The Exeter Times, 1886-10-21, Page 8INSV illINEst.12-b47u 'NV TILE' WIElf.014,X ft NOD 00M. PAN of 'Parente -A Also.* t apNtss; asann MST -MANCE COMPANYteta,ten oe, lateeland, theROTAL ANAPTAN, of Montreal,- ith d the DISITISTIEMPINE LINE, ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of London, Ragland:, ststablisioA 1847, A.easta over $5,000.000; clehne enO henuithe geld, over $10,000,000, • 41.110.411111141%.1.rearOVIATIt:F.Atrt 004L NIOVS.-We elocil be happy to re- Jsive at all times, from arty part of the Qount II. item of 10041 ?tem. molt o idents,or any Interesting i'ateictent ethat ever, from any of our aubscribers or read- er./ generalk for the puepose of pubtfe- a tion. glo freter gimes, Colt $nlils jeume Lembefett, Of 211d ooneesaiont fray) last Weak -Sold fire Menthe old eolt, SiredihY "Major," to Mia MarrayS of Fa, lartOtt, fer $2013. Tide colt,. 11dr, Loedimin eitys, le the best he ever raised, it took lirst priets at :the Exeter ,fall Rellielltber that the Sacred Ceneert, ,tlittt should heve been, given to Iseve emnpleted the Exeter Young People's Chtietien Astio- Matiois'e eogree tieket of 1880 mid az, will be given on the evg of 'Illienkseivii;g Nov 18t1r, Look oat for pertieulars, Stephen As Usborue 4L Sooy' The.lames for 1$31. rinteMfing Of Subset'•iptione is tattiest Dinitorone' Malsart-Seterday Iletent fOr the ontriYttnee PreTents inInryito, the hatul&Of'eateheiM will be in trPdueed to the beee pleying publie next hoefien, • It:ls neStle ef Steel. end Jodie TObber in the ft -net of the letter V,' end ie held' mi. the. hand, leevieg the. other band 'free .for throning: ',NO glove ie.' needed on eithetahand When tieing the, deVieee AOKI ai hOrean eetelt the swiftest ball the pit , a 141 ealt non. It eau be dropped metallts r•ai r, ustr.„ .k...w4ez?. that 0 tu,tela; Itztotcrtytitag totlx1011toeilliloor .04 f-TINTE AS1-I Y 1.1"x1pI ellrenvneieteedteball playere who is t t ' d C GfiC)CER irsesaseetieseereasted sVieee H re•-•••.--s•AT •—•• E ot:hona, owl o woo to ,our reoaairk, before Moved by Jas, BallantYnet se°, S• Hee( ; tee the deYiee like it se weld. that they say it e; , . that let prim for pair roadstere 13 renewing; time will rot be t •.han ' "." style, awarded to Mr. Isoroyte be with. 1 The Tis has reeived mealy congratula- held by Savoy., as rale No. 5 Was broken. -- [tory letters of late, on the improvement Carried, j that has recently taken place, which will M°Yed bY S. Hogarth, eft- by )as. 1311,1- 1 no doubt, be beaked up by its many read- lentioe, that Thos. Bissett, sr., be awarded lst prize for pair roadsters. -Carried. ere. We have at a great expenee added Moved by S. Hogarth, sec. by new type, with which the eutire paper this Balleutyne, that the prize for piarlo week is printed. In order to doable our ture, awarded to Wm. Drew, be withheld by the Secy., as rule No. 19 wee broken. -- large, circulation, We will send the Tis carried. . to any addreee frem now until 1888 for one Moved by Thos. Bissett, ems by S, Ho - dollar; i,,,t is the largest awl best printed gaath, that Win. Bissett, be awarded two !city weeklies with the Triune as usual at &Mat paper lo Huron. tate will club tlm extra prizes for parlor furniture -CI arproiersit Moved and seconded, that Hoskii be awarded 2ud prize fm merchant' j the following prices. -The Tames end Lon- Maimed of Jas, Piekard, eceordiag I don Free Press, for $1,85; TIMES and 1.4011- N. 8. -Carried. o .. civertcsar, $1.85; Times and 'Globe, .Extra prizes were awarded to W. I $1.85; Trams and Mail, $1.85. maple syrup , L. Renter, led pe -- Bissett Bros., stove; Jas. Pickard, s Anniversary. TUT -T17181) Oar. tie, 1886, 1 _ TEN CENTS perline Ilret insertion, Am: ,017R WNTS per liee tor each eebsequeat in tattier' mi.11 be char.° d f noticea appettrile s. this column. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. must come into geoeral use, even if tile pre- I sent rules of the game have to be amended M pennit of ite employment. • Berm ball , emaot:ehliiells would be great' , improved if some - y would invent a rub ier man to do the Fanby and Staple Groceries 1 Crockery and Glassware, , Lamp Goods, furni- Th°e• The tfial et Chas. A. Hands, hotel.keeper,. Our FA.N'CY & STAPLE GROCERIES are all Fresh and Carefuliy Selected, and al charge of feloniously hiring "Nil)" Macaw - I of Sarnia, who was committed for trial on the ad mid another persou ueknown to blow up the house (if Mr. Joh•i:G. Meldrae, of Sandia oe the 10th of June last, leek place at the Sarnie Assizes,. and aftee heering the (mi. s flour. 0 dence of about 15 witnesses, the aclare$,see by nonnsel and the summoning up of NIT Justice , 'Connor, whicu is said to have been strotig- to. rn'e' ly in favor of discarding the testimony of the 'ackeit, „ detectives engaged in the ease, the jury, after en absenee of half an 1100r, returned a , Wizard oil -large size, 75ots.; small size, t 35ets., at the Central drug store, C. Lutz. Renton Bros. • ress making department I eeopened, Miss Wood, in charge. Charges I moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. tranareon's Catarrh Cure at Scarlett's Drug store, giving immense satisfaction. !!1 Guarantees issued only at Searlett's Drug I tore. Wanted-inansediately---auy quantity of I , jet Mack lady's hair, for which the highest price will be paid. I. J. Dearing, Exet-r. English, French and American trusses, shoulder bracee, Abdominal supporters, child. ren's trusses, suitable for all sizes and agee. Onr water -pad truss is the best fitting and most comfortable trus • made, at the Central drug store, C. LeTz. Prop. " Without exceptiou, the beet and cheripsat The anniversary service of the Main•st, Methodiat S. 8. was held on Sunday and Monday last. On Sunday, sermons were preached, in the morning by the pastor, Rev. W, S. Pasooe, aud evening by Rev. Jas. PPels ; vordie: of not glillk5 '‘• in. Sweet, Indian Curiosities ; C. Senior, picture frames ; Geo. Ingram, furniture ; Robt. Kellewey, hops; Robt. McAllister, butter '• Wm. Jackell, woolen gloves ; Mrs. E. J. Spackroan, painting on Satin ; -Miss J. Spicer, quilt ; Robt. Stewart, crewel work ; Mary McDonald, Gerinan raised work, and arasene ; Mary MeEwei Graham. At 2:30, a meeting a the scholars sene ; Rohe Stewart; musette ; 1. B and conpregation was held in the body of man, darned net; Chas. Eacrett; paint satin; I. Bowerman, wool carpet; A chnrch, when addresses were delivered by iltg: hooked met; Rich Pin resident ministere. These services were chenille rug A. Walper, darned nett;'Mes. stove • The seeond indiatment of having the :sante dynamite in his possession WAS then read, and by consent of the Crown the jury wale ordered to render a verdict or acquittal, and they did so. A. similar N,ertlint was also agreed to on a third iudictment Application for hail in the stun of $2,000 aulr was made in the Paliner ease, and the eons- c'wer' ed was released thereupon to appeer at the in4 90 next ASSiZOS to answer, . Mc - cent be, SALE REGISTER, lines in,Boots and Shoes we Lave as Yet seen, ean noW.be had at Enerettha Chit- drens Carriages, Express ,Witeone, Boys' Bicycles of all sizes, Menhiliand-rmitle Buots; -also harness, trunks, valises of every descrip- tion constautly on hand. Call and see then). el Butter and Eges taken in exchitege for goods. to PaCTcLE FOR SALE, CREAP.-A ,good 521 inch. bicycle. in first-clase running order, apply to ,Ls. M. Ramea;r, Lamas Office. ery well attended and much interest mani• White kensingtou painting ; Mc- Ewen tidied quilt ; Thos. 'Tyndall, crazy ested in them. On Monday evenieg, an I ' quilt ; and Chas. 13urford autograph quilt. ntertainment was given in the body of the .Ansx. Da -sr-, Secy. church, by Prof. Bell Smith, of St. Thomas, 1 assisted by the excellent choir of the church. It Was a grand literary treat, and the Prof., by his aptness for crayon sketching and re- . . brig, ]eft a good impression upon our wnepeople ; his reeitations svem good, ring of an interesting character, full ot' in. ruction and amusement. The attendance as not as good as it should have been, con - Agents Wanted. • Clement & Co., of 40 Wellington Street bi East, Toronto, or 81 St. Francois-Xa,vier Street, Montreal, want a General Agent. They arelhe exclusive owners of the Scho- b tield Pateut.Cake Griddle, the Celebrated Emery Knife Sharpner (known as the -"Carver's Friend,") the Emery Scythe in sidering the value of such an entertainment, et, nevertheless, there was a good turn It. 110.-••••••-•• ^ Division Court. Division Court was held here on Monday last. His Honor, Judge Doyle, presiding. The docket, this time, sras small. The first C850 called was :- DieRsox vs. Huns's:a-Mr. R. 11. Col- j line, for the defendant, applied for an ad- I journment, which, though strongly opposed by Mr. L. H. Dickson, the plaintiff was granted by the Court. RADLEY VS. BROWNING. -The plaintiff i not appearing,. a non -snit was entered. Mr. revities. J. J. Campbell, (B. V. Elliot,) for plaintiff', Mr. L: FL Dickson, for defendant. Read T. Dearing's change of advertise- SLEE 'Vs. GULLETT.--Whalock and J claimants. This was an ieterpleader i Observe the change in G. .flyiniman's and the most important case on the list. vertisament The plaintiff seized certain grain model. an execution which the claimants claimed If you want something new, read Bissett under a C.hattel Mortgage, made to them in os. advertisement this week. Februarry last, by the defendant, Gullett, • who at that time was in insolvent circum - Mr. John Sanders, of Stephen, had a stances. The consideration for the Ch house warming on Monday evening, at which Mortgage was made up of $100, which . 0,etttiee ray of our young folks were present. claimant, Johns, had lent Gullett, the pre - Messrs, BaLkwill & Davis shipped 3 car vioes year, together with a year's Interest at 7%, and $275 which Gullett and W hit - cis of cattle on Monday, to Montreal, for °eh borrowed from one Rowe, at the time - English markets. of the giving of the Chattel lVfortgage. The V. J. Carling has disposed of one of kis plaintiff sought to show that Gullett was the man who borrowed the $275 from Rowe setter puppies to a gentleman in Toronto, and Whitlock, his surety ; that theadvanee for a good sum. was not bona Side on the part of Whitlock, The other evening, while a farmer was and that the mortgage was merely colltderal cariving a cow to town, Ise pieked up a security ; also that Johns' claim was freed, stone and threw at the animal breakine , ulent and preferential 'as against the other its leg. s creditors of Gullett, The claimants con- tended that the whole transaction was bona ; The Hon. Edward Blake, passed theongh fide. After hearing lengthy argument on here OD TileSday inoning, oils- his 'avaY- to both sides, His Honor reserved judgment Wingham whither he went to explain to his Iltionir:ptiliaedtait, '347. 31.°Yre.ri.,;',1'066-iiiii' .1'8%."..ecillt supporters why Reil should not • have, been an:ea.:as,: ••••aa'a, '• , - ,•'• • ash: ' ' ` ' a ' , , hung. ' ' WARING-vs. irAzR:-IfItohelI, garnishee., We require the Times of tile following cIferi.'fasnapbells, for plaintiff; obtained' en or - dates, to complete our file :-Aug. 1 etsta, the., hands of t116' garnishee. After exanuu- , . or, payment into', court sof,..$15.003.in Sept. 16th, and. Oct. . 7th. Any person, tition4ia fesWindgmentAehthrse the :Omit, . . having any or all of the ,above will please adjourned. • • . • a a . "• call at, or send to tide' office. " ' „The Judge' oes from 4tere to Cr chton . . and thenceato mid • , ' ' " .' e ' The storm on Thursday lasts - did little , COLLINS vs. - SWRNRItTON.-Our- readers daniage in the village:; but the devasta. Will remember that this actin was tried' tion -wrought throught ' the neighboring last June and judgment given for the plain - townships was immense. , Trees, fences, tiff. Since that time an application was straw and hey stacks, suffered. made by defendant, Sweuerton, for judg.. . . • anent in hislaimr, on the evidenCe , adduced The annual plowing match of the USborne at theetrial. After a long argument before' and Hibbert'Plowing asSoelation, ' will be the learned Judge, in chambers, and a full held on the farm of Mr. iae. Gardiner, lot review by him, of the authorities, helms re- ' re- versed his decision, and dismissed tl 28, north Thames 4Catd, on .ThIlmany, 28th Oct. Good prizes are offered' ' nd• of hope meeting of , the JaMes-st. . S. 8. took place on Tuesday 'evening. , xcellent progranime whielt had been , red, was rendered to the,satisfactien of idience. of oursoupeillors lied a bo. fall on sa: ' Insfun•he Was being, chased by a buyer and dog, and slipping came inion•ithe Wet 'plank walk,', *II ter-, 'Child Scalded. ad Sunday morning last, a small child, of Mr. Stephen Powell, of this place, had a Br narrow escape from being scalded to death. Mrs. Powell had taken a pot of almost boil- ing water off the stove, and placed it OD the Ina floor, and was performing other duties, when the child, playing around, fell loa into the water. It was badly scalded and the little hopes are entertained of its recovery. 01111S, USTIN the 22ild ult., at Parties getting their sale bills printed at this office will receive a notice similar to the followinc, h•ee of charge :- THURSDAY OCT. 21.-Ftn Stock, Imple- ments de:. The property of Mrs. Ellen Morlock, bit 10, eon.• 8, Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. E Bastion berry, atm. s""•"•27.,!etse!!!!!"...'", BOUN. Jasnesox. -111 Blanshard, on the 6th inst., the wife of Alex Jamieson, of a (1A118,111t`r. DENOVAN. -ID EXeter, 011 the eth hist., the , wife of A. A. 0. Donovan, of a clatighter. 31fARRIED. ARNOLD-130N VAIY.-At Nortle8t, Methodist Church, Goderich. on Oct, 14th. bs• the Rev. G. R. Tink, M. Harry D. Arnold, of Owen Sound: to Polly, daughter of Rich- ard Scummy, of Goderieh. ssue ouneil Meeting. The council met at the Market House Oct, 13th. All present. Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and.confirmed. , Orders • were granted for the.following,911MS, VizR. ee- Secord, $311.59 for, lumber; Geo.'...Moir, 49-75 for printing, •Juo. • Matheson, .,•:$3.21:1, Currelley & Co. $2.19 dos; Regiitrat 'Co. Huron, $2,, for registering town -hall By-law • and the ' derk, $4, for expenses -connected. with the same. 'On motion; the the council atijOureed -until call of the reeve. EACItara, Clerk. , Death of Mrs, Tlwos. Shute. Another of the old settlers of the town- ship of Usborne, has peacefully gone to her last rest. 3:/orothy, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Shute,' of Ushorne, died at her home on Sunday, 17th inst., at an age of 66 years and 7 months. Deceased was born in Black Torrington, Devonshire, England, in March, 1820. She was married to Mr. Shute, in the month .of May, 1844, and, in the following April, they emigrated to America., arriving at. London, Ontario. After residing in London, for seven years,they came to Exeter I Ba and settled on a farm, Lot 14; Con- 5`, town- !Meth ship of Ilsborne, which has since been the j e family homestead. When they arrived in Pl'ePa Usborne, the township was a partial wilder.) the aa ness, and the deceased lady beitig strong' On° and possessing an excellent constitution, Frida toiled together with her husband, as only, horse' the early settlers °Mild, to clear the `forest dcrehi an she lived to see the farm cleared, good nfie f° buildings, roads, markets, &c., ancl in her later years she enjoyed the reward of her labors, and was ever cheerful and ;thankful 'for her comforts. No woman *as 'more .thottglit of by her neighbors ; her natutal` drindneas bound her by a strong tie to her many old acquaintaamee ; a kind eerviee that she could do any hour of day or night ing was clone with such cheerful pleepure. DeThe - o ceased died. strong in the faith 'arid hope of Was,,he an eternal resurrection, and of hereafter snnaa resting in the proseuce of the -Heavenly Cosh, father. She was a member of the Bible Inost e Christiari Church, from early life, and a addree truer Christian never lived.. The deceased ROF" enjoyed. excellent health until Saturday last,- pintte when she was stricken with paralysis and qe`"' ,a„ died on Sunday, as above stilted. The funs Vlir.!: eral took place yesterday afterimpit4ald eer'"'ee was very largely attended. The interment 'decors took ptace in the Elinaville cemetery, the eaixa 8 !fairliJy burying -ground. The !deceased ,,, tne Aeaares a hesebencl, who hes the sincere ton- 'DY/eri astathy of the community in his great loss, the 13 also a family a six sons and flee danghtere, lent „in one of the do:nghterk which makes the gPeake having died. three years ago. Three of the daughters are ma. tied, one to Mr, John Evans, Exeter, another to Mr. 1)avideon, tXetela and another, to:Mr. Cooper, Mire- Heronly sister* Mrs, IL Bond, of Pontiac, Mich., who WAS in at tendanee at the .fentraL By' her cletnise another o the 'few remaining first settlers of 'Osborne, 48. , taken &Way, , 415 nt they must go, the time draws c4.1 And those white-favor'd horses wait They rise, tut linger; it fs fate ; Farewell, We Idasi and theS am gone, action all costs to be paid by thb plainti f't we can offar no better medium for thorough The plaintiff in person, B. V..Elliot for de Swenerton. the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. A. Grant, lafa Herbert Anstin, of the State of Maine, to Mise Maggie C'ampbell, of St. Marys. AVERY-Fiammwoon-At the residence of the bride's father,on the 30th ult., by the Rev. R. Hell, Mr, Joan A rpry to Miss Emma J., daughter of Win. Hazlewood, Esq., all ot Ushorne. arees-SaBoxia.---At the residence of the bride's father, Tnekersmith, by the Rev. Mr. McCoy, Mr. J. Hayes, of l'almerston, to Mary A. Strong, of Tnekerstiiith. ELLAII-Brncn.-At the Methodist parson- age, Stratford, oil tee 12th inst., Mr Joseph Ellah, of Downie, to Miss Kate Be•eh, of St. Marys. 13nton-BASIDRMIL-In Stratford, on the a 1,2th inst., at the Methodist, parsonage, 'Ilia'Beibts Birch., to Miss --E 'Thruarnm, 'both of St. Marys. SAII.T11-CASWELI.-111 Fullai ton, on the 12th , , inst., at the parsonage, by the bride's father, assisted by the Rev. J. S. Fi,ber, Alontgomery Sadth, of Winnipeg, to Miss Catherine F. Caswell, of Fullerton, Dams-O'NEIL. Fullerton, on the llth inst., by ;he Rev. Tag. Caswell, Mr. David Davies, of Woodstock, to Mies Ann Jane O'Neil, of Fullerton. •••••••.••••.........••••••••••••/••••...m.111•••SMIORIMMIGGNIIM. DIED. Honns.-In Blaushard, ou the 10th inst.-, Maggie Hobbs aged 22 years and 6 months. Sertan.-Iu 'Usliorne, on the 17th inst., Dor. othy, beloved wife of Thos. Shrite, aged 66 years and 8 menthe. KERSIJAW.-III Oelltralia, 00 the 15th iust., Edward 13., son of Rev. E. Kershaw. aged 21 years and 9 mos TO ADVETISERS ! A Int of 1000 newspapers divided into onta prfircgic18- Vara TIONs will be sent x 1 o. To tnose who want their advertising to pay and effective work than tbe various sections of our Select Local List. . GEO. P. BOWEL!, & Co. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, le sprace street, New York- - NOTiCE TO ORE i)ITORS SUBSCRIBER -WI my paper so damp ;,...is -ft '— every issue? Editor -a -Because ',there is -se much date on it. .,.: -., i, . • - GODERICII Oct. 16 .-Tho Reformers of West Huron met in Convention here to -day to select candidates for the, Commons and. Legislature at the coining elections. There was p, large cluck entimeaestie gatheishig, end , hatereatmg.addreeees Were delreetect, by .3,4'; tee, hi feet taking.the ' place Of Ails: Cafeainefen M":"'Pr and Hon• head. He received a slight shaking up. the sitting ilietticberss. Short speeches were During the past two weeks"care;assaa.e.''-,:les. Manning,: Clinton; ..A. McMurchie, Clinton; „.,,,,.,..;. sizh, ,....tae„tso...giveu..., nc a, , eager, Goderieh; A. H. ,ded to cam: Saths°4-P.4°.P-14-8t.I''40',0•1n4vsSenlis..- 08,01"i . P-tif011, areeve of Aalifield; Wm. scriberia and iritendinet•ea.sini`at•the ' 'seine :)rOpt!,g,„,. o?t,reeve of Colborne; Di. Sloan, of ;rate:durini.tli'e next fe*, '-trionths,,,,12,1its0tr. iss ..i.h. , 1P bl'l 'A ' ' . ' ' ' • ' a.' :13lythaandaDMeGillieuddy, of .Gotierich. : tt good Owolving, .aiiti,orie which,,,E.i:ClePott- ciatkittlavereeently resolved, , to take no strativi.of the faet- thiat tho,pgps Ifs- gtti-ok: adVentisninentilii future from the Toronto favor With' the geffeiiihiliblje:r.. '-.:.” .:;' .:' M44:*.ir„ror,tfstbg agendy. She; 'reaecin for ,p4oral..R.41,yest. Th,4.4..o.yin. vie,rvi.c7a .itligilai 4:1L-bt4eilesaotiii:ee4i the agency contract, for .1c1 in :Chrieta Chureli, , 'Exeter,a lejt - sent'aartan on it ts. Newspepers hare aIl y,06t. nth. • The Ite.',.,:,B4Ohert-Mc-,- , c.',1..ktie.•tiatforci.•:Times reports a sh'ecking Rector , of ,Whikhain,preached two:. ontrage that °enured within a few miles of ./ • 'the; erty one night last week ' in which an seguent clat n tr, etive se , ai cl . ta..1 '_ . : . . ti . _ u rcspec a e w r ow wo an was the sed the .Onticlay school 1i the ' after- ! 4-iotiiiii.:.. , The woman in questien, Mrs Coe- ,' The 'ateeratione . Were ; leo ti!!:'eppre.:, WaYelaYnense, lived by herself in a conifer- andE 'bBAlItiftit: and , reflected- gi,iikt tehlryelling not far from the nerthern . , , . . . • s - :city: units, and one night last . week about On' the'll/ttlieS! The weather W55 '.11°t• 12 e'deetta as nearly as can he plated, A one •lnit`netwithetandhigsthisaallthes 'maid krinehed at M.rs Conway's door andask-, e Vireae well; attended e'S The, liaiiest ed Wilerss * VI tzlienry lived. - She opened tionalanne Iaei•4 In thi,..4,0,ch,; ov6is -theWinaleeer and directed him StO the house. • . , . .. Th ` hen asked her to come cloWii and , ..; .. s .. .; . , • '• ' .: ,.•,, • let hitiarl,, Thie she refeited to do, and he Mi4sionery meeting Iseldin, the Pres- ,prcieeecled to'feree An entrancer,throngh one' an. Chi**, •'cn, • Wedneeday!, eVeniega, of' the WitirlOws. The poor old wotnaw went 6 higt...4.0,s-*,:,inot.tenead :and ,''aied,,, etoi!t!ctlinef,teotittie4setgaiiirlsio, iiiisltfebarchlienigp:tewr ttsh.- tereirtinaintain,e4;t„ hrinighout_..., it, TIM.ctaith..th6 in#ilder‘tiad6.0, titA tp.swisi. rti,sooko VIO. Reea..,11(eSsiMs MOLeana,,40, - i4.,.0,00,,,,,,y 1:44.,•to.,4116*,,irdid6W, and th,:.,X:to,i4t6c..,04iii4iAhoi,„ Stwatt •" geit'ent;rigijilingoktetheeillWithbetithandis„ of Chilton, ahld,43. ritchard, '' of ' Manehe' tet'; ,edt4oesltirrm4tit:1(.41.h116-4/Am1.1ii1rgf:.9ti1tr4wvtoeY, tto'to4, :ilbllieiliTheypreeentedthe laini ofItareotedoAitt or , 46,s,,..„. condilfs . , Prendli . Evangel's t` • •hea*rittg, aid ohe tot A distaitect , of ,,.SOMP , , ; , , , ,., , , , isio s, n; toroigit . i.:11iggio,og5, Oitt 4aOtt :, ktolgtOrt4- 20 feet to the "green& Although 'a . ernali iiiontilii in 0.ai,,..arid i)61'fited .§pee'6116 itv, vidtriOn a alknit,Onehtitidred potinde 'Weight; , tlie fait brokey;Oini of. her thigh's. ia 'two:, nig ?.'initell-hiforrnation toggAblgthotqaooss4 Li 14 4: . 1HOO000ttiaog opttottig 'olio ,,of het ,ttrIIIS*. fttl. opordiofig of the PeeelaYteidais,Ohurop itn.d. otherwis,e.bnuitiing her .,ti,liont„tho 'bead, *POO ..0001*,406#01Pt4V 4):04,084iii' itta isOctsfi .,!'',Otliot,- beittilitiOktotioivedi : milli, -Work; 'The mobOtt,' ' gt0i,o'':iltogilgt4ii, titioit*4.**0:aisetiv6tort•vt3tiitie,110tgli-; , . tiOrS nekt niernidit,- and now. lies. in :0,- 'pre-: :6hl'ici"gi,l'61.' the'"1,6thigf "'..1 "1/ O* ,'•8,r,4,1,4 dailmis,,doilditoy, . A fellOW ' ininidd ceadet Ma wag titireo v. tit tiro': 0!8e, in lie'- . ty, aged 3,, las lyeen. Ateeeted' mai. half of VOroign Missions.- lodged iti.ittrr,ottogott , with; ,tho 'Orbilk- ' ' • , - In the matter of Samuel C. Hersey, of the village of Exeter, in the county of Huron, merchant. The above named Samuel 0. nor- seya• has (with the consent of a majority of his creditors whose claims amount to one bun. dred della-nil and upwards.) made an assign- ment to George Willis, of the said village of Exeter, grain buyer, of ell his estate and effects in trust for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the creditors of the estate will be held titt ha ofnce of Moses ItacEadden, of the said village of Exeter, Solicitor, on Friday the 2050 day of October, at the...onr of ten o'clock a. w.for the appointment of Inspectors and the giving of directions with i•oference to the cli p01 the es ate. Creditors are requeat- ed to file their claims again st the eel ate with moon or before the day of rceeting, with such proof thereof and particulars a.s are required by statute chapter 20, 48 victoria, (Ontario.) elEOEGE Eleter, Conn ty Enron. Assignee Dated, 185h October,1886. ats2issrase Ero Harding, W, 0.11. of court Narmony No 01, Cenadien Order of Forester ef has handed me a cheek of $1000 for the benefit ot heirs of the late ldr. L. 1, Hooper, he having been a mein ber of is Court. JOHN N AToortin, Executor, , NOTICE., A meeting of , the directors of the. Stephen and 'Cabaret) Ageieultural Society will ho. held at the Mansion Notzear Exeter, ott Saturday lath thst., at one cidlockp.. nt. for the trana• aetiOn of business, 'Persons hawing appears to enter ite,ndint the de cielen, of ,the Judges will plealie he ',Meant '' ' A. Of DYED, '150&Y. FARM. SALM vitlitimeiirfiti,:betnet,ot ebii. T Ship Of OrAii hlitiaYOd titres inbko ;di 11555,ateti3Or Whitih blISh :There, eke :ereeted . on the. Preiniaefia it- good:brielc h,oucies.' arid ; is., Well 'fended, land Of geed soil,and Attie :Otittei of Vhere:is creek running thee -melt it. A.. 00a okehtitd; dolititihiog tioak inatikehOlee hearing. trliett' cfood, toted. tied treftWater,.. •Sitititted dOrtilik- One inil�feett Petit eaddeefid ConVenient'dicitairoe. frifed eihncilhouSet, and Cathelle, end litaititediat Vet', •f,tirther partiCtilitia 1,utto§'S, en Adure reit Ofttaa. ill, hill parehasors eari. rely tie getting a Arst-eleee article from us, Oor ()ROCKERY AND GLASSWARE comprises everything in that line of the newest patterns, and latest designs and prices are snob as to please every ). 1 - Bich, and of All Colors. and if you cannot grasp the ides, whieli we wish to convey • o your even if yon do not wish to buy. Give minds, we would invite yon to look at onr windows, or step inside and see for yOursolves, Our LAMP GOODS are the Ilaestntsbaateetat; lasleldPrit0e:::`eidaninivilyhertnlipaayrkycotn.. The -Y eia-New, BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE SCOVVErr$ 410.)6) OtAll FANSON'S BLOGIK- D LMAGE'S KIRKTfDN. -FOR-- Newest clesigns in dress goods. Ladies' j erseys Minitel cloths, Millieerts, etc., etc. GROCERIES AT BOCK.BOTTOM PRICES A few pounds tea left, at 15ets. -A fine assortment of - BOOTS AND SHObiS —FOR ALL CLASSES AT - COO* 0046044, Wishes to ennolince to the inhabitants of Exeter and v imuity, that he has opened out Boot :Ai Shoo Shop in the corner Store North of Samwel & Pickard', where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work, Sewed work a speciality. R.pniriug promptly attended to. GEO. MANSOIst, Late Manager 0, Eaerett'e Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. CHEAP CASH STORE,N 0 T E 0 KIRKTON. 500 T17323S Butter Wanted J. Matheson, laETER N 011TH, Our Stock is Well Assorted FOTt THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED I GROCERIES ! ! 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20e. to 75e. per lb. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of ARDWAR E. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, (Cheap.) Beat Machine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces 52.75 A good snit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits got up in Good Style Our Deess Goods are marked down to ' the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot, also a harm for Sale. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. O. ! Take a note of the fact that T. DEARING, --e f the Montreal General Store Has just received a Complete Stock of WINTER DRY - GOODS Which he intends selling at NEAR COST. FOR CASH. He will still be found in GEO, EEMP'S OLD STAND, (One Door North of Driv's Bieck), where be is preptiaed to maid -Vat, be public -with- t Rentlyounde Olotbintr, Tmeedig, Shirt- ings, DrOgS Goods all description, Corset, Ladle,' linFP, RI•d and Gray Flanuds, Gouts' and Ladies Under - f5 r . --A LARGE VARIETY or -- Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes Also a Fine and Well Assorted Stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES T4454e,TE.6.,S, TEAS rats- "I. iautke this linea SPECIALTY, ..n FAIIMPRODUCE TAKENIN EXCHANGE for Goons. HIGHEST PRICE PAID P01313005. COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND. T. DEARING ARL1-NCS BLOCK —THE PLACE FOR— CHEAPNESS VARIETY AND EXTENT. It *It SS* 000 Ile 7 One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stocks in Exeter. IVIeltin Cloths, Habit Clotlis, A11-1,Vool Jeersey Cloths, French Dress Mateyhal in all the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS. -All the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Black Dress Materials and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods. Colored Phishes in All Shades worn this season. Elack, Dress and Mantle Silks. Hosxamiztvz (400» ASSORTMENT ANI) EXTRA CHEAP. Mantle Clothe, grand range. Flannels, Blankets:, Pae!ory and White Cottons, • Slartinge, all bought before the advance ni prieee Red will be sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES If you want Correct Goods at Correet Prioes, °bine to CARILANTG'Cr 8 cireatery. Deroartelat'll is' ao=2,91.eteti„ TAY' OVA 0,00Y. TEA. It is adknOw13dged by,p7teryotte that haebeed it to be tho befit. itt tbo roonty, SAMple rateeloo ' BUTTERo nOGS1' AND ALL pnobrrit 'TAKER i?4 Itzdg414,, MA 0 1.11ZOI11413, N1C, MainSt, Exeter, ye tar det it fa lib] o pt ha OS A 15 OHS NV Sex SN•