Clinton News-Record, 1975-03-27, Page 9V?p►hked CItOrclt�of been ordered. An appeal from safety first". •
Palm Sunday was, held at the
°United church on Sunday
morning, Greeters were Mrs.
Margaret Taylor and Marry
Snell. The ushers were Larry
'.Carter,' Stewart Glousher,
Kevin Mowatt and ken
Scanlon: The choir anthem
,as "Rosanna" Rev.
McDonald's "the children's
stciry"" was "lights and
crosses", and Rev. McDonald's
Message was "The silent rider
of Jerusalem".
The xo p am consisted of
Durnin The angry old hen
the Mentally ,handicapped P 8t'
x ,y ..r>...`a d� R?"f Y 'Y' . ..ar4r ,-.•Y i%ii / nt.R.: K i. nD
k .
Of aKip en Achievement day will be May
,1 "" un 3rd. Leaders are needed for the
Afternoon" along with other garden club. Family night and
branches of . outh Huron
`' • the fun night will be held on
District W,I, as guests of Grand Apr Legion .
Il 4 in the Hall
, •,. 4Y Bend Womens Institute. 11 -
readin s repared b Ida '
association was discussed. g Y ►, � .�{.. ,;` � + �,. �g tfp�' yr�`y�:� �- < • "'� n�:�` Mr. and Mrs. Eli Denys spent A skit Aint got the money
ass „ , -k ' . a ,;. 'i(,, r ", Y 11
forthe Ram0T
They `4 two weeks vacationing in for the mortgage was
The prices of Y » , •" • i " g
to be held May 21st read by Mabel Scott and "My 4.A te" _ '} ° ° presented by Margaret
Supper , y v .s Y ,, a: _ r Florida.
were set at adults $3, children 6- old quilting frames"byMary r . '; :* •. •`, Mr- Elzar Mnusseau has Hoggarth, Grace Drummond,
f Robinson Myrtle Fairservice ° ., 4 -* .,,
The Sunday School held their
annual crokinole party on
Wednesday night, March 19th
With 18 tables in play. Winners
were: high, Reg. Lawson; low,
Cheryl Lyon; most 20's,
Ruthanne Penfound.
Shower for Faye Mason
The ladies of the village held
a dessert luncheon shower in
the Sunday School rooms on
Saturday, March 22nd for Faye
''reson, bride -elect with over 40
sent. Sunday School was
nicely decorated in pink.
Corsages were pinned on Faye,
her mother and her grand-
mother; by Mrs. Nelson
Culbert. Lunch was served by
Nancy ' Allen, Shirley Lyon.
Addie Hunking and Dora
Shobbrook, assisted by Mar-
. jorie Dinzer and Norma
Contests were conducted by
Nancy Allen and Shirley Lyon
with Genevieve Allen at the
piano. Drawing a picture of the
groom with eyes closed contest
was worrby Cheryl Reid, and a
travelling parcel was won by
Clara Riley.
-Nancy Allen said a few words
to Faye and gifts were
presented. Faye was assisted
by her mother and sister
Doreen. She thanked all and
"For she's a jolly good fellow"
was sung. She announced that a
reception is to be held on April
12th in Londesboro Hall and
everyone is welcome.
12 $1.x5 preschool - free,
•• b Irish � : x .4 •. w n .
The 1 program •was taken y entertained with an
returned to Sealorth Com- Mona Alderdice, Helen Parsons
munity Hospital. and Mary Connolly. Rena
Audrey Thompson, Florence Recitation Advertise for a �, ... , _ • �rz M. ro f Caldwell and Mary Bro Rena
9 Y p;
Cartwright and Addie Milking. wife". � - � .
.: �� '" . ,� W I Sees Skits led in a dance session
Some games of cards were
It consisted of Easter scrip- g - Mr. D E Fe
aver Hensall vegetables and what have you
tures hymns and readings. played and lunch was provide
Neighbours and friends watch helplessly as fire rages through a barn on the farm of Dirk told members of Kippen East made up the display
Twenty-five shut-in boxes were by Ida Durnin and Dorothy Westerhout on the Base Line last Thursday. Dirk (with moustache) is in centre of the picture. Women's Institute about his "Something you have planted".
packed. Brunsdon and served b away on a business trip and came home to find his barn engulfed in flames. (News- work as librarian at Goderich Frances Kinsman gave the
Norma Glousher, Margaret Dorothy Brunsdon and Mary Record photo) Collegiate when they met for family and consumers affairs
Gord and Bernice meetingg Robinson. Dorie Constantini and their cousin, the cultural activities meeting. report. Members answered the
served lunch. The nextt school spent the March holiday Mrs. Robert Miller,
will be held April 27th at Farewell Party in Paris, France. Ellerby and Valerie Aubin of Chateauguay Chastity g Y He stated the library used by roll call by naming a favourite
Florence Cartwright. A social evening was held on Mrs. Laura Forbes and Mrs. Colquhoun of Clinton visited on Montreal. students and teachers was a old time dance and introducing
S t d vening at the home Harry Snell returned home on Friday with their grand- Mrs. Joe Marzano, Candace technical library_- and, that he their guest. Mrs. Glen Bell and
Baked iia Pie of Mr° and. Mrs. Ted Hunking ,Friday March 22nd from a two parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert and Glen of Toronto spent the did the buying of books and Mrs. Hugh Parsons were •
ed the when 30 neighbors including old weekFlorida S weekend with her parents, Mr. other equipment. He was in- hostesses. Mrs. A. MacGregor
Len Caldwell. 11 Her troduced by Mrs Drummond gave courtesy ,remarks
course i a Londesboro said farewell to Art Citizens,with 45 members and Mrs.Bill Sbttiaux, Nancy mother returned
Th 'd t 1 d the Parsons and her
a ur ay e
The ° W °I. sponsor bus tour to ori a hobbrook. and Mrs. a we and
"Baked in pie" when neighbours from Blyth and sponsored by Clinton Senior Weekend visitors with Mr.
th t ned home with •and thanked by Mrs. Pullman. lunch was served by Mrs.
35 ladies participated in the them on Tuesday for the Easter _ e pressen welcomed committee.
course held on Tuesday, March and Nettie Clark who have enjoying the trip. and Jennifer were their
moved to Meneset Park, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David holidays. members and guests and gave Mrs. Kinsman, the president,
18th at 1:30 p.m. and Thursday, Goderich, and Maimie and • a� reading. Mrs. Keyes, district chaired the business and Mrs.
March 20 evening. returned home on Sunday night Prnl �, Y1 i'p Chp 1 i out
president, brought greetings Drummond the program. Mrs.
The leaders, Marjorie Norman McDougall, who have from spending the March
Anderson and Marjorie Duizer,d toClinton,A gift was holidays Edmonton with
demonstrated salmon and
potato pie, Quiche -Lorraine,
cheeseburger pie, ham and egg
pie, rhubarb and pineapple pie,
blueberry pie, frozen pumpkin
pie and cream puffs.
A cup of coffee and a sample
of pies were . enjoyed by all. A
summary day will be held on
April 3rd at Ontario St. Church
Clinton at 1:30 p.m. sharp. The
W.I. would like to thank the
move o i
Cheerio Club
Owing to' the illness of Ida
Din,, the Cheerio meeting
was held on Wednesday, March
19th at the home of Mary
Robinson. The meeting opened
with ' meditation by Jewel
The minutes of last meeting
were read by Mary Robinson.
Thank -you notes were read
from Jessie Jones and Marry
Durnin. The treasurer's report
said $10. had been sent to Blyth
Easter ' seal fund and a letter
was read from Dorothy Little in
appreciation of cards and
letters sent to her mother. The
Aimwell Unit roll call was answered by nine
members and two visitors.
Draw was donated by Alice
Davidson and won by Jewel
The Aimwell Unit of UCW
met March 17 at Audrey
Thompson's with 19 members
alid two visitors' answering' the ''Cow° ';
11 call. a next meeting will be held
An invitation from Auburn on April 16th at the home;of Tri
CCW to attend their Duizer with Group 2 in charge.
Thankoffering March 23 was The Lord's Prayer was
read and Marjorie Duizer gave repeated in 'unison and Mary
a report on the Presbyterial at Robinson closed with prayer
Listowel. She also reported the and a thought for the day "To
anniversary coffee spoons have put God first means spiritual
ays in mo from South Huron District James Chalmers gave the
alsopresented to Mr. and Mrs: Constable and Mrs. Women's Institute and stated motto "People who are not
their son, $ 51/
Bernard Bakker, newlyweds. Richard Shaddick. Heather
held May 15th in Dashwood. seldom lose their shirts".
2 million for corn
the District Annual would be afraid to roll up their sleeves
Cards were played,PatMrs. Ted Fothergill, ea er _
and Nancy attended a shower Over $5,500,000 has been paid September so that the corn did
Hunking spoke a few words,
and gifts of a' sheepskin rug on Sunday evening for former's to field corn producers in not properly mature. As a •
and candy dish were given to niece, Connie Simpson of Owen Ontario as a result of the 1974 result, Ontario corn producers
the Clarks and McDougalls and Sound, who gets married on crop. Figures released by The experienced what may well be
a purse of money to Bakkers. April 26th. The shower was held Crop Insurance Commission of the worst crop year in memory.
Lunch was served and social at the home of Mrs. Jack the Ontario Ministry of Crop insurance premiums
time spe
nt. Mar, W ingham. Agriculture and Food indicate are established so that each
eather Fothergill and record payments in all counties crop plan is self-sustaining in
Personals Barbara Blake spent Tuesdayin Ontario. the long term. The premium
Sympathy is extended to Mr. London. Although all claims have not rates for corn for the 1975 crop'
Ted Reid and Murray on the Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hunking yet been paid because Some year have not been increased
passing of Mrs. Reid in Clinton were hosts Sunday to celebrate crops are still left in fields, crop as a result of the heavy 1974
Hospital on Tuesday, March her mother's, Mrs. Frank Bell, insurance payments of losses. However, because of the
18th. Blyth, 83rd birthday. Those $5,584,832 have gone out to 1969 heavy claim payments in 1974
Sympathy also to, Mr. and present. were Mr. and Mrs. claimants. This represents a anc1 because of the steadily
Mrs. Wayne Riley on the ac- Wallace Bell and Wayne,. loss of over $3,700,000 on the 'increasing costs of producing
cidental death of her brother, Brussels; M. and Mrs. Art corn fund for the 1974 crop corn in 1975, participation in the
Grant Laws, 19, of RR 1, Hunking and Todd, Exeter; Mr. year. Total premium income on crop insurance plan for corn is
Brucefield on Friday evening.,
and Mrs. Tom Duizer and corn was just over $1,850,000, expected to increase in 1975.
' Mrs. Vic Stackhouse was family. one half of which came from .r •
admitted to Victoria Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton farmer premiums. In other
London on Monday, March of Moorefield spent Tuesday to words, the 4544 farmers who
17th, having surgery on Friday with their daughter, Mr. participated in the crop in -
wish• the - .
heday, March 19th. We and Mrs. Bob Thompson. surance plan for corn paid
wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Jessie Jones, M's• $925,000 in premiums on con -
Miss Cathy Carter, R.N. of Mabel Scott and Mrs. Laura tracts which resulted in corn
Goderich, returned home on Forbes visited on Sunday with claims of over $5.5 million. a
Saturday from a two week
vacation in Jamaica. She is Mrfamil.y and Mrs. Jim Snell andThese large claim payments,
now spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Millson which compare with 'x:32,000
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen and family of Woodstock paid on the 1973 crop,'are a ,
Carter. visited on Sunday with her direct result of the ,adverse
David Reid returned home on parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Bert corn season in 1974.. A cool, wet
Saturday night with , students Shobbrook and ce1ebrated4. sp ngt resulted in, mpst,of „the
from the geography, club and
chaperons Mr. and Mrs. BallRoss's birthday. Darrel corn being planted late, much
, remained for a few days of;!it early in June. Following
teachers at Seaforth secondary holiday. thslt were early killing frosts in
For professional picture framing
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Mon. 7:30-8:30
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Tues. 4:00-5:00
Tues. 6:30-7:30
Tues. 7:30-8:00
Tiles. 8:00-9:00
Wed. 6:30-7:30
Wed. 7:30-8:30
Wed. 8:30-9:30
Thurs. 4:00-5:00
Thurs. 6:30-7:30
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