The Exeter Times, 1886-9-16, Page 4IHI+� EX.ET.l.;.11. Is published every Tllut'sc}ay^ Morninfhat,the TI MES STEAM PRINT ILIO MOUSE Mann strost,ucarlyopposite Fitton's Jetvelery Store, Exeter, Out., by J01111 White sC Sen, Pro- mictol's. 11AT1.8, ir1' Aovniv,t}Il'G Pint illsortien per line„ ,10 cents, eseli sullsegneat irsertt ,zi kits 1incents. To iLaure insertion, IttlVQt'tlauuteht.F should ee sent hi not litter than Wednesday imirlling Our,/ OB PRINTING; D3i1P ' T11t1)NT is 0110 f the largest and best equipped in the Comity 1 Huron, Ali ti ort: aL trnstoct to its will r000iv w prompt attention, [7eelsiolus 'tenterel).itte °et x +S- I)tLlael's. e' Any person who takes a 1lt1perregularly from he post -office, R ilt+ther diroeted in his name or another's, or whether helms subscribed or Lot is'reenousibl5'for payment. 2 If a person orders his paper discontinued he must 1a t 1 Y rovincial Voters' Lists, As there seeills to be cQnsiclora,ble c}ifl% (runty on the part of iinuiicipal clerks ix making •' tt a t} • lr,t, 0 o 1 ,� 1 voters' lists for the present year we transfer to our .columns the fol- lowing extracts fromeletter, signed "Cain, dictate, whieh appeared in the Globe a few days ago. It indicates in a eeneise farm surto of the. more into which clerics are liable to fall. "Candidate” says : ant now receiving copies of the rotors' Nets for severe]. townslilli mulxioapalios, auil' scarcely two of thein are made out . on the! sante plait; while the majority of then ap- of election pxesctlbecl Uy i•LLv 0 two kinds I t eptly disregard the cleeeilieetton and and gllalificatlon3 of \ ot-er$ for th , In sortie voter's' lists the voters for Par -1 licenentary eleotiou3 only, ate in Part 1. its enal.itied to vote at Doth "Municipal' elections and elections to the LegisltLtive Assembly," „ Y, BORN. 1 Bxsserr Ire r, ou the 9th inst., tile wife of M. Geo, Bieeett, of a sen, } l�onlrtco70, _fn Hey, of the lull Mete the i wife of Rodger Northoott, of ;3rd con„ of n son. 0".RoURi:n, --.;lit.. 1' • . S r1�ka,on the lith fust. the wife of James O'Rourke, of a daughter. HANDFonu.—In .Exeter, on. the 15th nst• , the' wife of 'sea() Handford, of a daughter, , HARRIED. Corzeeso.—Swtezent..-_nn the 27th ult.,by the Rev, E. A. Fear, at the resideu,c the bride's father, Jolla C. Copeland, of Woodham, to Miss Mary Aura Switzer, of I3lanslzarci. MmrrsoN,—B:15ea. At the 112ethocl t 60n7Lhe Fill ar- I n, Fullerton, nS P b' 3 Rev. 11Ir. Caswell, uth 071 1 attoars ut• bh, c , t I's ibthos. 1 may send t a it t until. I11 thauayruonthsuxadq, otltc,tstllevoters for 'Municipal elections Iaxtou. loi,t the �ehoo antount whetll oil are£ n continue to S and n thou C of Zile paper Y o ndi 1 is taken from trio otiioo or not. I,arlianlentar and t l es qualified for both 8 In snits felt subscriptions, the'suit clay Ire Y lrl llttiiClp;el elections. 13nAIINt);—R01yE. -In Exeter Instituted in the place tvla Ono clerk t del at the reel. - t 1, DII•, r rl to mss B nIortao of Dl sten 1C 11 to ,nI1S rr Miss 1 �Ia le 02 Baker of I'ul- c ern n se s ere col 1 I developed d wto Pneu s -eci s. iii " elo the paper 1s pit - enters in Peet 1, as voter ice of the bride's fa n dangerous anti ob l ou,h rho subsorilaer uuty lesido illnnicipal and LegislatiL>e flssenibl voters lust b the R thtar, 021 the 15tH; My physician at once orderer elec.:- hundreds i,# miles av,�a)-. t• y ice, A 1 the u f 4 TL " A Common Cold Ie often the beglgniug of serious af'ec- tions of the Throat, 73rouchiel Tubes, and Lungs, There'ore the e lcuportance pf early and effective treatment cermet be overestimated. ,flyer's Cherry Pectoral Iwiv always be relied upon for the speed cure of a Cold pr Cough. Y Last January 1 was attacked with a severe Cold, wllieh, by neglect and fre- quent exposures, became worse, finallyp settling on my lungs. A terrible cough soon followed, aceonlpanied'by, pains la the chest, from which I suffered intensely.. After trying various remedies, without obtitiuulg rolief, I commenced taking Ay'er's Cherry Pectoral, and was 13 A R GA INS Speedily Cured, i I alai satisfi d a 1 11 a t t'. h 9 t el 1 n d ev sn• L ll." r ed f — m o. Jtl 0 Sc Y bste 1 la yvtt ' > uf. ct R .T. I contra t deal' c <,"which prsit, ing dtui nrom;t, present• vM LEARrn►c SAt, • Y e -,,ev. 117. 'Dlartin Mr loin e symptonxs. Iirauud, to Mies Rhoda second iter s Cherry Pectoral. Ills instruction. .ctvage. we , ; result was Chas. Rowe. a A 1• t ' entitled and permanent : plci se o tons, "land-otivlter's sorts" and I to folfowuY and earners"—ant glasses of voters not b of Air. Cil R , and daughter the re It I b cut y law to yore at Municipal elections. CaNNrvAl Tn Rogers Praire cute. —$, E. Simpson, sons" and "'voters," --apparently „ ' coli ,. , _ tun- as a "farmer ” atmunicipal vote ire Assemblyelections.gts a ' Another c "farm- ers' persons in "land holders' municipal .provisions Of. the "farmers' sons o '� idea elections to the ' acres, as- sessed each . s willgive votes value Sesser certify that no persons on the Ass' assessed o courts h • five decided ed th at refusing n" `ake i to. nC a LL el ser / Cl U ' 1 i 11 0.tiF' ' office, or removing audloavilt from itis host. . fOYiSjarllllafacieeYitlenCeQf1'Jtthem tentlgttllfrlted' A11U - ^� LL• At t i, Texas. 11 a t , that dell. enters in Palt 1 "farmers' be Methodist T1vo wars apo Isuffered parsonage, Crediton, on the 8th inst., by Rev. D. M. Isa- bella Margaret Canning, 0 t township, "income - otexs apparently Kennedy, Robt CaUo 0U t Miss Gold which settled n anni r1 severe NOTICE. un- conscious of the fact that a person entered I,t tot both of nlcdicines they salted various pbysiclrtus, and took the s son is only gasified to - t t y prescribed but received elections, one to tryAyer's friend induced 1 tun- er of putstanelilln Pec - taking After We have a large 1 th and not at Le 1 t only temporary relief. A'f accounts scattered in different quarters, t el s Chat i'v which, if paid would amonzrt to several loll enters qualified r Part i as , c f two betties of this medicine I was curer. Since then I have given the Pec hnnclrerl dollars Liicl assistgreatly.sons, thus ignoring the s ltiud u Ltetolvol on the 7th torah to my children, and consider It ?; e t 111tLAy a11bSCI 1be15 a fell 11Im1Clp'Ll '�Ct which 1 Elizabeth Jana Hutchison. t '� h B and tt e hope that they will sou b franchise muu 1 1 oaths, 16 days o ti Remedy � m Lung olds, Coughs, a Throat and DIED. There are' ltd ara rr a „ units the aged 23 e Best time in arrears for Golds make prompt settlement, as crops hate been f "owners" # f f EaoRETT I El,eter, th 1 ,Coughs end 11 sessed at such an amount as Robert V 1 1 in my Tamil}, HUvCnISON. I Elizins t., myears, — n inst., Thos. Eacrett, aged 27 years, 6 menthe n Pentenn.—In infant daughter a Pickard, aged 4 months and 3 days Margaret and 8 days. Some Vino ago.~ t , Exeter, on the loth inst., o films o 20 ou a 0th t ,e1e1 used good. this season, : u< erpool, Meadville, Pa, �----•= — ----= -.. — ._„ _ 1 of the olden sous up to the which being I took a slight Colt1 Jimmy o the lists er eta se el.' o neglected, se, m 11 :$-1. afeef y WQitl's. In lea f tl 1 received, the clerks ght of R t and 111 Bin t ttl 1 1r nr}grew worse ni lungs. I hada hacking cough, and \vas 'very nen ' w e 1 - sen in great danger.� Y life to be p ye Assembly electlonC than It 1 ss than one bottle f this I preservation n of nay 1f franchises Y to .., for L 1 k• i y weal: Those h R' vine best considered ollare qualified to * m 1'f •--•---- 1 tote at Legislative As -1 g , t I continued to suffer bly elect 1 1 TBR until I commenced using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Le THU.SRDAY, SEPT. 10th, 1886. ions on re c •' Y, although the •law ' �.._ SALE Rl+'rGIS + prescribes eso bssa lower franchise for the Legis - Municipal elections. does for AI The egis drive aril HALDLI U yD, at Parties getting their sale bill printed ing, free of charge :— this,oli'ice will receive a notice similar to the follow' eetl0n in this constituency, llelcl I' ogee, electrons are doubtless in a .'very Seminar, SEPT. 2�TH,—Farm stool- and complicated state, and county judges may implements, tEo,, the on the Sth inst., resulted in the return of doubt their right to certify trim of the Hooper, lot 6 J ' ,, to by a I voters' lists in their presentY property of Wm. Mr. Coulter, the Reform candidate eon; 1, Biddulm Sale at majority of 117. The scream of pleasure cheated above some f the voters' lists an one o'clock, Jas2Oke,2ND. Vol 1. with which the Biel papers hail the result �parently give the right. to vote at Leis P 1 at Grand Bend, - (store and re e shows the terror they were in, lest this R property, 1ve Assembly elections to persons not ire- propertyof A. (Gore and residence) act the strong Reform county would change its, cognized by law as legal voters at suck I Wm. Hole. nem Salo: at one stereotyped record and for once return a elections ; while others apparently intend o'clock; Conservative. Relying perhaps, too con -that persons not clothed with the municipalTII prosert SHPT. 23ite,bUMr.inlays 8dentlyupon. the electors of Haldu•I franchise ala vote at it ctRyan sty, in Exeter, owned; by J fan Y Municipal John d opal electi" R a S• rising to the b importance of the questions t � tl at Issue, and the gravity of - the present political situation, we had a dim hope that perhaps the riding might be redeem- ed, and 1!'Ir. Merritt be returned; but we were mistaken. - 1.en. Ourvillage contempor— ary el u or-- P dry in order to make the result look a little like an endorsation by an Ontario constituency of Edgar, Riel and rebellion, claimed the majority to be 200, and bases an editorial upon .these figures, although the true return was lalown two or three days before his paper issued from the office. 'What little the Reform party may make from this distortion of facts, they are welcome to. Now what are the facts? The they haveralw yshheld ve retained the earliest days of Canadian party history, by the smallest majority ever al. tY wen. I to do this; they have had to importointo the county their heaviest platform speak- ers and the full force of their party ma- chinery with joints oiled find wires ala Y n al eat 2. o cl ocic p, m,,. on the premises. Jas. Oke, auc. • FRIDAY, OCTOBER - 1ST, --Real "estate, farm stock, implements, &c., the property of Jacob Heist. lot 16, con. 6, Stephen. Sale atone o'clock ck p.m. p Hy. her Die, act xn, AY SEPTEMBER o , DMD nR ... 7 TH — implements, the property ofDavid tBIoock oma field, lot 9, con. 11, tp. DEcGiilivray, Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Henry Eilber, auc. THURSDAY, SEPTEMDOR 'eerie—Household furniture, &e., the property of Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Dashwood: Sale" at 2 o'clock, Terms, cash Henry Ana. . n xe lists do escape the vigilance of the county judges great difficulties will occur at the polls, when voters are challeng- ed as not qualified or as being entered under titles which the particular election law floes not recognize ' uz e or €n authorize ze the deputy t re- turning P Y e l nil ' ofil • tet to g accept andrecord ell. P on his boo - P These difficulties, . fiienit' fes and , the en- forcement of oaths will cause - many a legal- ly qualified voter to be turned away, or to loose his vote, because his qualification- is entered: by a wrong title on the voters' list used at the election. A Racy Epistle. The following is an excerpt from a let ter which the Seaforth ed Slirt' claims, la 1 ms , wee picked Le d up on the shores of Lake Huron: It may have been, but .it passed out of the Exeter Post Office. Win ie the writer s somewhat ha dissatisfied ' t ttsfied with Exeter, he has a loving re. gard for some of her fair daughters ScaronrH, Aug. 23rd, 1886. DE1R-.�.�— I arrives home safe on Thursday evening neulated from that new institution the ' last. but was very sorry that you did not Club, of Toronto; The full f (come up to Hensall that morning, Liberalof orce l ver, would like at this latter means the election pro- y much to u Seaforth a seen you. It has been test will probably show. Doubtless he Oil Co ebein hg. at late.attractionreat The Wizard "`mysterious stranger" of ;Lennox has evening. They hare jutleftthis mo ning been around again. It was also necessary' for Exeter where I'think theyh for Mr. Edgar to live in Raldimand for a needed as they recta; e are verymuch fortnight, and call into play all the trusty ppoe to put some lite in the people. I suppose Mr. and._! means by which he lost so many votes,,Mrs.----are well. They make a fine look - and the election once in a scrutiny before ing couple, Weil -_, I won't say Vice -Chancellor Blake, in the neighbor- this time uutilI hear from much en ing county of Monok. It was necessary probably ' belwill send you more news; and for the Reform party in order to ca) maty be more interesting to you, During this election.to disown the means by splendidlyy short stay out there I enjoyed . myself -which Chambly was won a few'"weeks basking in your s smiles; but would have e before, enjoyed tom claim sen mf ever �that atYso Reform much ` rm'n h mealmore ' means oneIh e lfI thing in Quebec, another in Nova Scotia and. something, else in Ontatio. Mr. Ed- gar stated that he spoke and made com- pact for himself and not for. the party, though the party reaped the benefit of the pretty little game. These are some of the causes of Mx•. Coulter be- ing able to write M. P., after his naxne, and all the honor that he stainless great- ness of Mr. Blake can extract from thein he is welcome to. icld to these the fact that the Conervative party had given up Haldimand for years and were not in a position to do more than test the reserve strength of their opponents there, and then we cm have not an idea of the re pulse of Haldimand; but simply data to go upon and measure future results by. Don't sing too loudly gentlemen, of the Riel Revenge and Ruin party at this 1it- a nl y known you longer and had a 1 chance of pouring out my soul's love to you. DER and 1886, at lO o'clock nDm s to hear Tat d flowever, I think.you know my charactr as I determine ons onethe oVoters' iy st of the rmuniC - it is, which 1 think Will be well 'recommend- , 'pality of Usborno for 1856. All persons haying ed by any pet'sou in Seaforth. In regard e o; he (sstiwehancourt are required to. attend at you and I corresponding do uot Jet as sou know about it even your ow f Clerk, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22s-d.—Farm stock and implements; the property of Robert Woods, Lot 10, con. 8. Usborne. Sale at 1 o'clock, p. ni. Harry Brown, Auc. F.RA1R GREASE^$LE BEST IN THE WOULD tom' Get the Genuine. SoldEvetywhere. AD VERTISERS by 2dlressing GEO.. P. RO WELL & 00. 10 sprue S t can learn the exact cost of any!j New" York, ofADVLiiTISTNG in Anlerican Newspapers. t.1 -100 -page Pamphlet. 10e. OTIOE.—Aly wife Lizzie Brown out anng, having left mybed and:; board tvith- yjaet cause or provocation, I hereby warn any persons against harboring or en couraginp her, oraivirg her credit on myac- count,as I will' not be responsible for any 1 debts she may incur. and will prosoute any party or parties harboring. o.- encouraging her ;1 In absenting herself from her home. J. W. BROWNING, TUTEES LIST COURT.—Notice is hereby given, Viola court will be held Pursuant to "The Voters List Act," by His, Honor, the County 7 y ;fudge of the of eT0Court the County L Huron, at the TOC County HALL 1;LI141YILr 17 u elks for Sept. 1030. the world, as I onslder this "a _U tiw OL�IAN Ct cor- respondence." 1. intend yelps upthe�p for a trip next week but I hope to hear from I FAR LIS FOR u ISAI, you first. Let me know how all the boys are p and also dou't forget the ladies.'Hoping I each, for sale or will take a house and lot in Two splendid farms, containing 100 a crew that you are well and enjoying yourself' and Part payniontfoe oue. These farms are situ - that I may hear from you ere long, I remain I aam t3d in the township of Brooke, to tie County yours affectionately and trnely, situ fedi beingiuon israilwaycandsschools. igiVill From a; loving friend. i sell cheap. By paying two or three hundred dollars down, the purchaser can „ave' his own P. S. --Address, Box--- ----- - l bine for paving balance. at C per ceut interest. Another P. S.—x x x—rheas are Cissas. I All particulars given by applying to WILLIAM BAWDLN, A SIGNIFICANT PETITION Goderich, On t• tie skirmish, fOr we have too much canfi- {1HAr SETTLERS THINS OF EDWARD DLARE'S deuce in the good sense and loyalty, not PARADISE 1 only of Ontario, (for we are not one Pro- I To the Honorable the Minister of the Interior vine men,) but of the whole Dominion, of theD tO fear any combination of Edgar, Laurier ouunton of Canada. I (l1? CANADA. and the musket he would have carried 1 ' t's, the settlers of Caviller County, have 1 HEAD ObPICE 1 iota, United States" humbly petition to have HAMILTON ONT been as 1 township 1. mime F r.;,;,l,.t,.. west of the THE MERCHANTS' VE MJO-- EC T iNG ASSOCIATION PROTECTI COLL drat principal ,ineridiau, thrown open for homesteading settlement by settlers in Da- • a lis stock of courageimmea- surable as his tongue. When Canada wants a Government men tw whose only slander er a nd rebellion elhan be not afraid but that she will oil nose men o. f sweeter re- putation than British Columbia Edgar, Yankee Schoolmaster Mills and Timber Limits Cook. EDITORIAL, .VQ`1P..5: ESTABLISHED 1884, Is au Assoc.ation of biisines i 2 E LDB'iS • and t 0 al men a and prefe94 ha s10 . 1 n having fol'ita object the _ IU , O• NO` U ..L• - people r ev 1; C P 4t e P r P nt ear frIt residin 1n Dakota,--� p � d I om making bad debts by furuiahin omoora gsome o f whom a with lists of artierS-them • pe i ton tm o others havin Merchants their signatures to this t t' append, p who do not nay. 1tf h and th pI ore yon to become mann lire by rem. ttinollect, :wishing o l behalf of themselves and neighbors simi- Managers, Hamilton, ')nt., will rec .iv o 0 larly situated to open for homestead settle- g d te7•ao to oar meat township1,6, riudl al born mail etc.711,, dfor l•s, e91'tlflc la. find n Y°� range west of p p bersliip, etc. (lend for testimottisle. eiu- meridian Their reason for petitioning you I J, BIDWELL MILLS s (p„ is twat the excessixe taxation at the late of Wh •ntaua6ors liauuitou fou 1 1 alf cents on the dollar, t.attlos are been discharged. RNINOr-1111, warned against hay i n anything tI1h1 D t Y tt O do with lt. Fanll, ... hit}ling from St. 63arya, he having+ 1 _ t ran one, 1 oar, to - .For the first two monthscurrent :• gether with the fact thi t' everything a man of the cur ren o • t possesses, p from at , er m engine fiscal ne c,to L1 t6at there i `vat` I is h s bti •in surplus in the_ his D ao•• ' po ,,he ' t is I subject e, , 1, to Jas r -scab mi U minion �C t treasury of 538,040. Should the �reuders fnruniug_or cattle raising which. favorable state of brad° ~which this neote- as a bust- noes unrenumerative. As.we are at a non aces continue for the next ten months, elle'' Mmistcr of Finance will be able to boast of a surplus of 'between two and three millions. It is a good beginning; and we ulr+ut, ubanciuntug our cliliths in Dakota accept it as augury of returning prosperity, ,Teriitoi'y to be once m. re, ander the DIiti-1, Inc" number of viaitore to the Colonial left' which We heartily regret ever havinb Exhibition fart week was 222,179, This total it is interesting to note is more than double ts, Samuel ren pray, Joseph Iwis, the attendance at the fisheries Exhibition in licit, s Lawrence, a Lawrence, J:tmcs: Lewis, the core s,,oudit�g wick df 1833, the latterPat,ebonies Lerch;„ J. Steele, ph Ridge havicp boon on1�•,1.1(1,-131. At the Livens icic 1leRobL B Steele,: Joseph Ridley, ions x,1,1 health iiishi i tiot.is, the attr't, Iaueea E. Taylor, Robe , of epi 1 dley,. .oneself, r: `1 11 1 J. i J + Maley, It the corresponding ,r Jus' to nn r Joseph dl r weeks were 13.t LIi9 3� J Ridley, M. ICoo,vzt,. ! g + L'hanlu- Thom, Nobt. Forsythe, Rubt, arid 1 d _ . 5 3 6 re c I I v p ` e very IMO Forsythe, , le rsvt • ht, sa k'h'I". Philip , t B,t' finis ler• year 1N Il 1 c.11 ti eft � btlrsti , vm dt • i e Better- awe/imitation 1t, n n el., � , Vm , , I{r al lu large r1Alex e IFat;ilr•, • e E to 1, ritOt the (lf ft ••11 U N. f thePens lrtu•• John <rl of ]11 ituhii lliiit�s in reducing t a price of nrlm Bei,+n to !, David t1 13la. Iiohiw. the working cl•1 cr', laid to ten Id ren. The The luuric,v of the a large cat eombin- toral 11ttelloance to date is reallili}nrrt take it large ecuaidcrthei "OL3 SS=:, as and read tit' above petition 'M any of their Agai st o 108,300 et the Ensentn,i,s Exhibit- tneetiug.t•, They have been too busily esu- ion, 2,393,882 al. 1117• Ar ttith F,zliibition, and p1oyed ae emigration agent, for 1,634,385 at the L+i-irtri, s blxbilliti"n._ the United ,Strifes to' tiiiiiS of doing anything of that soft, ancefroar a railway and entirely without timber,a large body of us aro not only wiiaug bat anxious to keep lip land in township 1, range 6, it throwu open for houl,tend settl• e. MAiL _ i10i5, liable medicine cured nle, and I feel that I owe the i e its curative powers.—Mrs. inn Lockwood, Akron, New1 r Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is considered, here, the one great remedy for all diseases o1 the throat and lungs, and Is snore. in demand than any other medicine of its class.—J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ask. York. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggists.Price $1; six bottles, $i. Additional particulars of the disastrous cyclone in the Island of Cuba last 'month show that the destruction was widespread. The total loss is estimated at five million dollars. Wanted ted immediately CANVASSERS IN THIS COUNTY FOR TEE NEW HOME BI B A lif Dar CCDIPREHENSIYE FAMILYBI]3LE, containing the Revised and Authorised Ver- sions of both the Old and Now Testemente,ar- rangedin p.tirallelcolumns, -Italso-contains a complete cyolopeedia of Itiblioal knoaleage, 850 additional features, and nearly2500illustra- tions• The largest, cheapest and most ele- gantly bound Family Bible ever published. The ,demand unparalleled, Ivory intelligent person wanting a copy. Some agents are making $50 to r$10O weekly. Clue, sold TSU oow hint or. ing his first few weeks' work Another agent reports 17 Bibles sold last •week. I'lxperience is not necessary. Send to the sole publisher for descriptive circular and liberal terms. Bibles in. over 100 varieties. Also a line of Standard Subscription Books and cheap Photo- graph Albums. C. BLACKETT ROBINSON, 5 JORDAN Sr., TORONTO. ' .P ubJiahor, l' J01 -11\T UNDERTAIER CABINET-MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS SOF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TIO N. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings' Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. 1 My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. £GIVE ME A CALL areerseameezenesetztentaineentannsamemeets CONT"�'�ACT. PALEUSEPAItATE TENDERT Rd,}r°s,orl to t11 1 will ber°coiwc,t at ° I'osttnnator General 0 frill be e> • Ott..wa, 113551 noon, on ,1 oepolih31t,1880, for the convey- /Ince of her Majesty's Mails, o C1 a Contracts r1 5)30 1t etr 0 H ' i'1 0 1SOd fp four years, 0 3 s end t<i e 0l/24 timed I ca tme l3K (.Liv per c1 ,nae .V b t v ver b and of nl wee It' , „ . �Y >: + XC , and TE d , R 75t illi R i,n rt U , and dr Y LONDON, & it D Bit r CN fJ F' G1 NAIL •, ; L, , WA the 1r,tdfrant,n.rj;,lext, YS1AiION,froiii Pr1 tri r,oticen ,tontainitlgfurther infornt- atlott ere re 303015 one of pr'oposod Contract may be sear, and bhang forms of lender may ire obtained at the Post trelcbs of'E:teter iitld Hay. It: Iv, n.ttsrrrtlt, Post 011ie Tnslrlctm•'p Unite, st Ofllce Inspector. London, Sept. loth 188d.1 • ADVERTISERS ERS. Ca an learn the exact cost.. fanyproposed line r P P reef ' advertising t>sl. n m American C an13I ERO' by papers addressl<n Geo. P. Rowell & C New paper Advertising aure*u, 10 Spruce St., New York, Send tOot*, for 1004. 'age Pamphlet. /DRYGOODS EVERY DAY CASHMERES, J SILKSSe SATINS PRINT MUST CLE .A men OUT TO MADE ROOM FOR FALL STOCK EVERYBODY DY C0 E �T P.A. Y� TO GO TO It.4!..T9Alr BROS. Buy HARDWARE uy AT THE "OLD ESTABiISHED To be Sold at wools 13ottosa, P'rie . ,�1es, Wholesale and Retail: Car Toad of Cut and Wrought Nail German Window. Glass,g sand Spikes ;car load of Star, Diamond Star, D, . Thick . Czar load of Binder Twine now on h - • and F1 , ,, �•' Ma r ax Manilla, liT1X, a r , cheap for cash; Car load Water, Pure Plaster,'Lime, 1 m e Hair, Calcine � ' �tl Fire cl >7 e Brick 1 ck and and Steel, two and f Clay ; Five car loads of Iron our barb, Buckthorn and Ribbon 25 car Loads 'B,lacksmiths' Chest 'Wires;(Order Binder Vine' nut, Stone and Soft Coals. and Fall supply Coal earl HARVEST TOOLS.—Spades, �•�:,:.:. P Forks, (alll:Mowers, Reapers, Binders,' Scythes Hay Forks, Ropes, Pnilies, Machine OilsRakes, kinds.) IN BUILDERS' HARDWARE.—Rim, Y Sash Weights, a full line. Rm'1 blot rise and Dead Locks, Hinge Hand Saws, IN CARRIAGE GOODS.—Patent Wheels Dash Leathers, Muslin, Drills, Ducks oil Cloth,oBuokraTops,SBent Stuff n'ales, &s duel IN PAINTS.—Elephant and James' Lead, Raw and Boiled i h Oil • •'les,.m Paints, Tubes, Colors, Transfers, Drop Black Oak V oiled d Shefl 011s,'Ready:made IN MILL SUPPLIES, -_Asbestus, Jutes and arulsh and Shellac., Belongs, Rubber Hose.Hemp Packings Files, Gauge Glasses, Pipe and Fittings, .A Leather Goch Rubber Above goods, having been bought at manufacturer's prices, will be sold cheap. e , tlllgle,and Glohe;Calves. JAS. PIC]iA1 D. 1f WIZARDQ-j. ---AT SCARLETT'S DRUG STORE ! 9 s CATARR,.1�H CV1R,E AT DRU STOREI WATCH THIS SPAdE "T 7 CliCANGE OP ADVT. 1 t: jr a1 fa tt 8t al ha be Pi m vii yes tot Pee sl str oth ow am alas eon toe hon ple Be the and Beef infol popt: stab auth terse eon ti there Dept this l mud. The'/ for a A Brow 1 da: y 1E after I bul''i OCe0h 1 ,.inter away was fo Decent respect' set'erai lb'bert danght