Clinton News-Record, 1976-10-21, Page 14kD Ll It, Kit., r ying� caI't%, CO, A 1$ 0 +NIENAE 'tom-011etalas Ren924-7734 Tarn at sly; 42,43 SHO REPAIR 3$ Haran St. CLINTON We are IleW inserting ZIPPERS in Coats. Snawntabile Suits. etc. -- any size NOW ON SALE • Boy's - insole PACK B LINED BOOTS slue 4-5.6 12. AUCTION SALE .nt VAII ttet g ei ONE DAY COLOUR FILM PR a? C S SING ` A 70,14 VERS TORY " Nitre, will rebuild, re•cOver or'rre-style your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Cali 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W.. Clinton.—tin CI°ER PLUR1RIRG HEATING * ELECTRIC Furnace Inetallellelle DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Santos 411 King lit. 412-7 ESTATE... AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ANTIQUES for the late Mrs. Thomas Glazier. 101 ,Elgin Ave. E.. to 'ltlefd at the Auction Rooms, J*wy- 21, ane mite South of Oede rich•on Saturday Oct. 30 it 10:30 a.m. " Etectrcttome colour TV; WW1 door frost -free frig. fhronse-tan); Enterprise gas Stove (bronze -tan); 3 pee, Chrome set; Duncan Phyfe deubie pedestal table; 4 dining -room chairs; modern rocker with stool; Colonial rocker; Colon -cal wall lamp; swivel rocker; round pedestal parlburr table; anniVev�rsary clock; French Provincial chesterfield and chair; Walnut secretary; fireplace, tench; chests of drawers; vanity and bench; 41" Colonial bed; single con- tinental bed; cedar chest; tea wagon; music stand; blanket ; small tables; wooden 'k t en table; antique cup - beard; Windsor -Type chairs; Viking spin-dry washer; radio; vacuum cleaner; electric: broom; copper kettle; oil lamp; signed prints; frames; 12 place -setting of Noritake dishes; set of India Tree dishes; R.S. Germany diktat; antique water pitcher with 4 matching glasses. Pressed glass; hand bell; OWNS; pots and pans bed- ; rugs; 4' x t'. pool table; oval chairs; garden tools; small acorn fireplace etc- etc. Also selling sebiect to reserve bid at 2 p.m. the 2 bedroom story and a half frame house With gas furnace and garage,. Terms on house to be made Oxievet day of sale. Terms on chattels - Cash. Marie Salm A Mike Cummings Auctioneers Staferth - 5274494 Gedear1 524-9ss4 We Keep it Coon CHILLY FILLY REFRIGERATION SALES - SERVICE • Used Appliances Bought;and Sold VANASTRA 412-3714 �r. CLOCKS REPAIRED AU types: +0. Grandfather • Antique ei . French. Etc. • Specialist on Chime Clocks Will pick up and deliver. Trade work accepted. l.T. HOUINSHEAD Residence 482.3759 tf I Kt � NM � �i•M WATER WELL DRILIING W. O. HOPPER 411 SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTta NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0821 JIM: S27-0775 tfn Huron Pines Electric RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL FARM WIRING SPECIALIST PHONE 482-7981 Need extra copies of letters, dece.ests, etc.? Let the Clinton Hews -Record 53 ALBERT ST. 482-3443 make them for you: `SINGLE COPiES... 2 5c ea - 10 -70 COPIES... 20c ea- OVER 20 COPIES..: Sc ea. HURO PINES -Construction Service Centre" 412» • CLINTON Electrical Wiring. Pole Line Cen atruction General Contracting — Excavating Back Hoe and 'Dozer Services — Trencher Service up to 14.' -- Bering Service -- Sand. Gravel. Topsoil yetn formumuliftwoosoluoleolkos CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates --- Tuesday and T ursday • TUESDAY—SW and Pork FRIDAY --Beet Only PICK- UP - SERVICE AVAILABLE Mr's. Abater 2374314 Dillabitiood allermanilmotanamnausnwourtua B9—JEN CARPENTRY $ For + CUSTOM BUILT HOMES + RENOVATIONS + ADDITIONS Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery I Mile East of Hensuli Wed., Oct. 27 at 1 p.m. Estate of Glen E. Bell I.H.C. 434 gas tractor fully equipped, l,li.C. 1501 front end manure loader, Oliver 3 furrow trip beam mounted plough • 12. 14", t•H,C, 181/2' 3 pt. hitch spring tooth cultivator, LH:C. spring tooth wheel cultivator. Kongskilde 8 1/2 ' cultivator. Dunham 8' double row cuttipocker, 5 sections of light borrows, Massey Harris single disc 15 run drill on rubber. 6uhler woe and square grain box, wagon and fiat rock. Allis Cholmeerr pto side rake, New Holland 271 baler. 36' skeleton elevotor. llissell tractor spreader. 2 wheeled trailer with rocks. 60 good' rabbit cages, quantity of steel setd wood posts, no small.. articles. term= Cosh k,ndl For Accidents. ACTIO EER 898.5330 SEE BOB LANGENDOEN R.R. 2 CLINTON Phone 5244029 tf SIL M•P h�a•x,�. t. ••.0 QAN RUCTION + Commercial and Resii ntial Renovations, + Custom -Built Homes For free Estimates. call ERIK CHRISTENSEN 482-764O. 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of J'USTIN4-- PEARL MacMATI4, widow, of. the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 14th day of September., 1976, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 13th day of November, 1976. as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich. Ontario, this 12th day of October. 1976. PREST and EGENER. Barristers. etc.. 33 Montreal Street, Goderich. Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 43;44.45 TIP TOP ROOFING L SIDING t Ali types of siding complete home renovations inside and outside. • All types of roofing Farm work a specialty PHONE CLINTON 482.7168 , LONDON 483—+8 371 CARPENTRY CA!lllrler MAKING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION !ay Eisk.r EatsrpIses SOX n°- NYFtEL 65 2535 tf IN THE ESTATE OF JESSIE MAY McKEEVER, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron. Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 29th day of July. 1976. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of November. 1976, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario. this 30th day of September. 1976. MENZIES. ROSS Clinton, Ontari?o. Solicitors for the Administrator 4:1,42,43 1 IN . THE ESTATE OF MARY IDELLA GEAUVREAU. late of the Town of Clinton in 'Pie County of Huron, Widow. deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 6th day of September, 1976. are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of November. 1976, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontario, this 30th day of September. 1976. MENZIES. ROSS Clinton. Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrices- -41.42,43 xecutrices-41.42,43 (Lea's 114 •f PrIimiaory List I 976 f Voters Notice Is hereby given that 1 have complied with Sahli n 23 of The Municipal Elections Act, M2 and that 1 have p up at my office at RR 4r, Seaforth, on the 22nd. day of o _ inikthelistof all persons entitled to vete in the municipality et municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspect$ . And 1 hereby call upon all electors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors ar omissions corrected ac- CerditKI to law. * The last day for filing complaints is the _Sth day of hieveMber. 1970. - , * That place at which the revision will commence is my of - Gm at RR 4, forth, Ontario. * The time at ch the revision will commence is the 22nd day of October, 1974. palated this 22nd day of October, 1976. James 1 McIntosh, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith. 15. PUBLIC NOTICE Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources NOTICE Fuelwood will no longer bet provided for visitors at Point Farms Provincial Park. Persons in the area who are interested in selling wood to campers are requested to contact the District Manager. Ministry of Natural Resources, RR 5, Winghanr, Ontario. Phone 357-3131. I6. PERSONAL UNIQUE Bridal Registry Service at the Pidgeon -Hole Boutique Brucefield. Peatu4ring Noritake Fine China and Crystal, a large selection of reasonably -priced gifts for the bride and groom. Have a coffee on the house while you browse. Open seven days a week. 10 a.m. -"8 p.m.-42artf N y infrorlane rnatii ttet'. white with ' gay. lead area. please call 482 - ROSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1.4:QKIfG for some t do-it- yourself Job Security In these uncertain times? Unusual op• portunity for good earnings - part time or full time. For ap- 'intment • phone 482-3088 bet- ween 5 and 7 pan. Monday through Friday- —43 Preliminary List of Electors for The Town of Clinton The preliminary list of all Electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act. 1972. will be publity posted in the Office of the Municipal Clerk on the 26tb day of October, 1976. Additional copies of the list of Electors are displayed for your convenience at the following locations: Clinton Arena, Clinton Public Hotpital, Clinton Post Office. Clinton Crown Lanes, Clinton News -Record. Electors are called on to examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown: Complaints in the nature of requests for additions. or corrections to, or deletions from. the list may be made by an Elector, completingand filing a Form obtainable at the Office of the Clerk, 2t Albert Street. Clinton. The last day for filing Forms requesting Additions, Corrections . or Deletions is Sth day of November 1976. Revisions of the above list to commence November 6th, 1976 C.C. Proctor. Clerk -Treasurer Town of Clinton 43.44 ar MINISTRY of Community and Social Services will have a marriage .and family counsellor at Clinton Health Unit, Shipley St. every Wednesday afternoon. For appointment phone 492-9530. at other times contact can be made through Wingham office 357-3370.--4leowar 21. BIRTHS DATED VA - Ralph and Pat Daterna are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child. Wilfred Lawrence. born October 12, 1976 at St. Joseph's Hospital. London. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uellinga, Londesboro and Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Daterna. Auburn.-43nc EMMERTON - Helen and Jim. are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter. Valerie Dawn, born October 14. 1976 at, Clinton Public Hospital. VOGELS - John and Marie are happy to announce the birth of their first child. a son Jason John, in St. Marys Memorial Hospital, St. Marys, Ontario. on October 5. 1976. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Barbara Van Demme and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vogels--43nc NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING NOTICE l5 HEREBY GIVEN that the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith proposes to consider. and. if deemed advisable, pass a By -taw providing for the stopping up of a portion of a certain lane ar path dedicated By Plan 22 for the said Township of Tutkersmith as a public highway. and being Mose portions of Block "L" according to Plan 22 for the Township of Tuckersmith described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain portions or tracts of land and premisessituate, lying and being in the Township of Tuckersmith. in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of parts of Block L of Plan 22 of the Township. of Titckersmith and which may be more par- ticularly described as follows: FIRSTLY: Commencing at the Northwesterly angle of Lot 47 of said Plan 22; Thence Northerly along the Westerly limit of Block L a distance of 5 feet to a point; THENCE Easterly and parallel to the Southerly limit of Block L a distance of 102.07 feet to a point; THENCE Southerly and parallel to the Westerly limit of Block L a distance elf 5 feet; THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of eftck L a distance of 102.07 feet to the point of commencement, and SECONDLY: Commencing at the Southwest angle of Lot 45, Plan 22; THENCE Northerly along the Westerly limit of said Lot 45. 14,67 feet -to the Northwest angle of said Lot; THENCE Easterly along the Northerly limit of said Lot 45.03 feet to the Northeast angle of said Lot; THENCE Northerly 0 right angles to the said Northerly limit 5 feet to a int; THENCE Westerly and parallel to the said Northerly limit 50.03 feet to a point; THENCE Sooutherly and parallel to the Westerly limit of said Lot No. 45, 19.67 feet to a point; THENCE Easterly and parallel to the said Northerly limit and along the Southerly limit of Block L, S feet to the place of beginning, and THIRDLY: Commencing at the Southwest angle of Lot No. 311, Pian 22; THENCE t400rtherlyalong the Westerly limit 10.99 feet to the Northwest angle of said tot No. 31; THENCE Westerly at right angles to the said Westerly limit and along the Northerly Limit of Block L. 5 feet to a point; THENCE Seutherlyand parallel to the Westerly limit of said Let 110 39 fleet to a point; THENCE Easterly and parallel to the said Northerly limit. 5 feet to thee place of beginning. AND further providing for the sale Staid stopped up and closed ports of block L le the owners of abutting tats. namely lots 311, 45, 44 and 47. Itis proposed that the Bylaw be considered by the Council Of the Township of Tuckersmith at its regular meeting to be held at The Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, Ontario, on the day e1N "errmber.itt4at9r<OSp.m A d talkie further notice that Woe posting the said Bylaw at its meeting to be held at the said time and place. the Council of the Corporation it1 the Township of tuekersrnith shall then and there helm inbperson or by Counsel Or agent, any person who dents teat his later will be prehrdicially &Elected by the said Bylaw and =who a lies has be heard. DATED chic Stix day Of October, 1*74. CARTER - Allan and Karen Carter, RR 3. Clinton are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Cynthia Lynn. born October I, 1976 at Clinton...Public Hospital. a sister for Pam. —43 GIBBINGS - John and Bonnie Gibbings thank God for the safe arrival of their first born. Michael John on September 29. 1976 at Clinton Public Hospital. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbings and first great grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings. Mr. and Mrs. cord Schultz are also° proud grandparents. —43 1, IIRT11 L . Cltrat are Pfd ` the birth, theirson Scott 1ra . ort t7 obec 14,191;6 at ►leua a Hospital, Goderich.► brother for Erin. —Ono LYNDON: Kirk and .10= 4rOon (Lobb) are happy to w o °. the birth of their son, Christ*pher Todd. on September 20, 1979' at Alexandra Marine and Genal Hospital, Goderich.--413nc O'CONNELL - Jennifer Lynne. baby daughter for Shirley and Keith O'Connell born September 30. 1976 at Clinton Public Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Connell of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. IIenry Pattison of Blyth. —43 22. DEATHS 22. DEATHS, ELLIOTT - At Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, October 17, 1976. Miss A.I. Marie Elliott of Clinton, in her 64th year. Dear daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Elliott. Survived by one brother Gorden of London. two sisters Kath;een of Clinton and Mrs. Arthur •( Beth) Dutton of Brucefield. Also survived by an aunt Mrs. Ida Menerey, Bayfield. 2 nephews and one niece. The late Miss Eliott rested at the Ball Funeral Home. 153 High St., Clinton after 3 p.m. Monday where the funeral service was held on Tursday, October 19, at 2 p.m. Interment in Baird's Cemetery. Stanley Twp. —43 HARMER - Suddenly. at Huronview, Clinton on Wed- nesday, October 13th, 1970. Annie Jane Elliott,'" formerly of Goderich in her 97th year. Wife of the late Robert James Harmer. Dear mother of Christie Harmer. Thunder Bay; Clarra (Mrs, Jaynes E. Blake). Goderich and W John liar: .4d London. Also survived lOy 7 grandchildren. 15 great- grandchildren reatgrandchildren and one great- great.grandchild. predeceased by one daughter. 5 brothers and one sister. Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home. Goderich. Ser- vice was held on Saturday at 2 p.m. interment Maitland Cemetery.' -43' IS. PUBLIC NOTICE McLEAN - At South Waterloo Hospital. Cambridge. on Wed- nesday. October 13, 1976. Donald Wallace McLean. of Clinton.' in his 71st year. Dear husband of the late Dorothy (Forbes) McLean and dear father of Robert of Calgary. Roy of Ottawa. Tom Keith and Bonnie of Germany. Also surviving are 4 sisters. (Isobel) . Mrs. Ralph Cavers, Manitoba. Mrs. Ileen Laidler. Winnipeg. Mrs.- Ruth Sayers. Saskatchewan and Mrs, Jean Kosowan. of Ottawa. and 5 grandchildren. The late Mr. McLean rested at the Ball. Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton after 7 p.m. Saturday. where the funeral .. service was held on Monday, October 18 at 2 p.m. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. —43 McLEAN - At South Waterloo Hospital, Cambridge. on Wed- nesdayrOctober 13. 1976. Dorothy Hazel McLean. of Clinton in her 58th year. Beloved wife of the late Donald McLean and dear mother of Robert of Calgary. Roy of Ottawa. Tom Keith and Bonnie ohi Germany. Also survived by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Forbes. Winnipeg. one sister (Elda) Mrs. William Crawford. Winnipeg, 4 brothers. Roy Vancouver: Keith,. Mississauga; Robert of Lakefield. and Harvey of Montreal and 5 grandchildren. The late Mrs. McLean rested at the Bali Funeral Home. 153 High Street, Clinton after 7 p.m. Saturday. where the funeral service was held on Monday. October 18 at 2 p.m. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. —43 STEVENSON - Suddenly at his residence. lot 21. Concession 8. Downie Twp., on Fri. Oct. 15th, 1976. N. Campbell Stevenson, in his 85th year. Beloved husband of Elizabeth Hotson. Dear father of Jack and Betty (Mrs. Lloyd Cosstick). both of Downie Twp. Dear brother of Mrs. Grace Howe Clinton. Seven grand- children survive. Rested at the L.A. Ball Funeral Chapel, St. Marys. where funeral service* was held. Mon_ Oct. 18th at 2 p.m. interment in Avonbank Cemetery. —43 NOTICE Preliminary List, 1976, of the VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 23 of The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, and that 1 have posted up at my office at Municipal Office on the 20th day of October. 1976 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And i hereby call upon- Ill electors to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. • The last day for filing complaints is the Sth day of November, 1976 • The place at which the revision will com- mence is- the M4nicipal Building. • The time at which the revision will com- mence is October 20th. Dated this 20th day of October, 1976 GOON J. GRAHAM. Clerk of mac* of Sty,i 1d