The Exeter Times, 1886-3-18, Page 11I EnE A. W 'a.'UER* . NewsCondensed. Mr. dames Roes, aged 75 years, a respected resideut of Parkhill, and ail. early settler, died on Saturday last, War are sorry to state, that, the Rev. 0 i o : o the 11 ret Turnbull, esti Igi`, ru u.. f , P Presbyterian church, 'St, Marys, is Postai hAltrcathet;es.. F�rhe; �.'optll4a8ter-Qell9ral'e lettiltt ,far the, past ,year line been ipslle; and the following table of +reosiptq eto., for the different offices: in this locality, will be,o' iutereet to Our oa er l• d e. oore ere ht 2e States of the UTneen 308,- 478more women, than neer Dalrote has 29,415 more neon than women, Fla. 1D LIGI4TNZNG. ' All, sufferers from that terrible torment, ' Neuralgia, gab be Made happy in elle Me - meet meet; by a single application of b liiid Dlellt- r ning briskly rubbed oil painful parts, and without using: any diagusting medicine day 'c Light- , after` a with little or no result, Fluid d i l eos ,1 g y , d PO h Ping o as. al oh , Also rs e ti 1 ta affoa l 1, i a a a l lltaly. Lumbago, 11heumatism, Headache,, and ie only 25 cents per bottle at Dr. Brawnlug'e drug stere. 1 Stonewall Jaekeon'a old charger died on Monday at the age of 3e. Tho skin will be stuffed and the skeleton'mounted. The speediest and most certain medicine in RAPID WORK. the world, I troubled with d '- again unable to perform his duties, Name of Post-Offloe, Gross Revenue; Salary $e is oOullleed. to hie house from a Auburn; , .$348 31 397 50 very severe affeotian of the bronchial Bandon. •. 9 95 10 00 tubes and will not be able to take his 1 Bayfield., , 46$ 17 220 00 • t ark for some timq 13eeoligvooa, ... , . .1668 45 18 50 last Saturtmy ' nominated D M regular, W Belgrave . , . .. .7.67 79 175 00 The letorm convention at Brussels Benmillel............ 01 23 28 00 r, a Blake.;; ..., 156 09' 56 00 Donald, of Winghitm, to coarser 1Bluevale 4 50 27 • 2 '51'50 412507 3 00 East Huron at the nest Dolniniou $lyth., 1 5 Brnoefielcl 305 13. 140' 00 election. T.bey hav3 evidently grown Brussels, ........, .. 2764 38 800 00 tired of sees gg Dr. S1oau knocked Bushfield • 43 60 down, and l try a dose from the new doctor. 1120Doueld is ambitious, 57 09 very, but he will have to make more Clinton; .. 4082 66 than one attempt to carry the riding. Constance 194 01 A go representation of the mem- Dashwood 214 34 bership Methodist Church at l Drysdale 83 84 Brinele a house of Rev. Do Dungannon 448 19 Dunlop 69 76 Rogers, g, on Friday eyes• Carlow Centralia Chiselhnrst 99 15 218 00 good of the y, mot :at the Ailey Craig, ing, March 12, and atter spending au enjoyable evening departed, leaving behind them, both in house and stable, substantial evidence of the good will and affection which exists between pastor and people. Lightening has already commenced He ravages for the season, and the first damage inflicted was upon the barn of Mr. Taekaborry, on the 8rd concession of London Township, on Friday night. His stable was struck by the electric fluid, and two cows were killed by the shook. The build- ing was ignited, and was totally con- sumes, together with nearly all' the contents except the balauoe of the cattle, whioh were safely remoyed. The dates fixed for the first court for the revision of the preliminary voters' lists under the Dominion Franchise A.ot, are as follows : West Huron, at Goderioi, ou April 6bh; East Huron, at Wingham, on April 9th; and South Huron, at Sea - forth, on April 10111. A week's notice is required to be giveu to the Revising Officer of all applictt ions !o amend the list, and iu oases•where a name is asked to de. struck off, the persons objected to must also be noti- fied et the same time and in proper form. A few ovenit apo a man who gave his nand s Thos. Hope, of Toronto called upon Mr. Matthew Penin, Mitchell Road Blanchard, and represented himself as an agent for a particular kind of wheat, which he was introducing. He stated that quantities of this wheat had been purchased by farmers in the neigh- borhood and it was necessary to have some place where the grain might be stored for the , convenience of the purchasers. M. �st??,earn was urged to allow the wtrieatlto be stored in his barn and finally consented. In order that there might be ne mistake Mr.Pearn was asked to sign an agree- ment to allow thegrain to be stored on his property until it could be remov- ed by the purehaeers. The agree- ment was simple enough, the actions and talk of the slate Aliok were plausible, and Mr. Yearn signed the agreement. A. few days after this apparently innocent transaction a note was offered in St. Marys purporting to be drawn up by Mr. M. Pearn in favor of one Thos. Hope for she sum of $180. One more Egmondville ........232 25 Ethel 380 28 Exeter Fordwich Glen Farrow Godericlt Gorria Harlock Hay Henfryn Hensall Hohnesyille I{intail Klppen Lakelet Leadbury Londeeboro Marnoch Nile Port Albert Rodgerville , Saltford Seaforth Sheppardton Sunshine Varna Walton Westfield Wingbam Winthrop Wroxeter Zurich 2372 72 540 54 24 11 514872 613 01 35 00 106 32 112 29 566 03 202 80 160 52 307 72 164 41 106 73 389 68 5243 138 16 223 91. 92 91 84 89 4519 44 52 04 53 71 302 43 251 66 78 11 . 3049 57 158 84 706 75 557 46 50 50 Bitters cures dyepopsia, liver and kidney 50 00 complaints, and all impurities of the system. 118 00 22 00 A farmer in Passumpsie, Vt., made 0100 apiece from tho milk of lbs e2 cows last year, and the same cows gave hire $2,400'in 1884, lil(.leVAit/e 1J()UFlT:Eet titleTe. Gt>LBS' L1NIMCXT IODIDE AMMON'JA, "For two years was rou sy� L A ALL 1' L 11I1 1 L . S 1J S E I T, find relief •nor. fi l. e sit — could neither bol t a i labor Pp 1. Less than one bottle of B. B, 73. relieved no Weak Back, Enlarged Joints, Paralysis, —3 bottles cured me." So says John; A. e heuinatisiu, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Rappell, of farmerville. Burdock Blood Selittioa, Prolapsus, L'lterei, Female Weakness, 1100 00 59 00 80 00 ' 28 00 167 50 24 00 119 50 142' 50 68000 200 00 20 50 1700 00 260 00 16 00 72 00 42 50 205 00 67 50 80 00 90 00 78-00 40.00 ()HOLE RA PREVEN'2ATIVE. In order to withstand Cholera and such like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and the proper notion of the stomach are requir- ed. To insure that end, in the cheapest, most available and complete manner, use McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and Impure Blood. There is no purer. eider or more reliable remedy in existence for Indi- gestion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, eto. Ask your neighbor or any person who has used it. Solcl at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. 1 It is reported from Durban that the "plague of drunkenness" in Basutoland has nearly disappeared. Rev. Guy S. Fiume, of Jersey city at- trioutes the recovery of his wife from an attack of Peritonitis to Giles' Liniment 150 00 Iodide Ammonia. Sold by C. Lutz, Central 20 00. 36 00 50 00 47 50 124034 0500 20 00 15 00 84 00 105 00 31 50 900 00 60 00 339 50 190 00 Drug Store. Holloway's Fills.—Sleeplessness, flatu- lency, acidity, nausea, and all dyspeptic indications may be speedilyrelieved by these famous Pills, of which large quantities are shipped to all parts of the world. The con- etantly increasing demands for Holloway's medicine proves its power oyer disease, and its estimation by the public. In weakness of the stomach, iu diseases of the liver, and in disorders of the system caused by cold or a sluggish circulation, no medicine is so efficacious, no remedy so rapid, as these Pills, which are altogether incapable of doiug mischief. By quickening digestion, they give refreshing sleep, sharpen the appetite, impart tone tho digestive organs, puify and enrich the blood, regulate the secretions, and etrougthen the whole physical frame, Scott's Emulsion of Pure. Cod Liver Oil, with Iiypoplrosphites, IIs incipient Consumption seems to posses& remedial powers of great efficacy. It heals the irratation of throat and lungs : Makes piire blood and builds np and fortifies the system against further inroads by disease. The Nebraska City saloon -keepers have all signal an agreement not to sell any liquor to any man who is known to have signed the temperauce pledge. HORSEMEN, ATTENTION! When your horse is galled, scratched or cut, or has an ugly sore, bathe twice daily, and apply McGregor ea Parke's Carbolic Create. It is uudoubtedly the finest healing and cleansing application for it. Be sure you get McGregor (a Parka's. Sold for 250. per box, at Dr. Browning's,Drng Store. 1 A 0A. P. To all who are suffering from the errors nn indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of Manhood, &c, I will send a receipe tont willcureyou, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send n self-ad- dressed envelope to limy, TOSEPH T. INMAN Station 1), Now Yorke Cit • Do not take Pills or Powders containing Calomel, for, at this time of the year, the re- sult may be serious. If you require a dose of physic, take Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters ; it acts gently on the Bowels, purifies the Blood, improves the cir- culation, stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and speedily cures. Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Search the Drug Stores from one end of Canada to' the other, and you cannot find a remedy equal to it. Try it and, use it in your families. Sold everywhere in large bottles at 50 cents. interesting .Items. Why will you cough when. Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief ? Price 10c., 50c, end $1. Sold by J. W. Browning. AN OLD TIME FAVORITE. There is no other remedy that has stood the test of time so long as has Haggard's Yellow Oil for rheumatism, neuralsia, lame back, pains in the chest, colds. croup, sore throat, deafness, and most painful affections. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker Month. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. Thus far eight cases have been beard at the Niagara Falls Park arbitration, six are yet tobe considered. The decided alteratiye action of Itobitison's Phosphorizett Eruul- ston upon the blood, adapts it iu a re- markable degree as a blood purifier well worthy of the trial of those suffering from a oonditioit of the circulating fluid. Always ask for ROBINSON'S PHOSPHORIZED EMULSION, and besure you get it. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to Shiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold victim had bean added to the already I by 3, W. Browning. large list of theeo who, in order to be George Leach, of East Sandwich, fooled I with a revolver Thursday, hursda He carries 'the, abliging, allow thence elves to be ball around in his left side now. fleeced by heartless pet,fessrooal swindlers. Mr. Wm. Rundle, who lives in the everybody around my neighborhood knows. same neighborhood, had also • signed Sy trouble was caused by obstinate Ion- a similar contract, but after thiukiug stipation, One bottle of Burdock Blood. Bitters cured me entirely." This' state - the over matter for an hour followed meat is made by Walter Stinson, of Gerrie, the wheat agents, and came ap to Ont, them at the residence of a farmer in Aro you made miserable by indigestion, the neighborhood of the 'Presbyterian constipation, dizziuess, loss of appetite, yet church, where they were attempting low skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive en- Sold at Dr. Browning's drug stole. to work Ibe earns dodge. Mr. Run- The London Chamber of Commerce has die insisted on having his eignature petitioned the Imperial Government to sup- withdraln u, but he did not succeed in pert the Canadian Pacific Steamship Line. AN OBSTINATE CASE. "In the spring of '83 I was neatly dead, as his purpose without considerable difficulty, the sharpers naturally We are constantly receiving testimony that Dr. (;arson's Catarrh Cure is what its name is enough hating toegive up their' prey, implies • orized to refund the money ifure." Your i t druggist to. IP •S• 41 give satisfaction. What' can be more fair, PLibilcations i eceiVe(l. ' and need you suffer any lcnger? A COMPLETE BREAKDOWN. FRANK LESLIE'S P, prolonged Wintsi� sible even into w . Spring, so'that the this peculiar amusement are still fresh in mind. Mr. Stephens, in the April number of FEANI. Lnswx'e POPULAR MONTHrY gives the history of these vessels, their vipresentt popular forms,.and describes t'idl Y exhilarating sensations of a spin over the glassy ice in one of these fleet vehicles. Mr. le B. Mayer takes es from the ice and its pleasures to the balmier Chesapeake and. - and introduces us to theold towns and manors of the western shore of Maryland giving illustrations from his own 'artistic peneih' hilt' Hi gin, under the title of "Romance of a Court," gives a mdst inter. eating account of the late Xing Alfonso of Spain. F. 0. Valentine initiates us into the m'steriee of "Indian Sign Language in Central America. Lawrance Hutton re - vette recelleetions of "Infant Phenomena" pleased with their precocious talent our fore• fathers or ourselves, front the days of young • in boyhood, and drill ie Betty, brilliant y r y' the artist, Gustave inaturityt The story of Dore, is Grapbieallly told by II. Tyrrell. "Meals and Mealtime" is a sebleot certain to distract, while "'Tho 1?'rene'liwotdeu in the. test" tells' of two recent French trayelere of the fan sexy, A very ettriotts aitiote b1l a elaturalfet:; tri what are:' popularly catlott rtteara tites solves all the, bagstery about doers etiriotts obledta, 6otieerning tvlyieli so many absurd stories hate boli robbing t1;e', rounds, The atoned are all good. ';,1lesidee'. the t'batighters' of Cain," by Istta W.ierce, there Etre short atoriee by Wttl a IJr1gss McCall/I 'le P t3ildretl , t4eet•gc .PULAR. MONTFILY.--The _Ade ice -yachting pos. t is generally regarded as ttraations and perils of "For ten years," says Jennie M. Barrett, of VValll.ceburee Ont., "I did not see a well day—was all broken down with dyspepsia, liver cowplaint, Matarrh and debility. Three doctors:abandoued"hope for me, when Bur- dock Blood Bitters came to my ,rescue. 1t is the best medicine I have ever taken. I 'say this for the benefit of all suffering as I did. The English Hoeso of Lords by a vote of 16 to 62 adopted' the motion in favor of opening museums and libraries ou Sundays. Shiloh's Curd will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis Sold by J. W. Browning. SURE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM, If the system isproporlycleanse d` by Some' inediciue that nets upon the bowels, kid- neys and shin, such as Burdock ]flood Bit- ters, and the sufferer Will use Hagyar's Yel- low Oil locerdiug to ditections, there aro few casae of rlleumatiain,. however hal, ,but. will yield promptly to the troatmetrt. Counterfeit coin to the amount of , 00 - 000 has been put in circulation iu' legypt. each bottle of A Nasal Injector free with, 'Remedy, Price 50 tents; Shiloh's Catarrh Sold by J. W. Browning. WILL, TAKI OATH TO TIE +'ACJ.'. Edward Cousins, of Rurisou, declares he- was et ono time nearly dead from the effoets • terrible cold mid cowls, fee tried ready remedies bet Ittgyardel 1'eotoral 1 '� Balsam wad wfiat Mired bite. Re apelike hi adds highest=' idled of it ru otLot eases, smid a .m willing to take oath to hie state. time lm itv g h1 ry . of Chest, orad S Pot lagne ba ltl aide , � ,� EXT TER POULTRY YARDS W. G. BISSETT, Breeder of PLYMOUTH ROCKS, BLACK JAVAS, BROWN LEGHORNS and HOU.DANS NO. 1 YARD—P. Rocks ; Cockerel, scorn 091; 4 Hens, average scoro 92. 'Eggs $2.50 per set- ting, NO. 2 YARD—P. mocks; Cockerel, score 91 ; 4 Pullets, average score 00; Eggs $150 per setting, NO.3 YARD—S. Logborns. C,ekorel score 03 8 Pullets, average score 92; Eggs $1 per set- ting. No. 4 YARD—Heudana, Eggs $1 per setting These birds wore all scored by Mr. Jarvis and wen n good share of prizes at the 'Exeter Poultry Show, t. One trio P. Rocks for sale ANNOUNCE ARRIVAL OF —New Dress Goods— Albatros Cloths; All Wool Ottomans, All Wool Niui's Cloth, Prints, Sateens, Cotton Crapes, Embroideries, ' r hams , n G , gOriental Laces, Valenciue Laces, Torchon Laces, Dentine Laces, r � . `S I •W' teb Tweeds Scotclt 1'antiit s, Seo , r g s r's}i Sal. F;riglish tVorstods, I i 6 , x Canada Tweeds, Collloiiiacle-s,� y �. "WALL " A.:I� LrGtii�y New Groceries, New Field and Garden Seeds. inspect for oneself you Cell and lisy s Y p not b'e'ing ortlinocl to buy. will The best and only certain remedy to lolieve pain of all kinds, no tun ttor of how long stee7d- ing. Instant relief' guaranteed Grippes. Swol. len Joints, Varicose Veius, Bites of Insoets o: Sink Headitche. No oil or grease; is clean and sweet ; will not soil. INI'TateneATION 0i TR la EIDNEN8, BRIGies l)IEsaar, Diabetes, incontinence of Urine. Is the only Liuiment in the world po.teessing al- terative powers. Can be talceu internally; euros Cramps duel Colic, Diarrhoea and Dys• entery. o5DAY ALL Dan OGISTC. TRIAL BOTTLE 25o. Write Dr. Giles,box 3,462, N. Y, P. O. who will' give advice on all diseases free of charge. r eewareofunecrupulousdealersaudcoun- terfeits. The genuine has oho name blown in the glass and Inc similie of the discoverer's name over each cork. GILEs' IMPROVED IiIANDRAIdE PILLS. SAFE SuRE,BELI,uoLE andEvpsomVE. Do NOT GRIPE They are composed entirely of vege table sub, stances, and can be taken at all seasons of the year without restriction ns to diet or clothing. Foralidisorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, &e. Pr.ce, 250, 'per box. C. LUTZ, Agent, Exeter Ontario, REEBEAD ',S,i', WORM' P07. -VDT -I171&) Are pleasant to take.. Cot:I-tin their owe Purgative. Is n effectual 'o,>,ter of worms in c:Lilllren or Adult& irTHIS OUT and return to ti: with 10c or 4 3c stamps, and you'll get by return mail Golden Box of Goods that willbring you in more money r than anything else in America. You,: fortune if you start quick. CITY NOVELTY CO., Y•trinouth, N. S. aOIZINT UNDERTAIER & CABINE r -MAKER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. r' GIVE IdE A CALL HARi<, L.;., rtr. i bili , RAI. le, N ides`-._, t I. ovr.. ' �' 1,f ..". 1 +4 Y . f• 1' 1111 11 atop; l e'.!, ': t I ie.' e. ,: from Om 1 ,vi a 11' Ino in....c e . t „ :11,,,..).'1 ',1 4 .;4 41 i1f1ulMSjl'' 1701 H, , 1• , l : 114 ,i IC tth As 1 nit r r,.• 1 h Jo il P,� ncerio,. (•1 1t,e'. a.tlte•'d'18I31.Ic S i .:r, 1 . t11,K„4t F':{,lr ens P1 o ,la 3 i1 Berl . r s ' 0 1.1:01 ft i t'''A''. > _y2 —0. f SnTct hl I!1tzuu it is ; lt+ andPtun . au.ut,, ll •r, au. .rgM 'rptz--tte e Ati- IN VICTORIOUS ! HIGHEST <HO�fiOR AND GOLD MEDAL FOR I At. !Toronto. Ihvery Barrel Gual•itnteed, This Oi1 was used on ail ngaollinery slnriug the Exhibition. It hes neon awarded? SIX, G.AI,1) MTDADS during tile last three yettrso f 'Ste that you get Peerless, It is onty tirade by M'iT . _ ailili 2Rr 1PlieS E014 SALE 13Y ALL DEAL 1, o1111 COMBIIIB PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to make room for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly, FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on baud, All Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish, It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap Goods. A call is respectfully solicited. CII . SOITTIZCOTT. Fashionable Tailor, Exeter. RENOWNED REMEDIES,. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are nriceit THE OINTMENT Is aninfallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST 1T HAS NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Glandrlar Swellings, and all skin disead it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it actslike a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Thomas HorLowAY's Establishment, 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. 1}d., 2s. 9d. 4s. Gd., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 9d. size coutains three times the quantity ofethe is led, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen the 22s size thirty-three ; and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language r Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If' the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WIETALIANIE DREW ��laiifilllMOK1T OU E FITS When1 any: euro 1 do not mean merely to atop tleom for o time and then hmio then, return eh'o /o. 1 mean a radical euro, 1 have mode the dtaOaee aims, SPILIStSY or PALL- ING ALL ING SIOSNE0Sa 'Reding atmtY 1 warrant myreniedy to euro tho worst ceases, Sesame others h,. ve failed Is no lona fore Send a once 'treat s for 110Enowren rtttle of It euro. treads s and PI'teo Settle of my lydl, o le rem fotrial, Give Express and Past O�cO, 'rt coot, .you n0thlne for alrlal, nod I will dere you. Addfess DR. n. 0. 11001', 1 ave it., Toronto. Branch Offlc, 37 )(olive 33tP's orrza To intro• v.0 V duce tltem wo will give Sway I.iI'VE AWAY LOCO ,y oelfi.Opnrating'st'aalring klnchinos, if you want one send its your Dat)le,P, 0, and ox, press1stofliee et01300'1:H10 NATIC�I'AL CI,,, 211 y !Jndertaker Cabinet-maker,. `� TT &P IO EX'FR, OS ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. Exeter Post Office Time Table. e :m >st Ins Kirkton, Woodham Winchelsea andElimville ... ... 4.00 p. m. Southeast and wesf, including Loudon, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, tfanitoba,U'nitod States, )Onglisb and foreign mails,... 10.13a.M. South, east west &e 11.41 p.m. North and east incleding Goderich, Wiughampoints and all Fn north, Stratford, Toronto,rMontreal, and stern States..: ,.. .:; C.le non North east,&e Sar'epts. Tuesday's, Thursdaytand Saturdays vl T hare a peeiavo rom0,ly for the aheve.11300,0 l by iia n30 6011411Ms 04,0100 of the worst and Of long standlog CNEY t1RD13it8 lotto bath mired r laced to denim l!t mY faith In Its albrvlet that wi I seleve no0'r(03 Page,' together spate a yeene tf a TEA i'at3,S TITh on tide instate to tot ehitoror, 0105 0xrreas and P.O. addrnea, B ]toh0ffico 37: `ol iSLOCUMSt. Toronto a i � r Mettle:. tehd PO -fettle l'labter. Pelee -25 hoots. Sold at ilk: il1hiv>~ Slradice, tt;id clarened ti 1#outetlr r Brownitigee brae Stort. sot dib cents postage 'arid wo will wild yeti Mren a royal,'vnivable- amislebeeOf :goods that Wilt ptieeoit ifi the way of malting 'razord igce them nit titieet ottani Agnerica. 11otltoits0 Both seSoe Of 'all ages can live et Wine and week 131 spit ;e tithe, or all the time, (NOW netbe5ttirbcl., We still start ee, tmuionae patsnob for theSe NOVO start at nice. STiNaoia 4s o ,lott1ate Melee 10 00 a,m. 8.30 a. m 41.,1.m 8.80 a. Vit ... 5.3011.13. 5,30 ti, rn 11,oea,rn. 10.00a, vi. 9 1000ii, m ,o. _ a ritair+ Iesuednnd lord ou nnetfgolrt any nionol Ortle10tiicelti tiieDoruftiioa of da,nttdn,(tro t T3 t , andLretaird,f3rittsh:rncira;Nowfounrtland,ltaIy,Anstralia,lrewSouth Watsa Titsniania, Nor Zelend,:rettnee ail dtger1a,-the German'Elnpiro, Swodon,NorwaS,l)elimark, i'eeland, Eelgiurb the Netehrlatids,Switterland, Attstria-Hungary,.ttoumanla, United States, ria%nttfca and Llai bado9, roST orrtoE SAVllt'GSllet NE. lee rostewillbereceivedatthisotnedtrom 41 to•es05. bepositore obtaining the Pe a masokGenoaair speoiatpermissiertan dtpes4t$1.000, riorositson SaviegBank aoeiuntr ceivedtrent teen to4p.tntorbstat4 PetOentporauinrm Will heailovedsdepbsit, CeatebOii t1Loii 7;tebete -tee in in eti Ina i,1 tt of e ale i f a fete a Lottbrsrntendec`I for Ieglstration ltirnst bo poatact ttr mintitosb t g tl.14'—Itid1articular rot(ribst9d that rho sbuelors m of atter twill kintiiy.ar'ld the the cntiettee to tide atldeetieesr lr„rleti of eyroeentastorr ele