The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-07-17, Page 1ON -HUNDREDTH Yesterday's Pet Parade the Pest Yet Attractive Feature ' of Annual Carnival of Maple Leaf Chapter Dogs decorated with ribbons and flowers, dogs iu carriages, plain dogs, big and little dogs were entered with cats, -pigeons, rabbits, Ponies, goldfish, pollywogs, a goat, and even, a garter snake, by proud little owners in the animal pet parade held last evening on the Square. The- event ,preceded the successful carnival held by the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., . under the• leadership of the regent, Miss Josie Saunders._ The judging of the pets was done at the heard of North street bel ore an admiring crowd, . while the Blue Water Band in clown costumes .pro- vided a program of music. The Girl Guides formed a Orden around the space, under the leadership of Mrs. G. Emerson, Miss Gertrude Wilkes and Miss Juan Buchanan - The parade under the guidance of Miss Anne Wurtele has become one of the most •.popular features of the an- nual carnival, and is creating an' ever Widening interest. Miss Wurtele was assisted by Mr. G. N. Dowker and Miss Aubra Cleaver_ The judges were Mr. Ernest -Lee, --3-11 lge T. 11: -Coste1}tr;- Mrs. Cory, Mr. Clayton EdWal:rd, Mrs. J. M. Roberts, sMr, George Parsons, Mrs. E. \Ic'Leughliai, Mr. 1l. M. Ford, Mrs. A. H. Taylor, Mr. W. C. - At- tridge, Mrs. Bruce Smith and Mr. Iltlruld Bettger. Prize Awards After the judging, the competitors, headed by the baud, marched hi color- ful patrade. around the Square, return- ing to North street tv rec;eive the prizes, awarded as follows.: Smallest cat with boy -1 Keith 'Methyl's, 2 Joseph .Riehl. Smallest cat. with girl -1 Judith Mathers, 2 Palsy McAllister. -Smallest dog with boy -1 Gordon Powell, 2 Paul' Webb. Smallest dog with girl -1 Sylvia Ro1)inswi, 2 Marilyn 'llartney. Most unusual pet with boy -1 Jerry Anderson i snake r, 2 Francis Prouse (goat). - Most unusual pet • with girl' - 1 Jeanne -Little (tadpoles), 2 Shirley Anderson (toads). Biggest dog with boy -- 1 John Morris, 2 Patti JohnetoR Biggest dog with Dolma Hamil, 2 Joanne Parsons. B.iggest._•cat wa.thbu _ Gorden Powell, 2 Joseph Riebl. . Biggest cat with girl-- 1 Beverley IIaggi:tt, 2 Grace Taylor. - Largest -number of pets With boy -1 Billy Clements.; with girl -1 Carol •Bacoft, 2 Jerry Auderson. Bird in . cage with boy -Kenneth Smith, Donald MacArthur. - Pet in decorated wagon with boy - Robert L'aeehler. pet in decorated doll carriage with .girl --1 . Beverley Bradford, • 2 .Patsy McAllister. • . Pet on decorated tricycle with boy- Pol►liy Fowler: Pet on decorated tri. ycle with girl - .1 fenny Thorpe; 2 Tey Brereton. Swinlini»g pet -1 Ruth Westbrook, 2 Sylvia Skelton. 1lorse or. 'Amy - Ruth Mitchell, Robert Alexander. • Special prize of a pedigreed cocker spaniel, donated by 11 r,. • Art bur Wasson to 'boli' or girl ,whose parents certify he has cared for his. pet for a year, •way; won by Paul Johnston, soil of 11r. and Airs. Archie Johnston, Bay- field road.. Paul, when told he hod wolf the Prize, confidentially told \Iiia•; Wurtele that, as lir .already owned a dog, he would, give this one to his uncle be- sanise "Poor- fellow, he -'lost his slog." (It was killed.) Court House Park, -where the. car - nivel was held, resembled • a gay bazaar, with its .attractively decorated booths, where bingo and other games, refreshments and novelties received a generous patronage. A spice marked off for children's games was a favorite Spot for, the boys and girls; Prizes hi the draiv were. won as follows: I)011 holding a new $1 bill, Sirs. Jelin Walls,, 9 Nelson start (NQ. 252) ; Tebel official softball, E. Harris, Goderich (No. 116) ; x;1 bill, Mrs. Lee, ('lief Cottage (No. 12). COUNCILLOR MOODY AND PARTY IN ROAD ACCIDENT Four persons Were injured in a crash at the 11111111 intersection hit Dublin on. Sunday night, when a city drivenby ('ouncillor Joftep 1 Moody of Goderii'h was in an almost_head-on collision with al truck driven by :Patri(•k O'Rourke, R.R. 4. Sealfort h, and owned, by PPeter Maloney Of McKillop tea-m.htp. The occupants of the Moody car, Mr. and Mrs. Moody end their (laugh - tees 'Jean and Florence, were badly shaken nil. and silt'fere(1 cuts and abrasions. They .were reilloved to their Irtene in aled rich 1►y. the Bi'ophey amblrltnce. The driver of the truck received lacerations. Neither car nor truck Was seriously damaged. , If is alleged that the driver of the truck, travelling east, made a left turn to the county. Toad into the ,path of the westbound Moody ear. Provincial Constable .Tames Culp inyestigated.- KNOX W.M.S: The W.M.S. of Knclx church met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Misses MacVicar, nitwits street, -with the president, Mrs. trskine, in charge. The Scripture lesson was read, by Mrs. Revell, followed by prayer by Mrd. Robinson. Mrs. Itedd:itt' gave -a . fine paper,on the work of the four mission- aries of the church in India, "She also gave' current events' and' read an interesting sketch on the life of the new moderator of 'the General As- sembly, Rev. C. T%, MacDonald of Lueknow, and an interesting letter re- ceived from Mrs. Alpert 'T'aylor in England. At the close of the meeting, a social half-hour, with tefreshmente, waw enjoyed. �r� PREPARING FOR p,A. RED SHIELD CAMPAIGN Captain G.•Sniith, in charge of the local Salvation Army operation;, has returned from London, where she at- tended • a conference conducted by Lieut. -Colonel Win. Dray; O,B,FJ., head of the .Army's public relations depart- ment and national campaign director. At the couferenee, convened by ,fhe divisional vommander, Lieut. -Colonel L. Ursaki, plans were 'laid for the Army's national Red' Shield appeal which will be launched locally on Monday, September, 15th. National Objective is x;1,000,000, but the local objective is to ..be announced. According. to Captain U. Smith, ccln- ference discussions revealed that Army facilities are taxed to the limit, and that the success of this year's financial appeal will be imperative. Lieut. -Col- onel Dray, who 'has just. completed a coast-to-coast seriea of campaign can- ferences, reported that across the Dominion leading citizens are again rallying to support the Armyfi-of "the understanding hearty and the human touch." In numerous places, t strong committees are already organized. Other speakersduring the conference were Major Len. Bnrsey, national campaign organizer, who dealt with practical aspects of thy' forthcoming appeal, and Adjutant Arnold Brown, national publicity representative, who • ,paid- .tribute to Canada's )cess, Tirdie stations and advertisers for their 'un- stinting support of, Salvation Arniy projects. Isere in Goderich the can1paigii chairman will be Air Vice -Marshal J. A. Sully, ('.B., A:F.('., president and managing director of the Dominion Road \lachiue.ry Co., Ltd. Air Vice - Marshal Su1Jy . has, been a strong sup- porter of the -Salvation Arniy activities for many years, ttild has been active in. the Red 'Shield drives in both Win- nipeg and' Montreal. 'It is expected that a strong committee will support him in advancing the. Salvation Army cause in the Goderich community. GIFT F- NI T. & L. COUNCIL The executive of the Goderich Trades and Labor Council announces Uiat effective immediately all instru- ments, etc.; which were purchas_d in order that the Blue Water Baud could function are to .be turned over to the Town of Goderich as a gift,from organ- ized labor.as a whole. It is our Sincere, desire that the band continue • to edneate the musically -minded youth of the town ;led provide local enter- tailuliellt foreall,the citizens, and in so doing we shall collider ourseic%a to be amply. repaid for the little we =have done. T1it presence of a good band is 11 valuable asset to any community, especially to. fraternal societies, and is; ample proof. to outsiders that Gode- GODE' RIC Ns ONTARIO9, OBITUARY P MRS. T. it. `\' AI,LIS It was With sincere regret that _her many friends learned of the passjiig early Sunday morning of Mr's. 'F. R. Wallis,- which followed air illness of• several months. Mrs. Wallis had en- deared herself -to a hest of friends by her bright cheerfulness and nes'er- 11 AY JULY 17* 1947 IAT THE WATERFR NT elevator this afternoon with the -largest grain cargo to realrh here so far this season.. It has 156,060 bus. barley, 146,000 hue. wheat, 105,000' bus. oats and 68,000 bus. Inixed grain -a total of ,475,000 bushels. 43 other arrivals thie _ week were' -the failing kindaess. An ardeut lover of A. A. Hudson, on Sunday, with 125,000 flowers, her garden at Victoria and Picton streets, was always fult of lovely bloom. • She was an active member of North street. United church,. and wee deeply intereSted hi. the work of the VV.M.S. and the Women's As - Mrs. Wallis, 'the fornier Darnall Jenkins, was born in Goderich town - 'ship, a daughter of the_ late Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jenkins. After her mar- riage to Thomas R. Wallis she resided On her husband's fayni, 'Eden Grove,", Tiayfield road, until their retirement liye in Goderich thirty-five; •yeitrs ego. Mr. WAllis predeceased her -five years. Surviving are a sint; fleeced J. Wallis, of Detroit, and •a' daughter, Mrs. Joseph Brenner, of Goderich; three brothers, Harvey and George, of Clinton, x.and 'Herbert, of Goderieb townshipp and two sisters, Mrs. J. Stevens, of dalederich teanship, and Mrs. Nixon Welsh, of London. Throngs of citizens from „Goderich bus. wheat, oats and barley, and the iiricoldoc, on Monday, with 241,000 abus. wheat, oats and barley. ,Both these cargoes were for the Goderich Several tine -looking yachts are in harbor today and there have been a targe number during the, week, ;mostly from Detroit,. Cleveland,and SandUsky. One evsnieethis week seven yachts in a String -came into port. - BOXING .EXIIIBITION • *At the Agricultural Park on Friday night of next week, july 25th, taoderich Lions will present an exhibation of boxing bents such as has. never beeh seen in this towe. The program will include eight bouts„ -by amateurs from Toronto, London,' Detroit and other ventres, including some up-and-coming boxers from „ Stratford, Walkerton, viee, hehl at 'the family residence on A beet that make the• crowd Tuesday afternoon, Rev. C. Wesley Cope, of „'S'orth. street United c'hurch, officiated. -The pallbearers were W. .1. Hodge, of Toronto; Jelin 'Gardner, Arthur Fisher, Harry, Edwards, A. ,L. Cole and William Laithwaites Inter- ment took -place in the family plot. in Maitland cemetery -Among those from eirt of town for this funeral were Mr.. and Mrs. R.. N. Welsh, London ; Mr. and lairs. Walter Hodge, Toronto; 31.r. and.- Mrs, Harold Wallis fuld da tighter Judy,. Detroit. MRS. ROBERT BEAN Mrs. Robert Bone, an , esteemed nonagenarian resident Of Colborne township, passed away on 3Ienday sit up will be between Two Toronto youngsters -Bobby Williams, an eight- year-old colared boy, and Irish Jimmy McAuley, two years older but of the same weight, 65 .pounds. _Both boys -have it reputation in boxing circles in , Further particulars of this unusual event may be seen in the advertisement on another page of this paper. The. entire proceeds will be in aid of the Goderich Lions' crippled child- g.en's fund. • VICTORIA. ST. LADIES PICNIC AT HARBOR PARK • The July meeting of the Woneen's morning„Iuly 14th, • just one week, Association. of Vietoria street United after sht, had ebtered on her nhiety- chiarch took the fern' of a picnic at fifth year. Despite her advanced age -Harbor Park. The meetiiiga opened she had enjoyed the possession Of %vitt). a short business session. The all 'her faculties .to the last. The !sit eg conunittee reported twent7- machinery• of life simply slowed down eight visitS" madea A eonunictee re - and stopped after she had been con- --0-ed the securuig of thirty yards- W- hited to her hed.for live weeks. Forint, table damask for the making yf table- erly Sandi Ann Ilesselwood, she wa.4 Cloths for' the church dining -room. Pre - born on the _Base' Line, Hullett *town- lheinery arrangements were made for ship. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. catering to the bands attending tie_ _Matthew Ileselwood, and after her Labor leo. celebration. The ineethe, Bean 'of Stephataa she lived most of • In the sports events which followed her life in Colborne township, \villa the winners were.: Paper race -Mrs. W. an interval of a few 'years in Goderich ; Peters laid es. P. Barker. Tossing:. township. Her husband's death WaS the.„shoe --- Mrs. Mullen. DraWing in 191 5, and for the last years of her 1.straight e-Mra. Barrie. Penny iu rich is. on the march. The; presentation life -she liyed with her son IVillbun !bottle --- Afrs. IL Webster. Blindfold will be made at the next regular meet- at Carlow: She was a lifelong l'reS- AlcKiution.• Bot'n farlia.st enildren-Mrs. C. *atalerson.- Guessing neatis'in hot tl Wilson. Carry- ing beans, on knife7-Miss "V. Goo(1. Articles from the pantry -- Mrs. I I. sponsor ten' acts of tirSt;class- eisler-, Mrs. William Cory. of Auburn; 3Irs. Lady wbost, inane Was 111eyS fro111 otit of Lawn, •eshich we Hugh Ilill. of lieutailler; Willi:tut fartheSt front Goderich --Mrs. Hovering consider will be .11 kainiPlete (grudge. Doak. of Goderieh. 'There are, eighteen or.WItinipeg. from anything which has bia'n offered grandchildren .11m1 seventeen great- A .(relicious 'picnic supper brought in this town for a considerable 'time grandchildren. Three aisters and twe the enjoyable.-afternoeur to a close. past. The main hill will .he off the brothers al -so survive.: Mrs, Jas. Col - press in ten days' time, on Which all it -son of Blyth, Alelvitle of, TE.N MORE ,HARVESTERS • big of the Goderich :frown Connell. The plans for the Labor Day eele,, bration are being' altered. Instead of" the midway which had been( contem- plated at the first, we'have deeided to byterien and a member of the Smith's.; • Fear sons end three daughters sur- vive: George Beau, of Saltford; Robert and David. at Carlow; the day's activities will be listed. FOREST J. McHARDY, President Goderich Trades and Labor Council Londeshoro, Mrs. William Alechl.• of .TrOwbridge, John, and James Hessel- wood of Hellcat townahip... The funeral service was held at the REV. L. H. 'TURNER afteni-ooh. and was eondueted by Rev. Robert McConnell of, Auburn, assisted by Rev. Richard SfeWart -tifaGoderich. The Pallbearers were, Verne 'Bean, Clive All in . ',Ta nets Fee gale (.71a re Buechler, Harold and Arnold Doak. The interment was in - the- Colborne township cemetery. WRITES FROM. FLORIDA Mr. Ernest- Barker has received a letter •from Rev.; L. II. Turner, who is spending this month at StnartsFlorida, from which the followieg is an extract : "This, thus far, has been a wonderful .trip, a never-ending stream .of intereat from Jibe time we entered. Uncle Sam's land Port Huron until now. We passed Lbrough the following States: Michigan,. Ohio, Kentucky, Ten n eesee and Georgia, and, the ark came to rest 4n Stuart: The journey covere4 about 1600 miles and Henrietta never missed a -beat. We were .parricularly inter- ested in the negroes and their mules ,and the turid red clay., s. In our back- yard rem:units, oranges, grapefruit grow in abrindance. The. river and ocean are adnfirable for fishing and swimming.... The church here , beautiful, poskeasing a 'peal of Dells; Of ,course this is the off season, since many people Migrate north and 'return for the winter.- .Tust imagine. the ,netivess here have never seen snow." P.S. BOARD ACCEPTS TWO RESIGNATIONS At at special me'eting of the Piddle School Boerd on Friday evening. last the re;figiaition of Mr. M. .T. Snider aS; principal of Vieforia- School was received: and acceDted. Also at the seine time ,t he resignation of Mrs. Massey, of the Central School staff, 'Wes accepted. - Snider la going, to Wilford as prinehial of the school there, at a. here. Mrs. MasSey IS taking a place on the piddle school staff at Guelph as supervisor of -art. The' Raard is. taking steps to all the FORTY LODGES AT NFILVERTON Orange lodges of Goderieh and other points in this,district tootc part in the 12th of July eelebration Milverton, where nver forty lodges paraded. Temperatures of the past week in Gpolerich, with those Of the eorregpond- ing week a year ago, as ofifichilly re- corded, were as follows: • 1947 1946 Max, Min. Max. Min. • IN WEEKLY COURT In weekly court this (Thursday) afternoon. Magistrate' J. IV. Morley dismissed .a eharge against 'Thomas Riley, of Clinton, of being hi -posses - shin of• a weapon dangerous to the public peace, lu'deelaring the accused not guiltyafthe count -advised hixn to dispose of the' weapen, which it was alleged he had used to- frightea dogs away from his dower beds. The Magistrate reserved 'judgment wlien the case was heard at a previous A tine of $10 with costs.wits impose.d on John: C.' Robb, Rita 2, Milverton, after he pleaded guilty to a .charge. of careless driving on highway No. '8, live miles west of (71inton, on July 0th. The truck lie- 'was driving went out. of control when ,11e, applied the !wakes. le.hree other cars involved in the accident Were owned Hy F. Lazen- by, of London ; George II. 13eatty of, Varna, and Hon. John Stlyrdy,. of, LIGHTNING STARTS • FIRE IN FARM HOUSE AT NILE lighteing hole struck the hoffie ,of Mr. Carman Feagan near Nile during severe storm on Tim rsda y evening last and started a fire at, the east Corner of the -house. upstairs. Neigh- bors . gat tiered, formed a bucket brigade, 'and extinguished -tale blaze after considerable damage was done were both at home„ at the thee. AT MASONIC GAAND LODGE' Messrs. Ogles Miller, Frank Walkom and M. J. Ainslie have returned from Toronto, where they attended the Masonic! Grand Lodge of Canada held in Central Teehnical School. There was representation from thirteen jurisdie- tions in the United States and six Hone', in Canada. District Donut, Grand' Master -elect for South Huron distfiet is CeelloRoberts of Granton. The ''gnest„ speaker• at the Grand MasOr's bampiete at the Royal York Hotei was Dr. Harold Young of Tor- onto; he wan tile first canadien-born speaker selected for this oectielon in fiVe years. ARRIVE FROM THE WEST 'rem western canmth, harvesters ar- rived at the agricultural office, Clinton, on Tuesday. They have been placed on the' following, distiict farins: A. McAllister, 'Rat. 1, Zurich ; J. Osteene R.1.1. 3, Exeter. This mikes .11 totef of twenty -One harvesters from the West tions III the National Employment eafficea Goderich, for 1,3() WeStertr harvesters by Huron eount'Y farmers. A total of 110 were placed last yea -r. 'Jets year not so large a number seeis to he available. a ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED' -Mr. and Mrs. Wa A. Campbellaof Aubure wish to ennounce the: forth- coming marriage of theit younger deughter, Jean Alberta, to ,-Stanley James Abel, son of Alt.,;and Mrs. S. W. Abel of St. Thomas; the wedding to take tibiae in K»ox United church, Auburn, on Satnrday, August 2nd, at The engagement is • announced ot Marital :Joyce, daughter of Mrs• pad the late Mr. A. Astels, williaffi Thomas. son of arra :Eelie-a. and the late Mr. I,. Elliott; the mar. riege to take pima. shortly. 31r. end Mrs. Geo. C..Feagati, (hide - rich, wish to ennounce the engagement of their daughter. Mary "Lois° Patricia, to John Gordon Roiamcla eels- son of Mr. and NIrs. Walter F. Boehm*, will - in North street United church,'"Gode- rich: en August 2nd. 111,71(1dress. and bouquet'. • • For the reception feljewhig the cert.- COLBORNE MEMORIAL SERVICE 3Irs. Bisset Neas .gowned in The !annual mentoriel :service for Col- poWder blue (*.mire With eoraego borne township will be held -ain the pink rost*,s. Later Mr. and Mrs. Pirie township cemeterY on Sunday, July left on , a • meter ‘frip to Northern MUST DRIVE MORE CAR'EFULLY ON THE SQUARE Stern warning was given by Crown Attorney D. E. polities in last week's Police Court that traffic regulations with regard to driving' around the Square, will be rigidly enforced. Donald Glaub and Earl William Wickman were eech charged with fail- ing to wake a signal for a left-hand turn QI1 the Square oa Jely 5th when being overtaken by a car drivels at a greater speed. Both youths pleaded guilty and eech was fined $5 with costs. They were warned uot to repeat the Fortunately no one was hurt and no damage was done. Robert John . Brownlee of Canton -was given suspended sentence for six months on` his own bond and 'payment of court Costs. Ile had pleaded guilty the previous' week to a charge of tht.,ft. Crown Attorney D. E..Holmes stated the youth had no criminal record and restitution 'had been 'made for the articles stolen. For being in possession of two un- registered guns, and having a weapon concealed on his person, Edwin Frank- lin Lee, Godeclu, pleaded •guilty, after electing kumnary trial. He was found by the. police in an intoxicated con- ditidn on Ajaitland road. A gun was found on his person, and an un- registered gun and a pistol. were fottad at his home, J. K. Hunter, counsel for the ae--- cused, stated? the 'offences were largely due to carelessness. -Two of t he weapons were . war relics." Lee wag granted' suspended sentence for three months on a bond of, $300 and pay- ment of court costs on the -charge of concealing a weapon;• and Vint; heed $20 and costs on the second chat ge of failing to register the guns. - Alagistrate Morley. presided, 'Rev. 11. T. Fallon. who left this week to take over his new duties. at Port latinbton, was the recipient on Sun - from the- congregation of St. Peter's church, among• whom ,,he had labored for twelve years:- After. 'early mass an address was.read by Judge Costello exprOssing the 'congregation's appreci-, PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hale, of London, are spending a week in town. 31r. and Mrs. IL Hoebeke, of, Detroit, were at the Park HOuee for ten days. Ttelr. :Orifine° 1)-atalsold, aalta Wife • Mrs. W. A. Maier and Miss Wien • Witting Ilelative5 !hater, of Toronto, are visiting relatives 0.We/doll Mr. D. M. Aitken of Burbank, Cali - Mrs. Chas. Fotautain f Pert Huron was'the guest of Mrs. W. Green for several days. ' Miss Mary Griffin has returned to Montreal after a visit in ;town, the guest of Mies Rose Fox,. Mr. and Mrs. Ciktford of Daytop, Ohio, are holidaying at their sumeuer honle on the lakefront. bury, are at the Sunset Hotel and are 'renewing friendships in town. Grodericlr. Rey. 0. W. H. Medley wae in eharge of the service and are() sang as a solo "Living fur Jesus." Rev. Mr. Dunkeld chose as his text;•"Now we have re - Mrs. C. Mullett and daughter, Doro- eeived, not the spirit of the world, but 'thy, of Detroit, visited her hillier, Mr. the spirit which is of God" Cor. W. R. Henry, 'Cambria Road, over the African Missio4ary at Baptist Church Rev, Orville Dienkeld was the guest preacher in the Baptist church on sudday evening, and gave an intereaft- ing address on his work as a missionary Africa, where he and hie wife 1.10,IN served under the American liaptiete Church for thecpast.eight yeare. They are speedieg *a -furlough with Mr, Dunkeld's parents Mr. and L. Dunkeld of Pontiac, Mich.,. and' with their two son's were the guests for several days of their aunt, Mre.. W. MaeVicar,ami Mr. MacVicar, in Mrs. Cecil B., Allin of , Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Breckenridge, and Mr. Breckeeridge. Missienaries he declared are de- ,rers of what they had received. ville, Ky., are spending several weeka He saited that he Weet outsto with Mrs. Hunt's mother, Mrs. Clark, .311-' . -- Nelson street al eight years ago, and later was sent to Seutherulthodesia, The valley- - Miss Florence M., Ellis-, R.N., of New au _wasaaaility,-,Nytersi._ witated w14,3 17614C, is visiting with her bryther, tensely hot, the temperature at times Mr. George L. Ellis; and Mrs. Ellis, soaring to 195 or .130 degrees. Their station was 220 Miles away .frout the „Mr, Keg. FiSher, of ,the Brockville nearest town4 and was cut off for Collegiate staff, has been a guest with three months during the wet seasee, his parents, Mr. and Atrs. II. J. Fisher, and •the nearest doctor was 160 miles for two weeks. aw:IY. He had to learn to proviele for 31r. and Mrs. Chas. -31cLeod of Sault his, firmily..the hard way, and learning . Ste. Marie are guests with -the former's the native language was difficult. He parents, Mr. and Mrs• Geo. McLeod, found it necessary to bP both paStor and father .of the mission. dill build, for two weeks. ings were constructed with the idea' itud...Mrs. James Haldeman and , out wild animals and family, of Buffalo, are visiting at oi heepIng reptales. -A,.good clinic on the. mission - Craigie Rooke cottage .with .Mr. and station was.Conducted by Mrs. Dunkeld, who had had professional training in s, 3lisa Barbara Salkeld of Isham, New York Citya A sersire of worship Sask., is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Irving Hunter,' and -other rela- Pre"ded 01101' tives in this district. The young missionary told many in- • Miss Louie Miller, of Victoria"; B.C., is revisiting Goderich after an absence chided by declaring: "Gadsgave 'Us a message -to preach. of several years. She is the guest of Mrs. W. F. Gallow. and the grace to carry it out, and, what al joy it iS to see these heathen ation of Father Fallon's faithful eand Audrey- and Archie AleCormick of 1:111(Ily service among Omni and their ale Indiana, and„.Alarion Trow.of turn' to Christ. We are *going back Stratford are giests with their grand-, to be living, witnesses to these dark- ened people. motner, Airs. -leit Allen. cheque for a substantial amount was - tattier l'allon labia reply expressed Ids regret in leaving Goderich and its treopl(•, with whom he had enjoyed stieh, happy --relations,' maid he thaukt..11, Mrs. Edward Nolan and daughter, 1Valter• J. Caainilich, .of N.Y., are visiting in town and staying at the British Exchange Hotel. A geed attendance, merry participa- Alr. and Airs. Peter L. Bolick and tien in sportS, a bountiful supper, the pari,41ioners .0.f ost. reter,s . for. ca,,,,sair,taa,,,i-,,jai,tyra si,seraitaartat,....assia...plex-say aataiee _cream, and. chocolate bars s their gift anti kindly fareWell. ' visiteu won notics's ()ruttier, _Mr, for everyone,' -all cOntributeir towards- - making the ;Hanna picnic, of Knox Rev. .1. P., Gleeson now. in charge ' ' • of the parish. Alr.-and Mrs. F. J. (11:11111 ef Senta •I'yesbyterian Stimlay school. held yes- ! the fiamer's Sister, Mrs. Thos. Sandy. highly successful, event limier the 1.1113(1 Mr. SittalY- and other retatives. leadership,„ .0f, the: lltiltisler, Rev. , Miss Kathleen Ittilidle. student nurse I -Hal -lard -Stewart, and' the Sandak . at the Kitchener- \Vaterloo Hospital. is school superintendent, Mr. Robert enjoying a 11 ret. 1V et' lc...S. V:1 1.1)1.1 .wit BiSsi4. Stanley AlcI.,ean and , Huron road. • mr. an(1. Mrs.' Douglas I'pper - of Boys--Itinining race, !LI() 1 1 years --r Tig.onto- Were guests last week 'with ',Bill Alalloitgli, Jimmy lieatty, Jerry Alr. aml 'Mrs. Kneeshaw and Allan: 1 2 to 14 -Bill Schaefer, Don 31r. .T. E. Robertson of Toronto is 2 Bill Alacl.)onald Inid Gerold Mellhee,. white gliidi„ais aim, „f the a gues.t this week with his brothers, 3 Dou Ha milfon ;111(1 .1 hinny Beatty; Charles 31. Itebertson and, J. 'Toward three-legged race. to 1 1 i mine; pg. white and brown silk jer,,,e4,,y air. and Mrs. Alax..Edwards of Len- ,-traliglinn and Bill Alaclionald; three- daas aith white Itecess,„rie and 1.1 don are guests this week with the lat-"; legged race, 1 4 and up -.-D011 Ilaw- corsage- (0' -.American Beauty Mrs. II. W. Silas of ILimilten *as a 1 1-.1-inuey Beatty, Gerald - weetaend•enest of Alr. and -Mrs. Alansel Clayton Straughon; sack race. 1" to Benmiller. Mrs. Sims. a 1141 Iteis, Bill Reit lion Haw - .31 rs. lamb; (yew: schoolgirl 0101 Ms at tllorlie; wheellllfrrow, rin•e, 0 to 1 1 - Westfield. and 1111(1 an enjoyahle v.isit (,1;iieti:;7111:(111.1.\4111(;11,„)1:17:d'.1t13.1(;11(1;(1.ta€1,11;Aulliaini,;f1-11111 Patsy. have returned to their home at.. to -.11 13111 Allielionald. Clayton Teledo. Ohio, a fter visiting the fornier's Straughan, Jim- Beatty : I" a) 1 4 ---Jahn parents. Alr. and' 'Airs. IL .T. Fisher. I liawthorne, I/on Hawthorne, Don ;111(1.11 Corsage of roses lind fern. Air. • and Airs., Salkeld and \Varner ;111(1 Alarilyn AlcCabe, children, 1101)11y Audrey. of Tor- . Cynthia Young and Norma Beatty' onto, - were recent guests, of Mrs. II. E wheelbarrow race. 9 to' 11 .-Joan m.ta- Salkeld. Ilobby ;hal Audrey are Hough and Shirley Leitch. latherine flowers. the 'home of Alr. and Airs. 9-, wt_ remaining for a further visit With Ntael)o.nald and 31e rguerite NIneDen- their grandmother. 111(1: ball -throwing, 9 to 1 1K--Alarilyn I r. 'and Alrs. Frank I)esmond of 1 Williams, joan Mallough. Ruth Reid; tuesday 'afternoon. when their dangt. , Boca Itaton, 1(lorida : :eel -.AIrs. hall -throwing; 12 and up-- MoIly Bisset, Joseph Jungerniiitin,of I,onisville, Ky.. Joan \Varner, Norma Beatty: running marriage to ,Jolin Temple l'irie, son of ' the late Mr. an(f NIrs. Andrew Pirie, ai 11(1 3Ir. and Mrs. John Jung-ern:lane race, 9• to 1 1 ---Joan Mailough. Cant - of FAIiiihurgli, Scothtml. Rev. Richard aud filially, of Washington, nre ,erine ,AlticDonald, Marilyn Willittnis; rtewart, of Knox Presbvterian church. guests of 31r. '31. Carney, 12 to 1 5--eyethia Youngi Norma 31r. anti Mrs. Merrily Alciliarmid Beatty ; 15 to lsr-,‘-t'ytithia Young, and.. little sons, Murray and. David, Norma Beatty three-legged race, 9 of...Hamilton. and airs. L. Ilutton te 1 1 -Joan Mallough ;led Catherine home of '31 a and Mrs. a))11 ti Vincent. , Shirley Leitch; 12 antl 11-('-yathitt - HYoung ;aid Jean \Varner; sack race, Albert street. on 'Alittiday. lientucl:y. who has been visiting Air. ; Leitch. Alarilyn \\Whims; 1 2 and ups - 31. Carney. on \\*eaglet) -street, the 'Cynthia. Yonng. Norma Beatty, ,Bet,ty other (Illy' landed a 7-11). pickerel in Dickenson. • , the Maitland Itiver. TIris wes the (alines of baseball aR,°() Wore' enjoyed. JOB 11 sister of the Haw :setting -up and opei.at ion of new Clla 1111)- faetor- representatiVe inspect the gr(sen flowered crepe with Matching IVII,SON-.111,LIN -- A pretty wedding took place in the Itenmiller Itari::onage ion Fr 111:1.\ J.1113' f1"111.11 s. E. Hayward united in marriage Alice Elaine. elder daugh- ter of Alr. and Airs. Norman .11 lin, C(d.horne township. and AN'illiam Lorne, 'yenegest sun ef tlte late Mr. and Airs. 11014. Wilson. Goderich." The bride WaS .1,11").1 111 a street -length gown of -turquoise bate cr(•pe and while hat with white veiling, and pink roses. She wort. a r.orsage of pink roses, .1,eitch thalprich. After the cere- mony a reeeptien wns held at the" helm- of alit, brides parents-, where the bride's blether received the guests wearing a poWder blue crepe dress with black accessories; :lint a vorsage of deep red roses and fern. Later the happy couple left on a honeymoon trip to the States, the bride travelling in a white figured silk jersey dress with blatk trim and white accessories )t.ticiated. ;The vy.edding music of the bride, and Miss Avice Warrener sang "I Love You Truly- (luring the, signing' or the register. Tile (Trenton/ -was performed before a background of delphinium and wit11 •Inte tapers. bride. gi\ en r• by her father, wore a street -length ;1 corenet of matching riblion and dowers. She carried a crescent bouquet of ea tilons, larkspur and stepha not is. The attendants were Alr., and Mrs. .111a 11 Graham Of •Goderich, the hitter, What Summer Tourist's Ask For far the majority of United States tourists enquiring • about overnight sleeping aeeanimodation desire "catkins, beside the lake," aCeording to tbe rOeords at the Goderieh Board of Trade tonriSt information booth. When those are not availabie they' deeide to' go on farther north. Nett 111,'dekitability is. 'hotel aceom- modation, and lastly privatP tourist Tourists rontinne to ask direction in Goderich to a ladies' rest room tin the Square. A number ask where nleoholie beverages may be old-11111NT and whet) they learn none if; available in Goderield they state they will go farther on. search regarding United States tourists, ,whieli has jest been reeeived by the Goderieb Board of Trade, reVeals that the tentrists seek the following and in the designated. pereentages: Scenery, rest and quiet, each 14%; good food. climate. each 13%; courtesy and driendliness, 6%; meeting people, 4,1,-; Fishing andewater sports head the list of attractions for them. Other attractions are in the following firder: golf, linnting, amusements, dancing. -The Beatitudes," in Northo street ion road machinery. Mr. lIari;I(1 Rivers, __. United 'eloirch on Sunday morning !chief inspe*ctor for the Dominion Itoad 11(1 W11 S heard with appr('(°iation by Mitehinery Compeny, recently returned triffi'S1(;(sr6'viv'-1(1)golitvg;,!(11x14.'n:Vvillt Miss Kath- , of Western Canada,. tri1) included .fronnain inspection tour to 044r14415 parts - Sherwood Fox and 3liss Jean kits to Edmonton. .1 asper. Vancouver, Itoss, London. are at their smuttier 'Regina and Winniiteg. Much impress...0d holm. at the 'lakefront. AIrs. Fox is with the (-vet° inereasing'roltd building just, now itr hospital at .Lon(lott. 1, actiN itity --in the IN'est ' reported Fee hats ,resigned the presidetue of 'the watching a Champion grad((:iris:autuiwfvelti Unlverity of Western Ontario after in the Itockie% over nine th Many years of service to that institia eleive sea level. He was informed Hen and now he able to give his that the entire supply of gravel Aged attention to some ,literary work hi in tilt, befitting of -the Ilanff to Jasper which he has engaged. bigliWay war4' produced by a single rieh company. HOUSE STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Tuesday afternoon, the residence of Di J., Allan, canahria rok4, 14' lightning, gouging a riirge hole in the Chill1T1Py and causing the lifting Of the galvanized tin on the deck of the roof. Mr. Allan bad insperted the chimney with a workman a few Min- utes before the lightning. strnelt. Mrs. the shoek. All fuses in the bense were learned out PORT ELGIN RACES aux 23RD Port Elgin if4 to have a harness race meet 011 Wednesday, July, 23. With $900 to purses for three events. J. A. Marshall, president of the Port Racing Club, was hi town this week, would reelproeate the patronagegiven the races bere by the Port VIM% folke by. turning out in good nthoaborcp at - the meot mod IVeduppilny.