The Exeter Times, 1886-2-18, Page 4a THE EXETER TIMES. pub every TIlur$daY PlOrning,at the TIMES STEAM PRINTINO HOUSE Mau-street,uparly opposite Fitton'a Jewelery Btore,Breter, Ont„ by John White & Son, Pro- prietors, 114TE6 er APVERWMIG Pirst insertion, per line ....... .,...10 gen* Each subsequeet ineertion,per cents. To insure insertion advertisements should be sent in not later than Wednesday morning. , Our JOB PRINTINer DEPARTItIENT L one of the largest and beat equipped in the County Of Huron, All work entrusted to us will reedy our prompt attention, Decisions 4tegarding News- papers. Any person who takes a paperregularly from the post-oftlee, whether direotoaiu bis name or another's, or whether he has subscribed or not istresponsible for payment, If a person orders his paper discontinued no must pay all arrears or the publisher may continue tb send ituntil the payment is niade, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. a In suits for subscriptions, the suit maybe institutedin the plaee where the paper is pub- lished, although the subscriber may reside hundreds of miles away. A The courts have decided, that refusing to thins newspapers or poi iodieale from the post - office, or remoypig and leaving them lineal 1 I see, in 'your last home, 00M, for is prima, fame evidence of int entional frau nentneenne teen.) onuneeeeneete himself, „but oleic° his death it has been meths koown o indiepotteble au- thority that Riot withheld the peti- tious the half-breeds were eeuding to to the government asking for redress. The name of such a miscreant is up - fit to pollute the pageof telly deoent peper. Mr. Blake very properly de clines to make Biel s execution an Is- eue between the two political parttee, Rad, if it be we, neither will the Globe. There are plenty of slue both of omission and commission to ooth demn Sir Johu thoosaud times without elevating snob creatures as Riel into oaartyrs.--Waterford Star, (Rtform.) COMMUNICATIONS. We do not hold ourselves responsible for opin- ions expressed by correspondents under this beading To the Editor of the Times. I thought my former answer to his (rho veIerepMimes. !question would be satisfootory, but it tn" - ' eget appears not ; he . should remember, that, as he wrote over a fiotitioue THUSRDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1886 name, I was liable to be mietaken se to where S. represented, which ap• EDITORIAL NOTES. peas was the case. I think it un- manly for any person to try to de. fame another's character over a ficti- tious name, au d ib ie high time that a stop should be pub to suoh auony- mous writings. Why was the omie- sion of the gaidos to voters put in print at all ? If not with the objeob of lowering me in the et timation of the readers of ths TIMES ; iu this respect id not the spirit that prompted the artiole in 1884 identioal with the pre- sent ? It is with reluctance I re- sume the pen in this matter, but when I ana assailed I will defend myself. Had Mr. S, been my friend he (if he considered I had committeed a fault) would have cautioned me privately, not held me up to public scorn by nestling to the press. Subscriber states I lamely endeavoured to reply. I thought my reply would be Betide() tcry to any person. 1 took, as 1 thought, the proper steps under the circumstances to get the necessary papers. Subtoriber saye my sending for them does not exculpate me from blame. I sent to Termite for the guides because I did not know wheth- er Mr. Moir would print them or get them in Toronto himself, as he was away from home on Monday and Tuesday, and there was no time to loose, and I saw they would have no time to get thetn up. I thought best to send for thein and run the risk, but unfortunately the papers did nob come in time. aey motives are im- pugned by. "Subsoriben" Would "Subscriber" be kind enough to state wherein I acted wrong, and what he would have done had he been iu my place, or what I should have done? "Subscriber" winds up with : "Will Mr. Prouty take a little advice from a ratepayer and not allow a similar oc- cuorenoe again ?" I consider this very insulting, neither honorable nor gentlemanly, when he knows hill well no blame oould possibly be attached to me in connection with said affair. Would it not be well if a committee of five or more persons were selected, and this matter discussed by "Sub- scriber and myself before them, and let their deoision be finaL, "Subeorib• er" to name the time and piece. A newspaper balk on this subject would be productive of no good. Should "Subscriber" reply I hope hells:ill ties his own natal°. --- Tian starving workingmen of Lon- don ate quiet again. It is understood that the Cobden Club came to the res- cue, Beall workman was given a pamphlet proving that he ie better nff than he would be if ho had something to eat. A meeting of sympathizers with the late Mr. Riel was called at Coteau sta- tion, near Montreal, on Monday, but the gathering was so sow that the organizers saw there was nothing to be gained by addressing it, so it Witt; adjourned sine die. The Frenole Ca. nadiane are becoruing resigned to the situation, and euthues no more over a lost cause and a forgotten man. "A CANADIAN" teritea from Dallas, Texas, to say that there is every pro- bability that the murder of the young man Lnmb, whose mother resides at Locate Outario, will escape punirli- ment for his oritne. It will he re membered that Lune was shot in the dining -room of au hotel at Waco by a man mimed Graham, with whom he had an altercatiou. From papers seut by our oorrespondeub we learn that the coroner's jury has found Graham guilty of homicide and that he has bean released �u bail, the lat- ter being fixed at the ridiculously low sum of $760, DURING winter in Northeru Iowa each farmer has a rope extending from his house to his barn door. Oo visiting the barn he seizes the rope and follows it until he arrives at the barn. If the blizzard has broken the rope at the house and the farmer has to remain indoors ; if at the barn end he follows the rope and desoribes 3irole around the bouee with it until he findthe lost barn. These pecu- liar customs are resorted to in order to get even with the weather. In justice to Mr. Blake be it said, Kau - sae, not lowa, was the State of which the hon. gentleman epolte in such glowing ierms, THE Reform papers, it is gratifying to note, are waxing enthusiastic over the provisions of the Franchise Aot. Says the Brookville Recorder of the 51h; "Undo, the Dominion Fran- chise A.ott, the lists for which are now being prepared, there aro scores of young men in this town who will be entitled to vote, who have not hitheta to enjoyed that privilege. It is the duty of thane younee men to see that their names are placed on the new list. It costs nothing, involves no ,payment of taxes, and the privilege should therefore be eagerly soughe." The Mon I reit! Witness of the 11th Coy.; "We world like bo see labourers and the workmen in manufactories gnalify as eagerly as otter &asses have done. If a workingman is over twentenone years of age he has in all probability the right to vote. The franchise is practioally Manhood sufferage. Citizens from all division's will be welcome." And it is this iiheral measure, which weloonees "citizeus from all divisions; that the Reform politiciane in Parliament de - (Oared to be a disfranchise Aot. The Riel Polley Condemned. The Globe in making such loose as tertions is doing far more injury to the .Roforrn party than to the Domin- ion Goverument. Mr. 13leke in his London speech said that the oetoluct of the Minister of Justice, al a rule, should tot be a 811bied of aritioi8m, since his position is a peculiarly tiy- iug one. Mr. Blake line filled the of. foe himtelf and knows what he is talking ebout. Tee Globe, ou the contrary, atteillpte iu itn underhited way to convey iho impression that Riel was executed in cold blood. Such en insinuation, coming from a Reform paper, is an insult to the Reform party, since there is uot oue Liberal in ten thoneend, Ho ter as On- tario is no corned, who doenot twee that Riel is a bloeththirety 8430'11)&0, who tvas hung fifteen emirs too late for tb s good of this Dominion., He 'ot only offered lee ptevent the rebel ti011 to he pia to le • • • • C. PROUTY. NEWS NOTES. Of an Interesting Character. Those officers and men whose claims for injuries received or sick - netts conteaoted during the North - Wert campaign were heard before the medical and military boards in, Tor- onto, had their ehequee forwarded to them Saturday. The reports of the damage to the orange crop of Fluids by the recent cold soap were much exaggerated. The fruit remaining en the trees wee fifgell, but the trees themselves are very slightly injured, and give pro- mise of a fair (mop the present year. An told, friend in the person of Os- man Digns, hie burned up ngain. It is reported that he has occupied Tani. i. It is many months since he was last killed, and this information as to where he is, is stareling. It was the popular impression that he and El Mithdi had taken undisputed posses- sion of the other place. The railway committee of the Lou don city council has resolved to ask Mr. Van Horne to take Saab steps as 'a ill secure the building ef the Cana - dime Pacific extension to London from Ingersoll without delay. "Obis - Wee the reply which the Bounce: made to IOW from the Greed Trunk The government haft deelded to die tribute sixteen thousand bushels of Seed grain, valued RC $40,000, among the distressed settlers and halfbreeds of Prince Albert, Duck Lake, St. Lau- rent and Batoche. These eettlern, many of whom stood aloof wad Waif a part in the rebellion ',tot spring, were completely ruined by it, and it is right that the government should rneke compeneation for their fuse, The helfbreetla bionelit the etiffeihnt on theratellvee, mid have little elate] lo sympathy, and the tte too tho Tverrittatit towitr,1 (11:111 14 Vtia:3,, worthy. ir $40,000 worth of seed will help them to regenn the position they lost by engaging in an ilhadvieed rebellion, by all means let them have it - The nufeirnesit of the principle on which women teaohers get far heti pay thou males of the same position has long beeu a source of complaint: The orgument by which it is defernled is that meet lady teachers look for- ward to marriage, and do not make tete:thing, as many men do, a life pro- fession. The female teachers of Tor- onto have published what they think would be a fair scale of pay—graded according to length of service. The lowest figure proposed is $365, and front that the antnunt increases nobil the twentieth year is reached, when it seauds all $750. This system, were ib adopted, would obviate the objection of the eransitory °tiara:Aar of the occupation in the ogee of ladies. There is no reason why auy difference should be made between the remuneration of the sexes. Ex- perience vastly ingresses the value of Seaohere' services whether mete er female, and the slid* seals, bared on length of .erne., might &dead"- geously be adopted itt mud o all tettehers. Ottawa, Feb. 6,—It is undevelood that early is the spring the govern - mane will send another ecunuaissiou through the Northwest Territories to make a thorough inveetigation and report upon loess sustained by the farmers and abbots through the re- cent rebelliou. Such was the assur- ance made a member of the North- west council deputation at present iu the city, by a minister of the orowu to day. Those who have euffered iu the North have as yet only reoived a trifling pibtanoa. The government have not yet paid but very few of those who sustained lotses. The deputation to day interviewed Hou. Mr. Caron, minister of militia, and defence, principally iu regard to the war claims. It appears that the valunteer troope at Edmonton who served duriug the rebellitn , have not beau remunerated sufficieutly, and their clahns will be pressed by the deputation. Meant, J. H. Ross, W. D. Parley and Dr. Wilsou. the deputat;on from the Northwest council had an inter- view with Hon. T. While, minister of the iuterior. which lasted nearly all day yesterday. The deputation ez. peened to succeed in obtaining. au icnproveinent in the method of pre- emptiou sales of land. Ono of the most important requirements of the deputation is an ante ision of the executive powers of the Northwest council, such as the privilege of in• curporating oompauiee and the handl- iug of their owu funds. Tae latter ooncessiou the deputetiou confidently expected bo be favored with. The lieutenant governor of the teriituries is now absolutely all powerful, and a curtailment of his authority is de- manded by the deputation. The inhabitants of the Northwest seem to be very much dissatisfied with the lieutenant -governor possessing almost arbitrary rule, The permit system has brought the lieutenant governor into great disrepute, and the depute tion will seek a remedy in thus re- aped by asking the assistanoe of the federal authorities in devising a scheme that will satisfactorily curb and govern bbs liquor traffio, and at the same time appease any dissatis- faetion that may exist. It is most likely that a mommissiou will be ap• pointed. TJSINESS COLLEGE 001:NEOTION VTOODSTOCK COLLEGE, WOODSTOCK, ONT. collogts bus boon thoroughly reorgan- ised, and Waved in the hands a a most able stall' of '11(14(.11ers (11101 1.1h15 twp whtsr. have, been P,loolimis Of oi toner uli4successfat inutindlidts), Course wort thawatigh 'kind Terefofi,oi. Yo‘e. ecry aiorierare. For full tufo, to,,tiou widress-- N. WoLviovroN, 13,4.., Principal, Weodstook TEST TOUR BAKING POWER TO -DAY! Brands advertised se absolutely pure ocreeersexes.xxtr heaven:cow:ea- THE tEST : Place scan top down on.a hot stove until heated, then meow, the cover and smell. A chemist will not bo re. gutted to detect the presence of ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN A111111014A. ITS llfdtailidTLNESg ItsS NEVER MEIN flOSTIONETI. In • million homes for u quarter of a ceritUry it brio stood the consumers' rolls -bin test, TIE TEST OF THE °VP. PRICE BAKING POWDEt CO„, ,t AIM% 05 Pt Prices S000ial Flavoring Erracis) • ,rongest,itioat delleleet sod n atm' boor lialue,ted Price's Lupulin Yeast Penn P or, tight, Nerdth? Dread, Tho Bost Dri Hop Yeast in tho World. FOR SALE BY CROCE CI410A000 a 61. 01.118,. HARKNESS HAIR I3ALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the halt from falling out, increasou its, growth, and will not soil the skin, As a hair dies. sing, it has no saperior. Gslr- anteed harmless. Prepared b Harkness & (.0 London, Oat', Sold by all Druggis and Patent Ifletheine Dealers, NIAN HO OD. How Lost, How Restored. We have recently published a new edition of DR, 0 TILVERW ELL'S CELEBRATED ES- SAY on the radical &ndpermanent oure (with- out medic ine)of Nervous Debility,Mentaland physical capacity. impediments to Marriage, ete.tresuiting from excesses. Price, in sealed envelope ,only 6 oents,ortwa postage stamps. Tbe celebrated authorof this adnxixable es say clearly demonstrates, from thirty years, suocessfulpractiae, that alarming oonsequen- ces may be radically cured without tbe thing - crow use of internal medicines orlhe use Of the knife; Point out a mode of aura at onoe simple certain and effectual, by means of whichevery sufferer, no matter what his con. ditionmay be,m ay oure himself ohsaply, pri vatelv and radiaally. IThi lecture should be in the hands o f ev- ery youth and every man in the land. Address TRE CHLVERIVELL MEDICAL COMPANY, Posibilhe Boa 400 41 ANN Sr., NEWYORK. ,t - se. r --I Ct3 P-1 0 p4 0 0 C. & S. GIDLEY, UNDERTAKERS ! Furniture Manufacurers • • • $.! • 1; 's t.'“` • .• • ; • —A FULL STOOK OF— Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And Funerals furnished and conducted at extremely low prices. nittilLEMS PP ALL Trot DIFFERENT SociET:Eff. 13 G HARGAINS NI .0.000•10,1 • WINTER DRY- GOODS 0 One Month Longer, N Ross SA And RE X E , S er Hardware, —AT— AT-- ICES JAMES PICKARDS. ITU .1-tik II c att 2. :wry* s DRUG STORE I 0 Pure Drugs & Family Receipts CarefuU Compounded. -' SIX PER GENT. DISCOUNT o B.00 BS — 0—UT' 8 A W AND AXES, ESEEMAN'S uronzat p OWD zits. B s s gra Are pleasant to take. Gouts in their ov,11 lemeetive, to a sae, sure, end efloctuall *(Vet #t worsein children er Adelte i- . le CUlEiVi 13 G HARGAINS NI .0.000•10,1 • WINTER DRY- GOODS 0 One Month Longer, N Ross SA And RE X E , S er Hardware, —AT— AT-- ICES JAMES PICKARDS. ITU .1-tik II c att 2. :wry* s DRUG STORE I 0 Pure Drugs & Family Receipts CarefuU Compounded. -' SIX PER GENT. DISCOUNT o B.00 BS — 0—UT' 8 A W AND AXES, ESEEMAN'S uronzat p OWD zits. B s s gra Are pleasant to take. Gouts in their ov,11 lemeetive, to a sae, sure, end efloctuall *(Vet #t worsein children er Adelte