Clinton News-Record, 1975-04-24, Page 12"CHEST NROBi.11MS" Then try to attend the annual educational dinner meeting of the Huron Perth Lung Association, to be held in the Ontario St. Baptist' Church, Stratford, Ontario, on WEQNESDAY, MAY 7, 475 6:30 p.m. (Across from Loblaws) The speaker will be DR. CAMERON C. GRAY Ekecutive Vice President of the Ontario TB and Respiratory Disease Association and Executive Director of the Ontario Thoracic Society. Dr. Gray's topic will be "New Research in Lung Disease". Tickets are $3.75 and may be obtained at 121 Wellington �St., Stratford, 271-7500, or your area representative. 17,18b ANY GIRLS age 7 to 9 years interested in joining Brownies, Wed. April 30 at Clinton Public School at 3:30.-17 BLYTH LIONS BINGO, Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. $1..50 jackpot. Big cash prizes. This will be the last Bingo of the season. The jack- pot has to go! -17b CLINTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY - "Tulip Tea" and Bake Sale on Wednesday, May 21, 1975, 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Rattenbury St. E. Tickets 50 cents. "Tea Cup Reading" available, also door prize.. Proceeds for Society's centennial project, the beautification of radar triangle. -17b / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \••'\\ \\N.\\'4N,S.. TWA I IsTIVN14101 -RECO r '4UR:S, A''i, PRl f� �FI4M. 1975. sponsored � � at- 'T�►rivn ��"a` 'T CHS.., by the ciiatonian'd Club, on Wed. Apr, 30th at 2 p.m,,, admission 75c. Ladies please bring hunch. Door PORK BARBECUE - WED. JUNE . 18, .Varna ,United Church --17i Official CLINTON CENTENNIAL CAIENDAR. OF CELEBRATIONS Friday 'July 25, 1975 Air Force: Weekend T.G.I.F. `at Canadian Legion, 1700 hrs. Wine and cheese for the ladies at the Arena. Ball Tournament. Saturday July 26. Parade 1330 hrs. k Official opening ceremonies at Radar 1400 hrs. Drumhead Service at Radar Reception at Canadian Legion Bali Tournaments • Dance at Arena 9 = 1 Chris Black Orch. `Square Dance at C.H.S.S.,at 9 p.m. Sunday July 27 Special Church Services a.m. Horse Races 1:45 p.m. Monday July 28 Golf Tournament Ladies Mystery Tour Monster Bingo at Arena 8 p.m. _Tuesday July 29 Centennial Honky Tonk Hospitality Night at Arena 9 - 1 a.m. (Dave Hoy) 4 Wednesday July 30 Talent Night 8 - 10 p.m. in front of Grand Stand Hospitality 10 - 1 a.m. arena (Dave Hoy) Thursday July 31 Senior Citizens Night Friday August 1 Down Memory Lane Ballroom Dancing 9 - 1 p.m. at Arena Chris Black Orch. Ball Tournaments Teen Dance at C.H.S.S. Saturday August 2 Back to school at C.H.S.S. 9 - 12 a.m. Ball Tournament in a.m. Monster Parade 1 p.m. Band entertainment at Park following Parade Giant Barbecue and Bir- thday Party at Park 5 -.7:30 p.m. ,Entertainment from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Park (Bobby Gimby, and local school children) Beard Contest 7:30 p.m. Centennial Ball 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. at Arena, Bobby Gimby Orch. Sunday August 3 Special Church Service at individual Churches Horse. Races 1:45 p.m. Sunday Evening Church Service, Mass Choirs, Gospel Sing Groups -Monday August 4 Farewell Brunch at Arena 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Ball Tournament Finals Monster . Bingo 8 p.m. at Arena "GASH BINGO", Seg►#Orth Legion Bali, Friday, April 25,I at 8:15 p:m. sharp. 15 regular games for $10. each. Three specials for $25..a»d a $75 jack- pot to go each week. (Children under 16 years not permitted.) Admission $1, .extra cards 25 c each or 7 for $1. Proceeds for welfare work. Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal .Canadian °Legion. --1 6b A FOUNDING MEETING for the new provincial riding of Huron Middlesex will be held at the Dashwood Community Hall, Wednesday, April 30th. .Reception 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:Q0 p.m. Dinner tickets are available from Municipal Chairman of the South Mid- dlesex Liberal Association and the Hurozl.- Provincial Liberal Association. -16,17b NEW BINGO—Clinton Legion Hall 8:30 p.m, April 24. Admission $1; fifteen regular games, $10 each. Three Share - the -Wealth games. One Jackpot for $170 in 56 calls. Consolation One call and $10 added weekly if not won. 16b • BINGO—April 29 Huron Fish h and Game Club. 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $55 in 55 calls. Six door prizes. —46tf ST. PAUL'S Go -Getters Annual Spring Rummage Sale, Sat. May 10 at 1 p.m. sharp. Good used and new clothing and numerous other articles for sale. Articles will be picked up by calling 482-9942 or leave at the Parish Hall on Frid. May 9.-17,18,19b GOOD—BYE TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND , FORMER CUSTOMERS We would like to voice our appreciation for the kindness and support given to us over the past 21 years, and to•wish the people of Clinton every success in the years to come, Jeenie and Cobie Amsing and family, Walker •Street, NOW PLAYING Thurs. to Sat. April 24-26 ,Tit T Four guys and a girl COMING Monday, April 28 Sat., May 3rd "AUTUMN RUSH" Return Engagement ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON N 110„A Fort In Wesley.Wi.11is ()sited Church, cIintQn a film entitled "CHILD REHA VIOR. EQUAL$ YOU” Sponsored by The Nursery School That "Travellin' Man", Tommy Hunter has his 10th consecutive season as star of his own show seen on CBC+TV lridays at 9 - p.m. It's a show packed with good music of variety, some danc- ing and usually a guest star. Though it's a show that -specializes in Tommy's own country music style. News of Constance BY MARY MERNER Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mr's. Jim Thompson (former residents) on the birth of a daughter, Danielle Nicole, on April 15th in Goderich Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods, Debbie and Michelle of Gananoque, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, Kim and Greg of Win- throp visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes visited on Sunday in Preston with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Phillippi and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson and Lissa of Belgrave were Sunday visitors with- Mr. and Mrs. Paul., Kinette Club of Clinton Girls' Softball Entry Form Name _ Phone No. Birthdate Mail to Mrs. Andy Peterson, 204 Townsend SC', Clinton by . April 30 Open to all girls 9 to 15 It is expected that two groups will be formed — one for younger girls, one for older girls. If anyone is interested in helping with the girls' ball please contact the above. Applications will be available from your principal. ' 15.16l FISHING SEASON OPENS Af• THE IN THE GODERICH AREA' COHOE ARE RUNNING! RA1NBOW, SPECKLED & BROWN TROUT SEASON OPENS 0 THIS SATURDAY "GOOD LUCK SUCKER & MULLETT ARE RUNNING -SMELT, & PERCH WILL— 5poniei° By BE RUNNING SOON GODERICH TOURIST COUNCIL Stevenson, David, Darren and Luanne. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Houghton of Holmesville visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storey. Mrs. W. L. Whyte is Visiting until Tuesday with her son and daughter-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte, Jeffrey, Kerri and Andrea of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Presz- cator, Bill, Debbie and Michael visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scott of Parkhill. Michael remained at the Scott home for a few days. Get your Stanley Cup Tickets now Don't be left out. 5700 in prizes. Available from any Fair board member or at local stores / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Tito family rot,l.ohn and Gledye. Armstrong wish to Invlto. friends, relatives itnd neigh- boursto their parents' home, 1»ondesboro, Ontario to help therm celebrate their SQth Wedding Anniversary on Tues. April 29th, 1975 from 2.4 and 7.10 p.m. Best wishes only please. 16,17b r.... -....—...--..„.,,,,..,..„--.f 3 54th WEDDING 1 • ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finch 1 Ion 1 1 Sat., May 3rd. 7 at 9:30 p.m. Clinton Community Centre Music by Disc Jockey 17,18b Refreshm nts The family of LEE and ANNA McCONNELL wish to invite friends, relatives and neighbours to an OPEN HOUSE to be held at their residence 211 Princess St. E. Clinton on Sunday, May 4, 1975 from 2-5 p.m. on the occasion'of their 50th Anniversary Best Wishes Only Please 17,18b HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL SPRING 1 CONCERT Thursday, April 24 Friday, April 25 8:00 Tickets 51.00 per seat Available from any senior M 16,17 student TOM DYKSTRA CLINTON COMMUNITX CENTRE friday, April 2Sth, 1915 aszvAvo,ERIVE.IN .,Fr ;,ODERICH Al CONCESSION RD 4 . PHONE524 9981 EATRE FRI., SAT., APRIL 25, 26 — SHOWTIME - 8:00 P.M. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT CDL UMBIA PICTURES/ADinsion OT COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUS CENTENNIAII. MAY �� PIE DAY SOCIAL AT ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CILWRCH CLINTON THURSDAY, MAY 1 , 7:30 p.m. "LOOKING BACK" BAKE DISPLAY SALE FOR ALL THE FAMILY ADULTS $1.00 B OW IFS CLINTON - ONTARIO�� BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P.M. - SHOW STARTS 8:30' P.M. CHILDREN .50c • UNDER 12 laumenow 111 F R I DAY -SAT. U RDAY-S U N DA Y APRIL 25-26-27 For 510.000 they break your arms. For 520,000 they break your legs. Axel Freed owes S44,000. As AtnsrIcaltn as apple pis. einem. return 'TI M.. AN ALAN a PAKULA PRODUCTION WARREN BEAM THE PARALLAX VIEW Amourmayno% R ItCwn 1st%! Paramount Pictures Presents A Robert Chartoff- trwinWinkler Production AKarel Reisz Film James Caan ::,The Gambler" co staring Paul Sorvino Lauren Hutton Wratten by James 7oback 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED WED., T H U R., FRI., SAT., APRIL 23, 24, 25, 26 — ONE SHOWING AT 8:00 P.M. PLUS SATURDAY MATINEE, APRIL 26 - 1:30 P.M. �t�rii�l �-rrr�tw►�w�r:�ir �,,--, or Released by BUENA VISTA 6iit'tit3#ZTio0t{J, alta. ( 1974 Walt Disney Productions WAIT DISNEY presents WINNIE the POOH and TIGGER TOO . SUN., MON., TUES., APRIL 27,28,29—ONE SHOWING AT 8:00 P.M. 'JOHN WAYNE A Howard Hawks Production "RIO LOBO" NOW IS THE TIME 1011 ,) All MEN. .G000 OR ot, 1i? , DAO... Ft WOMEN TO ' PARTY! ANO YOU... .4...�% If YOU ARE OVER 18 r ARE INVITED TO WATCH! 1 _ Production Line SEX MALE FACTOR OWLS MADE TO OROIER COLUMBIA %,1CTUBES .. WED., THUR., FRI., SAT., APRIL 30, MAY 1, 2, 3 — ONE SHOWING AT 8:00 P.M. Detective Harry Callahan. He doesn't break murder cases. He smashes them.