Clinton News-Record, 1976-05-20, Page 11h y Bev gatit be ne of the largest, Svelte, Wolf. huPt trailer fac.tozies In " ro*be:Cover of teenRider" local *l from Ite well -contoured "*Jittle r is a horse trailer Runsalby Enterprises nterprtses, which 16 mombs age, in an old CAF sup ys, depot, is owned 4 operated by Sam Russo bis son, Sam Jr. and liuserneddin Unsal, all of VaTlagra. Sam Sr. has been in the upholstering business for 20 years and does all upholstering in the trailers. Re also does the fancy stitch work that may be requested on the upholstered parts. Sam Ir. is a jack of all trades, and does whatever needs to be done around the plant. Ilusameddin Unsal an engineer, designs all the jigs that Runsal Enterprises makes. Besides the three owneis, a full time artist, carpenter and welders, the company has seven dealers across Canada. The OM* which claims to es fLoats, go traIers and custorn ade horse trailers costing nYw between $1,7 1 000. factory turns out le trailer per day. "Vie only make d. •le horse trailers: 'Mr. Russo Said. "It costs just as much to make a single trailer as it does to make a double one," • 41' he continued. The deluxe trailer has a dressing room, two stalls with *padding and dutch doors, windows, white wall tires, a dome light and includes special trim, which the artist handles, i.e. lettering and sketching. Sincb the business began, Runsal Enterprises has expanded. tearing out walls to make the painting room bigger and expanding the factory itself. "Now we are able to tun out two regular trailers per day," Mr. Russo Sr. said. Customers from as far away as New Brunswick have ordered trailers from Runsal Enterprises and, "business is good, very good," Mr. Russo Sr said. Clinton Police chief loycl Westlake and town Councillor Roy Wheeler ended up in jail last Saturday in Seaforth ter they were "arrested" by the Seaforth Mayor Betty Cardno and Chid John Cairns. Th - were later balled out by friends during the hyjinks with the phonathon in that town t t raised almost $23,0118 for their arena fund. (photo by Wilma Oke) part of the dicusSion time 29. Now, . n , . csession on Thursday, ril.r.rtil i .1 1: 1 lt Council'sHuron County Apr rinks ,ii , light unde of Labour , ii,titi:r, the Safety 1,,,tomotbe ts:tiltrcohyeIndui scorn *bout the 'structural adequacy of municipal arenas to withstand heavy snow loads and winds has been expressed, It is understood that some arenas n Hum County „will he closed unless they are reinforced according , to .i) recommendations of 'a con- sulting engineer which the municipality must hire at its own expense. The engineer's report is to be submitted to the Ministry of Labor to be analysed. Some BOO municipalities have been contacted by the Ministry recommending that all arenas within their municipalities be carefully examined by a professional engineer to ensure the arenas meet the requirements of The National Building Code. The action was taken after several tragedies involving arenas and curling rinks which collapsed since 1959. Reeve Bill Elston pointed out to council that stricter requirements have been Court Fascination L1901 of Eleven new members were the, Canadian Foresters has in -inducted. ended another successful Members collected $841.24 year. for cancer research, and donated another $743; $135 was given to other local charities. A $5.00 donation helped the men's lodge pay for the new furnace installed in Ben- , M Me! Forester's Hall. Mint sets were awarded the top boy and girl students of the Gr. 8 graduating class at both Colborne and Holmesville schools. Fraternally, members were remembered in sickness and sorrow with cards and flowers. Two parting members received gifts, as did the group's famous Dominion Curling cham- pions. All this was ,financed with monies received from four dances co-sponsored with Court Benmiller. The lady curlers gave a helping hand to the men's court, when they hosted the Southern Ontario Foresters. Curling Bonspiel in March. At that time Bernice Moore's won the right to defend its Dominion Curling cham- pionship at Dryden. The_bowlers had an active Saul IttissO, oolof the owner of Runsal Enterprises,. stadds in front of two of his horse trailers made at the plant in Vanastra.791r. Russo does any upholstery work that has to be doneon the trailers. (News -Record photo) Endangered Species year too. At the annual „Bowler's Banquet, top bowlers received trophies. Five were chosen to represent the court at a tournament to be held later in the year. The Annual District,Councti Church Parade and Service were held at Benmiller United Church, followed by a - picnic at Benmiller Lodge Hall. Ten members represented the court at the Western Ontario Provincial Assembly at Niagara Falls. A degree team was organized and hopes to be in action early in the coming year. Officers for 1976-77 are: Past President, Phyllis Fisher; Past President, Barbara Hawkins; Chaplain, Isabelle Eedy ; sec.-treas., Audrey Kernighan; rec. sec., Phyllis Cox ; Warden, Beverley Orr ; Conductor, Betty Miller; Outside Guard, Ruth Oke; and Inside Guard, Eleanor Fisher. written into the Wading code SIPCO Maar areMIS, wet" meted. He 14144, that arenas in many areas lot won't pass Inspection according to the new building regulations. "It is a hot issue," said Reeve Elston. Raymond Scotchmer. curator of the Huron Pioneer useum, has been named publicity chairman for the 197$ international Plowing Match. He replaces the late Gordon McGavin who passed away recently. The committee of management of Huronview has concurred with a proposal of Metropolitan Toronto Social Services Department that certain trust funds of residents in homes for the aged and similar extended care facilities be made available to the homes to apply to care costs. The suggestion has also been made that co -payments under Extended Care Health Program be set at a figure equivalent to Residential Care rates charged in any municipal Home of the Aged. Chester Archibald, ad- ministrator of Huronview, explained that residents are allotted $43 per month as "spending money". If this money isn't spent, it ,ac- cumulates in a trust fund In many cases. persons who are IlY for Aiere w their old age asslitanc nsion tor fle money 14040 he heirs at the death of the resident, Mr. Archibald.says it is It that such money should be applitd 'to the 4:are of -the resident when it cannot be spent or utilized by the person for some private need or want. He said the committee felt the money should not be , permitted to build up to the detriment of theresident's pension - or Or that matter provide "trips to the sunny south" for survivors, while the taxpayer subsidizes the care of the resident. The residential rate at Huronview has been set at $15.32 per day, effective April 1. 1976 as approved by the Ministry of Community and Social Services. Huron County Library has received $5,000 from Wintario to be used for strengthening the Canadiana collection. Two Experience '76 students to work on behalf of the library in vacation camps in Huron for 10 weeks have been approved. Salaries are paid by the province; the county provides tran- sportation costs to the camps. No matter where, no matter when ... as. an aperitit, or as a. sweet something tor after dinner. In a tall glass, a small glass — on the rocks or - on its own_ Imported, vet inexpensive. t 4hr, t MN. Farm wanes 449 Red Pon 444 whin: Pon. medium D'ry Shorn/. 41ennstage- flutgunciv The whole idea seems i little absurd at first 1' er% one belied es that human life is something sacred. Don't thud r? And vet, we in Canada ha‘e taken the es of o% er 170.00°1,1975 figure) unborn children. But these are spec tal cases. ,ren t the% .) Or are the% Is there some magic line that makes the life of .in unborn child an% less important than the life of a da % -old ( hild? Or a IN PA- tOd k hild? Or a %ear -old child? k there? e are dedicated to a %ery basic print iple That human life is sacred. Fr 1(1(1. No qualifit ations or ext eptions onditions. And I,Ne belie% e that we all ha % e responsibilit% to oppose w hat %ve think is vIrrong. Because %%hen %ou clear awa% all the arguments about pri% au' and social onditions and economic hardship. it all boils down to d PI310 Choice. Life or death. 'There's no middle No exceptions. And we house life. MAITLAND TENNIS CLUB GODERICH O.L.T.A. Sanctioned opens June 1/76 1 DOUBLE COURT Semi -cushion surface Tournament lighting VVindstreen Regulated board play O.L.T.A. certified instructors Group lessons included in membership Private instructions available • S -at. Out of Town Ito mile radius) $45.00 Full time Student Senior privileges Canadian women had 49,134# abortions performed in 974 58 percent of the women who had abortions were single WOO people from Huron County were arnongtthe over 1 million peppie who signed the anti.abortion Witten Peteen/Od to Parliament In 9" Pro Life Groups oppose alt abortions eXcePt When necessary to save a woman's tits. You can find out more informatifin about this issue by contacting the BOX 1324, CLINTON. ONTARIO Senior Junior $45,00 $25.0° For Senior members 10 percent non-refundable deposit for shire in Maitland Country Club required if not presently a shareholder. Tennis membership in- cludes social membership in Maitland Country Club - bar facilities, showers, lockers, sauna. For membership iiiformation coated: BARRY, DEATHE 52441112 DARRYL CARPENTER 5244688 DAVE CLOET 5244059 FOLAN PICKELL 524-2461 SHEILAGH SULLY 524-9059 BOB PATTISON 524-7783 PAUL ROWN 524-2848 CHRiSDOoNA 524-2884 — TOM -JASPER 524-6222 9918