Clinton News-Record, 1975-10-30, Page 1801.04 Mk rem...097.16,4-1,...,..109x roV'te at: Mr, sonrtmal M My Are is me Manager of your new A & P store 1,, fitlerick. We're proud of this modem supermarket. Please accept my poen! invitation to shop anti save at‘this fantastic new store. A warm welcome awaits you. STOW MANAGER STORE HOURS OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY. TIL 9:30 P.M. A PREMIUM BLEND • GIFT CERTIFICATES 12 FREE MOO A&P Gift Cattificatas &van away each day. AY, TiWRSDAY, FRIDAY RDAY OCT. 2,9TH„ 30711, & NOV. 1ST 1975. Picksisp entry blanks at the store