Clinton News-Record, 1976-08-19, Page 10rnalane,
her New
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,134 WIt.fl Lfl'
igust • , •
b her m
Lan-ireeM r$10
,rs* Brg
bLTI Ine Howard, A U u to ,
0 Webster ttleSville Iti i.Munro.
signed pron With the rs,M.H. veto
•$ pinnedon was tied. on to her OMe A erich oh
im l'i
, and Doreen. She thanked the weekend ter visiting for
PlanS et a everroe for their ts. several days with her sister*
4 bring your own lawrt paertmrs, Aubrey McNichol, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
entmeetiflg They ask. that punch was served by Mrs. Mrs. Wert TAYlor.
!mirk mrs, Leonard de Veau and McNall of WellanA, visited
Wit'S. ritlatireell MeClillelleY Debbie McNichol. ' - last Saturday with Mr. and
' entertained 12 little- guests . Knox United Church Mrs. Thomas Johnston and
last Saturday artern"sn in Sunday. school room was Miss Laura Phillips.
' honour of her daughter, attractively decorated for the The Rev. and Mrs. W.J.
Artie% fourth birthday. community bridal shower for Taylor of Dorchester visited
Prizes, hats and balloons Miss Doreen ritIcClinchey last last Friday with Mrs. Bert
- were given out. A chocolate Friday evening- - Taylor.
• fudge birthday cake with pink Misses Julie Daer and Mrs. Alfred Waddell and
" candles and ice crown was Anita Hamming were in Miss Birdie McDonagh of
served. The little guests were charge of the guest book. Colpoy's Bay visited last
Shane and Katie Carter, Mrs. Gordan Gross was Thursday with Mrs. Albert
Christine and Rhonda, chairman for the program McFarlane and in Blyth-v_ith
• an with a sin -song. Miss Margaret Jackson.
Stadelma,nn, Lone rm-
strong, Joanna and Mark
Wilkins, Karen Plunkett,
Lana and. Lynda Lockwood
and Stacy and Karrie
Mrs. Zeta Buechler, John
Baechler and Mr. and Mrs.
- Terry Levangie of North
Vancouver visited last Friday
with Mrs. Myrtle Munro.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton
returned on the weekend
from a week's visit with her
mother. Mrs. Ray LaVigne at
wnicn Mrs. Edgar Daer was pianist. Mr. and Mrs. Rona
A skit, School days at U.S.S. Damucie of Waterdown spent
No. 5 Hullett, had Mrs. last weekend with Mrs. Beth
.Wilfred Plunkett as teacher Lansing.
and Mo. Greg Pari as WIVIS
pianist- Those taking part in The August meeting of the
costume were Mrs. Ross Auburn Presbyterian
Daer+__Mrs. Fred Lawrence- _Women's Missionary -Society
Cathy McClinchey, Yvonne was held at the home Of Mrs. -
Bean. Linda Van Dungen, Wilfred Sanderson. The
Carol Gross, Mrs. meeting was .4n-tbe-44rte_o
est on e4er 1
(Jeffrey Y) ofF
the AngaSt *MOP at Otani
longs t the Cook Blithers
st bacon
Jeffrey and Bradley Cook,
14 And 11- year-old sons of
Arnold Cook, Belgrave, had
the top indexing boar in the
August group of 83 boars
which completedtest at the
Ontario S.wilie Test Station,
RR 2, New Hamburg:
The top( indexing boar was
an outstanding Yorkshire
with a high performance
index of 134 which combined
low backfat thickness of .48",
high average daily gain on
test of 2.15 pounds and very
low feed conversion of only
-2.24 pounds feed per pound
Mrs. SanderSofl. ' eeciiiir higheikAndexing
president, who WeIctimed L boar was- a Hampshire frian
The devotional period was the herd of Glen Kehoe and
in the charge of Mrs. Eleanor Dick Chesw, Windsor. This
Bradnock. The scripture top Hampshire, with a per -
lesson from Acts 9, was read formance index of 132,
alternately. The meditation combined extremely low
was on Hands, Whatsoever ye backfat thickness of only
Would, followed by prayer. .44", good average daily gain
Roll call was answered by of 1.97 pounds and extremely
a Bible verse containing the good feed conversion of only
word Hands. 2.16 pounds feed per pound
The minutes of the July gain. AlsO among the top
meeting were approved as indexing boars with an index
read by the secretary. Miss of 128. was a Landrace x
Minnie Wagner. Yorkshire crossbred from the
Mrs. John Hallam gave the herd of Donald Henry,
missionary study on Japan Bluevale•
and the Korean Christian Top indexing Landrace
Church. The • financial which was approved for the
statement was given- by the sale by the selection com-
treasurer Mrs. Frances Clark mittee was from the herd of
Ham tn ing. Mrs. Gordon
A reading. How to cook a
husband, was read by Mrs.
Edgar Daer. Corsages were
SHOWERS FOR BRIDE - pinned on the briderto-be by
Miss Doreen McClinchey Miss Carol Gpiss and on Mrs.
was guest of honor at a Harold McClinchey by Mrs.
surprise personal bridal Harold Gross. They were
shower last Wednesday et the escorted to the decorated
home 'of Mrs. Edgar Daer. chairs on the platform and an
White wedding bells flowers. address in rhyme was read by
and balloons decorated the Mrs. Fred Lawrence.
bride's chair.
Mrs. 'Die'. welcomed alt., outs
were carried in by
and winners of the contest Misses, Wanda Plaetzer and
were Mrs. Chris Cowan, Mrs. Carol Gross. A bow -decorated
John Stadelmann and Mrs. apron was done by Mrs.
Sten Glousher. Mrs. Edgar Daer and Mrs. Murray
Stadelmann was the winner McNichol. ,
of the p
and Miss Doreen McClinchey Doreen thanked everyone
had the lucky cup. for their gifts and invited all and she received the offering Martin Van Bilsen, Glencoe
• An address of to open house at her home to which was dedicated by Mrs. while the highest indexing
congratulations was- read by see the gifts. Eleanor Bradnock. Duroc approved for the sale
Mrs. Leonard de Veau and Lunch was served by Mrs. After a business period the was from . the herd of Andy
gifts were carried in by Ross Daer, Mrs. Edgar Daer, meeting was closed with the Schertzer, Tecumseh.
(41enyce McClinchey, Janice Daer and Anita benediction. Lunch was The Performance \ Index
Christine Stadelrnann and Hamming. served by Mrs. Sanderson. now being used at the Test
rize or
it 40,0,
The top bid was mad
John }lendricks,
Ontariq for in.
Geri 4 bred heier sire
e by
r tit*
A. Fran -er
Auburn, t.
J. a rn es Drennan,
Dungannon, Ont. purchased
two, animpls. The first at
$1.700 was Tom rrierdale
Empress Lorna consigned by
Stephen Fried, New Dundee.
ear -old in 305
„ 4Vera,.
Iy .61 'i" tAaJl
itterfat. The second butte
of eat
t i
sired by Beekitaven Uproot. purch
and consigned by 004414 1
Becker, Ary, as a bred heifer.
Verda Farms, Ativood. paid
$1.600 to Ronald Warner,
Hastings, for a bred heifer
sired by Mantel Startrek.
Mark Ireland, Teeswater,
bought a Very Good cow.
Winter wheat sells well
Station evaluates the overall Ontario wheat , producers
have sold the largest volume
while on test and combines
performance of each boar
of wheat during the month of
the important economiciraits July than for any
of backfat thickness, average corresponding month in the
daiy, gain and • feed past eleven years.
version into one composite According to the first
index. position report issued by the
The average performance
the Ontario Wheat Producers'
index of each group is always Marketing Board for the new
100 and indices of individual
crop year beginning July lst,
boars can range from over
producers sold over 7,600,000
140 down to below 50. Only
bushels since harvest began
those boars w ith a
about July 7th in Essex
satisfactory performance
County. The previous high
index and which are ap-
_ was recorded by the board in
proved by a culling com-
1969 at 7,300,000 bushels.
mittee for physical soundness Most of the wheat has been
are offered for sale at the moved forward to terminal
monthly station tested boar
elevators by the marketing
sates held at the Test Station, board in preparation for
RR 2, New Hamburg (4 miles movement into domestic and.
west of New Dundee), - export markets. .
Twenty-seven of the top The report issued following
a meeting of the marketing
indexing ones mentioned
above will be sold at the Test board this week also in -
Station on August 16' at 7:30dicated the majority of the
13-m- first month's harvest was of
The August group of 83 good quality and although
boars from which the _27 for yields are reported to be
the sale were selected had the down somewhat from last
best overall performance of year's record 50 bushels per
any group ever tested with acre average, the total crop is
average backfat thickness of estimated to be in excess of
.56", average daily gr,o ,,f the 22.4 million bushels
1.95 pounds and feed con- produced last year.
version of 2.46 pounds feed Harvest is progressing
per pound gain. eastward across the
As all boars at the Test
province, and although wet
Station are fed and handled weather has hampered
under uniform conditions, Nitrations in some areas in
buyers can be sure that recent days, the crop should
superior performance is due be completely harvested
to true genetic superiority for within about one week.
low backfat, fast gains and The board reported some
good feed conversion which sprouting has occurred in
will be passed on to the pigs south-central areas of the
they sire. province which may cause
some downgrading.
In this regard, theAtourd -
advises producers to
grades carefully. The
tolerances for sprout -content
in grade No. 1 is 1 percent;
No. 2, 2 percent; No. 3, 5
percent; No. 4, 8 percent; and
N. 5, 12 percent, with over 12
percent grading sample.,
Board officials also advise
that about 6 million bushels
have been sold to date by the
board for export under future
delivery contracts.
by Ftena Caldwell -
Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Tones
are holidaying at. the west
Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mellis
visited in %Ingham last *Veit.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wright
and. `Julie vistited Msi
Wright's brother in Brook
vile recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron
Mellis and Joyce of Inkster,
Michigan and Margaret
Hutchison, St. Thomas were
recent guests,of Mr. and Mrs.
W . L. Mellis.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson
Kyle spent two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle,
Amherst, Nova Scotia.
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr.
James From as our Special Life Agent to Goderich and
surrounding area.
MR. FROM has- been with us for sometime and we
hpve every reason to believe that his services will be
welcomed by many.
Our Company has many special facilities and Mr.
From is qualified in every respeat.
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