The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-07-24, Page 7Hello, Homemakers ! The garden season brings us fruits and vegetables in glorious array. This year, with the accent on "save azul send" to stay the march of death in less fortunate lands, .we 'must make fullest use •of our perishable -foods . . . use them as they Dkaome, to conserve other foodstuffs in order to increase our exports, and pre- serve the garden' crops fur use during the rest' ' of , the year. Methods of preservation should be sound and sure. Canning, the must widely used method, is too big a sub- ject fpir our column to handle in -de- tail. By all means send at once for ,4 r-+ When your BACK' ACHES... Backache it often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in the system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed rest or that `tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly—use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Time -tested popular, safe, non -habit-form- ing. Demand Dodd's Kidney Pikls, in the blue Lox with the red band. Sold everywhere. 13S • a dependable guide. Write direct to ;Department of Agrict'Ilture, Parliament S3aildings, - 'Toronto, for Canning- Step by Step (or ash your agricultural representative for;. a copy)., The Home Canning booklet may be obtained free from Cor over Section,` Ijoniinion De- partment of Agriculture,"Ottawa. The pressure canner manufacturers also supply :guide books for the large uten- asilrs; All instructions mast be followed exactly to assure best results. PRESSURE CANNING When using a pressure cooker, pre- pare vegetables as for hot water bath and oven method and place rack in bottom of cooker. Add but water to level of rack (about one Mit), and •place filled jars in the cooker, 'allow- ing space between jars for circulation. Adjust and tighten .cover of cooker. Petcock should be left -open until steam escapes for seveni 1 u m uu e. then caused. 1, Start counting processing time when required pressure is indicated. When 'processing time is up, remove cooker from heat ! LET „INDICATOR.. ItI TURN TO ' ZERO. Open petcock' gradually, remove jars. Before pro- cessing next load, till cooker with water to rack level.- Lb. "Vegetable Time Pressure Asparagus '30 min. 10 lbs. Snap Beans ' 35 min. 1'0 lbs. • Beets 95 min:, 10 lbs. NEW PHOTOGRAPhY'.SERVICE Specializing in informal Wedding Pictures—at Your home or at the Church. -Anniversary and dinner groups—Children's pictures— family groups. r ° See our special Wedding Albums Phone 401--J MacLREN'S Goderich, Ontario St. David St. 28tf PUT IT ON' ICE: • No mechanisms to go out of, order when you refrigerate with artificial or natural ice. Keeps your foods healthfully fresh longer. • NEW MODERN -EQUIPPED ICE PLANT IN GODERICH JS PREPARED TO 'SUPPLY YOU WITH ARTIFICIAL ICE AND„ALSO NATURAL ICE' PHONE ' 1.165W for. de ery• service. -- HURON ICE. CO. Huron Road and Walnut St. Goderich SUPPORT THE ARTIFICIAL ICE ARENA CAMPAIGN 21tf Excess Profits Tax Act Standard Profits Claims NOTICE'. Recent amendments to the above A'ct provide that 'all standard profits claims must be filed with the Depart- ment of National Revenue.before 1st September, 1947., All applications.. are. required to be_ in such form and contain such information as may be prescribed . by the Minister and the • Minister may reject an 'application that is not made in such form or that does not contain such information. The prescribed forms (S.P.1) are available at all Dis- trict Income Tax 'offices of the Dominion Government. All 'pertinent information required on the form must be included of attached 'thereto in schedule form. Ten- tative or incomplete form's or those filed after 31st August, 1947, will not be accepted. p Department of National Revenue ° . Ottawa James J. McCann, M.D., Minister of National Revenue. THE OODERxCIT MGNA` Austra1ia and Other Lands Following is a paper given by Mro. Kenneth Campbell, E.R. 2, Auburn, a meeting of the A,ubur.�, Women's Institute. Mrs. Campbell Is a native of Australia; Pirst....of all, I'd like to tell you something about Australia. It is my native land, .. and wild always be dear to my 'heart.' I came from Sydney, the capital of New South Wales, which is on the Pacific coast. , After thayi death of my father, wet bought a little bungalow right on the sea front,. and always the rollers pounding back and forth on the sand lulled me to sleep - at night, Australia hasn't a large -amputation, and must of the people live in the cities, which are mainly in the coastal regions. The dairy and Poultry farms are on tire outer circles of the suburbs, and then away out in the hack country they raise the wheat -and sheep which keep up the country's finances.. Un- like the practice in most of the world, 'they are not called farms, but stations, and they stretch' from iiun(1}'eds to thousands of miles.- All ..,of the Men who live back there are tough. They have to face droughts of twelve months to two. years, With sweet and toil their only reward when years are lean. They have "no cold weather .to contend with, so sheep and .cattle wander all the year around on the land. Unlike fire country people, the city folk lead a pretty easy life. Usually strangers arriving in Australia are amazed at ,the number of' public boll - days. The Go�'er•lment is Labor, hence slant of the population are employed as civil servants. Transport, gas, water, sewage, electricity, in fact every public necessaysis'tun I.ty the Governziient. '-?t should work perfectly, but Australia is known as the worst strike country in the world,. though 'I' think America must be leading now, Australians put their hearts and souls into the fight for freedom. There, was hardly a pian under forty-five not in uniform. , Always the threat of a Japanese - invasion hung over the Australians, with such a wide expanse of unoccupied'territory to he defended. The Japanese did get into Sydney harbor in . miniature submarines, but, were quickly sunk or brought to the surface. Sydney harbor Is Beautiful . I think Sydney harbor •is the most beautiful in the world. You enter between two towering green .headlands, hardly wide enough for a :ship to ass through. Then you are.greeted with a wide expanse of blue water; with green hills finding their way down to golden ,sandy beaches, where miniature _white rollers gurgle back and forth. S6rue of the coves and bays are quite thickly inhabited, Mostly in bungalows. with verandahs -holding gaily colored deck chairs and tables. From here; many .watch the yacht races which take place every Saturday. On your way in, you pass reverie -1} small islands with cgolorful names, such as Cockatoo, -named after one of Australia's birds. When Australians go abroad. they. always get into hot water by speaking of their wonderful bridge, probably because people • have heard so much about it already. How- ever, unless -you saw it, you can't im- agine how impressive it looks, or h(iw -beautifully the pale grey structure blends with the pastel shades of Syd- ney's big stores outlined' against the blue sky, '135 the way, the stores have a very good system, lvhich I have never -heard of anywhere else in the world. It is called "lay by." The customers go into the store, see something they like, and ask the clerk to put the article in "lay by," , after the bill is made out. You pay 4c for every $4,00 the article costs, which ultimately comes. off •the bill. Anything except perishables can. be plit away in this manner. (Me great event' of the year.is the Sydney show, Where manufacturers give smallsal:m les of their every pro- drict in expressive carriers, -getting far more than twenty-five cents' worth. Then• they have log -sawing contests; tree -felling, horse racing, and bronco busting. Beilders and decorators have Miniature homes .for people to walk inside and insect. These little homes tare complete iaa..every detail. c` Ago ti ;l om ng. I t t One doesn't eee much of the Austral- ia,, aborigines. 'They ,are ' very tin- civilized and ar ,radually I eeoming ezttduct, They hay a set 'menet at La Peruse, where Ca -Cook firt3t lauded, and' there they sell boomerangs, and ornaments aarade from sea shells. Some attract attention by having snakes wanderingover their bodies. Another inhabitant of Australia is fast becoming. extinct, the sweet/little koala bear. 'Ile doesn't like people, being a timid little furry fellow vsho lives in the eucalyptus, or gum tree, as it is usually called, He feeds off the tips of the. gum leaves, and they carry their young ones on their back. I could talk at length about the wild life of Australia, the l;<anguroo and the kookaburra or laughing jackass. The latter is a lovable fellow, who sends merry peals of laughter , through the woods. Ile loves to steal your tooth- brush or anything which he can safely carry In.his big Leah, especially if it's eolorfula Water Sports Nearly everyone spends leisure' hours ''surfing. It i,lg't nearly as dangerous part' t wizened .qr'eat r►es aro liable di p y@ away t'ar inane the tak'ip caail tt a ee iiere� it is *bout 1.47 ,er Rth9pp as ee>atrc, (algid demand D,1117 TAtllt�Ol?t' C0,11•N R, Oit>a4y ; , years ,sive Mr, l(ePouRid,•wiia 14U0kL price from you. One wwtde , hew iva theSi, �ile'ae : s.lio(➢l a>Q(l •also 1#t these tiny frail crrxteure can man,,rwta Conigrattulati ns t Ur. aria ,131''''.'" 'HS, we- 14, %Tut. to ti`e West, plus 50 easily, . but `they are, brought Leonard ��luber (iaeo Phyllis •°Mask, nay lr • ills IIrt ~islt back, UP to it. However, they live only to who tiere- inarrk d cast wee>ur.. -. . •xz. and Air;3, Willard an4'.#targixrat, thirty or thirty -live years of age. .:('r lirjt, Maegare0Icimes of Zrsntford of rxete'r,” w re recent v"4 9" reedit If one goes to the Gaaili Face Hotel, da3•r cisitln 'oyr ttcvv weci s Synth Alt'.:' Mien I3e atrke .Mc udliltif. the lanes{, famous place to eat, one is and Mrs.'Andrew llolmcs. personally- waited on by about {six . Mr. arid Mrs: iUbert< Oko left last waiters, each with a def erg_aat dish. week for .a two IInn(ibtbn' to. thar'''ofgh We had six people ire our party, and luebec,, New l rues ►'ick• and Nova there weir at least thirty -.517: waiters Scotia, returning by ,Cline States. attending to our 'needs. Miss Marina Holmes anal the liYlsmes Then we came to Aden in Arabia, Helen and Jean Whitely are holidaying' the dirtiest place on this earth. The at Bayfield. - British troops are stationed ether.', and Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance, Miss we were Informed that if a mar.& dies Kate Williams and Miss ti ary Tor- he must be buried immediately, as ranee visited on Sundtiy with Mr. and. disease is rampant. Mrs. Andrew Holmes. The most interesting • sight to see Mr. and Mrs. • ^. ibert Sturdy, their are the salt tanks, built over ode thous- ' daughter and grandson, who have been and years ago, though not in use . to- 'Visiting relative' in this district, are. day. Going out to see- the tanks, we leaving 'this week for their home in saw on either side of a dirt road tiny ' Alberta, 7' - hovels, barely high enough for a person to stand upright. In these liven family of from eight to eighteen, toad t,hie most honored guest is the live 'stuck. Goats are iii abundance, and they sleep and ST. HELENS,a July21.--Mrs. Arthur eat with their owners. - Whetham and children, "of Galt, and Through the Suez Calaal • , Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Woods, of Guelph, The next important 'step was are visitors with Mrs. H. J. Woods. travelling through the Suer. ('anal. Mr... I+'riser McDonald of Clare, Sometimes one has to wait twelve to Sask., accompanied by Mrs. McDonald, as many ii, the outside world think. twenty-four hours for. a ship coming " Foolish people bathe at sunrise and the other way to get through the sunset, when sharks are hungriest, or canal, as it is not wide enough for two outside the given areas,and that is `hills to pates. At the .fatrtllest, end M QM '' ,�EST is fort Suid, truly all Egyptian port.'• why ▪ they are attacked. on every There were ragged, dirty little children beach, there are two flags indicatinga 93 tR' C( 1 resited relatives and reaew.d 41W1 the space to be used. Sharks never at- tack a crowd, ' and, besides, there is always a.beacli patrol on watch. I)tir- ing week -ends aeroplanes ,ley over all the beaches, patrolling - up and down the coast. Each time they pass a beach they drop a signal : recl—clanger ; yel- low—be careful, and green—all right. Everyone takes notice of these streaWel , and should a red or yellow signal come odow•it everyone leaves the water, until the plane conies ha •k and gives the O.K. One of the nicest services in summer is that of tire' lifts savers, which extliels from August until May. They are voluntary members and the young men long to join, as only the fittest awl strongest are chosen. There is a life club -house on every beach, with a look- out tower. and eutertltinment rooms. Each• beach has its own colors, and one of the most exciting events of the year• is -the- contest between the teams. One of the contests is to ' rescue a man. The swimmer fastens a cord to himself and goes to the rescue. When the line is a distance out, another man takes up a position so that the line won't drag away in the centre. So it goes ori• until the swimnrer reaches the drowning man and gradually gets him back. to Iand. Then the resuscitation starts. .Points arc given •for skill, of the - teauiworl1 and _for- the resuscita- tion. ...After several minor events comes the last and most. exciting. The surf ,on the beaches. is most treacherouas, and the lifesavers have to launch•their row- boat now through breakers towering above them to a certain distance from shore, and then row back, The -art is to 'Catch a good breaker about half -a - mile out, and it may bring- you in like an aeroplane landing. However, if you catch one that doubles under, as it_ hits the sands.. you •are• likely to he on 'the bottom chewilig sand and gulping mouthfuls of sea water. ••As well ass entertainment, there is often a real. rescue. Pears 45 miry, 10 lbs. eSpinat;h 55 mi11, 10 lbs. _ ... ('ors tial min. lu lbs. PumpkinfiO rain. .15 111;, The ibowe is a table for• pint j,ix'.s'; allow ` five` minutes more. for quarts. TAKE A TIP Successful caanning',depends on Wit- twin rules.. 1. Use the right method for your equip merit and follow 'directions ear;*fully. 2. Check the jara, rings and tops. They {bust be in perfect condition—and that goes for the fruit and vege- tables, too. 3. Be scrupulously clean. in w'srtahiug jars and fruit. 4. Be cautious to note processing time. 5. After cooling, stare the jars in a cool, dry plaice, away front light. THE SUGGESTION BOX Mrs. S. M. says: W'hen canning t-ege- tables, say,'g}'eeti, beans, we often hale only enough left to halt~ till the last jar. Try finishing that last jar with some other vegetable, sliced carrots,,. for Instance. Any jar of mixed vege- tables should be processed the length of time necessary for the product re- quiring the longer processing period: Mrs. D. T. says: If you have not a steamer for blanching. try this device. Place ii piece of" cheesecloth over a lecke kettle:. put on the lid to hold it in place and tie' i strong card tightly around 'the rim. Pour enough water into kettle so that it barely comes to bottom of bag of cheesecloth. When water boils, drop in the food to 'be steamed. Mrs. J. M. says: I discovered that the base of ' my pressure cooker ex- tended 'beyond the heat element of my priced;, electric range. Peering that the heat would cause the' enamel to scratch, I cut a protective ring of asbestos paper to i,fit around the element. Mrs. C. C. says: To shell peas quick- ly dip them in boiling water for one minute, then cool quickly in cold water mind pod. s * e Anne Allan Invites you to write to her in rare of The Signal -Star. Send in. your suggestion€a on shoinemai ing problems and' watch this column far replies, , pleaadifid with us to watch, while they - pulled a rickety little chicken from nowhere. Al - all these ports one sees various sorts and shapes of boasts pulling out to the ship as soon as she (locks, to' sell ebony elepintnts and unique 'boxes. Irl Adept they specialized in silks, while in Port Said it was jewellery and tapestry. We proceeded to Malta, and each time -I've been to this strange island it has fascinated me more. The island rises steeply from the sea and when vitt• docks_-. ann,_.is either rowed or goes by stator- boat. on a 'binding' stage, one 1arys tickets and proceeds up the side of the alieer rock by lift, which is easier than climbing the iii altitude of steps. once on tap we weI't' in a gaaI'den or spark, overlooking a harbor, with. the grey stone and blue sea presenting a picture of breath -taking loveliness. Usually there are plenty of walettas from off transport waiting• to take tourists to the centre of the. town. Most of the Maltese women wear black, with a wire -arrangement which holds .a wide strip of ,black material from one shoulder, over the head, to hang down other the other- arm. They. make exquisite- lace. If you are '{walking in Malta, as likely as not, 'from out of nowhere, you 'will suddenly _besurrounded•by a herd of goats. with bells around, -their necks informing the householder that the milkman is there. The owner of • the herd conveniently milky at .your -door, so you are sure of fresh nnilk. Year ago ships sail- ing to Malta - had to carry soil as ballast, and this is how the island has at' last been. able to supply some 'of its needs. It was a' wonderful sight, rounding the Rock of Gibraltar, -seeing s the" British fleet sheltering under its pro- tecting strength.. ' The Trip to EnYgland I visited England first iii 1933 and then •again- in 1938, when I had, a very extended stay. Mother and I chose to go through the Suez Canal, mainly because one calls at more ports and rid it is more interesting. Mother had travelled from England round Simth Africa and she didn't like the long distances between ports. I wanted to go via Canada on the hist trip. but because of the long train trip iuyol\• 1 I decided ' against, it. Irl gab r nix route we craIN; Mut of the A . relies cities, which are dt'tirrite'ly more rat-. tractive .than Sydtgey, because they were planned from the ' beginning and have wide streets, and aren't Iiiggledy. pigglecly "fill over the place. Going across the Australian Bight, we ran into a storm, trot uncommon there, and hit a submerged wreckage which brolie a blade off the propeller, and consequently we bumped up and down' until we reached Fremantle, which is on the stormiest bit of sea, other than the Bay of Biscay, ,that"a ship travels. At Fremantle we all trouped ashore while divers went down to investigate. It was interesting to watch them, with their powerful lights,' working on The bed of the harbor. One broiling hot afternoon we crossed the Equato,I'. Most of the men .were covered in soap lather. and were ducked in the.ship's swiraming pool. as tradition which is always car'r'ied rout. Colombo's Rickshaw Men Our first port of call was Colombo, which would he very nice if only {tire didn't .have twenty or So natives press- ing close, begging for money: =' (lap' has to be very careful about getting into a rieksluiw•, the only mode of travel, because if you hnt e no roan in 'the Clean out your furnace and chimney during the summer to avoid waste of heat' and danger of fire next Winter. RETAILERS AND BUILDERS - WE CAN SUPPLY COMMON AND ..ROOFING ..ALUMINUM i TAIT CI, 1.7 wire, phone or write " INDEPENDENT NAIL CO. LTD. BEVERLY ST. — GALT, ONT. , A Favourite kemedgr For' thepast hundred years . DOCTOR FOWLER'S• EXTRACT. OF WILD STRAWBERRY has been a favourite. remedy for bowel complaints. It is safe, pleasant and effective. Prescribed for Diarrhoea Intestinal Pains Sea Sickness Summer. Comp- laint. • You will be • surprised how quickly it works and how much better you feel. DOCTOR FOWLER' S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY DICK THE UPHOLSTERER NO. 567W' Estimates Free Pone No Obligations! POR SERVICE AND GUARANTEED WORK M. EE IMALSERV,ISE o.LD. DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CAL Vii Promptly and EUtclontly !Unloved r_T . Simply Phon• CQll.t1 91()r16 Clutton 21. Ingersoll 215 Stratford WE DO THr, REST I a s I • 1d. itawlinson i.imltet. regularly make up and ship Household Furniture. Con- solidated Pool Cara to Manitoba, Saskatch- swan, Alberta, British Columbia and to California. Write, wire orphone for reduced freight rates • Established 1885. 610 Yong. St., 'Toronto. Yingsdals SUS MOVING, i(ACKiMB, 'aM1l?FWQ Batt TT011*111 '1 lwiip., of' lupe plai e'l 01:2k b the furnace absor ' anciisture and prevent rust aid cox.. rolo eNe WHEN YOU TRADE 'IN YQ11R'USED TIRES AT r� YOU., SAYE cDBY THE SPECIAL LIBERAL TRADE -IB ALLOWANCE a. MORE ON MILEAGE AND SAFETT` CD,TIME AND TROUBLE ...ISE On' 3 CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN • a TRADE IN TODAY OR THE Nf V'r'est�ne axiom gIHIAMPIONI The new Firestone DeLuxe Champions are the safest; and longest -wearing tires ever built - up to 32% longer mileage and'eO% more non-skid angles for`greater safety. Trade your used tires in today on aet'off the new Champions. We'll give you a -liberal -trade-in--allowance and; you_ can_pay the rest off on our convenient Budget Terms. snre tree 'crfew of our " VACATION VALUES Give. your car a lift Old wheels look like with (re s t o n e •" new with a get of• ' '‘g444 SEAT -`METAL'' COVERS WHITEWALLS „. • Theyii•e tailor- made' to f it your car. A combination of cloth and fibre in colourful design. with seams double lock -stitched, to Insure maximum strength.. �'% SFRONEAT T 9.55 SEAT ■ •40 Dress Up your car with these : sturdy white enamel -finish sidewalls. Easily installed. Set of four—from 9.80 E''ery motorist should. have one! MAGNALITE" AUTO , TROUBLE LIGHT • Will plug into any car, 'lighter; provides in- .stant ,brilliant flood light ; equipped with a sturdy 12. ft1 rubber table. 4.75 !SACH ' Gardner Motor Sales Phone 234 - ,Goderich a