Clinton News-Record, 1976-04-29, Page 12P40
to new
.:Per4r. and
Gilcresf family
from Holmesville to the.
former Walter .Scot
residence; Mr. and Mrs. fan
renviIleSmitb trent
ingville to the village;
and the McCullough family
from Vanastra to the former
Luther sanclers'residence.
Jim Thompson and Sheila
Baker of Winthrop spent the
weekend in Ottawa with Mr.
and Mrs. Barry PowleY,
Jason and Jonathan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presz-
cator, , Debbie and
Michael visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Scottand Dwayne of Parkhill.
Misses Margie Whyte and
Marilyn Day of Guelph were
Sunday callers with Mrs. W.
L. Whyte, Bill and Mr. Harold
A number of people from
the community were guests
at the wedding and reception
for John Wammes and Cathy
Vanden Hoven on Saturday.
April 24th. The wedding was
held at St. Bridgids Church
with the reception at
Brodhagen Hall.
Those attending were his.
parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Wammes, and Mr. and Mrs.
Marris Bos, Steven, Sharon
and Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Preszcator, Mr. and Mrs. Reg
Lawson, John and Elizabeth.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Memel.,
Mrs. George McIlwain, and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Southgate.
Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos,
Michael. Andy and Kathy
visited on Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Bos, Arnold and John at
Mitchell. Steven, Sharon and
Kenny returned home having
spent Saturday to Sunday
evening with their grand-
ibe seventh meet
.uburn I 01 Club Was held at
4 home of Mrs. John
110debrand. Sherry Verbeeb
:presided in the absence of the
t'presklent, Marilyn Wight -
W00444" heict 140
Iw u1
Scrlptue was read bY Mrs.
inter TrOtrittlert the Rev.
ogram in
The minutes were accepted Fred Carson spoke for
!.; as read by the secretary meditati4M OR the theme.
Anita Dame. Roll call was Victory corer death,
nswered by naming one The Minutea Of thePrOVIOus
place in which to use the meeting were accepted as
french knot. read hy the secretary MM.
Mrs. Hildebrand and Mrs. John. Daer, The. treasurer.
Donald Cartwright talked Mrs. Thomas naggitt gave
about Achievement Day on the financial statement.
May 29. The girls will Roll call was answered by a
demonstrate how to enlarge Bible verse about the Apostle
and transfer a design. The Thomas,. The travellingapron
• girls then worked on their received a penny for each
articles. letter in The Day of
The eighth meeting of Resurrection.
Auburn 1 -Astitcho Bunnies 4- An invitation to Brussels
11 club,was held at the home A.C.W. was accepted for May
of Mrs. John Hildebrand, the 19. Other business was
assistant leader. discussed and this was
Roll call was answered by followed by an auction.
showing your free choice A delicious lunch was
article and tell your favorite served by Mrs. naggitt
stitch. Mrs. Hildebrand assisted by Mrs. Donald
demonstrated how to ap- Cartwright.
plique and the leader and
Mrs. Hildebrand, discussed
The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs.
Cartwright on May 10 at 6:30
p.m. Plans were made for
Achievement Day.
Mrs. Roxy Caves is a
patient in Clinton Public
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jardin
and family of Kitchener spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jardin.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Alldh Reed (nee Gail
Seers) on the birth of their
son in St. Joseph's .Hospital,
London, on Apri117.
Archie Robinson Of Clinton
and his sister, Mrs. Edna
Griensen of Detroit visited
with Mrs.
Be Allen last
Elva Straughan visiting
with her daughter, Mrs.
Clayton Robertson and Mr.
Robertson at Meaford.
Misses Jean Houston, Jean
Jamieson and Jean Wilson,
all of Toronto visited last
week with Mrs. Frances
Mrs. Bert Taylor has
returned home after spending
a week with her sister, Mrs.
M.H. Martin in Goderich.
Mrs. Bell Allen is a patient
in Clinton Public Hospital.
SyMpatity and one baby 4.44 c011illnittee, ficbrOtIght in the
slate - of of4s for the
coming year which was ac-
cepted. Mrs. Ivan Wightrnan
presided for the election.
Past president. Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt; President,
Mrs. Eleanor Braditock; first
vice-president Mrs. Wilfred
Sanderson; secretary..
treasurer, Mrs. Donald
Haines; assistant secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth
,District Director, Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt; visiting
committee, Mrs. Major
Youngblut, Mrs. Robert
Turner, Mrs. Myrtle Munro;
card convener, Mrs. Andrew
Kirkconnell; pianists. Mrs.
Catherine Jackson, Mrs.
Kenneth McDougall; Branch
Directors, Mrs. Donald
Cartwright, Mrs. Thomas
Jardin, Mrs. Oliver Ander-
son, Mrs. Beth Lansing,
Telephone Committee, Mrs.
Elva Straughan, Mrs.
Torrance Tabb, Mrs. Andrew
Standing Committee
conveners, Agriculture and
Canadian Industries, Mrs.
Arnold Craig, Mrs. Gordon
Powell; Citizenship and
World Affairs, Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt, Mrs. Jessie Naylor;
Education & Cultural
Activities, Mrs. John
Stadelmann, Mrs. Thomas
Lawlor:- Family & Consumer
Affairs, Mrs. Wilfred San-
derson, Mrs. Roy Daer:
Resolutions, Mrs. Frank
Raithby, Mrs. Ed Davies;
Public Relations officer, Mrs.
Leonard Archambault:
Curator, Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt.; Tweedmuir Village
History Committee, Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt, Mrs.
Eleanor Bradnock, Mrs.
Oliver Anderson, Mrs.
Thomas Jardin, Mrs.
Frances Clark and Mr.
Arthur Youngblut.
SentAlutiP8 the year.
Reports of the conveners of
standing committees were
accepted as given:
Agriculture and Canadian
Industries, Mrs. William
'EmPeY; Citizenship and
Wood Affairs, Mrs. Ralph
Munro and Mrs. Oliver
Anderson; Education and
Cultural Activities. Mrs.
Thomas, Lawlor and Mrs.
John Stadelmann; Family
and Consumer Affairs, Mrs.
Roy Daer and Mrs. Wilfred
Sanderson; Rest:41100ns, Mrs.
Toe Hickey and Mrs. Beth
Lansing; Public Relations
Officer, Mrs. Frank Raithby,
and curator, Mrs. Thomas, „
Haggitt.Roll call was answered by
telling about the craft you
brought. Quilts, ceramics etc.
were on display. Prizes went
to Mrs. Gordon Poivell for
having the most guests on
Easter Sunday; birthday
nearest date, Mrs. Wilfred
Sanderson; most pennies in
purse, Mrs. Ed Davies.
The guest speaker, Mrs.
Arnold Cook was introduced
by Mrs. Donald Haines. She
told about her hobby of
painting and had on display
about 15 pictures which she
had done. Mrs. Thomas
Lawlor thanked her and
presented her with a gift.
The district president, Mrs.
Ivan Wightman brought
greetings- and spoke a few
words. Mrs. Eleanor Brad -
nock thanked her and
presented her with a gift.
• Mrs. Haggitt read an in-
teresting article on the life of
WI ANNUAL Mrs. Horace Dodge of Grosse
Point, Mich. and told about
The annual meeting and her estate called Rose
smorgasbord banquet was Terrace. The 75 room home
held by the Auburn Women's Louis 15th mansion cost 5
Institute last Tuesday in the million ' dollars. She died at
Auburn Community theageof 102.
Memorial hall with dinner Mrs. Jessie Naylor, con -
starting at 12:30. The tables vener of the nomi natin
were attractively decorated
and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt,
week. the president was in charge.
Easter visitors with - Mr. All partook of the pot -luck
and Mrs. Leonard dinner set up by Mrs. Ken -
Archambault and Marilyn neth McDougall, Mrs. Oliver
were Mr. Rick Archatlibauft, Anderson and Mrs. Gordon
Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Naylor.
Douglas Archambault and Mrs. Haggitt opened the
Lorri Lynn of Barrie: Mr a and meeting with the poem, "Do
Mrs. Donald Parker of you just belong?" followed by
Goderich and Mrs. Edna the minutes read by the
Duncalfe of Toronto. secretary Mrs. Donald
Prize winners at. the Haines. She also gave the
Auburn weekly euchre party financial statement for the
were novelty, Mrs. Donald month and the year.
Haines, high man, Thomas An invitation to the
Haggitt, low 'man, Stephen Florence Nightingale tea at
Park, high lady, Mrs. Ted Clinton and also notice of the
Mills, low lady, Mrs. Albert Hurdii County Historical
McFarlane. Society to be held in Varna on
Easter holiday guests with May 19th. It was announced
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson that the 411 Achievement Day
Rodger were Mr. and Mrs. would be held at Blyth on May
• Norman Rodger of Scarboro 29th.
and Mrs. Pearl Rollinson of The motto, Resolve to live
Toronto. up to the Mary Stewart
Congratulations Co Miss 'Collect, was given by Mrs.
Janice Daer who successfully Kenneth McDougall. Plans
passed conasta tango in were made to go out to dinner
• figure skating at recent tests on May 5th at the Benmiller
held in Wingham last month. Inn and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt
- Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson and Mrs. Oliver Anderson
Rodger visited in Victoria was Teft in charge of
Hospital with their daughter, arrangements.
Mrs. William Helesic of The annual meeting took
Goderich who is a patient place. The auditors report
there following surgery. was given by Mrs. Beth
Lansing. The card report
ACW prepared by Mrs. Andrew
Kirkconnell was given by
The April meeting of the St. Mrs. Donald Cartwright. It
Mark's Anglican Church showed 32 get -well cards, 12
Long-time McKillop reeve
until his retirement at the end
of 1963 Daniel G. Beuerman,
RR 4, Walton, died in
Huronview on Tuesday, April
13. He was 87.
Born in McKillop the son of
the late Mr. and Mrs,
Heinrich Beuerman he was
educated in the township. A
life-long resident of.McKillop,
he farmed there until 1959
when he retired from active
farming. His wife, the former
Edith Mueller to whom he
was married in 1920,
predeceased him in 1971.
Keenly interested in
municipal affairs Mr.
Beuerman served on the
McKillop Township council
for 21 years and was reeve for
16 years - the longest period
during which anyone had
occupied the office.
Mr. Beuerman is survived
From The Family
Family Ring
The birthstones of each of her children are dolicatoly set in
aattradiVe gold or silver ring, A most thoughtful and
lasting gift, sure to be cherished for years to come. Order it
today - its yours tomorrow.
At that Mall
1,4 NM. FN. 524-2924
104 Sat.
Countries participating itt the Olympics this year are represented by snide* of florin
centennial. School; flrneelleld In their well performed °Olympic Celebration". The
concert can be seen tonight at 8 p,,rn, (News-Recerd photo)
WI installs officers
Mrs. Al Hoggarth was
installed as president of
Kippen East WI at the annual
meeting which was preceded
by a pot luck supper. The roll
call was answered by
"naming your first school
teacher" and bringing an old
time and present picture of
your farm or house. ,
The motto, "don't clutter
Up your life needlessly" was
given by Mrs. Hugh Parsons.
Mrs. H. Caldwell and Mrs.
Grant Mac Lean were
presented with life mem-
bership pins and certificates.
Mrs. E: Whitehouse gave
current events. Mrs. H.
Caldwell , chairm-n of the
nominating commit ee, gave
the report and- Mrs. R). Bell
was in charge of the erection
and installation of officers
and convenors.
A bit of fun and nonsense
followed with a hit and miss
fashion show, readings and a
sing song. Mrs. Al Hoggarth
and Grace Drummond
received a gift for perfect
attendance, Mona Alderdice,
for taking Grace Drummond
to the hospital and Phyliss
Parson for correctly guessing
what was in the parcel.
Secret pals. identity was
by one son, Robert J., of RR 4, revealed. Reports indicated
Walton; one daughter. Mrs. the meetings had been very
Rots (Nita) Leonhardt,9f R interesting, educational and
1, Bornholm; one sister, Mrs. -humourous. Members had
Rhinold (Martha) Kahle, of contributed to the Erland Lee
Mitchell; one brother, Horne Fund . pennies for
Manuel Beuerman, of friendship and nutrition
Brodhagen; and five gran- education. They had also
dchildren. given help to a burned out
The remains rested at the
R.S. Box Funeral Horne in
Seaforth, until April 17 when
services were held at St.
Peter's Lutheran Church in
Brodhagen with Rev. Arthur
Horst officiating.
Burial followed in St.
Peter's Lutheran Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Wayne
Beuerman, Ross Kahle,
Wilbur Chamber, Lorne
Scholl, Harvey Beuerman,
Bill Beuerman. Flower -
bearers were -his five gran-
dchildren, . Kim Leonhardt,
Kathy Leonhardt, Paul
Beuerman, Phyllis Beuer-
man, Perry Beuerman.
Mother's Day is May
Order Early'
Hanging Ropes
and Pots
.rt t1/44
4 '14;
Cut Bouquets
With a wide variety of
Tropical' plants
• FloweringPlants
LC. Cooke
81. Ong.. St. Smith, Clinton 4824012
"Flowers for every occasion."
B Rena Caldwell
family and another needy
The cook book went on sale.
They had a booth at the Bean
Festival, several bake sales,
euchres and a yard sale, and
enjoyed a bus trip and
bowling and entertained the
patients at Huronview and
Blue Water Rest Home to a
birthday party.
Mrs. R. Kinsman was in
charge of the business. Mrs.
Al Hoggarth, leader of the
winners of the roll call con-
test, was in charge of the
program and Mrs. H. Cald-
well leader of the losers was
in charge of the pot luck
The following officers and
convenors were elected:
honourary president, Mrs.
Robert Kinsman; president,
Mrs. Al Hoggarth; first vice.
Mrs. Dave Triebner ;
secretary. Mrs. Stewart
Pepper; treasurer, Mrs.
- Harold Parsons: district
director, Mrs. Robert Kin- will present the Cantata.
sman; alternate districc."Sam " at Kippen at 10 a.m.
director. Mrs. • Jame,s and at Brucefieid at 11:30
Drummond; public relations,
Mrs. Harry Caldwell; branch
directors, Mrs. Harry
'Caldwell, Mrs. Grant
MacLean, Mrs. Vern
Alderdice; resolutions. Mrs.
Dave Triebner; sunshine,
Mrs. Jack Sinclair; assistant
sunshine, Mrs. Campbell
Eyre; curator, Mrs. Hugh
Parsons; sewing, Mrs. Alex
McGregor; education and
cultural activities, Mrs. Vern
Alderdice and Mrs. Jas
Drummond: family and
consumer affairs, Mrs. Grant
McLean and Mrs. Campbell
Eyre; agriculture .and
Canadian industries, Mrs.
Robert Bell arid Mrs. Ernest
Whitehouse; citizenship and
world affairs, Mrs. M.
Connolly and Mrs. James
Chalmers; pianist. Mrs. Ross
Broadfoot; assistant, Mrs.
Jack Sinclair and auditors,
Mrs. Charles Eyre and Mrs.
Robert Bell.
Rural Life Sunday was held
in St. Andrew's United
Church and Brucefield United
Church last Sunday.
The Dedication of the Soil,
the Seed and the Sower was
held with the members of the
4-H taking part in the person
of Miss Sharon Finlayson and
Mr. Les Consitt at Kippen and
Miss Gayle Horton and Mr.
David Townsend in
Rev. Stephens spoke on the
theme, !'Fallow Ground".
Next Sunday, the Exeter
United Church Junior Choir
Mr. Elzar Mousseau is a
patient in Seaforth Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Cooper and family have
moved back to Canada.
good care of
Independent Skipper
United Co-operative
of Ontario
Livestock Dept.
Ship Your Livestock
Roy Scotchmer
Monday Is Shipping
Day From Varna Stockyard
CALL BAY F.I ELD 565-2636
By 7:30 a.m. Monday
For Prompt Service
No Charges on Pick-up
"Main Corner"
when you're
Did you get all your inside tabs
How about panelling?
It's all here - 100's of Sheets --
done this winter? No?
Increase's on window Products, are imminent ...
• there's a large stock of
Let 6111 quote your-houselot window requirements