The Exeter Times, 1886-1-7, Page 4Clem's? seport of $he Treasurer wee re - &I. The coilecter having Etoiehod shie k, it Watt motted by .7, Pickard, Se0041Cted W. Biesett, that his sureties be released. 'arried. Moved by J. piokard, seeoaded • (1, Dyer, that the hearty thanka of onneil, being due, are hereby tendered Harely, our retiring reeve, for his pest eau& efficient eervices daring the ears be has presided over this Cenet• Tied. The Csosnoll then adjourned. Eacaxwe, Clerk. Elm ter TEURSD, Y, JANUARY 7th, 1888 TEN CEN9gS Porline tor tratinsertion, and FOUR °ewes per line for each subsequent in sertionwillbe eharged to notices appearing this column. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. SPZELA.L OFVER. To give our readers an opportunity of se- euring a good local paper and an unequalled agricultural and liye stock journal, we offer the Terries and Canada Live Stack Journal for 1886, for e1.75. ?erotica. The annual meeting of the Stephen and Usboine Branch Agrienlinral Society, will be held at Hawkshew's Hotel Exeter. on January 14th, 1886, for the election of officers and the receiving of the Directors' report. Amax. Dena, SECY. Conservatives, Attention, The annual meeting of the Liberal -Con- servative Associatiou of Exeter will be held in Fanson's Hall on Monday eveniee, Janu- ary lith, at 7.30 p. me for the election of officers and other importautbusiness. Every Conservative it town is invited and urged to attend. M. EACRETT, J. A. BOLLINS, Sem °tarp. President. NOTES LOST. -Alt parties are hereby cau- tioned against negotiating the following notes : one drawn by Wm. Rowe, for 853.80; the other for 820, drawn by Wm. Lammie (both in favor of Bissett Bros.,) as payment of the same has been stopped. BISWETT BROS. Accident. On Friday,last while Herbert, a six-year. old son of Mr. N. J. -Clark, of this place, was amusing himself about a straw cutter while in operation, he accidentally got his hand caught in the machine, and bad several fingers severely raaegled. Co. Engineer, Mr. L. Hardy, we understand, will be an applicant for the position of county engineer for this year. Mr. Hardy is the right man for the position. and will very probably be appointed. He is the best qualified man in tae eounty, having had. long experiences in ridge -building. Sanders vs. Westcott. On Saturday last a shooting match be- tween RobtSanders and Jas. Weeteottt, of Exeter, took place for the Exeter Gun Club xnedal, held for some time by Mr. Sanders. The score stood as follows : Sanders 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0-6. -Westoott 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1-7. Westcott now holds the medal and 'ell have to win it three times in succession before it becomes his property. New 'Years Eve, The last evening of the old year was spent in various ways here, The roller rink was crowded, and after that enjoyment was at an end several fights ensued on the street, but were brought to a speedy termination by the appearance of County Constable Gill. A ball and supper were given by the proprietor of the Lorne Hotel, at which a great many were present. There was no prayer service in any ef the churches, a very unusual emir- renee indeed. 4 Backward Decline. On Saturday last Mr. john Gill and a friend of his met with a:little mishap which might/at/ye been very serious in its cense- queneee. The two were driving leisurely along, when Mr. G's. friend observed that the robe was hanging out and placed his feet on the ,dashboard to tuck it in, Hie weight against the lazy back caused the seat to give way, (alio wing the two gentlemen to fell baekwardto the greund. Mr. Gill and friend were both stunned by the fall, but managed to prevent the horse from escaping.' Both gentlemen carry marks which testify to the severity of the fall. We hope their bruises evill rapidly heal, — Waylaid. Miss L. R. Wier and Miss G. Willie, of this place, were walking along the. railway track south of Centralia, having got off the traM to walk to a friend's two or three miles distant, on Tuesday evening of last week, educe it young "tough" passed them and then turried and confronted them and demanded two dollars from th0731. Mi, Wier, being poseessed of considerable presence of mind and courage, shook tier fist at him and threatened to "knock his brains on*" if he laid hands on her, but he immediately grab- bed her by the throat with one band and by the arm with the other, and held her until she gave him 65c. After gemming the money he hurriedly went his way, and. as there wee no person living near; tbe ruffian escaped without being canght. Mies Wier was not knocked down nor did she lose anys thing but the amount we have mentioned, The "newsy" dailies weds mistaken in this partidular. ,4 --eet Village commit. COUra mot perstidise,to adjournment at the market hoests otetife 30th of Dec, All numbers present except ear. Joints. The reieates of the previews meeting Were reed and confirmed, Moyee by 3. Pickard, sees °tided by A, G. Dyer, that °Mere be granted ter the following Amounts: M. Eecrett, $82,60 'lletlanee of salary, postage, et.; Jae. Creech, 1)1.86 for postage and extra work; John Me- Denell, 853., salaty; Geo. Eacrett, $21.25, italary arid peat:tee; Rowsell & •Huteleinson, 42.39, Blank forms ; Jolter Goeld, $2170, for fett 1 Intxtber ; S. eft S. Otanialce, $03.66, lumbar ; T Jae Dignad, 46.65, tor ircele; Thos. Masan. se $2.25, cedar posts; Deana Beate, 2 livery P biro ; TArmt. Treble, $12, moving engine ' t home; las. Down, 8%, repairing She* plOrtif S &co' Tie* ateebett, ft97.05, indebtedeees; Tp„ Is, Vsborue in19 ittiebteddeee.-Carried The 4 . A. 111000m:tell and family, of the of Delaware, wore visiting at Mr. end's, of 'Exeter, It reek, We were pleased to see our old friend looking no kutho and hearty.-efree W, Hodgson, of Totoato, is visiting feienda la tome -Messrs, J. Weekes, D. Davis and 8, Sweet sailed for home on Mouday. Breves -ties, Ur. 3, N. Hooper has sold his Clear Gr driving colt to Snell . White for a good Su Read D. W. Dulinagees chauge of adye tisement. He is making big reductions. The hotels we open on election day the first time for many years. 'All the popular patent medioines of th day sold at Searlett'e drug.store. Several shooting matches have ocourre here recently. A. number of fine cattle were ahippe from here on Monday. Diamond dyes and dye stuffs at Scarlett drug store. Soma interesting news from Kirkton un avoidably crowded out this week. Willa pear next week. There is soarcely a vacant house in town a fact which speaks well for Exeter. A gre matey residences will be built next summer Tooth brushes,. hair brushes cloth brushes, combs, fancy soaps and, all toil requisites at Searlett's drug sture. Monday last was an exciting day ite town although the weather was rather disagree able. We publish elsewhere the names of th scholars who have passed their Christma exarainations. Some people like oysters on the half shell others quail on toast; but we prefer a year' subscription for the Tines. Our carrier tenders his most hearty thank to patrons of the TIMER who kindly remem bared him. If you are not afraid or the results of that cough and cold you ought to be. "PECToRIA' will thoroughly euro you. Sold everywhere; 25 cents. Tint Goderich Star says "Rey T. M Campbell has been invited by the Exeter Methodists to become their pastor at the close of his term here." The proof of the -pudding is in the eating of it. Buy youe drugs and chemicals a Soerlett's drug store. They are new, reli able and cheap. Conservatives, remember the meeting o the Conservative Association in Fanson's Hall next Monday evening and be sure to attend. Day Books, Joaruals, Ledgers and all kinds of blank books, also full line of stat- tionery at Central Drug Store. O. LUTZ, proprietor. We are informed that a portion of the goods etoleu from the residence of Andrew /eIcLean. of Kippen, have been returned to the owner. Thb public school opens this morning af- ter Christmas holidays, and the attendants willdoubtless begin their studies with re- newed vigor., . Da. CARSON'S STOMACH BITTERS cure the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and all bilious complaints. Large bottle 50 oents. Go to your druggist and get a bottle. • Owing to some trouble between the Do- minien Customs Depertment and the Pab- lishers of Ayer's Almanac, the latter delect- able publication will not be furnished to Canada!or 1886. About two hundred enjoyed a skate on the steal, on the mill pond, New Years day. The pond, which is large, was completely ,frozen over, and the ice was of the very best quali- ty, eing very smooth and glossy. The monthly eneeting of the Band of Hope will be held to -morrow (Friday) even• ing, in the basement of the Maln-st Metho- dist Church. There is a good programme provided for the meeting. We understand that Mr. J N. Hooper bas purchased the lots an rear oF,the Times of- fice, and intends, we believe, erecting an office on James -street for Dr. L. L. Hooper, who will return from Edinborougla in Feb. Another contest foe the Gun Club medal ook place on Tuesday between W. J. Bis- ett and Jas. Westcott, at five birds each. he match resulted in a tie, leaving Mr. Westcott still the holder of the medal, There are several youths who make a raetice of yelling and whooping ton the treats on Sabbath evenings. The authori- les should see that such nuisances are put own. In many places throughout the country torekeapere have decided to close their lacestof business at 6 o'clock p, m. from anuazy let to April 1st, 1886. Conld not he business men of Exeter de likewise ? We have received from the London Free rens its annual calendar, which for beauty 1 design and good workmanship excels any hey have previously issued. In fact it is e handsomest we have as yet this year en. A farmer friend says that a CONV oan be ured of kicking by catching ttold of her leg bile in the act. Just so ; and a bee can e cured of stinging by catching hold of its ing while in the act. Try 'elm both ; it'e it tn. Or '8 p- 8 at • et 8 p P 0 th se w b heaps of fun. A fightsoecurred on New Years eve on one of our prominent streete, just because one fellow called another a liar. Neyer cell a large, strong, sinewy /cheer a liar. If you are quite positive he ie 4t liar, hire another to break the news to him. The "weather propliete" all say now, that we have had the coldest part of out winter. For the last week or so we Kaye had very mild weather, and elle is inclitsed to believe that the worst of the winter is past, although at the time of Writing it is somewhat colder than it has been, mid the "beautiful" is fall- ing thiek end fast, Anybody whoevishes to take peep at another world than tears bag only to look at the planet Ventts, which shines brilliently isa the semisweet after sundown. Venlig is nearly *ho same size as the earth, and es- tronemere think it may possibly hear *0e not altogether unlike that upon the !Airtime of our oitn planet. Last week we published the list of pupils who passed tbe High School entrence extern- netion. The few of the Exeter peblid tame!. pupils who Wrote Were eery young, and it was not etpected that any of thoM wottld pats, but tvto suecoedod 'nosing. There are ether pupils in the aohol who Ore welt up, bet they did tot care to write. There have bean 48 births 14 marriages A 10 deaths registeeecl Exeter *01885. be ceettee deeth Were as follewe Coe. /illation: 5 Old age and general (lastly, 3; netamentra 3; /titositiem, and one cath of be following Ceueulsione, Cancer, Bonin ofteeieg, Inilentreatioh of Liver, uris Pewit, Pao*. fever, Average ago at death, '1yeare. On Monday *Teeing last the oltowleg ofe AIM, Wore eleote4 to ervo in the Exeter Drriston, Sone of Temperance, for the ensu- ing Vertex' W. P., J. P. Clarke; W. .k.” jetsam Gould ; It, 8, W. Gundy; A. R. 8., Icia Genie ; F, S„ Ed. Harwood ; Chap, Geo, Thomas ; Treats., R. Croaker ; Cote, W. Follene ; Asst Edit G.ul4 1. Ele Berbera Hornet 0. 8, *bete Sweet; Organ. he, Emma female. An Important change has boa made in the last school bill, effeoting the tenure oleo of school trustees u ineerleomtect leges and towns not divided into wards, In future trustees for these divisions shall be eleoted for two years, not for three yeare, as hitherto. The mode of determining the re. ttrement of the two trusteed who would, nn. der the former taw hetet served a Third year, *hall be to deadby lot which shall retire, eo that the new Board will consist of these newly -elected trusters, together with the two who are serving a second year end one of tits trustees elected for a third year. Shooting Match. On New Years day a shooting eon. teat took place here between ten men of each side, headed by Messrs Sb and Handford, respeotivoly, and re- eulting in favor of Handford by 2 birds, as follows sanzae: • Sheere-1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 • Bissett T-1 00 1 0 0 0 1 1 0-4 Bissett A-1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1-4 Sanders R-0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1-5 Heywood J-0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1-6 Vesper G-1 0 1 11 1 0 1 0 1.-7 Willis John -CI 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Bissett D-0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-3 Oke das-1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1-4 MoPhersou-0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1-5 Curtin P-1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1-1 Total 48 IIANDFORD. Handford -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0-6 Westcott Jas -0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1-7 Sweet T-0 111100 001-5 Bissett Jas -1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0-4 Sweet Dr -1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1-8 Elliott R-0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1. 0. 1-6 Hurdeu--0 0 1 0 0 1 0 01 0-3 Page .7-0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 Walters 3-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-3 Emend L-0 1 01 01 1 0 0 0-4 Jaynes 3-0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0-4 Total 5e Each shot at ten birds, the range being twenty-one yards. 1t. will bet scan that Dr Sweet did some Clever stiootiug. The Elections. The excitereent in Exeter on Mon- day was intellect, each candidate doing; his utmost to gain a sent at the Board. Tho contest for reeveship was very; keen, while that for slepuoy reeveship was not so exciting. For counolllors,i there were several close calls, and the successful oandidates succeeded only by small majorities, save Mr. J. Piokard, who headed the polls. Fol- lowing are the candidates and number of votes recorded for each :-- • • SERVO. Renton, ...............187 240 nxiurr-nnEva. Bissett, 261 1V1oCallum • 187 COUNCILLORS. Dyer,. . 170 -Hoskin 212 Johns__ 195 Pickard... 227 Swenerlon 193 Consequently the Board •for 1886, ooneiets of :-Dr. Rollins, reeve ; De- puty -reeve, W. G. Bissett;eCouncil- lors, Jas. Pickard, D. Johns, and W. Hoskin, the latter representing the north end. BAYFIRLD-116017e, EMU ; Council- lors-?ollock, Wild, Bailey, Connor. BLYTH-Reeve, Kelly ; Councillors Hamilton, Bowdin, Hymonds, Mc- Kinnon Bitussans-Reeve, Rogers ; Council - lore, Wyun, Vanatone, Baeker, and Kerr BIDDULPII—Reeve, W D Stanley ; Deputy -Reeve, 0 0 Hodgins ; Conn• °More, P Detvan, Frank Davis and W Hooper. All by acclamation. CUD/TM( -Mayor , Dr •Williame ; ; Reeve and Deputy were elected by ac- clamation Counoillors, Cooper Man. ning, Doherty, Fitzsimmons, Jack- son and McKenzie Gongarcn-Mayor, 11 Horton ; ROOFS, Fred Johnston ; Deputy -reeve M G Cameron; 0.suncillors, Dunlop, Jordon. Butler, Acheson, Colborne, Ball, MeEveen, Jos Reid, Lee, Bing ham, Hamber, Murney and B Thomp- son • The vote on the proposed water- works, electric light and agricultural park was largely in favor of these sob eines Ilmsitirr--Reeve, Sandy MOLITOR ; Deputy -Reeve, 'Dios Ryan ; Coun• cillors--Jal Morris, John Jefferson, and Robt Barber Ha.V.-In this township there was o sharp contestifor reevealnip between Meagre, Bennie and Happel, but the electors decided in favor of Mr. S, Rennie by a majority of 17. Dr. Buchannan, a very popular and clever Mats, is the retiring reeve. The run for deputy-reeveship was exciting itna• Mr. 3, C. Kalbileisoh won 'the day'. MessrsSurerus, McEwen an cl Hey rock were elected councillors Ltroasr-Reeve, Ellwood'; Nunmilers, milers, Shaver, Goodaere, Tenerit and Wray MoGinnivitav--Riteve, Taylor ; De. poy, Patching.; 2a4 Deputy, Brad - toy ; :CounoilInen, Glibeou and Cort bett. • STARLRY-aemre, Torrance Deputy Campbell; T1;0148013, Clark and 1%0. Sy Itfamcs•-•Nlr. itios, 6 ,4ttra (b7 „, acclamation) • Cotinolllare, T elefette Tho e T Smith, James. Guest, J Fi Mathiescet, D, E Wilson, N Cosgreve, D S Rupert, John Grant, and 0 J White Srsomist,-Reeve, J. Rate ; lst de - linty, H. ROW ; 2nd deputy, 0, Bit- bor. By Reclamation. For Couneil. lora &fetters. D. French and P. Cough. lin were the successful in a field of five. SHAFORTR--11/8.yor, Dr Coleman; Bee, D D Wilson; DePntY, Jae Beattie ; Councillors -Cliff; Pairley, Scott, T Smith, W L Smith, Haw. shw, Stewart, Etenderson, Dorsey and Wileon. W Hawkshaw, a former resident of Exeter 11eaded the polls USBORM13.-T, M. Kay, reeve by a majority of 98 over McInnis ; There was a (mutest for Councillor in S. E. Ward, between 3. Shier and W. Tay - tor, ;resulting in the return o! Mr. Shier by a majority of 65. Mesare. Halls, Homey and Hackney were elected by acclamation. WAWAN0811 (west) -Reeve, Girvin ; Deputy, Durnin ; Conneiliors-L,ex• halt, Gibson, Todd Ms:Quasi-Mayor, J Neelands, and Reeve and Councillors were aimed by acclamation ; Deputy, Walter Scott. BORN. Banamett.-At Grand Bend, an the 23rd ult., the wife of Joseph Brenner, of a son, MOPHERSON,-At Corbett, on the 26th ult., the wife of James McPherson. of a SOIL LANGFORD.-IU Granton, on the 3rd Met., the wife of Mr. Nelson Langford, ef a daughter. MARRIED. VIPoND-PAY.X.E.-On the 23rd ult., at the residence of Mr. John Fanson, uncle of the bride, by the Rey, Jas. 'Seale, Mr. John Vipond, of Hibbei t, to Miss Mary Payne, of Fullartot. Leen -Moosin.-In Fullerton, on the 23e1 ult., et the residence of the late Richard Moore, by the Rev. Mr. leeetle, Mr. Wra. Lobb, af Holmesville, to Miss Annie Luella Moore, of Fullerton, Weracoar-leaeoxe.-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 30th ult,, by the Rev. • James Hestia, Mr. Chas. Vealkom, of Ful - 'tartan, to Miss Eliza Brooks, of Hibbert, MOGERT-LAMON'T.--At the residence of the bride's father, on the 28th ult., by Rev. P. Scott, Mr. Archibald floclgert, of Vsborne, to Annie, second daughter of Mr. Malcolm Lamout, of Hibbert, STACET--McLAREN.---At the residence of the bride's father, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. P. Scott, Mr. John Stacey, to Claris- • tints, youngest daughter of Alex, McLaren Esq., Reeve, all of Hibbert, PLENVES-MOODY.-In Stanley, on the 30th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Acheson, Mr, William Thomas Plewes, to Ann, fourth daughter of James • Moody, Esq., all of Stanley. MeLaceleee--Hoctoeneree-At the residence of the Inicle's niother, on the 23rd ult., by Rev. P. Scott, Mr. Peter McLachlan, to Beth; youngest daughter of the late John Hoggarth, all of Hibbert. Teereen-Bowaeeree.-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 30th ult., by the R. Y. Thompson, 13. D., Mr. Geo. Taylor, of Lcirdsburgh, Dakota, to Clarlinda, second daughter of Mr. Icbabod Bowerman, of Usborne. MCTAGOART-FAIRBAIRN.-43 the residence of the bride's father, on the 31st ult., by ' Rev. R. Y. Thompson, B. D., Mr. Edward McTaggart, of Hay, to Jessie, third clangh. , ter of Mr. Elliott Faireairn, of Tucker- • smith. Dualt-Cete.-At the Methodist parsonage, Monsen, on the 31st ult., by Bev. J. Ball, • Mr. Wm. C. Dayman, of Tuciceremithe to • Miss Selah Oke, of Usborne. Treeanx-Seurere.-At the residence ofthe bride's mother, Maple Grove, Hullett, 00 Dec. 30th, by Rev. W. W. Sperling, Mr. W. P. Tiplacty, of the base line, Goderich township, to Hattie, second daughter of the late John Shipley. BAITII-CALE/cE.-In the Methodist church, Holmesville, on Dec. 30th, by Rev. C. Birks, Mr. Jas. Raitheof Hensall, to Mies Eleanor, second danghter of Mr, 3. Cal. • hick. DIED. GLIDDON.-In Fullerton, at Wm. Nether. oott', on the 25th ult„ Mary Glidden, aged 81 years and 6 months. berme -In Seaforth, on the 26th ult., Effie, third eldest daughter of Professor Jones, aged 17 rears, SALE REGISTER. FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1886. --Farm Stock, Im- plements, ere., the property of Jas. Gullett, lot 14, non. 4, Usborne. Sale at 12 o'clock moon. John Gill, auctioneer. T ntinseax, Jen. 7. -Farm stock, implements &c., the property of Philip Laing, lot 20, eon. 8, Stephen, sale at one o'cloek sharp. Jno. Gill, cue. re. .etarsze=ratamosmagestemamezegut, • MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected at5 o'clock p Wednesday. MALL 1V1113.61, • malt (Nee a i0 75 to 0 76 , ti 80 to.0 83 White Wheat New „„ ... 060 to 0 85 Red WheatNew .. ..• -.. 0 80 to 0 83 PRZNO WINAT rite (noW) 0 50 to 0 70 eerie y 0 60 Ed 0 65 Oats 0 28 to 0 29 Clover Seed ... 600 to 6 25 Tineothy •. ,.. 1 25 co 2 00, Peat 0 59 to 0 56 Corn ... ... 0 58 to 0 60 Eggs 0 le to a 15 BrIttei C 10 to 0 14 Pleat' perbbl „;: ... 6 boto$55 Potatods,per bag 0 CD to 0 00 Atipiceaper bag ,e, 0 4010 0 50 pried A.pplespr b ... 0 04 to 0 00 00080 per lb. •... 0 06 to 0 00 Turkey per ib ,..• 0 OS to 0 08 ritike 1)er pr ... 4e to e 60 °Mekong per pr 0 25 td 4 40 illoreeitessedpee100'- ... 4 55 be 00 tte41 3500 to 600 nelesroulag, .,„ .,. 6 00 10 6 00 't (imaged 6 00 to 7 00 8boopeklmeettels ' 0 50 10 0 67- Callakins50 ee 0 70 Woolpot lb ... .e ,,,, 0 •le to 018 Hereon/se " i300 to 9. 0° Onions eetbueti50 to • 0 75 ... • \Voodoos, eoret e, 2 60 to g eta OSAUSETEtt Vail Whoa' per lah 0 80 to 0 63 sorter; .0 ...0 50 SO 0 80 Earley (beight) „, 0 55 to 0 75 3.arleMeeding1 ... 4., 0 40 to 6 46 White Oats, 028 to 0 81 Black 0015 e. 0 of to 0 e3 pp .s per , .., 1 00 to 1 00 otatooe oor bh „., 0 66 to 6 70 C Exeter, On GROCERIES, D BOOTS AND AND GENERAL T3 E Our Goods and Gro,,..lties are warranted est ity and Lates4...Sfyies. Families in the village ndSui; ing cirati`y can rely on Good Value for their mo 4rticles delivered promptly at your homes, in the Village desired. A Trial Respectfully Solicited 'PLIC411:01, ISAAC CAIMINGPS - G FIN ERAL • STORE, 0 nem tti IERRI CIIIIISTO TO, R IIICKS Believing that we are about bo experience a holiday season of unusual activity, and anticipating that a general and wide -spread observance of Xmas and the holiday will bring With it a general demand for GIFTS OF EVERY DE RIPTION R. HICKS has a fine stock to meet the demand consist. ing of WATCHES, CLdOKS, JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, KNIVES, • SP • Thanking you for favors during the two have been in Exeter, and would solicit a con same. A liberal discount given during the Stand opposite Jas. Pickard's, Main. st., oI•1 13 01 101 r:8 15 tc to 01 fr 11 liday r Xeter. HICKS* one' STYIA.S ing up Tete —AND— " HELLO " FOR CH I AND DON'T YOU FORGET That G. A HYNDMAN has a Fresh Stock of Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Teas, Coffees, Pipes, Biscuits, Confectionery. These Goods are All Select and Fresh for t X -Mas Trade. ta: Don't forget to give us a call before buying. Oysters in Every Style. G. A. ITYN_DMA.N , n1136°14'8 90k. accoS, Goods delivered at once. MT) •ei WANTEs a10 -IIT WA 200 , QUICK!! About TWO HUNDRED good customersat the NEW CARRIAGE SHOP, Exeter. , The undersigned begs to intimate to the •residents of txoter and surrounding.countr:v, that he has fitted up for Carriage mi Making Purpose The buildings lying immediately south of l\IR. PARSONS" Blacksmith Shop, Main-st., and ha-ving stocked the 'same with suitable material for the construction of Carriage 'and! Sleigh work, ,we thoyelore solicit a liberal share of your es- teepaed patronage. • ttepairing Eprornptly and 7ptopev1y done at, Satisfactory Pices. • Yours truly, . N. E.---Sketial 'as io the L,y iverirezirde2ta2ndlrfiartstIbuf rngit quant. ti/ "srl'