The Exeter Times, 1886-4-22, Page 5Qaupraivsi 0„ Nov, 4th,, 1.586, --alb. I o wd o n yea re ago s o fined ta, the klouse, Doctor visited lee three times a day, and often at night Whole system uprooted. Rain in hada mud kidneys. Slept every night with galvanic batteries attached to legs. Medicine lead not the slightest effect, Spout thousands of (lettere. Was in this terrible condition two years. Tools fifty bottles of Warner's safe ogre and 'Warner's safe Fills, gained 44 pounds anal felt like a`riow W. IL :RFtOA:DES. .NEWS NOTES,. Or an Iuterestfng Oilarugter. Hoe. Alex. Mackenzie, who waft suffering ft:orn it low fever fur some days, has now assumed hie place in the Roues of Conemone. ' Mr, 0. Baynie's house to Brant- ford township was entered tile otlper night and 40 iu cash and 30 . f The vol n e � � 0 y i gat child aged sixteen worth of olea stolen therefrom, 1 menthe, of Mr. Wm, Staples was The thief•isekte from the cellar. I accidentally d.Jrwned at Wardsville AL Little. rk., on Wedues- on Ttllueday eveuine, ,Ali old well day a negro held a oy twelve, years lin the yard had been partially filled old over a hot fire till the flesh of hie in. leaving a small hollow with about body and legs was cooked to a crisp, •a foot of water in it, Mrs. Staples, The traffic receipts of the Grand missed the child bot a few minutes, Trunk railway for the week ending and on looking out was horrified to April 10th were $800,786, an increase see the little fellow's feet haugiug of $13,803 compared with the aor- over the edge of the hole. She responding week last year. quickly re -cued it and did all in her Dun & Co. report a total of 182 power to restore life brit to no avail. failures throughout the country dur- The funeral took plana on Saturday ing the east weak, thirty three lees to St. James' churchyard, where the than the 1, weekprevious, Twenty -services were ouuducted t>y Rev, W. seven of the number were in Canada, J. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Staples fifteen less than the previous week. have the heartfelt sympathy of all in Michael reilly, charged with the their bereavement. manslaughter of his wife at, Windsor A mass meeting of the farmers of about two weeks ago, has been dim- South Leeds was held iu the „Town - charged, the judge holding that the ship Hall at Lansdowne on Saturday evidence was,ineuffioient to sustain afternoon, and the chief questions r the prosecution. under discussion were the proposed The Scott Temperance Act was Dominion Agricultural Farm and defeated in St. John City, N. B., on Experimental Stations, as reootn• Monday. The vote was:—For the mended in the report of the Hon. Aot, 1,610; against, 1,687. In the Minister of Agriculture, and the bill from there tothe head,. Tiie tiisetti'e figally settled in his lungs, sod ,tissiti supervened. The deceased, who was 40 years of ago a very industiio>,ia Crllait, andwas universally esteemed.. Ile leaves a wife and six email children, Mr, T. V. Cain hos takenp o93es- cion of the Pascoe II9use, Luoli;now, and is refitting it in good shape, I Mr, Cain ie all old-time traveller laitnsejf, and from the appearance of the house now, and hie aoquaintanco liinougst the fraternity there eau be no doubt but Cain is able tea give the beat of satisfaction, and that Ile will het a good allure tf the oilstone of the travelling, public 11 p7lst n'flal , T"1`f!?NT10 i 1. When your horse is f;,1111Ad, eeretoled o cit, or latee en ugly sora, blithe twlee daily and apply McGregor & I?arko's Garbol'i Create. It is undotibledly'the finest Wenn and cleansing applioatioii fill it, ito sax' you got 'McGregor & Parkela. Sold for 25 per box, at Dr. 13roweing's,Drug ,Store, 1, Farmers in the front townships of Pilot dugs are sowing grain and planting potatoes THE LOST RESTORED, D, Ira McNeill of poplar Hill, Ont,, state that his brother aged 12, was eftlioted with a terrible cold, from the offbots of which lis lost his voice, Hagyard's Veetoral 13alsaui cured the cold aud restorecl his voice iu the most perfect manner. He bays it cannot be exceeded as,a remedy for coughs slid colds, Mr. Gladstone proposes to mitre to 'flaw,,,r- den for two weeks' rest. CATABiI-I CUBED, health and Swoe breath seourerl, by Shiloh's Oatarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by J. W. Browning, FLUID LIGHTNING. All sufferers from that terrible torment, Neuralgia, can be niado happy in one mo- ment by a singlo application of Fluid Light- ning briskly rubbed on painful parts, and without using any disgusting medicine day after clay with little or no result. Fluid Light- ning also cures as effectually Toothache, Lutnbago, Rheumatism, Headache, and is only 25 cents per bottle at Dr. Browning's drug store. 1 The Queen will open the Indian and Co- lonial Exhibition, A C A. R D. To allho w are suffering from no t errors a a indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of ltlanhooci, Bac, I will send a receipe tlrnt will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE, This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America, Send a self-ad- dressed envelope to Ray. To5EPE T, IworAN Station .D, New Yorlc Oft SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by J. W. Browning. Mr. Joseph Vanstone has been elected Deputy -Reeve of Kiaoardino, to fill the un- expired term of Henry Collins, who is about to leave for Calgary, N. W. T. JACK FROST CONQUERED. Although during the cold season "Jack adjoiuing city of Portland the Aat introduced into the House of Com- Frost" gets in his work lively, yet Hagyarcl's was carried' 614 for to 485 against. mons respecting oleomargarine. I Yellow Oil beats him every time, curing The "big political sensation" of a Splendid speeches were delivered by I chilblains, frost bites, effects, 1t also rur and all their painful Toronto paper on Saturday, iu issu• representative farrnere, and resole• os cnoup, sole throat, rheumatism, and most painful niloeLiouB. v Wo are constantly renei'ing testimony that Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure i8 what its name implies a "Catarrh Care." Your druggist is authorized to refund the money if it fails to give satisfaction. What can be more fair, and need you suffer buy longer? lug George Washington'e farewell message to the people of the U. S., and palming it off as John A. Mac- donald's, fell fist all over the country. Two or three of the incipient city dailies bit—and are being laughed at for their verdancy. Mr. Gladstone, Friday night intro- duced his Land Purchase bill, which generally follows the lines previously indicated. It. is proposed by the measure to raise $180,000,000 three per oeut. condo _to be issued in annual inetal . ents of X20,000,000 each, with which to buy out the landlords, the money to be recouped by the annual rent charges on all land acquired by the peasantry. Among the cities of On:aro, ac- cording to the report of the Minister of Education for 1885. Stratford is first in average attendance of ,pupils at its separate schools as compared with the total attendance. The figures are:—S ;t'-ord, 69 per cent age; Brautfor , 68; Torouto, 62; Kingston, 59; Belleville, 57; Ottawa, 56; Guelph, 53; Hamilton, 5E; St. Thomas, 50; St. Catharines, 48; -Loudon, 48. The statement of the chartered banks of the Dominion for March shows total assets and liabilities of $225,929,995 and $144,490,314 respectively. Compared with the February statement there is an in- crease ;If $2,798,865 in the assets and of $2,717,818 in the liabilities; and compared, with the statement for March, 1885, an increase of $13,. 124,314 in the aaseta and of $12,• 266,107 in the liabilities. The new Audit Act in respect to the pay of county constable's fees, comes iuto force on or after the let of July. A different style of blank will be provided for this particular kind of account. The Lieutenant. Governor•in-councrl will appoint some public officer; whose business it will be to audit these accounts' every month, instead of waiting three months as heretofore. Toronto, April 17.—Citizens have been stupidly hoaxed by the publica- tion this morning in the News of Geo. Washington's memorable fare- well address, rlightly altered, and purporting to be the farewell address of Sir John Macdonald. It is dated Ottawa, April 16, and takes up five columna. It is unnecessary to say that it created . a sensation here, Which, howeve quickly subsided On Saturda when its true na `ere bec.'me known.a voun mar) son of g 0. B. Thowpson, of Riverview, Melanothoii, was out boating on the Grand 1 -Liver, when he lost control of the boat and went over the dam. Hugh Footer, the 'boy's uncle, went to the rescue and got hold of him, but the current was so strong that they were both oarr;ed down the river and drowned. The bodies have not yet ben recovered. Two other men, Wm. Thompson and 0. Bennett, attempted to rescue them and batt d tions were passed pledging full sup- port to Mr. Carling's scheme, and approving also of the action taken to protect the dairy interests or the country. Interesting Items. FIVE TOOUSAND DOLLARS reward for proof that any statement made by the patients of If, H. Warner & Co. and published with original signatures by H. H. Warner & Co., ought to be a satisfactory guarantee to the entire public, that these wonderful testi- monials to the merits of Warner's safe cure are genuine. At the preliminary revision of the Voters' List of North Renfrew, held last week, 206 names were added, 129 Liberal -Conserva- tives and 97 Reformers. Scott's Emulsion of Pure. Cod Liver Oil, with Mypophosphites, Is Remarkable as a Flesh, Producer. Thereis said to ba a movement in Perth county to secure for ,Jndgo Lizars supst.an. nuation, Sir. John Macdonald coutinues ti pro gress towards convalescence, He went oil for a drive on Saturday afternoon, A VALUABLE FEATURE, One of the most valuabfej featnres of Hagyard's Yellow Oil is that unlike ordinary liniments it ecu be safely and ei7eetually taken internally as well as applied iu cases of pains, iniilainnaatlou, Sore throat, rilenin, atism, sad all painful complaints and injuries. The elephant Alice, Jumbo's former corn• paniou iu the Zoological Gardeu, London, arrived in New York Saturday. The increase of flesh and strength, is perceptible immediately after commencing tot LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE IVY. use the Emulsion. The Cud Liyer Oil Lorne Norma. express 11 alt Freight emulsified with th Hypophosphites is most London,dopart ...7 55 ,flu 4 50 r,,c, 0 05 A.ar, remarkable for its healing, strengthening, Exeter 9 13 0 08 0 35 and flesh producing qualities. Mrs. Hogue and another lady were killed by lightning at Newcastle, I'a., Friday. A SUCCESSFUL RESULT. Mr, Frank Hendry, writing from Seaforth, says: "I purchased ono bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters to purify my blood. It did purify it, and now I have excellent health." As a blood purifying tonin and,system regu- lator the result of taking B. B. B. is always successful. Dr. J. L. Eva, Detroit, committed suicide ou Saturday. Despondency. For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on 'every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE. In order to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and the proper action of the stomach are requir- ed. To insure that end, in the cheapest, most available and complete manner, use McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer or more reliable remedy in existence for Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc. Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. 1. A report from Quebec is to the effect that W. H. Kerr, Q. C., is about to be released to a judgeship in the Supreme Court, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Geo. W. Platt, of Picton, says he can confidently recommend Burdock Blood Bitters to any who suffer from loss of appetite, constipation and general debility, that remedy having cured him, after severe illness from the same complaints" The Tide Water Pipe Co., Bradford, Pa., always keep a stock of Giles' Iodide am- monia Liniment ou hand. It is a necessity and achieves wonders in all forms of horse troubles. Sold by C. Lutz, Central Drug Store. Sir Adolphe and Lady Caron will present North-west modals th the Montreal Garrison Artillery, uezt Saturday. Sir Alexander Campbell had a fainting fit in his carriage while out driving in Ottawa on Saturday, and had to bo assisted home. Holloway's Pills.—Wrongs made Right. -- Every day that any bodily suffering is per- mitted to continue renders it more certain to become chronic or dangerous. Holioway's purifying,'000ling, and strengthening Pills are well adapted for any irregularity of the human body, and should be taken when 'the stomach is disordered, the liver deranged, the kidneys inactive, the bowels torpid, or Hensen Iiippen Brncefield Clinton Londesboro Blyth 0 23 10 0 29 8 29 10 9 30 0 30 10 95 9 55 7 05 11 30 le 11 7 23 12 00 Bel rave 10 20 7 32 12 00 P at g 1035 747 1250 Wingham arrive 10 50 8 03 1 20 GOING SOPTn, Express Mail. Freight Wingilam,depart 7 20 All 3 1.0 r.11. 1.0 90;A..15 Belgrave 7 38 3 20 11 23 Blyth 7 54 3 40 11. 47 Londtsboro 8 02 3 55 12 00 Clinton ... 8 25 4 10 12 4b Blucefield ...........8 42 4 35 noon...... ............8 51 Hear all ..............8 98 Exeter 1) 13 London arri, 0....10 30 4 43 4 48 4 59 lJ 00 1 10 1 95 1 40 9 35 5 30 EXETER POULTRY YARDS. W. G. BISSETT, Breeder of PLYMOUTH ROCKS, BLACK JAVAS, BROWN LEGHORNS and HOUDANS NO. 1 YARD—P. Boors ; Cockerel, scorn 93i; 4 Hous, average scorn 02. Eggs 52.50 per sot - ting, N0,2 YARD -1'. Pocks; Cockerel, score 01 ; 4 Pullets, average score 90; Eggs $1.50 per setting, NO.3 YARD—B, Legborns, Cockerel. score 03; 8 Pullets, average score 92; Eggs 51 per sot. ting, NO. 4 YARD--Houdans, Eggs 51 per setting' These birds were all snored by Mr, Jarvis and won a good share of prizes at the Exeter Poultry Show, l 'One trio P. 'Rocks for sale, N OTICF±F'. CEALED TENDERS, addressed to the nnder- signed,and endorsed "Tender for Indian Supplies," wilt be received at this office up to noon of TUESi)AY, 20th APRIL, 1883 for the delivery ofinclian Supplies during the fiscal year ending 30th Juno, 1887, consisting of Flour, Bacon, Beef, Groceries, Ammunition, Twine. Oxen, Oows,Bulls, Agricultural Imple- ments, &&..duty paid at various points in Ma- nitoba and the North-West Territories. !Forms of tender, giving full particulars rola tive to the Supplies required, dates of doliy= ery, &c., maybe had by applying to the under- signed, or to the Indian Commissioner at Re- gina, or to the I.idlau Office, Wiuttinog. Parties may Lauder for each description of goons (or for any ortio0 of each description of goods) separately, or for all the gooas called the brain muddled. With this medicine for in the schedules. every invalid can cure himself, and those Each tender must bo acc0ulpauied by an ao- coptociChoque to favor s,f the Supnriufendont who are weak and infirm through imperfect Ceneralof Indian Affairs on aCauadia B 1 n maydigestionVl , make themselves strong had for at least taerceint: bamountftho amount of .thce stoutby Holloway's excellent Pills. A. few tfp clbre tollfnitoi as amid alio Nortli-West Ter - does doses ofthem usually matigate the most very narrow escape. painful symptoms caused by undigested Thee. Tracy, a blaoltamith residing food, from which they thoroughly free the at .Richmond village, near Ottawa, alimentary canal, and completely restore Its died under peculiarlysinful circum- natural power and action. p rive more parsons convicted of eotupli.. Stances. Some seven weeks ago, city in the North west rebellion have been while attending to a diseased horse pardoned and set at liberty. brought to the village from Ottawa, THAT EIACHING COUG14 can be so quickly curod.by Shiloh's Cure, We guar, the snit tai, which wits, of a vteteu9 tutee it. Sold by J. W. IBrownin riattiro, caught the mane i~iret finder CO11PELLED TO VELD. of the left hand between hls� tAetli, Mrs: Salter, of Feauktowil; Ontario, was making a slight wound. Nothifi for four years afflicted with h favor sore,thet baffled all treatment- until she tried ;Bur- ;1)0 fin . was IlioughE of the ocotirrenoe at the ' r r oriel, w is 1 win bo orfelted if oho party tiender.nll�, clncl%irea to enter into a contrast• when called upon do do so, or if he fails to coin piste the work contracted for. If the ten- der be not accepted, the cheque will br; return. ed. Touderers must make up in the Money eo1• limns in the schedule the total money valo0 of the goods they offer to supply. or their tender will not be entertained, Each bonder, must, in addition to the algae - tare of thetendei Sr, bo signed by twrr 8111•otNs acceptable to the Departinont, for the proper performauco of the eontraet. In all Caaea y110'�' transportation where tiha,y be only partial by rail, contractors must make proper, arrangements fez -supplies to be for warded at once from railway stations totlh0ir destination in the Government House at the point of delivery, or y, otve9 ,or any tendon, not necessarily y titters. 4 bottles cured her, 7`ha i t oolr tlooriaccepted, time, but after a few days a a the in'ilred All chronic soros and humors of the blood limb began to swa11. The s ening mustyteld to 1#, By 13. Deputy th nrjGllr>j , r Deputy of the Sttp'erinten . S)111irOl COiJ(lEi and Conminipthon y dont Gaoeral grniltlall grew lt�t .ear anh from the of Indian Affair Cute is snld by us dn,a gnarantea. 11 eftculls arm`wont info file rightleg, find stia bq J, 1' , Drowning, Department. ofIndian AlIaira, 0ttaiva,3rd'itarch, 1886. I RTAN M.Q...T TO nwN,Eits OF r a k tl� . . ,AFTER11642' 'Mg MARK GTLE1 ' inimrent Ioc Ude,,An2monia Removes all Unsightly'ltunc;iles, Cures Lame floss to Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found. er, Weak Limbs, Sorting Knees, Spay - Ringbone, QuittortWincigalis, r` E At Toronto, 'Every Barrel Guaranteed, This Oil was used on trll maehiner dnrfu" the Bzhibitiou. It haft been awarded SIX GOLD 1tIIIPALS during the let three yeatrs, j l 'See that you got Peerless. It is only zuarle by 61241417gra TWCUMIE4 00,, wonowArc +'O1t SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. No stable should be without it. Railroad, Mining and EX 1:088Oompauies all use Giles' Linimeut,audul the great racing stables of ders. Ono tris Belmont and Lo illarrl it has achieved svond- yi11 convince, Write DR GILES, Box 3483, N. Y, P, 0„ who will, without Chari o, give advice oil all diseases sad also o0 the management of cattle. Sold by all druggists at 50o, and 52,00 bottle and in quarts at 132.50, in which there is great saving, Tho Liniment ru white wrappers is for family use; that iu yellow for cattle. GILES' IODIDPI AMMONIA HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, Used by all trio leading horsemen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Boaoh, Sheopshead Bay and Bull's Head. Ne ver clissapoinl,are Tonic, Al- terative and Diuretic, Destroy Worms: Cure Indigestion, Colic, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pluk•eyo and Rheumatism. The dose is small and the power is great. The Powders are Guaranteed and Purchasers F'aili'ng to Obtain a Cure 11Sonoy Refunded, Sold by all druggists at 25 cts. per bo.t. 0. LUTZ, Agent, EXETER,ONT. JolIN InFLAWN, UNDERTAKER & CADINE.i-MAKER, cas Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS Op EVERT DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISK.ED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. ra— GIVE ME A CALL. s LT! SALT! SA.1 1' T Safi Works Company Have for sale TEN HUNDRED TONS of SALT suitable for Agricultural and Domestic . purposes, which they offer AtLowest Market Prices A call respectfully so- licited,. Apply to T. 13. CARLING, Secretary. —WL— ANNOUNCE ARRIVAL OF- -New Dress Goods— Albatros Cloths, All Wool Ottomans, All Wool Nun's Cloth, Prints, Sateens',''Cotton Crapes, Gingham, Embroideries, Oriental Laces, Valencine Laces, Torchon Laces, Dentine Laces, TWEEDS. Scotch Tweeds, Scotch Pantings, .English Worsteds, Irish Serges, Canada Tweeds, Collonacies, WALT,. - PAPERS, Now Groceries, New Field and Garden Seeds. Call and inspect for yourself, you will not be importuned to buy. MillineryOpening, April 13th �mw�ll Plokard C. SOUTHCOTT & SON Have recently received a choice assortment of Worsteds,Scotch and Canadian Tweeds in Plaid FOR SUITING. ALSO A VERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF Panting in Stripes & Chicks. Work made up in the LATEST STYLES and a Sure Fit Guaranteed. GIVE US A GA L- O. SO'D'TIIOOTT & SON,. Tho Exeter Clothiers. RENOWNED REMEDIES. maxi S PILLS&OINTMENT- THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions', and are invaluable in Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For childre• n natal the aged they are pricel, THE OIN-hVIENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF TFJE CREST 1T 1383 N0 EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandelar Swellings, and all shin disea. it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. The Pills and Ointment ars sold at THOMAS I3otLowAT's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of_Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at Is, lid., 2s. 9d. 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9a. size contains three times the quantity of(the is lid, size ; the 4s. 6c1. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 338 size, fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language i Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. Loudon, they are spurious. WILLIAM DREW Pt. ifs refitiett ft )%F: 11 • Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. I have Just received a Car Load of Now Stylish Furniture and I am SELLING - A'r COST' For the next SIXTY DANS. It will be to your advantage to call on me before going elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE, ONE DOOR NORTH OF MOLSONS BAN.1c. WILLIAM./ ARW. Emeter Post Office Time Table. HAILS liirkton, Woodham WinshelseaandElimvillo South,east and west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto i4Iontreal 8fauitoba,UurtociStates,English and foreign mails •„ ';O.15am,8,15a.m South, east west &c .,, p 6.45 .m, 4.1 , ... ... 1 : , 1 . to North and east, including Godorioh, Wiughanl, Icincardine and all paints north, Stratford, Toronto, lafontreal, and Eastern States,,, ,.. ... ... 1C,15a,rn 8,15 a, re North east, &c ,., ... 15.30 p. m. S i0 p. m' ff11,0oa,m, 1o.00a, m. ,.I ,• .„ ,900a111 1000 am AItnlvn 4.00 p. su. 009,510, 10 03 a,rn Sarepta Ttieednys,Thursdaysand Saturdays ,.,, • ONEY ORDERS issued` and paid en and from an Money andfrelaud BritishTndi y y er0liicotl lin,Nowrmut of0aisi Titanat ,, Ne' , a,Nnwfounrllana,Italy,Anstratin,;`a1i'Smith Wales. Tasmania, Nes' Zeland, France an Algeria, the Gorman i.iriprre, Swoclen,Norway, Denmark, Iceland,, Belgium the Nirthrlands, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Reuinania, United States, Jamaica and gat bados: POST 0 rrl111 SAWN G SBA X71, Deposits will be received at this Hulce front $1 to 586;). Depositors' obtaining Poo special tapnsftd000, Deposits ou Savings Bank account' calved o ' rn,0a,i u. to 4 p.m , interest at 4 per cent will be allowed r11 te osit r 1 Ot lee hours fh on17,80 a :m, to7 p, m Lettersintenilbtt fdrregistratioin mu81 be posted to iniuutosbetote the closing of each Mail SN 14,LL-alis patticularyre9uest,dthat the Seniors of matter vi. the 'Cenntieoto the addnesoat to It kindly add the Atonesos Ochi ftes, P'ostnaaste 4'e. 1 a aloe very MUM R isess' 8 in re xis ate