. Wlxrrov4'd, 'vary kindly via' inoro eftieient y"koh the' t0lF "boil !f h avod Sir' 'tn1arl +sly t CI•o1 erihl And lune, taloa iltirorla _ Sfr.P1.'k"12rd £"r4vl11, "tna tats no other kind. ' Selb"st bo'fvels, "� WINTER GOODS AEC. Have jtist opened their Fall and Wiot.yi' Purchases o£' $ 1 Consisting of someof the FinestPattern Goods oads tea bl�r'hf�+ anywhere: Wl1er0`: -..ii' COU WIST-- i A Suit made from these goods in the Latest St -:le& .. AND ArC,EXCFLUING LOW RATES, ESr GIVE s ti C, SOUTHCOTT and 80N, the Exeter Clothiers. QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS ! 1:DMMIR.DMS8 011.1 At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on ell machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDAL during the last three years. r 'See that you get Peerless. It is ouly madeby B.007111.6 CO., TC):ON'T`O, F01 -t SALE 13't JAS. PICKARD. WIZARD OIL ---AT SCARLETT'S DRUG- STORE ! CARSON'S 042' {'SRR IT c'T.TR AT w.c. zEt :F. 20 Iv* is, D NOTE IT ! DON'T FORGET I'P ! In order to accommodate our rapidly increasing business we have luta to Enlarge. Opr • Premises, and now have room to show 'the BEST a°a.SSOaTBD' STOCIK Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Etc IN TOWN ;— ((oo)) If you want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right., If you iuteud building, Call and Get Our Prices for"NAILS, LOOKS, HINGES, PAINTS,. OILS; LEMY, EAVETROUGHING, ETC., IT WILL PAY You. If yon want TINWARE, COPPERWARE, or Anything in rat Line, yon Strike the Right Spot when you call at BISSETT BROS If you want STOVE COAL, BLACKSMITH COAL, SCALES, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, 3[ACHIN, , AMERICAN -On OANA.DIAN COAL OIL,: CISTERN OR WELL PUMPS, (rites), you will strike Rook Bottom Prices at 1 B13S E' ' BTR, 0 .W, _ 8 G. A.S KYNDMAIT—IS THE SPOT TO BUY— Choi�F e- Fruits & Confectionery, onerY'f Oysters, ere. a a a]eS 8 . 1 --=A FULL LINE OF--- o :: TobaC P. �r s� Ipes, Cigars, Cigarettes',Ambers & Pi0e-mounts. cunt ALSO AGENT POR rhe Only T ogley'S Hor e and Cattle attle road_ '.. Gt.`. A.H 1 j�' ,� �..+1.f. V �.J ' �A f lt-; 13 1okk'