The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-07-10, Page 1„ \I aspessaseaseu, ssesaa,,s •sasose ON.10.:-ISIUNDREDTH YEAR. MacKay Hall to Be Used as Schoolroom fr^.10, v0' "Whillsglia410,441wrr., sa'” eorssasassesssaaer.- .., IRMA, ,10.0, /07, ft .1 •OP, Pup PERSONAL • 1UNTION. - Mrs. F. It. Larkin of Riven-Ade:is the guest of Mrs. C. • Fs Chapman. Mr. and lirs. Fred Noble. and family Sites Putchased by Town for More are spending holidays uear Huntsaille. More than $25,000 in bubseriptiohri ' Housqs--461any, Building .1.Utiss Loraine Ruff,. of Saginaw,_ to the new Sioderich arena fund has Permits Issued . Mich., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. come in so far, the committee reports. J. Cory. The Purita Viour mill, Geoderich, has s , fond„ $ Public School Trustees T. B. Patter- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tom 3,600 towards the new arena of Tor- donated committee anuouneed today. son and M. J. Ainslie appeared before mite spent a few dathe ys in town at the The $25 which Purity Flour received • .the Tuarsi, Council at. its meeting on -Veek-end. as winner of first prize. in the, in - Friday night seeking accouniordation Miss Nora IlurieY of Sarnia is dustrial 'floats division in the Doinin- for a large class of pupils. MacKay Spending a week •in town, , the guest ion Day parade also has been turned Ball was mentioned and after distus- of Mrs, J. B. ItIreynolsis. . over to the arena fund. . . sisal In council and later in committee . Mr. and Miss, S. E. Huey and Made- Robert Simpson Co., Ltd., through it was decided to grant the use of -Hue, of Torooto, are enjoyinrg a vaca- their. !Weal .ohice, have., donated $100 the MacKay Hall auditorium "for this tion at the Park House. to the arena fund. The cheque Vh purpose. The additional acconam'oda, • . ,s 4, received today. s Billy Newesanbe left last : week for tion is needed, it was stated, for Contributions from former •Cioderich Londou, where he has taken a position possibly forty-five pupils of grade 4 or with the Bell Telephone Co. residents to the new arena fund con - 5. , Considerable alteration will, be re- tinue to come In., The latest list is Mr. find Mrs. Duucan McDonald, and quired to make the halt suitable for as follows: Mrs. Mabel A. Fear, Tor - Diane, of Flint, Mich., are visiting a classroom. . onto, $10; Miss L. E. Durnin, Fort friends in Goderich rand districa ' It was ,stated that the kindergarten Frances, $5; Geo. Bruce, Toninto, classes, which are accommodated in St. Mrs. Jennie Dunlop of Detroit is $10; Chief Justice R.- S. Robertson, George's parish hall, will have an en- visiting her relatives -here and is the Toronto, $50; Isabel O'Reili,y, $5; ohm rohnent of eighty pupils for the fall guest uf Miss Bella Green, A4).glesea KayToronto, $10; Mr. and Mrs. term., ss styeet. Stirling, Ninga, Manitoba, $25. All members of Council were present Mrs. Dave Witmer • and datighter, '." Below is an additional list of sub - except COMAS. HtlekhiS and Kaitting. Mrs. Dorenbush, uf Detroit, were week- scriptions. Many more names are yet, A petition for a cement sides:flak on end visiturs with Mr. and Mrs. W, J. to appear in subsequent issues. of The the west side of Hiucksastreet between- Baker. • Signal -Star. - $ 10.00 Raglan and Blake was sent to the Mrs. II. W. Sims of Hamilton has Donald Carrick Public works -committee. 10 been visiting the foster -parents of her James Scanlon -"Applications from Reg. McGee and David Sproule , 10 daughter, Doris, Mr. and" Mrs, Oliver L. F. Sheardown for permission to,erect A. D. Hay . 5 'signs at their placves of - busineers b clariea. _a., ;,,,,,, Miss Iis-Ile MaeVicar 1 Mr. Jaa, Dawson of Detroit is visit - Hamilton street were granted on the i Mrs. I. R. Redditt 2 mg his sisters, Mrs. As Osbaldeston, usual condition's. Mrs. A. Wilkins and Mrs. A. Ball of Mrs. A. Palmer l An application from John M. Martin, a Goderich. • Glen Robinson .. of the Evangel Hour, Hawkeaville, for 1 .11r...a NV. C. Tripp Mayor Mooney and Reeve MacEwan rental of a room in MacKay Hall for W. C. .Tripp 5 are at Winnipeg attending the Meeting -- a Bible Scheel was referred to cow- 5 . of die Canadian Federation of &as:ors Robt. Daer ' mittee of the whole, Johu Patterson 5 and Municipalities. . Thesyquest of the Trades and Labor 9 Mr. and Mrs. Ross KneethaIv and John N. .Simpscia, Council for the use of Agricultural Mrs. -NV..MacEwan 10 family, of Toledo, Ohio, are spending • Park for the Labor Dayaseelebration K. M. Stowe • 5. holidays with Mr. Kneeshaw's brotner, was granted, as was also that of the 5 Lions Club for the use of therpark for O. 'Ginn 10 Albert Kneeshaw, Maple street. • Recent visitors' with airs. , J. W. I. Kershaw . an open-air :boxing show- to, be. held 75 Smith were her -sister, Miss M. Jardine, E. J. Pridllain „ . the hitter part of •July in -aid of the • 2 of Regina;- Sask., and. her niece, Miss Jas. McWhinney Club's crippled children's , find. Mrs. Sarah James ' 5 Belva Howatt, of Hamilton, Ont. ••Es (1rigg's complaint of a- nuisance 5 'Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grillin of Detruit, Paul Hill- ,. from the burnitZg of garbage in Harbor 10 with their son Jack and ,his bride, of John Coates Park was referred to committee. of the' . , 20 Ann Arbor, .Mich., are renewing -ac- Roy Faulkner whole. - '10 quaintances in town and Ashiield. John W. Cook . • A communication from the Maple Erskine. 25 Mr, and Mrs." John Sheunan and Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., with reference Geo. Westbrook , 25 daughter Kathleen, of. Kilian", Alta., to tlum children's ‘Sarings in 'Victoria Walter Kingswell 15 Mrs. J. F. Robinson, :Mullets' road. . Francis Cocrk are guest with their cousins, Mr. and Park: was left in 'the hands 'of .the 1 parks eonunittee for attention. W. H. Jewell 0 .-- Mrs. Malcolm Smith and daughter, ApPLications„ for Building. Permits Ed. Scruton ' 15 Ruth Helen, of Wyandotte, Mieh., spent The Clerk reported that thirtY, an-- Mrs. Jas.. Bogie 2 the . July - 4th - weeK.-end.-. with - the plications for building permits; tetalling Mrs. J. (7hishohn 5, f'mother Mrs. J. W. Smith. $9,895, had been isatied. Geo. B. Cur- erniers Mrs. A. Hugill 5 Md MrsAlbert Wilkins have rell proposes to erect aastory-and-a-half r. an . Robt. 'McLeod. 2 had.- as recent guests Mrs. Howard A dwelling on Cameron\ street . at an E. D. McElwain 5 Wilkins and . children, Barbara and .estimateal cost ofS $3,500a Kenneth A Friend as -- -Saudy„,....ands .A11,r-sand .4rara.A.-. xraser,-- • Ogle -MTIttsts. -•-' . Reld'astrpplicartion-isssfOreaStor'Y all of London. frame bungalow on Elgin ria*ete, be- 10 . M. and Mrs. Gavin Scutt, of London Gib `Plante tween.Waterloo and Wellington..estini- Gladon Bedard 5 OnL, were the guests of their (laugh- ated cot $2,000. Maitland Chanibers' . . M. Johnston 2 • ter on at street and were much ins- D application is for a one-story fraine Atary J. Johnston , 15 pressedsby- the beauty of Goderich and' ehirelling. on •Pictdn street, between Wellington and Wellesley, at an esthu- Mrs. Fred Brephey 5..._. its surrotindiegs. - . David J. Curry - 10 - Mr. and Mrs. Thonias Taylor re- ated cast of $800. „Qther applications, Mrs. L. II: Digger' 10 .ceived a cable at 9 o'clock Monday for minor projects', were from Win. 50 meriting .from Mr. mei Mrs. Albert J. J. MeEwea • Longmir(, McDonald street; W. A. Miss. R. Aitken - . 2 'Taylor advising that theY had aarrfved 9-5 Beevera Elgin aver; W. C. Bannister 11. S. Turner ly.. Gt flyinweather." (refreshment booth. at beatmli) ; F. E. safereag M. J. Phalen 5 Mr. B. H. McCreath of Toronto is . Bingham, the Square; S. Crawford, 1). A. Maundrell 5 at Menesetung Park for the 'stiMmer. • Brock street ; Lloyd Ferguson, South 10 Miss Louise MeCtaimath, Ross McCrezitn : Czil. ,St ntuglitin street ; Secord ..-illin, Albert street ; Neil Cituadhin Bank of Connnert!e 100 and Mr8.',1. B. Bassett* are spending . Thompsou, Quebec street ; Wm. Carey, 50 aeveral weeks with their father. F. R. Darrow South street ; . Stewart Oke, Huron 75 road; Mrs. Ella.Donaldson, Elgin ave.; Al.r and Mrs. George Spence :mud son IS: E. Cninston F. E. Ilibbert 50 , Wallgate Tebbutt, •Trafalgsir streee; Robert, of. Wayne, Mich., spent last ,, -, Worsen Bros. hi (Ci . with •Mrs. J.' B. Granam, , Mrs. Higginson, 'Cambria road; Mrs. 50 'hayfield road, and other friends in F. Armst rung - Jeralohnston. Picton street; James John- II. J. Sutherland (Theatre) 100 Colborne, Goderich township and Mc- 75 Kiflop. 4 Blackstone's ,Fur. and Conf. sten, Picton street ; • Wm. E. Young, Cameron i4treet a John W. Petrie, New- • , . 95 Miss- Anna ' McCallum drrived by , la E. Dancey a • gate street ; Willituu Stivea, Elgin ave.; 15 plaue un Sunday, June 29th, from Barr- Frank, Lang 5 W. E. Stothers, Victoria street; Mrs. 'Mrs. Whaley head, ;.a;eutland, to spend a vacation E. Cowan, Cambridge street; Wm. Mug- Mr. Whaley ford, Newgate . street ; ,A, T. Harland,' -with her brother. and her uncle and ' P. 5 - Essex street ; Jas. Donaldson, North aunt, Mr. and M•rs. Hugh Ltewson, Mrs. R. NVinters Mr: and'Mrs. Chas. Mills ' ' 10 Huron road. - . . . street ; Daaisl McGratten, Essex. street; . , Mrs. 'J. Platt . , • 5 • Mr. and Mrs., Sinith and three 5 • John H.. Trebles, Picton street a L. O. Mr, iind* Mrs. IL Dodds ehildren, of Westfield. N.J., and New, '. 5 Whetatone teidarging garage On North Wirlbur Stewart. lairk,.., ere spending' July With. Mrs. 9 street) •,• Geo. B. Wilson, Huron road.. Sfuitn's .parents, Mr. and Mrs,' A.. T. Roy • Iludsen • o Two applications, that of John Rim- Cecil Adams Harland, of Detroit, who are at' their a on Bennett street,- and that of T. J. cottage here air thesumMer. AIP. Rumig Albert Shore, .sr. 5 suer for the. erection of 'a henhouse Mr, and Mrs. M. Kennedy had the 9 ' • Smith, Who proposes to move a frame pleasure of having, their daughter, Mrs. D. Boyes. buildina from Montealm street to a Miss .Asibra Cleaver A 5 • site off the Hayfield. road; te-htm---11-aed, --M-rti..' • H. -Hs --Nieei -and- ber-hUsluind.. ejlel a -W--.247--Mtliaa-Moto-r.- Saless lire committee, , s ' ' , . Kinnon 100 -sou, of „Montreal,' visit with them‘ for as- a. dwelling, were referred to the Miss 'Wilma and llarvey Mc - two -weeka. They were accomPanied .3 by Mr.' -H. IV. Sims of Hamilton, A ctinminnication from n Toronto 1 formerly Lenore. Million of Goderich. Gamo. _Baeehler photographer regarding the license' fee 1.0 , Mi sad Mrs. H. C. Dunlop Vh4ited F. Helesic for earrying on 1.0s business. in town , 5 in - Mount • Forest our the week-emL l: Yeung , 2 • . Committee RepOrts While there they renewed acquaint/mei! W. Anderson , , 8 was sent to the special committee. - . . Mrs. Stephen Helcsie , with Jim Hunter, former ' Goderich 1 . The finance committee reported that . Tom Anderson residenta wife') broadcast his Saturday :I the $12,000 debenture isslie on accoont Mrs. Debanhani even newseilst direct. from the .fair of Alexandra 'Hospitel had , been wild :10 , -grounds in cofinection with Mount A. Mr Robertson at par and recommended payment. to ' ' ' Miss ,Mary Robertson 5 Forests old boys' and girlsreunion. . the Hospital Board of $10,000, the hal- Mr. Williamsou 10 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clarke of Indian- - nice of the amount,. Relief aceounts Geo. ,Stokes - 10 anvils: Indiana, and Mr. and Mrs. C. 5 fer June Were reported 48 $218.88. Rola. Berl , e IV. Potter and -son, Johnny, of Detroit, • The cemetery -and' parks cimimittee Allen IAarder 4 5 spent the Week -end at the home of Mrs. 50 recommended that J. 11. Peters, recren-, Mrs. Ellen Cutt , A W. Gliddan. The family quietly .cele- tionai .directer, be :painted permission . Mrs'. Rola, Oke ° la -sited the sih•er anniversary of Mr. to develop the northweSf Cdrner of Am/ Phaler s. •a' - JO' and ,alra Potter. Mr, A. Cumming:a 10 •Victoria Park as • a. children's play- Ernest Pinder, ground. and Miss E. Gliddon of Detroit also Gordon Pinder e 10 sr Sites for Additional Wartime HouSes are g_uest.4.4. of Mrs. Gliddmi. - ' GraCe Pinder ill Mr. -and Mrs. W. M E. Parker, of following uroperties for . the erection Week at ZuriT_•11 to 'visit •the latter's . Jean M. Pinder 10,, v Sutton Surrey, England. arrived last James Pinder - , e5' A motion for the purchase Of the of Wartime houses WitS passed : Geo. 5 Glenn„ 683 feet frontage on Bayfield Parents. Mr. and *Mrs. L. G. Wnrnock, Chns, Stokes . A 5 formerly of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Howe rel Ca troll road. $1,300.; W. A. Mrlatlin: two lots , 5 Parker renewed acqiiiiintances in Gude- Win. Freeth, sr. .., on Hincks street. .$200; Mrs. .Jennie 25 rich on. Tuesday and WedneSday. Mr. 'Matt Gaynor Morgan, ahree lots on Wa rren street, 5 Parker, forinerly, stiltoned .a t Port, Al- Harold Jackman $400; Ella McBurney, fNaa) lots On War -5 bort with, the R.A.F.. plans to remain I Larry . Phillips • rtin street, $200; Miss. SllSall thinking, 5 lot 559, Park Street, $200; -Albert R. in Canada. Chas. M. Robertson Andrew St raughan 5 Mottling,. lot 1346, Cambridge sti•eet, 5 $125; Dan Rhell, two lois on Jones OrTING AT POINT FARM ' Len.Watson 75 street, $20. . Members of the Young People's So- a Pinder Plimibing .10 A motion waft passed giving' per- elety of ,KnSix Presbyterian church, to namv. L. Turner 'r the s closing of the Town 1 he number of tWentytwo, spent a (701borne Rifle Club 100 1 Hall offices at noon on Saturday. delightful evening at Point Farm on Mrs. Collier 1,0 . • Bylaws ' •• ' . Tuesday. Jiathing, a singsong, camp- Mrs. G. Lowirmi 5 Bylaws .Nos. 28 to 32 at 1947 were fire and a bountiful Punch provided- Mrs. R. S. MacMath , put through. plenty of entertainment. Mrs. (.7.. Wilson • ,. 1 No. 28 fixes the retiring allowance of---....... Reg. McGee 500 lice A. C. Ross, fOrmer chief of police, at Anonymons , N. T Anderson 10 10 $67.75 per month. . on resuming passed the following re- Mrs. K. Naftel . a • 1 Ne. .2i) authorizes .the sale of lots eommendations; That the Public School .John McGraw. 5 678, 1N'o1fe street, and 651 and, 6(13, Board be granted the use Of the Mac- .Mrs. H. I,. Salkeld 2 Cembria read,' to the doderieh Mfg. 'thy Hall auditorium for a classroom Mrs. Fred Hunt 5 Co. for the sum et $45. * and. that the chairman . of the public Rod Johnston 5 No. 30 authorizes the sale of eight works committea arrange to have the Ronald McGee - 2 lots in Tilt's ,Survey, Nos. 54 to 61, to necesary repairs and alterations cent- Miss Lattie;Robiason 10 George Macdonald forthe sum of.,$40. pieted as °soon as poSsible; 'that the Alvin McGee 5 No: ,:p..,is for •the sale of let 131, EVangel Hour be advised that MacKtiy R,alph, Ross & B. H. MeCreath 100 Anglesea street, to Warner. Cousins for Hall will net be available for a Bible II,.. W. Knight 100 $2-0. . • ty .0, - school owing to alterations to be made Grace 1+1. Knight '•100 ' No. 32 gives authority to the Bell during -the summer; that the matter Of J. Alex. Hume . 10' Telephone -Co: /or work at F.4outh and having garbage removed from the tour- R. A. Robertson 5 Make streets. I .0 int camp in Harbor Park be left with Ifildna ' Driver• 5 .Conimittee of the Whole ' the ehainnan of the parks committee .M. J. rt. Manning 5 The CouVil.Went into Committee and" • to arrange. . (Continued on ge 8) • c. ' ^ries efaca's•assosar-msalwrss s'im•aesas samser.---aamm • esemesse. s.v.e• `'..4"411111100. *AP: .40,0'.411., . • 4,,Tir 16, ' ,041.0 • . . • ••., P.,ik giro "101/16 _oh • POP POP ir • •••••Mr .1116P. .i4B. • P NOP GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY , keth, 1947 Godericli Arena Fund Now Over $25,000 lyG11 SCHOOL ENT ANCE RESULTS- o- MOONY TAXES FOR T`"'Z couNT OF HURON :VP A CHALLENG4 Farmer's Welcome Recent Moisture GODERICIllS•alter, Dorothy . Sanderson, Joyce- At., the ,rowu council -meeting .0, Dilly Andrew, Lionel .arbour, Dnuaid SandersouSJessze acutt, West sillumatris, krid.a, Loglit. liii.yul: D. ii. .m.,,,auey read Beau, .Nortua: Beattie, Mary Berry, Jean Shropalaill, Robert, .shinitinom a letter from. -Mayor Jfraills. ;.-„ lbollwell Gloria Bloomfield, Frances Brereton, Mary Some re, Barbara r_aStaintoli, of Belleville eliallengiug him to enter Lois Canipbella, William Chase, Albert; Maurice Stainton, Zelma ;Stamper,' .a 100,.yara• foot .race. at, the Belleville clemeats, Iletty Clements, DOtigall Mary Tofting,"William Waiue, Eleanor old buys' reunion next week. Mayor , . Lucille Duet', Joanne Duckworth, Steve Certificate granted under Regula- Mooney's reply to the challenge was Clutton, Ann Crawford, Robert Carrie, Wightmala . r Elliott, William Elliott, Isabelle lion .10,5 -a -Bub Currielegged entrants only he would be. there. .• that if tlie,, race were opal to one- Feagan, John Herbert Feagan, Bernard . BRUSSELS As li Fisher, Vivian Fisher, Mary Jean Louise Bowman, -Ronald Campbell, motlie3o. diesripiehpeopleinusawelliegsow,ate iklincethe aLsrt Fuller, Edward Folford, „Lois •--tilinn, Lloyd Cardiff, Elizabeth. ..00haus, Worist War, but with his reinaining, Richard Goodwin, Benjamin Graham, Gerald DreSsel, John laugh Edgar, one and crutches, tie gets about with .Isabel Grant, Hebert Hays, Adrienne Shirley Ellis, Crord,un Engel, Jeanette remarkable agility and plays golf,; lawn Hildebrand, Bruce Holmes,* Can A. Gemmel, Kenneth Jackal', Harold bawls timid other games, and (gua even Howes, Doris Hay, Kenneth Hutchins, Knighti, Lilian Viola Lake, Doris Julia skate. If a race as arranged atBelle- Jean Irwin, Gerald Johnson, Alma MacLean, Frederick Alvin Martial, vale for men of his class, Godericts, Johnston, Mildred Johnston, Bridget ,David Ian Matheson, RArthur Ross Arur money will be on the popUlar ,'Doug." Kelly, , Dorothy Langridge, Annette McCall, -Clarence McNichol, Clifford The Belleville Mayor, who claims_ Lassalhie, Viola Leitch, Elwin Lewis, Morrow, Esther May Raymond, Helen some reputation as a sprinter (two - Frank Little, _Kathleen Longuaire, Margaret Rintbul, Alma Smith, Isabelle legged), has beensending his chat- Anstin MattheWs, Gordon McCabe, Smith, _aGeraldine Stratton, Flora lenge. to municipal- heirless all .over Mervyn McCullough' Sandy McDonald; Turnbull. ' ' Ontario. I Velma McDonald, Ian McFarlane, Certificate granted under Regina, James McLaughlin, Gladys McLean, Morley McLean, Williauf McLean., Joan. Jackson. . Al4e BIG BOXING PROGRAM • awl 10-5 -.-Kenneth Schmuck, FOR GODERICH ;IULY 25 Murray, "Theresa Pickering, Win. MANLEY Robertson, Phyllis Ruddock, Muriel Regeee. Bowman, -Raymond Chain- Schrama Christine Schutz, Anrew leers, Marie Connelly, .Grant 'Dennis, A boxing .program of ' eight bouts Smith, June Sowerby, Lois Sowerby, Bernice Doerr, Laureee Duerr, Lavern with mitt artists from Detroit, London-, Doris Thomson, Kathry8 Thorpe, John Godkin, Lorraine Malotley, Stephen. Stratford, Toronto, Walkerton, liitch- Thurlow, Bruce Thurlow, Jean Watson, Alaluiley, Jack Murray, Pearl Regele, ener, Guderich and Hanover is to be Willis, Helen Willis, Marjorie Willis, Sloanmith , Donna Smith, Lorraine Ss staged,under floodlights at Agricultural Parka Goderich, on Friday, J uly 25: Tile aikaisea mu ts „sponaured by. the Gods - Doreen Webster, Charles Williams, Ann Robert Ryan. Durig' Sienion, Thomas Emily, \i'itsen-,--Marien Wilsoh, Cynthia - . •------- -WAX-14E1W- ------, .. .- — - ivhug. . . - Grace Apfelbeck, George Beatii, ,rieh Lions Club, with Arnold McConnell Certificates granted under Regula- Gerald Bell, Ethel Blair, Ronald Castle, as chairman of the boxing committee. , , • Lion 10 -5 -a -Neil Bedard, John Mark, Bartatra McCOMIell, Anna Porter, Jack Full details will appear in an advertise - David Goddard, Leone Lamb, Jack Proctor, Norma Sturgeon, Betty Jean went hi next week's issue of this paper. Myriam, Mac Sparks. , Talbot, Clifford Talbot, Grant Webster. An unusual feature will be the present- . DUNGANNON , . ation,of a Huron Old Boys' trophy tu Madeleine Anderson, Eldon Austin, Audrey -Baird, Helen Ball, CLINTON ' Doris the boxer considered the "gamest loser." Allan Barbour, Donanne Caesar, Ira Cole, Bensue Denomme, Donald Epps,. Meinhei•s of the Kitchener LiollIS CIL Campbell, Margaret Pauline Cooke, David Fairservice, Kathryn Falceuer; will butlesque a number Of bouts. Of- " , Alum Culbert, Donald • Dow, Eldon Bath Groves, Barbrtra I -lees -can,. Ilene lienals incharge will include exCan- Emerson, Freda Johnston, Helen Little, Ilesselwood, Reg. Besselwood, - Edna adieu and ex -British Empire champ- - . ,Eimer MacKenzie, Win. Kenneth Mc_ Jackson, Lula Jervis, Frank JohnSton; lona. Allister, Donald Reid Murray, Betty. Madeline McCullough, Donald, 'Mc- UN - Nivins, Billie Park,- Earl RGreor; Lenore Rivett, Anna McGuire, Marie Mc- CO'TY TO TAKE.OVER Robb, Danny Rose, „Isabel ScottaLnuise g Leod, Ronald .Moore, Murray,,Carl BUILDINGS AT SKY HARBOR -Sproul. , .. 'Dennis Peutounn, Giadysyepper, Ferne thin 10-5—Donald Caesar. William Sheariag, Carolyn Sparliog, count:a Council tuid in7.--eutilioninFriday last i Certificate granted udder Itegula- Potter, Lorna ProsSer; Patricia Shaw, The airport committee .of Huron Barbara Steel), Helen Mary ,Stewarte authorized the signing of a,leaSe from SEAFORTH . . - Betty AddisonErie AndersonMorley. Taylor, David Tighe, JoYce the Federal Department' of Transport , , Loretta Marie .armstrungGartield Weeks, Jack Wilson, Ruth Wooley: to the Chtuity of Huron of certain build= Baker; Ronald Broome, •Pacia triAnn DASHWOOD ings at Sky „Harbor airpOrt, and the , .., BreggerFred Hugh/luauJohn Cald- Audrey , Bestard, Elaine Gin, sebmiss sion of the lease o the Depart well; Grant Chesney, Cdadas Colin , - , , Margaret Gill, William Gilla Barbara ment of Transport fOr sit -nature. Andrew Davidson, Dorothy Dodds, asartman, Joyce Haugh, J'ohn Alexander When . this lease is executed the - s l . ., , ..a. Robert S. Doug s Bernice DUlunige, Luve, -Ruby Miller, Audrey Page, James County Will haNe under its control, L. Peachey, Marilyn Pfaff, Max lie de either hi exanerShip Or liy lease, all the Donna Fowler, Lorne Robert Goodie, man, Alma Turnbull, a -tenant Wein, i land included in the airport, 'With the Marie Handy, Marilyn Elizabeth Hillis,, Willizuu O. Willert, Theresa hi 113 .large atcheinistration. building and Ruth Holloway, -Harry Jacobi, Ruth Keyes, Muriel King, 'Theresa King, Zill-mie-r* ' hangstr- No. 2, loge with all water -Winhifred-K-tutrances-La ire, -Loretta-- ••••er s' . EXETER, - • Istipilly andaewerage facilities.. Certaia MaloneyIs McCartney, Patricia --171Ctra"syritson7,`Glarta' AfiTileIttir,'NTriteT Wald lias on the CeuntyrSlirOperty:Sare' , A nn MeirDudley Miltonhe Arnistrmig, Sheila 11,:siley, Clare Milk- reserved for the Huron County Frying . , Will Joe Blommaert, Andrew Blom- Club.- With the,exception of these and. Muore, ,Margaret Moore, Phyllis Elaine -- otertClaudette BIO , wes,- :A.-Margaret the buil ! dingle s ased to , the aounty, all a Bray, Gordon altena Kenneth Campbell:101e buildings at sky Ihirbor have been races, and securiug all' the uuts they More, thirbara, Nicholson, - Ronald n5 Rennie, Grace Riley,. George Alexanuer liob Coates, Leoror eit her removed or demolished er are could in a- peanut scnituble. • Owing - Davey, Lois liockloW, Tom Haley, Le- hi course of, demolition.. to .1i downpour of rain, the supper was . •Shaw, Mav.ia Sterey, Robert „Sfentes GI"' Calki'llell' Walhice, Catherhie Walsh: Blanche .M. , served in the lecture hall. _Westcott, .Stuart Witsem, Albin Wright, Rev Harrison, .Elaine Kernick, Ray- Mo- , FOUR -CAR IVIIXUP ON - 'rile results of the ratees Were _Barba ra .„Da we Wright... mond lealk, Rosalie Maek, Betty Girls and boys under- 3--sBnice Mac- Ceytiticate 'granted under. Regula- Dilug)ills Kenaeth Moir, Dought$ Mur- . . HIGHWAY NO. 8 Ininald, Shirley .11)illongh. MYTH . <ill raS , Hugh. Parson,j. . Dolores Pfaff,1 Dorothy Pooley, Dons:lea Rivers. Minal - Fuur motor vehicles., ivere His lied •Indith Whitt:tker : over 5 --Carol Ann ' .• Girls -snider 5 years—Diane Mc Lean den 10-5—William Traphell. June Beadle, .James ,Buelnpain, Cecil araery, Lillian Stire, Orland Tavler, . Lorna Tesler, Wayne Tuckey, Bob , ia :in accident on. No. s highway on Grindon. Linda Blake:: :Suniibell, • Donala Cartwright, B rileeafternoon. •All occupants smIi1cnais)oilliiiii:‘cle..11511(yneiganims-01.N1torvid5 ylNe'tillrkeife: Faleober, Snirley - nilconer, is in W/tde, Ronald. Walker. Gilbert Witmer. • SuildaY but one. Mrs. Hickey Arthur Peas Gioushera Helems Gwyn, :Marguerite i ,inl.'iltssitof s.ed under lteulation 10-5---A•vonne esr'llwa iniurY ' ,- Winghn aa Who suffered. ft om shock. ,RaYmond MallO111411, Hall, Loa•aide Hamilton, George Hamm, I A ca r owned and opera ted by Hots. G iris, 7 a nd under—Me rie MacDon, . Delphine . thinking. Maxine Hanking, John IL Sturdy of Regina. 'NI -blister of aid. aairjorie Marriott ; 8 and under— Doris Johnston, Joan Kernick, Doonld Donald Adkins, Donald Beli, Gladys ! ' HENSALL : Rehelmilitatioa, and Iteeonstmetion in. 'Jane Stowe, Deanna Mallough. . • King, Jack Kyle. jline Lear, Dorothy L,01.1.o8 Len0000., EIvi Love,. 'apart_ , the Provincial Government of Saskatch- Boys, 7 ;old under—Donald .Mac- Chapiaan, DeughisaDick. }Meets Kelly, Lyddiatt, Vera Lyon. Carmen alaclion- Love, Ronald hi ii George. mac.. i ewan. was is/irked on the north side of Arthur, Kenneth Jeselyn a S and 'under - ahl Philp. E'Ve Lyn Raitbby, Marjorie Clbeitey, leod. ..1-ein meAllister, virsauth me_ ' the highway, five miles sv'est of Clinton. - Isigou Me•Le;f1i, Teddy Richt - Bruee 'sii Dougla Stela! when a westbound car driven by George aJ M.:\I•(.1111.11e1::',' 1,Nlelf(a.:s1.411'rrTinktoeMare'l....re-tIUMir,7..... ald, Mary Merritt, Ella Nethery, Ron Hoe- Johnie Seers, Floyd Stanbiiry, Tbonio, 1,t,i,,,,,, Lily- ,schuitz, Keith , H. Beatty of V;trnayeame Over :k knoll, . _ . Whitfield, Douglas Whitmore, Norman Margaret Trewin. Edward Turner. Wayne Taraey, ' Breck Iiadd en,. Ka ml Vollanar * . WINCHELSEA , I slowed -down, when he s:iw /mother car. , Mr. Beatty applied the linikes and ., 'U.S. GIRL S70_18 VISIT HERE ON "GYPSY TRIP"' Its Bailey. mIti.j-el 1, oward, wn3tera driven lir Harold F. Lazenby of 'Lon- don, travellhig east. Following Beatty mg a sma a. aeuea. a hen he saw tin' 1 ti:),(1,iti). Iii),,alsasy,::11. th(ri,;(1.)g,r1g.ii:laleitrii:•1sl on ITVI:edsrs . • • Wightintin. ' Wilda A ga r•-• Williani Barn: Elizebeth Jana Mars' Ogden. MlemPym. June WINGILIM . . . Ernest Harris, Al)irilyn Herta Kathleen ,...a.- - • „ ', , • • .,-*. ' - ., ' l Fift.,(4.111.12irilingscett,iitis •rf;;;Iitten .(t7',,i)neti„ehtzeeir, ie Is lioy . Ford, Biille, Gillill_ae, ' . . a es C Itimble of :11. R '') - 11 ilverton driv- Beatty car slowing. down he Applied maaior. . . • . former. - Bell,. M array Bradburn. Helen Bracken- Sinclair. Beadle Smith. Ruth. Whalen. ridge, Ruth Brueles. Elmer Bruce, Meiry • • - ZURIC • . his brakes, but the truck Went out of control. sideswilgal the front of the tirIntiet-e(!elleesltniti(1,s n1/5:5 v (.,i(ttrut;(.ka.amrer;d1.1-e. y went Iiii;:htield. Gnt'ce Campbell, Mary CaMp- ... Joanne Mercedes Bedard, Bernioline left fender of the Liszenby car, and frem here to Tobermory. planning tO bell, Betty Casemere, Lois Cruicksbank: Bedard. Phmire 'C:iiit 'nat.:His Chtirrette, Barbara Currie, Jacquelyn Cnrries Mae Helene Marie Farwelt, Mn'e Maybelle struck the, rear of the Beatty, auto - take a heat tsi the ishIlid, Where they Dawson, 311(;(0fi'line Doyle, Kenneth Forrester, Barlatra Anne Gaseho, _ , Dunbar. Marion Felker, -Mary- Finlay, ISlaine...cieares- j„lin Froderkk mare]. - ^ .• - - a - - ----- ----s a -s-' - / I aturatal----over--- -- The: ands:. von lele neibile and the• rear fender of the aturev car, which went leto the ditch :Niti -ii.tisi .1(1:1).leis( 1st ei s(-1 fill: 'Ilm)N‘n11:11:::CiOt hing. At .... .. . - *a Donna -Fitch, Nora Frirser,' William Remmild George Thmiturieli. John Ilene- n -t(' • ' ' . ' caning -ft --:1---"gv-trsy trits."--/-tasagie Fraser, Barbara Gaunt, Ruby Gray. rick. Fail Horner. Glen -Herbert Neel). ,,, , , i , a , asa a aa, damaged considerably was the truck. night they pull up 4 .,11 the side of the, John Hanna. Vivian. Hastings.- Elaine Dennis •t)verholt, Gerold Rau, Grnce -1-)r''''"'"' `''"'''''''1""' ;.."- Clieton, investigated. k Taylor, of road. pitch tents. sleep, and then con - Jefferson.. Donna Jeffs, Floyd Jenkins. Regier. Wall)ice Edward Rose, Myles i Evelyn Leaver, -Shirley Loekridge, J a Ines 1.1 t ley . . • • ' . ORANGEMEN TO MILVER,TON T uesday . • Unite on ther ' wav night they fetin the morning hed camp near • - -• c Margaret' Mileinnis, Barbara MacKay, PaSsed under Regulation 10-6—Vt 11- 182 will eelebrate the. Camp Ipper MI Sh, TrIf'y left Cincinnati. Doris Marlatt. Lloyd.MeDOw,e11, Arnold Pam Merner. . Twelfth f I 1 Mil o. ,,n.y at .....verten. Monday morning. MeIntyre: Raymond Merkley. . Melva . ETHEL , On visiting tile Goderieli postoffiee, Montgomery. 1..e. Verne Newman, Donna Bo i 1 1 ie, Homer F. ' Bat flow, Marilyn New ala n, Mary Isabelle 'Stanlea Brown. Shirley Cimaning.. Ross, Sturdy Folk Have snie ..,„, with shoots el glee besieged. d t he they noteCa nadiau tamps for s -Netriery, Inaens Nicholson. Stewart l'a•kmier, Mounn II:iyden, Julenhr A. . Postmaster Bisset for stamps for their :: Their, Annual: Picnic Ninnies IV i I la rd -Via It. „Helen . Poeocklie ite . -m so, 'stairs Ma el ion aid, •S h irlev Colleen Rath, William RobertsonsJack Machan, Marion Mone.' Doughes Slumi. . elbunis, . ... - „,. ' SIGNS DIRECT TOURISTS ' Over' One Hundred Gather from i 1' AT THE WATERFRONT Far and 'Wide to Renew i lip .bs• the yetain nwronants 0,111111mm-- Half-aahizen signs have -been put , Roy. J. P. Cleesolti. - Comes. to ,S... Peter's ‘,. 1 4 gathering of ever one hundred sIf draw the attention of tourists to the ' Acquaintances _ . , ;IndCambria rella atai':•fre designed to I . of Ito- Board of Trade on Victeria street • aryl( sts at_ 1,he .(4(.1-it'al ,.te‘ ow. the Stunt?, connect ioa liclak their, second. business seC't iota of Goderieh. 'It is , .1.s . week : I it rday - - A l t a ilo(, :230.0011 ;a ii Noll family picnic en Sanirday after- ftmlt seme tourists imess On through1 town. Father *Fa,llon • -Transferre4 to 11 ; . Port Lambton. after 12 bits, us -load. oats 111511 barley. Soaday— liooil all the farni lanai(' of ' Arthur witlesit going to the Steuire. in the • Yeats in God,erich s vis,timit . Bennett-Al/7,662 lsis. eats. Sturdy, No. S 'highway.. Members of belief that the Square is n considerable Tuesday "-Superior. 60,000 hos. wheat, Ali's. family 5i ('55' present from. Alberta, distance from the street en wnieh they Rev. J. U. Gleeson of Maidstone has Wednesday -- Starhirck. 101.00.0 Inv.:. Tptioloi, ii„,,nid,a, and (itiu.r.p,dnt,:, and are travelling. 'Hence, the signs read screenings; .Algovail, , asalstou thus. a distinguished guest \Nits Hon, .Iohn "Busimsss Section (Me 1Thaek Away," liven appOinted to the pasloral cherge wheat. harley and oats. Sterdy, member of the Pre\ inch0 or stwo blocks" as the caSe might- be. hf st. Peter's church, Goderich, suit'-' • The aatadae had ill tow the barge GOVerlIRWilt- If Saskatehewan. Another 'THE WEATHER Portioloo. with 180010 bus. w hea t leitable was :Mrs.- I15'3 1101(15 of Lendona a. a ceedirig the late liras C. F. Negle. He . formerly Miss -Jessie Nlet;ee, who was Temperatures of the stst week In. will lake over his dittieiin this lou'isb for the Purity Flour mill.. on .bily 15th years was Father Nagle's' assistant and Its' v. II.- T. Fallon, who for twelve in el) Sa turdar with a ea rge of fuel 05orJiflY Yeaa's ago and is mat in ifig week a year ago, as officially re- • for the lmiwrial Oil-statima The tanker lInPe'sial Calmonrg,, Was lhe school teacher at. Tyl aor's Corner Goderich, with those of the corresRonth 1 her- eight iet Ii yea r. Fred St only,' t he corded, .were as follows:. • Max. Mm. in. Max.72mi4n6 Since his death has been in charge ,The Government boat St. Heliers is retiring president. read messages from members' of the family in California, • 82 59 76 -50 1646 . iparish prieq. Duriii-g• his term in of the people of Goderich generally. ' Of the parish, goes tem Port Lambtern as well has earned. the respect and esteem Goderich he has endeared himself to I the congregation of St. Peter's, and as passengers for a look -seem from up above. '- Jas. Leonard. eighty-one years of age, ms1 in today' with supplies.: for the light- house. luirbor with which lie is taking up . -on , Lane- has a . seaplane at sae Winniiwg. New V,ork, Oregon, Michigan, Fri., Jnly 4 • . . ., Alberta,. Sitskatinewan and Toronto. s_i,1,1„.... J.1,7, 56 72 65 87 04 Pennsylvania. Montana. Vancouver, Thurs.. .frily ;1•:15 63 Vier .registration and renewal of Is_ .:1,1)(1,i.... a .13111/1; 7s 77(2; (5151 , 8866 (t ree inutile(' supper was served 11 AI SS 65 83 50 Father Meese/1114ms been serving his bad his first trip up this afternoon ii IA Mrs. George Ginn.' and , her aasikants. '',S' . says it was- all right. He has traVel led The children *ore treated to lee ereani Wed., .11113'9 ' 75 . 58 ,81 58 church at various saints in Essex and candy during the afternoon. THER FOR ,PIGEONS eounty for thirty years, latterly sit thousands Of miles by water. but this . as ,Illirry Sturdy of Ardiurn was elected . BAD WEA Ma idstope. was. his first experienee in the air._ • president for the coining year, and Sunday's pigeon.flight from Napanee ANCIENT CHIMNEY IS DOWN - FIRE CHIEF FOR A DAY Ooderieh township, vice-presulent ; Miss other officers are, Reeve George Ginn, was washed out and some of the birdS did not get home until Tuesday :Mk - be repeated' next The tall chimney which for Many mulred,Goderich youngsters Gertrude Sturdy, Onderiela, seeretary ; noon. - The rare will 's Seaeral h years stood in Seaford as a monument Were time chief for ,a day" this week. Howard Sturdy, GoderOmli township. s'imday. , Y 'NI ' to the historie MacHwan block All bloAll (15(1er toWn yntingsters Wel'e seen t tea SlIrer ; J. Normnn Kernighan' and has dialippeared. Last week Ben Gold- wearing the. red .fire chief hats, 'trade 0. W. Sturdy, Goderieh. historians. BASF EMMGHT thorpe gave it two shots -Ot dynamite mark of Texaeo gasoline and motor A- photogrePli of the group was ,I•aken . ,There vill be anotlasa bout between and as tbe result it quietly settled to oils. The hats • were given out by by,;• J. G. HendersOn and a hearty'. vote Lonzon Flyers Intermediates and Limn the -ground. It is said that the top Gardner Motor Sales and Aberhart's of thanks 'Was -extendedto the lingts Jrakirri'S at Agricultural Park Willowy% part of the chimney' was built some Garage, who handle" "Texaco gasoline of this yeat's gathering. Fining of (Friday) evening. There is keen rivaP fifty years. ago, the lower 'part as tar and motor oil, formerly M( oh the. Amp and place ot next yearts. re,. 'ty hetWeen these • two local 'teams and . back eiS IRO., Vrontena e gasoline. union was left with the eXeentive;the bleaehers should • be filled. , ip.py Crop ".,Yus—t '1—Nuterouo 4plicationa in- Fann liolp • munetin from Huron. Agricultural - - Office) CLINTON, July 8.—Although the Tie. cent' showers have put a stop to. baying operations, the moisture will be most welcome indeed, especially for the vege7 table and hoed crops. General obt.z•kv... ;aims indicate that the hay crop" thip. year will be only just fair. A4.0the1T observation fin-ide during the past WeOk. is the mueh increased acreage of 414 beans, ilousking corn and buckwheat. that have been seeded this spring. We have been, succeasiul in locating three co-operators ,for the demonstra- tion hog production policy. Theae' c•O; operators are Ed. Chambers, Stephen township, Grant Stirling,- Goderieh town.Ship, George Mich -le, 34orri.s town- ship. It is hoped that .meetings of interested farmers and hog preducers will be held at these farms some time later in the year. We are attempting to hold two meetings of each of the seven Junior Clubs' which we have in the county. -.Last Thursday a meeting of the Grey Township Baby Beef Calf Club Was* held at William Turnbull's farm, Grey township, with 'eight members in at- tendance. The .IPunior Farmers of Huron, iepresentifig Blyth, Clinton and Exeter Clubs, numbering about 145, had a very enjoyable day at the West- ern Ontario Junior Farmer field day at the Ontario Agricultural College on, June 27th. Huron County girls'vsoft-, ball team, represented .by the BrusSelS ladies, were victorous in capturing the challenge trophy in the girls' softball tournament. Up o the present time, approximately ' 125 applications base been received for Western men. A$ yet, no Westeru help has been received in the comity, but we are .expecting a group to arrive some time this week. JUNIORS OF KNOX CHURCH . ENTERTAINED YESTERDAY Sixty chilslren of the junior congrega- tiou ef Knex Presbyterian church were entertained att the annual picnic on the cburch lawn on Wednesday afternoon. Thirty mothers' also were in attendance. *rasa-Doroalay Reed and Miss Dorethysaa., Johnston Were in charge—cif the ar- rangements and the little ones had a -merry time playing games, competing in