Clinton News-Record, 1976-07-15, Page 16iwMO--�.•dhsta�tr Nest FridaY. el Mint. Carapisi et L, airs .1/issss !Lanni' and SJIs liettlat/1ar st Kttebeser hresetrly el 1113p* ted Mrs. Flo Fealaa. am Fis Peder lore[ Aritrw. �- artier Auti news was a patient Inst week in Climate Public Hospital and is taw at tie Moat of cher daughter, Mrs. Irian Mustard, Mr. Mustard end daughters at RR 2, Cliatoa. Mrs. Elsie Scott. has bee* visiting relatives aad friesds in London. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross of Oakville renewed acquaintance in the village last Saturday and attended the Park -Anderson wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haines of Niagara Falls visited last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines. Miss Carol Beadle of Kit- chener spent a few days last week with her mother. Mrs. Ions Beadle and brother Mr. Gordon Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Miss Laura Phillips accompanied by Mrs. Celia Taylor of Goderich and Mrs. E,,thel Farrow of Mitchell attended Open House for the 50th wedding anniversary • of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Moore. nee Evelyn Goldthorpe of Colborne Township at Stratford last Wednesday. Assisting at the occasion was their only son Richard of London, his wife- and their three daughters. Also present were cousins of Mrs. Gold- thorpe. formerly of this Auburn district, Mr. Thomas Johnston Auburn, Mrs. Celia Taylor. God/rich, Mrs. Ethel, Farrow. Mitchell. Miss Luella Johnston. London. Mrs. Cam Fotheringham. St. Marys - nee Nina Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kitchen. nce Isabel Rober- tson of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald • _ d Dim. �*4. old 001 flholitty . Zurich opal S r ' i• Chatham. . Mtr�. amt Mn. -Dice Lapp and sea Robbie el Clhrptrss visited last week with Mr. mad Mrs. Elliott Lapp sad Mr. Keith L. Sods families visited with Mr. aad Mrs. Walter Denys and sea Jemmy at Kipporn. Mr. Georg* Ware and, granddaughter nd- granddaughter ' Kelly of Loadow visited last 'Thursday with Mr. sad Mrs. Elliott Lapp and Mr. Keith Lapp. Mrs. Thomas McPhee visited s few days with hir son Orval sad Mrs. McPhee. The'Auburn Midgets travel on July 19th to Holmesville and on Tuesday July 20 - Sean vs Dobie - Don Plunkett home umpire and- Brest --Andrews on bases. On Wednesday July 21st Midgets will be at home to Londesboro - Bob Deer hone umpire and Allan Caldwell on bases. On Friday July 23rd = Powell vs Hakker - - John Verwey home umpire and Shannon Niblock on bases. Miss Lorraine Chamney, . Auburn.jibririan has a Book Mark Contest on now and wishes both young and old to participate and to register -at the library rooms or -call Lorraine at 529-7799 before July 15th. The judging will be done on July 24th so get in- volved at your library. There will be prizes for the best made book marks so everyone get busy and join the fun. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Livermore and sons of Fordwich visited last Friday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer attended the pinning party and the buffet smorgasbord at St. Joseph's hospital. London last Saturday when their elder daughter Miss Sherry Plaetzer received her pin. td •. ia<arr. pre��N�ari• msaeeg_r al lit • P$.traltes's Assoeiallea, Weight tame hate mating lullermatien le.•a at the limes Schaal reesa ft Farwhers, Meuse psepie aad represeatatives si ser- vice clubs trill ramie's Institutes Whored le tsar prevail reports os the 1$2$ Iantorastimw& PMwisg Match, which will be Maid just east of Winglike=. Hart farmer is .Jim Artinstroas. lis lead sad that of several Reis hewers will provide the site ce the big snatch. "There is no way to even estimate the amount of money that is left in a cem- tauaity during the five days of aa iateraatioasi," said Jou Stephens, president of the OPA. "not to mention the friendships which are made and the goodwill which can be generated , for the cant - mustily." Mr. Mr. Stephens paid tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett of Wingham for the tremendous job they do at every Inter- national. Roy is a member of the publicity committee and takes charge of the daily parades which are a feature of the match. Jim Armstrong introduced Dawn Brunton of Bruce County. who is the reigning Queen of the Furrow, and her father, Alt Brunton, chair- man of the local committee in charge of the 1971 Inter- national which will be held near Walkerton in Sep- tember. Mr. `Branton ad- dressed the meeting and later, during the question period. answered many queries about various phases of their organization. Mr. Starr outlined the relationship between the local committee and the Ontario Plnw•, ',,'c Association and tits.`Wri areei.'- WOO .S��oissa was 1ev WV is 1913 , sad has bola grimime ever slate: Mr. Slaw said • the OPA collects all mamma ,rem „pucethe tatted seat . it which ma - tares 19.11110 hetit ,___st for exhibitors as lois 1M trams., deep. Last year at Oshawa. kir esample, there were live .'streets' of exhibits. with teats and booths lining bilk sties of the streets --4N in all: Space rajas are divided isle twc' classes. Those who simply exhibit their products pay •f7 per foot frontage: those who are selling uaer- chaadise .or food pay 14 per foot. The frontages qFcupisd range all the way Iran 15 feet up. The local committee receives the money from parking fees and a portion of admissions to the grounds. This year in Bruce the Bank of Montreal will provide all the. necessary manpower for ticket males. A contract is drawn up between the local committee and the OPA on division of admission fees. by which the OPA assumes responsibility for any deficit. Speaking of the enthusiasm which is generated locally, Mr. Starr said that if the International was held on a permanent site there would be nowhere near the spon- tanious participation by farmers and business people. "We could never hire the kind of people we get on the present voluntary basis." he declared. A big feature of this year's match will be the Wintario draw which will be made in Walkerton on the Thursday evening of International week. The awards banquet "will be held on Friday evening at tiacardloo, mid 301 'Mak wo printed ler that w occsries.. • There were mem hem .11hS deer isreUtimethe Imageset 1• . Washers of thsoasoshj� the Wa karlea area wilt cater ler the dinner sad detailed plaading Mao le be completed nwU is advaace for that event aloes. Howard Datars, of Dash- wood. disarmers r et the local committee for the 1971 match. was also chairman at the Matas meeting and fielded • questions from the audience of nearly iN. J i m Armstrong of Wingham in- troduced the guests from other counties. Roy Pattison of East Wawanosh introduced the chairman of several important committees under his direction. They iiriuds :tsratrlilit. comas:;- Mawaprd Deters. Dashweed; dheirtshaii; RAW Patties*, lie t Wawaelash mid Alla* Campbell, 1! 1. Seat.rtk. •'•vita-clhairtas.e; Earl ,Hilderley. Clefts. trea ore r aid Jia* , Art1lh- *treeg.. RR 4, Whereas, OPA director.. , Ray Seschaser, G.dsrick. chairman, ptsbiitity; Hugh Flynn, Chalon, perking; Earl Hilderley. gates aad tickets; Neil McGaven. Wallow, tractors; .Mrs. Jim . Aran. strong, RR 4, W inghash, ladies' comm.: Jinn Ait- chison. ltchison, Luckaow, teams and horses: Bob Gibson, How ick, banquets: Bill Cruikshank, Flying Farmers: Barry Mulvey. Beltnore, lands comm.: Ales Robertson, Wingham, tested city. Farmstead and home 1� �N Gattrtarr s 81ssn •MiNotr, ; evwnt;, Still et floe• -Mures P=1 Masc.; historical covens.; Ernie Talbot, Kippea . health sed grsiytiow. Doug McNeil, Gederich. • Damoastrations will be taken cart et by the Huron Sail aryl Crag Itnprovemeat Assoc. Chairaets have yet to be arched ler the county exhibit cwawnittee and the -.aswtwhtaoe which will look atter !hunches to be sent out to line fields, as well as the billeting committee. Dom Pullen of Clinton, the Huron Ag. Rep.. is a key man in the entire organization in his capacity as secretary from the Wingikam Advance- Tintses 4824441 230 SAYP$Euae.cmums's __ weft Mardr 1 VINO ea/ der tr/tsa bevies a ear privately? AIM, cart tee saplain oboes*t anockaitat certilicaftat Car buyers s►wld be especially careful when contewrplatiag a private purchase as. unlike the registered dealer. the seller las neither a Licosa* to lose or a business reputation to protect. It's always wimp to check the car's registratioa, of the owner is a stranger) this can be done through the Ontario Motor Vehicle Rogietraties Branch. Parliament Buildings. Toronto. This will mashie you to find out if the automobile is a "one owner". or bow massy times it has changed hands. suitor* a used automobile can . be legally drivesOntaris. it must carry a tC�[s�iliitCabe of Mechanical Fitness from a certified mechanic. (Make sure he .is the owner or licensed irnsployee of a dealer or repair garage.) The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority is holding its eighth annual Parkhill Canoe Regatta on Sunday. July 25 at the Parkhill Conservation Area. Each year the event has grown in popularity with more races and larger numbers of participants and spectator*. Eight races are scheduled for the day beginning at 1:30 p.m. There are races designed to provide fun and competition for every member of the family. Registration takes place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. the day of the races. Registration tees are 53 per canoe. The usual. fee of $1 or a valid season's pass' is needed to enter the conservation area. Following the races. prizes. trophies and pins will be presented on the beach. The Parkhill Conservation Area is the largest con- servation area operated by the Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority. The area offers scenic nature trails. full camping facilities. playing fields. and an inviting beach area. The canoe regatta has become a permanent part of the summer program designed to encourage the public to become acquainted with this conservation area and others in The Authority's watershed. A surprise miscellaneous shower for Miss Willy Blom was held at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.• Nick Blom and was arranged by her sister Mrs. Liz Moir. The shower was *Idea Sunday. July 11. Some contests prepared by Rita and Annette Blom were enjoyed and the presentation . address was prepared by Mrs. Clarence Smillie and read by Mrs. Moir. Ron Littleton is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital London. Mr.f. and Mrs. Ken, McKay have had a holiday in the Mast. Jeff McKay riding a motorcycle collided with a car on Highway 4 on'Saturday afternoon. The accident took place one and one quarter miles south of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Herm.aw Speare of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gibson of Lucan. Miss Mary McGillivary London visited with W.L. and Mrs. Mellis on Sunday. What is High Performance? • OS Pound Pigs in 50 dates. • 1 Peeled Gioia for wader 2 heads of Nod. • Veer Hogs to Markt Sesser 1 Itluewater Centre assistant administrator Rots MacD.wiel, right. bids farewell to Reg 411 of Bayfield after Mr. Ball asa•wseed his retdrewseat recently. Mr. "Ball has been a driver st,tMe Centre, formerly Gederieh ! syehiatric Hospital, ler the past nine ears and was a familiar sight to many asisterists he the Gederich. Clinton area as ht• chaulfered doctors. nurses and osttpatleats front their bosses to the hospital. (staff -photo MOBILE SERVICE HAUGN Agent a TIRE SUM. Y 462-9796 ?47 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON plan en beim, married ire September and am wondering- il tl is will affect ray credit status in any way. Yes Your ability to obtain credit can be • affected. but •-rea,t Krartters should not let one spouse's poor status hast ,iny greater influence on the other's ability to obtain credit than if the situation were reversed. When you and your husband make a major purchase from jopnt income. lenders will combine your credit histories and consider you as a unit. in this situation, one spouse's poor credit history can lessen the value of the other's good one. You can still obtain credit in your own name s.nd accept responsibility for all debts you contract. 0 you rely on your husband's income.- however. tenders will ohen request that your husband, co-sign any credit forms. because even if you have your own income -and an established credit history. your husband's signature may be required for a major credit transaction. MASTER HIGHPERFORMANCE PI -STARTER Now Available On... Candide and Solarian Good Dividowtts Convewiewt .Mice been No Waiting ... We Have Two Expert Technicians Ready To Give You - Immediate Installation! 1 mailed in fl N P.O. 1.a moo in Teroato's Terminal A Pest Office wit% a filled mit coupon. This was to matte me a member of The Super Sa metes Club. which via supposed N mail t1lttMitt._ time to time. new samples at ne charge. 1 have heard ne*Aiwg sinm acrid tat was. last February, Our reader will be glad to hear that The Super Samples Club is a quite legitimate unit as*" Dyment Ltd.. a Toronto based firm hired to package s_ M- mail samples for bona fide media sampling firms. However it seems that the'box number 19060 is no longer in use. and to now changed to, P O Pox 1717, Station R. Toronto. • We have been ash said that our reade s name has no been added to their cu mailing list. and she will receiving various free sam es f 154 Nina St 0w Nig TiN !Fes. Diel 271-91130