The Exeter Times, 1886-3-18, Page 1LEGAL. El. DICKSON, Berristor, Sell. . oto of Supreme ' ourt, Notary ?Olio Co tvoyaneer, , Jominissiontr, &C, DIonOy to Lean. nee 111 Oa r18011'8 tllool , Fi);otor. 1'i:rliAD DEN, ;, l ', ° )nvly$ncor, _ Eto, , . ON T, 1c (lall'sold office ) VItICxl1'P, i,, P. las )))enod dents 1 rooms over ht LT.' 13�N1%,whore hewill be irep,trud to e•' tract teeth vithout . .ti oils performed with ease and 1..;a ;5 1 , 1l trity, (Wire flours "[lR 4 11n,el ti,ti, TEEMS ) +lN"l'f�;'11.i,.D.S ut •cis 100th without pain, giving Vitalized Air, or by slt„ We New 1, 10.0 anaathm- tot the gams; 'mikes Gold lingo and all other dental <v,vh rim best possible. IRooms U lytwmr c's 131 OQK, East side of M-'troet, f'.xetor,Ont IIiiaDILA1: "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE, THEY MAY, VOL, XIII,, NO. 29. EXETER' XETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY 1CIORNING, MARCH 1t3, 1886, SOUND THE C IIJNTRY. W, Wentzel OAGUL1N:1,--Cement for Bro L+'lliiivitlo. dwelliu bot a `>c k K t tl enNJ Articles: Sow ovorywbeie Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of on the main lAtlp Sole ltose,- KAY IBRos„ Stockport Mr, Philip Andrew, sold a span of Mie muter England. Exeter and vicinity, the. h6 has opened out p 1,1, l t:wo years old oohs for the sum of hall is being i T'OR COUGIHS"AND COLDS. of t Itlldiu ! yrt L Mr, Veal, of Crediton and Our foot 4F'' AY`S COMPOUND OF Rev. r. Middleton, LIN• FM e , of Lenders, rums! with J Boot Shoo Sf.kll,Antsoed. Senega, Squill 01)*8'01001:;.'. � q 1 Tolu, &c reached ' educational ser tvithChlaraavtio. I � mons on, 2 goals to 0,,�'l„ IMPORTANT' NOTICES . Cee* ''.� ri 'a' eon IPOste CC' pt Il s A' 'itut• to verset 'a tixli op o1i1,°'hie lot tier ly ietnow township •?ld j Go work e1giti ,ivereee> 't SON sts.1 Pr3lrrletors in the corner Store North of Samwel this airciait last Sunday. -Mr. B. .our club hey .GAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent &'Pickard's, where he id toke 5 to('r' has added a kitchen to hi. only lost on -i• ogpoctolt f s preparemai a all kinds o, ordered work. n or Coughs t d C Id 1Z-AY'S COMPOUND, for Coughs and Colds, is equally servicable for e'r eZ, et. D.. eiorsosnudCnttle, iTAY S TIC P1,49, a specific 'ie tr i N t r ti 1 l) U AT' I+1 U NI • Neuralgia Pace actio &c, f ,i)11 s tot 1 surgeol.'. 0u:., .rfllo- 11,1 I. lie• • lsirleuce Exeter. •1: 3 ,`;initycollo gt, hlombor f 1 t 1.11 AN, -CORONET FOR tots if 'Im,,11 •Ilieo, opposite 11 itore.Dxeter llal),VN[N(I .1i 1)., M. C it . r , • r e,l ire :riotoriaCulversity,Ottice MI rosi Roe r. nionL',borifory,I;xeter A.�ti J. A. ROLL INS, M. 0. t'. S ). )shot, Main St.Iixeter,Ont. 1Residen c0 , nlso.eeently occupied 1 t' McPh 1111 e Psq. kr J. OLAEI , 06MMISSIONER • in the Court ,./Common Pleas. -Deeds, Wills, dortgnges, Leases,andall forms ofag- reemonts drawn and executed according to law. HONEY TO LOAN ON nEAL ESTATE. Parties wishing to borrow money on account of re- contpurallases oftand,or topay oflexisting ntol tgages will find a treat saving by giving men call, can tend money at6 and 6k per rent, according to terms. N.J.CLARK. SUMMONED. 'y To Appear before the Barg AUCTIONEERS. E. H. FISH, FNLtY t<.ILBER, Lie -est -el Atte tionoer for Elay, Stephen, and McGilli- Pow,.ships. Sales conducted atmoderate t lice -At Post-oilieo, Credit/5u, Ont, fir -TILL, Auctioneer for th° it., vnthins of Stephen, fIn.y ed Usborne and tae t'11l•ogo of Exeter. .All sales promutly [-,•^, ut,i. t a.1 1 ; itisfaction guaranteed. Sales Iugecl at this office. VE'L'ERINARY. r 0NNENT & TENNENT V.'eti . nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario -etorinar3College, Toron to, have op e rt ened an office for the tree, tr tmeut of all Domestica '`ci Animals, on Main street Exeter. Calls from a dis tante promlt'y attendedto:. It 1 l for Horses Cattle,&c always on li cad MONEY TO LOAN. ON,EY TO LOAN ON REALES tate for the Huron & SrieLoan Sav- ings>iciety. Low rates ofinteresi. Apply to ,Tol1n 4paekman,Exeter. ON 1,V poroeut.iecorc'ing Funds. August l5, '85 ONE/ uorcent, Loaning Companies 5'ea`7•s ds;m`age tbleproperty. Cash has es + Y TO LOAN AT 6 AND 61' totel_rns: Private Apply to 0 13 , 'V. E hLI O T , Solicitor. Exetol , > (.OAN AT 6 AND 6 825,000 Private Funds. Best represented, L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . 1T J. CLARK, Agent for the Us• iV oborneand -tibbert 14utua 'FireInsur .000 1 ompauy, Residence -3rd Con., Usborne )rdevsbyrnailto Exeter P. 0., prompticyat- 00 50clto. T OHN 11oDON ELL. ISSUER OF V MARRIAGE LIJENSES. OFFICE IN FANMON'S 7300010. Also agent for the London Mutual Insurance lolnpany of Canada, Mercantile Insurance Co -Capital '5.500,005.00 Head Office Waterloo; )nt, Glasgow & London Insurance Coy-Cap- tal :52,500,000 • /lead 0 dice, Montreal : Stand- lr(1. Lite Insurance Co., Head Office, London i ngland ; Guarantee & Accident Co, Head )ffice, Toronto. JOHN 11IcDONELL Exeter. tiE Wx'1'ERLUO 1 FIRE INSURANCE Established VEAD OFFICE - 'This comyauv has inauceessful operation ario,andaontinues to by Piro ,Buildings,Morchaudise,llian- ;factor;oe,aud ill other intending pt ion of insuring ou System. Touring the past ten Hsned 57,090 Policies. o the amount of 5.40,872,088 alone 3709,7 32,00 A.ssetS, $8176,100.00, 0 sank, Government ssocl I'reini.um Notes V W,tt OEN Al D. Preside; ecretary. J. B. Huaetns, :Nr1LL Agontfor Exeter CO. MUTUAL 1863. ONT. over Eighteen in Western On- against'oss or oflinsur- have the Note or tl•is Company property and paid in loss- of Cash and the amass. andin force. 3, t. C. Nt. TAsnor, CHAS. vicinity. in - WATERLOO, been insure descriptions insurers the Premium years covering ; consisting Deposit, on hand inspector, and tTlIE I 0 t e S O F CAN ADA. I've Royal Mail, Passenger and e'reight Voll ' between Go nada and Great Bitted and direct route between the West rind all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and 1'aie des Dila; lour. u,lsn New Brunswicx Nova Scotia,, P. E. Island 'Cape Breton, Newtuunalnud, Bermuda, 1111(11 Jluu8Jea. NOW a11(1 elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and l'ny r'nrst'un an through Nlxprces trains, Pas rr,u4rrs for Groot Britain er 'ho Conti. tient o. lea 01113 Toronto at 8.:10 ni ni; Tirnrs da, wall j ..............,5 't 1011 stennler at Ball- tax ai n1 A,.Itie, It . St,ileltol r:1„ r Watllbonso a11d nook tie• coilnlodn h:it . _t 1.11, xfor 0 17,110 1of grain and general to, d+, r Years 0f es Ki ri. r 1 L 'I 15 ft COLONIAL ill 0, ,• L1 Biles to and fr,ytl, Glito ctwto l4iri,t1.:. rent() between l',!d„, Informatio. :.,, rates Can be had oir .111>1iI iti s, ,1 . '1 , Wrterc;.t,:i 51.1'....:hili ti 1 1, ;r.} •1flrr•. Whore the m,,u who came at the cry of "next" roceivo3 a ,have and a flair -crit which could not possibly have been surpassed by any barber. NEAR T1{E POST OI'1'ICE. "JUST LOVELY!" SAY ALL THE LADIES WHO SEE Ike. 3. DE ARINC'S LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS. Without a doubt they aro the most beo•.ming styles ever iutrodueed. Ladies,for something in very flue style, such as the Langtry and P11'lsi1Lr Bangs, Saratoga Waves, Switches, Puffs, Curls, or Wigs, call on Ike. J. Dearing, at CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, EXETER. Whore he will supply all your wants in the Hair Line, 1013 ES LAI LIG HS 'GOLDS;! tap ARSENESS;ETC, 1 DRUC A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at hf�use.-Mr. George Tltylar, formerly 8 resi(]ent•here but late of Dakota, Sewed work a speciality. who came'baclt a few months ago for the purposs of obtaining another "rib" Repairing promptly attended to. I leaves again with leis wife on Tues. dny 1Gtti for his adopted lanai: We GEO. MANSON, wish them prosperity. Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. LINB TEE 11,111LOB i1IR. WM. LYNE is prepared to do CUSTOM TAgLORING At Ki rkton. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS made in the Latest Styles,. and Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty Give him a trial and be convinced that will give .satisfaction. WILLIAM LYNE. r Stephen. Honer Boll S. Seo. No. 7, Stephen, for the month of February: --Firth Cli+sv =Fmina 5b4rp, Mary Ann Iioulaghan,' Martha Sharp, Ellen, Jane (Immingham, and Bertha Sharp. 1'htid Olase-Lilah 13arlton, Elijah Hailtou, Willie Cunningham, and fibrit;wy • Masitac., Secoud Class- Willte'r Hodgins, Rachael Kelley, Waltelt leaxter, Daniel McPhee, and John Tonle. First Class -Cella Houl ahan, Reniry Bastard and Thomas GodRaBe. • ,- Hay Hay Connei.l. At a meeting of the council held Friday March 12th, it was. moved aud.dibyriedthat H. es B. Proudfoot, P, L.:lee be notified to survey the Blindeeeine between lots 3, 4,,5, 6, 7 and ,8,/ con. 17, and lots 28, 2:4, 25, 26 47iand 28, L. It. E. makingthe ordioar`y servsylug marks along the line at the rear of said lots. - NIoved by 14ir. McEwen, sea•. by Mr. Snrerue,, that the auditore' report be Smelly paesed and' that 1004 copies of thedeteilestaernent of tee sane ;berinted foisionBulterEggs Moved by 1Vkr. Kalbfleisoh, sect. by WANTED. J. Matheson Has opened ;in Currelley -& Co's. Old- Stand, EXETER NORTH Complete stock of Groceries. 16 lbs. Sugar; $1- Tea, 25, 50 and 75 cts--Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) 4 Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock-ef HARDNAREO, FORKS, SCYTHES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60c per Gal. COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. r� A reduction of 5 Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A good Suit of ALL.WOOL SERGE for $7,50. Suitings and Overcoats Cheap. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot to sell or rent. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. Exeter Butcher Shop. R• DAVIS, Butcher 8& General Dealer -IN ALL KINDS OF --- the Central Drug Store Exeter M .r1118 CCr Customerssupplied TUESDAYS, THTJBS- a �l U T Z . DAYS .tND SATUBDAYS at their residence BU SINE SS I ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE CEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. IS THE SA LT OF LII?E,Do W, DIILMAGE, BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT THE KI KTON. CASH S'T'ORE ! WINTER DRY - GOADS JUST RLCEIVED : Pate Boneless Codfish, Dried Smoked Herrings, Flesh Canned Salmon, Celebrated Horse Shoo Brand, Ohristie's Soda Biscuits, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Ete,, Oranges, Lemons, Etc:, Family Groceries, Etc,, Tobaccos, Cigars, Etc,, Dash wood Roller Flour, Rolled Oats, • Cracked Wheat, Etc,, Et e. Eto, I 1,Jr•r s Taken in 1'rad e: u' y .f ,5'u ar (.liven with every � v hose of 1. lb, of 5oe Tea. ,.,I alMBER 1!IIL ADDRESS . Remember our 1.2 lbs. tea elfin holds good ye o � 0 i l , ry :131,01s, South � ie. N��iv�cR �TIVDT.rR��Oi�[> To be sold out to make room. - for-- SPRING IMPORTATIONS 1600 yds, Spool Cotton, 25 Cents. • Caps Reduced 20 per bent. Scarfs, ilfen's Shirts & Drawers, Overcoats. Bal. of Men's & Women's Overshoes, $1,130, G-ROoE- RIE S 25 lbs, Good Rice, , . . t1L00 24 lbs, Baking Soda, ,. 1.00. �, 20 lbs: ,dttlhhur; .. 1.00 14 lbs, Tltoiley's Cattle hood, . , 1,00 3 Boxes Eddy's Largo Box Matches, 0,25 20 yds. Factory Cotton, (1. ,yard wide), 1.00 6 yds. Grey Flannel, 1.00 &C,, &e.. &C„ &a, Mr. Heyrook,.tlsat the followin,g> per Hens be appointed road commieeiou,ers for Centre "read : Rt Christie, J. Troyer, J. F. wohuttler and VI B. Geiger .; for North-west Boandayr, O. 'Shyer "ands •, Gielseetathmastere::; pound keepers,' grid fence viewer with few exceptions were reappointed. The following accounts were passed:.- eR,R. Johnston and DI S, Fauet,.auditors, $6:each Lippbardt, collector, $66t; R. Bell, gravel' she damages, $67 r R. Reynolds, board andLodgings for an indigent, Mete..;: N. Armstrong,building a fence $•10), The council adjourned, to meet as a Cburt of Revision, on Tomalley Mays 251h. Greener Bend. We are sorry to learn time Mr. Richard Easoott is very ill of in•,Sam- maticn of the Iungs. Mies M: Robinson has returned from Visiting her old friend, -Mre. Richardson, (nee, Miss Jeekins,)a who resides near Brussels. Rev. Mr. Curries -singing class: is again reorganized,. and that the young people take a deep interest in it, is shown by' the large number who attend. . The following is the standing of the pupils of Grand'Beud school' for the present month.. 4th ('lass. -Wm. Oliver, Beceie Robinson, John, Follis. Sr.. 3rd 3'.ass--Edith Schlemmer, Emma Mollard, Fred. Follis_ JIr. 3rd Class. -Jas. Ingram, Etna Schlem- mer, Arthur Mol'li,rcl. Second Class -Cortys Aikens, Eliza Henderson, Sarah Oliver. Tho other evening a number of the young people were having a fine time coasting near the bridge. One of the sleighs getting off the regular track, its Occupants were spilled out in a very promiscuous manner, aid one of them, Tommy Fulton, brought up with his face agoinst a fencepost, cutting it (not the post) slightly. Tommy thinks a fencepost a hard thing to make conclusions :with. A lad named Csniel Joseph Doua- von, of Winghatn, has been tent up for trial by Mayor Neelende on a charge of forging a warehouse receipt iu Clegg's grain warehouse, on which he collected some $38. The amine of the 'warehouseman, Herb. Hen - clings, attached, the tvriting being done in an imperfect manner with a lead pencil, and it was cashed by Robert Talbot at the pay office. Who t5 EIL ?-A. Nippon correspen dent saysl-Last weep a gentleman from Exeter, whose name we do not know, but think it was Cbing•Ching, made a short toluene dny to ettalntne into the working of the Scott Act. Ile found it working exceedingly well, in fact, better than his hares, who, after upse'ttinl hiM into the ditch, made for home at full speed, leaving their Ueleetia1"named' owner behind, &1Tic,It to get o .7 ,e, f7'1 tee reel, Beyond breaking the cutter' no dam. as he as one of the Bueti eel ;111: tigo was dont: is this pert of the der1111 ri', Ott the ev Mitrhigan M IhIR place,. handsome adxlreee. Mr. Joi r tl return jt week, by e f rg aa? ee f ay.have t'rt>1 r;. twKliliu'` lies lately bosagl)r a $500astallion froth Mr. A. Mc lhargy and the thorough -bred cow "Lady Sarah" from Mr. W. J. Moffitt for $86. A farewell supper was given to 141r. T. Lotiohliu cud family last' week, at which a large number of friends were present. This worthy family are ab.:at to start for Mlanitoesr wbere- they ex,peot to make their home in future. Wrestling match tools piece he Centralia for $25 a side rt_id the ohampiorrsbip of the village last we'ols- between two men named Brown. anis; Sa ado, best three in five, entail as - cats. Sande won the first fatly, hut the following three were won by Brown, who takes the cake, stakes, and championship ani] 18 now I<bok•ing for more gore. re from ring of resented' with a i;v >ce ` and an (a-ranton. GRANTON MARKETS.- Wheat, 8Or�ittse; cats, 20 to>3Lote.; barley, 50 to•'T,Octem peas, 55ots,;. eggs, 15ate.; hatter; 15c!... On the 15th bug; ., the wife of Dr. Lams, presente.° a m a dangfiter.- Mrs. John Y Brous -us died on, the 9th inst., after a brief illness, being only three d.ayst under the ddoter's, care. Mr. Brooms , ilea the sympathy of a large oieale' of friends. It is.ere great consolation to him in hie be- reavement ta> know tuae his beloved. partner, who Wats a sincere clirtetian,, was preparedi to meet her. maker-. '1'he past week was a.busy one- for Rev. Mr. Seepbenson. On ; bnday- eveniug at Dge..Samuel Gnntiing'sseee' united in marriage, Mr. • Thos.. Tapp,,. of Virden Manitoba, and Miss Bbobe :Nairn of Centralia. On Tueday 'evening ho performed a similar cera mony et the reeidence of the 'bride's, father, for M°r..F?'raneis MoIntyre andl Miss Minuie daughter of Mr, Wm. Davis, all of Blansbard. Ou the fol- lowing evening at the residence off' the bride's father ho made one -of IVlr.. John Jamieson o5Blanshard,andtMiss Minnie, daughter of Mr. D. G..White,. of Grantou, and, neice of H. At. L. White, barrister of St. Marga, and! John White,- proprietor of the Exeter Tiiui;s. On Thursday in the fsrenoon 'he buried Mr.. Brown, and in th'e .afternoon he preached fee Rev,. Mr. .Campbell" 011 Sunday he preached Mrs. Brown's funeral serrnor o to a. very large congregation; taking as his text, Rev..VII, verses 13, Mond 15. Besides all this he performed his regular circuit work. He began the present week in a similar manner to the previous one, but who, the happy couple are, the writer of these items had not ascertained at the time of writing. -Rev. Mr. tlempbell administered the sacrament to a large number of his flock ou Sunday last. -Miss Maggie White who has- been absent for several months engaged in Band work, has returned; home. - Miss Jessie Cameron and Mrs. Eames, last week spout a few, days in Detroit visiting friends, -Capt James Y.. Brown, S. A. ' of Brace - bridge, is visiting friends here, -At a written examination on the subjects taken in th,e junior fifth and fourth classes, the following are the names of the pupils in order of marls ob- tained: Julnior Fifth -Olive Webb, Ernest Dunlop, John Wilson,, Chl'le- teen Middleton, Eva Westwan, Elya Culbert;, Senior Forth -Pelle Parke, Wm" Riguey, Win. Middleton, Mina Pidd, John Wilson, jr., Er. Weeford, Clias. McDonald, Maggie Cameron.; Junior Fourth -R tvrland, Webb, Jef- fers Westinan, Chas. Lang, Maggie Webb, R ,bt, Sandburrs, Tessa Brooks,, .E111► B.eatsou, Ernest Culbert., Surae t f these pupils, were absent during part of the eslarnination withal eeeetatts for their beiug low ou 't1e list. Tire settler fifth will be repoot ell next week. In Hullett, the following losses have ocnut'red:--Mr. John Mills, of the 14th coal„ had the miefortaue to lot)8t a valeable heves last week. Ivir, lihi+ha 11OVlttie, of the lith' eon., recently lost it vaiueble brt,ldirtg tomo, for which he h1111 relttyrtrl tee Nutri of $250; her titrates ,t 00,i geati• to oftthe brain; till:, 1' ,1 0 avt l r.s, and 11'To, MtV•it.Ie will (1 t it tlI:tiw1C AND THIREn Nass Cendeaseit, Mr, W. Sadford has sold his farm being parts of lots 28 Baud 20, on the 1.2thi con, of Hullett, eoneietwg of 74 aores, so Me, Joltem Philips, of. Hastings county, far the setae' of $4,500, Mr. Geo. Nott, of the 8rdconees. Bion of Tuouoremitli, L. E. S., sold' hie imported Shire stallion to Thomas Duetow, of'the township of .Carrick, - near Belmore, for a handsome figare. He was imported by Mr. Jt J1,' Fisber, of Colborne, Aad is one' of the , finest horses in the couuty. The oflie+are of the 28th B'attaliotn at their retreat meeting decided; to bu'e, white helmets wife brass facings with the number of the battalion, in front:.. The formation of a pioneer corps was also determined upon, The battalion, band ie to beallowed a to ed -to stay in St,: Marys for another year. A. surprise party took Wage' at Me.. Conseil Switzer's on the 3rd line- of Blanchard, ou Monday eveningMaroh+ 8th. The guests numbred 65ee, Thee evening was spent itt -vocal and in- strumenta•1 music and other forms of amusement,. the harnsonicum band from Woodfhanl'ladding to the en oy went. Anabunsiant supply of deli - (melee was spread for the ooc ptsuyt,, and, after thee,,ItS'rres. Switzer was pre- sented with re handsome set of glass - were. The' Company dispersed after a vel'y pleasant even ug. A few days'since Mr. Alex. Linea. the well-knawn• horaeman,.of Stanley,: towusliip,'b.rught'zitom Mr. J. Were ton, of Usborne,.a. two•year-old filly;,; for which' he paid the baudsome of $300. Mr. filmes, intend to go more into the raising. of East glass horse' stock than even„ and is securing good; fillies for that pwrpoee. He has in his stable fi se mares,, wbicb for their ages, he does, not believe can be equalled in tire- counties of Haron,, Bruce and Perth. He bas three two - !year -olds that. weigh respectively 1,500,-1,520?. and 1,63O; )its imported mare, 1,800e. and, a Canadian mare 11,690 -or a total, of 81,140 pounds for the five. Thiele certainly very good' weight, and own hardly be beaten.. Tbere appears• to be an erroneo3a, 1.nEpreseion in, the minds of many' throughout the (smutty that the powers; and duties of the Police !)1-- gietratEt extend, to the personal in- vestigation into, supposed violations, of the Scott Ai t,. and the institution, of proceedings against the violators. Tie Save trouble grads inconvenience,, both to the Pbliee Magistrate and, friends of temperanee who are not aware of the true position of affieira•,. we desire to-st.atethat_ all such pro- 'eeedings as she, above riaist'`be taken;' lby inspectors, or other prosecutors, and that the•duties.ofi the magistrate - are to receive hear suit determine aucn informations, ait may be- laid before him. He hasnothing what- ever to do with hion•tri)g np caeae-ands eevidence. NMWS• NOTES. Of asol'rttene5tion Charaotem,-. One of that commissioners appointei1 fSo enquire intoR'i.el's sanity reportecli that be suffered' from religions ands apolitical halueinarions. As tris-haln-• ,einations tsere•htnitfrd to lbs people ; at large theovernment applied the. only remedyr0it eonld devise. It is saidetxbat the British war oflee- contempla.te eeta'elliishing ate agency. in, Canada fare- the purchase of three 'thousand horses annually~ fort the ;British cavalry. As soon, as, that agency beginsoperations the -'street oompany will be able to disepose erfi ice ' useless horses. An alleged priest, givinarthe pane of "Father Burke," bee been, Hit Ridgetoren,, and imposed atlou one or two Oath,olie families. He °laiffied to be collecting money for a, cheetah in Ireland. He has workedhis: way through., Essex. and lent, seed is working his way east. He is.a firat d and people should beware ofhems Aceordilrg to the rsoentty issned "Official Year Book," the shored of England has voltrntarily.given, during the teat twenty-five years foliar hun- dred; and seven million dalliers for theological traitsiug„falai ele building, missions, oducationy, charities, etc. This malts an average oft aver six- teen mullions of dollers,per year. RJhe Depart of "amine s,nd Fish- eries has called for tenders for the charter of six swift sailing vessels of between 60 and 1100, tons registered tonnage, to be employedby the fish- eries pollee fol' nn the; Sea (east, of 'Canadian waters, TLese vessels will Ilse employed in conjunction with, 'Isnot] of the Government 'steamers as, 'the Departinoot miey designate its, protecting the riebts of Canadian, fish trine s e ithii) the three toile Untie, of the tea oast of Canada. The body ,.of Guardian Ilaynss.,. missing since last Thursday's re, vas fisund, at 6 30 Friday morin g in a cellar covered with rubbish. He had been wot•king on the second fiat with ebr0e other firemen, whet is wall fell it, and metaled through the floor where the mean wore stauding. The non ,and deb!tto Were deposited , pro - tut cu•11.1aiy in the cellar, Three of 1Itt i1 ,vg ie i ,111(1 e few TAM ntes after ttid 111' gill tilrve and toot badly hurt, but 11.,ynes had noel struck by fall, mg nn pile, and its; (1U pd•gbabilit,y ItilX; tl (i,11,111t1 31) 11.•