The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-07-10, Page 5THU]' ]1 4 ', Jtr1fa
rum ATM
SAVE up to $8.110
a ON
with • Mrs. MacDoual`i[ s•'mother, . Mrs.
Frank -Allusion, and other friends.
Winttifred Parrish is spending hu1i=
days with. Mr. and, \Irs,» Bower •lfarrish
at t orrie, Joyce Little is with ' her
sister, Mrs, Earl Gruy, of Walkerton.
Aliss' ''earl Jamieson is attending
summer school at Loudon.
Atiss Velma • Statlley of Lucknow
spent the week -end with Lorna Little.
( )1'RRIE'S CORNERS, June 30.—
Mr. and Airs. Carl Pollock and family,
of Ripley, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
\\•ilfred Farl`ish on Sunday..
Miss I'llyllls Cook of Westfield spent
a few days with her friend, Miss Pearl
Jamieson. - -
and Mrs. Frank King and Billie,
of Toronto, and Mrs. Jas. AIaeDonald
of Lucknow were recent visitors 'with
Mr. and Mrs. Scott.
Mr. and Airs.- Gordon Armstrong "arid
Mr. Alf. Armstrong of London were
Sunday visitors at. the home. of Mrs.
David Little.
Mrs. • David_ Little and Miss. Mary
Alton' spent a few days in Lucknow
with the latter's brother, Mr. Joe Alton.
Silver Wedding.—Mr. and Mrs.' Ewart
Jat`iliestm celebrated their twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary on Saturday, June
DONNI BROOK, July 9. ----Miss Olive 23th. A wedding supper was arranged
Jefferson, R.N., superintendent of Bruce for them by their ,daughter, Pearl and
County Ilospital at Walkerton. 'was a friends,at which about twenty relatives
recent visitor at her home Here. were present. Later, ti'ntlmber of their
\I r. ilia Mrs.- JohnJefferson and
neighbors Palled and enjoyed a social
family, of Aliiurue, were Sunday visitors_ evening, Lunch was served by Pearl
with relative:a here. • and 'her helpers,"after which an address
Ansi; Virginia and 13111 ('hauntey
was road to Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson by
hive returned to their home at V1'ii1(1_ Mrs, Jas. Little and on behalf of the
aur after a two weeks' visit here and- rwigh-hors firs, Adan Johnston$- pre-
iu .Uvderic'12. seated them with a silver cream and
Mrs: J. C. Robins—On was a Londonsugar on a -tray, butter dish, salt and
visitor onSaturday, with Alr, :11111 Mrs.pepper shal.ers and a relish dish. Mr.
Jamieson. replied fittingly and e'c'ery-
Dou,Ala's \\'llliilnl5. c.
Jlrs. "IIet h Dainty ansous hay re one joined in singing For They Are
turned to their home at Camp -Borden. ,Jolly (`,acd Fellows."
Mr. and Airs. Norman Boyle of Tor-
:into--akr e - visiting- wit h ,hi parents, s1r.
and Mrs. W. A. Boyle.
, Mrs. \\'m,, Thompson of Bralupton -is- XSIIFIELD, July s.—Messrs. Gordon
visiting at the home of her son . John Ross and Rodney MacLennan spent
_and Alts. Thompson..-, the week -end in Torontd.
e«1y «e[Ts i n(ii•eti.— '`T1rg� "iK rn1- :' 1M -1T:6-& Mitt•c>i itz•ie'- 5s•-IIolile, rOtrr•-
l,er of friends and at'ighl)ors gathered Toronto for -the holidays:
111 'the ,parish' hail :it St. 'Augustine :Hiss Marion Macdonald of Sarnia
on Tuesday evening, July 1st, in honor is visiting --at her home here.
(,f ' Mr. a11d Mrs. Dougla3„ Williams Mr. and Mrs. Archibald MIacMIurchy
( nee Irene Robin::Ott). During the of Detroit are visiting relatives here..
• , • :
evening the, young couple were invited Miss Margaret 'MAT of Detroit
to the platform by Mr. John Connelly, visited her Mother. Mrs. S. Drennan,
when Miss Irene Jefferson read an lot week -end.
address exl,ressiug vhe good wishes of -• Mr. and Mrs. Doric•:1n MacKay have
those assembled 0101 tlte' preseat:itiult Moved from 'Bright's 'Grove t) the
cd- 11 purse cif money was made by Mrs. Simpson brothers' house, known as
H. ',Jefferson'. Mr. Williams spoke the Tim Griffin house, Mr. MacKay
briefly on behalf of Irene and himself, 'twill teach in the Kintail school next
4xpressing their. appreciation. Music terin.
for dancilig was provided by Jackson's
('I)I•I'UUE'S ('O1tNERS, July 7,—Mr.
11m1 Mrs. Chester iti111oit1 and two
'a.ohihlrerl, of Brussels. visited with Mr.
and Airs. Lorne F:trrish on Sunday.
1,* Mr. and Alrs. Jas. -Little 'spent the
week -end with Air., and Alz•s. Warner
Smyth of '1'ees«'ator.
Mrs.' Robert Scott spent a collide
of days with Air. and Airs. Art Thomp-
son u(llti (nderich. -
Air. and Mrs. Duncan MacDonald and
Diane, of `,Flint-. Alic•ll., acre •visiting
Lawn Mower
Bring your Lawn- Mower in now
for sharpening -and overhauling. -
Newel t type of equipment used:
PHONE 594J -
lien, Women! Old at
40, 50,60! Get Pep
Feel,YearsYoanger., Full of Vim
1Jon't always blame exhausted worn-out, run-down
iteeling on your age. Thousands amazed at what a
little pepping up with Ustrex will do. Contains tonlo
listen needed atter 90 --- when body
isw of , oldlu�i
because laelclni�'�rr Iron also supplements
phosphorusi Vita:in B. A middle-aged doctor
cvrltes' "I ooh it myself. Results were•dne.' Get
introductory slze Ustrex Tonle Tablets today, for
w T Ustrex to'feel peppler4
on/y 35c. Ity feel old2 ry
et new vim and feel years younger, this yeti day. Stor mso l onstruet ion Co. It is expected
For sale at all drug stores everywhere. 1111. work will be begun shortly,
llyAyIi w4,,D, July_ ,_ a 4 'r. 13or 1. . M r...:t' 1, MI:** - rol.ti.. Ices. 411101-a:
family, of Detroit, arrive last Ii'rida.y
to spend the summer itt t e vlllatae.
Ir. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan e De-
troit spent the week-euel with 1ti'i,
W. J. McLeod, sr.
Mr. And Mrs. J. Merrier of Detroit
is' tite guest` of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Turner for a few days this week.
Mr. and ars, Arthur Nord of Loddon
are spending the month of July in
the village. .
Mrs. Jim Scott of Toronto arrived on
Saturday last to spend the summer
with her mother, •Mrs. R. H. F.
Gairdner, Mr. Scott and Mr. Ted
•Bryce of Toronto spent they week -end
with Mrs. Gairdner.
Guests of the, Albion Hotel last week-
end were Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Porte[•,
Mr. add Mrs. Robert II. Porter, Birm-
ingham, Mich.; Mr. and '-Mrs. Frederick
E. Gould, Detroit ; Misses ' Melisse
Truitt, Mary Lee ,Truitt, Betty Lou.
Bender, Laurette Shaw, Phyllis Ilur-
epu11,, Royal O3ik, Mich..; Mr. Gordon F.
Kuntz, Howell, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
IL H. d)rmond, Dearborn, Mich.; Misses.
t- Murphy and G. Salabor, LomlisIl
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone. Patricia
and Richard, ft.. Detroit, Mich.
The •Guild of Trinity church met :tt
the 'home of Mrs. N .W. Woods ou
Thursday everting 1:1st. with sixteen
I11en1bel•s present. '1'11(' Meeting was
opened by the president, -Mrs. E. Heard.
Plates' wW3e. made to hind :1 salad tea
on the lawn of Mrs. Lambert's residence
on ('1:tngregur SQua l'e : also for 11
bazaar and, gale of homemade baking
in the old pustotlice building in August..
Bt 5,iness ('hange.--Mr: It. L. Mac-
AIili:ili, who has operated the c`i'ties
Serviee station for the past )e:11 has
sold the servicing end to Mr. Fraser,
of Clinton, who is expected to take
oder in ' the near future. Air. AI t -c -a
llrllall will eontin-ue 01-rrAsi(io 111 Bakz,
field. -
Tirecl Pigeon.—Apparently tired and;
having lust its wily temporarily, :1
racing pigeon arrived at the Albion,
Ilotel front verandah on Wednesday
morning and spent the rest of the
(lay there. A number on ;1 metal b:uul
on the Lira's leg read 1;Mal. Also on
the it t11d iva5 C1:'47, delening it was
this year's pigeon for -whom a long
race was a bit tui) much: -"it wi11
eventually find its way back ;to where
it ca111e from," was the c'o111111011t of
an experienced pigeon racer.
Anglican Church Camp.—.The Angli-
can church camp for the Diocese of
Huron, on the Blue Water 'Highway ,
south, opened' for the season last week
with eighty-two children, from the ages,
of -nine to twelve, who will stay until
Satui•day of this- week. The following
are the staff for this camp; Associate
director. Rev II. A: Seegiiller, Pelee
Island; camp director, Ted Southgate,
Seaforth ; dean, Itev. L. J. Paterson,
Sarnia.; camp an(ither, Mrs. H. A.
Seeginiller : '(thing -roust staff, Mrs.
Moore and Airs. Sparks. London ;
kitchen .staff, Mrs. AIetherwell and Airs.
Porter. London; I1lirse,Irs. Perry;
Woodstock : lecturer, HAW. I.'iii1. Bard- . farmers thought they hull lost their
- way, but it is noW learned this is the
Ing,. Lor don; handicraft.
Mks MI. i
-['les. Landon. mune of the Girl Guide camp our the
lake front on the farm' of Mr. Jack
(;ould,, under 111e camp. eomixtalydant,
Mli'���. Rt1th Ferguson.
(i:ii'tikAi•l: 0 'ii11\T°"ITele i-` `ltii "-
Grainger of London has recently pur-
chased Mr. Nelson Mcronkey's cottage
on Unroll. Terrace.
Mrs. A. Reach and two children, of
Toronto, are.. visit1rtg her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Higgins. r-
Mr. Charles Mother.sed and son
Galt'ry, of Washington, D.C., are visiting
his aunt, Mrs. Raymond Bristol, and
Mr. Bristol. -,
Mr -and Mrs. George Howard and two
cllildreu, Delores and Eddie, and
nephew, Totality Howard., •of 'Detroit,
spent the '4th of July with Mrs.e, Wtu.
Howard. Delores and Tummy re-
mained for a longer ,,visit: Borden
Lynn of Toronto also is the guest of
his. -grandmother:
Miss June Brandon left last week
for -Hamilton, where she is taking a
summer course iu kindergarten work.
Mr. and Mrs. HIarold Scotchrtner• and
two children, of Toronto, left."on Wed-
nesday morning after 'spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Scotehner,
Mr. and Mrs. S. B., Sturgeon returned
to Preston on Sunday after spending
the week with Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rehn of De-
troit spent .the holiday with 'Mn and,
Airs. David Dewar. Orr their return
they were ac eolnpanii'd by Mrs. .1).
Dewar, who will . spend a few weeks
with them.
Mr., and Mrs. Harry Ahrens of De-
troit were at, their cottage over the
week -end.
Mr. 'tied 'Jess of Elkhart,' Indium,
spent a few clays with Misses M. and
E. Reid..
Mr. and Mrs. Normae Torus or De-
troit spent the week -end with the
farmer's !mother,- Mrs, -E. --Toms.--
Mr's. 'V. Grey and Miss Alta- Grey-
-of Grosse Pointe, Mich., are spending
:1 few weeks in the village: Mr. W.
GTeti. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Grey and
small, son spent the holiday week -end
here. .
Miss Elva Dewar of Toronto arrived
on Saturday to spend the suflitner with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. Dewar.
after taking -•a boat trip op tile
Saguenay River.- •
Mrs. Lamb and ..daughter ,Alice of
Sault Ste. Marie are spending - the
summer)with the"former's uncle, Mr.
Frank Keegan.
Miss Sandra MaeKay of- Detroit is
the guest of her aunt and •uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh MacKay, this week.
. Merubers of the Lions Club had a bee
on Monday evening, when they cleaned
np the brush and debris on the south
beach from the pier down to the point.
Miss Alice Dawe of London is the
guest of and Mrs. Charles F.
Rogers week.
Bayfield District
RS U -..
The Signal -Star
Can now he arranged for
at the
e t Store
Weston o S e
KINGSBRIDGE, 'July S.—Mr. and
Mrs. Adelman and family and ,Mr:
\Wilfred O'Loughlin of Detroit are visit-
ing Leonard and Matthew ()'Loughlin.
'Mti-ses Lizzie 'O'Keet'1 and Catherine
Kenny of Detroit spent the week -end I
lit the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garvey and family,
of Toronto, are visiting at. Mrs, Thor11:is
Mir. _.Will Dalton from Detroit. is 1
spending 0 few days here.
\liss Stella Dean -i5 visiting friends 1
k,ait; fort Lambton. t
Mir. Gerald Dalton of Toronto is
visiting for :1 week with his parent,
Mr, and Airs. -.Michael Dalton..
Air. and MIrs. Art Riher ut' 1 ), t11it j
are guest's at Joliet and I•'r:ink Sid-
i11-li1'al l's.
.t'1'. IIELENS.' July 7.—Miss Grace
\\'e:ltherhead is holidaying at fort
Mr. J. II. Wallace of Norwood .1s•
spending the summer with \Ir. and Airs.
\'. A. Miller, '
Mr. and' Mrs. Gordon Miller of Lon-
don were .week-ing visitors with Air.
and Mrs. ('Fester Taylor: -
Mrs, G. S. McIntyre and Donald. of
\ha ford, are, spending the. 'vacation
with her parents, -Mr. and Mr's. W. I•
Miller, while Mr. AloIntyre is taking a
sntunler course' nt 'Toronto, .
Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Thong rind Mr'
tnd \Irs. II. i), AIcI)onald Were recent
visitois with Air. Wm. Thom at Auburn.
The contract for paving highways. 83
from Exeter t+1 Dashwood and the
erection of the necessary bridges and
culverts lids iieen awarded to the
Daily Delivery .of
Bread, Cakes, etc.
that . , . . for your convenience, thereis a daily delivery
service RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR every day except Sunday by
E'abt St. • Bakery? -
Phone 184W TODAY and leave word for our' bakery wagoli
'to call ,at YOUR HOME with fresh bread, cakes, pies, eta.
EASTnsr. GoThEnten
Justwhen yoneed new sumer dresses
--here is your chance to dress smartly
and save money
Gingham,. and Spun Dresses.
Sikes 14 to 44. Sale price
Ohambrays and Ginghams, washable
Rayon Crepes and Jerseys. Smart- styles
Sheers and Crepes. Sizes froml•O to.44.
Each $3o95
Each $'5,45 -
Each $1O95
Included are the famous American Golfer
Dresses and the .Tom '.;oy.
Also a full range of sizes' 12 to 44 in White- Jerseys.
20% Discount
st�eGEO.1iIozniArrrn ��ue
Phone 56
• ASIIFIELD, Jnly 9.—Aliss Lily Boyd
a,of-Toronto has -i turned home after-
visit'Inig •with. her brother, Mr. Chas.
and Airs. Boyd.
Airs. Jas.. MI. Bowler of Tonna()
visited for a few days , at the huine of
her ••au,,• Mr. Maurice Bowler.
Mfr. :old Mrs. 'Anile Norga1(1 of
Kenzie are spending their holidays -in
Muskoka. •-
AIr. and- Mrs. Bruce Vardon "of De-
troit visited, at the hoine of Mrs. Will
Dr. and Mrs. Jake Wenzel and child-
ren, of Detroit. visited with Air. and
Airs. '\Vill 3laeDonald.
Chicago were 4th 'of July visitors with
311 .rid Mrs. Robert MacDonald. BABY KIND ENTERTAINED
Miss 3I:1(id of Detroit
spent 'the holiday with Mir. and Airs.
Neil 1;, Mfac•Keilzi('.
.31:i 1', v isitoes to the Girl Guide
camp imp -Urea of farmers- nearby for the absence 'of the president, Airs. C. AI,
"Cedar ,Breeze (':uup." At first the Robertsorl took the chair for -the busi-
The members of the Baby Band of
North street 1'uited cliiiifl1 and their
mothers .were entertained on Tuesday.
afternoon by the \\',31.S. a•axiliary. In
Tress' part of the 'migrant.
.Cantel -m, leader ..of the .Baby. Band,
Presided during the. program provided
by Members of the Band and others.
The Scripture lesson:1 the -1st Psalm, -
was recited by Fred - Moss, followed
l,y rE�i ltii'l'iun �li� Iri`ii1 t)s ,--- r - a'ri'-
Sutherland. Nancy Elwood and Ken:,
net 11 Richardson, ° songs by fenny
Thorpe, Iisltert • I'ovvler. Fred AI Joss
:1nd Bob Dookstader, pians solos liy
Ruth VV estbi ook and Fred Alma. and,
:1 piano duet by Ruth and Bob Duck-
slider. Mrs' . ("autelon-r"eported a pre-
sent membership of ti:1 and IT proulo-
tious. and presented the certificates.
After prayer by -Mrs. ('op1' and an ad-
dress to .the mothers by MI's. Maskeli.
the members and gnesls 11djo.nrned to
the church 111tt•n. where. refreshments
-1(1•e served.
Mr •atilt. Airs. Juiues -Bisset, Saltford ,,
Heights. wish to -announce• the engage-
ment of their elder daughter, Margaret -
Helen. to .John Ale'xander Tenn le
and Mrs. Andrew Pirie1- Edinburgh, -
Scotland; the marriage to take place
at Sallford Ij1igllts on Tuesday, July
151l1.* -
Mir ..... Dtuteda Bell wishes to an-
nounce- the engagement of her 1oting-
est da Iiglit-or. \"erley Donalda, to Ken-
neth James Porter. eldest son of Mrs.
11:Irry II:Irper and the lute Earl Porter';'
the n51rri:tge to take place at the
Baptist church. (.oderi2.11:'ou July 19th. -
c +n the '23.000 utiles- of main line'
.1 rack of tla- Canadian National Rail-
Ivay :1''_'•olu►,uoo spikes are
2leeile(1. - -
olik0111/11. ..for,.Yourself th,e Tasty Quality and High Value ofthe
,�►!!�s�_�,��@�,� �. Meas; Fruits, Vegetables and Groceries featured at Your
Domgnion Steres All This Week -
1t+ Vie. ICS
20 I)z
zo .:
' .
To ato Guice T;os
z@< log
•Grapfruit Juicelinsza
GROWN 28 Oho
Cabbage Ib. 6c
P�tatoes 10 Ib. 65c
Large Size 252s
Bananas • Ib. 14c
Size 288s'.
3 for
Domino Ginger Ale 30 oz.
Bottle 2 for 29C
Laundry' Soap
BURNS' SPORK ..12 oz: tin 36c
EUBNS' SPE -F..12 oz. tic: 25c
V' lams E61f'eetivo
Until Closing Time
Tuesday, July 115
Reg. Size 'Giant Size
3 for ,25c 2 ler 23c
Plus Deposit
2 for 19C
Organdie TI SUE .. 2 rolls 13o
Cashmere TISSUE . F3 rolls 30o
tiomotifro4 tm*t1 4iJMiIttO.