The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-09-18, Page 10
c• 0,0IVIMITTES APPOINTED- Tim Grit. n Killed -
...._,....-- ---7.-• — , ' AT PUDLIC MEET,ING , - • •
........• .e.......... 4 - I
• by Thug at Detroit,
• -0 , , , At a public meeting held' at the
.•• e .
t7lOrtb. Ameriaan."- and "SOUtil, -
Tra,g,io eault of Party
PARK HOUSE RE OPENED The harbor waS a scene of un-, Town Hall on Aiontlify evening the
platter of organized recreation was FOMet Well4Enown Ikalaftlidu,Alan"
'Araerioa,n" ca. Her '
' -at the Littleolaild Home
' WITH GOO •PATRONAGE wonted actryity on- Saturday, vvhen -the
ca • , Vi ctim of - ruta.,1 .
Attack • Og Saturday '
on Monday two passeng,er. steamers Nerth Am- discussed. and a 'committee' of see -en'
eforircilitineraanid.riNS.iontglthatAintioeoludettitunacitthileedia, tttheer was aldedinted , tt, .get, . _in- toueh with ...
• —,
it is vay ambition to .haye, tilde
, Reopeeing on Monday under the various organizations: of the town to
Fred Littlechildlippeared -before
management of Bert Brereton, MO about 6 'o'clock in the evening. Muet aecertaiu what financial support would K1 yeAl 1,, Sept. 17. -On all sidee
„. people of the SPacifie Stirteeel a tuo.,. •
IkIagistrate J.. W.; Morley in ,fche
Vark Ifouse Intel a full house in as uf „the passengers went up town and be avititahle •towards the salary of a- were heerd expressions ofe sincere
on ;the Great Lakee," .Ruth Oeivediff
Unlon. take a trip on one of icier elellid
, Magistrate's COurt this afternoon •
continued to receive good patronage made the tutu of the •Square. -
*. recreatienal director. The committee regret oie learning of the sudden and
is compdsed of 8. 11. Sheldon, Reg.. c -i., Oagic death Of'Mr. Timothy F. Griffin, general Eastern passenger a,gent of, -
onthe charge of murder and was
all this week. Owing to renovations Arrivals at the Goderich elevator
Gee, Mrs. G. Emerson, Mrs. C.9tiolland,' adaea, took the Chicago, Duluth and tieorgian Bar;
.remanded to September 25th for
still being made to the Coffee Shoppe, thiS week were; Friday -11114080o,
jes. Alurphy, Bruce Tennant and John ' place et .Detrett on_ Mon- ,
Transit Co., told the Signal -Star preliminary hearing. Ile came it will not • be opened luitil a little 21;5,000 bus. wheat.. .Ad.a
Hindman, 116,000 bus. wheat and- oats. 1 larmon. , . dey,. caused 14 . a bludgeon -swinging
re -
into the eourt room with Pro- later on, Alany telephitned• toenfake Wednesday -Superior, 1 1 2,00 bus. eats. - There was an itttendance at the lendit who beat in his skull. No doubt porter durina visit to the luxury
liner South American While the veS.sel.
Vineial Constabies ,. Willi:tin reservations foe Sunday dinner, but The Bricoltioc is expecded at the mng. eetiof fifty, about equally divided robbery was the mutive‘of'the,ruthless
was tn piirt here en Stiturelayg" '
. Sunday dinners p.t the Park House between men and women. . Alayor ethug. Mr. Griffin was found un- "They have no idea" of the expanse
Gardner and J..E. Johnston. Act elevator tonight and the Algoma Fri-
commence- next Sunday, •_ September Alienwy presided. of these inland seas, that at timeS one
ing . Croven Attorney F. R. Darrow, dlst. ' A nunaher of dinners ter private day night. .., . • conscious; on Sunday morning on a •;;S.•-.
cannot see land; so I ane. going to sell • ;
asked for the adjourrunent. - The parties haye already been held, while known at the waterfront have' joined
Two popular * youeg people well
WILL INVEST SLOG° • ment building in which he was em -
stairway to the basement of the apart- .e.,..
it to them."
accused was represented by Frank others have been beeked -for the futdre. hand and heart. Bruce .lacDonald, - - IN MEMORIAL FUND ployed for almost six years. Ile was The ship had on board a party of
son of William. ("Skip") 'MacDonald, -• members of the American Aseoeiation
race a3 -den, dauThe rular meetia
ghter ef ---e---- of Knox - hurh taken to a hospital „where,. surrounded of Railroad •Ticket Agents_ front most
Apparentlas the outcome of a PLANING MILL EMPLOYEE AlrWilliam Hadenwnt off quietly MS. held at the Mane of Mis
- . egg cc
by many uf his friends, he died with. of the States of the Unidn, who with
drunken brawl at the homeof Mrand to the Benmiller United church par
% y e. t, eW..Was. .
out' regaining- consciousness: theie Wives were on it cruise after at
MrsFred LittlechildHinckstreet, -
' . -
• On Wednesday of last week Bert soilage on Alonday evening and were 'W•m. Doak, KettYs street, •(in Tuesday Tim Griffin was born on° the 10th
The passeugerse numbered about 450.
tending. a convention at Cleveland.
his fifty-eighth year, Ls ;dead, -and Fred aaout employee of the Kalb
fleiSch planing mills, was injured while ceremony conducted by the minister of 3,11 m
.s. Abell led the meeting 111 the de -• ago, the only son of the late _dittoes
Griffin and Julia Shea. He attended of Moody' Bn Bible institute, seeabove The South American came in with
• on --Monday moening, Charles Bell, in
McKy, ll - pronounced -husband and wife after due afternoon,. with. a good • attendance, concession of Ashlield sixty-three years
: , s . .
Littlechild, forty-one years of age, 'is •
unloading lumber at the Goderich the church, Rev. S. E. Hayward. They Votional periPil and followed the prder
the Kintail .public school, after which in one .of his "Sermons from Science" flying colors abeut 6 o'clock in the
in custody on the .charge of murder.
plant. Mr. AlacKay had returned to are away on their, honeymoon at pre- of service given in the ..stUdy book.
he carried on fanning on his father's demonstrations, is the producer of the evening idol remained until 8. o'clock.
. Shortly after noon on .)londay one
town with a load of lunaber and was sent, but will retenei to live in' Gode- Miss Gordon, wive ii fine paper on
farm. : • lu 1912 he married Jennie sound -color film The God. Of Creed. The Nortb. American of the same
of the Littlechild children ran. to a rich -they coulda'st stay away from. Gen," to be shown in Knox Presby- line arrived On the same day at 11.,
in the act of nnleading it front ;the India, "Tile ministry of Healing." 'ell's. ,c ee
lived on the farm
neighbor and said he had ;seen a • man
truck when rollers failed to work and the .witter. "Ben ynyttge!"
• .Clayton Edward e,ang sweetly' the "ruiill uti.€1 theY
just south of Kintail and took a• worthy terian church, Goderich, on Thursdae'f o'clock in the morning, with 331
lying in a pool of blood in the houSe. As the swimming' season nears its evening, September 25th. This • film, passengers, who were ou an --Indian
the cab of the truck dropped, causing •Ita•ely hymn -Sweet lIodr of Ptuyer."
part in the affairs of the neighborhood,
A call was sent out for police and it chew at the harbor, Bert :MacDonald is produced in the Moody Iestitute, gives summer cruise," and left at 4 eeglock
injury to the drivel'. He was removed The president, 'Mrs. Erskine, took the
stheir home b.eing noted for hospitality.
doctor, and when Dr. john Wallace keeping his fingers crossed. - He points the audience a trip to the star.s *by in' the afternoon.
to Alexandra tIospttal, where X-rays chair for the business of the' meeting.
s years ego they unived to Detroit,
reached the house he found Bell lying• with pride to the fact that not a single means of solar photographs taken - Both - ships were welcomed by the,
revealed he had suffered two fractured It wee deeided that the gift:of $1,000 -Ix
where mr-s. prinin predeceased him
on the kitchen floor and bleeding pro-. swimming fat or aeything even etettine ef • the dragdipes played by the•
fusely. Bell died a few minutes after approaching it has occurred dering the two years Lugo through the giant 100 -inch telescope of
Mt. Wilson ObservatorY in Suuthern everdmpular Lucknow Pipe Band.
vertebrae. He has been in:the employ" bequeathed by the late AIrs. Robt.
,of the Kalbtleisen .firm. since Alarch, Dures to the W.A1.b. auxiliary should
For many years Tim was a atedebee
the Doctor's arrival. Provincial p,olice,
1946, „and preyione to that had been entire season, during which eeveral '
' be invested in a fund to her memory,
of the board. of directo'rs of _the West Califoruia. -4..--- . e Alienbers• of this band. are Roy •Atace
under Constable William G;ardner, at thousands , of blethers--enien, women kenzie, pipe major, D. A. MacLennan,
_with Ross Scott, Brucefield. to be known as' the "Mary Dures
Wawanoeh Fire Insurance Co., where .
Dave Alactionald, Alurray :MacDonald
once began an _investigation,- but none and childreu-haVe visited the beach: ..
memorial Fund," 'the on which
he served faithfully, poesessing in a
:vial Reid McKim, pipers, Mel. Stewart„
' of the other adults in the house, Mr. Bert poilite• out that all season long will perpttuate • her offering. The ;
remarkable 'degree the confidence and .. .
. and Mrs. Littlechild and •Mrs., Bell, YOUNG PEOPLE OF he has kept a -watchful eye on.bathere, meeting cloeed with the Lord's Prayer
itif ecti_on, of the peblie.- ' Alalcolni_ Webster and Allan AlcLean, •
wife - of the dead Man, was in a con- - VICTORIA ST. 'CHURCH ever ready to answer. any •emergeney In unison. Refreshments' were served
' .Abodt a month ago he vieitecl for a .1 meting Goderich for the first time
• - druinmers. They were joined" on Sat- •
ditio.n to give tiny. account .of whet • . call. •So far the calls have been nit, , .
anu.a eocut ime w as enjo3 e .
'. 1-4.- - - ' • d •
week among • his friends in Kintail brought to The Signal -Star a letter.
ite•her •Iife,-Mrs.• b. M. Keir, -or Detroit, . ,..; ..... .........- .- . . .
'1 itedily by a illetingutsh-ed--pipere -con------.- --'
sidered, one of the best in America- e
had occureed. There -were, evidencee„ At th-e meeting of the Youog People's. fpr which B.ert is thankful.
1 ,
. that a di inking party hadbeen in Uni611 of Victoria street United ehurch • . IN .MAGISTRATE'S COtuid Kingsbridge
URT • a
the remaining wt,ek of his -vacation this
. ad inteudd ttke
o .a
. written by .. „her great-grandfather, George R. Duncan, pipe •major _of the
BloodStained Knife Found. ,,, pleated es' follows: ;Presideet, Eau At, the weekly• Magistrate's Court Father John O'Reilly, "to Reliance, Charles Graham,' of Alorris township., Detroit Highlanders, champion pipe
progress.-- ; . out Alonda3.' • evening officers were • CHURCH NOTES - week to adcompeny his event, Rev.
A bloodstained paper knife; O'f the teem*
ewer.; Tice -president, B-eryl Castle; Owing to the poor attendance at the this tofternoone ey-illituu Letkota, •bet -fide willed it otherwise . 5 let, " concession, Huron Veunty, "Mor- band 'of North America. _An. Duzican .
. kind- giyen out. hy• commercial tirms secretary-treaseter, Evelyn -Breckow;, firng. st no of the fall season of the Tuckersinith w
tonship, -and -Harald
C. Clark, 18,
Ile -is - survived by, two- sisters, -Mrs. ris Bank P.O., Canade 'West," to his is a native -of- Edinburgh. Another .
as an Advertisement; was found,- and pianists., Margaret Craig and Joyce Alargaret Seeger Cleb of St. George's Wolfe. 1 7, Stanley township, were each s,,, Dean (Kate); of . Cloverdale, daughter ill Seutland. .This daughter Detroit -Highlander, Dan Batchelor,
wasetaken by the P0 Re for exultant- Breckow; press secretery, Gordon was the grandmother of Mrs. Keir, who also jellied the Lucknow men efor the ;
ation for fingerprints. Coroner 1)r. Argyle. Conveners of committees are yet:tit .(t,41?.e‘Nlt:ItstetiLlItiett(iiicl jeudi;.!,6\13.15).. blur:- day: He tindc. Mr. ;Duncan were visit-
cliurele any business to be transaeted clntrged with rtipe, covering it period British Ceiltuabia, and Mrs. \VIII Clare, ing D. A. AlacLennan and other friends
eeene and made -an examination of the felloweddp, I'erna Carmiehael; cule were rethiudled until • Thursday, ... eluded in the letter was an .account of.. ar Loebaisb.
andeplats for activities were laid over in. 1 946 and to August, 1947. They (Alinnie ) of .Ashfield. Another sister,
F. Gall OW errivect early on the as follews: -Missionary, Ila Barton; until the ....October meeting. elute, died in Alarch, at. Reliance, 'Id • • -.
(heal *man, and DiJohnFisher. of. t ure, - \1is. -Esther Ross ; recreational, Unite' church in Goderich township September 25. Bail was fixed for each
•.. • Dakota.
On. arrival of • the body by motor • •,. .
. . ,
_ s t ramp t 1 one Alums township f
, win celebrate :the seventy-second In -of the ticensed at *2,500 cash, or through. the bush to Goderieh, and see -
London, l'revincittI amthologist, was' Harry Westlake; citizenship, .1 -Jerold. nivereary ef its founding on Sunday, 85.000 in two suretiele
• • I from Detroit this (Wedie.sday) morn- mg -Lake Huron for the Itret. time. ;
called to -conduct a. post-mortene " - Squires. ing, a large number -of sympathizing Ile related how it wes ettch a Lug lake
in the absence of D. E, Holmes ' ou of the Union. and all young people in i Althorn. - Special music end anthems victed on a clitage •of fraudulently ob-
Kilegebridge, ..where .either. end of it. . play: for elle F. II. Wood memo.rial
••. __see_
F. R.learrow, acting Crown attorney . MondaY is the regular meeting night .
. September 28.- when the guest preacher J. Fischer, Nitigara nide, \YRS eon- _
, wilt- be Rev. Arthur G. Hewitt, RA., of friends and relatives assembled itt St. -tied he couldn't see acress dt or see
Sixty-two bowlers took part in the
vacation, entered the epee and s Pro-
, the Congregation and othets interested Wining 100(1111lodging it. a Witigham joseph.s. church,- i• .
trophy at the Pieton. street. greeas
vincial Inspector Frank Kelly arrived are invited' to attend. - will be rendered by the, Union choir, heft]. and was sentenced to eine month in Re Reve. Ftithor o'Reilly, sung ;
yesterday.. In. addition to fifteen teams.
from; Toronto Althalay night to take `i - :r will be rendered by the Union choir. en jell to ditto from September 18, and ,
Mr.. George Buehanan of Goderich, feetered to pay 'the proprietor ,ot the ,1 11,1 Res.
tee requiem niass, with Itev. T. Hussey
T. P. C. Donnellan at the •
Airs. Elizalieth Jeffery 'Nvishes to an of (101110(.8 from the heed' elub, there
nounee the eligitg,ement (A her datigh- ' N\ -•_ere four-teanis etteh from Seaforth
Charged with :3Iurd'er. . ,.
The September meeting of the service. The hours. of service are Rita Kennedy, Gederich, plelided
will be guest soloist at the itvening-c hoteldisl..75 for board. .; ; eiltitr. • The pallbeJlrers were John S.
lelltme Frztuk 1)alton, elichael Foley, ter, 'Rita Phyllis, to .A.rth_tir 1). Doak, iund Wing -ham, three frout:Clintpn, two-
charge of the police' investleatiou. .. ARTHUR CIRCLE
On afternoon tt charge of
Arthur° Circle of - Knox church was 2.-30 peit. and '7.30 p.m. Murdoch All;teLefel, Altturive Griffie arid soli of - Ala drtdilf.t1,:;t1.{.4J‘,.tt.1,;(;1111i: ,e apliltieef •
murder was- laid against Fred Lietle- • ' giddy to 'et cideless driving :charge, (7-'' f1.1.(inell„ ill ', "S(..ilt(; Nfvordadnd
held at the home of Mrs. G. Kitittiog ReS. C.- C. Anders4m, pastor of and 'eels tined ^$1 0 with costs, T. J. Lonnan. ; Interment Was in the 1•;`•KI-er,iel'• -11
the previous afternoon.; He Was taken part fif' Septe 'n..iber.
. ; E. J.- Pridham and G. W. Baechler, ,
child, who had been. iti .custotly since Tb, '1111)1 101 trete*. waS W011 by .
011 AIondity-evening.. The program was Artburn and Clinton Bttptist congrega- Kingebridge, -cemetery. llw letter
in cherge. of Aliss D.orothY Johnston Gons for the past three years, has ac- 44th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ..,, A large liuniber of friends accom-
- before Mrs.- .elabel •Gray, die, and i Goderich. T. Pritchard and Dr. J. A. t.
reumeded for appearanee in Alagis- panied the body. among whom. were - • .1IORRISONL-PELTZER
and lter.. group. ,After the lipeeing cedted a call' to Langford. • . -Alr. anti MrS. R. J. Doak- Were guests ;
• l..• prayer by-Aliss .Johnston, Mrs. Knitting of their soO-in-law and d,ing4ter,. Mr. -,111..-Allimq,•,,, 1 1.iiiie. -.‘kx.„11, i)hio; mrs. - A wedding- of lntereet to this cone ' Graham, Gteleriele -were eeeond; a". IL
read the Scripture. lesson and .AIrs. . :NELSON -JACKSON - 'and. Mrs. Bert Brereton, at. a dinner , chester o•dtddy. 14.ttv,, and ,,,,,,o•-_.
t took playe iit St. Patrick's Wheeler a tol W. Ituri.c11. Goderielt, •
(1 11. Dale. Sea-
trate's Court...on Thursday afteenoon: .
It was announced by Inspector Kelly
Itiehard Stewart led he Prit.Yer. _ As At the United ^church paesontige, ;it the Perk _House on Sitturday even. -7 Ahinrice, Airs. Morris, Miss lael (Armin, elefrele Terente, en September ti, when, 1 }Air*: Lorne IHRe an
Dr. FISher revealed that Bell had AIrst Joe.Gritlin, Mrs. Perry, Ali>. Kie. in a double ring ceremony, Rev. Father. ferth.- fume 11 : I I. Sandereon and W, •
that the post-mortem conducted. by
delightful inuelcal numbers Aliss E-va 1fensed, on see -dauber Hill, the- mar_ ill,g in Minor ucf. tins fortY-fourth all -
Somerville plityed three hymns with rittge ceeemeny. was perfdrined uniting nieerserY of . their wedding'. - lan, Detreit: Mr. and Alf'e. 'feet Melv- 11 ((11 Alerrisee, S..1.. unele of the ,;Neweetillef, fdelerich, fifth. .
died of heinorrhalges- caused by the eitiong
variations. Tile members joined - in a Delithine Maud, 'daughter of Airs. the* gifts received by Mr. etal Mrs.
. neaux, Mr. mid Sfre. Stepietere Dublin: green,. mined iii ina rriage Mag(1,11erta; The trophy and also the ti-rst prize
evidently be a sharp instrument that. ue end Mrs. Fenzel(
., Mug -titer of M r. a 1111 .,).1 I'S. ef ewe 'lovely cintirs were presented to
'deud cequiz couducted by Mrs• P• A. George " .hickson iind the late Geo. Dotik wae a luxariffne chair from their Mr. and Mrs. , Lloyd Et
ilinunermitn: The ' president, Airs. G. ' Peter P(Itzer Toronto. a'nd James. G. 'the winners lty the donor, "Bill" ;Wood:
severing of , an artery and vein__ ,. , ,
-entered. the body near t be left Jackson, to Glenwood Ray Nelson, ;son family. Many friends and reliance Eti-ii,. Graild /lend,: ;my,. :Ind mis.,. Jas.
a. n, took charge of the businesof s .Mr111
11 ad Mrs. G• E . Nelson of Gode- willed (fitting the thty to. present. their Dalton, Al(emt Cermet: Mr. and 'Airs, Merrisere efat vi Mr. and Mrs. Jas.: -,-
shoulder. Hendersoeess•ion, and also gave tt line report of elide With- Rev, "R; A., liseelts officiat- Victi();rittita;Tet"rNe.(17111.te(14i-rel(FILINcliiNtrh was
The funeral of .Charles Bell was felicitations to the bride and groom , , 1 „ ri ni I
...ram:. ,,•.....0,,,,v. ., )01 rolt ; m r, Frank A. Alurrison•,-. Dublin, Ont. The wed-
. held on Wednesdity atftermem froth the
forth on: September dth. A _dialogue, length dress-mt....white silk jersey and I test:maul; Alilwitiikce: Mr. and Aiis. ding music was pl,tyed 'by Miss A.nne : -
s\\,,..;(,1t(t1,..itinif..„-wi,...111 i(N)Vtiii•(.111(w;s.11eitiy: i',A1 fitaer.-
the Presbyterial.meeting held at. Sea- Mg. The bride wets levele: in .a street- or fortY-fOur •Years.
Irrophey -funeral home.- 'rho service, — liolfernan and Mrs. Pat. O'Reilly, , l'itzer, and the soloist., Airs; A. Rimier,. the setting: fee. an interesting anti
which was .private, was conducted by . ME.IDER-GRENIER . 11.1111, 1 .; . .. : 1 .Al .... 1:i...ring, sa It"- "1 iii‘. 1:11iAsiairti,zit-," -:teff,t)itt: 1,1,11,-..e -;:t(,.:1;i;-. '
Purporting to be a radio interview be fingertip cOronet veil, and carrying a. 11)11
:,1111 -
Rev. Richard Stewart of Knox I'res- tween Aire. J. Pinder, as *Aliss ErOwn, cascade bouquet of Sweetheart roses DETROIT, Alichd---A. pretty weddingl,„iviffli: mr. ",,Iii()", waik„rtuil., ii.„„iy, ••.,
a Canadian teacher, and IL Jerry, and lilies of the Nile. Hee only at Sadie MacKinnon. l'akkhill. - and -Mother Dea r. O Proy for,,me,- zit Hanna, daughter. of mr.. zind mrs.
byterilue'ehurch: The padbeterers were ttede piece •in Highland Parli.',Presb-
Elliott and Tennant Drennan, 'Robert eel Miss Singh, a teacher in India, was teedent was Miss „met, Thylor, •weo - terieu chute:Li, 'Idereit, .-on September entity spiritual tuid floral bouquets . the cenindinion. The belde. given fife 'limn Hanna ,)r Kiritton. was wilted
most interesting. Airs. Dordthy Reed wore a -blush pink embroidered crepe, .6111, when Alia Elizabeth, daughter of wore 641(1(.11.41 in. ildaidves and fri„nd,s. - marriage by her father, -wore a gown 1 -ii Marriage -10 Mr. Alexander Garten-
Bell, David Sproul, dacob Couains.and
Alfred NicGregor(Detroit)later 11 1(1 a ehapter of the study book on with wilite accennd w
ts, *aore a cor- Alr. anMAr
d rs. chIt R
Archie Grenier,
eeeale I Seldein as. ym
hthe spathy -of friends 'of white szttin and carried red roses.; berg of t;u(lerich, formerly of. Lwow-,
India,"Which. told. Or the medical WOrk sage of piek lielight roses and white _the, bride ot Albeit ,,, son u . . , ,,been so stirred. ' Itereingertip veil wae held in a coroact Peland. - Rev. It. Geedyer -of Kirkton .
• . - , .
C'harles Bell, son.of the late Mr. and - . ! ef net studded W iill Si I ver bead,' and edict:teed, - medeted o y nev. L. H.
done by the missionaries of the leper baby' 'mum's, The groom was attended Mrs. A. W. Ateileier of De.".011. ltev• ef the church. The
, . _
• ment WaS. in Maitland (Tindery. .' •• -..- • .
institutions of wide!' they are in by Kenneth J. Len1411.0, of GoderiCh. . AI. Gelston officiated at the ceremony. orange - . blossoms. Aire. Matthew , Turner. minister
'Mrs. James Bell, had spent practicallyPERSONAL .MENTION '
elnirge, and of_ many other kinds of At. the reception the bride's mother _The bride, given in. marrittge by .her Schleuchister . sof the briile1 m
...:atron ' church. was effectively decorated 'with • •
eill bis life in' Goderich. Ile waS it_ of• honor, wore pale blue ,allover Lace, Pink gladioli, - white asters. lilies. aud -
good works: It was annoancell that received. Wearing a :black, and white felled', were a bridal gown of white '. Se , , „ , .
there is to be a young wOmen's rally jersey dress, huge •black picture .hat slipper_ eatin wit 1 • ' ' '- .* k ' - , \1i J - - . • ; roll- - • ' ; \edit dSlietilder. vekt .f. the 'same Shzide,' fertts, lmws of. pink eind white ribbon
veteran of the first:Great War. S•ur- c ore gice teronitev of Detle •
the 'Arthur Circle 'Was .asked to take- The 'fitted bodiee leld 1.1113• ! Mr': EZItelle CrI'gg of ' Wi11(iser ts Alorrisoii, ' Windsor, - bit her of the
and carried pink ruses. Air, Joseph , marking the -guest pews. The wedding to
niusic-11%ts played by Mrs. George -Cur-
former elabel Walters, are a gon, in Knox chureh en the _near future and and it corsage of white gladiollis petals embroidered. marquisette. and seed • A'nesi with •Urs. Harry ,VidC-.411. .
vieing him, hesides his wife, the
Ililton Ele,:ood Bell,. of Galt, and two and mauve -baby 'mums. The, groom's •pearlse ._
groom. was best man. L.. ,,- .' rt.:111;1.Y° 111(( t (flillnl: olfill,„(Artigi-,IIIILn:Ntir:i
care of arrangements for the meeting-. 'dick, long ,,,ieeves a' guest wttli Mrs. 'W. G. MacEwan.
daughters, -Mrs. Elwood. Robinson, of __ nfother assisted, wearing a 'black crepe buttons. down- the
1 fter the mass a reeeption was held '
Stratford,- arnt'- A.krS., George AlcCabe, le was also. decided to hold the October dress, black bat with fuchsia _feathers, coming to lily points. OVer tile it 111(1 . -.MI's. PC:(1.1 Vrlildle has Sold- her
1 oieNVilson street to Mr. Angus .
while the
meeting in the church as a and. a corsage of fuchsia gladiolus and a full trained :skirt in bustle effect. ProPer•Y
''. served to sixty guests. Airs. Peltzer,
Hit the' Rideau lintel 'and dinner was the bride, sang '"I'he Lord's Prayer„."
'11-1e1;;I.[%-;111.-(1)ti(i‘liii si:\;411-(;.e.(1.
Goderich. ' AlacKenzie.
Alr.- and - Mrs. I.ittlechild have a meeting and .to endeavor to procure' tlettils and dahlias. The out .1eerown of Shed pc 11 held her finger- '
, , ,Airs..Kate,Canipbell and son Donald, mother of. the bride, received the
family of seven -children. guests were Mr. and 'Ali's. G. EdNelesue tip veitand her enly. Ornament was -
A pleasant part of the program wae and sons, Edwin aed WaverleY, Airthrec" strands of Pezirls; Uer lamella II.,t"ne11.1),11--- 11,'Ited relatives in 1-(twa at guests, dres•sed ill Wine' c1ger,t(i)c:).m.,M11-.:._ 1111elfaNe‘diit-(1),Nr::ibr'ers,z‘etit.. Nfvniltlh-lt:.ust1
Morrison, inet.her of the
films for that occasion., .
U.S. TOURISTS TAKE HOME the presentation of. '-a W.,,N.S. life- and Mrs.' E. G. Nelson, 'of Goderich; was of whit
..e eneee and belie 'nouns. . .
- t11(' weeeeenu
Mr. and' Airs. R. 1 1. 'Thompson, of sieted, wettring bleck veep° wilt' gold
a short t ra in. 1 ler fingert ip veil,
tiding bodice tuel full skirt ending in
membership 'certificate to 1i Nelson mr.' and Airs. Howard Forel, of Branip-• The ehurch was beautifully decorated
. PROOF OF -LOW PRICES HERE Mt!, in recognition of her help and ton; Mrs. George ,Ingrarn, of Exeter; with palms, ..,
lieeted taeees di tow lIamilton, ere -holidaying this week .
!. . 111 • - Wit li M Ts. II. Phillips, East street. .
trine They each wore a sholtlder cor-
• ' ,,, ••1' '• • C -,t • wet- ir1.. hand -embroidered by In‘r aunt, fell
' interest 'in missionary work at all Mrs. Itnssell Dallas, of Brucefield, and candelabra, ,i 1(11011 ane ni .. • .. i •. ., re. , ..
The Esquire Grill, which opened' •on 'times. Alr. Clair Way, of Seitforthe The Delpbine Sheeder, as mulct of •honor, I
ren, of Chicago, were guests last week
Air. end Mrs, T., I.), Hazen and child- sent, from- Buffalo, Detroit.. wilithior, fr.,10 a sberred bah) .beinidress. she
- •
Saturdity and put out new melte cards behle travelled in a blue haze :crepe Wore embroidered marquisette with Toronto. Parry Sound, Bradford, Ii01- carrie)1.. a• bouquet of white gladioli
ists front the boats bad left, that a
after a number of United States tour -
the Couple will ;reside in hohem
yobn in the Muskoka' diserict
... _—dand 'carried a bqy
ouuet of ellow roses
and ',mums. The two bridesmaids,-
taffeta trim, matching halo and veil, With Mrs. W. 1. AlcLean. . '
with Alr..and Mrs. Howard Pollock
Aliss Helen Blitek, 0.N., is visiting burg, Stratford, Djiblin and Alunea
ton, Langstaff, Newmarket. Tillson- and fern. Alr5 Russell Mcealltun, .of
For %ravelling the bride wore a brick f
printed by` 'rile Signal -Star,. discovered, dress with black accents. ,After a
considerable number of these menus
MONTREAL, Sept. 1 7-.- John R. ... Miss Paula Cheney of Chictego, cousin
. . and Dale at Durham.
Mr • end 'Mrs. Fred Aliniro and Mr. red dressmaker snit of'galeddline with with matching fingertip veil. 'ller •
bad disappeared. Douglas: has been 'appointed assiStant BENNETT-PENHAL of the bride, and Aliss Jost p nut
1'; . mecutelwen of Toronto were
.1.11e couple will reside in Toronto..
black . accessories. Ott their return .rlowert' .xvcre yellow *gladioli; The
bride's 'sisters. .1 ell11 ll Mi. .V.i._.)1z1 Ilanna,
w-etle bridesmaids. They, were gowned •
..A clue to their disappearance was
direetor* Of merehandising for War A pretty wedding took place on Sat -
length downs ei pastel. shades of pink Visitt)rs in town for the weekeend. e .
Sanderson of - Detroit., wore floor- '
respecthely 111 blue and peach eorded
found When one United States patron,
AeiAets Corporation, it" WaS announce('
. urday, September d, at 2.30 pan., itt• I Mr. e end Airs. Angus • Alacfie,,,,of ...._ -
epparently more' Conscientious than tha
restAsked the proprietorenen-
10(101 by E. ItAlirchap
rd, vice -resident* the -home of Mr. and -Airs. IlaroJd and aqua. Their dresses were designed '
, , ",,K" P
in charge of merchandising for the Penile -1e; Stailley totvnehip, when their, alike of marquisette with tight bialice, Cah'tha.1 ia - • pent last wek with the
III St. 1):11/1'S An0i1.1111 ' 01 11rch, s(iisteits.. 1as11i07;1.1(1,1‘1(.1 sii)(1)iiiiinlitit:lsy vt,(!ertliee liJnridteil'se
nington, if he might take one- pf the
Coiporation. Prior to this- appoint- (laughter, Doris' Margueet,•wae tinned ;holt puffed sleeves, and full skirts.: formers parents, -Mr. aud Airs. A•rehie le s ..t ,4 t 1 .
Marriage was" solemni'zed of .1.!'livIllie . fellers ef 1 heir gowns, and they care,
menueeards away, with him, Ile ex-
ment, Mr. Douglas Wk1S chief 'of ,the in marritige to 11(11 in Herbert ;Bennett, Each. Nvore It matching halo with veil Thuile. .
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. I, inn lute re-
11)•rbiadrea.. v,A.linr14
Planted that lie was amazed at the
aircraft aneaircraft eompouente, 7S -tiles soli of Mrs. II. Bennett end the late and and pink roses. Little '• •
tureed. to Detroit efter visiting tne
, Margaret- wilding --denghter of 'Airs'. ,yied Anterican Beauty gladioli. Karen
, Margaret Wilding 'and the late Arthur y_i111.1(t,e c:Aotiri(s' crithen"
low prices at which .meals dvvere to be
divisione of -the (((11)4)111 tion with office Me. Bennett,. of Goderich, The - wed- Karen- Sheeder as flower -girl looked
O\% of r( miter s mot her, Mrs.. P. Finn, BrocK wildin._,
g and Albert EPrin Cox, son M
had in 'Goderich. He wanted to take
in Alont ren 1, where be will remain .in ding 'ceremony took, place under an cliallning in- a lloor-length. . ,
authentic proof, of • prices in -Canada his I1PW post, ,?..(Irt Dongfas is a native arch of pink • 1,111 11111 white bells yell'ow taffeta end net, and wore • a •
et reet. of the bite Mr. a titl lit s. .V. II. 'Cox '! flOwer-girk in dainty froc4s of yellow '
gays of sweet peas, asters. and Snap -
of Brussels, i nd 'qualified ag; a tool and gladioli, with Ret'. F.' (J. Stoter - crown of yellow net. and rosebuds. She • ' - of Goderieli townelep.Tilii:,.. 1,11:,111,•,),,h.. hplig•:11inp. Thieir ti.owers were -noSe-
Yerle is Visiting her sister., Aliss Ann
Mrs Alotet Walter Agnew of New
was beautifully decese
the card back home to show the folks
"the United States. '• . July, 1944, he. WaSin charge of in- etedon with huge bouquets fof gladioli. dreg:ewe Another cousin of the bride,
white • t reusers and black jacket.
as compared with the high prices la
and die -maker. From- -July, 1 940, to Welter, and other relatives here fer a
Lb t1 Moore. was ring -bearer in long
the Huron Counte" R-C.A.F.
struction in Citlyten Ross, of Kitskton, .was grotanse
School (Sky Harbor). e - ....
matt, end the ushers were Robert Good4
--Temperatures of the past week in
aml Cliff:. •MoOrte of
Goderich, with those of the correspond- of Gfeleriele
ing week a •year ago, ae. officially re -
A reeeption was held at the home
1046 'of Mrs. Robert good, victoria . street.
ebrded, were as follows: .
1947 . Mrs. Hanna, mother of thh bride,: in
Max:Min.; Max. Min.
, Week (Tette with orchid corsage, Was
Mrs. Robert.
Thurs., Sept. 11 ..S2 71' 68 1,56
Fri., Sept. 12 ....79 ' 68 61 41 aesisted; in receiving by
Good,' in fuchsia crepe aind black ac- '
Sat., 'pt. 13 ....81 68 .70 41
Mon., Sept. 15 ....75 58 74 51 Rowena Fletcher, consin of the bride, cessortes. Guests .. numbering fifty
Sun:, Sept. 14 ....82 „ 61 71 48
Tues., Sept. 16 ...,.67 • 56 75 53 wee gowned, in a pink efloor-length were, present from London, Kirkterit '
Wed., Sept: 17 ....78 53 70 52
Exeter, Sudbury and Goderielbe Mr
Mr. Mutch, official observer, desires .
and Mrs, GarteiTherg are residing •On
to correct a statement that appeared in
Vietoria street, Goder.ich.
The London Free Press to the effect Th.e bridegrootn came to Canada in'
that last Thursday'raias the first
November, 194d, and was engaged on
that har..
the form of his bride's father. He
S l" w.l-
12th. The records show that between Following the ceremony, ti reception later 0111110 to galerich .townslup .to
c.fallenn Goderich sine° July
July 12th and the end. of August there was hold • in the parish. hall. The be employed be; Mr. Adeibere 'Gardner.
was a rainfall totalling 3.13 inehee. bride'MOtIter received the guest s• in Reeollections Of the war years . are,
'Milani to Mtn.. "1 do not want to
remember what has gone before. .1,
am sti happy in this niee, free `eotnatry
and 1 have 'never been so 'happy an
1. am 'IOW.". His wife .is charnting, '
and she has in him the making of' a
fine Canadian citizen. 17'or. six .'ears
he had; not heard of bilS reetild WWI
Two Shii),s Bring
800 - Passengers
hum of Bayfield, performing the rites
of marriage. The bride:. who was
given in Marriage by her father. Wore
a• floor -length gown of white slipper
bodiceand net skirt, with a slight
Iii iii, long pointed. sreeves, Sweetheert
neckline and finger-tip veil caught. with
rosebuds. Her flowerS were a easciuhs
bouquet of red Briarcliffe terSee. The
bridesniaid WitS Mrs. Howard 'McCall -
lough, Goderieh township, who wore a
fider-length gown of blue silk mstwith
natehing Shotilder veil caught with
fi ers.. Her houquet was pink Briar -
ell . roses. Mr.- Edwin. Bennett, • of
Goderich, brother of the ;groom, was
best man, and the organist Was; MIS.
Russel 'Grainger; of the Blue Water
Highway. 'The bride's mother chose
black erepe with sequin trim and wore
a corsage of Butterfly roses, while the
groora's mother chose a light blue crepe
dress wtth a corsage of.,Madame But-
terfly roses for the reception which
watt held at the'bride's home. A three -
tiered wedding cake and pink streamers
graced the bride's table. The assist-
ants were Mrs. John' Keyes and Mrs.
Russell -Grainger. For' the wedding
trip. to Niagara . Falls and points east
the bride travelled in la light grey suit
with,4a .pink jersey blouse and black
accessories, and a corsage of Butterfly
roses. On their return Mr. and .Mrs.
Bennett . will reside in Gaerich,
carried a basket of rose petals wipi
ribbon 141. reamers. 31 1'. Robert Meader,
'indite!. of the groom. was' hest. 11111,11,
11 the ushers -were Air. Fred Johns
of Wixom, Mich., and Mr. 'Albin
Anderson of Detroit, The ewedding
music ans played by M r. .1 . Manning,
and' the soloisteealise Jean Prim, sang
ePromiee Ale" „as the bridal party
entered the church. and duriug the
i;igniug of the register, "1 __Love You
Afterwards a reception was held in
the hall, which wits decorated with
pink and -white streamers, white bells
and floveers. The bride's table,'eentred
with a three-tier wedding cake, wits
decorated with gladioli and 'mules.
Tbe bride's mother Wore a royal blue
-silk crepe dress with black accesliories
and a corsage of white gardenias. The
bridegroom's pother chose a moss
green silk ('1P0 and also worea cor-
sage of white gardenias, •
Ir a honeymoon trip the young
couple left by moterefor Niagara Fagg
and the east coast. On °their return
they will reside in Detroit. For.
travelling the bride wore a wine -
colored wOol gabardine suit with black
Guests were present. from Chicago.
WNom, Mich., Mich.,
Windsor, London, Goderich and Port
fe W W , 001 N. tirrAm efficiated and the wed -
Miss 'Ann 11" lately is at the Royal „
mug music: was played by Mrs. R. P.
Connaught Hetet Ilemilten. this week -I „
• f•aften. -The -bride- who was given
end attending the annual conviudiun of
in marriage by her brother. Edward
the thitario Society fordlee. Prevention lvddhig.. h.„died lovely 01.11 white
ol' Cruelty to Animals. length gew'n, with a tingereip teii, and
Mrs. 11. Itunciman, of Stratford,
\vette glovve. She carried ett large
and her son, M r. Arthur Runciman, templet of pink roses:. Airs. Graydon.
111 1(h( a brief Visit in town lest week. Mont:head. friend of the bride, WIIS
Mr. Arthur Ilimeiman' is With the
matron of 11011(11' 'and wor a floor -
11 a w 101(01 11 Power Compa ny at length blue gown, with matching ae-
Montreal. cesseriee. The hrideema id, Miss
Miss Charlotte Johnston of Windsor,
who has been visiting with Mrs..Frank
Johnston and, Mr. and. Mrs. Joba S. (trees. with thatching' acceseories. Keith
Ilendersou, has, returned home, accent- Coe attended his brother. May .Tohn-
panted bp Mrs. Johtedon, to attend:the ston and Betty Elliott, nieeee of the
wedding of Ruth Johnston to William bride. acted as flower -girls and the
Gordon of Windsor..., This took place iishers Were Willigen ('ox -and Edward
on ',September 13th, at the hnme of ;
the bride's father, W.. R. Johnston,
283 Gladstone eve., Windsor. '
_ .
INSPECTS INDUSTRIAL. a Week dress,' and wore a eoretige of
SITES AT HARBOR pink roses. Mrs. Batitins, 'aunt of the;
groom. alSo received, wearing a .navy"
blue dress, with a corsage of -pink
° For a trip td 'Northern Ontario the
brido donned a blue- tailored suit with
black accessories. The ,young couple
The Goderich Homing Pigeon Club's
race for young birds this week was
from Belleville, a, flying distance of
206 miles. This was a tough race for
the birds, as they had a strong wind
to contend with. The birds were
liberated tit 8 a.m. and the first ten
arrivals were as follows: Peachey 1st,
at 3.32 p.m.: .Baker 2nd, 3.321k;
Peachey 3r41; 4th and 5th, 3.133; Baker
6th, 3:331/2; Peachey 7th, 3.35; John-
ston 8th, 3.36e Ileachey Oth and 10th,
The next race, the ',final One for ,the
seaSOn, 'Will hq trona Natianee.
A new grocery store has been opened
In the village of Saltford, owned and
operated by Air. Xelso Adams, Mr.
Adams is a veteran of the lakt war,
having served with the 11.C.A.P. for
five years; of that time he spent three
years OVersell€1. The new proprietor
reeently bought the store from Mr.
After a lengthy illness, AmbrOse 11.
Vanstotie of Benmilier passed away
at Alexandra, Hospital thm
is morning
seventy-fifth tear. The funeral
service will be held at the Brophey
funeral home on Saturday, at o'clock,
and burial' will be in the Colborne
township cemetery. • •
Mr. Lan
. R. Murray. of Toronto, in-
dustrial representative of the Canadi
Pacific Railway Company, was in Gode-
rich din WednesdIty fallf4peding possible
industrial sites at the harbor and
gathering inforniation relative to the 'will reside on the bridegroom's farm he learned through...the Iltat Crosq that
proposed north liarbor road. in Goderich township, his parenfs died during the war.