Clinton News-Record, 1976-03-25, Page 10iotil�
Eitajsi it4't
to Go
�.icy Of
g down.
nt a
t it t saving some S4
billion a year by -closing. or
cutting back ten hospitals.
to closures are being
out withlittle apt.
nt concern for the impact
on the communities in which
the hospitals are located. In
the case of the , psychiatric
spitals at Goderich and
`innains, these are to be used
as cents for the mentally'
retarded, to some extent.
The Opposition maintain
that the Government has not
proved that the savings
claimed will in fact result
from the hospital closures,
nor given a satisfactory
rationale for the cutbacks in
hospital beds and staff in 69
other hospitals,
It was also mentioned that
if the Province had held the
private medical laboratory
industry to a 15 percent in-
crease in its annual billings to
.the Ontario Health Insurance
Poen, about $65 Million would
have been saved, $35 million
of it this year.
The cut-backs on transfer
payments to municipalities
were also discussed, and
reference was made to the
commitment given at the
Edmonton Tri -level Con-
ference in 1973, when the then
Treasurer of - Ontario said
that the Ontario Government
gave a guarantee to the
tW, it seems, the
tvernment is going back on
is cormitmeatbecause at
a time when the predicted
growth rate of Ontario's_
revenue is 19 percent, ceilings.
of 5.5 percent and 3.1 percent
are being + imposed.
Both, Opposition Leaders
put forward amendments to
the Throne Speech criticizing
the government for lack of
responsibility in forcing
school boards and.
municipalities to increase
property taxes to home
owners and tenants, for lack
of financial reslao sit�ility
generally, and for t e cut-
backs on hospital, and
If the Opposition ltittles
should join together to vote
for the amendment and sub-
amendment which hive been
proposed, the minority
government will be defeated.
The vote on- the Throne
Speech will be taken before
April 6th, when it had been
anticipated the Provincial
Budget would be brought
down. The Premier and
Treasurer have both said that
there is no intention of ad-
vancing the .date of budget
Also at Queen's Park this
week, Richard Smith Liberal
M.P.P. for Nipissing; told a
Le4islature Committee
reviewing additional health
ministry estimates that some
Ontario hospital pathologists
receive a . percentage of
health .insurance payments
for laboratory tests, and are
earning more than $150,000 a
He urged the Health
Minister to place pathologists
on salaries geared to the size
of the labs which they head
and the amount of work
performed. The Minister did
not deny the high incomes,
but added that there are a
number of income
arrangements between
hospitals and pathologists.
The Attorney -General has
indicated that he does not
think there should be a public
inquiry into the Ontario
private lab industry if
criminal charges result from
investigations into Abko
ea WOr
lest tF
dei tib` Ontario's total
Independent Skipjer
United Cg -operative
of Ontario
Livestock Dept:
Telt Me
Ship Your Livestock
Roy Scotch's!'
Monday is Shipping
Day From Varna Stockyard
By 7:30 a.m. Monday
For Prompt Service
No Chargesion Pick-up
lie ld,the ` dc. on With;
regard to laying charges=
would be Made withii.
The investigations int
resulted fro* stories #
firm's records indicate .1
Ontario . Health fnsuranc
Plan had been billed far test
on patients Which were,in
fact. never carried out..
The Government of Ontario
signed an instrument o
Assignment of the: licence _
operate the abbattoir at
Guelph Correctional Centre,
to Guelph Beef Centre Ltd., a
company of the DeJon.e
The DeJonge proposal
received bythe Trustee and
approved ba large majority
of the unsecured creditors,
some of whom were beef
producers in Huron -
Middlesex. provides for the
purchase of unsecured -
creditors' claims at 15 cents
on the dollar, with larger
dividends available to small
creditors. It ,permits
creditors the option of waiting
for silt months, during --which
time the assets of Essex
Packers Ltd. will be more
thoroughly valued. They may
then possibly receive a larger
dividend without lasing the
guarantee of 15 cents on the
The DeJonge group was the
only co
involvin '
A* us re f it the erect nem
models and the graot n w . 44.°
features on on Kawasaki models
°far 76.
pany to come Lor-
a total-pack—a&
of only the Guelph
onal Centre
but also the con
f the Hamilton"
operation All other groups
contacted would hair° ,seen
the Hamilton facility phased
out, as they were only in-
terested in the efficient
Guelph Correctional Centre
After exploring all alter-
natives, prior to bankruptcy
the Government decided not
to force the bankruptcy of
Essex Packers Ltd. This
course, followed by the
calling of tenders for the
operation of the Guelph
facility alone. without
reference to the future of
Essex Packers' other in-
terests has therefore, been
rejected in favour of the
Government's agreement to
the DeJonge proposal.
One of the popular attractions at
a Clinton Christian ;Schoor Pancake Supper last
Eridey night was the games room, run by the grade elght,claa s:[ roceeds from the games,
lncluding.the shooting gallery pictured, will be used for a trip. [Nous -Record photo]
Education tax up 35Q/o...
continued from page 1
Education John Cochrane
said.. this would effect a
reduction in salaries of about
$111.- 006 per,year. One position
will become.:. vacant irL two
weelis,,and a replacement will.
net be made and the seam*
posijticn will: become
redundant on May 1.
The - fees for driver
education will he raised from
$25 to $35 per pupil. John
Elliott indicated this should
an, additional $4,000
in revenue . and bring the
program close to fee for
service area.
Nvw f*e schedules for night
fiol courses were approved
wch will generate another
57.000 according to director
Opin ion,..
continued`trom page
that by a'll'owing the
discussion period to be
relaxed the people will be
able to digest the, proposals
and find out what their neigh-
bors are thinking before they
speak out.
"People may be hesitant to
ask questions if they feel they
are alone in their thoughts."
said Mr. Davidson. "But if
they find out over coffee that
Joe down the road is won-
dering the same thing they
will be more apt to stand up
and ask."
IIie Coiewe
Let's face it, you don't need a bank to tell
you how to plan your future. That's your
business. And we respect it.
But let's say you've got your plans all
sorted out. And your plains are going to nerd
money, come to us. we'd like to help you. We're
the Bank of Commerce.
We can custom tailor an entire credit
package specifically for your farm. The package
includes short term credit to cover your month
to month and season to season operations and
longer range financing of items such as machin-
ery, grain storage or additional land.
We can lend you he money you need now.
And the nicer thing is, r you can arrange
repayment specifically o`o suit your cash flow.
If you wish we can also arrange low-cost
credit lifeinsurance. '
Whatever your credit'nnecdi, the person to
talk to is your !mal Commerce manager. So if
you're a farmer who has future plans that
include money, come talk to us.
Cochrane and make these
programs more,. than self
Eight surplus school buses
now used for field trips and
transportation will be sold by .
sealed public tender. This will
leave five extra buses owned
b• y the board.
A freeze to the extent of
$5.50 per secondary school
student and $4.50 per
elementary sehnnl nunil will
R.R. 1, Varna phones .262-5809
Authorized Kawasaki and Arctic Cat dealer
be plated on the purchase of
custodial supplies. Roy
Dunlop said in previous years
Bile enstodral supply budget,
was related to the size of the
s tool
andwhat was went the.,
year before.
The 'second 10 per cent of
the cuts in budget formula
items will be wed P)ted out
between the budget com-
mittee and the ad-
We get IeUers...
(continued from page 9)
Government on financing our
health- care, . namely - a
charge Ifor the .first day a
patient i`S in hospital, $2
surcharge for a visit tdt a
doctor's office, the list was
endless, all we need is a
government that will listen to
the people that put them
Some of the people who
haven't been affected by
these cuts should remember
the times they have passed
through these small towns,
with their families on
vacation, and ask them-
selves, what if it were us who
got into ar bad accident ..and
had to be transported 50-100
miles with a severed arm or
worse? It might be a trip you
• will never forget. Remember
the closest ambulance might
be on another trip, and as the
law says, no one can be
touched that has been in an
accident without an am-
bulance trainee or a doctor in
attendance. This could take
precious time. Too Bad. I
hope you remember how
untouched you were, when we
were fighting to keep these
hospitals open for you too.
A concerned voter,
Gold Medal anker
and started
out my
Let's talk. dome in and meet
these people in our Savings
Phjyllis Edwards
Sharee Kennedy
Mary Hoggarth
Barbara Batkin
Pat Thomas
Good things happen with a
Gold Medal Banker. Let talk.
dhak The First Canadian Bank
Bankof M
Main Corner, Clinton 482-3479
When you save energy
vou save moneli•
This is what Ontario is doing
Your Ontario Government's goal. by 1980,
- is to reduce by one-third the growth rate of
energy consumption in the province. To
achieve that. eleven Ministne&of your
Government are working together in the
Ontario Energy Management Program.
The Program has two objectives -- to
find ways to help you cut your own energy
bill, and to find ways of using your
provinces energy more efficiently. the Program consists of
70 working projects. including:
•, testinq ways to reduce fuel consumption
in automobiles and farm operations;
t;" ;et,. y41
• improving the heating and cooling
systems in government buildings (which
has already cut some energy bills by as
much as 20%);
• finding ways to improve residential
natural gas and oil furnace efficiency;
• constructing and testing a totally
solar -heated home;
• reclaiming waste materials to produce
• sending an "Energy Bus .throughout
Ontario to do on -the -spot analyses for
industry (so far, annual energy cost
savings averaging 20% have been
Practical suggestions on ways you can
save energy and money are available from
your Ontario Government and from
energy -supplying companies.
For more information, write to:
Energy Management Program
Ontario Ministry of Energy
12th Floor
56 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, Ontario M7A 287
Ministry of Energy
Dennis Timbrett, Minister
Province of Qntatio
• William av is, Prernier