The Exeter Times, 1886-7-22, Page 31
The Despised Lower, and doadlineta in Southern Japan..
' No one knew how it game there, that
great n 1 sluoflower, with its and yellow
bloaaome y Perhaps a bird dry ed thtiny
eeed ; porhape the 'south wind wafted it from
some fair country, far away over the restlees
bine sea, but certainly the gardener did not
plant each to thing amongst the lovely flew
ere of the garden. r
In this garden were lovely dewy pink
roeoe, ren roeoe, yellow` roeoe, white roues,'
stately tidier, drooping faechlae graceful
ferns, shy purple and gold ;pansies, conceit•
ed oexoombei pert sweet withams and hun-
drode of other flowers. They looked upon
the sunflower as an intruder and deepioed it
a000rdingly, bet in spite of their 'cora, it
kept on growing taller and taller,; till it
could ace over the high garden wall into the
dusty road beyond.
"What are you good for, you big weed? Do
the ladies ever wear your yellow bloeseme 1"
asked a red rose gaily nodding in the wind,
"Yon do note
ell sweet,"
eblue violet.
"And yen s not pretty," said a pink hy-
acinth trying onha glimpee of herself
in the fish-pcnd.
"Yellow and brown -ugh 1" said a tiger
lily, towing her head till the air was fragrant
with her sweet breath. "What a vulgar
"Yon are very usolese," observed a bit of
sweet marjoram. 'Beauty le nothing ;"
"ueefulneee es everything," Yea ought to
be pulled,
"Whoever" -began the jessamine -but
what rhe was going to may to lost to the
world, for jest then a gay party of young
people came fluting down the walk, laugh-
ing, and chatting ae only young people can,
One young lady -the eauflewer thought--
hought-must be the queen. Bat her orown was of
soft fair hair, and the white hand holding
up the trallirg velvet robe had no jewels on
it, She came slowly forward, looking nee at
the sunflower with eyes as bine as the fring-
ed gentians at her feet, She broke off one
of the flswers and pinned it on her bolt.
"Fie, Helen," cried a chorus of gay young
voices; "do yon see any beauty in that ger-
geone thing?"
"Yee," Helen answered, "See hew it
pays a mute homage to the inn. See how it
keep' turning ite bleeeome to the giver of
ite life and beauty." Then ehe murmured
softly :
The parent sun who bade thee view
Cold ekie,, and chilling moisture sip,
Hae clothed thee In hie own brlgat hue,
And touched with jet thy glowing lip.
She caressed the flower with her soft
hand, and they pale on, leaving the poor
friendleee thing quite happy.
"Some one loves me," it whispered, and
rustled softly from very joy,
Bit preeeatly there was a shout and dawn
the path oame a only -headed boy in pur-
suit of a tired, frightened butterfly; but be-
fore his cruel little hands could touch it it
had settled itself safely;on the topmost flow-
er out of their reach.
"Ugly old thing," cried the boy, his face
red with passion, "if you weren't so tall I
would get the butterfly." He naught the
stalk and tried to shake the trembling insect
dawn i when he found he could not he flung
a handful'rrave! at the flower and went
away. >
"Surely Ged put you here to help the op-
pressed," said the weary butterfly. Then
the eunflower felt so happy. "I am good
for something." it eatd gladly, and rooked
itself to and fro in the wind, rattling its
leaves till the tired butterfly folded its wings
and slept. -
By and by the sun went down and the
moon rose, and the fairies crept out from
the flower's hearts to dance in the moonlight
-all exoept one peer little fairy with a
broken Whig, who climbed up the stalk and
Bobbed ent,ite pitiful etory;,en the yellow
bloaeom a.ealltarte
"You must be God's own flower, .you
beautiful rnnbright thing," whispered the
wounded fairy. Hew happy the eunflewor
bolt as 'It rustled it leaves and swayed soft-
ly tIll. the fairy warn lulled to reef with the
mule of the leaver; as the breeze murmured
threugh them.
When the sun kissed open the gentians'
bine ayes, both butterfly and fairy were
gone, but their blessing lay deep inthe 'snn-
flower's heart.
There came down the het, dusty road a
barefooted child, with ,soft dark Southern
eyes, and she bent down the stalk and kiss-
ed the yellow Hewer and laid her hot, dark
fade agalnat it, murmuring : "Ah, bright,
pretty flower 1 I leve you -I love you.
"Was there ever a flower as happy ae I
?"cried the sunflower, nodding and sway-
ing till one bright Sewer fell like a shower
of gold all over the child's hair and in the
road. She gathered up the scattered leaves
and went on, holding them lightly in her
little hands.
Now came the gardener filling his basket
with flowers. "What 1" he cried, "the
sunflower still 1 How tall it has grown -
what great, gorgeous bleseoms 1"
New thought the eunfiewer proudly, he
will put my flower in the basket with the
But no -up -rip -rip oame the whole
plant, roots and all, and the reit minute it
was lying out in the road. "Now I must
die," it said sadly -but just then a wee rag-
ged child picked it up and ;parried it off;
then it was planted in a dark cellar, where
the arm never oame, and in this dark place a
little child was ,lowly breathing its Life
" I am content," said the brave ennflow-
er, "If it le God's will." Thenit bloomed out
new flowere that brightened np the dark
room so the child actually cooed and otretoh-
ed its little hands out to the bright biog.
"Baby will get well," ogled the little tis -
•clapping her hands for joy. But, alas!
"w n the morrow's gun shone over the bean -
Ulu garden a little child lay dead in the
dark cellar -one mere little soul had joined
the angels,
After the child was burled a woman pull.
ed the sunflower np and thrust it into a dlr•
ty alley. where it lay all day, wilted and
'slowly fading as the little child bad, But
once more the little sister found it, and the
tears ehe abed over it seemed to put new
life in it.
She planted it by a little lane grave, and
every day this tad little sister would come
to pray, -
"Please, God take me to the beautiful
Heaven where Baby ia."
One day the finished her little prayer and
lay down with ;her arms morose the baby's
grave. She was so white and still, and the
cheeks tended by the drooping leaves were
so cold, the eunflewor knew that God had
prayer answered her
p yer and galled Hie little
one home,
The next day there were two little graves
aidey side, and there the sunflowergrowt
and blossoms all alone
Onoe the flowers asked each other :
fox Where le the great ugly weed?"
ate south wind hisses the flowers just as
cannon, *,4o, but it never tells of the flower
1y its San l* titch ever the two little graves,
Cholera Is lipreading with great, rapidity
;A Utica genius has invented a intim
nen that Weighs lenfifteen pounde,
end dens away wltb whiffietreee, traoes, and
many of the oambersome, 'uses and buckles,
Morever it Is cheap.
Mra. John Wallace of Knoxville, Tenn,,
stepped to the gate to look for her five-year.
old boy, and at that moment a runaway
horse dashed by. It is thought that, she
euppoeed that her boy had been ran over,
for she fell to the ground dead,
Superintendent Appa of . the Star and
Crescent Flouring Miillls of Chioago Is a
tough man, He was naught in the belting
of the Mille the other day, whirled over
three pnlleye, thrown eloiently to the floor,
and yet not a bone wan broken, hie only in.
juries being a few flesh wounds.
The latest reported fasting girl is Julia
Harris, the twelve -year-old daughter of e
Methodist minlater near Fgwles 5 etion,
Texas. She to said not to have oaten any.
thing in forty -nix days. She was nnusuelly
fat when she began
her selftm
weighing 180 pound's, She is greatly re-
duced In fat now.
George Bail of Hartford has made a water
bicycle. The rider sits on a high seat sup
parted by two long, narrow floats rigged
catamaran fashion, He propels with his feat
a large wheel which gearing operates a little
eorow at the stern of the Draft, A fare
trials show the bloyole to be fast and easily
Mrs. Rebert Ss000h of Coral Miele, after
bending ever the wash tub until tired, sat
dawn to rest taking her baby boy on her lap
at the time. She felt faint, rose to go to
another room, fainted dead away, droping
the baby into a tub of water as she fell.
Her husband, Doming in soon after, found
the mother unooneoioua on the floor and
the little one drowned in the tub. •
Mr,. Maria Farrow of Central City, Ill.,
le 76 years old. A year ago she got the con-
tract for delivering the mail te the Poet
Of toe at $5 a month, and all through the
winter she never missed a day. Her duties
require her to hang the mail poach on the
orane at the depot, and onoe, doing thfe,
she fell and broke arm. Now ehe la well
and, though not an offensive partisan to a
very faithful efilotal.
William L Noyes and James B. Madgett
farmers of Richmond, Vt„ quarreled over
the ownership of a parcel of grain, and
Noyes punched Madgett with a pitchfork,
making a alight wound. A doctor was cell-
ed, and when Noyes caw him go te Mndg-
ett'e house he became very muoh excited,
and, saying to his wife, " I will kill myself,
went to the barn and shot himself three
times, dying almost instantly.
A farmer, living near Laverne, Ia., asked
a butoher ef the same plane if he wanted to
buy a fat cow, He said he did, and that he
would go after it soon. When the .butcher
arrived at the farmer's he found that the
latter had no fat cow, but had been jcking
with him. The farmer won't joke that way
any more, for the butcher brought suit
against him and obtained judgment for $5.
While a gang of prieonere were waiting
on a wharf at Philadelphia for the arrival of
the pollee boat to take them to the Howse
of Correction, Moses Kelly made a dash
and jumped into the water. He disappeared
and was thought to be drowned, but oare-
ful„eearoh revealed him in the mouth of a
sewer sixty feet from where he went under.
He wan dragged out with a boathook, in
much the same condition as Jean Vaijean
after hie famous wade in the Paris sewer.
A citizen of Detroit has had his faith in
human nature rudely shaken. One day
when the rain was falling fast he saw a
young man and a young woman paddling
through the wet. nmbrellaleee, He was
near hie own door, Se with rare philan-
thropy, be thrust his silk umbrella into the
hand- of the astonished young man saying,
" Take ,thfe : you have 'a lady with you.
You can bring it back to -morrow to that
house there.” The young man took the
umbrella, and the good citizen of Detroit
hasn't seen it since.
C. L. Badley, a waterloos negro gambler.
of Nebraska, was shat near Crawford the
other day. One bullet hit him in the back
of the head, tearing off the enter plate of
skull, another went into his eye, another
bit him in the forehead,and the fourth went
into his right arm. He never lost conscious -
nese, and at last accounts was alive. The
four wounds make bullet soars ; he bears
twenty-five. He was wounded four times
In a fight last winter, and carried a builet in
his tongue a week before he found out what
" felt so curious."
Let the timid women who are inolfned to
jump from a carriage every time the horse
pricks np his ears read this story of a West-
field, Mane,, girl. She was driving a spit.
Hod horse, when the headetall broke, and
the bit came out of his mouth, Of course,
he ran. The girl, perfectly powerless to
restrain him, sat upright in her seat, while
the frightened animal ran wildly through
the streets. She never said a word, even
when a daring man caught on behind and
climbed into the buggy, only to find him-
self quite as powerless as the girl. But this
added weight helped, for after a half -mile
run the horse was tired enough to admit of
his being caught, and the girl jumped out
of the buggy, not much frightened, and net
a bit hurt.
A. Beene in Bummer.
Turn out of the way a little, good scholar,
towards yonder high honeysuckle hedge.
There we'll sit and sing while this shower
falls so gently upon the teeming earth, and
gives a yet sweeter email to the lovely
flowers that adorn these verdant meadows.
Look. under: that broad beech tree I eat
down when I was last this way a -fishing,
and the birds in the adjoining grove seemed
to have a friendly contention with an echo,
whose dead voice teemed to live in ahollow
tree near to the brow of that primrose hill,
there I eat, viewing the silver streams
glide silently towards their centre, the tem-
peetuoue sea, yet sometimes opposed by.
rugged roots and pebble stones which broke
their waves and turned them into foam.
And Sometimes I'beguiled time by viewing
the hamlets lambs, come leaping securely
In the cool Jihad°, while others sported
themselves in the cheerful sun, and saw
others graving comfort from the woollen
udders of their bleating dame. As I thug
sat, these and other eights had so fully pos.
sassed my soul with content that I thought,
as the poet has so happily expressed it-
" I
t -"I woe for that time lifted above earth,
And possessed joys not promised in my birth."
Ae I left this plane and entered irate the
next field, a teeond pleasure entertained
me, It was a hendeomo mlihmaid, that
had not yet attained me muoh age and wit•
dom as to load her mind with any fears of
many things that will never be, as too
rnany men too often do ; but she oast away
ell ogre and Gang like a nightingale,--Tzafrd
A man
sixty inyMearatooa,
nold111 , has a pe ny plant
In Nome pieces in Ariwena there hes been
no rain in three years,.
The seeds of many New -aland planta
ere said to grow the better for being frozen.
An East Jordan, Mloh,, man ie eoeused
of hanging out a sign reading: "Knew
Syder for mane,"'
Au old man's prayer that his house should
burn wee answered after hie death at, Oak.
thage, Tenn., last week.
A New York woman of imolai dietinotion
has offered to pay an author if he will make
her the herelne of a novel.
Mies Lilian S nith, of Otlifornta, a young
lady of fourteen years, has broken 325 glass
balls is enooeeefon with the rifle,
A German inventor le building et a Dost
of $125,000, a balloon five hundred feat in
length, to bo operated by steam. He is very
sanguine of saoceee, and has been offered
$150,000 for hie patent.
A medical j eurnal tells of a young woman
who oontraoted the habit of chewing coffee.
The habit grew until she oarrled the coffee
to bed with her, and at last she consumed
half a pound a day.
Giese plates have been eubstitutodfor cop.
per in the eheathing of an Italian ship, the
advantage claimed being exemption from
oxidation and incrustation. The gins was
out in plates to fit the hull.
A oomposltor in the Pittsburg Dispatch
offloo whoae name wahine seven lettere, in
making up his string found that, he had set
77,777 ems in the seven days of last week,
He is also a member of T, U. No. 7.
The manufactureof solid carbonic acid gas
has become a settled industry in Berlin, It
le put up in small cylinders, and if kept
under pressure will last some time -that is,
a cylinder one and one-half inoh in diameter
and two inohee long will take five hours to
melt away Into gas.
A farmer named Cook, of Calhoon, Ala.,
has a curiosity in the shape of an egg that ie
a very remarkable freak of nature. The egg
measures ten inohes in length, and when
broken was found to contain another well-
developed, fully -shelled egg. The enter-
prising hen that laid this remarkable egg,
did so at the expense of her life,
There was an exhibit at the semi-annual
meeting of the Connecticut Valley Dental
Society, in Hartford, of.a set of teeth taken
from a tomb near the city of Rome. It 1e
asserted that they had been there at leant
twenty-five hundred years. The teeth are
held in place by a band of geld, artistically
worked in fancy oarvinge, the figures being
se minute that a magnifying glass le noes•
sary to bring out their beauty.
Sir John Lnbbeok, the noted British
aoientlet, exhibited at an Aeaootatfonmeet-
ing recently a very strange pet, It was a
tame wasp which had been in bit possession
for about three months. It now ate sugar
from bit hand, and allowed him to stroke it.
The wasp had every appearance ef health
and happiness ; and, although it enjoyed an
" outing " occasionally it readily returned
to its bottle, which it seemed to regard as a
Every poison, it is said, has its antidote,
and the latest discovery claimed by the
medical science in this respect is that the
water -areae completely neutralizes the de-
leterious effects of tobacoo. Smokers who
think that they have exp rrienoed injurious
effects from the use of one weed will hasten
to avail themselves of the remedial proper-
ties of the other, and in a very short time
we shall undoubtedly find that water -ono
has beoome a fashionable and popular
article of diet,
The latest invention of comfort for tour•
ietais a new traveling cap, made with an air
cushion in the baok. Ordinarily, it is jest
like any other traveling cap, but when yon
want to rest your head en the seat.baok,
and don't want all the hair en the back of
your head rubbed off, all you have to do is
to put your month down to the opening,
blow np the little bag and put in a cork.
Then you put your cap on your head, and
there you are, with as nice a cushion as a
man could auk for. It le the invention of a
train boy.
A firm wrote to a piano dealer who owed
them money : " Dear air : • Will yon be
kind enough to send ne the amount of
your bill ? Yours truly." To this the
firm rooeived the following reply : " Gen-
tlemen : Your request is granted with plea-
sure. The amount of my bill is $575. Yours
very truly."
For drunkenneee, drink oold water ; for
health, rise early ; to be happy, be honest
to please all, mind your own busfnes%
" No," enappiehly said the Sammer board.
Ing -house keeper to Mrs. Culture, who was
inquiring ad to the healthfulness of the lo-
cality ' No we ain't got ne typhoid germs,
and there hafn't been no calla for 'em either,
Folks is wanting everything nowada ye, and
ain't eatiefied with Olean beds and plenty of
what's good to eat,"
"I would That I Were Dead:"
cries many a wretched housewife to -day an,
weary and disheartened, she forces herself
to perform her daily task. "It don't seem
as if I could get through the day. This
dreadful back -ache, those frightful drag-
ging dawn eeneatione will kill me 1 Is there
no relief?' Yea, madam, there is. Dr.
Pierce's " Favorite Prescription" is an un-
failing remedy fer the complaints to which
your sex ia liable. It will restore you to
health again. Try it. All druggists.
r' Leoturing on Greene,'.' as the auction-
eer Baia wben be stood en the tub of batter
to sell goods.
Danger Ahead:
There le danger ahead for you if you neg-
lect the warning which nature le giving
you of the approach of the fell -destroyer -
consumption. Night sweats, spitting of
blood, toes of appitito-these symptoms have
a terrible meaning. You can be cured if
you do not wait until it is too late. Dr.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery," the
greatest blood -purifier known, will restore
your lost health, As a nutritive, it Is far
superior to cod liver oil. All druggists.'
" I avieh, Mamie, on your way down
town this afternoon you would stop some
whore and order some fish for dinner,"
" What kind shall I get, mamma'?"
"Black 't., we
131aok bate of come, child. Aran
in mourning?"
good laugh is Bald to be the sunshine of
the home, but there are some men so base
;hat they think more of a smile 'round the
Don't ase any more nanseoua.rnrgativeo Much
as Pills, Salts, &o., when you can get in ,Dr,
Carson's Stomach Bitters, a medicine that
moven the Bowole gently, elem ising ail, imour'
sties froth the ay Firm and rendering the Blood
pure and cool, Gloat Spring Medicine 110 ohs.
'r That gontl email seams to have a hard
time finding his seat; must be near•alght.
ed," " Not at, all, Only another proof of
the force of habit." " How so 1' '" He
need to be an usher."
' ' " . Deliette distrust of either isex,
however Inineed, epeedii and radivalty
owed, Ahirers, in oontidrnle, Werld's
D:11-7,naary Medical Aesoolation, Baffalp,
Ntrar4.EAt,:liNabteyse .l1TAY#j CUi7Ef4, 5TAV
olein',abeeae box, veneer, lesion' tplitfng
.r Yea May •the treat weighed; ten bookb�adere ouldln tenni ,Andottrarm e
na 1whW
poanda 1''" " Yes, sir ; it was the biggest kuivee of best quality manufaoturod by Paeraa Dar,
grout I ever saw." " And he got .a way1lelt Maebinu Knito Werke, halt, Sot. ; rend los price
from yon 1" .r Yes.,, ., Will yotake affq,
oath to tha" " I"11 taothso;
I swore et;nough about
ke itno whmeren heoagt
opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and
kindred habits. The medicine may be given
In tea or coffee without the knowledge of
the person taking it ti/ SO desired. Send 63
in stamps, for book and testimonials front
t hese who have been oared, Address M,
V, Luben, 47 Wellington Si, Eget, Toronto,
Oat, Cut this out for futpre reference,.
When writing mention this paper,
44.. P.
if FEN-THREE—ant two ladies-ae Canvaesere
LL�rgood pay. H. E. Hsmeaor, Taranto, Oat,
`a Una! P ., ft I
equal tcbeet imported : all kinds of re•oulting.
Dolt File Works, Fasosit OS PAaswr, Galt P.O.
,„,// wholesale houeee, manufacturers; fires prize
Central Falre. Address M. D. Narraos,, Mannfau.
taxer, Hamilton.
7oVf 8e Acre Warm-415On 60 Acre Farm
—I mile from Dundalk -100,000 sating
pp aye, 15 cents ; 100.000 5 cent music ; tustruments
half•prioe. BUIL AND. 87 Hing•st. W., Toronto.
EPRE9ENTaTIVE In each county to sell "Pro.
rib pedal and tapousal"-a book on Love, Oourt-
ehtp, Matrimony and kindred themes. Write for
circulars. International Book sad Bible House,
Toronto, Ont.
improvements; bracket band mare tor at.aoh•
ng to poste; neat, cheap and durable ; send for
Ona, • fare. JOHN DILLIES & CO., Carleton Place,
BIBLES—large type, splendid maps, beautiful
• luetratlone; contains 4,000 questtone and 'answers
on Bible Topics ; liberal terms. Internacional
Book and Biota House, Toronto, Ont.
County, for the 0. H. Parer and slicer. Beet
thiag out ; sells at eight ; sample Knife sent on
receipt of prioe, 160. Q. D, DAY Agent,
40 Yong. Sit, Toronto, Ont.
townehlp, to sell Dr. Talmage's new book,
Live Coals." The keenest end moat vigorous
epeotmen of oratory ever written; nearly 700 pages ;
only $2 ; full particulars of this and other new books
PRIM Schuyler Smith 8GCo.,Publish ere, London, Out
offered to young Ladles and Gentlemen during
May. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Commerolai Business,
Ebglleh, 0laeeleal or Mathematical courses, separate
or all together, at half the regular tuition fee. Ad,
dress immediately, Tas To,onro Bosixese 0ortIei,
Toronto, Ont.
CI CIIOOL Teachers di Students Attention t
17:During Holidays a special oonree of privat°.
lessons, by highest masters. will be given School
Teachers and Students, on Shorthand, Drawing or
Painting. All who esu should Dome. Send Immedi-
ately for societal circulars. Tam UNION saoac•
aANDmsS' AMMMERY, Arcade. Toronto. ::
BENt elFGH'4 Shorthand and Buelnass
Institute. Toronto. Tale 1s the oldest and
lead, g 0nortnaad and Typewriting School in Can-
ada. Its Teachers and Leeturere are man of lane-
ta-med practical exeeriecoe. Special lnduoements dur-
ing eu emu mInthe. Poaltions moored graduates.
Shorthand books for eale. 0 .rreepondenoe invited.
Story Paper, The Fireside Weekly. Six serial
stories by the most talentedauthors in each issue.
A number of interestingC ni �l
o i oto Tales os of Love,
Romance, and Adventure, Choice Poetry, Short
Sketches, Household Recipes, Science, Wit and
Humor, etc., contained in each issue of The
Fireside Weekly. 50. per copy; or, with 40 of
the most desirable songs of the day, 82.00 per
year; six months and 20 pieces music, $1; three
months and 10 pieces music, 500. Subscribe
now: „Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal com-
mission. Sample copies free. THE FIRESIDE
WEErtrs, 28 Colborne St., Toronto, Canada.
H.Felt & Slate Roofer,
Manufacturer and dealer in Tarred Felt, Roofing
Pitch, Building papere, Carpet and Deafening Felt.
Ready Roofing, etc.
For low prices address
4 Adelaide St. E,, Toronto,
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
T. PEPPER & CO., Guelph, Ont.
Our Duplex Axles are all to be had at all the
principal Hardware Stores in the Dominion.
GENTS 2 -YOU CAN'T FIND A BOOK THAT gives better eatlefabtlon or that you can make
money faster with than " World's Wonders." Salto
all classes -Christiana and Infidels, Catnoltoe and
Protestants, old and young ; old agents who have
not canvassed for years are going into the field with
it; 0. F. Jenkina,old128 the first week • J• E. Brace
save: "The first week with "Wonders" netted me
one hundred and ,ixteen dollars." A good °hence
for unemployed persona ; outfit free to actual can-
vaeeere; write for terms. BLLDLIY, GaaswTeoN &
Co., Brantford.
Wesleyan Ladies' College,
Has graduated over 200 ladies in the tail course
has eduoated over 2,00D. Full Faculties in i:terature,
languages, mnPto and art. The largest college
building in the Province. Will open on Sept. 1, 1880.
Address the Principal, A. BURNS, D,D., LL D.
Axle and Machine Screw Works.
Carriage and Wagon Axles, Iron and Steel Sel
and Cap Sorewe, etc. List on application,
Band Files.
Consumers will find it to their advantage
to ask the trade for oar make of Filee and
Rasps. Re•Cntting a Specialty. Send
for price list and terms.
Hamilton, - Ontario.
Productive Town, Village & Farm Property
6 Union Block— Toronto Street' _Toronto.
MANm'aoToaliss or
Wool, linlenand Damask
Of now patterns and designut Guelph, Ont.
'.DIVER e C °
The Royal Manufacturing Company,
6 Perth St., Guelph, Ont.
L. C. WIDEMAN & 00.,
itANDPAOTr mnae Or-
Improvers Family and Laundry Mangles
And all kinds of Laundry Applienet*, Burglar
Proof Window•Saeh Looks, Stop Ladderd, old., oto,.
Model•Making, ifilt•Wrlghting and Carpentering
A Buts Wanted,
AKi i � oER D
The Snow Dalit BsllIgir 'cwder 4o., Oranaforai,aOp:
New .Orleans Road Cart Co'y,
43us, avow.
,_ua rporoneaa--
Winters' Patent Road Cart,
Buggies, Carriages, &&C•
end for Catalogue.
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships,
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thu,,•
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and te
summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,
calling at Londonderry to land mails and paeeengen
for Scotland and Ireland; also Iron Baltimore, via.
Halifax and St. Johne, N,R, to Liverpool tortnlghtll
during summer months. The stoamere of the Gita
gow lines Ball during winter to and, from Halifax,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum,
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; Glas-
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phlladet
phla fortnightly.
For freight, passage, or other information apply k
A. Schumacher & Go., Baltimore ; S. Cunard & Co.,
Halifax; Shea & Co., St. John's N.F,- Wm. Vamp,
eon 8t Co., St. John, N. B, ; AlVamp,len & Go:, Chicago ;
Love & Alden. New York ; H. Bourlier, Toronto }
Altana, Rae & Co., Queboo • Wm. Brookie, Philadei•
phis; H. A. Allen, Portland, Baotou, Montreal.
Galt. Olt&
Buggy and Carriage Gears.
Send for Catalogue.
Macnair's 169 YONGE ST.,
1 Toronto.
ta.Evory enquiry cheerfully answered.
This gear cuppplles the demand of the Driving Pub
do for 14w hanging buggies, and combines with toil
itgghtnee., ease et motion. great strength and dura.
Willy. Prides very moderate. Wheel. tired with oar
Double Flange Steel Tire, wear fully four times se
long ss those with ordinary tire steel. Send for our
descriptive circular. J B. A SISTBONG Writ
Co., (lad.), Guelph, Canada.
•34 t1tr�3 ri-r
WATEROUS •ENGINE WORKS CO., Brantford, Canada.
Hams, Bteakfafst Bacon.
Our goods are of the Finest Quality, Fall Flavour and Sagar•cured.
Silver medals awarded us for past seven years for excellence of cure.
sus_ P.A.PK az Som-?
3 I EI
McColl s Lardiiie Machlilo 011, .
Try It onoe and you wlll use no other. - - Every Barrel Guaranteed.
We are the Sole Manufacturers of Genuine Jardine.
ear Also Cylinder, Engine, Wool and Harness Oils.
Try Our Canadian Coal Oil, "SUNLIGHT" Brand, Finest in the
..araasraosrsess eP-
AnNN Emus" /TM lath 11U010114,mus" =arfianl
Sudan tial r.
"Grain Saver" and "Peerless"
orate ° a.rse•r.w'ei r i
,1, a,11 and 11
Tread Powers, for 1,1 and 3 Morsel.
&Ig t Ieparat rs, fir Tread and Sweeprowers.
OILNeva to ltfseksted MM Qafaist is kite Llrt.
4U,4JMtMU' E '
Superior Merit.
The Most Tfleetava. Clean, Durable and Economical Heaters In thb STaritet for warmtajr
and ventilating Churobet, Schools, Public Buildings, Stores and Private itesidonoee, Simple In °Outtalk,.
Con and easily managed, capable of giving snore heat with le€a consumption of fuel dean any other heating
spperetne. tar Absolutely Gas Tight.'rnt Eight sizes "Barrie"and tour elzee "Mammoth"
are made and oan bo eat Dither in Beek or Portable form. Correspondence eolloited. For Catalogues and
further tnforrhation addroee
The L & Gt tlURNLY CO. °(Limited), HAMILTON.