The Exeter Times, 1886-9-16, Page 3fir tj rt HBALT, The' Sleep'n Nubia. e The ability''" to tilesp well le one of the lost excellent qualifications which can be mimed by a hard worker in any 'where of e, Sleeping is very much a matter of, bit, and there isno doubt that the tiking sleep at regular onle one of the molt oellent mane of preserving health ; but ere are many professions and provisions; e fife that do not admit of absolute regula- te?. in respect to rest or deep, Physolans, and in foot professional men generally, are jelled upon to discharge duties which ne aessitate long periods of severe labor and ineuffieient and irregular sleep, Such por• One may to a large degree atonefor the tranegreeeion of the physical law requiring !regularity of sleep, by acquiring the habit of 'sleeping whenever opportunity affords, even ,though the hour may not be the one usually 'devoted ton Wellington rest, Napoleo and W gton have often been quoted ae pereene who took little sleep, It la said of both these men that they rarely slept more than four henry at night. „Thio lo unquestionably an neu- fiotenti oust to maintain the wear and tear*motive body, and numeroue anec- dotal en port that belief that both Napoleon n and Wellington really secured a mach larg er amount of sleep than it generally sup- posed. l?or instance, it was reported of Welling. ten that it was not an infrequent thing for him to fall asleep at the dinner table in the midst of a meal. In one instance he fell into a profound elnmber in the midet of a repent to which a number of his friends bad been invited. Out of deference to the Iron Duke, all the guests suspended eating, and maintained the utmost silence until he awakened. On another occasion hie son, while riding with him, was , astonished to discover that his father was sound asleep. Tree horse, a fast trotter, was going at a high rate of epeed, and the Duke held the Ilnea. His son was obliged to awaken him to save a disastrous collision, but received ne other recegnition fer his service than the angry exclamation, ".Mind your own. bnalneee, young man!" Napoleon was famous fer "taking forty winks" when riding in hie oarrlage or when- ever opportunity afforded. Both of ;these men probably managed to get nearly the average amount of sleep. For a man whose habits must neoesearlly be irregular, it la a valuable acquisition to be able to fall aeleep at almost any time when opportunity affords —when riding on the oars, waiting in a rail- way station, or at any ether time when ne- cessarily disengaged, to Improve the chance to put in the time in sleeping, providing nature has been defrauded of the neoeseary amount ef time for repair and reon errtion, By thio means, one who ould otherwise breakdown under a constant etrain of men- tal activity, may be enabled to prolong his nsefnlnese, when otherwlee he alight meet the expeotatiene of hie friends in a complete physical break down. Oanse of Short Life. Dr, Hitoh000k, the eminent professor of physical culture at Amhel;et, believes that the reason why the average length et life h only forty years, ie that man and women live too fast. Their heads are prematurely bankr pt; their etemachs are worn out, their ri,," kidneye and muscles are ever- workedr. If the use of tobacco Increases the next as it has during the past twenty. five years we shali net enly know ef sadden death from heart and brain injaries cense quent upon it, but we shall see in the An- gie -Saxon rape, men emasculated and sorely d fioient in musonlar strength, gth, A look ef control over our bodily and mental functions is one reason why we liveforty instead of seventy years. STRANGE WAGERS. Be Lich Have Become Historical. A gentleman at one of the London clubs made a wager of £100.thtt he would stand fer an entire day ata point en London bridge with a tray of gold eovereigns, and Offer them at a penny eaoh withont finding a pur- dhaeer. He wen the wager, as the passers- by supposed the coins were brass and de- clined to invest. Tho Master of the revels of George II, was regarded as the ugliest person in the kingdom, as none had been found who could suooesefully coutemd against him for this distinotion. 0 ae of the noblemen of the court laid a wager that he could pre - duce a person surpassing -him in thie- re - sprat, At the time appointed he canoed a notoriously homely fiehwoman that he had heard of to be brought, who stood by the side of the champion, With the approval of the present wearer of the belt, the palm was about to be awarded to her, when a bystander, probably interested also in the remit of the decision, suggested that the champion put on the old lady's ,bonnet in order to make the conditions of the contest more (quail, He 'did se, when the added nglinoes was se emphatic an'° indescribable, that the victory was awarded to him, Another wager, which is somewhat famil- iar owing, to the extraordinary oiler/Icier of the feat, was that of Sir John Throokmor- ten, which was for one thoaeand guineas that he would wear a suit of clothes in tho evening made from the wool taken from sheep the same day. At 5 a'oleok on a Sum - mor morning in 1811 two S,uthdoon sheep were shorn, the wool ,was .washed, roved, spun, carded and woven ; the cloth was scoured, fulled, dyed and dressed; the mea - euro taken, the suit cut and completely made and worn at a dinner given' by Sir John at 6 o'oleok in the evening. The wagers made en the speed of horses are so common, and the home and condi bone so uniformly of a commonplace char- acter, that they, hardly' command attention a the score of novelty. Donkeys have es been put en their speed, a quality hey have not been popularly oupposed ts. ,.,Deas, Aboet twenty yeare ago a race foo_ called) came off on the Ntewmarket course to decide a bet of L100 mode by the owner of a denkey that he would go, 100 hilae in twentyfoar hours. The meek. looking little chap net only let hie master out in good form, but had fully three hours to spare, After the battle ofGettysburg an (filter In command of an Int antry brigade made a wager with a Eitel rjffioor in the cavalry than, more than one-half the muskets captured would be found to have ono or mete oharQea still in them. Thin led to the discovery of a very singular fact, At that battle' 28,000 naueketo were taken, of whish over 18,006 were found to be loaded, Some 12,000 coin twined two loads and 6,000 had from three to ten loads eaoh. In many'edemas half. were driven n u•dozsn balls iv in on a si gle obarg'e of powder, while In not a few in- stances the former possessor had reversed or and put the ball in first usual ori . he ngu t P Some ludicrous and amusing wagers were paid en the reaalt of the Preafdential nieo tion. A Meadville (Pa )01'1 bet fifty khane ,against a Winter wrap that ,Blaine would carry New York, A JET RErRIBIIrION, The.Punlehmcnt of an Unnatural Ken, -, Aattt: fifteen yeare ago I set up shop tic' lawyer in a young town in Brltieh Oelumlfa` and the very firet oale'that came to me you one to delight a lawyer's heart, An aged woman named Mary Sharon had deeded all ler property to her eon William, on the itnder to di h p n that as Bunion n the a. ther and'de a .and.eo during the rest eer life. After a year or two he became anxious' to get rid of her, being vigorouily encouraged by his wife, and matters were made so •het, for the old lady that she could no longer stay in the heuee. Indeed, she was turned out of it, and but for the charity of neigh - horn would have DIED OF HUNGER AND EXPOSURE, While she had a copy of the agreement drawn in legal form and good evidence in a suit, none of the five or lex lawyers would take her case because of fear of the son. William had given out that he won.d kill any lawyer who meddled with the Daae, and he had the reoord of being a desporate; revengeful man. When tho mother oame to me she frankly warned me that I meet look out for Bill, but when I had looked into the case I determined to beoomo her oounsel, Bill er no Bill, My first move was to send for the eon, to see if he desired to carry out his agreement. He came into my elate In a swaggering, defiant way, having a revolver buckled to him and three drinks of whiekey behind hie 'net . buttons, Ho cursed the mother, me, the law, and all else, and wound up with ; " Now, then, you go ahead, The minute you make trouble for me, I'll make a oorpse of you." " And now you look here," I answered, as I brought out a Dix -shooter to cover his head, " I'm in this Case to the bitter end, and whenever you feel like shooting don't wait for me to begin." Bill was a header and a coward. He turned white as flour, and became ae hum- ble as a lamb. He went out of the elfin like a our, but I knew the feeling raging in hie heart, and I realized that ho would BRING ABORT MY DEATH if he could do it with oafety to himself. I had the proper papers eervod and the suit opened. Bill made hie threats and boasts but kept olear of me, 1 expeoted he would fill up some day and oome into town for a shooting acrapo, but he had another plan to work en. We had a euro case, as hie friends. informed me, but he was determined to bluster it out. Mycifioe was ever a stare, and reaohed by outside stairs. There was a front and a" bank reem, and the latter, I being a bache- lor, was used fer my bedroom. It was the fashion to leave all doors open during the day, and when I left my officio en any er- rand, or to go to court, it was not looked When it became known around that I had taken Mrs, Sharon's case, and bluffed her son, Bill, I had plenty of small betimes to leek after, and was mnoh ef the time in the Courts. One day, j net before the big suit was to come to trial, I wont into court on an ordin- ary snit, and was detained three er four hours. The ofHoe was left open as usual. As l returned to it, three or four citizen° accompanied me, and as we reached the.foet of the stairs we heard a terrible yell from the roome above. Next moment Bill Sha- ron came rushing down the narrow stairs hatless, eyes starting from their sockets, and S1/013 A LOOS OF TERROR on his face as I never saw before' or since. He rushed past no, shrieking and yelling, and it wan only when he was clear of us that we madeout the horrible truth. Twe great rattlesnakes were hanging to him— one oy the right wrist, and the other by the right leg. They squirmed and twisted and flopped as he ran, and his'eoreame•and exclamations brought ant: the whole town, He ran about a block, and then lay down in the street and rolled over and over, and the snakes let go of him and were kiliei as they orawled•away. Bill had been bitten'in three places, The only an'.idote suggested was whiskey, and a good two quarts wore peered down him without the elightest 'relief. It did not in the least stupefy him nor quiet his excited condition, and in an hour he was dead --his bloated body and purple face presenting a horrible sight. It did net take much head- work to discover how it all came about. Bill wanted revenge on me, and hie plan was to leave the rattloenakea in my bed • roam. Ho had taken them there in a box after seeing that the coapt was clear, and had dumped them out on the floor. The box was there to prove it. In his haste to be gone he had been earelese, and as the ser- pent] were loosened they turned on him and fastenedtheirfangs in hie flesh. It was re- tribution, but none of us oeald help but pity his horrible fate, TERRIBLE DEATH OF A TEXAS .BOY. From the Bite of a Rabid Dog- The Mad Sone 'Proves Useless. On the farm of W. K. Gandy, near Fort Werth, Kan,, a rabid dog bit Walter Gandy, '4 years old, in the face. Several of the animal's teeth entered the flesh in the cheek and above the eye. The little bey did not suffer, except from the laoora- tien, but the parents at once took him to Denten, where a mad stone was applied, It would net adhere, and it was said that no virus haat entered the system. Not eatlsfied, the father took the boy to Mine- field, where a second mad atone was applied, It also- refused to adhere, Saturday the little fellow said his throat was sore and refuted• to eat. He.would crywhen water was brought near him, and soon became frantic. Physicians went out from Fort Worth and exhauetod their skill, but the boygrew worse and , greenish .foam issued from his mouth. His piteous Dries and oentortions were 'eimply horrible. A little playmate came to see him yesterday and Walter snapped at him; biting him elightly in the face, The physicians fear this boy has also boon inoculated ;with the poison, In the evening the sufferer became quint for awhile and slept for a few memente. Hes' ok ` w e with the tremor, barked like a dog, bent himself nearly double, gnashed his teeth, blood and foam gushed from hie mouth, and he was dead, Mrs, Gandy, the mother of the boy, is prostrated with grief. It is feared she will die from the shook, Have Yoh Thought About It? Pain is one of the sure things of life, and iteco b mea then a moot important question to have at hand the quickest and most oft - dent reinedy. Poison's New y iliac cannot fail to cure ornmpe, totithaohe, neuraigia, hoadaohe and all pain, internal er external, Nervilino be the Most perfoot combination ever offered to the publio for the relief of pain, It will not coot yen much to try for you can buy at any drug Store for 10 dente a trial a bottle tic h will o you of he mighty,y, iwn relieving o onvince; Ya p g p wor. Adam and live wore tried in the apple- ate court; Row Married Women Go to Sleep. There is an article going the reunde, titled. "• Hew the Glrie Ga to Sleep," T manner: in'whlob, they go to sleep, ecce Mg to the article, oon't hold a candle the Way Married Woman goes to shi Inetead,of thinking what she should ha attepde;d, to before` going to bed, ate thin 9f it, pfterwtrd. Wui1e eha'is revelvf these matters in her mind, and while snu ly, tucked up in bed ; the hid man is sorato Mg his legs in front of the fire and wend lug how' he will pay the next menthe re lo 'Suoddkenlythed eheoort exolaima : "" James, did y „ " Whioh door ?" says James. "The cellar door," Saye she, " No," says James, " Well, you had better go down and to f or I heard some one in the book ya laetnigl`t.", A000rdingly James paddles down t ataire anal looks the door, About the ti James returne and le going to bed she r marks : " Did you shat the stair door 7" "No," says James, "Well, if it ie not shut the oat will get into the chamber," " Let her come up, then,„ says Jame ill 'natured?y, ” My goodness, ne 1" returns hie wife "She'd suck the baby's breath," Then James paddles down•ataire agai and steps en a tank, and closes eche ata deer and oursee the oat, and retu'rns to t bedroom. Jest as he bogies to climb in hie couch hie wife observes : " I forgot bring up some water ; enplane you bring u some In the big tin." And so James with a muttered ours goes down into thedark kitchen and fat over a chair, and rasps all the tinware e the wall le search of the " big " tin, an then j arks the stair doer open and howls Where the demo are the matches 7" She gives him a minute direction whet to find the matohes, and adds that e would rather g and get the water hem than have the whole neighborhood raise about it. After which James finds th matches, procures the water, and comps u attars and plunges into bed. .Presently his wife gays : " James, let' have an :understanding about money mat tars. Now, next week I've got to pay— " I don't know what you'll have to pa and don't care 1" shouts James, as h lurches around and j ams his face against th wall ; " all I want is sleep." t" That's all very wall for you," enaps hi wife, as she pulls the oover viciously ; "ye never think of the worry and trouble Have: And.there is Araminta, who, I b lieve le taking the measles." Letleer take 'em," says James. Hereupon she begins to ory softly, bu about the time James h falling Into a gen tie doze she punches him in the ribe wit her elbow and says : " Did you hear that soandal about Mr Jones?' "Where ?' says James, sleepily. " Why, Mrs. Jones." " Where!" inquires James, " I deolare," said his wife, ""you ar getting more stupid every day. You kno Mrs, Janes, who lives at No. 21 ? Well day before yesterday Susan Smite told Mr Thompson that Sam Barker had said the Mrs, Jones had---" Here she paused and listened, James 1 snoring in profound slumber. With a eco of rage elm pulls all the covets off hi wrap up in them, and lies awake until A. M,, thinking ho'v badly used she is And that is the way the married wema goes to sleep. It Wasn't a Sickly Oonntry. "" Isn't this a sickly country 7" said I stranger;to an Arkaneas man. "No, sir," tt Than wh Is it th t nearly see is sick?" Y a r y every one " Oh, the people is sorter sickly, but country never gets siok, Never heerd o doh a thing, all my life," Slang le not elegant, but it le ef wonder ful aseletanoe to suffering humanity. "Look at that fat fellow," remarked a man, addressing an old gentleman who stood near him ; "" he's so fat, that he mus be a burden to himself." "I `don't thin that he Is," the old gentleman rej ained "upon the contrary, I think that ne ie burden to me," A burden to yea? Ho se sir ?" "" He married my daughter." Corporal to Soldier—P" Why is, the blade of the sabre curved -instead of straight ?" Soldier—"" It is curved in order to Rive more force to the blow."" Corporal—'' Humbug 1 The sabre is ourved so as to fit the Raab - bard. If it was straight how would yon get it into the crooked Scabbard ulock- head ?" A Camden, N, J., man has invented and is having built an ocean tricycle. It will be made entirely of iron and steel, except a small platform where the operators will stand. The wheels will be eight feet 1n diameter, and will be worked by lever s from the platform, whioh will ba twenty- seven feet from the ground. The idea is to run this machine out to stranded vessels when they lie in water not ever twenty feet deep. The inventor says that three miles an hour can be made with the tri- cycle. ,I A perfect specific -1r, Sage's Catarrh Remedy. A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS, Opium, morphine, oh oral, tobaoce, ' and kindred habits, The medicine may be given in tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it if so desired, Send 6e in stamps, for book and testimonials from those who have been oared, Addrese M. V. Lubon, 47 Welling. ton St. East, Toronto, Ont, rut this out for future reference, When writing men• tion this paper. Yes, my ohl'd, Woddingsdey was put im- mediately after Chooseday on purpose. A Free Fight. The`great reputation of Biggs' Electric Oil le such that it has induced unprincipled por- sons to adopt other names as near like it as possible. The proprietors of Briggs' Electric Oil have the name and style of the Electric 00 registered both in Canada and the United States,:and no one can use it but themselves. Others, hearing of the success of Briggs' Eleo. tric Oil have adopted other names similar auoh as "" Eoleotrle Oil," "Electron Oil," &o., and are Striving to induce the pubiio to buy them in- stead of the genuine Electric 011. factdetermined were theythat the 1n ac so t t brought a suit at Law, in the HigCourt of Canada, to deptive 13rigge & Sone of their right to control o same • but th o r and the t oduta the Minister of Agriouituro at Ottawa fully sus- tained their registered trade mark. B l i oil sures houmatisru Nen Briggs' Electra) o o It ralgiaa Sprelne and Brutes complaints arising . from old etch as ore PiiroaE Cough. A'sth Ma, ton s i i)and difficult Breathing, a,13ro Ch t s B g, Patrons of ,Ilusbendr =-Wives. y Don't'nte anymore neneednspi rgatives such ae •Pills, Salle, &m, when you can get in Dr,' Carson's Stemaoh Bitters, a tnodleine that movne the Bowels gently, cleansing all lir pur-1I !tide from the %setote and tendering the Blood pulp and cool. Groat Spring Medioine Ioote, What a Change: ea, A few short week; ago that young gii he wall the pereonidoation of health, vigor and rd. beauty. The blush upon her oheeka rival. to led that of the rose i her +step was light ane ep, buoyant, her every movement was a revels' ve time of ptrfeot physical health, Yet nota Ice ahs is pallid and haggard, and her super• to abundant vitality hat given pleas to a g. strange dulineee and lasaltude. What has h aimed this ohange? Fanotional irregular;• er• ties, which can bo cured by Dr, T'ierce's nt, "Favorite Prosoriptfon," a remedy -to os' which thousands of women today owe their lives, , Al lira e ate gg_ ....When a merchant takes au article of goods worth Simnel merks it at $7 50 he wats to be understood es selling out regardless of 0 mat. It is the pnrohaeer who must regard rd Boat in anoh cases, $ lle 'Fire proof Paper May be:Made," et gaga " e• qe a sofentifio , exchange, from a pulp, consisting of one part vegetable b re, two parts asboatos, ono -tenth part borax, and one-fifth part alum " It is a pity that ouch up faots as the one following gannet bo welt. a ten, printed or oCherwise preserved, upon ' some sort of indestruotib paper. "" My 4 wife suffered seven yeare and was bed rid den, toe," geld W. E. Haestie, of E nporfa, n Kangas, " a number of physfoians tailed to i' help her, Dr, Pieroe'e ' Golden Medical Le DIeeovery' eared her," ll druggists sell to this remedy, Everybody ought to .keep it. to It only needs a trial, P A.P.297 ho y, g, ip s, rt 2 k400 a w e, ir13N—TI•IREE—and Is 1�.�yg�- good dREPRESENTATIVE : ohip, Matrimony olroulare. o Toronto, If 0 / ®fry plays, 15 d' halt•price. e. two Indies—as Canvassers' pay. H, E. KawxnDY, Toronto. Ont, in each county to Bell "Pre. l and sandskindredbook Court- themse.oWrite for Intoraational Book and Bible Howse,' Ont. So Acre Ferner 3 00 60 -Aero Farre U —1 tulle from Dundalk -100,000 nosing cents; 100,000 5 cent mueto; inettumente BUTLAND, 37 King-st. W., Toronto. 1 - Jae Jae improvements Ing to poets; e °Iranian. . Ont. " A GEISTS [� County, e thingg 001; receipt of e SAW MACHINES—ALL SIZER -LATEST ; books baud saws for attach. neat, cheap and durable; send for JOHN SILLIES & CO., Carleton Place, WANTED—IN EVERY TOWN AND for the 0. K. Parer and Sliest, Best aofls at eight ; sample Kollo govt on primo, 15o. Q D. DAY, Agent, 40 Yonge 8t„ Toronto, Ont. gGENTS FOR NEW PARALLEL FAMILY n BIBLES—large type. splendid maps, beautiful lllustratlons; contains 4,000 questions and answers I an Bible TOPICS ; liberal terms. International I. Book and Biel° Houee, Toronto, Ont. 1 Cn00L Teachers et Students Attention 1 ,� During iloliaaya A imolai course of prly*te t leseone, by highest maniere, will be given School Teaohere and Students,' on Shorthand, Drawing or Painting. All who can should come. Bend homed!. 1 ately for sooelal oiraniara. Tae UNtoN SHORT. HANDERS' AOADBMY, 89 ,a 41 Adelaide Street East, up -stairs, Toronto. 4 GE18T9 !—You CAN'T FIND A BOOR THAT gives better !Attention or that you can make money faster with than " World', Wonders." Sells to all classes—Christiana and Infidels, Catholics and Protestente, old end young ; old agents who have a not oanvaeesd for yeare are going Into the field with it; 0. F. Jenkins sold 128 the first we sk ; J. E. Brace save : "The first week with " Wonders" netted me one hundred and sixteen dollars." A good chance for unemployed persons ; outfit free to actual can- t 'tamers; write for terms. BAADLSY, GAARSTsON dt Co., Brantford. MONEY TO LEND --ON-- Productive Town, Village & Farm Property D. sure JiLL llacDONALD. Barrister. I 6 Union Block— ''`.',anlo Street -Toronto. [ 3 wtglan." agents Casings. .Agricultural erinary the formation to Please y // S a,nsarge New shipment in - B CYCLES e41' IAND velocipedes ! , Now li the tams to buy cheap. ' Closing out our stook for this /, year. Send stamp for Price L'et ,y% OTT gfERPILLE MANUFAODUR- 0, INGCO., CTTERTI LLE, CHT. ` Casings. tram England, Er Steamship "Nor• ,oweet pions Co the trade. We are sole Canada for MJBr1de'a Celebrated Sheep Write for quotations. JAMES PARK & SON, TORONTO ::l. r './itit. Xea College WILL RE -OPEN ON FIRST OCTOBER. Courae In ngrioulturo, Live Stook, Dairying, Ven. Science, and Englishspecially adopted to waste of farmers' sons. Far eironlar giving in- se to octetterms of admission, eta., apply JAS. MULLS, M. A., President. Guelph, August, 1888. mention the varier In which you saw this advt, •:. TIRE NEeY .:• BROMIDE CRAYON PORTRAIT Beautiful, Lifr.ilke sad Artistic. Absolutely noth- ing to Noel it. Lite -sized portraits Drawn from ordinary photogreplte, and warranted firet slues Portraits painted in Oil. Water Color and Indi., Ink. Photographers, agents and others ehould write (enclosing sts,mp) for circular. Aunts are making 820 00 per wr ek, It will pay you to canvase for mere. Leak out tar me at Toronto Exhibition. 3.-L. RAWIONE, Artist. 95 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO F DIVJ1 &, G' -'o., ELECTRO&'STEREOTYPiERS • ;• TOfONTO .: AWNINGS!! Awning, SEND 169 FOR PRICE LIST Flag, Tent it Camping Depot YONGE S/TR'�EET, TOPCNTO Gael The ago mon suits. work, tortes nation 33 LOBE •KEPT ilM�ANUFACTURED 1►11altel"1I .OYALL GROCERS BY, o HAMILTON cods&C. &TORONTO Third drawn and boyo Georinales mndornto the address h Business Collego GUELPH, ONTARIO. Sob Hoge Year lumina Sort, let. Patron from Tax BTerse nsaF'novavoa,. Young thoroughly prepared to business put eminently enaolstlfnl. Practical rates and etrt,ight dentine oherad.. Inttltntl+•n. Ladies admitted. Fob infer• M Meo0oRMICk, 'Prinelpsl. ,J . L; .J O Phi E S WO 0 D ENG RAVER • ,10 KINGEAST TORONTO . . ®t < f6 isj ��d! l lid FAILS E. S P E NC E & co., Conaumara will find it 3o their adventsgo .+- fBtoosr spporkeictheJteeileVaundftooserggatrsa. SmpaektfaettiFyllosSaepndd Elasullton - Ontarie Ar PATENT TEIIPEi ED STEEL Cutter & Sleigh Gears Made tram Boot Tempered Spring Steel Light, Handsome, Strong and very Durable. We are Laving a lame demand tbie Seston .hone sections whore rample loll were fold last winter, and oadore ehould be placed early to secure prompt at- tention, 't ornlne, Po,tland, and "Jump seat." Bolos to volt, qr<d all se very mnderste prices. Have you used our Steed Bob•Sioijha? Send for de- scriptive circular. J. B. ARMSTRONG M'F'Q 00. (LR), GUELPH, CANADA Lilian Line boyal Tall Stoameuipat Sailing during, winter from Portland every Ther, day and Halifax every Saturday 59 Liverpool, and ft summer from Quebec' every Saturday to Liverpool calling at Londonderry to land mails and ppaesenger for'Sootland and Ireland; also Isom BaiSlmore, vie Halifax and St. John's, N.F., to Llvorpoollortnighti; duringg summer months. Tile steamers of the Glatt gow'Iinee call during winter to and from Haines, Portland, Boston and Philadelpble ; and during sum mer between Glasgow And lloutroal weekly ; G1aa gow and Boston weekly, and Gleegow and Pbiladn' phia fortnightly. For freight,.paseago, or other information apply8* A. Schumacher 8* Co„ Baltimovo ; S.Ounard & Ca. Halifax ; thea & Co., pt. John's, N.F. ; Wm. Thomp son & Co., St. John, N»B,; Alien & Co., Chicago Lova& Alden. New York; I3» Bourner, Toronto Altana, Mae & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Phfladel phis; H:• A.AI,n,Portland,Boston, Montreal.. --TUE-- P.A,'PORrra There Is N pgE1fTER The Snow Delf4 Baking Powder do„ ersntlotq, 4il4 THE POPULAR StoryPnper,Tire 1siroside Weekly, Sixyerial stories by the mosttalonted authors us each issue. A number of Interesting Complete Tales of Bove, Romance, and Adventurq, 1hoiee koobr Phort Sketches, Household Recipes, Science, Wit and Humor, etc., contained .in each issue of The Fireside Weekly:+' dc, per copy; or, with 40 tri the most dervlrnble swage of the day, nee per year' rix menthe and 20 pieces music, $i; three. months and 10 'knee rnugio,500, subscribe. now. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal cora- mission. Sample copies limo. Tea, FIEESIDH Wrzates, 28 Colborne St., Toronto, Canada. M RISE BRITANNIA NCO MANUFACTURE ONLY X AT XII SI SILVER - PLATED za.r Jr Vii. Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. I]11� 1�i3Z1, ()nt. And Largest Tralnina School in Canada. Send for Calendar. Esst* A PERMANENT BLACK POLISH ESPECIALLYADAPTEDFOR IkDIES&CtlILCRENS FINESHOES. FARMERS & THRESHERS. ITseyon your Machinery only:the Well-known SIX COLD MEDALS PEERLESS OIL. have been awarded it during the tart three years. Tryaieo our PSE LESS AXLE GREASE for your, Waggons and Horse Powers. Manufastured,at queen City 011 Works, by SAMUEL ROG•ERS & CO., Toronto. SAW MILL MACHINERY OUR SPECIALTY, IN ALL ITS VARIETIES. THE FR,E-PR, OFGHAM I0If HEAVY AND PORTABLE. o 5Aw MILL re AI I Lill ✓re y _ Heavy, substantial Engines, fiats sic 10 200 horse power, noted for their great durability„ indeal ns of the besttestedl g R plates, steel and i, prices vcrylow. Water Wheels, Shingto q n - tonus iseverat Vartenesl, r,atn tutus aha trotters, Wood Working MachinerySaws, Saw Toots,. t. Belting. Ewart Drive Chain, for elevating and conveying everything, WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS CO., Brantford, Canada FAMOUS DIAMOND. Has the Largest Fire Door Made. 'll a hllletie mu: la ante ti i1 dLdet. I,IIIPo t - Mil OM 11n1WAIT, .11 r l i l l lel d!I �tE 1 THE LE. I' QO COOK. In 6 styles and 2 sizes.' • Don't ]Buy till you see It. The Toronto Stove & MTg Co , (Lt'd), 9 NEe ARIUS AND A MOTH STEEL DO t'''; E HOT-AIR FURNACES. 0 0 The Afoot Il fit 1>1tiediVO!n , Clean, tlllttrl►b'te ttitat EconoritiatY neater" in the Market fob' *ming' end vont luting Churohoa, $ehoelt, Public Hlulldinge, Stores and Private Rosldonoob. Sitnplo in ooi,ei0uO. tion c and emdly tuana od , oaP abe of loin moll)ehoat whit logs eum Uon of feel any other healingatln g apperetne. [r'ir•,Absolntely t4as Tight.igsi tight ahem "Barrie" atria four sizes "Manrnloth" aro made and can be sot ofiher in Brlok or Portable icnri. 0erroepondonee holioiied, P'or ORtaiognee aitd. furtherttuotmatlon Midvale' m t It OR GURNEY get O: t . ed t. .111 11 .:t,- 114,