Clinton News-Record, 1975-03-27, Page 17face at the window might be poor opinion of me as to
Y i ,tlC ' it. ' '4Q gladden, ,our heart that you
appropriate, what think- your.? •
1Y sec ritly read "Before
We certainly have had some were not around on thatthe.
• les" by Dr. splendid days dit4;�...nights too � �morning when I was up at
Wi ..days o'V moles" and the moonlight has been .so o'clock ' your
�'ia�1�m Victor Joh>r►ston, fine I have had s good misguides �►
Lucknow. He is credited with
organizing the family physician
and: it rftruek her that her father
was correct when he said that
there was nothing new under
thesun. Lucy argued this point,
but he was adamant. He said,
""The ancients had all we have
to -day only the drugs were in
erwde form. Fashions change in
xbedicine as well as in clothing.
One treatment will be used for
a time then some young Doctor
discovers . something that had
been used 100 or 200 years ago
but forgotten and so it goes on.'
Ile had often saki before his
death October 31, 1933, that
there weretoo many specialists
in medicine and the country
octor must be. well trained in
all aspects of diagnosis and
treatment which would apply to
the Family Physician. And, so satisfactorily. time with you. Tha
"medicing" has gone full circle With reference to the Misses South Pier and I believe it is to
with Dr. Johnston stressing the Macklin, I knew three of them. have a new covering next year
family physician group. Stella was the only one 1 knew so you must really come here
At the time he wrote the by name. Which of the other and see the improvements.
following letters, he was living two Nellie was I cannot say, but Yes, I was one of the guests at
at The Hut in Bayfield and I can say that I never had the Mr. and Mrs. Marks on the
Warding' at the River House pleasure of a tete-a-tete with occasion of their silver wedding
ow Lynn's apartments). It •any of them (Misses Macklin celebration and a right jolly
was a very popular summer Stratford, sisters of Dr. time we had.'About 24 sat down
hotel owned at the time by J.C. Macklin). , to dinner at 6 p.m. all relations,
Millar. Mr. and Mrs. Marks I am sorry you will not be in except the parson and his wife
were tudor Marks who built the Clinton at Christmas. Of course and your humble servant. Then
original pioneer house now I should find my way over there later in the evening, additional
owned by Walter Thompson, to see you, but I've guests came and we had a
London. The office is the Post . will have a good time of it in dance. I got home about 3 a.m.
BOfficelViail came in about 1898. Michigan, I think I remember It was a beautiful moonlight
24 Oct. 18 , you mentioning your friend night. You wonder what I was
Oct.1899 there to met I m sorry to hear doing when I read your letter, I
that you bave been losing was all alone in to stovee cot -
I had
you are
share of night work lately. I impressed that 1 was in • a
wish I had been there on pleasant (?) humour on the
Sunday with Dick to give you a contrary I was .in the best of
drive. spirits and humour , and
On Thursday last I had a long generally one when there is
day's work.h had a professional work ahead of me. It is apity I
call to a patient at Sarnia. I left did not know that t was headd
here at 6 a.m., drove to Clinton nurseat p
and took train to Sarnia where I friend of `yours, I should have
arrived about, 4 a.m., saw the had quite a chat with her had I
patient and went over the New known it.
Hospital - a very nice and up -to- I am glad you enjoyed
date building - had dinner and Hamlet. I. remember seeing it
got away again on the 1:40 p.m. at the Lyceman in old London
train. I did not go via London or with Henry 'Irving
ing in it. Of
e ago
I should have called to see Mrs. course it was
T. I arrived the same night at and I don't remember much,
Clinton and then struck out for least as far as this matter is
Varna to see 'a very sick case I concerned if not altogether.
had on hand, en my way home. The Bayfield Harbour is
I am glad you like your new having quite an addition made
principal - it is not an easy to its North Pier, not the one on'
matter to replace an old friend which I spent such a pleasant
ON .
MONDAY, MARCH 31, 1975
Just a few lines to say I got
your letter safely and was very
glad to hear from you. I had
intended answering on Sunday
last, but I was kept too busy on
that miserably wet day - lately
.I have had a rush of work which
has , kept me going day and
night so that I had very little
time at my disposal for writing
to my Summer girl (singular if
you please.)
I like the appearance of your
school. The building appears to
be a handsome edifice and I
also noted the window of ydur
room over which you had
placed a cross. If I should
happen to turn up there some
day, I shall 'bear it in mind and
go and serenade you. "Only a.
weight. How do you account for Cage sitting Y The mileages triangle, Office,
it? I'm afraid that you must be , called at the Hotel on my way Toronto; the Map
from the Office to hear the War showing distances between the
taking too much exercise on the
wheel. news but reserved your letter larger cities and towns int e
until I should be alone - to read province, has been given a new
)hayfield and •more readable look.
5 Nov. 1899 it.
There is cold wet weather Individual city enlargements
I cannot say that I intended to here now but yet it is not t ha
bad h acedb ve en prore se ' aca�more
give yyou a "gentle hint" when I as it might be. The steam g
said that I had very little time the harbour is now finishedNhalt urban highway outes,nizable picture of trans-
iting letters - it was a except the paintinghe spring.
A major innovation is the
The Indians called it "sweet water', a choice liquid in
awe ich tocook their venison. �t used to be that eacwe now call
h gallon Of
it maple syrup, a sweet indication that spring is away,It shows, not only the
sap had to be carried by bucket to the evaporator. But as the photograph
name has changed; .many maple syrup producers now rely on plastic tubing to connect the taps
and carry the sap to the sugaring house. They've also found tubing makes the sugaring season
more productive.
The method is cleaner, less laborious and, with vacuum pumps, producers
can nearly double the amount of sap obtained with the bucket method. (photograph by Ontario
ministry of agriculture and food.)
New road. maps
The Ministry of Tran-
sportation and Com-
munications latest official ,
Ontario road map i s now
available. And it embodies
several design changes and a
restructuring of part of the map
face to make it more easy to
follow a8 a guide for the
travelling public.
now available
programs to specific localities
not reached by other radio
stations. Programming in-
cludes road and weather in-
formation provided by the
Ministry of Transportation and
Copies of ' the map may be
obtained, free of charge, from
the Ontario Government
Bookstore, 880 Bay Street,
for. wr
matter of fact that I had noy The pile nthe Hotel arvery inclusion of the list of CBC low
time at my disposal on the day radio transmitters
on which I wished to write you - nice and it is quite comfortable power
my professional work was the so far. J.C. Millar and wife and northwestern northe st r the
preventative and often is - to child were over here for nn province.
my carrying out my own me
wishes - such is the lot of a
poor country doctor. I regret
that you should . form such a ,
BelieveThese stations, with an
Yours very sincerely average range of 15 miles, are
Nimian W. Woods designed to bring CBC
Today, higher �ducation is more
important than ev�r before.
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Now, starting with the 1975-76 academic
year, there will be two new programs.
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signed to help students who are ineligible
for aid from OSAP. It will benefit part-time
students,- some students enrolled in up-
grading programs and those taking pro-
grams which are shortar'than reg or have wired byOSferent
APentry standards q
The Ontario Special .Bursary Program
gives non -repayable grants to people in
serious financial need, particularly those
who can improve their financial 'situation
by taking one or more courses. It's designed
for part-time students who receive social
assistance, are unemployed, or who have a
lovv family income.
If you would like to know what financial
assistance is available to you, and how to
apply for it, contact the Student Awards
Officer at the institution of your choice. Or
write to:
Inquiry Section
Student Awards Branch
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Mowat Block, Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 106
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
James Auld, Minister
Government of Ontario
William Davis, Prermier
Ministry of Transportation .and
Communications, Downsview,
and all Ministry offices
throughout the province; the
Ministry of Industry and
Tourism, Parliament
Buildings, Toronto; Ontario
Government Tourist Reception
Centres at border crossing
points; and Service Centres on
Highways 400 and 401 (the
Macdonald -Cartier Freeway).
We Go. To
by w.
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