The Exeter Times, 1886-1-28, Page 5R08. oods, 3 3 tc. :Air tit S, SHAWLS, WAY DOWN. )m f r spring ;hi tings, . 4L are closing out rHERS. CIES IOES R 1 1 lly Compounded LS OUNT S S necesellt3 1 JUST AS BAD AS PAINTBD. WIDESPREAD COMMOTION CAUSED BY 1•$E TERRIBLE CONFESSION OF A PHYSICIAN. The story published in these columns re- cently, from the Rochester, N. Y., Democrat and Chronicle, created a deal of comment here as it 'sae elsewhere. Apparently it caused eyen more commotion iu'Rochester, are the following from the same paper shows: ion Ilnral Deanery was held In Clln t14th for the re -organ - IMPORTANT January 9 on o nJa ua what MI- U. Jaokron intends 4oing. but se he is au energetic tueluees man be will not be long out of the harness. We wish our generous friend, 111r, G. Jackson, continue prosperity in the old business as he is certainly deserving of it. Huron Rural Deanery.' meeting of the members f Hu Midland Batt who was injured by an A. ly i11 at Belleville, EMU. S Septt�3 NERVOUSNESS. The unhappy and distressing condition called neT000r,ness arises circulation andom blo deofllow irritation,ip vitality. Reorganize the system by Burdock Blood Bitters, willoh gives permanent strength by invigorating the blood and toning all the organs to perfect action. Curling match between Woodstock a in nd Ayr, at Woodstock Tuesday last a victory for the visiting team by two shots. u f Company .,G „ Peivate Sam el Bell o 0 Batt., is dang• erous- Dr. during the campaign,Brous- g ' n who is well-known, not Dr. J, B. Henso only in Rochester, but in nearly every part of America, sent an extended article to this paper a few days ago which was duly pub- lished, detailing his remarkable experience to be certain seemed. • Cne from what andes l death. It would be impossible to enumerate the personal inquiries \V bleb have been made at our office as to the validity of the article, but they lame beau so numerous that further investigation of the subject was deemed necessary. With this eud in view a representative of this paper oalled on Dr, Honion at his resi- dence on Andrews street, when the following interview occurred : "That article of yours, Doctor, has created quite a whirlwind. Aro the statements about the terrible condition you were in, and the way you were rescued, such as you can sustain?" "Every one of thein and many additional ones. I was brought so low by neglecting the first and most simple symptoms. I did noti`thiuk 1 was side. It is true I had fre- quent headaches ; felt tired most of the time ; 'souk' eat nothing ono day and was raveuons.next ; felt dull pains and my Ste- . mach was out of order,, but I did not thiulc it , meant anything serious. The medical profession has been treating symptoms in- stead of diseases for years, and it is high time it ceased. Tho symptoms I have just mentioned are any unusual action or irrita- tion of the water channels` indicate the ap- proach of kidney disease more than a cough announces the Doming of consumption. We should not waste our time trying to relieve the headache, pains about the body or other symptoms, but go directly to the kidneys, the source of most of these ailments." "This, then, is what you meant when you • said that more than one-half of the deaths which occur arise from Bright's disease, is it Doctor 7" ,"Precisely. Thousands of diseases are torturing people to -day, which in reality is Bright's disease in some of its many forms. It is a hydra-headed shoe d stir strike terror and the to slightest symp every one who has them. I can look back and recall hundreds of deaths which physi. Mang declared at the time were caused by paralysis, apoplexy, heart disease, pneumon- ia, malarial fever and other common com- plaints, which I see now were caused by Bright's disease." "And did all these cases have simple symp- toms at first ?" "Every one of them, and might have been cored as I was by the timely use of the same remedy. I am getting my eyes thoroughly opened in this matter and think I am help- ing others to see the facts and their possible danger elso." Mr. Warner, who was visited at his estab- ment on North St. Paul street, spoke very earnestly : "It is true that Bright's . disease has in- creased wouderfully, and we find. by reliable statistics that from '70 to '80, its growth was over 250 per cent. Look at the prominent men;, it has carried off, and is taking off every year, for while many are dying appar- ently of paralysis and apoplexy, they are ' really victims of kidney disorder, which causes heart disease, paralysis, apoplexy, etc. Nearly every week the papers record the death of some prominent man from this scourge. Recently, however, the increase has been checked and I attribute this to the general use of my remedy," "Do you think many people are afflicted with it to -day who do not realize it." "A prominent professor in a New Orleans medical college was lecturing before hi; class on the subject of Bright's disease. Ile had various fluids under microscopic analysis and was showing tue students what the indica- tions of this terrible malady were. "And, now, gentlemen,' he said, 'as we have seen the unhealthy indicatioua I will show you how it appears in a state of perfect health,' and he submitted his own fluid to the usual As he watched the result his counten- izution under the new rules issued by the bishop, by which the church wardens and lay delegates are made` lla t chap- ter. - ral D60a members of the Ru ter- 'Phe business meeting was pre. ceded by divine service iu St. Paul's church at 11 a. Inwith It oelebra- lion of the Holy Communion. In the afternoon the meeting was called to order and the Rev. W. H. Craig, B. D., Rural Dean, took the olleir, and opened the meeting Ritlh prayer. The Rev. W. Johnston, cf St: George's, Godarioh, was appoint- ed secretary. The clergy present were; The Rural Dean and Secretary ; Revs. Parke, Edwards, Seaforth; J• F. Biytb; J. Carrie, Duoganonu; and J. W. Hodgi ",s, Bayfield; and the follow- ing parishes were represented by lay members : St. Paul's, Clinton; t t. Stephen's, Goderich Tp.; St. Mark's, Manchester; and St. John's, Varna. An amount of statistics regarding the collections called for by the Synod wore collated, and their number gave rise to an animated dissuasion. A suggeetiol) whether the number ref ed cedalwithoutcollec`Ions couldetriment t be tothe 'Synod's funds, by assessing each parish for the amount expected, and allowing thein to raise it in one col• lection or otherwise, was left over for consideration at the May meeting, which it was decided should be held iu Clinton, as being most central for the comity. It is to be hoped that at the next meeting every parish will be repre- sented by the church wardens and lay delegates, as well as the clergy. W. JOHNSON, Seo. Cod Liver Oil, with gypophosphites, IMPORTANT TO OWNERS 0 ' if BADE MARL{ 1 Liniment Iodide Ammonia Is Especially Useful for )ti ldren,s Diseases, as it sots both as' food and medicine, It not only gives flesh and strength by virtue of its an hitt creates •" 'ons tl ttiproperties, own nu appetite for food that builds up the wasted body. Hou. Mr. Pope, Minister of Railways ane Canals, is recoveringslowly from his indisposition. Ho is sufficiently will to attend to his official duties. Every second person has it ; dootot•e think it incurable ; but DR. CAnsoN'S CATARRH CURE is guaranteed to cure or the money is refunded. All druggists or the Dr*Carson Medical Co., Toronto. 51.00 per bottle. Holloway's Pills and r Ointment. --Diseases of Women. -Medical science in all ages has been directed to alleviate the many maladies incident to females, but Profossor Holloway, s rya ' by diligent study and attentive observation, was induced to believe that nature had provided a remedy for those special diseases, He has, after vast research, succeeded in compounding his celebrated Pills an Oint- ment, whioh embody the principle •naturally designed for the relief and cure of disorders peculiar to women of oll ages and constitu- tions, whether residing in warm or cold climates. They have repeatedly corrected disordered functions which haye defied the usual drugs prescribed for such cases; rind still more satisfactory is it that the malady is relieved completely and permanently. Interesting Items. Mr. Robert Hooper, of Kinloss, county of Bruce, in a letter, says:"I have been troubled with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints for a number of years, and am glad to say to the public as well as my friends that McGregor's Speedy Cure brought me around, and I am now all right, thanks to McGregor's Speedy Cure. Hundreds of like testimonials are fre- quently received; and are daily proving that this is truly a wonderful remedy,curing Saug- gish Liver, Bilious Headache and Costiveness where all else fails. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. Trial bottles given free. 4 The tenders for the Welland canal im• provement were opened at Ottawa on Tuesday 25. They numbered in all about twenty-five. test. mace soddenly changed—his color and com- mand both left him and in a trembling voice he said: 'Gentlemen, I have made a pain- remedy for pain. Yellow t a eo ful days.' And neleess than diseaste of the he was and allllRheumatism.Sprains,,troubles, Sore Throat, kidneys.' !dead„ The slightest indications of any kid- Israel Cousieean, a farmer residing in ney difficulty should be enough to strike St. Laurent, Rae., fell out of bed daring terror to any one.' Monday night and expired. 'You know of Dr. Henion's case 2' HOARSENESS AND LOSS OF VOICE. 'Yes,It I very have wend read sad heard it.' Public speakers and singers are often die - 'N is more yo wonderful, isit not many others tressed with hoarseness, and much danger, e at more so than a noticeeet i is lurking in the hrochial pipes. Hagy that have home to my as having been Pectoral Balsam is a prompt remedy for the believecured by same that B' irritation, and cures all throat and lung 'You2then that Bright's disease can d'ffl ulties with each sufferethousands ite,re- t bed. RemovesinWeak e o Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents, superior. Guar- ar. Sold by J. W. Browning. 0, say en- thence i cture should e in ev- ery 1 E CULVERWELL MgDICALC1leANY , 41 ANN Sr., NEWYORK, Post Office Bort 450 HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its growth, and will not soil the skin. As a hair dres- sing, it has no Nev" Salt RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILES Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND .BOWELS. The invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are ed luablp Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the ah they are THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers{ famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST 11 HAS NO EQUAL. For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Glandular Swellings. and all skis it has no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints it aotslike a charm. The Pills and Ointment are sold at THoctAs HOLLOWAY'S Establishment 78 NEW OXFORD -STREET late (533, OXFORD -STREET), LONDON also by nearly every respectable Vendoriof Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. lid 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The 2s. 3d. size coataius three times the quanti is lid, size ; the 4s. 6d. size six ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22s size thirty-three ; 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any 1 rte' Purchasers should look to theLabel.on the Pots and Boxes. If the addr 533 Oxford Street. London, they are spurious. Astrican Mantles and Caps—, choice goods ; Persian Lamb Setts and Caps—choice value; Mink Setts and Caps—super- ior quality ; Baltic Seal Setts and Caps—a nice selection. READY-MADE ULSTERS The finest -fitting goods that can be -sees- produced. _ ' WILLI APR DREW 1111 111111Zr' i' . _�+%�sa...,-, --•-''�,— -a=rt:. The Public are cordially in- vited to call and inspect for themselves. No trouble to show goods. JOHN $SA'W'N, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, Fluid Lightning does not tape a day cr an Prepared by hour to remove Neuralgia, Headache, Tooth- Harkness & Co. h Lumbago or Rheumatism, but will do it London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers, - — ne .A fearfule, wee it?' _ua .+ had felt ,t languid ;, and instantly, and without carrying your head in a poultice tor a day or using greasy lini 'Aunts.Try a 25 cent bottle from the Dominion Lab- oratory. 4. The present of aPPIS o Mr. Gladstone, by Mr. James French, as arrived and been duly acknowledged. , fitted for business for years. But I i know what ailed me. When, however, I found, it was kidney difficulty I thought there was little hope and so did' the doctors.1 . have since learnedthat one of the phys Ciane mau of this city pointed me out to a q on the street, one day, saying : 'There goes a man who will be dead within a year.' I believe fete his words would have proved true if I had not providentially used the remedy now DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Most diseases of the slnn arise from bad blood and lack of cleanliness, except i caused by grubs or insects, ryslpe as, known AS make a Safe Cure. Salt Rheum, Tetter, Pimples and Blood 'Did you make a chemical s o three of the of the blood are curable by " ane, of ct H H. Warner some three ? eet{g Bitters which putifics the blood. o, Doctor ?' wag asked Dr. S. A. a i- s e sin and Liver Complaint, you one of the analysts of the state away- ' For D printed guarantee on every bottle of rig more have a p is of the state board of health, Vitalizer. It never fails to cure, 'Yes sir e Shiloh's ' SWELLED NECK what did this analysts show you M g y Dabbs of Betrida + ` u t' ' le Parry Mrs. ear Baro of enlarged 'A d. you disease Mr. Waof r kidneys.'ld 'Did you think Wainer could recover?' Sound, testifies to a prompt the `No, mr. I did not think it the remedy internalaseL ase sof and Hagyard'athroat Yellowy Oil. is you dknow anything, aboutYellow Oil is a sure relief for All painful whish cured him t' 'I have h r 58.' analyzed it and 0find ft, ooThey Ontaro' Church of Estrong appeals and harm ase.' are ' n was curedfive vc p¢arQ stye and sionar Society contributions.m Dr, Iand 1 ipofessional du-' 1 for more liberalwith is well and attending to his The standing- cif a in this city. Those among us weaknessof are the ffthroat or to -day, ku ties 5,wed Dr. Eienion, Mr. Warner and D. Lattimore Bronchitis, or t estion, and lunge, should not delay, but take Robin. the ttunrnttsth tihey beyond question, m.1• s Byg PkOS1Yli0r'ize(1 Emulsion re.. meats they Inalca' cannot f Soils the advice of dick the' stats r Hanlon's exper' ,ularly, according to bottle. meat iio dohat fr is , kid' 6 iei n or the directions on ,the lease shows that Bright's disease of the Physician, tf-ask for kt&UMUSO&S P1tos15hor- of the most deceptive .and da Always besure you get it: ney, i' °I" one g i71e(I L' Iilttltelon, and ,tons of all diseases, that it is eXaeediu ly d t that it can be enrod if taken in Mr. J W. ,Jardine, reeve o,,,,, tfleot, ltas tommofz, but the Wentworth time' been elected. warden by ' _..�,�..,��+ �--"---•-__-.-" County Cotnloi . g,tf A0AFD. The Mein of 3selison I3ro , In the to ,ills suffering from rrOre an hss bttetl diesOlvefl by To all whoaso suR'o) g oils woalcnese, Z; lnotldville of venin, licit a t 11 sent aodl She,business in mutual sou indiscretions dcc I will acini Me. Goo, future will be conducted bw M that kilo bl warxn;. StU wtd Vvuaiettddet r er'G .e *ei'l.0.tui BINDER TWINE TIII5 ,Dartmouth Ropowork Company, Halifax, Nova Sootla„ .4r1 now prepared to quote prices r.1 BIZVDlflR TWINE: foe the mason, q/' 18:-41, in lots of 10 tons and upwards, 45tiresgf 50 VItoliiP rST EL'i'. EAS'i'. Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Undertaker and Cabinetum EXETEP 0131'=° _ ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON. 1 A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. TGIVE ME A CALL. 1 j I OMB1\%, PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to for Fallgand Winter Purchases, which will an FULL .LINES OF GOODS constantly on Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cut Superior Finish.. It will pay you to order now and derive a bene chasing good and oheap Goods. A. call is solicited. URE Merely tetothem When t tar tiro 140 not mean m Y, time and then have (herd return again. I mean a radical 00t6. 8511,11511t or EAMING SIC N 888 0.Afafedisease g stu4i', 1 w8arrant t0 remedy 80 aura the Wo neo others have fatted is no reason for ca end Weil. � lista Worst e wo a troy the a for Band It o no not how le receiving my a cure. Se, efvo Express and Post Oreo. Its of,nylniantblo remedy, claou It co Address dde sPr.'i11,0 000ass regia 8!' New York. Adarea --—,...--- - ' ji;D--T.,r111I1�5 to trot l. for us at ' AN 1, h c it own homed. $7 to g10 per week their can be quietly Made. No photo, painting le e, no canvauniticg Per full perticolar8, 1. address.at once, Ceesoont Art Co. Boston, Mass., Bee 5170 WNTI,IY-Ladies irncl gentlemen in city or A sou/ttryto take I1ght�vprtr at their own homes. 11?13 to 154 n, flay eat) henet! i made ; work sunt by'rnail ; no canvassing, d rlontand for our work andfarnisk ids t S' I.goc• d rose, with etltinli,,. earlydaoay.loss at 4tanhoot , OI' dH,\TiCtll. otopp(oyment Acl t recelpo tit' 5 illcure you, t [51115 • lit l' G ilolltt'AN1',2,94, Vino St., Cincinnati, 1 m s of"o THE KEY 'YO HEALTH. .__ 'Inlocks ell the clogged avenues of the YY in ca Liver. g and Y ldn e" s Bowels, I� Y off gradually without weakening the system, off gradit;tlly Nlt. S all the impurities and foul humors of the • lions ' at the sante thnc Correcting secretions mach, curing Bili Aeldli,y of the Ste oti f: -ass, Dyspepsia, headaches, Das- `Heartburn; Constipation: D:,;.less of the Shinn, Dropsy, Di • f 1Si0n,Saundloe, Salt Rheu.mr sS0 q ,,,:;raipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of tate heart, Nervousness and General 133bi1ltiy ; It'll these unci seamy other semi' lar Complaints yield to the !)appy influence r B`URDOOI BLOOD BITTERS, `ea lCc ;Regular size $1, N 1S file iia F�Ottl. > t tli Tq1 salcz by all deelcrs, ,rtieo eared )y a t - ONA;�. SOXTTH Fashionable Ezeter Post Office Time T p1ASL Kirkton, Woodham WinehelseaandElimville and west, including London, Mauilton,'`iot•onto Montreal, Sent anito hlanitoba,l7utodKtates, English and foreignw mails ,: South, east west dee ... North and east, including Godorielt, Wingham, liincardine mad north, Stratford, Toronto, Montreai, and Eastern States... North east, dm ... -•• Hay ... ... ... Sarepta Tuesdays, Thursdays Mud SS tar clays ONEY GBP51B cue ' Order Office in the 0onii nion of`0 un d trelMll ,Iltb is and from Newfoundland, tai ,Austlalfn.Now South W tss Nowfouudbiud, I y a01505,t !'nuc itfslr 150)India, tb0Goren at Th11P1re,Sivtidot1,lv0rWaYe0 nmai Lolan:thrlaneo n wi zerlan�c'1, Austria-Hungary, Ilounlitnla, Unit tha Nethi4auds,Sw Et1N1. bados. rosT auto E SAVINGS SA received at this^cause fro"] $110 to 300. epo its r Dr.C16 oral permission can flop Osit -a" mdsodfrot, 9 tt . to 4 . Interest at 4 pot 001113 of annum 811111ae coated from 0 a, zn. to 4 p• ni, Office hours from 7.30it.10,to 7 p,111. istrattott must be posted Y fufttutosb Y,ottorsintencled fortog dctota cif)rt,t 'culeryreruestnil Shat the so t o Onuntle; o e addtessc' all ))Dints