The Exeter Times, 1886-10-7, Page 4NOTIQE. ifoutlttns, J Fiord ..k Son ; Pair Mae Len-
' home, Wm Pollctnd, 0 Act, Hyrldman ; Pear
we have a largo number of ()tasttwding 13rowit Let;ltorns, 11'ni 1 olland, Rubt Kelle-
ooeoiits scattered in different quarters, s,a) ; Pair Slack Spanish, ,johnMoore, 1st
Which, if paid would amount to several trill 'ted ; Nair 1'iryaudottes, Pickard &
lzondrea dollars, and assist os greatly, Spicer ; Pail' any other variety fowls, J'
There rea great manys)sctra0rs a lelrl u r1 C
Son,, �
e tta
i i t (1 " 1 Turkeys, 1. a
t rate t amaze., and t\ � hope that they 'refit y s, J Hord & Son, Robt Pringle ; PtLir
make prompt settlement, cis, props, have been?r'Y i'a riety Geese, J Hord & Son, 1+ Beatty;
good this season. 1 air Kean _Ducks, Wm. McLeod, L 1lunt-
sett 13ros.; picture frames, 0, 'Seiner; ;grceen,
Earn & Coe boil -room sett, Broadfoot Lt
130awnx; st,ow, -Jas. Piokardi sideboard,, John
Aare,- Witter color drawing, W. D.
in oil,
Geo. e wdell'CiaJ4u s tete n JAS. Pani
Madge; pencil sketch, Jae. Fife, John Essery;
collectiou of photographs, C. Senior; hair.
dresser's work, I. J. Dearing.
er ; fair Rouen Ducks, J llord & Son, Wm Frawens,--l3egonias in flower, 3 varieties,
McLeod ; Pair Aylesbury Duette, Wm, lett- John Anderson; geraniums in flower, three
hP �/, 440101' 141105 Leoc1, 0 i Croswell ; Pair airy other var, varieties, John ucl rsor ; , r 0
_ + icty Ducks, We McLeod ; Pair anyvar- filled withplants,A s 1, laugh, basket
�-' •• Jelin Audrsou let and
i . ;ety Bentatnei 1'+ Beatty, 1st. and 2nd ; Best god.
T.FHUSHD�i:Y, OCT, i i,T 18SG.. collection Pigeons, P Beatty,1) Spicer • Cu' +
Best collection Singing Birds, "v • p i ' i lre.W. StyeDahlias, 6 varieties, pansies, . . - -"" b g i , 1 lis Win lard AIra W S\veot Gee. S Il
kiitr Weather nod a Largo Orowd,
The thirty-sixth annual fall ex 1i
Y 1 bltlotl of
the Stephen and Ueborneagricultural soo'Y,
was held here on Monday soil Tuesday last,
every department was well filled, and coni.
pppetition in almost every case eves keen. In
fact, the show was ahead of last year, when
we had the county fair. Nearly $500 were
taken in at the gate ; while the number :of
members were in exoees of . any previous
year. Space prevents us giving further
particulars.. Following is the prize list: -
Houses, Impotence Helve Da.kno ,r,-�'+,
Colomau, 1st sad Dud; foal, F. Coleman,
1st and t rad, Chas. Monteith; filly 3 yrs. old, +
F•colemaan filly two Ca'vAnnte: DRAuonT soxSEs.-Broadlemaa• male, `` Son ; Goslings, J Hord & Song l }3eatty•
Chas Mc,nteith, Johu Hazlewood, Jas. Hand-
ford; laal, James Loadman, D. Dow. James
Routley; filly or gelding, 3 yrs. old., Thomas
Cudmore, 1Ym Cornish; filly or gelding 2
yrs. old, Johu Hazlewood, Wm Sinolair, J.
Moline & Son; filly or gelding 1 yr. old, Wm
Hanson, Thos May, Win Elgie; stallion 1
yr, old Oolemboun & Dow; draught team, W.
F. Hooper, Thos Bissett, sr.
Hinter am/te,---Brood mare, Jos Load -
man, Bobt Monteith, &amuel Horton; foal,
0Anaincio-In Cliutou, ou the 26th ult., the
wife ot'L'', M, Carljug, of a dau hto .
g r.
Logan, oil Monday 27th ult , by Bev,.
Father O'Neil, Mr, James Glavin, of Me-
Gillivray, to Mary Catharine, eldest dam,
tenter of Itlr, John Hagerty, of Logan, and the public generally, for
WLLan.--�PorrLxsror\n.-Iu Exeter, on aria .during � �z their very liberal patronage
23rd ult., at the residence of the bride's ' file past season, clearly showing
father, by the Bev. " h a y liwing that the 'Newest
, s. Pascoe, air, ; Latest, Most Sightly and Serviceable Goods, wheal sold
Welsh,�of 2Jsborue, to Bliss Jennie, dati- theprices We sell, . ' at
1, are bound to win the da
relax y We will not
the ,withevengreater zeal
aeRT .,-
a. A
t t Brd
i of
. aonr
enter of Mr. S. Popplostout,, of Exeter,
, eo, anhve ,• pasisies,,.
Sweet, Geo Sanlwell ;fair Blacl shwas, ,E 12 varieties, Wm. Jecicoll, Hy, Passmore; Matio s-SruwAres -Cn the 2c9th Sept„ e az, 10 slightest
Howari•d, W. G. Bissett ; Pair Pheasants, Gorman aster, 6 varietios, John Anderson; at the residence of the bride's father b h OSt but
R Davis. Cirtei,s,---Lrgg�lit Whams, Jas asters, 6 varieties, John Anderson; ten weeks the Rev. W. H. Grano, John P.McLaren,
l$S, p11S11 the battlegates,
Down, Ise and 2nd ; Dark Biahmas F stock, collection, J. S o 'rootsMcLaren, to the gates, placing on' our: counters
S. Etberiu ton George of Hullet, to Marguret E. youngest (laugh- Just the goods the peoplefS
Beatty, Pickard & Spicer ; 13uff Cochins, F Samwell; verbends, 12 verities Joh g- tet of Andrew Stewart,E'sq., of 1 pl want, and at such
q ,Usborno. Prices as will
Beatty, J Hord Soli .; Any variety Chicle. sou; Petunias bil varieties, n Ander Sunt of Andrews -- ii 0 command i
,• os, sul;;la, Geo. , Q Sept,.2�uci, by te, `1 51120 and speedgale, thusgaining
ens, J Hord & Son ; Pl rlloutll 'rocks, Wm Sanwell• intimas 6 varieties, Parkhill, S. . of 0111 co -o
Y per
McLeod, I'' Beat a lot of Johu Angor. lead, at lits zestdeilce- ation, enablingus to tarnr Beatty f olleetion Ijorkinge, 5011; beat arranged basket of cut flowers, Mr, Robt. Lulnby, c£ the v}I1 our stock and re De oftener 1
VZ m McLeod . Any variety Dorkings, F Geo. Samwell. lege of-Arkona, to 11Ziss Janet Currie, of business mutually, nape
t3' ;Game, r ,, Par11}1111, slid life more pleasan and en:
least B 13 R \1 rat McLeod, 3 HonrzsvLTgnAL PRODIICE.-Four 'rarities
Hord & Son , 0 to S S Hambu ge, Pickard Winter apples five of euo11 named, Wm. Bell, IIAMnten-Binweas-At the parsonage
& Spicer, let.and 2nd ; 0 or S P Homburgs, Jolie Copeland; four varieties fail apples, Parkhill, on the 21st ult,, bythe Rev.
Pickard & Spicer ; Black Hantburgs, §r five of each mined; F. R. Ilan anon w J. A. Ferguson, Wm, Charles r
Win, Hammer,
Swenerton, E -Howard ; Mongan, P Beatty; Bell; best collection of apples, five of each • to Mary Alice Burgess, both of McGil-
W 0 Black Polands, Pickard & Spicer, P Variety, 17 varieties .and uo more, John i]vray.
Beatty ; White Leghorns, W Folland, F Copeland, Jacob Roedder; ;plate of five 0111' StockiSLarger, More Com
Beatty; $rows Leghorn, W Folland, F, Rhode Island :meanings, Thomas Brock i thanplate and Attractive
Beatty ; Black Spanish F Beatty, J Moore ; James Halls; plate of 5 Northern spies, ' _ DIED. ever before, and well worth the ins eotion of
Any variety, 1Vm Carlin Turks Tip Jacob Roedder, C Di... • PDLL me .- rn E p any care=
Lias nosy, plate of five., r I, Exeter, ou the 5th lust., Alar. 1L11 buyer.
Roxboro russotts, Jawos Hortou Jam shall Polltok, 56years 4 y
Pelcfn Ducklings, Win McLeod J Hord de Snellplate of ' ea aged months, and.
Son ; Rouen Ducklings, J Hord & Son ; Ewen,5 Spitzt to of Ale$, ins day,1a datays. e'e funeral will take to resi-
Wm• Jeoketi; ph3te of 5 baldwius, at cue o'olocic, 'from' itis late Ducklings, Win McLeod , Any Alex, McTaggart, Jae, Pielcard• late of 5 deuce.
variety Ducklings, Wni McLeod, Jar p
Deem'; Bantams, J Hord , James
s, ex o even t
J d& Sons, 1st and S e s
2nd ; B Java, E Howard, W G Bissett.
IsirLnMENes.--Patent axle wagon, _F
Hess, Geo Stacey ; Double top carriage, b;
W Heywood ; Double open carriage, •-D
Braund ; Phaeton with top, 13 J Roadhouse,
E W Heywood ; open phaeton, D Braund ;
Mrs. J. Mustard, Johu Kidd, Thos Cudmore; Top buggy, E W Heywood, D Braund, Jos
S ,
filly or gelding 2 yrs, old Riot Delbrid e ' Heywood,
; Open buggy, and springs, u W
' g Heywood, F Hess, I) Braund ; Best buggy,.
patent gear, F Hess, E W Heywood, F
Bess ; Portland cutter, Jos Smith, Jno
Dignan ; Pleasure sleigh, 13 3 Roadhouse,
1st and 2nd ; Piano -box cutter, 13 J Road-
house, Jas Down ; Set'of heavy bobsleighs,.
Jas Down, 1st and 2nd ; Set of lightvbob-
sleighs, Jas Down, D Braund ; Iron ,Beam
plow, W H Verity & Son, 1st and 2nd ;
Subsoil plow, 1V H Verity & Son, 1st and
2nd ; Double mould plow, W H Verity &
Son ; Horse shoes, I Handford, W H Par-
sons ; Horse hoes, W 11 Verity & Son, C
Lawyer; Two -horse cultivator, W H Verity
& Son ; Gang plow, W H Verity & Son
Pair iron harrows, I Handford, F. Hess
Roller, W H Verity & Son ; seed -
drill, Coultherd & Co., Noxon Bros, ; Tur-
nip -cutter, W H Verity & Son ; Panning
mill, W McMurchie & Co., 1st and 2nd
Binder, N A M'f'g Co., Elliott & Son ;
Single mower, Elliott & Son ; Horse fork,
Noxon Bros., 1st and 2nd ; Churn, Wort -
man & Ward ; Pump, A Cook, 3 Swallow.
Hose REEL RACE. -No. 1 Company, S.
Westaway ; No. 2, D. Spicer.
JunGEs.--Implements, James Dow, John
Hall, Thos Cook ; Cattle, L' E Shipley, G
E Cresswell, Egmondville, Wm Rodger ;
Poultry, E S Howard, Jas Down W Balk -
will, W Swenerton, Exeter, Wm Taylor,
Harvey, Wm McLeod, Lucan ; Sheep and
Pigs, Jas Petty, Hensall, James Brooks,
Granton, Wm Pridman, Russeldaie ; Heavy
horses, P Mowbray, Granton, C Pander -
gest, Dublin, M. Laurance, Loaan ; Light
horses, McIntyre, St. Marys, T °.M Carliug,
joyous. Our Battle Cr ,will t 11 still be
Westfield's seek•no-further Al M E it
James Horton, plate of 5 now apples, John ,
Copeland, R.. Lamport; plate of 5 graven- MARKET REPORTS.
acting, JacobRoedder,Alex, McEwen; plate fClorrectedat5o'clooltp.m,Wednesday.
of 5 fall pippens, James Loadman, 3 S. Springranuea. i ... 0 ae to '70
Etherington; plate of 5 culverts, Miss E. wheat . , 0 45 to 0 70
Horton, R. Kedd late of 5 King Tomkins, Ua;ts • 0 0 to 55
John Copeland, Thoe Snell; late of 5 Tinver See'a ;;: ::: ::: 0 25 to 2g
, P Alex- Timothy " ... ... .. 17 75 to 2 00
d s Jas. Murray,
, Jas. Airth; Peas ,. .. 0 50 to 050
Coria .. . 0 58 to'0 GO
Rggs; 0 14 to 0 14
Satter 18 to 014
Flourperblrl. : ::: : 00 to 5 55 EVELtYBODY WELCOME. NO TROUBLE TO SHO
eotatoes,perbushel .•, 85 to Id
Apples,perbag � � 40 to to to R_a Vto A .� T
Ier 1r
Ch. .., D35to045. 08
likens per pr „• 0 �5 to 0 8�
Rogseiressedperi00 .: s 40 to a is The Noted Dress Greeds and Clothing t3eef •., •, 5 as to a as ng House, Exeter:.
Ridesrouhg, .. ... •, 5 OO to G: 00
dressed . - ..• 0 00 to 7 00
Sheepskins anal •, 0 50 to' C 57
Calfskin ▪ ; "0 50 to 0 70
WOOL per ib • 0 lG to 0 17
Rayperton 800 6o10 00,
0nionsuerbush . . , 0 50 to;0, 751
Wood'per cord ,:, 2 50 to 8 00
Thos Heywood, Thos Coates; filly or gelding
1 year old, Rabt MoAllister, T. M. Kay,
Samuel Doupe; stallion 1 year old, 0. Bask-
erville; agricultural team, James White &
Son, Wm Cornish. Specials -Foals by
"Major" or "hover, ' Jamas Loadman, D.
Dow, John Stephens; by "Wane Clover",
Wm Bollens, let and 2nd; "Volo, A, Walper,
J. Willis.
Gramma, PIIRP0sE, 'Brood mare, Thos
Heywood, Alex Davey, R. McAllister; foal,
A. Davey, Wm Taylor, Wm .Hanson; filly or
gelding 3 years old, L. Hunter, Tilos Shap,
Gavin Boss; filly or
11 algin 2
Y geldingyears old,
-Alex. McDonald, Thos Russell, Hy. Webb;
filly or gelding 1 year old, G. A. Boswell,
Jas Murray, W. Elgie; stallion 1. year ad,
Y. McQueen; General purpose team, Johu
Crawford, Jas Loadman, Jas Geclmell.
CARRIAGE [:ffonsx.-Brood mare, Win Babb,
A. Gordon. Geo Lowe; foal, A. Walper, A.
Gordon, Wm. Babb; filly or gelding .3 years
old, M. G. McKenzie, P. Cavin & Son, Wm
McCombe; filly or gelding 2 years cid, P
Cann & Son; stallion 2 year old, W Maguire;
pair .carriage horses, C S Rosser, Alex For-
sythe; single carriage horse, Wm White, Jno
Snell, jr., Jas James.
Ro4Darens -Brood mare, Shoff & Sons,
Alex Buchanan, Wes. Bissett; foal, Shoff &
Sons, O. Jones, D G Smith; filly or gelding
8 years old. Jno Snell jr.; filly or gelding 2
years old, Shoff & Sous: J McKay & Son,
Robt Kyddt filly or gelding 1 year old, Shoff
& Sons, Jas Wescott, E Williams; stallion, 1
year old, John Roweliffe; team of Roadsters,
Thos. Bissett, er., W G Bissett, John Snell;
single roadster, Thos Bissett, let and 2nd,
J Roweliffe'
Hyndman, and Miss Swan; Mr. and Miss
Horton. Saddle horse, (special) Robt ,Mc-
Leod, W G Bissett, G A Hyndm&n. Pair
roadsters, (extra) A Forsythe, Thos Bis-
sett, sr. Single roadster, (special) Thos
Bissett, sr„ 1st and 2nd.
CATTLE-DDRn .-Cow, Thos Russell,
let, 2nd .& 3rd; heifer 2 years old, Thos Rus-
sell, let a,4 and, A Elcoat: beifer 1 year old,
Thos Russell, A Elcoat; heifer calf, Wm Fula
ton; bull calf, Thos Russell, John Roy; A
Elcoat, herd, Thos Russell, A Elcoat.
GRAIN AND sEeDs.-T;v, ba, White fall
wheat, Robt. McAllister, Robt. Pringle, Chas.
Dinney; two bu, red fall wheat, Jas. Cooper,
Jas. Airth, D. McEwen; two bu. fife wheat or
lost nation, James Snell, Ales. Ingram, Jno.
Pedler; two bu. any other variety, Jas. Snell,
Alex. McEwen, ,wm. /Fisher; two bu. six -
rowed barley, Robt. Pringle, A. Hodgert; two
bo. large oats, A. Johnston, Geo. Balsden;
two bushels common oats, Robt, McAllister,
A. Johnston; two bushels black oats, A.
Johnston; two bushels large peas, .Toe. Hodg-
son, Robt. McAllister; two bushels small1
pens, Jas. Airth, A. Hodgert; one bu=,het
GRADE. -Cow, Innet have calved in 1886, timothy seed, A. Johnston, Robt. McAllister:
Jas Pic card, John Willis, Jas Pickard. best t barrel merchant's atilt bushel flex efou .Jas. s. Pickard 1st Laud
milch cow, of any breed, W F Hooper, John
Essery; heifer 2 years old, Jas Pickard, R
Davis, Geo Monteith; heifer 1 year old, Jno
AIlison, W F Hooper, John Willis; heifer
calf, John Essery, L bunter, Jas Pickard;
steer 2 years old, Jas Pickard, John Willis,
2nd and 3rd; steer, 1 year old, Jas Pickard,
Ist and 2rd, Wm Wescott; fat ox or steer,
Jno Willis, let, 2nd and 3rd; fat now, John
Wood, Thos. Ballantine, Rich Davis; fat
heifer, W F Hooper, R Davis Jno Wood;
best herd 5 shipping steers, John Willis, 1st
and 2nd.
JERSEY. --Jersey cow, Geo. Samwell; Jer-
seyheifer, far
Geo Barnwell; t
bas calf, 1 (special
by friend,) Goo, Barnwell.
SSEEP-LEICESTER.-Ram, aged, D. Har-
vey. H. Snell &•Son, F H lei!; ram, :shear-
ing, D Harvey, tat and 2nd, L Goodwin;
ram ]amb, D Harvey, L Goodwin, D Harvey;
pair ewes, having raised lambs in 1886, D.
Harvey, E Snell & Sou, Penhale Bros;
sllearlings, pair, D Hervey. Penhale Bros.,
H Snell & Bros.; pair ewe lambs, H Snell
& Son, D Harvey; ram lamb, G E tJresiwell,
Tit 2nd and 3rd; pair ewes having raised
"lambs in 1886, Cresswell, 1st 2n1 and 3r0;
pair shearings, G H Cresswell, Gave Ross;;
parr ewe lambs, G E Cresswell, let and 20d,•.
Seniorsxrax DowNe.-Raul aged, Win
Cooper, 1st and 2nd, Jas' Cooper; .am shear -
ling, Wm Cooper; ram lamb, Win Cooper,
H Snell & Son, Jas Cooper; pair ewes. FI
Snell & Son, Wm. Cooper, 2nd and 3rd;;
pair shearling, Wm Coopereja- Hooper; pair
ewe lam bs, Jas Cooper, let an d 2nd.
2nd; one bushel beans, Alex. 1deEwen, A,
Johuston; one bushel clover sped, Thomas
VEGETARLES,-Half' bushel. early :rose
potatoes, Jas. Snell, Chas. Dinney; half. ba.
beauty of Hebron, Jas. Snell, Jas. Down;
half bushel late rose potatoes, Siem. Parsons,
sr., Peter Case; half bushel early Vermont
potatoes, Alex. Ingram; half bushel Snow-
flake potatoes, Jas. Snell, Alex. Ingram;
half bushel any other variety potatoes, Wm.
Parsons, er„ Wm. Folland; four heads
winter cabbage, Samuel DilIing,,Robt. KKelle-
way; six blood beets, Jas. Snell, Jas. Down;
six globe mangolds, Wm. Parsons. sr., H.
Horsey; six swede turnips, Samuel Doupe,.
Wm.Ball:will; six early born carrots, Chas
Burford, Jas. Leaman; six, Jong orange or
red carrots, hos Gregory, E. Jory; six
white Belgian carrots, rein. Ball. -will, E.
Lamport; 12 ears Iudian corn, Time Brock,
James Creech; three water melons, A. Johns.
ton; three musk melons, Jas. Ford, A.
Johnston; peck of red onions, Win. Balk -
will, E. Lampo,t; peek of white or yellow
oniuos, E. Lamport, Ww. Ballwin; six
bunches of celery, Wm.I'oilaud, Chas. Bur-
ford; three citrons, Dr. Lutz, Jus. Basden;
six parsnips Jas. Dcovn, E. Jory;.nautes, car-
rot. Jas. 'Do ,vn, Jos. Loadman; squash, Jos.
Hodgson, Di. Lutz; pumpkin, Wu,. Fisher,
Jas. Sweet. Extra -vegetable 'marrow, T.
Brock; eunflower, Paul Madge: turnips, Pen
hale Bros.; red pepper, L. Hunter;
DAIRY PRODUCE. -Five lbs. butter, snli'i-
h; plate of 5
Canada red, John opelaud, James Snell;
plate of 5 swear, E. Jory,Jas. Airth,plate a
5 xibaton pippens, James Hails, J, S. Ether-
iogton; plate of 6 warner, John Copeland,
Alex, McEwen; plate of 5 Grimes G. pippens,
John Copeland, Chas Dinney; plate of 5
best seedling apples, Wm. JeokeIl, Alex, "Mc.
PEAns,-Two varieties winter pears, John
Hunter two varieties fall pears, W. G. Bis-
sett; plate of 5 fiemish beauty, James Snell,
James Airth; plate of 5 duchess angouleme,
Robt Spicer, W. G. Bissett; plate of 5 shel-
don, Alex. McEwen, John Newcombe; plate
5 Louis bo
need Jersey. Mrs. Wm. Sweet,
James Pickard.
Parana. -Plate of 10 tumbards, Bobt Kele-
way. Jamas Snell.
GRAPES, Erc,-Plate of Deleware, John
Anderson, Jos, Diller; plate of. Hartford pro-
lific, John Anderson, Jos, Diller; plate of
conoord,-Robt Kelleway, Jos. Diller; plate of
Rodgers No. 19, M. Eacrett; plate of Rodgers
No. 4, John Anderson;- plate of any other
variety. Sarnuel Doupe, Jos, Hudson; plate.
of late Crawford peaches, A. Johnston; plate
of Royal Georgepeaches, A. Johnston; best
eollectton canned fruit, John Anderson, Mrs.
John White. Extra -hops, Robt. Kelleway,
LADIES' WORK. -Loaf home-made bread,
Robt, Stewart, D. ltttEwen,'.Wm. Bell;
patched quilt, laud made, Mary' McEwen,
Miss Nott, Wm. Bali; raised quilt, Wm.
Cornish, lIlary McDonald, Grant Bros.; tat-
ting, D. McEwen, Mrs. Wm. Sweet, Hrs.
Jas. Tom; crotchet work, Jas. Carlisle, Mrs.
JAS. Tom, Hoskin Bros,; embroidery, in silk,
velvet or satin, Mary McDonald, Mary Mc. ).
Ewen, Mrs John White; embroidery in mus-
lin, Mary McEwen; I. Bowerman; embroid-
ery in crape or chenille, Miss' Maggie White.
Our Dress -maker, having spent over two weeks in the
city, picking new ideas and polishing •up any which our
Exeter air lnay have tended to tarnish is in s
and well qualified to do the Ladies justice in splendid lame Dress & Mantle
Making, so we invite all to call and see the• stock
get our prices and for we keep, judge t ge to1 yyourselves if the keen doIlnr or
he nimble sixpence does not do more for either man or
woman than the slow tick, tick, of long credit and lon'
prices. o
TheBrj htls Qrain Trade.
London, Sept. 27th. --The Mark Lane
Express, in its weekly review of the British, C� A'p''j�^' __('�'�(-�� 1
gram trade, says Trade was exceedingly SC,tl.L113J .l 1
slow, but prices were sustained. Sound
English new crop wheats were in best de-
mand. The sales of English wheat during
the past week were 51, 121 quarters at 30s
9d, against 68, 588 quarters at 30e 10d dur-
ing the corresponding week last year.
Flour was slow of sale owing to the large
stocks and continual American arrivals at
rates previously unknown. Fine malting
barleys are very scarce. Trade in foreign
wheats was dragging. The large and
rapidly increasing visible supply in America
oppresses trade here. American flour is
$d cheaper. One cargo of wheat arrived,
About fourteen sailing .vessels with wheat
from Chilian and Pacific ports are due and..
are expected to arrive when the wind
changes. Trade forward is - somewhat
embrot dere, in worsted, Mrs. E. Spackman, f steadier. At to -day's market there was
A. Johnston, Dougall Bros.; braiding, Mary no improvement in the 'reheat trade,
McEwen, E. Christie, Wm. McEwen fancy l American and inferior English wheats
knitting,"Mrs. Jas. Tom, Annie Sample, Miss l were cheaper: Flour was dull. American
Nott; two pair woolen socks, Mary McEwen, flour in some instances was lower than on
McEwen; two pair woolen stockings; Mary Monday. The prices of barley hada down -
McEwen, brise Nott; two pair woolen mitts, ward tendency.
Miss Nott, Chas. Monteith; two pairwoolen
gloves, Chas. Monteith, let and 2nd; wax
flowers, Mary Wood, Robt Stewart; wax fruit
Miss Nott; honey in combs, , Jos. Diller, A.
Johnston; honey in jar, Gavin Ross; lace
work; A. Johnston, Mary McEwen; Berlin
wool work, Robt Pickard, A.. Johnston; fea-
ther flowers, Miss Nott; shell work, W..Swen-
erten; hooked waits, • Mrs. D. Mill, Mary
McEwen, Mies Nott; gent's` shirt Mary Mc-
Ewen, D. McEwen, Miss Nott; collection of
home-made wines, Mrs. Jas. Tom, A. Johns
tau; rag carpet, Geo. Kerslake, Jas. life, i3 C .A. R D.
Jas.; Carlisle; log cabin quilt, Mary McEwen,
Mise Nott, Wm. Cornish; knitted quilt, Wm. Hooper,' s thmy late brother, Dr. L. L.
Essery, Mrs. J. Troyer, Mary 1VIcDonald opportunity of thanking
Baker's bread, Jas. Ingrain, A. E. Ro
ger. Extras. -Girls woolen senbel , Ccrh,) 'rely;wpt m
in which'tliey ugart onlyforthe paid tieprofull claimanner of
;gloves,; Win
$1000, but also allowed profits on same for the
current year, the policy having been given only
a few months baci. I would heartily racon,-
Mend this Company to those requiring Life
Assurance,something `
no !]loll should be with-
ler Get the Genuine. Sold Everywhere.
AVERTISERS by adiressing GEO. P.
DROWELL & 00.10 Spruce St.,Nety York,
can learn the exact cost of. any proposed line.
of ADVI3i1Tli♦ING in American Newspapers.
53100 -page Pamphlet, 10e.
the Canada Life, (through their genial agent;
Jeokell; crewel work. R. Stewart; German
raised. work. Mary McDonald; yarn hooked
mat, A. McTaggart; chenille rug, R. Pin
combe; arasene, Mary McEwen, Miss Mc-
Donald, Robt. Stewart; darned net
per.Jas Ford,L Bowerman;
Miss Maggie White; 'oil, painting, i
on satin, Mrs. E. Spackman; sofa pillow and I
table drape, ou satin, Chas. Eacrett, I Bow-
erman; homemade' wool carpet, I' Bower-
man; tufted quilt, D. McEwen; c,azy, quilt,
Mrs. Jno. Spicer, Mrs. Tyvda{l; autograph
quilt, Chas. Bnrforcl.
Ju zs.-Graiu, Seeds, Vegetables and
Dairy Produce -S, Hersey, Exeter; D. Mc-
Lennan, Stratford. Manufactures and Fine
Arts -Geo, Murray. ,Fruit and Flowers -
W. Murdock, Exeter, Francis Abner, Lon-
don. Lady's Work --Jennie M. Anderson,
Miss DDorah Eilber, Crediton; J. C. Murray,
Hensall. •
The people residing in the vicinity of
Steele's Crossing, on the 8t..fary's branch
Win. Bell, E. Wil -of the G. T. R., are agitating with a view to
ciently salted, ltobt. Bell,
lianrs; five lbs. butter, without salt, Win. have a post4tT ce established there, and pro-
meg, Jas Packard, L Goodwin; pair shearling Bell Robt Bell, Waod fiat lbs, salt buts
pose to petition the Government to that et.
ewes, L Goodwill, Jas Pickard; hair ewe . , Yfeet.
lambs, Jas Pickard,'E El Neil; pair fat e\vea ter in tub, p,ivate.Jas. Cooper, llobt 13e11, E.
Peubale Bros, ' Williams; cheese, factory made 50 lbs., There should be just as general a cleaning
ltocve W. Bagshaw; cheese, private made up in the autumn as in the spring.. The
PIGS -LARGE on Mernuer,-Aged boar, J 15lbs, D:,ugall Bros., Thoe, Rowe, Win. leag. cl woe of cleanliness and ,teenfeletiou of. pre -
Hord & Son, Jas Suell; DOM' littered in 1886, slaw Specint by A. Q, Dobler, of 51.2, for Dlises, although enjoined apou 1the,81 people,
ELnmport. Chas Troyer; aged sow, J Horth 4C1 lbs. of home tuade batter, bettor to he are frequently shirked in arae 'most glaring
& son, 1st and 2nd;; sow littered in 1886 Jae manner. Let deem be carefully observed, in
Snell, Chas Troyer, come property of donator. (Not to be shown our village.
SulFOLrs,-Aged boar, wm ALitldieton, in nue other Class,) Wm, Bell. Special The Grits of South Perth meet in co„ve,i-
Geo Plewes; boar littered in 1886, .John Kelly, batter, (not snitect,) Robt. AlcAlitetor; salted i tiers on the 12th to nominate candidates for
Geo ?loves; aged sow, Geo Plewes; sow lit- butter, 1;0bt. McAllister; butter, Jae. Cooper, both'houses. It is a foregone conclusion
tendi886, jail Pickard, sols, rd 1st and 2nd. AIex. Me'[iaggact.
r that Mr, Prov will be brought ma for the
Baali51[IRE.-A><ed boar, Wm Middleton, MANUFACTUREY.--W0alen home made quilt, C'*nl&nollC, but matters ter the Loc:,l are not
let and 2nd; hoar littered in 1886, Wm Mid- D. 3f0Elven, !toot Crecry; ten yards dome,. Yet settled: Messrs. Ballautyue,and Camp.
dleteu, let and 2nd; aged cow, wrist have tic cloth, A. Johnston; ten yards flannel, hell, IVLoricrip and, her. Irvine aro ell said to
littered in 1806, one or more of lar pigs all wool, hiss Nott, A. 3 ,11,1.-5100' pair Mail. be aspirants.
shown wall lir•r• Will Middleton, Ir R Serail- kers• all wool. ".sLrry 1ieEwcm, Annie Sample; ' At the London assizes, .Tames H.OWC, sato
ton; HO % littered in 1888, Will Midrllet.,,c, fen yards satinett, A..Tolinston; woolen yarn,) teras found Rnilty of trying to bre
Y K break into a Walnut & Rosewood
1st and Dud: 1.1,,1,1 ;11uir; tot: ynds Dor„. woolen cotton, house tear Liman in the middle of the trivia,
Pout/rine-Pair Light Brahtnas, Jaynes float Muir, Mary McEwen; factory made itid MIS reconitn nded to merit•, was 'sen -
Down, F. Beatty ; Pair Dark Brahms, F. quilt. Mary Me wen, Mies Not t; factory tonccd to one ye1ir in the Central Prison at
Beatty, Pickard & Spicer ; Pair Buff Coen- tweeds, Dobe Muir; factory blankets. A.: hard Iabor. The judge referred in very ke-
ine, J..Hord & Son ; Pair any other varietyJolinaton, Miss No t set single harness, Johu fere tenni; to the conduct of a married ratan
Coehins, Wm, MoLecd, P. Beatty ; Ply-tenni;Treble; doubly leant harness, John
Erebio• who
o outrage,
and Rocks,J. V, f. ;nre1 nto 1s. JanTorn, Ingram; 3 remained. ertsi o oat the road to watch.
pailGo]oierl Dorkings, Win, McLeod ; }'lir 1 R40 c)opr wnri, 1Liu;; assortment 0f Two ')en are canvassing in some
parts o
any other variety Dorkings, l+ Beatty, let )icnrk, T3i,.sett Urns., aesdrttn••ut of marble the comfy, Reline eltaddy cloth. The take
and 2nd Pair Black -breasted Red Games work, 1S'0ekes [irns,; soviet; machine, 0.Y
Wm. Pair
g too notes of laud from file parties who put.
114 m. McLeod, Holt Kelleway ; l� air any , lteyinond; nrgau, learn & Co.; set 01 parlor chase fresh them, the sellers giving thein to
other variety, Wm. McLeod, 1st and 2n,1 ; t'nreiterc, Wm, prow: sat of bed -room furni tinderetand that they will send alongtailors
Pair G or 8 Spangled Hamburgs, Pickard & tori', J,rhtt Brawl). let and 2nd; panel door, frons Monisnd to make up the goods,
Spicer, .Bolt Kelleway ; Pair G or 8 Pencil.. Byer & Howard; staffed birds, wilted sines irliported fifty tailors or that. spurn having
led•Hatnburgs, Pickard & Spicer, Robert 1885. Alva. McPherson, let and and; assort. Goc,k out for these gentry anti dou'tp et
I{elleway - fair Black l•Tambnrgs, woman ' mom of ornnruentel,. Wein. ffo. oittglrt. Cases of misrepresentation K My Stook of • ul'nittlre is .l L1-
McLewl, i+; Howard pair W C Black po}- stand; aeon tnient of tile, Geo. Moatz; best 6 fraud, ender pretences Mintier to 0hate
n tri
511180 ha e excelled.
ands, Pickard & ,5picer, le Beatty ; Pair bricks, Geo. lereate. Special-etovea, Bfe rclacurtly been broaght to light iti the ricir,lty
of Iixcter, t ` 1•[Vlf, MEA CALL
TCS_6...1---1 �l
You should make it a point to call and see
Recently Refitted Grocery Store..
Choice Fresh Groceries, Fruits, Confectionery, Biscuits,
Tobaccoes,': Pipes and Cigaeg, any or all of which he offers,
to the public Cheap. for Cash.. He has a iso furnishedo alt.
the rear of his Gror•:ery, at.
Where he is prepared to serve up . the d bivalves„'
Cooked delicious
or Raw, on the Shortest Notice, 'and at All
Oysters For Sale by the Quart. Hours..
G. A. liritreDITIAN.
JOIN 3k.ahvrN',
Leo CorFixa or Eva IlY DIEsonlrriotg,
� urn.iture Dealer �ler axle Undertaker.
I have Just receiv
Aed a Car Load of,
Complete Stook of New St 1
Ropes &. Trimmings Ibh IvlllYlf}:u1
Pmsy e
Always eahand.
For the next SIXTY . .- SDAYS. It will be to your ' ,
y (l,d�anta e
to call on me beforegoingelsewhere.
e sew
REMEMBER THE >; PLAGE ONE Doo�,�wR�rI�OIt".C�Fyl; ��O��l;p Mn1150NS��Bg�rliNll
ZLLz45M ItE W.,. •