The Exeter Times, 1886-10-21, Page 5. `epluineata..iti;greti.tsizateht thValtIO --',XUtfikV.Ofrkti*A`""'100114.0.',' '
0.10 prol)erty t1g) eXceivt1ter8. are uret If Veit Weuld hey() abeetite tteth cetor
1,3,,qbt Beatty See'y of theBlau,- Sorry 418 eeiriPle ea, for they have had strength, end Ingb)., Nate Ayei
,AgrkieitUrall' ab ennliner Worlft,--,Mr,B. Spar- that incomparable fettle and saloon purifier,,
this place, on., Saturday, $0th Mat., far ling t -kid Ms 'gaug put No 01103100 111110 848itticW in tbe Obieago
the,purposnof paYing pr180-411oriey, All 'through the • separator, in nine 1..)0k1r114 11°400 (41k3ttiCt,ArUWa 118111 1114
lo.t.res.t14c1 1)4rtins gnvern, oiemeelees ac, pleven hundred bushels of grain ; this ,le Ant110er 600. The .Artrient Mae Lae 800 ineu.
Perdingly., ' 'considered good, work alld Mr S, work. '
to hear of better lune liCurs worlt, 4 wolo QB BXPLAIIATJ.01\1-.)
$t. Milry, nitbevtglin,rnent at 8011001, VIO 11Vet gret08,. 14, \ tO MOVO 0110 bOlVeli;
the 'thine seetete tc earry Lai()
on 11 ridoy • evening lltst wao vart101 Stle- 40.0; 0404 wood poir4oil 11 blood t1 to
1311114$ W111. (au
thiB °G8,8' 48 ..F81.' b118 Prc'g8.,'1Ubl" w-,81.11 'it , mach secretes gaStLie to 'digest er
place; 11as:disposed of cale of impArtied.88
, was a, sneeess, but rewires numeer
14 solve the. food, etc, Berdeek 'Blood Les 1• AffiADE"14.AFIC
hors ei ,Darwell," to . Mr, ,Jainee
GardMer, uf Usberne, feras large cin ;
Mr. Gab= has still several fine hoses.
markets in'e not improving or at!
least grin is, not coning M any faster,
. 1
Bit'. Ire& —Oa Setarday last, Miss Terra
Stee ' , aged 3.7 years, passed peacefully
away.: The remains were interred in St.
Jamei \eemetery on Tuesday last, ---Mr..
W. A. McLean, W. Dann and Mr. Fitz-
gerald left an Tuesday morning, for. To-
ronto, to attend the Veterinary College.
—Mr. F. Gillis, of St. Marys, was in
town en Tuesday last. --A nen, sidewalk
is being lcild in front of the Royal Hotel.
--Tred, Long has been doing the town;
'Lamm is well stocked. with signs now.—
The valuable trotting stallion, "Monte-
zuma Jr.," property of Mr. R. McLean,
had a severe attack of Mile -illation on
Sunday last; but under the care of Mr.
E. Tennent V. S., he is recovering fast.
, . .
(Received too late for last issue.)
BRIBPS.--Grain is now coming in
freely to market, and meets with ready
sales incl fair prices. --We believe the
Grand Trunk authorities have some in-
tention of enlarging the freight shed here,
which is found to be much toe small to meet
the requirements of their increasing busi-
ness.—Mr. Thomas Murray and Charles
McDonald, of the township. of Hay, who
were in Cooperstown, Griggs CO., Dakota,
during the past summer'have returned
home for the winter. —Mr. Wm. Ford,
Jr., of Casselton, Dakota, has also return-
ed hone for the winter, and intends re-
turning in the spring to resume his duties
as public school teacher, there being no
school held in that section during the
winterimeeths.—We are pleased to see
Miss J. Murray, our village teacher, who
has beea prevented from attending to her
duties for the past week or so,: through
sickness, looking much improve& and
able to resume her duties once . more.—
Mrs. W'Bell and her daughter Johanna,
have re t reed home„from Chicago... -The
many f nds of Mr. J. Gilchrist, who
has for a number of weeks past been -con-
fined to his bed through serious illness,
will he lleased to learn that he is recover-
ing.—h n . P. Cooper, of Tuekersmith,
who hag been in Michigan, for tho past
two months, visiting friends, returned
home last week, looking as though the
change had agreed with her.—Wo regret
to itay.that Mrs. R. Warring, of this vil-
lage, is still suffering from a severe at-
tack of inflammatory rheumatism.—Mrs.
Purdy, of jordan, formerly of this place,
who was recently visiting . her daughter,
Mrs. 0. Petty, has returned honie.—Mrs.
J. D. Ellis, of Dakota, daughter of 14Ii-
James Bcenthron, merchant of Rodger-
ville, whA, hasnot been enjoying good
health feilinhe time past, returned home
on Saturday last and intends remaining
during the winter, in hope the change
may prove beneficial—Miss Brophy, of
Goderich, who has been here for a nuni
ber of weeks past, visiting the Misses
Ball, returnedhonie recently, accompanied
by Miss Mary Balt —On Tuesday evening,
of lastweek, a very interesting Missionary
meeting was held in the Presbyterian
Church, Rodgerville, the Rev. R. Y.
Thompson, pastor, in the chair. The
Revd. gentlemen who addressed the meet-
ing were as follows:—Messrs Ramsay, of
Lendesbero', Pritchard, of Auburn, and
McLean, of Blyth. The attendance on
' the occasion was large and much interest
in the good cause was manifested.
BMWS. —1gr. Nathan Doupe has been teach the 4th Line Scheel, for
next year.7-The tax ,collector is on his
rounds ; he reports nioney as plentiful as
on previous years, and affirms that the
farmers are paying as readily ashereto-
fore. -7-It is rumored that Mr. Sanderson
and Mr. Lawton will contest their popu-
larity for the office of Reeve at the com4,
ing..electien ; and that Geo. Hudson and
Spearin fdr the Deputy-Reeveship.
,--There is a lemon, tree 'five feet high,
groWing' in the 'orchard of Mr. Jelin. An.L
-derSon, AnderSon. • This tree has grown
from seed, having been. sown three ,years
attendance, was not ; the night was
wet and dreary, arid not a far one ta
out. Kr., Graluun, the teacher is to be
complimented upon the splendid pro-
gramme prepared by him, —jno. Ander-
son, the township collector is overhauling
his,stere at Anderson, and when complet-
ed, intends patting in a now steel( of
general goods.—The other clay, while
Mr. Robt. Fleteher was threshing. at a
farm on the fourth line, one of the work-
men threw his coat into the separator
which went through the machine, break-
ing the concaves considerably. ---Diph-
theria is reported in some parts of the
Baleirs.--Winter is coming, so is Xmas,
:--Quite a heavy fall of snow- Friday evg.
last,—Shake the moths and pepper out of
xeur ferS.—The apple packers are busy, so
are the cider makers; Messrs. Roesi Bros,
are giving good satisfaction with their cider
press, —The good appearance of the TIMBS"
is noticed by many here. , yeti can get it
from now to January, 1888,'for $1.—We
had the pleasure of shaking.hand and wish-
ing matrimonial Congratulation to our old
fz•iond, Mr. Will. Magel, this week; Will.
left herein the spring and is now doing a
thriving little business. in a small town
about 100 miles north of Detroit. If good
wishes will insure him matrimonial bliss and
success in biz. he has ours.—Another
resident of the Babylon Line passed. away
in the cold arms of death last Monday, in
the person of Mrs. Hy. Hie. Mrs. H.
has been suffering a long time, but Christ-
ian fortitude enabled her to bear up until
the Saviour called her home; friends and
acquaintances have our deepest sympathy
in their sad bereavement.—Mr. Sara.,
was visiting in Stratford instead of Ham-
burg as stated in our correspondence last
week.—Mr. Cameron's panamora'Sof dissolv-
ing views was well attended Saturday even-
ing; all wero satisfied.—The Scholars had
holidays last Thursday and Friday, Os
Mr. Crassweller was atteuding the teachers'
Convention, Goderich.
Hay COUticil.
At a meeting of the council held Friday,
Oct. 15th, it was moved and carried, that
the sureties for the collector be approved,
and his Bond be accepted and deposited,
with the reeve, and that he begin his work
on Monday, Oct. 18th. The reeve and
deputy reeve were appointed a committee
to let contracts for cleaning out the Zurich
dram, running through lots 25, 26, 27, and
2S, con. 10, and lot 19, N. B. Said con-
tracts to be let on the grond, on Friday,
22nd, at 1 p. m. Moved by Mr. Heyrock,
sec. by Mr. McEwen, that in order to pro-
vide for the costs of cleaning out and re-
pairing that portion of the Zurich drain
between lot 2S and North Boundary, a by-
law be passed t3 raise the sun of $140, by
a rate levied on all the lands benefitted by
said drain, according to the valuation
made in the original survey. Several ap-
plications were received from parties asking
permission to take six feet off the road
allowance for erecting wire fences, but as
the statutes seems to be inoperative in their
cases, action was deferred till some future
meeting. The following acc'ts. were
passed :—S. Badour, making culvert, $4 ;
J. Erb, do., $5.50 ; T. Blackwell, do., $5 ;
H. Steinback, do , $7 ; D. Schaeffer, do.,
$2 ; J. Voelcher, work on road, $10.50 ;
H. Gies, do.,$19.75 ; Dunsford & Ching,
do., $26.50 ; G. Dick, do, $15 ; W. Ching,
opening gravel pit, $8 ; T. Ching, drawing
gravel, • $12 ; T. Dunsford, do., $9 ; W.
Ching, do., $12 ; F. Green, gravel $2.94
Robt. Holmes, printing voters' lists, $45.
The council adjourned to meet on Mon-
day, Nees. 15. S. FOSTER, Clerk.
Goderich fair, which was held on Thurs-
day, was a failure, the weather being very
disagreeable and wet.
A St. Marys paper says that diphtheria is
not as prevalent there, as its exchanges
would have the public to believe. It says
the disease is almost subdued,
The Argus pays that , the St. Marys people
are beginning to bus on the cow question. It
claims that the cows have been buzzing lung
enough. Winter is approaching; they will
be, closed up then.
Mr. Geo. Strong, of Tockersinith, has an
apple tree from which he picked 185 bushels
of apples and there is still 100 bushels on it
yet, He has also a stalk of cern 18 feet
high and one hill of potatoes which yielded
200 potatoes.
Mr...Tohn Hobbs, of London Townshin,
las -bought from Mr. Geo., ,Westman, for the
ago, by Mrs. Humphrey. White; it
sum of $400, four acres of land and is about
blooms every year, but,as the winters are
to erect a handsome frame house on the
so severe it bears no fruit ; Mrs. White
same. He intends moving to Grant= 4n the Sold by all dealers at 25c. per box. Try
prizes this tree very much, and, takes the spring, Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it
utmost care of it.—Mr. Daniel Sinclair, Mr, J. G. Parker, of the St. Marys pop 'sill cure yon. C. Lutz, sole agent for Exeter 0
of Anderson has returned from his trip 'works, had a narrow escape from being Iii- CoeiSsiitstIrION °MED.
rota upon, these organs and purifies (Ile
ba by cleansing all the secretions of the (3,T:LES'
• aeUelociele PU/$.—Prevision,— As autumn
treads on wester, elem. er e leete, en pa e,
faced youths become listless, laiesuid, rind
debilitated, utiteSS an alterative, combined'
with some teat°, be adrehaistered to cteieken
their enfeebled means. This preeise require-
ment is supplied in these Tkoto. whim.,
can and will acconaplisli all that is wanted,
provided the minted instructions snrrounci- No stable should be without it. Railroad
Mg them meet with scrupulous attention. Mining and Expiess companies all use Giles
Holloway's Pills are especially adapted to
supply the medical wants of youth, • beeaese
his Medicine tests gently, though surely, as
a purifier, regulator, Mterative, tonic, and
mild aperient, A. very few doses of these
Pills will convince any discouraged iuvalid
that his cure lies iia las own Mlds, and a
cliotitnleopc,riciosenr,vauce only is demended for its
The business pottion of Salisbury, Md.,
was destroyed by fire on Sunday. Loss is
rouGhly estimated at over a million dollars.
Liniment iodideAmmonia
-Removes allthisiglitly tinuthes, Cures Lame
nese in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found-
or, Weak Lintha, Swung Ericee, SW -
in, Ringbone, Quitter, Wiudgalls.
It is now in season to warn our readers
against the sudden attacks of Cholera, Cramp
Colic and the various Bowel Camplaints ins
cident to the season of ripe fruit, vegetables,
etc. Dr. Fowler's Exti act of Wild Strawberry
is the grand specific for those troubles.
The Lebanon, Pa, peddlers' strike is over •
a compromise having been effected.
A Profitable Life.
Few men have accomplished the same LOVELL'S
amouu I of work and good in this ,world as
the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 500,000 of
his works have beeu sold in Canada alone,
We want every person troubled with Liver
Coaplaiet, Dyspepsia, Headache, Kidney or
Urinary Tioubles, to call in at 0, Lutz's and
buy a bottle of Dr. Obese's Liver Cure, it -will
euro sou. Medicine and Recipe Book $1.00
Au honest medicine is the noblest work
uf man, and we can assnre our readers that
Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is
not only reliable, but is almost infallible to
cure Cholera Merlins, Dysentery, °maker of
the Stomach and bowels, and the various
Summer Complaints, whose attacks are often
sudden and fatal,
Rev, Maholu M. N. Gilbert was consecrat-
ed at Chicago Sunday as Bishop,
Mies M. C. Mentague,11 Galloway, Fayette,
Co„ Tenn., suffered for years with. a num-
ber of troubles „incidental to females. Her
life was miserable. Applied to Dr. Giles,
whose remedies gave her instant relief. She
is uow enjoying good. health, and has recom-
mended a nuMber of her friends to the Doc-
tor for treatmeut, and all have experienced
the same relief by using his Liniment Iodide
Ammonia. Sold by 0, Lutz, Central Drug
S tore.
This year's cotton. crop is estimated at 6,-
292,708 bales.
'A Celle yen Gummi& MOItBLIS.—A. pos i-
tive etre for this dangerous complaint, and
for all acute or chronic forms of Bowel Com-
plaint incident to Summer and Fall, is found
in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry;
to besprocured from any druggist.
The Eudbr a sailed fromYokohama, Japan,
on the 18th inst., for British Columbia with
18,000 packages of tea,
Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your
mouth in the morning? Do you stiffer from
Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliousness ? If so
Dr. Carson's Bitters will cure you. Try it.
Your Druggist will tefrind money if not sat-
isfactory. Wanted Immediately /
Liniment,and the groat racing stables o
Belmont and. Lorillard it has aehieved wond
dors. Ono trial will convince.
Write DE. GILES, Box 5483, N. Y. P. 0,, who
will,without snare°, give advice on all diseases
and also on the managementof cattle. Sold by
all ctruggists at soe. end $1,00 bottle and in
quarts at 5080,111 which there is great saving,
The Liniment in white 'wrappers is for family
use; that in yellow for cattle.
Used. by all tile leading horsemen on ,Terom
Park, Fleetwood, Beach, Sh eepshoad Bay tin
Bullis Herta, Never dissapoint,are Tonic, Ae
terativo and Diuretic, Destroy Worms! Curl
Indigestion, Collo, I3ots, Sore Throat, Catarrh,
Founder, Pink -eye and Rheumatism. The
dose is small PAW the power is great. The
Powders are Guaranteett and Purchasers
Failing to Obtain a Cure Money nefunded.
Sold by all druggists at 25 c ts. per box.
0. LUTZ, Agent. EXETER, ON T
05 Tan
In Mlle Yolumes, Royal 8vo.
frO BE COMM1?,NC ED whenever a sufficient
.I. number of subscribers is obtained to cover
cost of lleblietLtion. Subscription, to the Niue
Volumes 575 00, to the Province of Ontario or
to Quebec 512.50, to New Brouswick or to Nova
Scotia K1.00, lo .Manitoba or British Columbia
$0.50,10 Prince Edward Island or to North-
west Territories 50.50. Each Province to have
a Map.
Please Send for Prospectus.
Manager and Publisher
Montreal, itth August, MN. augScbkw 3
fields are setre,bur those who writ e
,GOLDto Stinson St Co., Portland, 111..ine ,
will receive free, full information
about work which they 0 1.1.1 do, anti live at
home that will pay them from S5 to iscs per
day. Some have earned over 550 in a day.
Either sex, young or old. Capital not requir-
ed. You aro started free, Those who start at
once are aosolntely sure of a snug fo r -
tune. All is new.
VirOp.rid POV7,17:1b.
Arepleasr.u1 to • 1,, own
Purgative. 1- • -' •
1111741tro.rer , *1, Adults
Not by any sacred remedy. but by proper
healthful exorcise and the judicious use of
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011 Buil Hypo-
phesphites, containing the healing and
strength giving virtoes of these two valuable
specifics in their fullest form. Prescribed
universally by Physicians. Take no other,
Toallwho are suffering trolls' the errors and
todiscretions of youth, nervous 'weakness,
early decay, loss of manhood, tee , I will send a
receipe flint willow° you, FREE OF CHARGE.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis-
eionary in South America. Send a self-ad-
dressed envelope to REY, tosnen T. himA".g
Station D. New YorleCit
There is no question but that Dyspepsia is
the national disease of our country, and
when complicated with diseases of the Liver
and TChlneys is the cause of untold misery.
Burdock Blood Bitters will almost invariably
cure the worst cases known.
The Canadian:. Pacific telegraph system
through to Victoria has been opened for busi-
Be on Your Guard.
Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly
and surely develope into Catarrh when yon
eau be cured for 25 cents. A few applica-
tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to
two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One
to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh.
Toon Tint
A It )sx c enranneesive PAxtrty BIBLE.
containing the Revised anSi Authorized Ver-
sions of both the Old and New Testinments, ar-
ranged u pYrrane]. eel:nuns It also contains
a complete cycloptedia of I tiblical lino,s,1 edge,
350 additional features, and nearly 2500 illustra-
tions. The lari,est, cheapest and most ele-
gantly bound Bible ever published.
The aemand unparalleled, every intenieeut
person wanting a copy. Some agents are
making 450 10 $100 weekly. Our agent Me-
aux. sold SbuO worth in two Townthins dm* -
ing his first few weeks' work. Another agent
reports 17 Bibles sold last week. Experience
is not necessary. Send to the sole publisher
for descriptive eircntar anti liberal terms.
Bibles over 100 varieties. Also a line ot
Standard S tibscrip tion B oohs and cheap Ph oto -
graph Albums.
jOnmix ST., TORoN TO . Publisher.
1 ,
I ,
f , 1
Have just opened their Fait and Winter Pciretit,3es of
Qousisbing of sollae of the Finest Pattern Goods to b,e had,
A Suit made from those goods in the Latest Styles
Gr I V "Fl • S •:- A .
O. SOUR/COTT and SON, the Exeter Clothiers.
At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the
Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDAL during the last three years.
t"See that you get Peerless. It is only inadeby
CII R, ., C "LT 1R,
—AT -
1g 231 SSI
In order to accommodate- our rapidly increasing business we have had to Enlarge Our
Premises, and now have room to show the
73 111 ST Ass on. T mlo oaxt.
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Eta
—: ITST TOWN :— —
5 If yon want a STOVE OF ANY KIND, we can supply you and guarantee Prices Right.
If yon intrust building, Oak and Get Oar Prices for NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, PAINTS,.
If you want TINWARE, 0OPPERWARE, or Anything in That Line, you Strike the Right'
Spot when you call at '•
through Dakota ; his accom4 of that tor- Ind while driving down Skelly's hill with a An old physician, retired froul practice, hay.
ritory is Anything but good, and says he load of pop. The wheel came off, and the ing hail plac•ed in his ny aniP,eaveteIeltAne
wo ld not like to live here; the3r all say
the e thing, Dan l—The root and
veget crop throughout the township
has been 'nicely saved, and is reported as
,3seing, good,—Mrs, (Dr.) Robins,on, of
Free Soil, Michigan, who has been visit -1
• nig at the "Bloominghfir farm, or some
time, has returned , home. ----Mr. Haines,
the Mitchell Road,': ,up
, farming !nt: retie m • o er-
' /Ch. 'A salMef his stock,' etc., Will take , get met) who will swing the scythe
p a ,11), a fOW dayS. • Haines iati I felly. Many hired men if set at this job
lived onAhritTLitie f9r greettrey years, consider it au invitation to take a clay olf,
and bus departliTO will be regretted 'by I and will fool away all an afternoon doing hos
the neighbors, —1Vir, Jno. Robinson, of than a niRli ought to do in a couple of holy'.
bbs tilit'd has' completed his barn ; The eliffien4 111 getting fence eernerli
ed, out is the cause of many woods fields,
new foundation has been pla,Ced under-
neath, and a wen arranged and, eon, and one strong reason for abelishing all in -
teller fences.
odious bars° and tattle stable built
the roof, which VrAZ taken. off by a recent mesa ti"....."*".1.0 Ftttdson
Badway are Sow tinder construction,
o3' -rIThL .
in just its essential that the human body
should have pure plood, as that it tree of
plant should have sap to nourish and invigor,
ate its growth. Nearly all oar oar bodily
ills arise km unliefuthy blood. Burdock
Thood Bitters purifies this fountain of life.,
and regulates all the vital mg,aus tonhealthy
ited Wing, Mimi., is making an effott
to secure direetraliWity iteinmutiWittion with
wagon and Mr. Parker were precipitated over maim° y
the heads of the horses —",-- - --pi-4-
m'",...i.' ", ,-,,,,,-. "" Consomption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma
remedy for the Speedy mid permanent_ cure of
sinash of all the bottles and considerably , and ell throat and lung affections': also a Post -
Asses iiiirvem, i,, dono if iho 0 k i t all NervOus Complaints, after havnig tested its
, W rliar no derful curative powers in thousand o
before been attended- to, the fence corners owit°810' s, has felt it his duty to nuke it known tof
should be cleaned up and all weeds burned. his suffering fellows. Aettiated by rues ir zlitve
This work is much more neglected than if and a desire to s.eneve human swim:ink,. -4'....11
used to be before mowers find reapers came
into vogue. It is something that has to he
done by hand, and the difficulty new is to
damaging Mr. Parker. tive zuhritilical cure for Norvons Debility and
witidatorm, " has been rep
storiii of ihurSdity ..ritYageS
aineng thestraW and hay.staelcs throilgh.,
put 'the 'well as dainaging:
• traits to einisiderable eictenti- • in . some
015ei Staelis.of hay and .Stratir *ere -Cars
tied: orielstifielred Adattereil 111
direttions. barna "'Were' lifir6oted tuid
fences • It.
age "wftS, Govettlitioi:it
itna,threngli, the 1000 of'.1%1081tr
sell rit1.4 the ti
g- W.t.1 head ? anif,ItielgottfoaSrgivilotitte.dgild
Pitt erookf' fehsas isdiseS tis4 stestseeb,, 'etsteetityettisthe rliey having bilb-agi-VdtibblY
not tTofittily e r tame renadve obsfruetions that depreint sseseseecei nothingiie bum,
send iree of chrirge, to all who desire it, this
GTOREIR 4th it5tli,
PUMPS, (ntox), you will strike Rock Bottom Prieee at
Have pleasnre in announcing to the an A. 11yNDDIAINi s
L,‘„i. that our MILLINERY AND •
recipe, in Gerunin,Fronch or English, with full open for the Season on the above dates,
ethiveReing with t' thth New York and London Styles of %inlets
directions far prepsring and using. tient by when we will have on exhibition Paris,
AoviCit TO AleTunas.--Avo von disturbed ' Lon. made Mauttles am Jitekets, a,na 1 S 450 Con.fectionery
rer, W. A Ntrims,140 Peiver'S leek,./tco tester, If
1 T I 1
r , ats anc rumnings., A so .3er in ancl Choice F -
nie.111 tied broken of your rest by it sick child many nove t cs roe tom
sulfuring aud crying with pain et cu Hine
Teeth? It so Send at drico aild get a bottle of
„"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrito" for Children
l'eethhg. Ito value incalculable. It will
i‘dieve the poor little sulferer immediately,
1 it mothers • there fs no mistake
I i di t f • the nitamfite-
dowser , curer Destiti'llevy and Diarrbocit,
regulates the Stomaell Mid cliree -Wind
Colic. sof tellS't Otinis,roducesInflanimation,
raw gives tone and energy to the whole systole.
"Nits, Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children
teething is pleasant to the taste and is the
proscription of ono of, the oldest anti best
female physiciaas and horses to the United
States, mud is tor sale by all dvaggiets thtough.
oat the world, etleo twenty -Ave cants it bot-
tle. 2e Sore mid ask for '31 115, Wrtisnew'S
Soo'rnixd "toad take 'no ether kind, •
Vikeentortor tny late hrother, De,
fkltd Opportelitty of thanking
the Canada. bile, ahrottiili their genial agent,
Carling)) ter the Veit' titei0P6,raltiMet
long booli 1100(10(.11 ailif t w itorttlis bite I tio neartlly keetst
t3gootal,e otgatIB to lealthy 1.
.1 to tl;bc t '111ellef ting 730iTiVittilt te Alegi) rogitivitig
through whose &rine it lute gehe but 1.1 had bra'n a 1 fi sonseadaehe oat, 41(ite ticornit,
On the same dates we will show it lar,ge
assortment of rine French bress-Good-s,
Plain and Stripe Pinslies, Satins and Silks
al1 olots.Mante Clothe Rosery
min s Mantle Ornaments, and full hues
af Hosiery, Gloves, isto.
Oiir (lents' Famishing 1)epartment is Tobaccos /3i pe•
S Cgars
Oysters, Haddies 8cc.
Very Complete, and will embritee many 0 I
coating,• Trowriering, Neckties, and line Cigarettes Ambers & F3ipe.moulits
erwelties line Scotch Snitiogs, Over.
Imparted Scotch Underware. Also full
lines of Boots Shoes and Rubbers, from.
best manufacturers. Crockery And China
Dinner and Tea Setts, imported direct
from). potteries
All the above goods mustb be offered at
teiteled bo all Littlios taid Gentlemen, te
:Om: 0:tivresi ts6Poothas.eible Price& ,....4
A ost. titarty Inviihation is et,. The O •
1 ' ti' Sth•W(i is& Piokar s.