Clinton News-Record, 1975-10-02, Page 17Indtpudest %Wu to United Co.sperstive of ONterie Livostitit Dipt. Tenets Ship Your Livestock with • Roy Scotcluner Monday Is Shipping 0,11y From Varna Stockyard • (ALL tlAVF I ELD 545.2434 7:34a.m. Monday Fir Prompt Service No Charms on Pi It•up • , , fAMfft.Y14101.Eft t $unt*y relatives and wertcrtaned at a . at the Mt*. Kenneth ll to honor the bap - their granddaughter, Gail. McDougall, „ter of Allan and Laura ,00ga1l of Sudbury and also thc bIrh4ay of Angie:4 great grandtnOther. Mrs: 'Ethel talouvilldSeaforth. ACW The September meeting of the Anglican Church Women of St. ft/lades Church was held last week at the home of Mrs. Celia Taylor in Goderich. Mrs. °bed Slaler was in charge of �bepmgram. The „serifiture reading from Luke 14;16 to 24 verses was read followed by meditation by Mrs. Slater. Prayers were said by Mrs. John Daer and Mrs. Donald Cartwright gave readings. Bible study was taken by ' Rev. Fred Carson. 4, 114gs. Celia Taylor presided fOr The business portion of the meeting. She told the members about the visit of her daughter, Mrs. Ronald Rathwell and Mr. Rathwell to Ireland when they visited Rev. and Mrs. Robert Neatly, former rector of the Auburn St. Mark's church. They returned home last week to Parkhill after a three week "--.."gliiakiliareland and England. She thanked everyone who had assisted to decorate the church for the Harvest Home • service. A discussion took place on the making of the quilts and it was decided to order the church calendars. The roll call was answered by giving a Bible verse with the word "fruit" in it. The travelling apron received a • penny for each letter in St. • Michael and All Angels. The members decided to send a bale of clothing in the near future and also to hold a • quilting bee. The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. Fred Carson. *After a small twcti9p a delitious lunch mask' Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Slate WALKERBURN CLUB The Septernhgr meeting of the Walkerburn Club was held at the home of Mrs. Torn Cunningham. Mrs. Carmen Gross was in charge of the meeting. Cards of thanks were read from Gerri Kennedy and Pat Hunking. Roll call was an- swered by the payment of fees. A report of the trip taken to Dashwood Adult Rehabilitation Centre was given. The draw prize donated by Mrs. Lloyd Penfound was won by Mrs. Catherine Jackson. Plans were made, to liald the next meeting at the home - of Mrs. Leonard Archambault. Mrs. Joe Verwey lY and Mrs. Marian Hunking will be in charge of the program and Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey and Mrs. Thomas Cunningham will be in charge of lunch. The election of officers for the corning year took place. They are as follows; president, Mrs. Carmen Gross; vice- president. Mrs. Ted Flunking: secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Pen- fouiid; assistant, Mrs. Thomas Cunningham; treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey: assistant, Mrs. Garth McClinchey. A successful sale of produce was held with Mrs. Joe Verwey • being an excellent auctioneer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Marian flunking and. Mrs. Joe Verwey assisted by the hostess. Mrs. Thomas Cunningham. 4 -FI • The first meeting , of the Auburn 1 441 dub for, the fall project. "Let's Bake Bread" was held at the home of Mrs. John Hildebrand. The meeting was opened with the 4-1-1 pledge land the roll Call was answered 410 by each member naming her favorite bread. The election Of officers took 01041 president, Faye Seers; vice-president, Janet Cook; Dress reporter, Judy Van Oset, Cat kit 4 Dongen; telephone TrodY Machan and Wendy Powell. The secretary islloting. A discussion took' place on the ingredients of bread led by Mrs. Donald Cartwright. Mrs. ffildebraN dettlartatrated, iag,*or freezeetingr tstobo a SOC.IALNEWS. Friends oti,tiarry 1. Boyle in this district *II be pleased to Wont' that he ' has been mimed acting.' chairtnan of the Canadian RadiofTelevision cotronissiorh the regulatory body which sets end minis:ters the directives by which, the broadcast industry in Canada is governed, For several wars he has been. serving as 1110.eltalrtnan.. Thyle gIn the tinor*arevkaiit and was 144r4iuent Ylts"and rws,Hee4" Kenneti McDougall were Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougaIl antlorn4 Angie. of nilhye' CA ax4rtYcgr .01 4nr: Ito fet "Ilt; I andeat HMor: Baptism and Communion were observed last Sunday at Knox United Church Auburn with the inter -moderator Rev. Stanley McDonald of Londesbord in .anss Anderson: were In charge of the music. claim beptized WPM erry Elizabeth flakker, •aughter of Mr. and Mrs ker; Angie Gail !cDougaIl, daughter of and Mrs. Allen MePo al Shawn William Verwey and Shane Joseph Verwey; sons of Mr. and Mrs. Casey Verwey: and Jodie Helen Winnifred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glep, Webster. 4. Sove Ahntheds on Mous & at Puisifer Muth 411, IP IP .•4 t)P •P , P , d!lifr Cid tir ALL PRICES SHOWN 114 THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, OCT, 4, 1975. BUY 3 LOAVES — SAVE 77c INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF FIRE PREVENTION LOAVES'160Z 00 OCTOBER Sth TO 1 lth BUY 3 PKGS. — SAVE 41c grz ,00 LANE PAREEkti SLICED—OM Pasblonet1 er My 2 Isms—Sirm Pc1 JAPia ?ATM Oc Italian Bread 2 chte Spanish Bar Cake 19""• "ak•if9va Cake Donuts. Pkg 412 59? Rhubarb -Apple Pie Each 89i NtGWTA Olt DEL MONTE IMAMS BANANAS 216 39? CANADA FANCY, BRITISH MUMMA. MOINITJUN ommiErr PEARS 3 lb. $1.00 CANADA. MINI GRADE ONTARIO. WASHED POTATOES i0-11) bag 59? .FREJHVE4LSALEI Sall WAG' c*C ill 12 78? SHOULDER CHOPS 880 VEAL gm WOK 448 VEAL CUTLETS 1)4.88 RIB CHOPS VEAL ib $1 *38 55 -TO 70 LBS. AVERAGE You can put your trust in A&P Meats! VEAL STEWING ORS BONELESS TWN CLUB FRESH MINCED VEAL BONELESS STEWING BEEF TIPAR.IGHT LEAN BRAISING RIBS Ib Oktoberfe "TA* %.:1,0111:21 Olimplothm. WW1 Perk to Tawas Simi et Moluses ileinz Beans 744-z6.39? VAR/EMS MOPED & CIDAI ACTION MUM Peek Frean cooftbsris7Ltintieb,9139? II VARIETIES 11.3.02 POOCII PAX di Cake Mixes 2189si ESSEX UAW NUM/JUL COIL AIME LEAP Polish Sausage rb99,1 Sliced Bologna 16 -0.v -P -881e Sliced -Calves Liver lb 99 Pkg 8 itGsal Breakfast Strips $138 -0ka ran"IvacPar$1•09 ASSORTED HALLOWEEN CANDY *1115 WATER. MEEK THRIFT PACK Fish & Chips 32-02 OP $1 2 5 111t ram, ram. THRIFT PACK Fish Fries 3020411.89 Boston Blue FiNets 140959,1 McComokkis Cookies. $1.39 PART TIME CASHIERS FOR NEW STORE APPLY A&P STOPS WEST $1