The Exeter Times, 1886-7-8, Page 8"gill aNST.ldtA SCE.
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THE ik�'IriS`(,` leads AeSUR4.leseE COh-
I'ANY.ofToronto ,et oforthol3ffQ T�i[yZ'rlt
INSt 1GA.NCE GGMPANY,ot'kJ ou(104. P.neland
he O'yATI CANADIAN. o. Mantroal, tied frac
Masse X t Za 7[1Leeee ASSURANCE 0.0 ;C-.
Peetel", 4'f, laoodon, eloglaud, eetaablishe(1 iA;t7.
Assets oven' $0;000,000;. claws 14u(.1 bonus is
paid, over $10,000,000,
40Cd1Z, Nis -T n.�-IVeshadf be happy to re_
cave at all times, from any part of the
County, items of local neaas, such dS ac.
ei dents,or any interesting incident what
ever, fronn(rny of our setbscribe2's or read:.
e "generally
a ' A• .the
ro purpose US
6 ,
0 public-
ation. ,f i bit _
1 c
f 7�
[u following oat the jediscee instructions it
wilt else xequirc at double ma1FQ.up of cavil
fora:; as the "judge's copies'? aro to have
blank spaee between the different alphabet.
ical mamee .on the list, while the ordinary
lists ate not to helm such apaees. The ;l•ee-
son for this cluungo isthat the judges Bayo
had eonsiderat?lo trouble heretofore in mak-
ing nUh
1 a
U f the
n l lists,and
1,, is thought
that by this change the trouble can be less-
The Shoddy Pettier.
in our issue of June 24th, wo 22)040 men-
tion of> c
a i e flet named George Taurus; as hav-
ing disposod to several parties in this see -
tion bills of goods amounting to over 140,00.
Small consigunlents of the goods were loft,
r and s note taken for full au1 uut, with 0 pro -
'Theof Pines, , n d 1 dolivorin remainder of goods in a
' 4 I days. The shoddy man not putting int
an appcarailce within a couple of weeks of
"___ ; ---F-- m the date specified, the parties thus victimized
TFIUI SDAY, JULY $th,18 6. set to work to have, i the matter thoroughly
sifted. As e result of their labors, the man
TEN W TE -1 perliae ter first insertiou, and
was arrested at Londen, on Saturday
CUR Otfl'fT$ per line tor each subsequent in night, on 0 charge of defrauding a farmer in 1
ertion walla, charged fo ,notices apt,eul40) this vicinity some weeks since, of a note pur• 1
thisoolumu. porting to be for $48. It is altogether pro. l
leer ovules,
7l' le. Carling woo the fat man's race at,
the i.imericlt Piseic on Taesd:ay,
'.Elio thermometer roistered 98P in tate
shade en Monde**,
A number of t y'psise visited our village on
Nrendeea anti eeeerel horse deals were tercet-
aro several U .l
1 1 s c h a t' n
of a vVl'itlll,., at our
Public Schools for the entrance examination.
Mr. W. J. Catling has been appointed
agent for the C. P. Beltway, for this district,
A. ford, allay, has purchased n
on Ilnroll-st from Ur. 1, Carling, and is c
lug to Exeter to reside,
In cousequenee of the continuous' dry wee;
thee, there are several wells in town reported
On Tuesday morning,' Mr. Thos. 13issett
sr, shipped from this station 18 fie horses
for the Pennsylvania markets
0111 -
The 1'a-uniQ2 picnic held in A'ioG]llivrn
On Tuesday, was largely represented by our
The new sidewalks to bo built on„
will be proceeded with as soon as the nester -
al arrives.
Dr. Browning has recel'red the Druggist's
License to sell liquor under the Canada
'"emperanee Act.
The report of the Limerick picnic held ou
'uesday winch is very extended, was reeeiv-
d too lute for this issue.
Several small picnic parties pitched their I
eats in Pickard's bash, on Thursday, July
1st; and apparently'spent a good time.
`1n \veduesday last, the .salvation Aruly
Without exeeption, the best and etleap
lines in Boots and Shoes we have as
seen, can now be lead at C, Raerett's, C
drens Carriages, Express Wagons, lacy
Bieyeles of :t11 sizes, Men'sHaud-anadeBo
also Harness', trunks, valises of every deserip
tion constantly on hand. Call and see them.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for geode.
C. Eaca r.
P ,
da � colored O1
ea P 1••
a is Green at It •
et 1
G al
Drug Store. Light colored Paris Green is a
cheaper, weaker and iufetiorartiolo,-C, Lrrrz,
'sable that he will be brought te'Exeter' for
trial. Berns is a resident of London. Tho
trial,, will be very ictoiestine as there aro a
great many connected, (:
est -- ) t
yet. Runaway.
Til- Saturday evening, Mr. Geo. Turnbull, of 1
s' 'Osborne, was driving to Exeter with a young
ets; horse, his wife was seated beside him, and a
quantity of produce in the bottom of the rig.
When pushes the residence of Wm, Drew on
Huron et., it •became frigbtensd at something,
on side of road, and after making a conple of
sudden and wild jumps, landed the am -
pants into the ditch. • The vehiele end holes er
Across rite Ocean.
There is not week passes but what some
of the residents of the villa•e or county
leave for the Old Land. Some go thither for
the benefit of their health, but the majority
for a well earned holiday, which they are
justly entitled to after years of frugality and
care. The next to leave are Messrs. Charles
Senior and Robt. Howard.
shade h ade Tro
Year ,after year there are many of our
shade trees which dieand the causes attrib-
uted differ greatly.. n most cases, however,
the result is from tying lhorses to trees. It
should be remembered that people who are
in the habit of tying horses to shade trees
are liable to a heavy fine:; It is very annoy.
ing to any one who has gone to the trouble of
beautifying their property by planting trees
and otherwise improving the street, to have
some thoughtless individual come round and
tie his horse to the trees. It is hoped a stop
will be put to the practice.
drool Board.
At a meeting of the Subool Board held in
the secy's office ou the evening of 2nd ' July,
the account of A. Cottle, for repairing lad-
der, amounting to e1.50, was passed. The
chairman and treas. were instructed to
borrow 1200 to assist in paying teachers'
salaries. A resolution' was passed requesting
the Connell to raise the sum of $2,000 for
school purposes, for present year. Mise
Croley was granted permission to attend the
Normal School, providing Miss' Spicer would
be permitted to act as tier substitute. A
lengthy discussion took place regarding tru-
ants, a determination being manifested by
the Board to deal with the guilty parties in
future as the law directs.
Time and again we have alluded to the dis-
graceful i practice of loafing about our streets,
The evenings are now very pleasant, and the
younger as well as those of more advanced
years, congregate in large numbers upon
corners, and continue to pass the rascal,
c,parse remarks upon passers-by, especially
the ladies.
It is very
disgusting to a Iady
who is compelled to walk through au,h a crowd of
young men, to hear remarks passed, and
for. the sake of that portion of the
population, the detestable habit should.
be pat down. We hope that our police, who,
is properly, very strict in suchmatters will
not allow this grievance to be continued,
Messrs. William Balkwill, of Exeter, and
M. Hodgins, of Clandeboye, issue the follow-
ing challenge :-"Having heard that Albert
McLean and Richard Eacrett, of Lucan, are
anxious to make a match with us for the fol-
lowing games :-100 yards race, 80 yards race
150 yards race over 3 feet hurdles, running
long jump, and hop, step and jump, we chal-
lenge then to a match at these games for
$100 a side, to take place on the first day of
August next, the winners of best 3 in 5 to
take the money. To show :that we mean
business we have placed in the hands di Mr.
T. W. Hawkshaw $50 as forfeit, the balance
to be handed to "Aeon the day of the race.
This challenge will remain open until July
4th. We believe fhe challenge :has not been
Public Meeting.
\ The ratepayers of Exeter are well aware
that a public meeting will be held in Drew's
Hall, on Friday evening next, for the purpose
of discussing the matter of the erection of a
new -town hall in the village, and of the pro-
priety of submitting a by-law to the people.
It goes without saying that something has to
be done in the direction of securing better ac-
commodation for court purposes, as well as
to give the place an equal reputation with
other villages of far less note. A11those hav-
ing a voice in the matter, and who wish to
offer some new scheme or proposal are earn-
estly requested to attend, while every rate-
payer is invited. The meeting will commence
at 8 o'clock.
Civic Holiday.
GVednesday, July 21st, has been proclaim-
ed a Civic Holiday, by H]s Worshipr-the
Reeve of Exeter. The setting apart of a
Slate so closely following the 1st of July, is
simply an act of undue haste, and the pro-
reoters of the affair must not have consider-
ed that August would be a more acceptable
time at which to take a clay for ,recreation.
With July 12th in a few days --which is not
necessarily a holiday, but will be observed
by many -and the 21st a few days after, the
move will uot be appreciated by the major-
ity of business men, when they properly con -
elder the matter. There is the month of
' August without a holiday, when, it is teas-
Mnalde to believe, that the citizens would be
etter satisfied than at the early date set
tpart in the present month. The. exprea-
[lions of diss(atisfaotion-acre numerous,
Changing the
Judge toms has adopted a new plan
printing the voter's
nets of the different muni.
t' in count Theygot-
its thisore to
bo 0
ten out ill farm miler to tresstin
p ted un-
der the Dominion Franchise Act, which will
.cerfainly entail considerable more expense
upon each municipality than formerly. The
list will be much larger' than the old style
and printed only on one side of the page.
held a strawberry festival in Drew's Block. ( ROBERTS
The attendance tt'ns slim. CLARK.
The officers of the Luoen and 'Exeter
Butter and
We We 111
1 Ven opened Ow e ed out Ol '
>~ lc
ppa e,of buslixess
in the north store of Fansoil's Block:,, and are
ready bo take a ASE[ for all purchases 'of f 71y'rola,ss
of goods we keep, and by quickly turning over the
goods to oustomers,we can afford to sell ith very
light profits ;<or even a small commission 071 Will Sat-
is#y us. Any ordinary calculator can count up,
that a very little or everything passing through
our hands must amount to a fair return. We
would like to'have all our old fri€.ncls , corns and
�,. see our stock .and receive our prices for• -Groceries
Crockery and Glassware. '
Eggs *fill be taken in' exchange fox' Gooc.
Yours Respectfully,
ceps of the SalvationArmy etcltangod`pos
on Sabbath last.
Farmers in' this vioinity have cut' conal
able hs
and i
Y, u many localities the or
light. Some have already' out fall when
(1` we learn that the yield will' be good.
� ro overturned nt,d •o '
l m1
sett s
ca 1
end, '
P In
n to
Y+ h
efforts of the animal to release itself, it sus- an
tainedl serious injury. When free it galloped
up Alain st as far as the Tines offine; where
it was captured. Airs. Turnbull, being
thrown out very violently, received several
severe injuries, while Mr. Turnbull, who
was made to hug the pound, escaped seri-
uns effects. Had the animal not instantly
made for the ditch Mr, T. could have control-
led it, but as it was his'power and nock; of
`handling the ribbons were useless. Another
rig was procured and Mr. Turnuull did the
Miss Maud Reil, of Loudon, is the guest
of Miss Carrie Templeton of this place.
Mrs. J. C. Stewart, of Brockville, is
visiting her parents in town.
The school teachers are now enjoying their
Miss Is. Hawkshaw, cif Seaforth, is visiti
friends iu town.
Mr. W. F. May anai.,wite, of Granton,
visiting their parents, who reside a short d
tante south ot Exeter.
We are sorry to learn that Dr. Hooper is
in a very critical condition, having had a re-
Mr. W. MacNab •tend wife, of St. Thomas,
yisited Exeter on July 1st, and were the
guests of tMr. and Mrs, John Hayes.
On Sabbath last, the Free Masons march-
ed to Christ Church, where an impressive
and eloquent sermon was preached by the
incumbent, Rev. S. F. Robinson.
Mr. N. J. Clarke, of Butte City, California,
I (Corrected tett; o'clockpan. Wednesday.
lIoved to HFrant
S ..
P'n w 1
ill.. .
0 73
S •i �
o p1 ne Wneat... .,. .., 0 60 eo 0 70 ' .•_'
rear O RENT. -The Exeter P ! file
Hotal to
I .r
t, Oats
... •,. ... � rent 1
Apply ,.
t I
p! Y e
0 :37to 0 0J8 near the Exeuur i allroacl station,
7 OU to 7 25 CARDING. Ti.)l7ARIYCrwould respectfull intimate to
1 75 to 2 00 the Iii o Y a
The gravelling in town and throughout the
country has been finished; and ' the ''amount
put on the roads this year far exceeds that
of any former season.
Next Monday is the 12th; it is' expected
that the largest, crowd ever known to be
here, will be present on that day. Gigantic'
preparations aro beingtRnade.
Mr. I. Carling, Jr,, passed 3rd at the 'Col-
legiate Institute Examinetion at St. Thomas,
lastweek. We congratulate our young friend
on his8
On Monday, Mr. Swallow's horse galloped
down. Andrew•st, at gait somewhat. faster
than 2:10d. No damage was•done other than
giyiug the wagon a shaking up,
Messrs, Bissett Bros; "areputtingau ad-
dition 'to their tin and harware tore in
order to meet requirements necessitated by
their rapidly increasing; business.
Remember the Promenade Concert in the
Skating Rinke to -night, u
of .'the Ladies'' Guild of Christ Church,
Exeter. Admission, 25ets ; refreshments
served. A good time may be expected.
The strawberry season bas just about
closed, to make way for the 'raspberries,
which are ripening rapidly. Mr. G. A.
Hyndman has disposed of nearly. 3,000 base-
ets of strawberries.
Cherries'are ripe, and. the yield is much
larger than was anticipated. 11 was thought
that the' little black grub, which played
havoc with the tree early in the spring,
would certainly have ruined the cherry.
The Stephen and Usborne Branch Agri-
cultural Society, will hold their annual fall
on the 4th and nth Oetobel•, rite society
Clover See ...
Tilu o th y
Clore . 0 Ge to 0 50
[Eggs •' u 58 to 0 oC
Butte) 0 10 to c 10
Potsatoes,por bag
Apples,per'bag 40 to
DriodA A it s 0 00
Gees 11 a pr . . 0 04 t o 0 00.
speed 0OGto000'
Turkey per lb 0 05to 0 6
Dunks pe r pr
040 to 0401
Ohickensperpr . 025 to 0 06 1
Frog9,drossedpet']00.•• •.. 5 50 to (i 2i
Beef 500to000
Fll 091'01
�+ 5'00 OU
to G
dr J
Wool per lb 0 50 t
Rapper ton
Woodper cord
Public ata •g that he has moved from his
S cid location, and henceforth his
io, �
In' � T
�A STp�E
the Sl lot 8, con 7, Township of Usbori
31, t0 0 11 Coltuty, ofliurect 5 miles frons Exeter; 45 aer
00 t o 5 55 cicarocl, balance tiulber: good prick houec;a
frame barn on the premises, also a bearing
• 40 to 0 40 orchard of choice fruit trees and two n
1aiLngwehso,f:1 eve
quality a wow,. condition.
-pl excellent
q Y ndQn good coggitlon. .i1n11)Iy to Gvo,
SLaaoeox, Proprietor, Elimville P. O.
r Will lbeiooatedin GCO KEMP'S OLD STAED
(one door North of Drew's Block,) where he will
be found, as of old, with a large and well, as-
sorted stook of entirely new goods, consisi ing of
Ready-made Clothing,Tweed,
Shirtings,g ed,
English b ed and
Moleskins;° Cotton-
ades Brown Duck,
Dress Goods, all descriptions
Corsets, Ladies Hose, Mus-
lins, Lawns,
VARA FOR SALE. -..90 acres, in
Township h1
80 acmes p Stephen, Con. 4, acro ;
re in good state of cultivation,; 10 acres
bush. The soil is of the best quality (not heavy
0 00 to 7 00 clay) There are on the premises a gond brink
0'50 to c 57 house,large frame barn, a good sized bearing
0 70
orchard -mostly winter -fruit.-spring: water„
0 16 to 017 and two good wells. The farm i8 well fenced
00 to 6 00
• ,,, 050to075
,., 2 50 to 3;0o
For spa.
air. eyerything is convenient ; itis a: most de-
sirable home. Will be sold cheap and on rea-
sonable terms, Apply'on the premises or to
Furious EVANs, Centralia P.O.
ng g , nder the suscices 1
ARM FOR 4ALE. Tile ;110
offers for sale the north half oi' And everythinp,,usually kept iu a well -stocked
h 'General Stole. I am making Soeoitl Bates
l to close' out my
S .rin � ce u
p g Summer Goods
ot 30, con. 13, Township of East' Wawanos ,
County of Huron„ containing 100 acres ; wol
eased; a good stream of water from a never
ailing spring ; nice young orchard of choice
eft trace; a frarue bank br.rn and log house
0 acres cleared ` and seeded down balance
ush. Price $4,000, two-thirds cash, Possession
ivenany time. Apply"to D: Stewart, cattle -
aver, winaham, or to J. Matheson. Hay P.0
ARM FOR SALE. -The subsorip.
er offers for sale 50 aerosol laud, more
or less, being the North Hule of Lot A., in the
th concession, Usborne. There are ou tho land.
a frame house, frame barn, and - horse stable,
Jura small orchard and gnea water, :Tbo
roperty is pretty .wen. fenced cud soil of good
uality; situated 8' mil es from Exeter, 7 miles
om Grantoreand'miles from Lucan. Pos-
easion given after hat '` • 1
chase money cash; balance to suitppurchaso .
Apply to JOHN C01i,NISIi. Zlimville
E@(_I��p LOCAL:OR'Bravean
6IPLOY�' Eil�l8 Mate wbAoh preterm
Aldo SALARY ermonth.
D Alla
a d.
Cu. 306 c�c+an,ue tit.: Cincinnati: O.
are i
is• f
is at present in the village, transacting some
d• intend erecting a poultry shed 5420 feet
of also a grand stand.
ne nIl• For sale at Reasonable
. W. lues
McNally, Prices.
Y, of Exeter,
business left nudono when be .emigrate
Mr. C. limes the country, and as a pro
has purchased 650 acres of laud and a fi
re idencs
On the fa
ens there are about
acres of orcharll, containing fruit of all kin
He will stay here about three weeks.
The undersigned has for sale a quantity,, of
Tile of all sizes, also'Briok, at his yard,
GEO. TUOTZ;proprietor. ,
Lots, Lots, Lots.
Village Lots
School Examination.
Very interesting and successful oxaini
atiuns were held in our Public Schools, la
1e urehry
a blacksmith smith
she a� •
and r ltll� '
d p residence `1,t10n g00d ' fronting n'OOtj
Mr. A. McNally, also a former resident of
this 1 will .
o Tru AND
s• at Blyth• paying: therefor the sum of 61,240. �'
wide stretets ; ,also a number of.
Is place, loin his brother in company, }lOutsE Ew ®,�
and run a carriage manufactory . in that vii- ,�,
AR They aro bot
pushing, n-
- .hill and 1
1 a entc..prls-
week. The classes were examined by th
w- when your wife asks you Avila time you'll
principal, Mr. Thos. Gregory. The folio
- be home, yon lust casually remark that Parties desiring ' Land or
1',. Creech, W. 13awden ler Westaway, 'F
e The 24 o'clock system is a great scheme.FOR
ing are the names of the pupils promoted :
From Miss Gill's room : M. Taylor.' H. Davi
s, you'll probably turn ssp about half past
, twenty-one, alta it'll take her all the restof
the a dayto
figure up what time to have d]n-
re: ready.r"
A. On tno 1st of July some young scamps
went to Piokard's bush, and while there, got
, playing with fire crackers, and casting them
around in the brush. The brush ignited,
auci everything being dry and of an infam.
able nature, there was•soon quite a conflag-
Senior, E. Bee, L.
Luxt p
, 011, iia• Sweet, 1
Houses would do well to: con-.
nd(,1 1
s gnea,
.7errrnS to Suit purchaser.
Prior. W. Westoott, W. Powell, C. Kelland
H. „Trevethick, E. Higgins, A. Eden,, H. Pliair, J. Morgan, F. Hill. From
Miss Croley's room : A. Davis, E. Laxton
A. Oke, P. Luxton, B. Bolton, R. Trebie, +
Fairborn, W. Bee, W. Fairburn, L. Braund
E. Evans, U. McDougall, L. Taylor, M Wis
s ration. Some young mon, who were in the
dem, N. Fanson. From Miss Gregory'
C ark W,Gil• i
ples .e, W. Banton
N. Creech, A. Westaway, G. Verity, L
Brawn, A. Snell, A, Morgan, E. Eacrett, L
Glanville, W. Grigg, J. Banton, 3. Snell. T
Handford,: M. Weekes, D. Crocker, J. Taylor.
L, Trevethick. From Alias Balse's"room : J
Luxton, A. Colquhoun, W. Hicks. F. Pinch
A. McLaughlin, M. Martin, H. Pollick, J
Pickaxe, 5, Sweet, R. Caves. .From Miss
Vesper's room ; F. Oke, D. Gardiner, E. laic
Dongall, G. Hoskin, A. Murray, 3. Gould
A. Davidson, L. Moore, E. Gidley. Promot-
ed in Mr. Gregory's room: A. Bowerman, L.
Balsclon, NI. Mair, L. Perkins, J. Gillespie,
R. Snell, R. Pickard, A. Essery, 11. Eacrett,
A. Snell, H. FoIllck, H. Hawkshaw.
woods, worked 1
arl and"
extiugufshol it, thus
preventing what might have been a serious
, On Friday, the 16th, Miss Fordo and Com-
pauy, of Ss. I(Iarys, will give their popular
• opperatta, hero. If any'of our people wish a'
, rare treat in the shape of an extensive, and
• instructive play, they will find it worth their
while to attend. This is a
play iu which the
clergy take
• great interest, For particulars
,, see bills ancl,programmea.
Base Ball.
A. game of base ball was played here on
July lst, for the supper; between scrub
teams. Sides were chosen by James Weekes
and Ed, Bissett, and after playing nine in-
nings, the score stood 20-21, in favor of
73issett's team.
The "Exeters" of Exeter went .to Lucan,
yesterday morning, to play the "Irish Nine"
of that place. We expect the game was a
good one, but up to the time of going topress
no information concerning the result has
been received.
.A. meeting of the Exeter base ball club was
held on Monday evening last. Besides other
business, the nine players to form the club
were chosen, who are as follows :-1st b.,
Jas. Weekes ; 2nd b., Ed. Bissett; 3rd b.,
Frank Knight; short stop, C. McDonoll;
left field, D. Tait ; c f., C. Willis; right field,
P. Bawden i p, J. Elliot ; c, G. 13. Hoskin.
The above nine will make; a splendid team,
with a Iittle practice, and Ave doubtnot, that,
if fair play is shown them, it will take a very
good club to "wax" them.
Tho Clinton papers claim that our club
"flunked" out of a game of base ball, which
was to have taken place in that town on Tues-
day last. This is not the ease. The secre-
tary of the club here wrote to Clinton several
days previous, asking if Tuesday, June 20th,
would be a suitable day, and the answer was
received the Monday eyeaing preceding.
This gave our boys too little time to prepare,',
and consequently, they properly declined.
Thus it was called a 'Tunis." The fact of
the matter is, a club that would do a trick of
this kind is utterly unqualified to be ranked
with even"scrubs."
Pnn summers iu Ontario seem to leave
been ninth cooler during the past three or
four years than previously, and a good deal
of speculation as to the cause has been in-
llulged in, Some attribute it to Iocal causes,'
some to the unusual outflow of ice from
Hudson Bay, others to astronomical iufly-
enees, but whateyer the controling power,.
there may be Consolation in knowing that
Oanada is not the only sufferer from the
moat extreme climatic changes, as the follow-
ing extract from tho London, England, Daily
News of the 18th inst. will show : The
strong north-westerly current of air which
has prevailed so generally over the United
Kingdom during the last two days has
brought ns some very cold weather, and the
maximum of 60 deg. 'r:ecorded in London
yesterday was as mach as 10 deg. below' the
average for the time of the year. Over the
north and east of England the weather has
been still colder; at Pork, for example, yes-
terday tho thermometer did not rise above
54 deg., while at Shields and Yarmouth it
only reached 52 deg. There may be some
grim satisfaction in knowing that while con-
ditions with us have bsen so inhospitable,
the weather over northern Europe has been
magnificently fine and warm. Yesterday
morning, at 8 o'clock, the reading of the
thermometer at Boclo, a town in Norway,
laying well within the Arctic Circle, was as
numb as 15, cleg_ higher than in London
while at Haparancla, on the northern shorn
of the Gulf of 13othuiat, the difference
amounted to no less than 20 deg. The lat-
ter place was in fact 1 deg. warmer than
Toalon and Biarritz, and 1) deg. warmer
than Coi•unnn. On Wednesday morning
Uleaborg, on the Russian shores of the Gulf
of Bothnia, i hula, was as warm. as Rotno, slightly
warmer than Malta, arid decidedly warmer
than Madrid or Naples. On Tuesday morn-
ing the state of: things was even snore re-
markable, the reading at 73:uopio, iu the
Dart of l+''inlancl, being as high as 81 deg.
'sr 3 cog. higher than in Constantinople, 10
deg, higher than at Nice, 13 deg, higher than
Funchal (Madeira,) 15 deg. Higher than at
Naples and' Tunis, and 18 dog. higher than
at Madrid. ud. Un<lor'•a
such circumstances .,
devoutly ec itis
ul t
Y be hoped that a good strong:
north-easterly wind will shortly spring up to
waft seine of,tllis warm air from the
northern latitudes, where it moee.
cannot bo re-
quired, to Our own islands, whero just one
touch o. summer weather would be vastly
B:ino ix„ s,-7 now offer my entire stock of h
watches, clocks, jewelory, sflverwaro, oto:, at
a discount; until the 15th of August 'next,
A good chance for intending purchasers.
lacing overstocked in Many lines, 1 give the
public thischance to avail themselves e salve
s of the
chance ni
v before them. Come ono ! 'Come
all. Give It. Hicks a call. Repau•ing
promptly attended to to all its branches,
Gold rings made to order. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Place of business oppoiite Jmes
Pickard. --H, Molts.
To make room for now Pall and Winton
Gooc s, -which are arriving daily. I carry a fine
and well -assorted stook of Choico
which I am offering at Bock Bottom lutes
r I make this line a SPE MALTY,'
FAitl nonnojTaitrl;rxJ XCRANGaforGoons.
J totop,
I would thank my old era for thu
opatronage; and hope by strictly lionest dealing
and fair
AriCe 9 t
o instate uouniuuanoe of your
custom and w.
n new v atron.
Y s,
p Call,
i e>aminegoods andplices- .tied
9S �L
I. CAPL General' Dry -Goods, Black and Color
IN G, Ottoman C • et Cashmeres,
Cords, - N>_7n, Cloth, Jersy Cloth, Ginghams,
Ex21 a' Lawns, Plain and Spotted Muslius, Prints' in endless variety.
We have 110W on hand. a choice lot of Millinery, Black and
Colored Ostrich Plumes. Fine display and remark-
ably low Prided.
Gents about to purchase a
'Fine Raw Sugar,
Bik. Green= Japan Te
25 Oe is Trp.
We offer no . premiums to
decoy purchasers. We sell
goods at actuaii value (only.)
We give more for Butter and
Eggs than you- can get else–
Suits to rder
Big Drives in Mu•slins,
Laces, Lawns, &o.
ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. We will take anyproduce etc
y dray offer, and will ii'e the highest
Summer Sailings and Arrangementso
nliebec. via �JJ'1c•e, A call solicited
Commencing with Extra ',SS. Circasi, n fr i-- •.0•�-��.->°.Wa e ..+Si,
Lg .�
ti out .�..a.,...® ."-�A- 9-.m •.•m�—� ,�.. -�..
Quebec' for Liverpool direct on 14th �
Estra " C3ralasian.,,Thn3•scla 14th
of 1
t Juno
31 •'
Pa „
1 ..
Would do well by calling and examining our varied
.� stock. SuitingsScotch g large and
in Worsted, Scotch and Canadian •
Tweeds. Our
Pantings are "Simply Immense."
In Hats, Ties, Scarfs, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs,
Braces and `Socks we have a fine
B �y
We take,,, the lead Stele and Durability. We have just
received ''the finest lot of Shoes -both in Ladies'
and Gents' Wear --that we ever o at
offered, at
prices that will surpriseyou. Give l us
a call.
May, to' be followed by
li(1an 1hursday,istJuly.
Bxtla " Sarniatian...,Thursday, 8111 July
Mall Sardinian ..'Thursday, 15th July
Extra ' Circassian... Thursday,,22nd,
Mail " Polynesia n.,,Tbursday,29t11 July
Mail " Parisian Thursday,5th Aug.
(Note) -Tho "extra" steamers do not. :carry
intormocliato and atocrago passengers,
DEIinY,-Gable, 060, 570 and $80,' aacording to
accommodation, od
m anon Sol lallts,in Cabin, 0.50.hI-
termediato 830 Steerage, 018.50 noturn Tic' -
ote, Cabin 8110 8130, 8150. Intermediate,, 880.
Strerage, 4337 LIVERP00L Drnr•:cT,-by &arena.
tian, Circassian or oxti it stoamers. Cabin, 050
and -010, accordingtp;accon0,rnoclation. Return
0e awl,
,110 Those
tett to L' iverpooh , toatnors go di.
Through Pullman Drawing-Itnnln and Slopp-
ing Cars between Terentoand Q,loboe,dr Pas
sengors can be booked by steamer to Quebec if
so desired -passing
thee 1 �l
1 1 6 Incr by
Islands acid Ila lids of rho. 5 t
1 . Lawrence vasoace
da li ht.
Y g
Passongci's and. tueir baggage are put aboard
the 00ean Steamships --at Qnobee-free of all
expenso, The znibinplans of the Circassian,
Po uvlan, ,. e ,)con altered. Tho saloon
a novo amidships on those ,8toamore3, and the
Cabins aro so arranged al to be also in the 'host
position to avoid the inotibn, • Por 'Pickets,
etc., o, ply to
SPACEMAN; A,g nt1 Exeter,
nd SaticerGiven
OTIND•:of BAKING 1 , . .
• p ased at